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“Some people have all the luck! I have luck too. Bad luck. The week before the dance show I broke my arm,” a seven-year-old girl. –Ice-Cold Birthday

Ice-Cold Birthday

Penguin Young Readers Level 2

by Maryann Cocca-Leffler
AR Test

At A Glance
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Number of Pages

A seven-year-old girl is excited about having a birthday party, but she’s a little worried because she often has bad luck. When the day of her party arrives, it starts out great! But then, it starts to snow and snow and snow. Then the electricity goes out and no one can come to her party. “No cake. No party. No fun. Just an ice-cold birthday!”

But her mom brings out ice cream and cookies. Then the girl makes shadow puppets with her sister. When the girl opens her present and finds a brand-new sled, she realizes the snow isn’t all bad luck because there is plenty of snow for sledding. The girl expected her birthday to be awful, but then she realizes, “Lucky for me, it snowed! . . .Maybe I don’t have such bad luck after all.” 

The level 2 book is perfect for readers in preschool and grade one. However, the topic will still appeal to readers who are in higher grades. Each page has a large illustration that will help readers understand the plot. Each page also has two to six easy-to-read sentences. The mix of illustrations, simple sentences, and the highly suspenseful plot will have readers eager to finish the story.

Ice-Cold Birthday is surprisingly suspenseful. From the first page, readers will wonder what other bad luck will happen to the unnamed girl. Readers will understand the girl’s excitement about her upcoming birthday party and her disappointment when the party is snowed out. With her family’s help, the girl has a fun-filled night that highlights how a positive attitude can make bad luck turn into good luck. 

Sexual Content 

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  • None

Drugs and Alcohol 

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  • None


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • None
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“Some people have all the luck! I have luck too. Bad luck. The week before the dance show I broke my arm,” a seven-year-old girl. –Ice-Cold Birthday

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