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“Some families have dogs, or cats, or birds. But my family has SNAKES,” – I (Don’t) Like Snakes
I (Don’t) Like Snakes
Read and Wonder
by Nicola Davies
AR Test, Picture Book
5 – 9
Some families have dogs, some have cats. Some have both. What’s less often heard of is a family with not just one, but several pet snakes! Unfortunately for one girl, this family is her family. While she states that she “really, really, REALLY doesn’t like snakes,” her family doesn’t see what’s not to love. They let their pet snakes rest on their shoulders. The snakes sit beside them on the couch while they watch TV. Their house is covered wall to wall in pictures of their many pet snakes. So, when they learn that a member of their own family can’t stand snakes, they can only ask, “Why?”
For the girl, there are many reasons she doesn’t like snakes. They slither. They’re slimy. Their eyes are creepy, and their sharp, flickering tongues are just as off-putting! With each reason the girl gives, her family shows the reasons people fear snakes come from simple misconceptions. For example, their “slimy, icky skin” is actually dry. It only looks wet because its outer skin is see-through and naturally shiny. Each fact that the family gives is followed by a page that expands their point in greater detail.
In these pages, the book’s charming, pencil-drawn illustrations are exchanged for more detailed, photorealistic drawings of snakes, complete with several individual facts about the nature of snakes and their many abilities. One diagram shows that the tail of a rattlesnake is actually leftover skin that creates a rattling sound that frightens predators. As any of the many people scared of snakes would tell you, this trick works!
Written by zoologist and author Nicola Davies, I (Don’t) Like Snakes is a quick and simple book that is almost guaranteed to ease some of the many snake-related fears held by younger and older readers alike. Luciano Lozano draws the illustrations in a cute and colorful style. Plus, readers will relate to the funny protagonist who narrates. The book manages to be entertaining and educational. While most of I (Don’t) Like Snakes is occupied with informing the reader about the many traits of snakes, Lozano humors the detail-oriented reader with plenty of laughable background gags – a snake reading over the shoulder of the girl’s big brother might be the best one.
Even though I (Don’t) Like Snakes is intended for younger readers, the story is intended to be read aloud to a child, rather than for the child to read it for the first time independently. The book features about 1-9 sentences per page. Some pages include fun facts about snakes written in a smaller font. As part of the Read and Wonder Series, I (Don’t) Like Snakes introduces readers to natural history and fascinating facts that show how wonderful the natural world is. If you are looking for a book that will make you laugh while teaching you and your young reader a few things too, I (Don’t) Like Snakes will make for an excellent read. For another educational and humorous book that teaches about animals, slither to the bookshelf and find What If You Had Animal Teeth!? by Sandra Markle.
Sexual Content
- None
- None
Drugs and Alcohol
- None
- None
- None
Spiritual Content
- None
“Some families have dogs, or cats, or birds. But my family has SNAKES,” – I (Don’t) Like Snakes
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