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“It adds to the joy of discovery to know that your work may make a difference in people’s lives,” Flossie Wong-Staal. –She Persisted in Science
She Persisted in Science: Brilliant Women Who Made a Difference
by Chelsea Clinton
AR Test, Strong Female
Throughout history, women have been told that science isn’t for them. They’ve been told they are not smart enough, or that their brains just aren’t able to handle it. In this book, Chelsea Clinton introduces readers to women scientists who didn’t listen to those who told them “no” and who used their smarts, skills, and persistence to discover, invent, and create.
She Persisted in Science is for everyone who’s ever had questions about the world around them or the way things work—the kind of people who won’t give up until they find their answers.
She Persisted in Science shows how many women from different backgrounds made groundbreaking contributions to science. This book features Florence Nightingale, Rebecca Lee Crumpler, Ynes Enriquetta Julietta Mexia, Grace Hopper, Rosalind Franklin, Gladys West, Jane Goodall, Flossie Wong-Staal, Temple Grandin, Zaha Hadid, Ellen Ochoa, Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, Mari Copeny, Autumn Peltier, Greta Thunberg, and Wanjiru Wathuti.
Each person is introduced in a two-page spread. One page includes a short introduction of the woman. Both pages have a beautiful picture that highlights each woman’s passion. While most of the women are adults, the book also includes teenager Mari Copeny, who helped bring Flint, Michigan’s water situation into the public’s light. Her story shows that “You’re never too young or too small to change the world.”
Because of the advanced vocabulary, She Persisted in Science will need to be read aloud to a child, rather than for the child to read it independently. However, the book is an excellent way to introduce a wide variety of women who overcame obstacles and made their dreams come true. Many of the biographies explain how these women from the past are still impacting today’s world. For example, Rosalind Franklin studied DNA and her work “is still being used today by scientists investigating many viruses, including the virus that caused COVID-19.”
She Persisted in Science will encourage readers to reach for their dreams and explore the world around them. While many of the women featured in the book needed higher education to pursue their careers, other women impacted the world through activism. In the end, these diverse women and their amazing accomplishments highlight that “the world. . . should be full of people raising their voices, using their power and presence, standing up for what is right.”
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“It adds to the joy of discovery to know that your work may make a difference in people’s lives,” Flossie Wong-Staal. –She Persisted in Science
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