Dark Blue: Color Me Lonely

Kara Hendricks and Jordan Ferguson have been best friends since kindergarten. By now—sophomore year—they’re more like sisters, really. Jordan has always been the leader in the friendship, but still she’s the perfect friend. That is until Jordan started hanging out with a new “cool” crowd and decided Kara was a popularity liability. 

Devastated, Kara feels betrayed and abandoned by everyone—even God. How could Jordan do this? Why did God let this happen? Yet for all the hurt and insecurity, these dark blue days contain a life-changing secret. Now that Jordan is gone, Kara has the chance to discover something about herself that she never knew before. But first, she must learn to trust again. It won’t be easy.

Kara’s story deals with universal themes of self-worth, identity, and loneliness that anyone who has suffered a loss will relate to. However, readers may find it difficult to sympathize with Kara because of her self-pitying attitude. When Jordan starts hanging out with the cheerleaders, she tries to include Kara in her new friend group. However, Kara is so uncomfortable that she begins to avoid Jordan. Since Kara’s insecurities drive much of her action, when the friendship finally ends, Kara turns to daydreaming about scenarios that would hurt Jordan. From the start, the girls’ unhealthy relationship is portrayed in a negative manner, so when the friendship ends there is little emotional impact.

Unfortunately, there is nothing unique about Dark Blue’s plot. Instead, it revolves around the typical stereotypes – a goth girl, a nerd, and an academic high achiever. None of the supporting characters are well developed and Kara begins spending time with some of her new friends, not because she truly likes them, but because she’s so desperate not to be alone. The connection between Kara and her new friends feels forced and unauthentic, especially since so many of their conversations are about their belief in God. But through these lunch time discussions, Kara begins to realize that God is the only best friend she needs.

Another negative aspect of Dark Blue is Kara’s long and tedious inner musings. Most of Kara’s interactions with others are short and do little to develop Kara’s personality. Instead, the story has long passages that focus on Kara’s thought process. Because Kara is so caught up in her misery, it is difficult to relate to her. 

Dark Blue reminds readers that God is with us even during difficult times. While it is important to connect with others, only God can fill the emptiness that is inside of us. Once Kara accepts God’s love, she is finally able to look at life in a more positive light. While Dark Blue’s message will resonate with readers, the lack of character development and the typical plot structure are not very memorable. However, readers who are dealing with loss and loneliness will find comfort in the book’s message.

Sexual Content 

  • At school, Kara sees some “couples hanging onto each other like they can’t bear to let go, a few even making out.” 


  • Edgar’s mom was up for parole, but it was denied so “she hung herself.”

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Kara’s friend, Amy, smokes cigarettes and is part of the “pot-smoking Goth group.”
  • When Amy and her friends show up at a school dance, Kara thinks “Some of them are high or drunk or both. Including Amy.” Later, Amy pukes. 
  • Kara’s friend, Edgar, has a father who is a recovering alcoholic and a mother who is in jail for drugs.
  • While talking about Edgar’s home life, Amy says that she’s “used all kinds of lame excuses to get drunk.” 


  • Freaking, crappy, and crud are used rarely. 


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • When Jordan becomes part of the cheerleading squad, Kara thinks, “Maybe it’s because I prayed that Jordan did so well. Maybe her success was God’s way of getting even with me for being so hopelessly selfish.” 
  • Kara and her friends often discuss their belief in God. For example, during lunch, some of the kids talk about freedom of religion. A girl says, “I don’t think our government should tell us to pray either. But I don’t think they should tell us that we can’t.” The conversation lasts for a page. 
  • Kara asks her friends, “I mean do you think it’s true that you can really have a close relationship with God?” Two kids in the group discuss their beliefs. A boy who goes to church three days a week says, “God made us all unique people. . . I need to go to church a lot and read a lot and pray a lot.” The conversation lasts for three pages. 
  • Because of Kara’s depression, she thinks about giving “this God-thing a shot.” However, she feels like she wants to make a deal with God so her life will go back to the way it was before Jordan dumped her as a friend. Kara thinks, “And I’ve got to wonder whether it’s worth the risk of blowing it with God just because I think I might be able to swing some sort of deal. . . my life is cruddy enough without going and making it worse by messing with someone like God.” Kara’s inner musings last for a page.
  • One of Kara’s friends, Edgar, says, “I think God is calling me to be a missionary.” He then explains why he believes this. The conversation lasts for about a page. 
  • When Amy offers to give Edgar a makeover, he says, “I’ve been asking God to do something to change me. I’ve been praying to become the kind of guy that other people will listen to.” 
  • Edgar considers Jesus his best friend. 
  • Kara goes to church with Edgar. The youth pastor discusses how “God designed us to feel lonely” and only God can fill the lonely ache inside of us. 
  • After the pastor speaks, Kara isn’t sure how to ask Jesus into her heart. The pastor explains how she needs to “invite Jesus to come inside of you. And once you’ve done that, your life will never be the same.” The church scene is described over five pages.
  • Edgar tells Kara that “God wants us to make good choices. . .But most of all I think he just wants us to love him and to let him into all the ordinary and sometimes gory details of our daily life.”

Minecraft: Mob Squad #1

The village of Cornucopia is practically perfect in every way. Plenty of food, cozy homes, and a huge wall to keep everyone safe from the scary world outside. What more could a kid possibly need?

Well, a lot, actually.

Mal, a fearless girl, needs adventure, and her friends are right there with her. There is Lenna, a dreamer whose family underestimates her every day, and Tok and Chug, two brothers who love to build stuff (Tok) and smash stuff (Chug). They’re best friends, and in a town whose grown-ups value safety over bravery and fitting in over standing out, they’re the bad apples.

But when a mysterious mob sneaks past Cornucopia’s defenses, the village is in huge trouble. And nobody knows what to do. Finally faced with the adventure they’ve always wanted, Mal and her friends defy the rules their elders have always followed and set out beyond the wall for the first time.

On their journey across the Overworld, they discover wonders they’ve never dreamed of and dangers they’ve never imagined. To save the day, they’ll have to prove they’re more than bad apples. They’re the Mob Squad!

Minecraft fans will love Mob Squad’s action and adventure. As the four friends venture out into the unknown, they quickly learn that they aren’t “bad apples” like the people of Cornucopia have labeled them. Instead, they begin to understand how their unique talents are perfectly suited for the world outside of Cornucopia’s wall. As they fight mobs, they discover more about the world as well as themselves. Through their experiences, the kids gain confidence and realize being different is what makes them special. 

The Mob Squad shows the world of Minecraft from the viewpoint of the four friends. Readers will enjoy seeing aspects of the game through their point of view. Each chapter alternates between the four kids; however, the characters’ voices are not very distinct so readers will need to pay attention to the name that appears at the beginning of each chapter. 

Mob Squad’s quick pace will keep readers interested with plenty of action, adventure, and battles against mobs. The battle scenes are suspenseful, but not long or gory. However, what makes The Mob Squad shine is the friendship between the kids. Not only do they learn to survive on their own, but they also learn the importance of teamwork. When the kids save the town, they realize that their destiny doesn’t have to be chosen by their family, but they can choose to do what is best for themselves. Readers will be eager to learn what happens to Mal, Lenna, Tok, and Chug in their next adventure which appears in Mob Squad: Never Say Nether.

Sexual Content 

  • None


  • A group of boys corner Tok in an alley. Tok’s brother, Chug, punches the leader of the bullies, Jarro. Then Chug “lands a kick right in Jarro’s backside.”  
  • Tok was running into town when Jarro put his arm out causing him to fall flat on his back. Chug is “just about to give in and woop some rumpus when a shadow looms over us all.” An elder stops the fight. 
  • Once the four friends leave Cornucopia, they fight mobs often; not all fights are listed below. On the first night out of Cornucopia, Tok forgets his cat outside. However, Chug and the others must help because zombies are waiting for them. Chug is “hacking at one monster, but it hits him back, and he grunts in surprise. . .” Lenna shoots arrows and “one of the zombies makes a splattery hiss and flops over dead. . . Lenna aims for the two zombies on the left with her arrows, one after the other, while Chug and Mal hack away at the one with the sword and helmet.” 
  • During the fight, Chug and Mal work together. “Mal swipes at [the Zombie’s] legs with her diamond pickaxe, and the moment it turns to groan angrily at her, Chug deals a massive blow against its back with his sword, and the zombie finally falls over.” The fight is described over three pages.
  • Skeletons start shooting at Lenna. Lenna describes, “On instinct, I throw the torch at the skeleton and use its moment of distraction to reach into my pocket and prepare my own weapon. I fire off two shots before it returns an arrow.” An arrow hits Lenna in the leg. “It feels hot and dull, and I yank it out and shoot it right back at the skeleton, destroying it.” The scene is described over three pages.
  • While in the wilderness, zombies attack the Mob Squad. Lenna takes down a zombie. “We’re all feeling confident, right up until someone runs around the corner and hits Mal with an ax.” Mal “stagger[s] back, seeing stars. . . The monster sprints at me again, axe raised, and my arm feels dead. An arrow lodges in the creature’s chest, and then Chug darts forward and gets in a strike with his new diamond sword.” 
  • The kids have to fight evokers, vindicators, and other mobs. When a vex attacks, Lenna takes “it down with two fiery shots. . .I’ve landed two shots on it when Poppy yelps and something slashes at my legs. I look down and see a spectral fang rolling past. My leg burns with pain, and I stumble.” No one is seriously injured.
  • The story concludes with vexes, vindicators, and other mobs attacking Cornucopia from inside the wall. One of Cornucopia’s members, Krog, is commanding the mobs. As the mobs climb out of an underground cavern, “three vindicators barrel out, axes ready, grunting. Chug and [Mal] engage them, working as a team as Lenna keeps harrying the vexes with flaming arrows. . . More vexes fly out, and one lands a hit on my back before Lenna can nock another arrow. The cry of pain flies out of my mouth before I can stop it.”
  • During the battle, “more vexes swarm out the door of Krog’s house, followed by their evoker. Ghostly white fangs ripple up from the ground, hitting Dawna [a resident of Cornucopia] in the leg and making her scream. . . Dawna reaches for one of Tok’s swords, takes her first swing at a vex, and incredibly, lands a solid hit.”
  • As the battle continues, someone grabs Lenna. Lenna “flail[s] and shout[s] . . My elbow catches someone in the face—I feel the pop of their nose at the solid hit, and they grunt and drop me.” Lenna discovers the person is her sister.
  • Tok is surprised when he hears “a snort and look[s] up to find a huge beast snarling at me. It’s like a cow crossed with the biggest, ugliest rock I’ve ever seen. It paws the ground with an enormous hoof and charges.” Tok runs for his life, leading the beast into a narrow alley. Tok jumps onto the beast’s back. “The creature screams and throws me, and I skid on my back across the cobblestones. It hurts. . . . I look up, and all I see is a ton of stinky beast butt. I raise my sword. . . I stab it.”
  • When the villain, Krog, begins throwing harmful potions at the Mob Squad, Tok hits him on the head with an iron sword. Krog “topples forward.” In the end, Krog is arrested and the mobs are defeated. The village attack is described over 30 pages.

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • A vex puts a potion on all of Cornucopia’s crops, causing them to die.
  • Chug licks a potion off the floor. Afterwards, he describes how he doesn’t “feel every rib when I breathe. I can do cartwheels again.”
  • Someone throws a slowness potion at Mal. The potion makes her do everything “super slowly.”
  • Krog throws a poison at Mal.  Once the poison hits her, “her cheeks are sinking in, there are purple hollow pooling made her eyes, her lips are going dry and cracked.” Mal feels “like being sunburned on the inside, like I’m drying out, all my blood turned to ash.” Mal drinks milk which reverses the effects of the potion.
  • Krog throws a potion of weakness at Chug. Chug’s arms feel like they “are made of noodles. I can barely lift the sword.” When he drinks milk, his strength returns.


  • Chug insults Jarro by saying, “You’re a thief? You certainly stole all the ugly around town for yourself.” 
  • Because of her imagination, Lenna’s family refers to her as “loony Lenna” and “liar.”
  • Lenna’s sister calls her an idiot.
  • The town people call the Mob Squad “Bad Apples.”
  • An adult calls the Mob Squad kids “rapscallions,” “scalaways,” and “dunderheads.”
  • Darn is used three times.
  • Chug tells his brother to “shut your piehole.”
  • Twice, Chug calls someone a jerk. For example, when thieves steal from Chug and his friends, he calls one of the men a jerk. 


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • None

Only the Good Spy Young

After the events of last semester, Cammie could use more normal in her life. Well, as normal as the life of a spy-in-training can be. But people are still after Cammie, and she is no closer to finding out why. Even worse, the CIA seems to think Mr. Solomon is working on the side of the enemy. Cammie and her friends struggle to believe it, but true or not, they know it’s long past time for them to find some answers of their own.  

With her mother keeping secrets, an unlikeable new teacher, and Mr. Solomon in question, Cammie doesn’t know who to trust. But she has her roommates, Macey, Bex, and Liz, and the four of them will have to be enough. The stakes are higher than ever as the four friends hack into the booby-trapped sublevels, decode a secret journal, and break into the infamous Blackthorne Institute. There is no room for mistakes. At this level, mistakes are deadly.  

Only the Good Spy Young ramps up the action in an exciting story packed with twists and turns. This installment deepens the mystery and leaves readers wondering why the Circle is trying to kidnap Cammie, if Mr. Solomon is a friend or a foe, and why Zach keeps appearing every time Cammie is in trouble. Cammie feels as if her world is turned upside down and isn’t sure who can be trusted. While the mystery adds suspense, the highlight of Only the Good Spy Young is the relationship between Cammie and her friends—who always have her back. 

Through first-person narration, Carter creates a fun story full of relatable characters and explores teen romance in a wholesome way that is perfect for teens. While the beloved cast is back, this installment gives Zach a prominent role which will leave readers swooning. The moments between Zach and Cammie are adorable. Adding Zach to the spying, action, and danger makes Only the Good Spy Young one of the best books in the series.  

With a strong cast of smart girls, a relatable protagonist, and the perfect blend of humor and suspense, Only the Good Spy Young will keep readers flipping the pages until the very end. Make sure you have the next book, Out of Sight, Out of Time, on hand, because this installment ends on a tantalizing cliffhanger.  

Sexual Content 

  • A teacher “accidentally spilled his latest invisibility concoction over Madame Dabney, and her white blouse was becoming more and more invisible by the second . . . At the front of the room, Madame Dabney (who, by the way, wears way sexier bras than anyone would have guessed) started dabbing at the front of her blouse with an antique tablecloth.”  
  • Zach keeps tabs on Cammie, watching her to make sure she is okay. One time he visits her while ice skating and “pressed his lips hard against my forehead for a split second—nothing more—and when he finally let me go and disappeared back into the trees, I thought that I might fall.”  
  • Before a dangerous mission, Cammie and Zach kiss. Cammie “kissed him—longer and deeper than I ever had before . . . we were just two people kissing as if for the first time, as if it might be the last.”  
  • Zach kisses Cammie goodbye at the start of summer vacation. “And then his arms were around me. When he kissed me it was hungrier somehow, as if this moment was all we had, and we had to taste it, drink it, savor it, and not waste a single drop.” 


  • When Cammie finds a stranger in her room, she goes on the defense. Cammie “stepped back and grabbed the arm that grabbed at me, spinning, using my attacker’s own momentum to fling him through the open bathroom door and to the other side of our room. He smashed into a dresser and sent a lamp crashing to the floor . . . before he could say a word, a Louis Vuitton suitcase came flying into our room, struck the man squarely on his face, and dropped him to the floor like a stone.” Macey heard the struggle and threw her suitcase at the man, who turns out to be a new teacher at the school. His face is bruised, but he is okay.  
  • When Cammie meets the man responsible for her father’s death, she “brought my hand up along the side of his face—hard. It was just a slap—nothing special. Hardly something they would ever teach in P&E. And yet I felt like doing it again.” 
  • A member of the Circle interrogates Mr. Solomon. “The woman struck Mr. Solomon’s face so hard that blood sprayed across the room.”  
  • Cammie and Zach fight Zach’s mother, the leader of a splinter group of the Circle, and her henchmen. Their struggle takes place over three pages. Cammie describes, “I parried away another of [Zach’s mother’s] blows, and when I countered, I landed a swift punch to her kidney and another to her face . . . Across the room, Zach had taken an old sword from the wall and was fighting two men at once.” Both Zach and Cammie eventually get away, and are okay.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Cammie and her roommates drug an apple with truth serum, then interrogate their teacher/suspect. “It took four seconds for Liz to take the syringe from her bag. Her hands were shaking as I pulled the apple from my tray and held it beneath the table.” After their teacher eats the apple, they ask him some questions.  


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Ride On

Victoria has always loved horses. But riding in competitions is high stakes, high stress, and shockingly expensive. And even though Victoria’s best friend Taylor loves competing, Victoria has lost her taste for it.

After a heartbreaking fight with Taylor, Victoria needs a new start—at a new stable. A place where she doesn’t have to worry about anything other than riding. No competition, no drama, no friends. Just horses.

Edgewood Stables seems ideal. There are plenty of horses to ride, and Victoria is perfectly happy giving the other riders the cold shoulder. But can she truly be happy with no friends?

