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Marcus thinks, “Why had he said he could handle a lion? How had he imagined controlling this creature so many times his size? He was weak and foolish and probably about to be eaten.” –Danger in Ancient Rome
Danger in Ancient Rome
Ranger in Time #2
by Kate Messner
AR Test, Good for Reluctant Readers, Teaches About Culture
Ranger is a golden retriever who has been trained as a search-and-rescue dog. In this adventure, Ranger travels to the Colosseum in ancient Rome, where there are gladiator fights and wild animal hunts! Ranger befriends the young boy Marcus after saving him from a runaway lion. Ranger also befriends Quintus, a new volunteer gladiator who must prove himself in the arena. Can Ranger help Marcus and Quintus escape the brutal world of the Colosseum?
Told in third-person, Danger in Ancient Rome includes the inner thoughts of Ranger, Marcus, and Quintus. This increases the suspense by focusing on both Marcus’s and Quintus’s fear of being killed. Their point of view also allows them to explain Ancient Rome’s beliefs and practices. Since Marcus is young, he explains his master’s cruelty in kid-friendly language that is suspenseful, but not terrifying.
Adding Ranger’s point of view allows the reader to understand Ranger’s thought process, which often includes comparing a situation in Rome to something similar in his family’s situation. For example, when trying to save a boy from a burning building, Ranger barks but doesn’t leave the building. The dog thinks, “He never had to bark this long practicing with Dad and Luke. When Ranger found the person and barked, Luke came.”
Life in Ancient Rome was difficult and slaves were often treated cruelly. The descriptions are not graphic or gory, however, sensitive readers may get upset when Quintus is forced to fight in the Colosseum. The fight ends in a realistic but surprising way. Ranger and Marcus help Quintus fight and the emperor frees Marcus, Quintus, and the gladiator. A servant tells them, “But today, you and your dog gave [the audience] the one thing they love more than blood. . . You gave them a story. One they will tell for a long time to come.”
The Ranger in Time Series format will appeal to young readers. The book has large text and full-page, black-and-white illustrations that appear approximately every six pages. The author’s note includes information about the historical people and places in the book, including information about Pompeii. Plus, there is a list of resources for readers who want to learn more about Ancient Rome.
Danger in Ancient Rome is a suspenseful story that allows readers to learn about Ancient Rome. The story focuses on Marcus, a servant raised in a gladiator school. Since he has watched gladiators train, he is very knowledgeable and helps Quintus survive his first battle. The heartwarming conclusion shows Marcus and Quintus being given their freedom and becoming a family. Ranger uses his ability to smell to help others. Readers who want to learn more about amazing dogs should read The Dog That Dug for Dinosaurs by Shirley Raye Redmond, Dog Heroes by Mary Pope Osborne & Natalie Pope Boyce, and Sniffer Dogs by Nancy F. Castaldo.
Sexual Content
- None
- The emperor Domitian “had a reputation for being cruel. Some people even said he had killed the former emperor, Titus, his own brother.”
- A lion jumps on Marcus. “The lion knocked him to the stone floor. He hit his head on the edge of a stair. . . [the lion] pinned Marcus down with a fat, heavy paw.” Ranger helps and Marcus is uninjured. A one-page illustration shows the lion pinning Marcus to the ground.
- When help arrives for Marcus, “Ranger jumped to the side just as the animal trainer jabbed the lion with his stick. The huge cat roared and reared to face him. Then, four more men came running with sticks and swords and nets. They snared the big cat and tied it tight with thick ropes.”
- When a trainee disappears, Marcus’ owner tells Marcus, “You will find him. And you will bring him back. Or you will pay with your life.” Later, Marcus thinks that his owner “could have had him beaten or even killed for failing to do his job.”
- Ranger goes into a fire to rescue a boy. When he finds the boy, Ranger barks until Marcus comes to help. “Pieces of ceiling fell in burning scraps around them. Marcus couldn’t see anyone. . . He could only feel the dog under his hand, leading him.”
- Quintus is a “retiarius,” which means he is “the lowest of all the gladiators, that he almost always fought a heavily armored sector in the arena.” A retiarius usually dies in battle.
- Quintus, a gladiator in training, tries to run away. When his owner finds him, he shackles Quintus “with a thick iron cuff around his ankle and locked him into the barracks. . .”
- Men who committed crimes are “tied together with ropes and wearing nothing but rags.” They are executed, but their deaths are not described.
- Quintus is forced to fight Cleto, who is much bigger than him. During the fight, “Cleto slashed with his sword. Quintus fell back, clutching his upper arm. . . Marcus could see blood seeping from between [Quintus’] fingers.”
- During the fight, Quintus throws a net over Cleto. “Cleto cut through the net with his sword. He slashed at Quintus’s arm again, and this time, a bigger gash opened, spilling blood into the sand.”
- Ranger jumps in to help Quintus. Ranger “tackled Cleto, the way he tackled Luke when they were roughhousing in the yard at home. . . Even through the dark holes of the metal mask, Ranger could sense the anger in [Cletos’s] eyes.”
- Quintus again puts the net over Cleto. “. . . Cleto freed himself from the net. He struggled to untangle his sword and shield. . . [Cleto] rushed at Quintus, and slammed his body against him.” The emperor stops the fight and allows everyone to live. The fight is described over ten pages. There are two illustrations, but they do not show any of the wounds or actual fighting.
- After the fight, Quintus’s “face is smeared with sweat and drying blood.”
Drugs and Alcohol
- None
- None
- Ranger can time travel. When it is time for him to travel, a first-aid kit begins to hum. When Ranger picks up the first-aid kit, “Bright light spilled from the cracks in the old metal box. . . The light beamed brighter and brighter. . . Ranger’s skin prickled under his fur.” When he opens his eyes, he’s in Rome.
Spiritual Content
- When Quintus sees animals being led into the Colosseum, he whispers, “May the gods have mercy.”
- When Quintus fights in the Colosseum, Marcus “clenched his hands together and prayed to the gods for help.”
Marcus thinks, “Why had he said he could handle a lion? How had he imagined controlling this creature so many times his size? He was weak and foolish and probably about to be eaten.” –Danger in Ancient Rome
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