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“For years Jim had fought against his education. He had run away from it so many times. This time, Jim used all he had learned from his mother’s wisdom, his brother’s encouragement, and his father’s fierce determination that his son show what an Indian could do.” –Jim Thorpe’s Bright Path

Jim Thorpe’s Bright Path

by Joseph Bruchac
AR Test, Picture Book

At A Glance
Interest Level

6 – 11
Reading Level
Number of Pages

From the day he was born, Jim Thorpe’s parents knew he was special. As the light shone on the road to the family’s cabin, his mother gave Jim another name – Wa-tho-huck – “Bright Path.” 

Jim’s athletic skills were evident early on, as he played outdoors and hunted with his father and twin brother. When the boys were sent to an Indian boarding school, Jim struggled academically but excelled in sports. School life was difficult for Jim. In addition, he had to overcome family tragedies, including the death of his brother. Jim’s life dramatically changed when Coach Pop Warner at the Carlisle Indian School recognized Jim’s athletic genius. 

Jim Thorpe’s Bright Path follows Jim’s path to becoming a world-renowned athlete. Jim hates boarding school. One reason is that boarding schools “were designed to cut [Indians] off from everything that made them Indians—their language, their traditions, even their families—and make them fit in with white society.” Even though Jim hated school, his father was determined for Jim to get an education. At school, Jim fell in love with football, but because of his small size, the coach would not let him play. This didn’t stop Jim; soon, he formed a group of other small boys to play football with. 

Jim’s inspiring biography shows how he persevered despite many obstacles. His determination allowed him to become the greatest athlete of his time. As an athlete, Jim “was carrying not just a football, but the hopes and dreams of his family, his people, and all the Indians who had been told they could never compete with a white man.” Jim used his fame to fight for equal rights and opportunities for American Indians. 

Although Jim Thorpe’s Bright Path is a picture book, it is best suited for older readers. The pages have up to ten complex sentences that use advanced vocabulary such as Gauntlet, Pottawatomie, endurance, dormitory, and inconsolable. However, the illustrations will help readers visualize the story’s events because they focus on Jim’s activities. The end of the book includes a timeline and an author’s notes that discusses Jim’s accomplishments. 

Bruchac’s writing educates readers about the discrimination early Native Americans faced and the unique obstacles that Jim had to overcome. Jim is an inspiration not only because of his accomplishments but also because he used his education and fame to help his people. Jim’s story will encourage readers to overcome obstacles as they follow their own bright path. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • If Jim spoke his native language, he “got smacked hard across his knuckles with a wooden ruler.” 
  • Jim’s father “had been shot in a hunting accident and was dying.” Jim made it home to find that his father had recovered. 
  • Jim’s father “had been bitten by a snake while working in the fields and had died of blood poisoning.”

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 
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“For years Jim had fought against his education. He had run away from it so many times. This time, Jim used all he had learned from his mother’s wisdom, his brother’s encouragement, and his father’s fierce determination that his son show what an Indian could do.” –Jim Thorpe’s Bright Path

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