While Ride On will specifically appeal to horse-loving readers, the graphic novel also has a universal theme of friendship which all readers will be drawn to. Victoria’s past is murky and, although it is slowly revealed, she never explains why she has rejected all her friends including her yearbook friends. Despite the fear of rejection, Victoria slowly warms up to Norrie, Hazel, and Sam; while they all share a love of horses, it’s their love of the sci-fi television series, Beyond the Galaxy, that brings them all together. This adds both an interesting twist and some humor to the story.

Many readers will relate to Victoria’s insecurities as well as her desire to have a well-rounded life that doesn’t completely revolve around horse competitions. In a world where competitive sports are the norm, Ride On reminds readers that they do not need to let one thing consume all their time. Instead, they can love horses, cosplay, and hanging out with friends. Along the way, the story explores the importance of friendship as well as getting over fears. These lessons are wrapped up in a good story with interesting, relatable characters who often struggle with being different. Seeing the characters grow and connect is heartwarming as well as entertaining. 

The graphic novel’s artwork uses vivid colors to bring the characters to life. One of the best aspects of the illustrations is the characters’ facial expressions and body language—both of these will help readers understand the characters’ emotions. The horse pictures are wonderful as well. Some pages tell the story only through pictures, while other pages have up to seven sentences per page. This, along with the easy vocabulary, make Ride On accessible to most readers. 

Ride On highlights everyone’s need for companionship and validation. The graphic novel is a character-driven story that doesn’t have a lot of exciting conflicts. However, the characters are interesting enough to keep readers hooked. The conclusion holds several surprises that show the true meaning of friendship. Similar to Ride On, the graphic novel series Eagle Rock by Hope Larson is another coming-of-age story that explores the need to find your passion.

Sexual Content 

  • None


  • None

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None


  • Crap is used once.


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • None

Not That Kind of Girl

Natalie Sterling has made one thing clear: nothing will get in the way of her having a successful senior year of high school. She has big plans, such as applying to colleges and becoming Ross Academy’s student council president. Natalie doesn’t have time for distractions, and she certainly is not like the other girls, who get hung up on boys. But the road to success is not easy. On the first day of school, Natalie takes Spencer under her wing – a girl who has grown up considerably since Natalie used to babysit her long ago. Spencer likes getting attention and she’s not afraid to show it. Meanwhile, Mike Domski, a vulgar football player, is running against Natalie in student council. Still, Natalie stands strong: she is not the kind of girl who gets distracted.

Things start to change after Natalie is elected president. She fights with her best friend Autumn, who despite getting bullied over a failed relationship, still wants to go to parties and talk to guys. Autumn is willing to forgive the people who spread rumors about her, but Natalie can’t understand why her best friend would even associate with those people. Not to mention, Natalie’s caught the eye of one of Mike’s friends, Connor, who kisses her one night after school. Worst of all, Natalie starts to like him in return. 

Natalie’s perfect senior year crumbles. She sneaks out to see Connor nightly, letting her grades suffer in exchange for secret kisses. Natalie’s confidence wavers as she thinks about how people would perceive her if they find out. She might have feelings for Connor, but she says that “the realization that other people would judge what I’d done spoiled everything.” Their relationship becomes strained and awkward when Natalie can’t accept Connor outside their private nights. In addition, Natalie doesn’t speak to Autumn for weeks, and constantly butts heads with Spencer over the way she chases male attention. Disaster strikes when a nude photo of Spencer circulates, and Natalie knows that Mike is the culprit. Spencer begs Natalie not to get involved, but in an effort to protect Spencer, Natalie gets Mike in trouble. Retaliation is swift – Mike reveals that Natalie has been seeing Connor, and suddenly the perfect class president is perfect no more.

When Natalie’s whole world crumbles, she decides that her reputation is not as important as her relationships. Natalie has to accept that some part of her does like boys, and that she loved her time with Connor. The book encourages girls to explore their sexuality as long as they’re comfortable and in control of the situation. Natalie learns she’s okay not having perfect grades or being the perfect student council president. She says, “It didn’t matter if I was the kind of girl who had sex, or the kind of girl who had her portrait on the wall in the library, or the kind of girl who got into the best college . . . I just needed to be okay with all the kinds of girl I was.” She reconciles with Spencer and Autumn, and even asks Connor out on a real date. Not That Kind of Girl ends with Natalie accepting that she can be focused on her goals while still having a relationship. 

This story is narrated in the first person and is an interesting take on high school drama. It can be quite vulgar when the students talk about each other and the things they’ve done, but it is not a complicated read. In fact, Not That Kind of Girl is not the kind of book you’re expecting – the narrator, Natalie, is not the typical “hero-like” narrator. Instead, Natalie is incredibly judgmental about people’s actions and concerned about how she’s perceived, which ruins many of her relationships. While readers may find it hard to stomach Natalie’s harsh criticism, this is a story about a character who learns to be more accepting. 

Natalie realizes that she’s been hypocritical and that it’s not possible to know someone by making assumptions. Natalie used to believe getting into a relationship was a girl’s downfall, but she realizes how wonderful it can be. Natalie starts to understand that just because someone likes boys doesn’t mean that they don’t aspire to do other things. Some readers may have trouble relating to Natalie, but a key aspect of the book is learning to accept that everyone has a different idea of success. At the beginning of the story, Natalie believes that a girl can’t have a relationship and be successful, but the events of the story prove her wrong. Readers can learn a lot from Natalie’s willingness to admit her wrongs and her attempts to be more open-minded. Not That Kind of Girl shows how, when confronted with challenges and opportunities that redefine you, you can either run away or face them head-on. Natalie realizes that her fear of how people perceive her is negatively impacting her life. When she accepts the person she always refused to be, Natalie finds freedom and happiness where she least expects it.

Sexual Content 

  • Natalie says guys will have a successful high school experience if they “wear a condom.”
  • Natalie describes an infamous high school couple as people who “fooled around.” According to Natalie, the girl “took things slow, preferring sweet kisses while walking through piles of crispy autumn leaves over half-naked wrestling matches.” 
  • Natalie describes how two students, Autumn and Chad, almost hooked up in the locker room. “Chad greeted [Autumn] with a grin. A moment later, before they’d even said hello, they were kissing. Which quickly turned into groping. . . Chad tried to convince her with words, with kisses. . . He pleaded with her to stay. After all, she’d barely touched him, and he was so turned on. . . [Autumn] leaned in to kiss [Chad]. A cute peck aimed for the tip of his nose, to make it all okay.” Autumn leaves to go back to class and Chad starts to ignore her. 
  • Natalie says that before this incident with Autumn and Chad, Chad’s “inability to get off with a freshman had become a running joke. . . He’d complain of blue balls after he’d drive [Autumn] home, or hump his locker door in mock frustration after [Autumn] hugged him good morning.” Everyone knew that he was going to hook up with Autumn in the locker room, but when it didn’t happen, he needed an excuse, so he started a rumor that Autumn smells bad. He starts to call Autumn “Fish Sticks” and breaks up with her.
  • Natalie says everyone forgets about the “Fish Sticks” incident months later, “when a junior supposedly had a three-way in her parent’s shower.”
  • Spencer bends down in the hallway, accidentally revealing her underwear. Natalie says, “The girl was kneeling on the floor. . . Her pleated uniform skirt tipped forward like a ringing church bell. A small triangle of lavender mesh barely shielded her rear from the entire hallway.” 
  • Natalie tells Spencer that people can see her underwear. “When you bent over before, you could see everything. And a bunch of boys were enjoying the view.” After Natalie leaves, Spencer bends down again, “her butt back on display for everyone. The eyes of the passing football players flitted to the left as if Spencer’s ass gave off a high-pitched noise at a frequency only boys could detect. One of the guys snatched a binder and flapped it furiously toward Spencer’s rear end, trying to make a strong enough breeze so her skirt would flutter up even higher.” 
  • A jock, Mike Domski, runs for student council with a poster “with a cartoon version of [himself], smoking a cigar and flanked by two busty bikini girls.”
  • Natalie says that one day Mike Domski will marry “a pregnant stripper.”
  • Mike vandalizes Natalie’s student council campaign poster. Originally the poster said “Vote For Natalie, a Leader with Experience.” Mike “had taken a marker and done some doodling at my expense. He had given me a mustache, drawn two enormous penises (one for each of my hands), and a bunch of question marks hovering over my head. He’d crossed out Leader and written VIRGIN on top of it. And squeezed the word NO in before Experience.”
  • When Natalie gets mad at Mike, he says, “I have to say Natalie, your level of intensity is pretty hot. . . I’m actually getting a chubby.” When Natalie tells him to stop, Mike says, “I’m only kidding with you. . . You could never give me a hard-on. You’re like. . . dick repellent.”
  • Natalie drives by a house party where the boys from the football team run out in front of her car drunk. “I tried to inch my car forward, but [it was] pinned by the human roadblock, forced to witness their drunken celebration.” 
  • While the football players surrounded Natalie’s car, “Mike Domski tossed aside a beer can and started humping my hood ornament. . . . ‘I’m trying!’ he moaned. ‘Oh, God, I’m trying!’ After Mike pretended to bring my Honda to orgasm, the laughing boys made their way up the front lawn.”
  • Spencer says that Natalie and Mike have “sexual tension.”
  • When Natalie asks Connor to donate wood for a bonfire, Mike says, “Natalie wants your wood. Bad.” Natalie says, “I don’t need anybody’s wood. I can buy my own wood. . . ” She later realizes what she said and “dream[s] about a tragic accident where Mike’s crotch caught fire.”
  • Spencer and her friends wear inappropriate shirts to school. “Each shirt had a pair of bulbous footballs positioned like pasties over their boobs. And above them, the same single word was printed across the chest, curling in a perfect arch. Rosstitute.” This is a combination of Ross Academy and prostitution. When one of the teachers tells Spencer to change, she takes off her shirt in the hallway. “She took off her shirt, right there, in the middle of the hallway. Her bra was a pink gingham number, with a tiny rosette in the center, underwire working overtime to hoist and enhance a modest amount of cleavage.” 
  • Natalie overhears the football boys talking. Mike says, “I’d like to make that Spencer girl’s titties my business. . . Did you see her dancing? I mean, she’s practically a stripper.” One of the players reminds Mike that Spencer isn’t interested in him because she likes Connor. Mike replies, “You think a girl like her will turn celibate because Connor shuts her down? Trust me, man. The Domski will make it happen. And none of you guys better try and cock block me.” 
  • A football player says, “That skinny blond freshman would be cute if she weren’t totally flat. I might as well feel up my little brother.” 
  • Mike says that Natalie is “the kind of chick who’d cut off your balls in the middle of the night. . . I wouldn’t be surprised at all to hear Natalie has a bigger dick than I do.”
  • Spencer says that girls aren’t permitted to have “sexual needs” in the same way guys are. “I won’t be villainized because I happen to like being sexual. . . Forcing girls to be ashamed for doing the things that come naturally to them – it’s a ridiculous double standard, and we should all, frankly, tell anyone who judges us to screw off.” 
  • During an all-girls meeting, one of the girls admits that she gave a guy a hand job to prove that people treat her differently because she experimented with her sexuality, “My brother found out I gave a hand job to one of his friends, and now he won’t even look at me.” Spencer says, “That’s horrible! Because I bet your brother wishes a girl would give him a hand job. But because you’re his sister, you’re dirty.” 
  • Spencer shows Natalie a picture of “a back-to-school pictorial, where a sexed-up vamp of a teacher stood on her desk in fishnets and stilettos, with schoolboys cowering in a pile on the floor.” 
  • Connor kisses Natalie. Connor “took another step. A big step, closing the gap of air between us. And then he kissed me. He grabbed me and kissed me, and his whole body tensed up. . . When I felt him pull away, I leaned forward and kissed him harder. . . This kiss had heat behind it.” 
  • On Halloween, Spencer dresses as a “slutty construction worker.” The outfit “consisted of a skintight little denim minidress cut to look like a pair of overalls. She had a tight white cami on underneath, and the whole thing fit her like a corset, her boobs bubbling up over the top. The skirt stopped right underneath her butt cheeks, and when she dipped and bent to the music, you got flashes of a pair of electric orange booty shorts. . . She really, truly looked like a stripper.”
  • At the Halloween dance, Natalie notices Connor looking at another girl. Natalie says, “Of course guys like Connor were going to notice the scantily clad girls dancing in front of them. . . Immunity to booty and boobs did not occur in teenage boys.”
  • Spencer tells Natalie she looks hot. “Natalie, you have such a good body. Your butt looks totally hot in those pants. Why are you hiding it from everyone?. . . You could get any guy in this room, if you just loosened up a little.”
  • Connor and Natalie meet secretly in a shed behind Connor’s house, where they kiss. Natalie “leaned in and kissed him fast. . . And then he kissed me. This time with lips parted, as if he was whispering into my mouth. . . His hands moved up to my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. He was warm, hot even. I wrapped my arms around his neck, tucked my fingers down into the back of his collar. My whole body folded into his warmth, and then we both lay down. . . We were moving and pressing and shifting all over each other.” They end the kiss after a while. 
  • Spencer tricks Mike into meeting her at a movie theater. Later, she tells the story to Natalie. Spencer says, “I told Mike to whip it out and have it ready for me. He wrote back, You nasty little girl. . . Anyway, a bunch of girls and I were already hiding in the very last row, and we could see him shimmying and wriggling in his seat. I ducked out and found the manager and let him know that there was a boy with his pants down in theater twelve.”
  • While Natalie and Connor kiss, he tries to undo her bra. “Connor pulled me on top of him, and his hands slid up my back again. . . His fingers tucked underneath my bra strap, then he pinched the closure, trying to pop the hook open.” Natalie stops him.
  • Natalie tells Connor that she knows he lost his virginity in eighth grade. She says that everyone knew that Connor had gotten really drunk and had sex with a girl on New Year’s Eve.
  • Natalie gets a splinter in her rear while in the shed. Connor has to help her pull it out. “Suddenly my left butt cheek burned bad enough for me to gasp. . . I rolled over to my knees and stuck my butt up in the air. . . I unzipped my pants and pulled my jeans down. I’d never been undressed in front of a boy before.” 
  • Natalie looks at herself in the mirror and is unhappy with what she sees. “I wished that I had bigger boobs. . . I turned sideways and stared at the dimpled skin on my upper thigh.” Natalie wondered, “Is this the kind of stuff Connor would see if I let him look at me naked?” 
  • Spencer uses the gesture of wiggling a pinky to make fun of Mike. She says, “I invented a hand gesture to make fun of Mike Domski. It means teeny peeny, and it’s caught on like wildfire.” 
  • Spencer asks if Natalie’s guy is “all good down there” to which Natalie replies that she’s a virgin. Spencer says, “Like a total sex virgin? Or a straight-up intercourse virgin? Because I haven’t had complete sex with anyone before, either, though I’ve done lots of other stuff.”
  • Natalie and Connor have sex. “I lifted up my T-shirt and shimmied out of my pants. I unhooked my bra and slid down my underwear. . . I took Connor’s clothes off too. . . I rolled on top of him and let gravity press us together. Lips, chest, abdomen, thighs. I wasn’t planning to have sex with him. Only now it was all I wanted. . . The entire world fell away until it was just me and Connor. Finally.”
  • A naked picture of Spencer starts to circulate at school. Connor shows Natalie the picture. “Nothing could have prepared me for seeing Spencer like this on the tiny pixelated screen. Her curls, her puckered lips, her bare breasts cast forward toward the cameraman.”
  • Connor gets mad at Natalie for defending Spencer. Natalie says, “Mike takes naked photos of a fourteen-year-old girl and spreads them to the whole school, and I’m the one who did something wrong? . . . I wish that Spencer had kept her freaking boobs covered up… I also wish that the whole school didn’t think I’m a slut.”


  • When Mike Domski calls Autumn “Fish Sticks” in the cafeteria, Natalie “reached for the closest object and hurled it at Mike. That turned out to be a slice of my pizza, and it hit him square in the chest.” 
  • Spencer says she wants to cut Autumn’s ex-boyfriend’s balls off because he started the “Fish Sticks” rumor.

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Natalie says there is a “smoker’s tree” at her school.
  • Autumn takes Natalie to a party where there are guys smoking and drinking. “We came upon a big boulder. . . A bunch of guys sat on it, drinking beers and blowing smoke into the night sky.”
  • Natalie says that girls avoid the bathroom by the teacher’s lounge, so they don’t get caught smoking cigarettes. 
  • At the Halloween dance, Natalie smells beer on Connor’s breath.


  • Curse words like ass, shit, bitch, and damn are used occasionally.
  • Occasionally, the teens call each other names such as asshole, bitch, boners, sluts, and nympho.
  • Spencer says, “Mrs. Dockey was just bitching about Principal Hurley not approving her costume budget for the school musical. She actually said that she ‘can’t put on the Wizard of Oz with fucking bedsheets and a burlap sack.’”
  • A football player calls Connor a “lucky bastard” for getting Spencer’s attention.
  • Spencer says that she’s “not looking to shack up with some pervert.”
  • When Natalie tries to host a girls-only event, Mike wants to sign up. He says, “This girl’s night is more of a vaginathon. No dick allowed.” Spencer steps up and says, “That’s right, Mike. No dicks, no dickheads, no cocks, no penises, no wieners, no weewees, no boners, no dongs, no dill weeds, no scrotums allowed. Which, I think, are all adjectives used to describe you.” Mike gives Spencer the middle finger and leaves. 
  • Natalie and Autumn look at Halloween costumes, which Natalie finds too revealing. She says that she’s not going to be “slutting it up” on Halloween. At the Halloween dance, Natalie calls Spencer a “stripper” and calls another girl “Slutty Sherlock Holmes.”
  • Natalie calls Connor “as big of a dick as Mike Domski.” 
  • “Oh God” or “My God” are both used occasionally. 


