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“I’m not wearing that,” Gabby said. “I’d blind everyone, and I’m not about to be held responsible for death by sparkles.” –You Throw Like a Girl
You Throw Like a Girl
by Rachele Alpine
AR Test
Gabby’s summer vacation isn’t shaping up to be that great. Her dad was just deployed overseas, and Gabby is staying at her grandmother’s house with her mom and baby sister until he returns.
The one bright spot is that Gabby plans to sign up for the local softball league—her greatest love and a passion that she shares with her dad who was a pitcher in college. But when Gabby goes to sign up for the summer league, she discovers there isn’t enough interest to justify a girls’ team this year. And to top it off, a horrible miscommunication ends with Gabby signing up to participate in the Miss Popcorn Festival—the annual pageant that Gabby’s mom dominated when she was younger.
Besides not having any interest in pageant life, Gabby made a promise to her dad that she would play softball for the summer. Since her pitching skills rival any boy her age, Gabby creates a master plan: disguise herself as a boy and sign up for the boys’ baseball team instead—while also trying to win the pageant to make Mom happy. Can Gabby juggle perfecting her pageant walk and perfecting her fastball? Or will this plan strike out?
Told from Gabby’s point of view, You Throw Like a Girl revolves around Gabby’s deception. This creates suspense because there is always the possibility that others will find out her secret. Through much of the story, Gabby tries to justify her behavior. For example, Gabby wonders, “Maybe I had lied to people and fooled them, but was it so wrong when the reason was for someone else?” Gabby’s lies begin to pile up, but she never considers how her deceit will affect those around her. After one of the pageant contestants threatens to reveal Gabby’s secret, Abby finally confesses her wrongdoings. Despite this, Gabby doesn’t show regret or much personal growth.
You Throw Like a Girl has a simple plot that makes the story easy to read and understand. In addition, the story has a positive message: “It’s a lot better to be yourself than someone you’re not.” Gabby’s experiences also explore the theme of friendship through the supporting characters Owen and Erin. While Owen and Erin are good friends, Gabby is not because she is too focused on herself and lacks empathy. In addition, when Gabby’s secret is finally revealed, everyone forgives her quickly and she receives no punishment, which is unrealistic and downplays Gabby’s bad behavior.
Despite the story’s flaws, many middle-grade readers will enjoy You Throw Like a Girl because of the funny situations Gabby experiences. Readers will also relate to Gabby’s conflict with her mother and her desire to please her parents. Through it all, Gabby’s family is shown in a positive light and the adults display healthy communication. Readers who are drawn to the story because of the cute cover of Gabby pitching may be disappointed by the lack of baseball action. However, readers who are looking for a lighthearted story that doesn’t delve into heavy issues will find You Throw Like a Girl entertaining.
Sexual Content
- None
- None
Drugs and Alcohol
- None
- Heck is used four times.
- Darn is used twice.
- None
Spiritual Content
- One of the baseball players’ father picks Gabby up for a game. He thinks about introducing himself to Gabby’s mothers, but she talks him out of it. Gabby, “said a silent prayer that he wouldn’t decide to get out of the van.”
- When she is dressed like a boy, Gabby goes into the girl’s bathroom. Two little girls scream and Gabby “prayed their parents weren’t outside and about to come racing in to find out what was wrong.”
“I’m not wearing that,” Gabby said. “I’d blind everyone, and I’m not about to be held responsible for death by sparkles.” –You Throw Like a Girl
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