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“Oh dear! Would ANYONE ever help? Now the snow was falling faster around Fox. Then thud, thud, thud, thud, someone very LARGE was coming around the corner!” –Anyone But Bear

Anyone But Bear

by Suzy Senior
Picture Book

At A Glance
Interest Level

5 – 7
Reading Level
Number of Pages

Excited to plan a party for his closest friends, Fox scampers around the forest thinking about whom he should invite and setting up decorations, snacks, and games. His fun is brought to a halt when he runs into falling rocks from the mountain above. Who will stop to help Fox when he needs it most? Will his closest friends stop to help him, or will he be surprised by who lends a helping hand? 

Anyone but Bear is a children’s story based on the parable of the Good Samaritan told by Jesus. This engaging and age-appropriate story introduces children to the teachings of Jesus. When Fox plans his party, he gives essential facts about two of his animal friends—Deer and Squirrel. Deer is beautiful and interesting; Squirrel always brought snacks. These facts come into play later in the story when Deer sees Fox lying in a heap. Deer doesn’t help because Fox is “a mess.” Deer thinks, “I shouldn’t really be seen with anybody in that state.” When Squirrel sees Fox, his first thought is about the nuts he is carrying. Squirrel thinks, “If I put these nuts down, they might be stolen.”  

When Fox is in trouble, Deer and Squirrel don’t help. On the other hand, Bear—fierce-looking and terrifying—stops to help Fox. Bear takes Fox back to his den, gives him food, and reads a story to the baby fox cubs. “Fox never forgot the love that Bear had shown him. Anyone could have stopped to help—but Bear actually did!” Fox realizes that he misjudged Bear based on his appearance. 

The story’s last page gives a list of questions that will help readers connect to the story. For example, “We are sometimes told to ‘love our neighbour’ but what does that really mean? Who even is our neighbour?” With the help of Fox and his friends, young readers will discover the power of kindness, how to be a good friend, and God’s call to treat others with love and respect. 

Illustrator Dubravka Kolanovic uses soft colors that appear in nature to bring Fox’s world to life. The full-page illustrations have fun elements. For example, a snail, an owl, and a bird are near when Fox is injured. These three reappear on multiple pages. For example, the snail and bird reappear, and this time, the snail is clearly frowning and worried. Each page has one to five sentences that are intended to be read aloud to a child rather than for the child to read it for the first time independently. Anyone but Bear is a quick read and has many elements, such as onomatopoeia, alliteration, and repetition, that make it fun to read aloud.

Anyone but Bear teaches important lessons based on the Bible’s parable; however, the book never references Jesus, making the story appropriate for believers and nonbelievers. The story’s message should be taught to all children—don’t make assumptions based on how someone looks and help others in need. For more inspirational books based on Biblical concepts, meet a curious raccoon in the Adam Raccoon Series or go on an adventure through time by reading the The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls Series by M.J. Thomas.

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

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  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 
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“Oh dear! Would ANYONE ever help? Now the snow was falling faster around Fox. Then thud, thud, thud, thud, someone very LARGE was coming around the corner!” –Anyone But Bear

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