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • Natalie thinks about a biblical story when things feel awkward between her and Connor. “I thought about Adam and Eve. How they’d been so happy, playing naked in the garden. And then in one moment, it all turned to shame.”

The Wolves are Waiting

When fifteen-year-old Nora Melchionda wakes up, dizzy and disoriented, half-naked on the town’s golf course, with her underwear hanging from a flagstick, she doesn’t remember a thing. She was drinking a root beer, enjoying the Frat Fair, an annual fundraiser held by the local school fraternities, and the next thing Nora remembers is waking up next to her best friend, Cam, on the putting green. During the time that Nora doesn’t remember, “anything could have happened. Anything.

Before that night, Nora’s life seemed perfect. She had good grades, she was a star player on the field hockey team, and she had a great circle of friends and a supportive family. Most importantly, Nora always had her father, Rhett Melchionda. Nora’s father was her personal hero and the athletic director of Faber University. He always said his job was to protect her. 

But after that night, Nora’s world comes crashing down. What Nora thought was true about the town she grew up in, the university, her father, and her family is all turned upside down. Through searching for the truth of what happened, her friends Cam and Adam Xu and her older brother Asher, uncover the larger truth about the town and university. The teens realize the attempted sexual assault of Nora was not an isolated incident, but part of a decades-long rampage of sexual violence tied to fraternities. To make matters worse, the violence has been swept under the rug.

While this story deals with the difficult topics of sexual assault and harassment, The Wolves are Waiting beautifully tackles this theme from different angles, from examining the prevalence of rape culture to highlighting the experience of survivors of sexual assault and harassment. This book raises important questions about societal beliefs surrounding sexual assault, including the trivialization of sexual assault. It questions why those in power often implicitly trust the word of assailants over victims. For example, when Nora confronts her dad about stories of college athletes sexually assaulting women, he dismisses her, saying “Events can be misinterpreted in the light of day.” 

The Wolves are Waiting also raises questions about the culture of victim blaming. Nora and others are continuously asked what they were wearing or what they were drinking or what they said, rather than simply being believed. When repeatedly asked if she had been drinking the night she was assaulted, Nora “flare[s] up with anger.” Nora explains “What difference did it make if she was drunk, or high, or roofied, or sober, or wearing a prairie dress, or a thong, or if she knew the guys, or if she’d never seen them before in her life? . . . Why should she thank [Adam] for believing her? She was telling the truth.” While some of this questioning is highly pointed in the attempt to discredit victims like Nora, The Wolves are Waiting shows how seemingly innocent questions or comments with good intent can actually help perpetuate these problematic social issues. As these questions are raised throughout the novel, it asks both the characters and the audience to reexamine their beliefs surrounding sexual assault and the harmful, yet prevalent stereotypes in society about sexual assault and survivors.

In The Wolves are Waiting, Natasha Friend examines the experience of survivors of sexual assault and their process of healing after trauma. At first, Nora is in disbelief and doesn’t want to talk about what happened that night. “I’m fineI’m fine. I’m fine,” she keeps telling herself, hoping for it to be true. She also begins to push away her family and her friend Cam, who is hell-bent on finding the perpetrators of Nora’s attack and bringing them to justice. In reality, Nora feels alone, scared, and traumatized by her experience. But with the support of friends and family, she realizes she is not alone in her experience. After realizing her own silence will only perpetuate the problems in her town, Nora speaks out ferociously, “tell[ing] her story . . . own[ing] every word of it . . . set[ting] herself free.”

The Wolves are Waiting is a must-read because it tackles serious societal issues and misconceptions surrounding sexual assault. It considers not only the perspective of survivors of assault but also bystanders, showing how not speaking up makes one complicit in larger systems of abuse. Nora is an incredibly compelling character. She is strong and independent, yet also flawed. She is forced to re-evaluate the world around her. The Wolves are Waiting breaks down harmful stereotypes and misconceptions about sexual assault while also teaching readers the importance of questioning societal beliefs, even ones you hold to be the truth.

Sexual Content 

  • At a party, Cam sees Nora’s brother, Asher. Cam and Asher begin to talk. She tells him that he is not wasting his time pursuing art. “He looked so quintessentially Asher that Cam was overwhelmed by a sudden desire to hug him . . . It was a little awkward. Her nose rammed into his shoulder. She stepped away almost as quickly as she’d stepped toward him. But then. Then. Cam felt something warm on her face. It was . . . Asher’s hand, cupping her cheek . . . He bent down and pressed his lips to hers. Cam was 100 percent sober, but Asher’s kiss was like three slugs of Manischewitz straight from the bottle. When she came up for air, she felt warm and dizzy. ‘Was that okay?’ he said. And she said, ‘Definitely.’ They kissed again. And again.”
  • Cam and Nora promised “each other, back in sixth grade . . . They had vowed to share every boy-related detail, which was how Cam knew that Nora had tongue-kissed a Jersey boy named Evan Fendelbaum at Becca Bomberg’s bat mitzvah, and Nora knew that Cam had seen Kyle Tenhope’s erection through his swim trunks at the track team’s end-of-season pool party freshman year.”
  • Nora compares herself to other girls her age. “Nora knew there were girls her age . . . who were already having sex – not just making out with someone in the back row of the movie theater – legit sex. Nora also knew how guys talked. . . Nora never wanted guys to talk about her that way, which was why she never let Adam get very far. There had been kissing, yes. There had been up-the-shirt action, yes. But Nora always drew the line there.”
  • When Nora’s dad comes home from a game, he grabs Nora’s mother “around the waist and dipped her so low, her hair touched the floor.” Her father and mother kiss. “Nora didn’t love watching her parents make out in the middle of the kitchen, either. It was awkward.”
  • Outside the gym one day, Adam, Nora’s “kind-of boyfriend,” and Nora see each other. Adam “kissed her, for the first time, by the flagpole in front of the school – and another twenty times after that.” That morning, the two sit together. Adam “leaned in, kissing her lightly on the lips. She pulled away,” feeling uncomfortable. Normally, Adam was irresistible to Nora. “Every time he kissed her, he made her feel all melty inside. But now . . . how to explain? Thinking about his tongue darting inside her mouth made Nora think about other tongues darting inside her mouth, other hands touching her body.”
  • At school, Adam walks by and “whistle[s] through his teeth” at Nora. Nora explains the boys “made jokes behind her back about what kind of sauce she would taste like . . . and how they’d like to spread her on a sandwich.”
  • A few days after her assault, a picture of Nora circulates on the internet. “Her back was to the camera, and her head was resting on someone’s shoulder – a big blond guy in a gray hoodie. His arm was wrapped around her waist. A dark-haired guy in a red shirt was on the other side of her, laughing. His hand was on her butt, lifting her skirt.”
  • Standing outside Nora’s room, Cam and Asher look at each other. Cam imagines what could happen: “One step closer, and his breath would be on her face. One tip of the chin, and his mouth would be on hers. His hands, gripping the back of her head. His lips, his tongue. It took Cam a few seconds to come to her senses.”
  • After gym class, a group of guys were in the locker room when, “Kevin stood on a bench, held up his phone, and said, ‘Who wants to see some prime FU titties?’ . . . because Kevin had the newest iPhone with the biggest, brightest screen, the photo was right there in HD for everyone to gawk at. A pair of breasts barely contained by a lace white bra, with something black scrawled between them.”
  • When Cam goes to a fraternity party to do recognizance for Nora’s case, she meets a frat boy. He asks to kiss her. Cam “thought for a moment. She was sober. And he was asking. And maybe kissing him was the way to extract the information she needed. Also, if she was being completely honest with herself, she was curious. She’d only made out with high school guys. There wasn’t anything wrong with a little experiment, was there? A little compare and contrast in the name of science? It’s not like she was planning to have sex with him. The next thing Cam knew, they were kissing . . . Intellectually, she wanted to stop – she did – but her hormones had suddenly taken the wheel, and Malik was a great kisser . . . Malik had definitely more experience. The circles he was making with his tongue. The way his hands were holding her hips, lifting her up to meet him . . . And then he pulled away, breathless.”
  • After going out for ice cream, Cam and Asher talk outside of Asher’s house about everything that has conspired in the last few days including her going to a frat party and kissing a college boy. While upset, Asher agrees to move past the incident and asks her to the homecoming dance. The two kiss. As Cam walked home “her face was raw from kissing, but she didn’t care. The fact of the matter was, she could have kissed Asher all night.”  


  • This story surrounds Nora’s attempted sexual assault and rape by three fraternity boys. Adam Xu stumbled across the assault, “one of the figures was holding something in the air. A phone? Another was bent over on the ground.” He heard one of them say, “Dude, she’s completely out” and another was “taking off his pants.” When he scared the three boys off, he found Nora passed out on the ground and texted her best friend Cam to come help her. 
  • Cam found Nora “lying on the ground, spread eagle.” Nora’s underwear was hanging off the flagstick on the golf course. Later at Cam’s house, Cam encourages Nora to inspect her pubic area for “bruises or scratches.” Nora is hesitant, but when she does eventually look, she sees something. “What she had seen up in Cam’s bathroom was a mark, maybe half an inch long, on the skin of her bikini area. Not purple like a bruise. Not red like a cut. Black. . . Up close it was pretty obvious. The black mark wasn’t a birthmark or a scab or an engorged dog tick clinging to her skin. It was the number 9.” The number marked that Nora was the ninth girl to be targeted by her assaulters; as part of the initiation into one of the local frats, new members have to sleep with 18 girls. 
  • Nora and her friends had always heard stories about sexual assault on campus and sayings like “don’t walk by Greek Row alone at night.” There “was a story about a girl who’d graduated from FCS years ago . . . One night after an orchestra concert, she had been walking past the frats on her way home. Some of her brothers from Alpha Psi had been sitting outside on lawn chairs. They’d called her over. The next thing she knew, she woke up on the quad in a Faber football jersey with a Blue Devil tattoo on her boob.” There were other versions of this story, whether it was a toga or a football jersey, or what type of tattoo it was. But nevertheless, it was heavily insinuated she was drugged, assaulted, and branded.
  • Asher tells Nora and Cam about other instances of sexual violence from frat members and her father’s involvement in the cases. There was a quarterback: “A girl said he raped her behind the Iron Jug. He said it was consensual. Dad helped get him off.” A hockey player, Peyton Mallory, “sexually assaulted a sorority girl at a frat party . . . She filed a report with the university saying he did . . . The guy got off. He was never expelled. He was never even suspended from the team.”
  • After Nora’s mother finds out about the attempted assault, Nora’s mother tells her about her first college roommate, who had been raped at a frat party. The theme of the party was “King Tuts and Egyptian Sluts . . . They were handing out shots of Goldschlager, with ‘flecks of real gold,’ they told us. Amy and I had one drink. That was our rule: one drink . . . Our other rule was to stick together . . . but at some point I had to go to the bathroom, and Amy was talking to one of the frat brothers about books.” 
  • When Nora’s mother got back from the bathroom, she “looked and looked,” but explained, “I couldn’t find [my roommate] . . . I figured she and the guy she’d been talking to had hit it off. So I went back to the dorm. . . she’d been raped at the party by two of the frat’s brothers. She had no idea who they were because they looked like every other King Tut.” 
  • When they told someone from the sorority, they were dismissed and told “Don’t worry about it.” Nora’s mother took her roommate to the dean. “She told him she had been raped, and he said that was a serious accusation. He asked if she had made a police report. He asked how many drinks she’d had. What was she wearing? Who entered the room first? Did she say no? He asked if she could identify the two guys. When she said she wasn’t sure, all the King Tuts looked the same, he said, ‘Well, if you don’t know who they are, I can’t help you.’”

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • After Cam finds Nora on the night she is assaulted, Cam asks Nora, “What did you drink? Rum? Vodka? . . . Tequila?” Nora replies adamantly, “‘No, Camille.’ Cam knew she didn’t drink alcohol. Ever since that sleepover at Becca Bomberg’s house the last day of ninth grade, when the three of them drank an entire bottle of Manischewitz and Nora projectile-vomited into a potted plant on Becca’s porch.”
  • Since Nora was found passed out, Cam believes something was put in Nora’s drink. While originally the two think it’s roofies or Rohypnol, Cam has Nora’s hair sample tested and it shows that Nora was in fact drugged with “GHA. Gamma hydroxybutyric acid, otherwise known as liquid ecstasy.”
  • At a party, “one of the guys would bring out a bottle – whatever they could find in their parent’s liquor cabinets – pass it around. To avoid drawing attention to himself, Adam would take a few sips. Fifteen minutes later- bam. His face would heat up and start to tingle. His eyes would go bloodshot . . . He hated when that happened. . . . The reaction in Adam’s body was the result of an accumulation of acetaldehyde, a metabolic by-product of the catabolic metabolism of alcohol.”
  • The night Nora was assaulted, Cam was at Kyle Tenhope’s party, “on the Tenhopes’ front stoop, holding a beer and scrolling through her phone . . . everyone inside the house had been well on their way, but Cam had only had two sips of warm keg beer.” 
  • At the party a boy was wearing a yellow construction hat attached to two beer cans and was drinking through a tube. . . They found Kyle in the far corner of the kitchen, pumping beer from a keg.”
  • After a game one night, Nora’s father comes home after a few “victory beers.”
  • At a soccer game, the stands are “packed. Nora was aware of all the bodies pressed in around her. At one point, a guy tried to push past her to get to an empty spot. Nora could smell him. Beer. Sweat. For a second, she panicked.”
  • When Cam goes to a fraternity party to do recognizance, everyone is drunk. She is approached by some guy, who “lifted the cup in his hand, taking a sip of neon green – what? Toxic waste? Battery acid?”
  • As Adam tries to get access to a private Instagram account, he messages a fraternity member. After a while the fraternity member messages, “I am just drunk enough to give you 10 min” and he allows Adam access.


  • Profanity is used often. This profanity includes shit, fucking, slut, bitch, and bullshit.
  • Some of the profanity in the book is only implied, such as the use of “eff’s” or “effing.”


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • None

The Astonishing Color of After

After her mother died of suicide, Leigh Chen Sanders is only sure of one thing—when her mother died, she turned into a large, beautiful, red bird.

Days after her mother dies, Leigh feels “colorless, translucent . . . [like] a jellyfish caught up in a tide, forced to go wherever the ocean willed.” She begins sleeping on the downstairs sofa, farthest away from where her mother died. The night before the funeral, Leigh hears a “sharp rap on the front door.” She is greeted by a “red-crowned crane . . . with a long feathery tail” where “every feather [is] a different shade of red, sharp and gleaming.” “Leigh,” the bird cries out, in the voice of her mother. Suddenly, the bird flies away and all Leigh is left with is “a single scarlet feather.”

Leigh tries to explain to her father what she has seen, but he is dismissive of her. After the bird delivers a package and note from Leigh’s maternal grandparents, asking Leigh to visit them in Taiwan, he still doesn’t fully believe her. Eventually, after Leigh’s father is visited by a strange wind and even stranger red feathers, he finally books himself and Leigh two plane tickets to Taiwan.

In Taiwan, Leigh meets her maternal grandparents for the first time. It’s awkward because even though she is half Taiwanese, Leigh does not speak Mandarin Chinese and knows very little about her grandparents. To make matters worse, after an argument with Leigh’s grandparents, her father decides to leave for Hong Kong, leaving Leigh alone with them.

But Leigh decides to take advantage of being in Taiwan. She is determined to find her mother—as the bird—and search for answers about her mother’s death. She asks her grandmother and her grandmother’s friend, Feng, to take her to every place her mother loved, in the hopes of finding traces of her mother and of the bird. On Leigh’s journey, she finds a box of incense. Every time Leigh lights one of the sticks of incense, she is brought through space and time into memories of the past—some are her own memories, but others are her mother’s and grandmother’s memories. As Leigh enters each memory, she learns more about her family history and their secrets, including memories about an aunt that Leigh never knew she had, and memories about her mother’s illness and the pain she went through. Through her search for her mother, Leigh connects with her grandparents and eventually finds comfort in their support and love.

As she grieves, Leigh also comes to terms with her mother’s suicide. While her mother was taking her own life, Leigh was kissing her long-time best friend, Axel. In a way, she not only feels responsible for her mother’s death but also for ruining her friendship with Axel. As Leigh travels through time and memory, she also traces her friendship with Axel, wondering where they went wrong and why their friendship was “crumbling.”

The Astonishing Color of After is a story about loss and grief, but also about love and growing up. In the end, Leigh never truly catches her mother, the bird. Yet as Leigh is grieving, she learns to remember her mother during both her illness and during the happy moments. Leigh realizes that catching the bird will not fix the pain she feels. She learns to accept that, when grieving, it will hurt for a long time.

