Raymond and Roxy: Ready? Set. Birthday!
Step into Reading 2
by Vaunda Micheaux Nelson
Raymond likes to do everything fast! It’s almost his birthday and he wants time to fly! He plays outside. He helps Papa wash the car. He even goes to bed early, but his birthday can’t come soon enough! Maybe his friend Roxy can help him enjoy the wait…and celebrate, too!
Ready? Set. Birthday! is part of the Step into Reading Level Two series, which targets readers in preschool through first grade. Each page features one to four short sentences in large font, making it an easy read. The book uses basic vocabulary and familiar words to create a simple story. Many of the pages include full-page illustrations of Raymond and Roxy. The illustrations use bright colors and focus on the characters’ facial expressions so readers can understand their emotions.
Young readers will instantly connect to Raymond’s impatience. To take his mind off of his birthday, Raymond plays with a friend, bounces a ball, and helps his dad wash the car. When Raymond’s birthday arrives, Raymond does not have an elaborate party. Instead, he is surrounded by his parents and his best friend Roxy. Raymond only receives one gift, but the gift—a pair of skates—is perfect.
Ready? Set. Birthday! is an enjoyable story that explains why sometimes time flies, and sometimes it is as slow as a sloth. Celebrate the joy of birthdays by reading the following books: Ice-Cold Birthday by Maryann Cocca-Leffler, Uni and the Perfect Present by Amy Krouse Rosenthal, and The Perfect Birthday Recipe by Katy Hudson.
Sexual Content
- None
- None
Drugs and Alcohol
- None
- None
- None
Spiritual Content
- None
“Roxy, let’s have fun so time will fly,” Raymond. –Ready? Set. Birthday!
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