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“Iggy got a bright gleam in his eye and out on the porch, built the St. Lois Arch from pancakes and coconut pie.” —Iggy Peck, Architect
Iggy Peck, Architect
Questioneers Collection
by Andrea Beaty
AR Test, Picture Book
5 – 8
Iggy Peck has always loved to build things. When he was two, he used dirty diapers to erect a tall tower. His parents don’t forbid him from building, but they certainly don’t appreciate the architectural wonders that he builds. When Iggy enters second grade, his teacher forbids him from building. Instead of using tools, his teacher demands that he uses crayons. When the class goes on a field trip, a bridge collapses, trapping them on an island. Can Iggy use his building skills to prove that studying architecture can be a worthwhile, wonderful endeavor?
The full color, creative illustrations show Iggy’s imaginative inventions and the wonderfully expressive reactions of Iggy’s parents and teacher. Each page has fun illustrations and short rhyming lines. Parents will want to read the story aloud since it is not intended to be read for the first time independently.
Readers will enjoy the illustrations because they show Iggy’s inventions. The teacher is portrayed in a negative light because she not only sends Iggy to the principal for building an amazing chalk castle, but she also kills his interest in school. However, when Iggy uses his architectural skills to save the day, the teacher decides, “There are worse things to do when you’re in grade two, than to spend your time building a dream.”
The picture book Iggy Peck, Architect has creative illustrations, interesting characters, and teaches the importance of dreaming big. The ending of the book has the same classroom teacher and diverse students as Rosie Revere, Engineer, and Ada Twist, Scientist. Readers may enjoy comparing the pictures in all three books. Iggy Peck, Architect will delight younger children who are interested in building their dreams.
Sexual Content
- None
- None
Drugs and Alcohol
- None
- None
- None
Spiritual Content
- None
“Iggy got a bright gleam in his eye and out on the porch, built the St. Lois Arch from pancakes and coconut pie.” —Iggy Peck, Architect
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