Since The Astonishing Color of After deals with difficult topics of suicide, depression, and mental health, it is better suited for a high school audience. Leigh explains, “[My mother’s] illness was something I’d been afraid to look at head-on . . . There was also the fiery, lit-up version of my mother. How could a person like her be depressed?” Leigh discusses the stereotypical image she had of a depressed person, that made her “think of this group of kids at school who wore all black and thick eyeliner and listened to angry music and never showed their teeth.” Leigh comes to understand that depression is a disease, and her mother’s illness did not have a singular cause, that no one is to blame for her suicide. Leigh learns, “We can’t change anything about the past. We can only remember. We can only move forward.”

Overall, The Astonishing Color of After is a fantastic book. Though it deals with serious issues, it also works to break down barriers surrounding mental health. Leigh is a great leading character who is a flawed, complex person, who struggles to understand the world around her. But she is also incredibly strong and brave as she works through grief and tragedy. She shows readers that even in one’s darkest times there is hope, not necessarily for things to return to normal, but to move forward. With beautiful prose, terrific characters, and great use of magical realism, The Astonishing Color of After is a must-read.

Sexual Content 

  • Axel, Leigh’s long-time crush and best friend, kisses her. “Instead of bursting into sparks, my body froze.” Then, “Axel’s hands stretched around my back and unlocked me. I was melting, he had released my windup key, and I was kissing back hard, and our lips were everywhere and my body was fluorescent orange no, royal purple no. My body was every color in the world, alight.”
  • Caro, Leigh’s good friend, complains to Leigh about her family’s snowboarding trip. Caro exclaims “My grandparents were killing me . . . half the time they sat in the lodge making out.”
  • Leigh and Axel join Caro and her girlfriend Cheslin at a photo shoot. “At one point, Cheslin began to shed her clothes. Off came the shorts, the tank. She unhooked her bra–.” While Axel and Leigh are slightly bothered by her actions, Cheslin shrugs saying, “It is, after all, just a body.” Eventually, Axel and Leigh walk away from the photo shoot. They comment on Caro and Cheslin’s intimacy, saying “It was almost like we were watching them have sex or something.”
  • After almost seeing Axel naked, Leigh is flustered. Thinking about that specific memory, Leigh explains, “My right hand ended up down between my legs and I wondered about sex. I thought of all the skin you saw in R-rated movies and the way bare limbs just slid together like they were made to be entwined. I thought of Axel, imagined us sitting on his couch and taking off our clothes.”
  • During a school dance, Leigh is talking to a senior. He asked her if she had “ever been kissed” and she replied no. He then leans in and Leigh thinks, “I knew what was coming. His face loomed close, his lips first finding the edges of mine before sliding in toward the center. He was eager with his tongue, and he didn’t taste great.” When he leaned in again, Leigh “moved aside before he could make contact,” and walked quickly away.
  • When Leigh asks Caro how her relationship is going, Caro confides in her that she and Cheslin have “decided [they’re] ready to . . . y’know. Go all the way.”
  • After Axel and Leigh discuss their feelings for each other, Leigh does “possibly the bravest thing I’ve ever done: I close the space between us and kiss him hard. He’s surprised for only a fraction of a second. Then my hands are at his face, peeling his glasses up over his head and tossing them on my nightstand. My body, drawing him down onto the bed. His lips, between my teeth. Our legs, sliding against each other.”


  • The premise of this book surrounds the topic of suicide, as Leigh’s mother kills herself. The act is not described in great detail, as Leigh “never saw the body up close.” She explains, “All I could see were my mother’s legs on the floor” and a large pool of blood.
  • Suicidal thoughts are briefly mentioned. In a memory, Leigh sees her mother “rising from her bed in the middle of the night. She walks quietly, slowly avoiding the creaks in the floor. Down in the garage, she slides into the sedan and sits in the driver’s seat, car keys biting into her palm. She’s thinking. Debating. If she turns on the car. If she doesn’t open the garage door. If no one in the house wakes, and she falls asleep at the wheel. The vehicle doesn’t even have to move. She could sleep forever.”

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Before she dies, Leigh’s mother takes “a bottle of sleeping pills.”
  • When searching for a note left by her mom, Leigh and her father find “a pile of capsules. . .  Mom’s antidepressants” in the garbage; they hadn’t been taken in weeks.
  • Leigh’s mom was taking medicine for her depression and Leigh often sees her mom with a yellow pill bottle next to her. At one point, Leigh’s dad explains her mom has “tried so many medications. They work well for a lot of people, but they haven’t really worked on her.”
  • In a memory, Leigh sees her mother “in the basement, holding a bottle of OxyContin and a jug of bleach. She heard once that it takes ten seconds for something swallowed to reach the stomach.” Before Leigh can see more, the memory moves on. 
  • During a school dance, Leigh goes outside for air and sees a senior. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a steel flask, “unscrewed the top and took a swig.” He offers some to Leigh, but she declines. 


  • Profanity is used sparingly. Profanity includes goddamn, shit, and bullshit.


  • One visit, the bird delivers a box, saying “The box is from your grandparents . . . bring it with you.” The box contains “yellowed letters, neat in a bundle. A stack of worn photographs, most of them black-and-white . . . [and] an intricately carved [jade] cicada” necklace, the necklace Leigh’s “mother wore every single day of her life.” Later, Leigh finds out her “grandparents put this package together [and] they burned it. . . They burned it so that your mother could have these with her on her next journey.”
  • One night “some strange, unexplainable compulsion makes” Leigh “roll out of bed and walk over to the dresser.” She finds “a curved Winsor red feather. And a slim, rectangular box [she’s] never seen.” Inside are “long sticks smelling of smoke and wreckage and used-up matches . . . incense.” Holding them, Leigh explains, “It’s strangely hot, like it’s been warming in the sun. And then: the whispering. The tiniest, most hushed of voices. It’s coming from the incense.” When lit, “the smoke that rises is inky black, drawing lines through the air . . . The smoke fills the room, until there’s only black.” By lighting each incense stick, Leigh is brought back in time, visiting memories. 
  • One night, as Leigh tries to fall asleep, she begins to see odd things. Leigh explains, “It happens in a flash, in a blink: My eyes close, and when they open again, the room is bright as day, the ceiling so white it’s glowing—except for the inky cracks branching off in all different directions about me. . . The in-between lines so thin, so black – like there’s nothing beyond that layer of ceiling but a gravity-defying abyss.” In the subsequent days, Leigh notices that the cracks on her ceiling are “widening, spreading farther. They’ve stretched across the entire surface and begun fissuring down the walls. An entire corner’s missing, like someone just took out a chunk of it. There’s nothing to be seen there, only oblivion made of the blackest black.” 
  • As Leigh wonders if her mother is a bird, something happens. “It’s as if my thoughts summon some kind of magic. The colors of my room begin to deepen their hues, like flowers blossoming. Crimson in the corners. Cerulean along the southern crack. Indigo by the window. Bioluminescent green tracing the creases of the wall closest to the bed. The things that are already black somehow take on a truer shade, pitch dark and empty.”
  • At a restaurant with her grandmother, Leigh finds a note stuck to the bottom of a dish, it has a few lines of an Emily Dickinson poem on it. Fred, who is helping Leigh, explains “This came from a ghost.” He sends the note back by burning it. Fred tells Leigh that this poem was burned for the wedding. Leigh questions him asking “what wedding?” Fred replies, “When I married the ghost of Chen Jingling. ” Chen Jingling is Leigh’s aunt. Fred married her aunt because Leigh’s grandparents were “grieving. So they could have peaceful hearts if they know their daughter has a husband.” He continues, “It’s like a normal wedding, but they made, like, a doll for her. Using bamboo and paper. She wears real clothing and jewelry. And afterward, everything was burned. We send it all to the spirit world.” Leigh asks Fred if he’s ever seen her ghost or spirit. Fred responds, “I see and hear and feel enough to know she is there.”
  • Fred explains that in Jilong, during Ghost Month, the Ghost Festival “is so big it brings the attention of many ghosts. And because of higher concentration of ghosts, they are more noticeable to the living . . . When ghosts come up here, they become more visible.” 
  • When Feng and Leigh are in a park, they see a young child and her mother. “The girl says she sees their grandfather. Her mother’s saying that’s impossible. . . Children know the truth . . . they hadn’t learned to walk around with a veil over their eyes. That’s a habit that comes with adulthood. Kids always know what they see. That’s why ghosts can’t hide from them.”
  • On the forty-eighth day after her mother dies, Leigh awakens to a weird smell. As she steps into the hall, the “scent gathers . . . [reeling her] in, down the hallway and toward the bathroom . . .”  As she opens the shower curtain, Leigh sees “in the bottom of the tub is a thick layer of feathers, dark and drenched, sticky and shining red.” Leigh calls her grandmother, but her grandmother does not see what Leigh is seeing. 
  • After the final memory Leigh sees, she “land[s] on the moon. Not the whole moon, but just a patch of it.” She is greeted by her mother, the bird. Her mother tells Leigh, “Goodbye.” Then, the “bird rises higher and higher. She turns and arcs. [Leigh] watch[es] as she burst[s] into flames . . . She burns like a star.”
  • Weird things happen to Leigh’s phone. For example, it begins to play music randomly – music Axel made for her. Leigh has been getting emails from Axel, he later explains while he wrote them, he “didn’t send those emails,” but instead kept them in his drafts. But magically they were sent to Leigh, and in their place in his draft inbox is a picture of a bird’s shadow. 
  • Towards the end of the novel, Leigh finds out the true identity of Feng. She was not Leigh’s grandmother’s friend. In fact, no one even remembers Feng’s existence. Feng is revealed to be the ghost of Jingling, Leigh’s aunt. She was there as Leigh’s guide “during the most difficult times,” after Leigh’s mother’s passing.

Spiritual Content 

  • In Taiwan, Leigh, her grandmother, and Feng visit Leigh’s mother’s favorite Taoist temple. Her grandmother explains to Leigh that her mother “would come here when she needed guidance when she was looking for an answer.” In “the heart of the temple, people bow before a crowned statue with a face of black stone, and dressed in imperial reds and gold.” 
  • In the temple, a young man is tossing things into the air. “In Taiwanese they’re called bwabwei. He’s asking his god a question. If one lands faceup and the other lands facedown, the answer is yes. If both land facedown, it means the god doesn’t like what he’s asking. If both land faceup, it means the god is laughing at him.”
  • Leigh, her grandmother, and Feng also visit a Buddhist temple, where Leigh’s mother spent most of her time and “where her spirit is.” There are hundreds of wooden plaques “painted in the color of marigolds. . . [The] yellow tablets bear the names of the dead,” including Leigh’s mother. There is a ceremony and “after a person’s death, they have forty-nine days to process their karma and let go of the things that make them feel tied to this life—things like people and promises and memories.” 


Bram’s friend Jeremy wants to go public with information about a hazing-related student death. The morning after he tells Bram this, he’s injured in a hit-and-run accident. Now Jeremy is in a coma, and Bram is trying to follow the trail that he left. The trouble is that Abby, Jeremy’s sister, is convinced that Bram’s swimming coach is to blame. Bram knows Coach is innocent, but can he prove it? And what will happen if he’s wrong?

Told from Bram’s point of view, Haze is a well-rounded swim story that highlights the dangers of hazing. Bram, who is trying out for the swim team, has always looked up to Jeremy. When Jeremy warns Bram to stay away from the swim team’s initiation party, Bram wants to understand Jeremy’s strange warning. But before the two can meet, Jeremy falls victim to a hit-and-run resulting in a coma. As Bram begins to investigate, he finds that the swim team is known for dangerous hazing, excessive drinking, and other inappropriate behavior. 

Bram’s story will captivate readers from the start because Bram’s desire to fit in is very relatable. In addition, the story quickly increases the danger and suspense. As Bram tries to piece together the clues surrounding Jeremy’s accident, he discovers that no one can be trusted—not the coach or the members of the swim team. The realistic mystery will keep readers guessing until the very end. 

As part of the Orca Sports collection, Haze is a fast-paced story that uses easy-to-read language that will appeal to reluctant readers. The high interest topic and the well-written story will entertain most teens. Plus, Bram’s story reminds readers of the dangers of excessive drinking and shows how hazing can quickly become dangerous. While the story revolves around the swim team, the mystery, and suspense will captivate non-athletic readers as well. If you’re part of a swim team and want more swim-related stories, these books are sure to make a splash: Whale Talk by Chris Crutcher and Breath Like Water by Anna Jarzab.

Sexual Content 

  • Bram and his ex-girlfriend, Abby, are at a party. She tells him that they should go into a room. Teasingly, Abby says, “Relax. I’ll leave your virtue intact. It is still intact, isn’t it?”
  • To get into her brother’s computer, Abby takes it to another student who says, “I warn you. If he has protected files, there’s a ninety-five percent chance they’re porn.” 


  • The swim team is known for hazing new teammates. The new teammates are called “pond scum” and forced to wear diapers while swimming. Another time, they had to walk across campus in their Speedos. 
  • Jeremy is hit by a car. Later, it is revealed that the driver was trying to kill Jeremy. Jeremy is in a coma for several days before he wakes up. 
  • Someone locks Bram in the sauna. In order to escape, Bram slams his body “against the door. My left cheekbone smashed the window frame, and my arm hung through the broken window. . . Deep cuts burned along my arm. Blood welled up, then started to pour from a gouge along the inside of my forearm.” Coach finds Bram and takes him to the hospital. 
  • In order to silence Bram, two of the swim team members and an adult put Bram in the trunk of a car. The adult “had a handgun pointed” at Bram.
  • Bram is taken to a boat and a swim team member, Steven, “grabbed my arm and yanked. I fell into the boat face-first, landing half on the floor and half on the rear-facing seats.” Bram is hidden in the boat’s crawl space and, later, Abby is thrown in with Bram. As the boat goes out to sea, Bram and Abby are able to jump into the ocean and swim to shore. Both are hospitalized but recover. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Three years ago, after a swim team party, one of the boys “choked on his own vomit and died.”
  • Bram goes to an off-campus party. When he walks inside, the air is “ripe with beer.” Bram finds a group of swimmers taking shots.
  • Bram finds a picture of a swim party where the coach was “holding up some kind of a large funnel. Marcus was drinking out of it while Coach poured beer in the top. . . And later that night, Marcus died of alcohol poisoning.” 


  • The new members of the swim team are referred to as “pond scum.”
  • Pissed is used infrequently. 
  • Damn and hell are both used a few times. 
  • Bastard is used twice. For example, while talking about Jeremy’s accident, the coach says, “If I ever get my hands on the bastard who did this. . .”
  • The coach uses Jesus as an exclamation once.


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • None


Basketball-crazy Jake Burnett is thrilled to be leaving home to attend prestigious Centerville Prep. It’s an opportunity to pursue his hoop dreams at the highest level. But things aren’t quite as advertised at his new school, and Jake soon finds himself struggling both on and off the court. At first, Jake is determined to play harder and ignore the warning signs. But then he discovers that his new head coach is a scam artist, putting kids at risk for his own gain. Now Jake has a difficult choice to make—advance his basketball career or do the right thing.

When Jakes upends his life to play basketball for Centerville, he soon realizes that Coach Stone wasn’t honest about the school. Despite this, Jake is pumped about being able to play basketball with other elite players. However, Coach Stone yells disparaging remarks at Jake and doesn’t give him any playing time during games. While Jake’s conflict is unique, readers who play sports will relate to Jake’s desire to play for a winning team.

When Bill Jennings, who works for the State Board of Education, starts asking questions, Jake tries to avoid him. Jake doesn’t want to do anything that might hurt the other players. Jake’s struggle to protect his teammates and please his coach is understandable. However, when Jake realizes that Coach Stone’s scheme has the potential to cause serious harm, Jake knows that keeping the coach’s secrets isn’t the right thing to do. In the end, Jake realizes that “basketball was a great game, but it didn’t define us.”

As part of the Orca Sports Series, Centerville is an engaging book written for middle-schoolers and teens. The story has a fast-paced plot and easy-to-read language that is perfect for reluctant readers. While the book is relatively short with 176 pages, Centerville’s plot and character development is well-developed and doesn’t feel rushed.

Centerville is a fast-paced basketball story that has enough play-by-play basketball to keep sports fans entertained. Because the story focuses on Jake, readers will be able to understand his struggles as well as his thinking process; this will allow readers to connect with Jake and empathize with his conflict. While Jake clearly loves basketball, he learns that basketball isn’t “everything. . . There were more important things in life—like being happy, being a good friend, living up to your word and doing the right thing.” Centerville is an easy-to-read story that will entertain as well as teach important lessons about the importance of honesty. The graphic novels The Crossover  by Kwame Alexander and Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong by Prudence Shen & Faith Erin Hicks will also be a slam dunk for basketball fans.

Sexual Content 
●      None

●      None

Drugs and Alcohol 
●      Billy, one of Jake’s basketball teammates, tries to commit suicide by drinking alcohol and taking pills. A nurse tells Jake that Billy had “been drinking. And it seems he’s taken a lot of pills.” Billy spends a night in the ICU.

●      Pissed is used occasionally.
●      Crap and damn are both used once.

●      None

Spiritual Content 
●      None

Dragon Hoops

Gene understands stories—comic book stories, in particular. Big action. Bigger thrills. And the hero always wins.

But Gene doesn’t get sports. As a kid, his friends called him “Stick” and every basketball game he played ended in pain. He lost interest in basketball long ago, but at the high school where he now teaches, it’s all anyone can talk about. The men’s varsity team, the Dragons, is having a phenomenal season that’s been decades in the making. Each victory brings them closer to their ultimate goal: the California State Championship.

