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“If you like to think BIG, but some say you’re too small, or they say you’re too young or too slow or too tall. . . Pay no mind to their doubts, and just follow the path of one AWESOME inventor, Patrice E. Bath" –The Doctor With An Eye for Eyes
The Doctor With An Eye for Eyes: The Story of Dr. Patricia Bath
Amazing Scientists
by Julia Finley Mosca
AR Test, Must Read, Picture Book
5 - 8
When Patricia Bath was little, she loved playing with boys and doing everything her big brother did. A girl coming of age during the Civil Rights Movement, Patricia, who was African American, was determined to be a doctor even though most were men. The only nearby high school was only for white kids, but this didn’t stop Patricia from graduating high school and going on to college.
While at college, Patricia meets unfair restrictions, but she is determined to help blind people. During her time as a doctor, she teaches others about the eye and starts an eye doctor training program. Patricia eventually develops a laser probe that “fixed the eyeballs of patients all over the globe.”
Patricia didn’t let racism, sexism, or poverty get in the way of her goal. Her story will inspire readers to reach for their dreams. The story ends with this thought: “So, if helping the world seems too hard, you are wrong. If some say you can’t do it, don’t listen. Be STRONG. Like Patricia, stay FOCUSED. Push FORWARD. Shine BRIGHT. . . And you’ll find all your dreams will be well within SIGHT!”
Each page of the picture book has 2 to 4 rhyming lines. Some of the words have added emphasis and appear in all caps. Each page uses colorful illustrations to bring Patricia’s world to life. Some illustrations show how Patricia faced discrimination. Even though The Doctor With An Eye for Eyes is a picture book, the story is intended to be read aloud to a child, rather than for the child to read it for the first time independently.
The Doctor With An Eye for Eyes should be read by every child because it will help them understand the importance of perseverance and education. The story shows how Patricia used her knowledge to teach others and make a positive impact on the world. Because of Patricia, “those without sight for years (like fifteen or twenty or THIRTY more years), they could finally SEE!”
The Doctor With An Eye for Eyes shows how Patricia overcame many obstacles before she reached her goal. However, one of Patricia’s greatest accomplishments was to open the American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness. “She CREATED a place. . . A place to bring HOPE to the whole human race. Its motto is this: Rich or poor, black or white, healthy vision’s important. It’s everyone’s right.”
Sexual Content
- None
- None
Drugs and Alcohol
- None
- None
- None
Spiritual Content
- None
Other books by Julia Finley Mosca
“If you like to think BIG, but some say you’re too small, or they say you’re too young or too slow or too tall. . . Pay no mind to their doubts, and just follow the path of one AWESOME inventor, Patrice E. Bath" –The Doctor With An Eye for Eyes
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