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“I know biology doesn’t make a family, Layla, but love does, and what happens if Mom falls out of love with me because I can’t stop hurting everyone?” Joey. –The Science of Being Angry
The Science of Being Angry
by Nicole Melleby
Eleven-year-old Joey is angry. All of the time. And she doesn’t understand why. She has two loving moms, a supportive older half-brother, and, as a triplet, she’s never without company. Her life seems good but sometimes she loses her temper and lashes out, like the time she threw a soccer ball—hard—at a boy in gym class and bruised his collarbone. Or when jealousy made her push her (former) best friend and crush, Layla, a little bit too roughly.
After Joey has a meltdown at her apartment building, the family is evicted and Joey is desperate to figure out why she’s so mad. A new unit in science class makes her wonder if the reason is genetics. Does she lose control because of something she inherited from the donor her mothers chose?
The Science of Being Angry follows Joey, who is struggling to understand her place in her family. Joey feels different from her brothers because she’s a fraternal triplet and her brothers are identical twins, but they’re only genetically related to one of their moms. When Joey’s class begins a genetics unit, Joey begins to question how her DNA is affected by her mothers’ sperm donor. In addition, Joey wonders if the sperm donor’s DNA is the link to her uncontrollable anger.
Joey and her friend Layla decide to send Joey’s brother’s DNA to 23 and Me. For some reason, Joey thinks that sending her brother’s DNA will lead to better results Unfortunately, when Joey’s moms discover the 23 and Me account, they have it deactivated before Joey learns anything. This abruptly ends the story thread without answering any of Joey’s questions about the donor.
In addition to exploring family bonds, The Science of Being Angry also focuses on Joey’s inability to control her anger. Joey’s confusion about her biological father and her insecurities about her moms’ love causes Joey to lash out at others. Joey may have sensory sensitivities that cause her to become irritable, but this thread is left unexplored. To make matters worse, her moms don’t always agree about the best way to help Joey. In the end, Joey and her moms seek help from a therapist, which ends the story on a hopeful note. However, some readers may be disappointed that the story doesn’t include any anger management strategies.
The Science of Being Angry uses sensitivity as it explores complicated family dynamics. Joey’s feelings are described in detail in kid-friendly language. However, much of the story focuses on Joey’s emotions and inner turmoil so there is little action. In addition, readers will have to pay close attention to the text because Joey’s moms are referred to as Mama and Mom, which may make it difficult for some readers to keep track of who is talking. Readers who have nontraditional families will relate to Joey and can benefit from reading The Science of Being Angry. However, the story will mostly appeal to readers who are interested in exploring Joey’s vast emotions and the genetics that make her unique. Middle-grade readers who want to explore difficult family dynamics may also want to read We Are All Made of Molecules by Susin Nielsen.
Sexual Content
- Joey’s moms occasionally kiss. For example, when Mom “kiss[ed] Mama on the cheek. . . Mom pressed her face against Mama’s cheek to kiss it again and wrapped her arms around Mama, holding tightly.”
- Mom explains meeting Mama. “She was such a kind, sweet little dweeb. How could I not fall for her?” Then Mom explains how she knew she liked girls. “I didn’t want to think about it, because I was confused for a long time. I married Luka, because I thought that’s what I wanted. . . But something was missing with Luka. With me. When I met your mama, I found that something.”
- Joey is confused about her feelings for her friend, Layla. While at her house, she “suddenly wondered what it would be like to kiss her.” Joey wonders if she is gay. Thinking about her feelings makes Joey angry so she “shoved Layla as hard as she could onto the floor. Layla hit her elbow on the coffee table in front of them. She was okay; she got a small bruise and cried, but she didn’t bleed or anything.”
- At a party, Layla sits next to Joey. Layla’s “voice was too soft, her leg felt too good against Joey’s. . . Joey, without thinking, kissed her.” Afterwards, Joey runs out of the house.
- Joey is thinking about her moms watching a movie. “She couldn’t see them. . . but she knew what they’d look like, anyway. Mom was probably draped along the couch, Mama lying on top of her between her legs. They were much like that. . .”
- Joey and her brothers sneak out of their apartment and go to the swimming pool. Before they can jump in, a security guard appears, and “Joey responded the way she always did, the way that her moms both begged and yelled at her not to. With her fist. . . Joey turned and punched the security guard square in the belly. He fell directly into the pool. . .”
- At hockey practice, Eli calls Joey a bad name, “so Joey used the hook of her stick to pull at Eli’s leg, knocking him off balance and sending him spiraling on the ice. . .”
- While watching TV, Joey’s brother Thomas sits on the couch. Joey gets upset that Thomas keeps touching her so she “kicked her leg into Thomas as hard as she could.”
- Joey and her brothers go to a Halloween party at their friend Eli’s house. “The second they walked through Eli’s door, Joey found herself getting slammed against the wall, hard, with a loud oof! . . . She shoved Eli, and then backhanded him against his helmet.”
- At the Halloween party, Eli’s bullying of Joey continues. He “slapped her across the face with the slice of pizza in his hand.”
- While at school, Joey bruised her classmate Danny’s collarbone. “Joey didn’t think she meant to hurt him, but she definitely meant to throw the ball as hard as she could at him.”
- During science, Joey gets upset and yells “I don’t care about the stupid project!” Then she threw her “heavy science textbook at the classroom window” breaking it. She is suspended from school.
- While playing football, Joey tackles Mama. “Just as the ball flew over Mama’s head, Joey threw her entire weight at Mama’s middle. . . tackling her hard to the grass. Mama’s head hit the ground first. . .” Mom jumps in and “reached behind Mama to find her head and pulled away with some blood on her hand. . . Mama’s eyes opened but they didn’t look right. . .” Mom turns on Joey and yells, “What is wrong with you? What the hell is wrong with you!” Mama goes to the hospital but is released the same day.
- At hockey practice, Joey skates past Eli “when suddenly she felt something jerk her back. Eli had his hand gripped tightly into the collar of her shirt and he yanked it.” Joey starts to fall, but “Eli pushed her into the wall of the rink, hard, took the puck back, and scored.” Joey’s mom had talked to the coach about Eli’s bullying. The coach sees Eli’s behavior and sits him on the bench.
Drugs and Alcohol
- Joey’s brother takes ADHD medication.
- After dinner, Mama “picked up the bottle of wine and refilled her and Luka’s glass.”
- Several times Joey calls a classmate a rat.
- Jesus Christ is used as an exclamation twice.
- Oh God and Oh my God are occasionally used as an exclamation.
- Heck is used twice.
- There is some name-calling including jerk and loser. For example, Joey’s brother says the landlord was a “jerk” for kicking them out.
- While playing hockey, Joey tells Eli that he’s being a ball hog. When Eli replied, “he used the B word that had been banned from Joey’s household.”
- None
Spiritual Content
- None
“I know biology doesn’t make a family, Layla, but love does, and what happens if Mom falls out of love with me because I can’t stop hurting everyone?” Joey. –The Science of Being Angry
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