Once Gene gets to know these young all-stars, he realizes their story is just as thrilling as anything he’s seen in a comic book. He knows he must follow this epic to its end. What he doesn’t yet know, is that this season is not only going to change the Dragons’ lives but his own life as well.

After meeting the members of the Dragons’ team, readers will quickly get caught up in their desire to win the state championship. Yang interviews the team’s players and coaches, which allows readers to see their unique perspectives. The graphic novel has plenty of play-by-play basketball action that reads like a comic book because of the onomatopoeias which include swish, swirl, and klang. To make it easier to keep track of the book’s events, each chapter has a large illustration and a title that describes the chapter’s events. Even though the book is broken into specific events, the varying topics, number of characters, and school rivals, make Dragon Hoops best suited for strong readers. 

Throughout the graphic novel, the history of basketball is explained, including the racism that has affected basketball players. For example, “At the turn of the twentieth century,  a ‘scientist’ proclaimed that blacks simply weren’t as fit for athletics as whites.” The scientist believed that blacks “have inferior muscle strength, inferior reasoning power, small lungs, and heavy bones.” These beliefs were proven wrong thanks in part to Marques Haynes and the Harlem Globetrotters. This book also includes interesting information about how basketball was created, women in basketball, and more.  

Since Dragon Hoops is a graphic novel, readers may not expect the story to be so complex and dense. However, the story is split between the Dragons’ quest to win a state championship, basketball history, and the author’s professional and family life. Since the story is told from Yang’s point of view, readers will understand how he became a sports fan. However, Yang’s personal struggles do little to advance the plot and could have easily been deleted. In addition, Yang includes his inner conflict when it comes to including Mike Phelps, the Dragons coach, in the book. Instead of including his thoughts on Phelps, Yang could have included more information about why Phelps was a controversial person and how it affected the team. 

Dragon Hoops features many dedicated people who went on to shake up the basketball world. However, the focus on Bishop O’Dowd High School’s basketball team allows readers to get a unique perspective and gives them a new understanding of the important history behind basketball. The players had to overcome many obstacles which make their hard work and dedication admirable. In the end, the Dragons finally win the state championship game, but more importantly, because of basketball, they make connections with others. Throughout the story, Yang highlights the players’ willingness to step onto the court because “it isn’t the fewest mistakes that win. Maybe it’s having the courage to take the next step—even at the risk of making a mistake.” Readers who love sports should also read the graphic novel The Crossover by Kwame Alexander and All Thirteen by Christina Soontornvat.

Sexual Content 

  • Thirty-six years later, one of the Dragons’ coaches, “Mike Phelps was charged with molesting a student.” At the same time, information about Roman Catholic institutions “allowing and then covering up one horrific child abuse case after another” came out. Phelps’ guilt or innocence is never proven. However, this incident caused the author to wonder if Phelps should be included in the Dragons’ story. 


  • Protests broke out over the Ferguson decision to acquit white police officers after “an unarmed young African American man was fatally shot by a white police officer.”
  • In 1947, during a game between the Syracuse Nationals and the Tri-City Blackhawks, two opponents exchanged words and a black player hit a white player. The crowd also began fighting and “the National Guard had to be called out to restore order.” The illustration has one panel that shows the black basketball player punching his opponent while another panel shows the crowd fighting.
  • When India was broken into sections for Muslims and Hindus, many Sikhs “were forced to relocate to escape persecution. In the process, hundreds of thousands of Sikhs were killed.” While Catholics study Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy on nonviolence, Jeevin Sandh (a Dragons basketball player) views Gandhi differently because Gandhi wanted the “partition of India. . . [which was the] biggest forced migration of all times. All in all, I think between 250,000 and 500,000 Sikhs were murdered.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None


  • The book’s profanity is modified with ***. Profanity is used frequently and includes Bullsh**, f***, m*****f***ers, b****, and sh**.
  • Other profanity is used infrequently. Profanity includes hell, crap, ass, and damn. 
  • Because Jeevin Sandhu’s family is from India, people taunt Jeevin, calling him names such as “F***in’ Arab! Terrorist!” Members of the audience make comments such as “Sandhu Psh. More like San-douchebag” and “Yeah, f*** you, Indian.” 


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • Before games, one of the players leads a prayer. In one prayer, the player says, “Dear Lord, thank You for this opportunity to come together as a unit. Help us do our best this Saturday.”
  • One of the boys on the Dragons team, Jeevin Sandhu, practices the Sikh faith. One page explains some basic facts about the religion such as they believe in one god, that “all humans are equal,” and they don’t cut their hair or use a wooden comb.  
  • Before a game, Jeevin Sandh says a prayer: “God is One. His name is True. He is the Creator. . . For He was True when Time Began. He has been True since the Ages. He is still True. Guru Nanak says He will forever be True.”
  • Before a game, a player prays, “Dear Lord, we thank You for putting us on the stage once again. We ask that You guide us to victory.”

Fly Away

After a member of her competitive cheerleading team is injured during practice, sixteen-year-old Marnie is asked to be a flyer – the most coveted role in cheerleading. The Soar Starlings team has a real shot at the provincial championship, and Marnie has only a few weeks to prepare. But as she scrambles to polish her lifts and throws, Marnie’s personal life begins to unravel. First, her boyfriend of two years breaks up with her, and then her best friend Arielle, captain of the Starlings, disappears during a team trip to Toronto. As Marnie struggles to adjust to being both a flyer and the team’s new captain, she realizes that to be a leader, you have to let go of old alliances to make room in your life for new ones. 

While Fly Away is told from Marnie’s point of view, the self-centered protagonist isn’t very likable. When her best friend Arielle disappears, Marnie focuses on how Arielle’s disappearance affects her. Then instead of being honest with the adults around her, Marnie and another cheerleader take off on their own to find Arielle. The two girls discover that Arielle is being taken advantage of by an older man. However, it’s unclear if Marnie reveals Arielle’s whereabouts to those concerned for her wellbeing. Instead, Marnie thinks that keeping Arielle’s activities a secret is what a best friend should do. 

Fly Away has a blend of boyfriend drama, cheerleading conflict, and mystery, which will keep the reader engaged until the very end. Plus, Marnie does show personal growth as she takes on the leadership of her cheer squad. At one point, Marnie tells the girls, “Each one of us worries about making a mistake and letting the others down. But that’s a waste of energy. It’s yourself that you need to be accountable to. Do right by you. The rest will take care of itself.”  

Fly Away will appeal to readers who are interested in cheerleading. Readers will also relate to Marnie’s desire to fit in with her cheerleading squad and her insecurity when it comes to leadership ability. The story’s high-interest topic is written specifically for teens who are reluctant readers. Because of the brevity of the book, the story leaves some unanswered questions which will frustrate some readers. Despite this, teens will relate to Marnie’s desire to be a good friend and a good leader. Readers who want a strong cheerleading protagonist worthy of cheering for should also read Exit, Pursued by a Bear by E. K. Johnston. 

Sexual Content 

  • None


  • Marnie runs from a vicious dog. The dog attacks Marnie and she “punched, blindly, in the animal’s direction, and missed. . . The dog closed its jaw around my wrist, and pain shot up my arm. I swung my leg forward and booted the dog in the throat, and it let me go.” Marnie has to go to the hospital to have the dog bite looked at.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Check Please!

Eric Bittle may be a former junior figure skating champion, vlogger extraordinaire, and very talented amateur pâtissier, but being a freshman on the Samwell University hockey team is a whole new challenge. It is nothing like co-ed club hockey back in Georgia! First of all, there’s checking (anything that hinders the player with possession of the puck, ranging from a stick check all the way to a physical sweep). And then, there is Jack—the very attractive but moody team captain. 

Check Please! is told from Bittle’s point of view, which allows the reader to connect with him and the other hockey players. Bittle is an extremely likable character who unapologetically loves to bake pies, make gift bags, and vlog. Bittle’s vlog helps keep the reader up to date on the events in his life as well as his emotions. As part of the hockey team, Bittle spends a lot of time on the ice. However, the figure skating champion often faints when someone is close to knocking into him. Despite this, the other hockey players encourage Bittle and reassure him that they’ve got his back. And when Bittle makes his first goal during a game, the reader will cheer right along with the other characters. 

Through Bittle’s experiences, readers will get an intimate view of a college hockey team. While there are many interesting characters, the team captain, Jack, takes center stage. As the son of a famous hockey player, Jack deals with anxiety and family expectations. When Bittle and Jack become friends, Bittle is conflicted because he has fallen for “a straight boy.” It isn’t until Bittle’s sophomore year that he tells anyone that he is gay. Even though Bittle is worried about his teammate’s reactions, they are unfazed by the revelation.   

Each page of the graphic novel has two panels with quote boxes. However, on some pages, there are so many quote boxes that it is difficult to keep track of who is speaking. The illustrations often focus on the “hockey haus,” which is where the hockey team lives and throws parties with lots of alcohol. In addition to the many parties, Check Please! Also has an abundance of profanity and frequent talk of hooking up, which takes away from the reading enjoyment. The story portrays the college experience as one big party with meaningless sex. 

Check Please! is an engaging graphic novel that focuses on Bittle’s unique perspective and gives readers a look into the hockey culture. The teammates’ acceptance of Bittle despite his untraditional behavior is refreshing. While the story’s fun tone will appeal to many readers, the unnecessary profanity is often overwhelming and will definitely turn away some readers. Readers looking for more sports-related books should check out Hazelwood High Trilogy by Sharon M. Draper and Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong by Prudence Shen & Faith Erin Hicks. 

Sexual Content 

  • Two hockey players talk about a girl’s text message. One boy says, “Then it’s chill—emoticons always equal pussy.” 
  • When Bittle goes to the hockey frat house, one of the guys says, “The decisions you will make in this house will be regretful but glorious. The alcohol you drink will be cheap, but plentiful and the loss of virginity you may experience within these walls will range from reassuring to emotionally damaging.” 
  • Bittle goes to a frat party. While there, he asks the guys where Jack is. Someone says, “Poor guy’s probably up in his room getting sucked off by another Zimmermann puck bunny.” 
  • Some of the guys talk about hooking up with a girl. One of the guys tells Bittle, “Holster and I are very well acquainted with Samwell’s female population, if you know what I mean. I do mean sexually.” 
  • Jack kisses Bittle. The kiss is illustrated over three pages.  


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • When Bittle sees the frat house’s kitchen stove, he says, “I bet no one’s cooked anything but pot brownies in you.” 
  • While at a frat party, some of the hockey team play a drinking game. 
  • After a game, the guys go out to pizza and some of them drink beer. 
  • As part of a hazing ritual, the new members “will crawl onto the shore of manhood naked, blindfolded, and bitch-ass shitfaced. But not alone!” The hazing is shown over two pages, and the new members are in their boxers. 
  • The book uses a fairytale-like story to show Jack, in the past, taking too many anxiety drugs and “nearly los[ing] everything.”  


  • Profanity is used on almost every page. Profanity includes bitch, damn, dicks, hell, motherfucker, fuck, shit, pussy, and goddammit. 
  • One of the characters is nicknamed “Shitty.” 
  • A fellow hockey player says, “You know what I like about you, Bittle? You’re a dude from the south and you’re not a bigoted dickfaced cockhole!” 
  • A hockey player says that one of his teammates can “turn into a fucking hockey nazi every once in a while.”  
  • While practicing talking tough, Bittle says, “I’m gonna fuck you up like the fucking pussy midget fucker you are.” 
  • Jesus Christ is used as an exclamation once. 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Piecing Me Together

Jade Butler, a black teenager in Portland, loves making art and collages. She constantly finds beauty in the mundane, everyday things that surround her. 

Jade is an ambitious, intelligent, and determined young woman striving for success. But, too often, Jade feels that in order to find success and “make something of this life, [she has] to leave home, [her] neighborhood, [her] friends.” Jade simply wants to be able to create, expressing her joys and pains, without feeling like she needs to completely change who she is. But it seems like her school, the programs she’s in, and even the world is trying to “fix” her. They want to tear her apart and make a “better” version of her. 

At school, Jade often feels like an outsider. It’s not only “because I’m black and almost everyone else is white,” Jade explains, “But because their mothers are the kind of people who hire housekeepers, and my mother is the kind of person who works as one.” Since Jade has grown up in a poor, single-parent household, her perspective on life is wildly different from her peers, which makes it difficult for her to connect with them. Moreover, Jade feels like she has been labeled the poor black girl, making her everyone’s charity case. While she is happy to accept the opportunities that come her way, Jade wishes she could be treated like the rest of the smart, successful students. She doesn’t want to be part of the mentorship program, where she was chosen because the school wants “to be as proactive as possible, and you know, well, statistics tell us that young people with your set of circumstances, are well, at risk for certain things.”  

When Jade meets her mentor, Maxine, she is again disappointed and discouraged. While Maxine is also black, she grew up in a middle-class neighborhood, with successful parents. At times Jade feels that Maxine understands her, and their friendship seems easy. But then Jade thinks, “how quick it is that Maxine reminds me that I am a girl who needs saving. She knows I want out and she has come with a lifeboat. Except I just don’t know if I can trust her hand.” Again, Jade feels like she is not being recognized fully for her successes and talents. 

In the end, Jade realizes that her situation will never change if she does not express her thoughts and feelings. “I need to speak up for myself,” Jade explains. “For what I need, for what I want.” If she wants to go on the study abroad trip to Costa Rica, she needs to advocate for her wants. If the mentorship program is upsetting her, she needs to say something about it. Jade confronts Maxine, and they talk about how they both can do better. Jade realizes even “imperfect people have things to teach you.” Furthermore, Jade realizes that she needs to take her future into her own hands and that the power of advocacy goes beyond just helping herself. 

Piecing Me Together explores racism, microaggressions, and social issues like police brutality. Throughout the novel, Jade encounters various instances of racially charged microaggressions. For example, when shopping in a store, Jade is singled out and asked to leave because she is “stand[ing] idle.” Afterward, Jade’s friend, who is white, does not understand why Jade is upset. Jade thinks “I don’t know what’s worse. Being mistreated because of the color of your skin, your size, or having to prove that it really happened.” In another instance, when Jade is taken to the opera, the volunteer leading their tour group says, “you know, some folks don’t think they can relate to this kind of music. But let me tell you, all kinds of people have been lovers of the symphony.” After Jade hears this, her “emotions are all mixed up and jumbled inside.” Jade thinks, the tour guide simply “thought we were the kind of kids who wouldn’t appreciate classical music . . . mak[ing] me feel like no matter how dressed up we are, no matter how respectful we are, some people will only see what they want to see.” 

Jade is also hyperaware of how other black people are treated. When Natasha Ramsey, a fifteen-year-old black girl, is beaten by the police, Jade cannot stop thinking about what has happened. Jade cannot help but think that Natasha “looks familiar. Like a girl [she] would be friends with.” While Jade hears about “this stuff all the time,” this time it feels personal like it could have been her. Piecing Me Together does not shy away from the realities of racism and police brutality, but it also shows the power of advocacy and community activism. Jade and her friends help organize an art event that creates an outlet for people of color to express their feelings. 

Piecing Me Together is a great book and a must-read. Jade is a strong, confident teenager, who is learning to live in the world as a black woman. She also is “discovering what [she is] really capable of.” Though this book contains serious discussions about what it means to be a person of color in America, it is also an exploration of learning how to stand up for yourself. Moreover, it is a story about the power of friends and family, who are the scaffolding that help support Jade through her journey in a world that too often is trying to tear her apart.  

Sexual Content 

  • As Jade is waiting for the bus, a drunk man approaches her. At one point “he leans in as if he’s going to kiss me.” Jade steps back, “tell[s] him to stop” and “walk[s] a few blocks to the next [bus] stop.” 
  • On the bus, a woman walks on with her “shirt [hanging] so low and is so thin, you can see her braless breasts.” 
  • Maxine and her friends tell Jade about a play entitled The Vagina Monologues. They explain “it’s a play that features stories about women . . . and rape, sex, getting your period.” 


  • Jade’s uncle, E.J., “and his friends had been shot. E.J. was okay, barely grazed on his arm. Nate was wounded badly, and Alan died at the scene.” 
  • Jade thinks about what it means to grow up and go “out into the world.” She cannot help but “watch the news and see unarmed black men and women shot dead over and over.” She then explains “it’s kind of hard to believe this world is mine.” 
  • An incident in a town near Portland catches Jade’s attention, upsetting her. Police “were called to a house party because neighbors complained about loud music.” A fifteen-year-old girl, Natasha Ramsey, was “manhandle[d]” by the police. While the police claimed she was “being insubordinate,” they “beat her bad, she’s in critical condition . . . [with] fractured ribs and a broken jaw.” 
  • In a poem, Jade’s best friend, Lee Lee, wrote, she says “this black girl tapestry, this black body / that gets dragged out of school desks slammed onto linoleum floor, / tossed about at pool side, pulled over and pushed onto grass, / arrested never to return home, / shot on doorsteps, on sofas while sleeping / and dreaming of our next day.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Maxine’s ex-boyfriend “got fired because he kept showing up high and late.” 
  • During dinner at Maxine’s parent’s house, a few of the adults are drinking wine. 
  • Jade attends the annual fundraiser for the Woman to Woman organization. Maxine says it will be a cocktail party, but explains to Jade “of course, you won’t be drinking.” 


