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“Letting go of kittens, of sisters going to college to start the next chapter, and of grudges that hurt so much in the past but that I’d make worse for not wanting to forgive. This wasn’t the way to spread kindness and love,” Natalia. –Random Acts of Kittens
Random Acts of Kittens
A Wish Novel
by Yamile Saied Méndez
AR Test
When Natalia Flores finds a lost cat with a litter of newborn kittens, she is desperate to keep one of them. Whether or not her mami says yes to a new pet, the rest of the kitties will need homes — and Natalia has the purrfect plan. With help from her friend Reuben, Natalia starts an anonymous online account to find each cat the right owner. But as her classmates apply, her matchmaking scheme gets more complicated. And when her former best friend Meera applies for a kitten, Natalia doesn’t know what to do. Will her attempt to spread kindness help heal their friendship, or simply tear her and Meera further apart?
Random Acts of Kittens has a slow start because a lot of kitten facts are introduced. While the facts will be helpful for readers who don’t know a lot about cats, others may find the fact-heavy pages boring. In addition to the slow start, readers may have a difficult time connecting with Natalia because at first, she is very unlikable. She complains about not having any friends; however, it’s hard to sympathize with her because she tries to manipulate people and situations to get others to like her. Her main concern is how other people perceive her. Despite this, she does learn and grow through her experiences.
Random Acts of Kittens has several positive aspects, including teaching the importance of finding animals a loving forever home. It also highlights the difficulty in finding families to adopt older animals. In addition, Natalia connects what she learned about kittens to her life. By taking care of the kittens, Natalia realizes that “I didn’t have to divide my love up between [the kittens]—I would always have more than enough to go around.” Natalia applies this lesson to her life because now she understands that her mother loves both her and her sister equally, even if she gives one more attention when needed.
Many middle-grade readers will relate to Natalia’s conflicts with her family and friends. Even though Natalia’s life is full of conflict, in the end, she learns the importance of communication and forgiveness. The heartfelt conclusion shows Natalia’s personal growth when she makes amends with a former friend and prioritizes the kitten’s needs.
The back of the book also explains how readers can help animals in need. The story’s positive message makes Random Acts of Kittens a book worth reading. Younger kitten-loving readers will find the Pet Rescue Adventures Series by Holly Webb an engaging series with plenty of cat cuteness. Cat lovers will also find plenty of action and adventure by reading the Warriors Series by Erin Hunter.
Sexual Content
- Natalia’s gets a ride to school with her sister, Julieta, and her boyfriend, Hayden. “. . . Julieta got in the shotgun seat and kissed Hayden on the lips. Fireworks and sparkles were exploding in his eyes.”
- At school, Natalia overhears two boys talking. One, Brigham, says, “My older brother used to shoot at cats up in the canyon. It’s a lot of fun.”
- The boy’s conversation reminds Natalia that, “Brigham had been kind of a bully when we were in kindergarten. Whenever I complained about him, the teacher said he was like a puppy that didn’t know his own strength. One day, he pushed me off the swing. I turned around and jabbed him with a one-two-three to the stomach. He never bothered me again.”
Drugs and Alcohol
- None
- Brigham calls Natalia a weirdo and a loser several times.
- None
Spiritual Content
- When Gigi, the momma cat, gets out of the house and can’t be found, Natalia prays. “In a desperate move, I closed my eyes right there in the middle of the sidewalk and sent a prayer to the universe for forgiveness, and for help.”
“Letting go of kittens, of sisters going to college to start the next chapter, and of grudges that hurt so much in the past but that I’d make worse for not wanting to forgive. This wasn’t the way to spread kindness and love,” Natalia. –Random Acts of Kittens
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