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“You have opened a door that must not be allowed to close,” Dr. King said. “Don’t you see that you’re not just a role model for Black children? You’re important for people who don’t look like us. For the first time, the world sees us as we should be seen, as equals, as intelligent people.”–To Boldly Go
To Boldly Go: How Nichelle Nichols and Star Trek Helped Advance Civil Rights
by Angela Dalton
Picture Book
4 – 8
As Lieutenant Uhura on the iconic prime-time television show Star Trek, Nichelle Nichols played the first Black female astronaut anyone had ever seen on screen. A smart, strong, independent Black woman aboard the starship Enterprise was revolutionary in the 1960s when only white men had traveled to outer space in real life and most Black characters on TV were servants.
To Boldly Go will inspire readers to learn more about many Black people of importance. Nichelle not only inspired a generation to pursue their dreams, but also opened the door for the real-life, pioneering astronauts Sally Ride, Dr. Mae Jemison, and more.
This empowering tribute to the trailblazing pop culture icon reminds us of the importance of perseverance and the power of representation in storytelling. You just might be inspired to boldly go where no one like you has ever gone before!
Before her iconic role as Lieutenant Uhura, Nichelle Nichols knew she wanted to be a performer and she spent time learning ballet and singing for legendary bandleader Duke Ellington. Despite her talent and her role in Star Trek, Nichelle’s confidence took a beating and “Nichelle no longer felt strong and confident.” However, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. helped Nichelle understand the importance of Lieutenant Uhura’s role. Dr. King said, “You have opened a door that must not be allowed to close…Don’t you see that you’re not just a role model for Black children? You’re important for people who don’t look like us. For the first time, the world sees us as we should be seen, as equals, as intelligent people.”
When Nichelle became discouraged about her limited role in Star Trek, she reminded herself “what her presence meant to the lives of the people who looked like her.” Because of Nichelle’s starring role, other Black people were encouraged to reach for their dreams. However, Nichelle’s influence didn’t stop on the screen. Her role also allowed others to dream about traveling in space and eventually helped recruit potential astronauts for NASA. To Boldly Go will encourage children to learn about other amazing astronauts, which they can do by reading Counting on Katherine: How Katherine Johnson Saved Apollo 13 by Helaine Becker, Apollo 13 by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld, and Classified: The Secret Career of Mary Golda Ross, Cherokee Aerospace Engineer by Traci Sorell.
Nichelle’s story comes to life with illustrations that use bold colors. Each page includes one to six sentences. However, because of the complexity of the sentences and the advanced vocabulary, the story is intended to be read aloud to a child, rather than for the child to read it for the first time independently. To Boldly Go includes instances of racism but doesn’t describe the violence in detail, and there are no violent illustrations. Despite the hardships that Nichelle faced, To Boldly Go uses a positive and upbeat tone that will leave children feeling inspired.
To Boldly Go is an encouraging and engaging picture book that is perfect to add to anyone’s personal library. The book will have wide appeal because of Nichelle’s role in Star Trek. Nichelle’s experiences will encourage children to follow their dreams and show them the importance of perseverance.
Sexual Content
- None
- The narrator watches the news and sees “real-life suffering the marchers endured because of racism. Attack dogs. Fire hoses. Jail. People watched as this happened to both children and adults, just because of the color of their skin.”
Drugs and Alcohol
- None
- None
- None
Spiritual Content
- None
“You have opened a door that must not be allowed to close,” Dr. King said. “Don’t you see that you’re not just a role model for Black children? You’re important for people who don’t look like us. For the first time, the world sees us as we should be seen, as equals, as intelligent people.”–To Boldly Go
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