The Christmas Baby
by Marion Dane Bauer
AR Test, Picture Book
Mary and Joseph travel by donkey to Bethlehem, but when they arrive, the only place to stay is a barn. When the baby was born in the manger, Mary and Joseph rejoiced. The angels sang, and kings journeyed to bring gifts. When the baby was born, he “smiled at the world with God’s own smile.”
The Christmas Baby is a heartwarming retelling of the birth of Jesus. Using natural colors of blue and brown, the illustrations focus on the animals and the sky. When the baby is born, a two-page spread shows the animals’ joy as they “brayed and mooed and barked and bleated he is come!” The book connects every child to the Christmas baby because babies bring joy. The last page speaks directly to the reader because when you were born, “you smiled back at us all with God’s own smile.”
Celebrate the Christmas season by reading The Christmas Baby. Each page has two to four short sentences that use repetition to increase the excitement of Jesus’s birth. Even though the story focuses on Jesus’s birth, the story also shows how Jesus came for everyone—wisemen, kings, animals, and you. Not only will The Christmas Baby remind readers that God loves them, but it also shows readers how important they are to other people. For more Christ-centered picture books, read Mortimer’s Christmas Manger by Karma Wilson.
Sexual Content
- None
- None
Drugs and Alcohol
- None
- None
- None
Spiritual Content
- None
“Give thanks with us. God has given us a baby.” Mary and Joseph. –The Christmas Baby
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