  • There is very limited profanity in this book. The word “ass” is used once. However, profanity at points is implied. For instance, at a restaurant, a teenage boy called Jade “every derogatory name a girl could ever be called.”  


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • At a Woman to Woman meeting, the group talks about relationships and dating. Jade notes one of the girls in the group seems like she is an “‘I’m Saving Myself for Marriage’ girl. Right now, Jesus is her boyfriend.” 
  • Jade’s mom explains, “Thanksgiving has always been a day for getting together with family, a day to thank God for my personal blessings.” 
  • Jade encounters a woman on the bus who continuously says, “Jesus loves you. Jesus loves you.” 
  • Jade suggests she and her family pray for Natasha Ramsey, the black teenager beaten by the police. E.J., her uncle, responds by saying “what is prayer going to do… prayer ain’t nothing but the poor man’s drug.” E.J. continues saying “poor people are the ones who pray. People who don’t have what they need, who can’t pay their rent, who can’t buy healthy food, who can’t save any of their paycheck because every dollar is already accounted for. Those are the people who pray. They pray for miracles, they pray for signs, they pray for good health. Rich people don’t do that . . . plus, God isn’t the one we need to be talking to. We need to talk to the chief of police, the mayor, and the governor. They’re the ones with the power to make change.” 


If I told you that I’d killed a man with a glance, would you wait to hear the rest? The why, the how, what happened next?

Exiled to a far-flung island by the whims of the gods, Medusa has little company except for the snakes that adorn her head instead of hair. But when a charmed, beautiful boy called Perseus arrives on the island, her lonely existence is disrupted with the force of a supernova, unleashing desire, love, betrayal . . . and destiny itself. 

Medusa talks directly to the reader in this first-person account of her life. When the book opens, Medusa has secluded herself on a deserted island, but when the handsome Perseus arrives, he awakens a hope in Medusa—the hope that someone can love her despite the fact that she has snakes instead of hair. As Medusa reveals her secrets, the reader is slowly pulled into her life before.  

Medusa’s story allows the reader to see the girl Medusa was before being cursed. Much of the story revolves around Medusa as a fourteen-year-old beauty. When Poseidon begins to pursue her, the misogynistic views of society become clear. Despite repeated rejections, Poseidon stalks Medusa. Medusa’s attempts to dissuade Poseidon; however, he appears on land, and Medusa “screamed for him to leave me alone, I called out to Athena, I said, No, no, no! But . . . Poseidon took what I had never wanted to give him. Me.” After Medusa is sexually assaulted, the villagers have no sympathy for Medusa. Even Athena feels no sympathy for Medusa and instead of helping the young girl, Athena curses her.  

Much of the story focuses on Medusa sharing the events in her life with Perseus. Although Medusa’s pain is clear, the story has a detached tone that cuts out graphic descriptions. However, Medusa shares the wisdom she’s gained from her experiences. For example, she believes that “remembering’s a blessing and a curse. You can’t erase your bad memories, but a life without regrets is a life unlived.”  

Towards the end, Medusa’s personal musings become somewhat tedious; however, her story will leave readers considering if our experiences are determined by our actions, fate, or a combination of both. Medusa also explores the difference between being a monster or a hero; although in Greek mythology Medusa is considered a monster, reading Medusa allows the reader to see her as a complex character who is like all of us—a person who wants to be comfortable in her own skin. Even though Medusa and Perseus bonded, a happy ending could never happen. Medusa realizes that “I had thought [Perseus] was my one true hope. But it turned out my one true hope was me.” 

Medusa hits several difficult topics including sexual assault, the curse of being beautiful, and society’s double standards. Medusa’s story highlights the importance of accepting yourself. In the end, Medusa shows readers that the only person that needs to love us is ourselves and that “self-awareness is a great banisher of loneliness.” While Medusa’s storytelling is at times slow, those interested in Greek mythology will enjoy seeing Medusa in a new light. Readers who love delving into the hearts of characters who are usually portrayed as villains should also read Heartless by Marissa Meyer.   

Sexual Content 

  • After Perseus tells Medusa about his girlfriend, Medusa thinks, “Driana had had Perseus’s hand in hers, his mouth on hers!” 
  • Perseus reveals that he is “still a virgin.” 
  • To confront Perseus, Medusa grabs his hand. Then he was “lifting my hand to his lips to kiss it, again and again. My fingers, my wrist, the soft inner skin of my lower arm.” 
  • When Medusa was fourteen, Poseidon began perusing her. When Medusa avoided Poseidon, people began saying that Medusa was “flaunting her curves all right, but won’t give him what he wants. She made a promise, won’t keep it—typical, fickle. . . She’s taunting him.” 
  • Medusa was hiding from Poseidon in Athena’s temple. But Poseidon came for her. “Poseidon didn’t care whose temple he was entering. He just pulled the pillars down. I screamed for him to leave me alone, I called out to Athena, I said, No, no, no! But in the rubble of that night, Poseidon took what I had never wanted to give him. Me.” 
  • After Poseidon raped Medusa, “some people in the village said I should be grateful for the attention.” Later, Athena appears and calls Medusa a “slut.” 


  • After Medusa rejects Poseidon’s advances, he sends a tsunami. “Water coming like a mountain. Fish everywhere, mermaids howling in pain as they tumble. Poseidon’s power breaks their backs, their perfect fins sacrificed to his momentum.” Frightened, Medusa promises that she’d do “anything” he asked. 
  • In order to free his mother from a king’s advances, Perseus must bring the king Medusa’s head. In an attempt to do this, Perseus attacks. “The tip of his sword nicked my arm, slicking open my skin. It was a lightning bolt to the blood, and it woke something in me. . . My foot kicked out and struck the edge of his shield.” Perseus falls backward. 
  • In the fight, Medusa grabs the blade of Perseus’s sword. “He tugged back hard, slicking the sword out of my grasp. He swung it sideways . . . and brought it around toward my neck.” 
  • When Perseus looks at Medusa, “his skin went pale as if the gods had made a straw for his veins and sucked. . . His own irises turning milky gray. His pupils vanished, his flesh turned stony, his arms stiff.” Perseus turns to stone. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • “Oh Gods” is used as an exclamation occasionally.  
  • “Oh Hades” is used as an exclamation once.  
  • After speaking about Athena’s role in Medusa’s demise, Medusa thinks, “Athena is a bitch.” 


  • Athena curses Medusa by changing her hair into snakes. After being cursed, Medusa realizes “my hair was gone, and in its place was a crown of serpents, sinewy, strong, all colors of the rainbow.” 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover

With Macey’s parents running for president, life at the Gallagher Academy is turned upside-down. First, Cammie and Macey barely escape a kidnapping attempt. Then, the Secret Service follows Macey back to school, threatening their school’s secret heritage. And finally, there is Zach, who has a tendency of showing up at the most suspicious moments.  

Cammie fully intended to follow the rules at school this year. However, the Gallagher Academy is a spy school, so following the rules is not always an option—especially when Macey’s safety is at risk. Cammie, Bex, and Liz will take no chances with their friend’s life, even if that means they have to break out of school and follow Macey to personally ensure her safety. However, when Cammie’s Aunt Abbey shows up as part of Macey’s Secret Service detail, breaking the rules becomes much more difficult.  

Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover increases the suspense and action from the previous books, ramping up the stakes while bringing back all our favorite characters. The presidential campaign of Macey’s parents adds interest, new settings, and a new boy. Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover both begins and ends with action, keeping readers engaged until the very end.  

Despite being a spy, Cammie is a strong protagonist who is relatable to readers. Like most teens, Cammie worries about her friends, has boy trouble, and doesn’t always make wise choices. Cammie is confused by Zach, which adds a fun element to the story. Readers will fall in love with Cammie, who is a well-developed character who is easy to sympathize with. However, what makes the Gallagher Girls Series unforgettable is the friendship factor. 

In Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover, Cammie spends her time trying to protect her friends. Cammie knows that her friends will always have her back as well. While the story focuses on Cammie, all the characters are well-developed. Each character is unique and given their own chance to show their spy skills. The Gallagher Girls Series brings to life a group of awesome girls who are smart, brave, loyal, and yet, completely baffled by boys.   

Through first-person narration, Carter creates a fun story full of relatable characters and explores teen romance in a wholesome way that is perfect for middle-grade readers. While the story has romance, Cammie spends most of her time trying to outsmart secret agents, unravel mysteries, and keep her friends safe. The suspenseful story ends with a cliff hanger that is sure to leave readers hungry for more.  You will definitely want to have the next book, Only the Good Spy Young, handy.  

Sexual Content 

  • Aunt Abbey kisses Joe Solomon. Cammie thinks, “None of the spy training in the world prepared me for the sight of my aunt grabbing Joe Solomon by the shirt. And kissing him. On the mouth. For eighty-seven seconds.”  


  • Macey and Cammie are attacked in a kidnapping attempt. Cammie “parried the attacker’s first blow [and] took a half-step to my right and landed a kick at one of the masked men’s knees.”  
  • During the kidnapping attempt, a boy “pulled back his free hand and punched the man in the throat. It was a perfect lucky shot.”  
  • Macey’s arm is broken during the kidnapping attempt. “The men lunged for Macey. I heard a sickening snap. I turned and saw my roommate clutch her arm and fall to the ground, howling out in pain.” The fight happens over six pages.  
  • Cammie and Macey escape the kidnappers by diving into a laundry shaft. Cammie jumps in and is “free-falling. I felt my head bang against the metal shaft. Something hot and wet oozed into my eyes.”   
  • When Zach startles Cammie by grabbing her shoulder, Cammie flips him over her shoulder in self-defense. “I forgot all about Mr. Solomon’s assignment as I reached back and grabbed the offending hand, stepped into the move, and swung the guy smoothly through the air, watching him crash onto a red balloon with a pop.”  
  • Cammie is injured during a second kidnapping attempt. Someone attacks her and her “head was on fire. My body was crushed beneath my attacker’s weight. Someone or something must have knocked us both to the ground. . . my roommates [were] battling two men twice their size. Liz clung to the big man’s back while Bex parried away his blows. Macey fought against the second man.” The struggle takes place over six pages.  
  • When one of the kidnappers tries to shoot Macey, Aunt Abbey jumps in the way. Cammie “saw the flash—heard the blast . . . Someone else was lunging through the air in front of Macey and then falling too hard to the dark ground . . . Zach’s jacket had fallen from my shoulders, and Macey held it to the wound in Abby’s chest, trying to stop the blood that spilled onto the dark asphalt.” Aunt Abbey is rushed to surgery and recovers.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Cammie’s mom tells Aunt Abbey that “perhaps the United States Secret Service should consider that it might be unwise to tell Madame Dabney’s eighth graders how to make their own chloroform out of Kleenex and lemon wedges?” To which Abby replies, “Yeah, I couldn’t believe they hadn’t figured out how to do that yet.”  
  • During the second kidnapping attempt, the kidnappers try to drug Cammie. “There was a rag over my mouth—a sick smell. I tried not to breathe as my arms flailed and the world began to spin.”  


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Be A Changemaker: How to Start Something That Matters

Be a Changemaker is a how-to guide for young people to change the world through social entrepreneurship – that is, running a business in a profitable yet socially impactful way. The story empowers individuals to find an issue they are passionate about and grow it into a successful charitable venture. These ventures differ from normal businesses because they are not solely for profit, yet they are also not charity organizations because they are not completely not-for-profit. The author believes that combining these two types of businesses leads to the most success.  

To encourage others to start their own successful ventures, the author starts at square one: finding a passion. Then, the author walks through the necessary aspects of creating a social change program. Thompson explains the process of solidifying a passion into an idea, naming the social venture, managing a budget, hiring a team, and much more. These steps are reinforced by examples of successful businesses that were started by kids such as Actores de la Prevención, a group of actors using theater to spread awareness about alcohol addiction, and the Youth Ultimate Project, which teaches leadership and perseverance skills to kids in Cambodia through ultimate frisbee programs.  

Aside from walking through the steps to turn an idea into a fully-fledged business operation, the book provides resources and helpful links to help children build their ventures, such as grant organizations, information about filing for copyright, and marketing advice. It is full of information that may help a young entrepreneur find their footing in the business world. Ultimately, the aim of this book is to inspire young people to create a business that can sustain itself while still staying true to the goal of helping others. 

Be a Changemaker can be a daunting text since it takes you from zero to a hundred by the end of the book. However, the author notes that you should read it at your own pace and you can apply – or not apply – her advice as you deem fit. It is a resource to help you, so use it as much or as little as you’d like.  

Although some of the financial lingo and business-forming advice might go over the heads of younger readers, the text is generally accessible to all people and clearly written. Some of the advice even applies to adults! There are passages about networking, discovering your talents and passions, and the effect of social change that can be useful to any reader. This guide does mention social issues and sensitive topics such as feminism, animal rights, minority issues, domestic violence, suicide, and more, but it does not give direct examples or in-depth descriptions of such issues. There are some examples of violence, alcohol consumption, and child labor which are listed below.  

Overall, Be a Changemaker is a comprehensive guide that encourages its readers to take action. If you know a young person who wants to help the world but doesn’t know where to begin, this book is a great first step on the path to creating change.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • A brief anecdote about the organization Free the Children is included. The passage discusses child labor. Craig Kielburger was flipping through the newspaper in search of comics when he came across the headline, “’Battled Child Labor, Boy, 12, Murdered!’ Because Craig was also twelve, the words grabbed his attention and he stopped to read the article. He soon learned that the boy, Iqbal Masih from Pakistan, had been sold into slavery at the age of four and chained to a carpet loom for nearly six years. After escaping, Iqbal spoke publicly against the common practice of child labor in his country. Many suspected Iqbal’s death was an attempt to silence him and his message.” 
  • A brief anecdote about the organization Team Revolution discusses gang violence. “Divine Bradley was no goody two-shoes. Growing up, he often felt the allure of life on the gang-infested streets of his Brooklyn neighborhood. Then, when Divine was seventeen, a close friend of his was murdered over a basketball game. That was Divine’s wake-up call.” 
  • One of the mentioned organizations, Team aWEAReness, combats domestic and dating violence. No examples are given. 
  • The organization Everybody Dance Now! was formed, in part, due to gang violence. “When [Jackie] also realized that gang violence, obesity, and low self-esteem threatened her Santa Barbara, California neighborhood, Jackie felt compelled to take action.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • A brief anecdote about the organization Actores de la Prevención is included, discussing alcohol addiction and drunk driving. “[A group of students] were studying theater at Argentina’s National University of Cuyo when they got the idea for their venture. ‘We saw that there were a lot of car accidents due to excessive alcohol consumption in young people.’” 


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Open Mic Night at Westminster Cemetery

When sixteen-year-old Lacy Brink finds herself in the Westminster Cemetery late one night, she is dazed and confused. For, according to the strangers she meets, Lacy is dead. 

At first, Lacy is convinced this must be an elaborate prank or one of those game shows, and that the ghosts around her simply are committed actors. But Lacy soon realizes she truly is dead and is stuck in this cemetery with a bunch of constrictive rules: no cussing, return to your grave before daybreak, perform your “job without complaint,” only smile if “you have remarkably fine teeth,” and many, many more. There are over 250 rules that every resident of Westminster Cemetery must follow. If Lacy breaks three rules and earns three strikes, she will be suppressed—that means she will be unable to come aboveground and will be stuck in her grave “every single night and do nothing but listen to the goings-on above.” 

While trying to fit into her new surroundings and carefully trying not to gain three strikes, Lacy is also curious why she is here, what happened, and why she is even dead in the first place. 

In Westminster Cemetery, famous for being the resting place of the poet Edgar Allan Poe, Lacy meets a funny and interesting cast of characters who help guide her on her journey. This includes Sam, a lonely poet who is constantly looking for company, but “the sad truth is that there is no one in the cemetery [he] would call a friend.” Sam embraces Lacy and finds hope and friendship in her presence.  

There’s also Mrs. Steele, a stringent rule follower, who is the pseudo-leader in the cemetery and makes sure everyone is in line with the guidelines. Mrs. Steele sees Lacy as a nuance and a problem that is ruining the cemetery’s order. There are also a pair of star-crossed lovers “suffering from forbidden love,” as one of them is suppressed and the other is in charge of suppressing residents of the cemetery. There’s a doctor who is “dying for stimulation and misses teaching.” Lacy also meets Edgar Allan Poe, his wife Virginia, and his mother-in-law Mrs. Clemm. Lacy even meets the Raven who inspired Poe’s famous poem. 

While the residents help Lacy come to terms with her death, she helps them realize the potential of the afterlife. Through hosting an open mic night, Lacy creates a space for the residents of the Westminster Cemetery to express themselves and speak about their wants, their regrets, and their hopes. Together the group confronts Mrs. Steele and the strict rules governing them. Lacy, through her constant resistance, inspires the rest of the residents to stand up for themselves and to live their afterlife freely. While the cemetery’s rules try to apply perfection and order amongst the Dead, Lacy and the others realize “we’re all flawed.” The residents would rather embrace these flaws than continue to pretend they are perfect. 

Mary Amato has uniquely crafted Open Mic Night at Westminster Cemetery, blending prose, plays, and poems together. In the introduction, the book is presented as “no ordinary novel,” for it is a “stage play” full of “oddities.” Furthermore, there is an omniscient narrator who often, hilariously, and sarcastically, breaks the fourth wall, talking directly to the audience. For example, during the play’s intermission, the narrator suggests the reader “ponder what you think might happen next or which character you identify with most.” The narrator continues by saying that “you could even discuss the philosophical questions that the work raises thus far with numerous friends and acquaintances and encourage them to purchase copies of their own.” 

