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Lily was stuck. All the things she wanted—comfort, choice, freedom, the ability to be her overly dramatic self—had been taken away.Mine


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Lily Horne is a drama queen. It’s helped her rise to stardom in the school play, but it’s also landed her in trouble. Her parents warn her that Florida has to be different. It’s a fresh start. No theatrics. But this time, the drama is coming for her.

Lily’s new house is a nightmare. The pool is full of slime, the dock is rotten, and the swamp creeps closer every day. But worst of all, the house isn’t empty . . . it’s packed full of trash, memories, and—Lily begins to fear—the ghost of the girl who lived there before her. And whatever is waiting in the shadows wants to come out to play. 

Readers will instantly sympathize with Lily, who is forced to move to a creepy house full of trash. To make the house livable, Lily and her mother spend day after day throwing out the previous occupant’s belongings. Unbeknownst to her, Lily upsets the ghost of Britney, who is determined to scare Lily out of the house. Soon, strange things begin happening and Lily has difficulties distinguishing between what is real and what is a dream. Even if readers cannot relate to Lily’s ghostly experiences, they will empathize with her struggles. She’s friendless and without Wi-Fi. Her parents think she’s overly dramatic. And she’s trying to atone for a past mistake. In the end, Lily’s bravery and determination to fix her mistake make her an admirable character. 

Full of suspense, surprises, and supernatural events, Mine is not for the faint of heart. Lily’s fear is palpable and the danger becomes too real when Britney tries to harm Lily. When Lily meets the ghost of Brian, a man who died in the house, his dead body is described in detail, which may upset sensitive readers. In addition, Britney’s abusive childhood and her accidental death are disturbing. However, readers who enjoy a good ghost story will quickly be caught up in the book’s spooky atmosphere and the mystery behind the house.  

While Mine isn’t a story for squeamish readers, it’s perfect for readers who want a terrifying and creepy ghost story. The mystery behind the house’s history is intriguing. Plus, the scary scenes give the story a fast pace that will keep readers flipping the pages until the very end. Even though the story is meant to spook readers, it also leaves the reader with a positive message: mistakes happen to everyone, and making a mistake does not make a person bad.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Lily and her friend Rachel use an Ouija board and the ghost of Britney appears. Afterwards, Britney pushes Rachel. “Rachel squeaked and her arms pinwheeled as she floated in space for just a moment before tumbling, flailing down all fourteen steps with a series of sickening thumps. . . Rachel landed on the floor of the den like a broken doll.” The ambulance comes and takes Rachel to the hospital.  
  • Lily tries to befriend Buddy, Britney’s dog. When Lily goes to open the door to Britney’s special place, Buddy begins “barking, growling, frothing at the mouth like he’d gone mad. Lily stood. . . pressed her back against the house. Buddy advanced on her. . . Buddy lunged for her, and she kicked out as hard as she could. . . her foot met his soft body, and he yelped. . .” Afterwards, Buddy runs into the bushes. 
  • In a dream, the angry ghost of Britney appears. Lily “heard squelching footsteps crossing the boards. Her mind showed her images of a drowned little girl, purple lips and gray-white skin stretched and bloated.” Lily runs. “Branches and leaves plucked at her nightshirt, and strange noises echoed through the darkness, animalistic screams and howls. Soon she heard footsteps pounding on the gravel behind her.” Lily’s mom wakes her and the scene stops. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • During a car ride, Lily’s parents give her motion sickness medicine. 
  • After Rachel falls down the stairs, paramedics give her pain medicine. 


  • Crappy and heck are both used one.  
  • Dang is used twice. 
  • Oh God, oh my God, and other variations are used as an exclamation five times. 
  • Lily gets a phone call, but the caller doesn’t speak. Lily says, “You’re being a real butt, you know.” 
  • A girl tells Lily that her brother is a jerk. Later, Lily calls her brother a jerk. 
  • After Rachel falls down the stairs, Rachel’s brother Kyle shows up. Kyle is told not to touch Rachel. He replies, “Don’t touch her. Screw that.” As Kyle leaves, he “shot up his middle finger at Lily.”


  • When moving into a new house, Lily starts seeing strange things. While cleaning boxes out of the house, Lily sees a shape in the shadows. “It looked like a child curled up . . . And as Lily watched, two green eyes turned toward her, shining like an animal caught in a car’s headlights. . . [the child] began to crawl toward her.” 
  • Lily tries to back away from the child but falls into a box. “A cold hand grasped her ankle, soft and clammy as a mushroom, and a rough voice whispered ‘Are you ready to play with me?’” Lily’s mom comes into the room and the girl disappears.  
  • Lily’s new friend, Rachel, says her brother saw the ghost of a little girl. He said, “The ghost looked like she was confused, looking for something.” According to an urban legend, the girl was murdered. 
  • While Lily is in bed, she hears a whisper, “You wouldn’t go away. I told you to. . . So now we’re going to play. I’m going to show you things.” Lily isn’t sure if she’s seeing things that are not there. But then, “the shadow detached from the door and rose up. Fingers appeared, all white with black at the tips. . . Lily saw hair, dark, ragged hair, rising up as if floating. . .” As the girl comes closer, Lily screams. When Lily’s mom comes, the girl disappears. The scene is described over three pages.  
  • Lily’s friend Rachel finds an Ouija board underneath a loose board in the stairs. Rachel and Lily use it to communicate with ghosts. A ghost named Brian uses the Ouija board to talk to the girls. Through the Ouija board, Brian says, “You Done It Now. . . Britney is coming!” 
  • After using the Ouija board, Rachel wants to leave. “But the door slammed shut in her face. The lights went out, but the ceiling fan turned on and began to twirl faster and faster. . .” The girls hear steps coming up the stairs. “The footsteps stopped in front of the door. . . As they watched, water flooded under the door, dark and dirty, with green scum floating on top. The water smelled awful. . .” A voice asks, “Why did you call me?” Rachel and Lily begin screaming. When Lily’s mom appears, the ghost leaves. The scene is described over a chapter.  
  • Lily is afraid to sleep because she has super vivid dreams and thinks she is sleepwalking. “One time, she fell asleep on the couch in the afternoon and woke up on her belly on the dock, her fingers trailing in the water. Later, Lily discovers that Britney has been possessing her body. 
  • Lily goes to sleep and wakes up in “her swimming pool, the one in her yard, that nasty hole in the ground just brimming with muck. . . This was nasty green sludge chocked with algae and plants and dead things. . . She tried to scream again, but the filthy water ran down her throat, making her splutter.” Eventually, Lily is able to get out of the pool, uninjured. The scene is described over three pages.  
  • Brian, the man who died in the house, comes to warn Lily. “His skin was thick and grayish, pulled tight over his bones and then hanging like melted wax.” Lily tries to run away from Brian, but “she was frozen in place. Her eyes were the only thing she could move.” Brian explains Britney’s backstory and how he found her “just a-floating in the lake face down, dead and still.” 
  • Brian explains that Britney is upset with Lily. Brian says, “Since she couldn’t make you leave, she’s got somethin’ else in mind. And I can’t help you.” Then Brian disappears. The scene is described over seven pages.  
  • Lily finds Britney’s bunny stuffed animal. When she gives the bunny to Britney, the ghost disappears.  

Spiritual Content 

  • None 
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Lily was stuck. All the things she wanted—comfort, choice, freedom, the ability to be her overly dramatic self—had been taken away.Mine

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