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“Family isn’t just blood. You can give the people who love you a promotion, make them your family,” Sal. –Sal and Gabi Fix the Universe
Sal and Gabi Fix the Universe
Sal and Gabi #2
by Carlos Hernandez
AR Test, Teaches About Culture
Following the events of Hernandez’s previous novel, Sal and Gabi Break the Universe, Sal and Gabi are dragged into even more multiverse shenanigans when versions of Gabi from other universes begin showing up in their universe. Sal is approached by a Gabi from another universe who says that she wants to help Sal protect his universe from meeting a terrible fate like hers. While Gabi from another universe, whom Sal calls “FixGabi,” claims to want to fix holes in the universe, Sal realizes that she is tricking him and hiding her true intent. Sal realizes, “FixGabi, it turned out, was a supervillain bent on cosmic destruction.” To protect the universe, Sal and Gabi must enlist the help of their families, as well as their understanding of what Sal’s Papi calls “Calamity physics.”
Considering the perspectives of others is one of the major themes in the novel. For instance, one of Sal’s teachers explains, “People make art because they want you to learn what life feels like to them. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes it’s scary, sometimes it’s sad or uplifting or gross or deep or a million other things. But whatever it is, it’s always about what the artist thinks of life.” This theme becomes specifically important to Sal later when he interacts with FixGabi. Even though FixGabi has tried to trick Sal and cause havoc in his universe, Sal realizes that FixGabi “has lost a lot of loved ones. She’s seen her world ravaged by rips in the universe. She felt helpless and afraid. But rather than give in to those feelings, she fought back, as hard as she could.” Sal and his friends accepting FixGabi makes her decide that, “I want to make up for everything . . . I was so lonely.”
Another major theme is friendship and found family. Just like in the previous novel, Sal and Gabi support their friend, Yasmany, as he struggles with problems at home that ultimately culminate in Children’s Services removing him from his home. Yasmany reveals that he has nowhere to live because “My [grandparents] are trying to get me to move back in with Mami. They said they’re too old. They can’t handle me . . . I got nowhere to be. Why doesn’t anybody want me?” But Sal and Gabi are great friends to Yasmany; Sal offers to let Yasmany stay with him for a few nights and Gabi’s parents ultimately decide that Yasmany will come live with them. When Yasmany asks Gabi’s family why they would do this for him, Gabi tells Yasmany, “You deserve a family that deserves you.”
Readers who loved the first book in this two-part series will be thrilled by Sal and Gabi Fix the Universe. Sal and Gabi’s friendship gets even stronger and readers will be compelled by their friendship and how they always have each other’s best interests in mind. For instance, Sal tells Gabi, “There’s no one like you in the world, Gabi Reál. You are one of a kind.” And Gabi tells Sal how much she appreciates him, saying, “You saved my baby brother, Sal, and therefore my whole family. Thank you. Thank you forever.” Hernandez’s novel will appeal to readers because it has science fiction, theatre productions, and amazing friendships.
Sexual Content
- None
- Following up on a situation discussed in the previous novel, Sal describes how his friend, Yasmany, had to leave home for his own safety. Sal says, “[Yasmany] was living with his abuelos now because life with his mami had gotten intolerably bad. I don’t know why exactly, since Yasmany wouldn’t go into details, but I knew Children’s Services had gotten involved.”
- When Yasmany witnesses Sal’s dad ground Sal for messing with his calamity physics equipment, Yasmany says to Sal, “Nothing got broken; no one got hit. It was just, like, normal talking at the kitchen table.” Sal realizes the dark implication of what Yasmany said.
Drugs and Alcohol
- Sal is upset with his Papi because he found him smoking a cigar. Sal’s dad says, “My team and I might very well be nominated for a Nobel Prize before I die . . . I guess I wanted to celebrate a little.” Sal angrily says, “Even though you swore to Mami when she was dying in the hospital that you’d never smoke a cigar again?” Papi tells Sal that his experience trying a cigar again after all those years was “terrible.”
- None
- None
Spiritual Content
- When talking with their school janitor, Mr. Milagros, Sal and Gabi discover that Mr. Milagros’ wife, Lourdes, passed away. Mr. Milagros exclaims, “She’s not with the devils, Gabi. She’s with the angels. Lourdes is in heaven.”
- Gabi thinks, “I don’t even believe in heaven . . . but I’m sure Lourdes is there.”
Other books by Carlos Hernandez
“Family isn’t just blood. You can give the people who love you a promotion, make them your family,” Sal. –Sal and Gabi Fix the Universe
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