Open Mic Night at Westminster Cemetery is a great book and a must-read. Lacy and the other residents highlight the importance of embracing ones flaws and not following constrictive, oppressive rules. Furthermore, they show the importance of found family. While Lacy loses her mother and sister through death, she gains a loving, caring family in the residents of the Westminster Cemetery. With its great messages about found family and embracing one’s flaws, its fantastical worldbuilding and its incredibly unique structure, this book is a must-read.  

Sexual Content 

  • Two of the residents of the cemetery, Owen and Clarissa, love each other and have been separated because of the cemetery’s rules. When given the opportunity to bend these rules, “Owen tiptoes to Clarissa’s grave. She steps out before he can knock . . . Starry-eyed, they kiss.” Virginia, the wife of Edgar Allan Poe, explains in the afterlife “everything I long for is forbidden.” She further says, “I want to laugh too loud and dance too long and make love until inhibition is gone.” Addressing her husband, Virginia says, “I had admired you. But I had never felt that kind of desire for you.” 


  • In a dramatic fashion, frustrated about his poetry, Sam “puts his journal back into his satchel, pulls out a knife, and stabs himself in the heart. He staggers around dramatically and then finally falls to the ground near [Edgar Allan Poe’s] monument with a thud.” Because Sam is dead and a ghost “the laws of physics . . . work differently among the Dead,” and stabbing himself did not hurt him in anyway but is rather for dramatic show.  
  • To prove to Lacy that she is really dead, Dr. Hosler “pulls a long surgical knife out of his bag and plunges it into her heart.” Lacy is “shocked, the knife sticking out of her chest, realizing that she feels no pain.” Lacy “removes the knife, feeling nothing. She examines her chest for blood but there is none. She checks to see if the blade is designed to collapse or play a trick.” But it is not. “Lacy hesitates and Dr. Hosler takes her hand with the knife and plunges it into his own chest.” Again Dr. Hosler is trying to prove to Lacy that she really is dead, and this is not a game. 
  • Lacy reminisces about the independence she had in middle school, such as being able to “ride city buses by herself.” With this independence, Lacy explains, she was exposed to “challenging moments” of life, like seeing “creepy guys who would unzip their pants, and once even the stabbing of a man by a woman impaired by opiate consumption.” 
  • In annoyance at the fact that she is dead, Lacy “knocks her head against the marble base. Once. Twice. Three times. LACY: It doesn’t even hurt. She does it again. Once. Twice. Three times.” 
  • Lacy explains to Edgar the theories surrounding his death. Edgar was found “delirious and destitute, wandering around in someone else’s clothing. Lacy says, ‘Some say you were drunk, others say you had been robbed and suffered a beating!’ Lacy continues, “Another theory is that you were kidnapped by a gang to be used as a straw voter in a local election.’” Lacy goes on to explain that Edgar was “taken to the hospital, where you lapsed in and out of consciousness” and later died.
  • Peter, one of the residents of Westminster Cemetery, reveals he killed himself. Peter says, “I died by my own hand, a knife to my wrist.” To have him buried in the cemetery, his mother lied and said Peter “died by accident while [he was] cleaning fish.” 
  • Henry Steele, Sam’s father, explains his faults and wrongs during the open mic night. Henry says as he “got deeper into debt and deeper into drink . . . it made me do things I didn’t want to do. I beat [my wife, Gertrude] and I beat [my sons].” When Sam was four, Henry explains, “Sam was scared to go to bed, and I wanted him to shut up, so I took him out back with a leather strap. He was like a little fawn, he was so small. Gertrude begged me to stop and I hit her harder than I ever had and told her to shut up . . . I was going to kill him. She could tell. So she did what she had to do. As soon as I felt the blow on the back of my head, I knew.” Mrs. Steele killed her husband, afraid for her son’s life and for her own.  
  • Lacy died in a car crash. “The light was turning red and a blue pick-up truck gunned into the intersection just as a black car turned from the left . . . The truck hit the car . . . and then the car spun and started rushing toward [me].” Lacy explains “at first I had this false sense of security because I wasn’t standing in the street, you know, I was standing on the sidewalk, pretty far from the curb. But then the car jumped the curb, and in that second before impact, I knew I was going to die.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Sarah, a resident of the cemetery and the President of the Food and Drink Committee, explains, “Mrs. Steele doesn’t allow alcohol.” To which Dr. Hosler points out “is ridiculous since it has no effect on us.” 
  • Olivia, Lacy’s sister, visits Lacy’s grave and shows up “drunk” many times. One night when Olivia comes, she was drunk and had taken a painkiller “she stole out of the medicine cabinet at Zane’s dad’s house.” Olivia explains, “she knows that neither the drug nor the booze will be able to soften the cold, hard shell that now defines her.”  
  • Another night, Olivia arrives with “a bottle in her left hand—not even bothering to hide it—and her right hand is wrapped in a makeshift bandage . . . Half an hour ago she took a second painkiller too close to the first and washed it down with vodka that she sweet-talked an old man into buying for her.” After a while, Olivia’s mom comes to pick her up and takes her home.  
  • Lacy explains to the other residents at Westminster Cemetery that often at an open mic, “tea and coffee or beer and wine” is served.  
  • Edgar Allan Poe is regarded as someone who “drank and gambled.” During the open mic night, Edgar says, “So the drunk keeps drinking / though he wants to be sober. / And the lover keeps cheating / though insisting that it’s over. / And the gambler who has guilt / runs to place another bet / while his family tries to live on / cold soup and regret.” 


  • Profanity is used often. This includes fuck and ass.  


  • The premises of this novel is based on the existence of ghosts. The story is set in Westminster Cemetery in Baltimore, where Edgar Allan Poe is buried. At night, many of the residents rise and socialize with each other, “enjoy[ing] appropriate recreation.”  
  • The Dead cannot feel pain and are not affected by mortal needs like eating or sleep. Furthermore, those who are alive cannot see, hear, or feel the ghosts, “so all those ghost stories about spirits knocking on walls and creaking about in attics and blowing curtains and extinguishing lights . . . those aren’t true.” 

Spiritual Content 

  • Sarah, one of the residents of Westminster Cemetery, exclaims, “who says God loves being silent?” 

by Mikaela Querido 


Kaelynn, Yessenia, and Lyric are three very different teenagers. Kaelynn is a country girl who wants to prove that she isn’t like her mother. Yessenia is a rebel who occasionally commits heists with her friends. Lyric is a popular girl who stays out of trouble. But despite their differences, they have one thing in common: they all attend a program for pregnant teens.  

While at the program, the girls deal with the struggles of pregnancy, as well as their own personal hardships. Kaelynn’s mother is addicted to drugs like “coke, meth, and crack,” and Kaelynn lives with her grandmother, who she fights with. Eventually, Kaelynn leaves home and moves in with the father of her child – an older man she met at a party.   

Meanwhile, Yessenia does not feel safe being in the same house as her lecherous stepfather, so she lives with her boyfriend’s family instead. But when she catches her boyfriend kissing another girl, she is left homeless. Kaelynn helps her find another home as the story progresses.  

Unlike the other girls, Lyric has a seemingly idyllic life. She lives with her mother and has a doting boyfriend who her family adores. But after she gets pregnant, her “doting” boyfriend disappears entirely, leaving her scared and alone. Together, the girls learn to navigate their hurdles and find solace in an unlikely friendship. 

A major theme in Expecting is dealing with hardship. Each of the girls is dealing with stressful pregnancies as well as issues unique to them. Although initially skeptical of each other, the three girls grow close and help each other get through their respective issues. Their comradery is especially important in light of their peers’ reactions to their pregnancy. At one point, Lyric remarks on how isolating being a pregnant teen is: “Yeah, you know being pregnant is kind of lonely. My friends call to check on me. They don’t ask me to hang out with them or call to talk about what happened at school.” The novel’s answer to these struggles is friendship, and the three friends learn to lean on each other in order to get through difficult times. 

Freemen attempts to reach teens who may be going through some of the same struggles portrayed in Expecting. Readers who are experiencing teen pregnancy, drug addiction, homelessness, or even just a cheating boyfriend may find aspects of the story relatable. However, the girls’ stories feel rushed. At only 99 pages, Expecting is an easy sell for reluctant readers, but it often sacrifices believable character development. That said, the simple writing style and easy vocabulary make Expecting accessible to all readers. Ultimately, Expecting is a simple but highly readable story about issues that many teens find relatable. Occasionally punctuated by informative facts about pregnancy, teens in a similar situation may find the story helpful. 

Sexual Content 

  • While at a friend’s house, Kaelynn flirts with a man. Later that night, she kisses him at a baseball field and it is implied that they have sex. Kaelynn continues a relationship with the man. At several points in the story, she kisses him. 
  • While staring down at a positive pregnancy test, Yessenia recalls that she was reluctant to have sex with her boyfriend, but that she gave in anyway because he said he had “needs.” 
  • Lyric expresses concern about looking “slutty.” 
  • Despite being hesitant to lose her virginity, Lyric agrees to have sex with her boyfriend because he “told her that he loved her.” 
  • Yessenia’s stepfather tells Yessenia that pregnancy “looks good on” her and that she’s “growing in all the right places.” Both Yessenia and Kaelynn are disgusted by this comment. 


  • Yessenia acts as a getaway driver while her friends rob a store. Once everyone has reentered the car, a man from the store “point[s] a gun directly at the car’s tires” and attempts to shoot them out. Yessenia swerves to avoid the gunshots. 
  • When Yessenia sees her boyfriend kissing another girl, she “punche[s] him in the mouth.” The other girl pulls a gun on Yessenia, but Yessenia “slap[s] her as hard as she [can] across the face.” 
  • When Lyric’s boyfriend found out she was pregnant, he abandons her.  Later, she “slap[s]” her ex-boyfriend “across the face.”  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • At a party, a group of mostly adults drink beers and pass a blunt around. 
  • Kaelynn asks a man if he wants to smoke a cigarette with her. 
  • Kaelynn insists that she is not like her mother, who does hard drugs such as coke, meth, and crack. 
  • Yessenia joins her friends in a car they are “hotboxing,” a term for smoking weed in a vehicle. 
  • Yessenia drinks a mixture of tequila and Sprite. 
  • When Kaelynn asks Yessenia what drugs she’s done, Yessenia says that she has “tried just about everything.” 
  • Yessenia buys weed while pregnant.  
  • Kaelynn’s grandmother takes Xanax “to calm her nerves.” 
  • Doctors find marijuana in Yessenia’s urine samples, and she is forced to enter a rehab facility in order to keep her baby. 


  • Kaelynn’s grandmother tells her to “get [her] ass in here.” 
  • Kaelynn calls her grandmother an “old bat.” 
  • A girl calls Yessenia a “homeless skank.” 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • Lyric is described as the type of girl whose “family went to church on Sunday.” 
  • Kaelynn jokes that Lyric had “an immaculate conception.” Yessenia replies, “Yeah, right. She’s not the Virgin Mary.” 

Code Name Badass: The True Story of Virginia Hall

When James Bond was still in diapers, Virginia Hall was behind enemy lines, playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse with Hitler’s henchmen. Did she have second thoughts after a terrible accident left her needing a wooden leg? Please. Virginia Hall was the baddest broad in any room she walked into. When the State Department proved to be a sexist boys’ club that wouldn’t let her in, she gave the finger to society’s expectations of women and became a spy for the British. This boss lady helped arm and train the French Resistance and organized sabotage missions. There was just one problem: the Butcher of Lyon, a notorious Gestapo commander, was after her. But, hey—Virginia’s classmates didn’t call her the Fighting Blade for nothing.

So how does a girl who was a pirate in the school play, spent her childhood summers milking goats, and rocked it on the hockey field end up becoming the Gestapo’s most wanted spy? Audacious, irreverent, and fiercely feminist, Code Name Badass is for anyone who doesn’t take no for an answer. 

Code Name Badass chronicles Virginia Hall’s fight against societal norms and the Nazis. Hall’s experience highlights the amazing power of perseverance, bravery, and never taking no for an answer. As part of the French Resistance movement, Hall faced constant danger. However, she never stopped fighting.  

With historical photos and excerpts from historical documents, Code Name Badass brings the women who helped win World War II to light. A list of other exceptional women spies appears at the back of the book along with a long list of resources that Demetrios utilized. While Hall’s story is motivating, Demetrios’ tone and constant reminders of sexism become a little off-putting. For example, Demetrios writes, “Dindy (Hall’s nickname) had a lot of luck. Buckets of it. She had a lot of bad luck, too, but, with one major exception, that bad luck stemmed only from the fact that she had a vagina.” 

Readers who love history, especially World War II history, will find Code Name Badass full of little-known facts. While Hall’s story is interesting, it is not for the weak of heart. The brutality of the Germans is repeatedly described, and many of Hall’s contacts lost their lives because of the Germans’ cruelty. Because of the book’s difficult vocabulary and detailed descriptions, Code Name Badass is not the book for readers looking for a light, entertaining historical fiction book. However, anyone interested in spycraft, World War II, or the women who have impacted our world will find Code Name Badass informative and interesting.  

Sexual Content 

  • While discussing Dindy’s “badassery,” Demetrios writes: “Never take no for an answer. (Unless someone says they don’t want to have sex with you, kiss you, be touched by you, etc. Then no means no.)” 
  • During wartime, women were sexually assaulted and raped as “a key strategy” to breaking down “civilians and combatants alike.”  
  • During the French occupation, Germans visited brothels. 
  • One double agent was known to keep mistresses. 
  • One female agent “got knocked up in the field” by another agent. 
  • Another female agent “drove one agent so batty with love that he literally threw himself into the Danube, intending suicide.” The agent was known to cheat on her husband with “sexy spy guys.” 


  • During a hunting expedition, Dindy accidentally shot herself. “The shell ripped into her left foot, tearing past the skin and driving through cartilage and bone. Virginia collapsed, staring down at what had once been called a foot.” Dindy’s foot is amputated. 
  • During the Battle of France, “Bullets started flying, bombs began to drop, and shit got real. . .” Dindy helped by becoming an ambulance driver, who “saw men dying around her every day in the most horrible of ways, the soil once again being soaked with French blood.”  
  • During the battle, roads were bombed, “caring little that the dusty streets and highways and country lanes were filled with refugees who were desperate to get away from the fighting.” 
  • During World War II, “the French government would cut off your head if you had an abortion.” 
  • During the war, William Simpson was “shot down” and sustained “terrible burns and los[t] both hands.”  
  • Resistance fighters “killed a Gestapo agent, then dumped the body on the steps of [the Germans’] headquarters with a note: ‘With the compliments of British Intelligence.’”  
  • Dindy has dinner with Olivier, another spy. The restaurant’s “door crashes open, and a dozen gendarmes swam in, guns, batons, or haughty chins raised. Screams fill the café, and glass shatters as tables are overturned and precious rationed food and drink fall to the floor. . .” With help, both spies escape.
  • The Gestapo was cruel to prisoners: “Dogs let loose on prisoners, fingernails pried off, prisoners tied up with spiked handcuffs. . . Agents and Resistance fighters were often tortured for information.”  
  • Dindy’s supervisors told Dindy that a “dangerous man” had infiltrated her group. The supervisor told Dindy “she was fully authorized to have him disposed of as neatly as possible.” 
  • Two men put their family on a ship heading to England. “Their parents, wives, and Alfred’s three children all drowned when their ship . . . was torpedoed by the Germans.”  
  • The book mentions people who were killed by the Germans. Most accounts are not graphic. For example, according to Dindy, “the Germans had gotten all ancient Rome on the Resistance, skewering their bodies on iron posts as a warning to all.” 
  • Several agents were “brutally murdered in the Dachau concentration camp. . . all three were shot in the back of the head, then their bodies shoved into the camp’s crematoriums.”   
  • One man refused to do the Germans’ biddings. The man “tried to cut his throat rather than bend his will.”   
  • If Dindy and her crew saw Germans lurking around, they would kill the Germans. “One story has it that Dindy’s boys would drop German bodies in the Lignon River after they’d done away with them.” 
  • One spy was captured and “he was beaten, tortured, and then shipped off to Buchenwald, where he suffocated and died in a cattle car stuffed with more than 150 prisoners.” Another captured spy “had her front teeth knocked out and her arm broken.” 
  • Gestapo agent Klaus Barbie was brutal. “His accusers testified about Barbie raping female inmates in the presence of not only other guards, but also of the Resistance members waiting in the hallway to get tortured . . . Barbie encouraged German shepherds to chase naked women around their cells; each time the women were viciously bitten, Barbie would laugh maniacally. He beat children.” 
  • Spy Odette Sanson “underwent fourteen Gestapo interrogations. . . was held captive by the Germans for two years. . . they branded her back with a hot iron and pulled out all her toenails.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Occasionally, the book mentions adults drinking alcohol. For example, during prohibition, Dindy traveled to Europe where she could “enjoy oodles of wine.” 
  • After accidentally shooting herself, Dindy was given morphine in the hospital. 
  • Spies were given cyanide pills to use “on themselves or others.”  
  • To help agents’ stamina, they were issued amphetamines. “For Dindy, popping those bitter-tasting blue Benzedrine pills was sometimes the only way she could juggle the revolving door of agents, Resistance workers. . . who knocked on her door, day and night.” 
  • Dindy loved to drink “gin and Italians, a mix of gin and vermouth.”


