Fox versus Fox
My First I Can Read Book
by Corey R. Tabor
AR Test
There’s only one Fox . . . except when there are two! Fox, who is a red fox, meets a white fox. Both foxes can do tricks and jumps. When the foxes try to jump higher than each other, they find another similarity—foxes cannot fly. With all their similarities, the foxes realize that instead of trying to outfox each other, they should be friends.
Young readers will enjoy Fox versus Fox and the silly ways Fox shows off. Readers will learn that meeting someone new can lead to friendship. Fox’s story uses simple but humorous illustrations, such as when Fox uses a rocket blaster to jump higher than the white fox. Fox’s silly antics will leave readers giggling and wondering what he will do in the next book. Each page has one simple sentence that includes word repetition. As a My First I Can Read Book, Fox versus Fox is perfect for your little one because the story uses basic language, word repetition, and has large illustrations on each page.
Fox versus Fox is a fun story that will engage young readers and leave them wanting to read about Fox’s other adventures. Other Fox books include Fox Has a Problem, Fox at Night, Fox versus Winter, Fox the Tiger, Fox Is Late, Fox and the Jumping Contest, and Fox and the Bike Ride. Fox versus Fox will encourage readers that when you meet someone new, they might be a new friend! Friendship can come from unexpected places, and children need help creating new friendships. To help them learn to be better friends, pair Fox versus Fox with Shawn Loves Sharks by Curtis Manley and Angus All Aglow by Heather Smith.
Sexual Content
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Drugs and Alcohol
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Spiritual Content
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