  • Profanity is used often. Profanity includes ass, bastard, bitch, dumbass, damn, dicked, pussy, fuck, hell, and shit. 
  • When Dindy was nineteen, she “became engaged to a complete douchebag.”  
  • Gaulle was a “total dick when it came to how he treated the foreign agents.”  
  • Klaus Barbie, an evil Gestapo agent, “was a real motherfucker.” 


  • After accidentally shooting herself, Dindy “insisted until her dying day that on ‘several occasions’ her deceased father, Edwin Hall, came to visit.” 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Enola Holmes and the Elegant Escapade

Enola Holmes, the much younger sister of Sherlock, is now living independently in London and working as a scientific perditorian (a finder of persons and things). But that is not the normal lot for young women in Victorian England. Young women fall under the near absolute control of their nearest male relative until they reach adulthood. Such is the case of Enola’s friend, Lady Cecily Alastair. Twice before, Enola has rescued Lady Cecily from the unpleasant designs of her caddish father, Sir Eustace Alastair, Baronet. And when Enola is brusquely turned away at the door of the Alastair home, it soon becomes apparent that Lady Cecily once again needs her help.

Affecting a bold escape, Enola takes Lady Cecily to her secret office only to be discovered by the person Lady Cecily’s mother hired to find her daughter – Sherlock Holmes himself. But Lady Cecily has already disappeared again, now loose on her own in the unforgiving city of London.

Even worse, Lady Cecily has a secret that few know. She has dual personalities. One is left-handed, independent, and competent; the other is right-handed, meek, and mild. Now Enola must find Lady Cecily before one of her personalities gets her into more trouble than she can handle, and before Sherlock can find her and return her to her father. Once again, for Enola, the game is afoot. 

Enola is a truly admirable character who comes up with unconventional ways to help Cecily escape her father’s cruel treatment. While trying to help, Enola digs into Cecily’s father’s past. Enola gets into plenty of mischief along the way. With secret rooms, a dangerous slide down a coal chute, and a daring rescue, Enola’s story is entertaining. However, in this installment Enola doubts her abilities and often scolds herself for not being able to come up with new ideas to discover Sir Eustance’s secrets. This interferes with the story’s enjoyment, especially because it’s out of character for Enola.   

Readers will not relate to the dubious activities of Sir Eustance, as they are tied in with the story’s time period and are not relevant to today’s readers. Enola discovers that Sir Eustance had been selling his deceased servants’ bodies to “dissecting rooms.” While not strictly illegal, “it would be a dreadful scandal if it came out.” Enola uses this information to blackmail Sir Eustance into treating his wife and daughter better. However, Cecily and her mother make such a short appearance that readers will not feel connected to them, making the end of their plight anticlimactic.  

While Enola Holmes and the Elegant Escapade has some flaws, mystery-loving readers will find a lot to like in the Enola Holmes Series. Enola is a head-strong girl who clearly loves solving a good mystery. Her unexpected ways of solving mysteries lead Enola into humorous situations and her interactions with Sherlock add an interesting dynamic. However, the series is best suited for strong readers because of the advanced vocabulary which includes words such as fulminated, iconoclasm, phrenologist, protuberant, and exigency. Despite this, Enola Holmes and the Elegant Escapade gives an interesting view into the late nineteenth century and readers will enjoy trying to decode Cecily’s pigpen cipher. Readers who enjoy the Enola Holmes Series and would like another book with a strong female protagonist should add The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi to their reading list. 

Sexual Content 

  • Cecily was taken by a “charismatic kidnapper.” When she was returned home, most of society considered Cecily “soiled, stained, ruined matrimonial goods.”  
  • During a dinner conversation, a group of women are discussing a woman who bore her husband eight children. A woman says, “One of us should have slipped her a diaphragm.”  
  • While trying to discover Cecily’s father’s secrets, Enola wonders if “he had dallied with brazen ladies of the theatre. . . run wild in his youth. . . succumbed to hard liquor or worse. Perhaps he had even been known to frequent opium dens.” 


  • After facing Cecily’s father, Sir Eustance, Enola tries to flee, but the butler “jumped in front of me to bar the door, I was able. . . to whip my dagger out of my bodice and raise it—not truly menacing; I had no intention of taking his life.” The butler moves out of the way. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Sherlock likes to smoke “shag tobacco.” 


  • Sir Eustance asks Enola, “Who the blasted blazes do you think you are?” 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • During this time period, being left-handed was considered “the mark of the devil.” 

The Cipher

Robert “Smiles” Smylie is not a genius. He feels like he’s surrounded by them, though, from his software mogul dad to his brainy girlfriend to his oddball neighbor Ben, a math prodigy. When Ben cracks an ancient riddle central to modern data encryption systems, Ben suddenly holds the power to unlock every electronic secret in the world—and Smiles finally has a chance to prove his own worth.

Smiles hatches a plan to protect Ben from the government agents who will stop at nothing to get their hands on his discovery. But as Smiles races from a Connecticut casino to the streets of Boston, enlisting the help of an alluring girl, he comes to realize the most explosive secrets don’t lie between the covers of Ben’s notebook—they’re buried in his own past. 

With topics such as public-key cryptography, the Riemann Hypothesis, and prime numbers, readers may be reluctant to pick up The Cipher. However, the mystery and thriller aspects of the story will quickly draw readers into the story and keep them entertained until the last page. The story explains many mathematical principles in a way that makes the math accessible to all readers. Even though the story focuses on math concepts, Smiles’ family life, his love life, and the mystery behind his birth mother combine to make a truly entertaining read.  

Even though Smiles doesn’t have to worry about money, his life is a mess. His adoptive mother died in a tragic car accident. He feels like he is a disappointment to his father. His birth mother rejected his attempt to reach out to her. Plus, he was kicked out of his prestigious high school for having weed in his dorm room. To make matters worse, his longtime girlfriend, Melanie, broke up with him. Smiles is a complete and total mess, and many teens will relate to Smiles’ wide range of emotions and the feeling that he isn’t sure what he should do with his life. Despite Smiles’ messy life, readers will find themselves rooting for him.  

Ford writes his story in the third person point of view, which allows readers to see the same events from different people’s perspectives. This adds a layer of depth and intrigue. In the end, each character reveals a different piece of the mystery. The thought-provoking conclusion will leave readers questioning morality, forgiveness, and the nature of love. Readers looking for a fast-paced mystery full of surprises will find all that and more in The Cipher.  

Sexual Content 

  • After his girlfriend gives him a birthday gift, Smiles kisses her. Without thinking he “was dipping his head and drawing toward her. Kissing her. Tender but intense, soft but electric.”  
  • While in high school, Smiles tried to seduce his high school math teacher. 
  • A girl says she wouldn’t want to be a cheerleader and have “Greg Simmons palm my ass ten feet in the air for a whole football game.”  
  • At a math conference, Smiles meets Erin. They promise to “stick together” and then “their lips met with a wild energy.” 
  • After kissing Erin, Smiles thinks, “Melanie didn’t kiss him like this. Not at all. There was something hungry about it, something that made Smiles feel more desired than he’d ever been in his life. . . [Erin’s] lips were soft and yielding, her murmurs a hum of delight.” Someone walks into the room and interrupts them. 
  • Smiles kisses Erin several more times, but the kisses are not described. 
  • Smiles takes Erin to his family’s cabin. After they go into the hot tub, Erin goes upstairs. Smiles thinks, “And right now there was a hot girl lying on a bed upstairs, waiting for him.” It is implied that Erin and Smiles have sex.  


  • A man goes to an affluent neighborhood, puts a package in the mailbox, and then shoots himself.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Smiles’ father is in the hospital dying of cancer. He’s given morphine for the pain. 
  • When he was little, Smiles’ mom taught him to “make daiquiris (virgin for him, double rum for her).” 
  • Smiles considers making “a beer pong app for smartphones for when you were drinking but didn’t have a Ping-Pong table around.” 
  • While in a conference room, Smiles sees his birth mother who is “flush with wine.” 
  • When stressed, Smiles thinks “he really could have used a Xanax or something.” 
  • For vacation, Smiles’ family and their friends would go to a cabin. “The moms would pair off and have drinks on the deck.” 
  • When Melanie’s father was overly tired, he would have “a glass or two of Cabernet.” 
  • Smiles was kicked out of his private prep school because he had weed in his closet. Later, he thinks about the first time he got stoned. 
  • An adult in the story drinks whiskey.


  • Profanity is used occasionally. Profanity includes ass, bastard, bitchy, crap, piss, hell, and shit. 
  • Infrequently, the phrases oh God and God are used as an exclamation.


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • Several times Smiles prays for something. For example, when Smiles sees a hot girl, he “prayed to a merciful God she would stop at the check-in. She did.”  
  • When the NSA kidnaps Smiles’ friend, Ben, Smiles “prayed someone would intervene, but there were no witnesses in the lot.” 
  • When Melanie sneaks a file out of an office, she put it in her purse and “could only pray that Jenna wouldn’t open it and see.” 

Bones of the Sun God

After his adventures in Egypt, Sam Force is finding it nearly impossible to return to everyday life at boarding school—especially now that he knows his parents are still alive. However, his Uncle Jasper has banned him from setting off in search of them until he can go with Sam, but Sam’s not sure he can wait that long. When a man turns up at his school—a man he last saw in the Egyptian desert—he knows he can wait no longer.

Sam needs to continue the hunt for his parents. Luckily, his friend Mary Verulam has a plan, and before he knows it, he’s on his way to Belize. However, from the moment he lands, Sam finds himself being followed and threatened. When his research leads him to a local crocodile park and the leader of a mysterious crocodile cult, things become really dangerous. Sam is left to wonder if he’ll ever be able to locate his parents—and if there is anyone he can trust. 

Right from the start, Sam knows he’s going to sneak out of the country to continue the dangerous search for his parents—he just didn’t expect the search for clues to turn deadly. Multiple people warn Sam about the dangers that lay ahead and strongly encourage him to return home. However, the stubborn boy refuses to listen. While Sam’s determination and resourcefulness are admirable, he’s also impulsive and reckless. To make matters worse, Sam isn’t afraid to sneak into places he shouldn’t be, which causes many problems. Despite his dangerous actions, Sam is a likable protagonist that readers will root for.  

Similar to the first book in the series—The Iron Tomb—Bones of the Sun God doesn’t shy away from violence. In book two, a new villain appears—Felix, the crocodile cult leader – who will do anything to keep his secrets safe. This includes plotting Sam’s death, killing his henchmen, and feeding people to his trained crocodiles. The constant threat of being eaten by crocodiles keeps the action high. Plus, readers will be shocked when the crocodile park’s secrets are revealed. 

Bones of the Sun God continues the mystery of the pyramids and of how the Arc of the Covenant is related to them. However, Sam spends much of his time being chased by others and the story lacks the clues that made book one so much fun. Despite this, Bones of the Sun God will entertain readers. Readers will also enjoy the black and white pictures that are scattered throughout the book. The illustrations will help readers imagine some of the complicated plot points.  

Readers who aren’t put off by violence will find Bones of the Sun God highly entertaining because the action-packed story follows a likable protagonist who is willing to jump into danger to discover where his missing parents are. However, the strange crocodile cult and the bloody violence may make the book inappropriate for some readers. For a high-interest, fast-paced adventure with less violence, there are many good options including The Serpent’s Secret by Sayantani Dasgupta and Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky by Kwame Mbalia. And if you want to discover some Egyptian history in a non-fiction format, check out The Curse of King Tut’s Mummy by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld.   

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • While in a pool of water, a beast attacks a knight. The beast’s “white teeth enveloped his legs. A loud crack echoed across the chamber as powerful jaws slammed together around his waist. With one last effort, he brought his dagger arm down onto his attacker’s skull. . . And then there was only darkness.” The knight dies. 
  • While at a river, a young boy named Elio sees a “crocodile’s jaw open. . . A cloud of white mist bursts from the beast. With the pain came sudden understanding. The boy stared down at the silver dart sticking from his thigh. His eyes felt heavy . . . the last thing he heard as his world went black was the sound of the beast laughing at him.” Elio is kidnapped and taken to the crocodile park. 
  • Sam was cleaning the rowing shed when bullies from his school show up. Sam “aimed the bottle of detergent at Andrew Fletcher and squeezed. The soapy liquid hit him in the eyes, and Andrew howled in pain. Before his two friends could react, Sam swung the foamy jet at them.” Sam is able to get away.  
  • Sam hides with a group of tourists who go to a crocodile park. During a show, a man appears and says, “The guardians of the underworld demand sacrifices.” Then, crocodiles appear and begin attacking people. “Two more [people] went down, the first rammed from the side, the second pushed from behind. Arms flailed, water churned, and then there was only one person left. . . Down at the pool, the woman scrambled back toward the edge, but before she could climb out, her legs were pulled out from under her and she disappeared beneath the surface.” 
  • As the audience watches in horror, another man steps into the pool of water. “Lights in the bottom of the pool switched on, illuminating the crocodiles, who were still holding their human sacrifices.” The man calls on Kinich Ahau and then, “the crocodiles, unburdened by their prey, swam to the far side of the pool and disappeared into the tunnel.” The people who the crocodile attacked walk out of the pool unharmed. The scene is described over three pages. 
  • Two policemen were taking Sam to the airport when they come upon a broken-down car in the middle of the street. “Two men spun toward the police car. They had guns. There were two flashes of light and everything went black. . . A man pulled Sam’s door open and wrenched him out. As Sam was dragged to the old car, the struggling policemen fell silent.” Sam is taken to Felix, the founder of the crocodile park, who locks Sam in a cage. 
  • Sam escapes from the crocodile park and runs towards the forest. Sam falls and “lay there, defenseless. . . he saw the silhouette of the man looming over him. Suddenly, the red [laser] beam hit the man’s face. . . then the man threw his hands to his eyes and howled in pain.” 
  • One of Felix’s henchmen, Azeem, ambushes Sam in the wilderness. Sam throws juice at Azeem’s face and bats attack him. Sam “heard the fluttering of hundreds of pairs of wings as they swept through the forest . . .Sam heard a cry as the first one of the tiny juice-hungry mouths fell on their new meal.” Azeem is not seriously injured.  
  • Sam returns to the crocodile park to save Elio, another boy who is held prisoner. As they try to escape, they see “the body of a large bald man in a white suit.” The man’s skin was a “sickly gray color” and he “had been dead for some time.” Later, Sam discovers that the dead man’s body was stolen from the morgue. 
  • As Sam and Elio run from the crocodile park, a bomb goes off. “The concussion from the blast hit them. Sam saw Elio lifted off the ground and pushed through the air.” Sam has a “nasty cut on his forehead,” but is otherwise uninjured. 
  • Sam finds a hidden entrance into a pyramid. When Sam goes in, he finds Azeem and Felix digging a hole. Felix holds a gun on Azeem, who is at the edge of a pool. Azeem’s “confused look transformed to panic as he heard the noise behind him. . .” Azeem sees a crocodile, but is unable to get out of the pool because “Felix kept the gun aimed down at the Scar-Faced Man.” 
  • As the crocodile gets closer, Azeem panics. “He tried to climb out [of the pool] again, but Felix lashed out with his foot. The kick sent the Scar-Faced Man stumbling backward. . . Azeem went rigid. The water around him became red and his screaming reached new levels of loudness. . . the man was pulled under, his scream cut off. . .” Azeem dies. 
  • After leaving the pyramid, Felix sets off a bomb. Sam and his friend, Mary, run. The explosion “grew to a deafening roar and a howling wind, so powerful Sam and Mary were pushed along the floor of the tunnel. . . Sam felt his exposed skin being stung by the tiny fragments of stone carried along by the explosion. . . He heard Mary screaming.” Afterwards Sam’s “head was throbbing, his ears were ringing from the blast,” but he was otherwise unharmed. 
  • In the pyramid, Sam finds a parchment belonging to a Templar Knight that tells why they built a structure inside the pyramid. While building the structure in a pool, crocodiles appeared. “I shall never forget the look of horror, the pain, as unseen monsters took hold of their legs. Screams were stifled as the men were pulled under…the ugly red stain that spread through the pool left us in no doubt as to the fate of our other two companions.” Later, the knight meets a similar fate. 
  • Sam goes into the pool to retrieve an item. A crocodile “comes out of the tunnel . . . and smashed into [Sam], knocking him back off his feet. . . he went under with his mouth open. The choking sensation triggered a burst of panic that wiped the crocodile from his mind.” Sam survives without injury. 
  • Sam and his friends follow Felix, who is trying to escape in a submarine. “Sam pushed the hatch down, hitting Felix in the head. Stunned, the man let go to the side of the ladder and fell back inside. . . Five feet below, Felix was sprawled in a heap unconscious.” 
  • Sam is trying to get out of the submarine when Felix “grabbed Sam’s pants . . . [Sam] swung his free foot backward, catching Felix in his stomach, then released one hand from the ladder and swung his elbow back, smashing into Felix’s forehead.” The two wrestle with each other for six pages and Sam eventually escapes. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • Some believe that the pyramids were “built on key energy points around the world. Powered by Arks, they create an energy field that holds the earth’s crust in place.” The Ark can produce a magical substance known as the philosopher’s stone, “but the Ark will only produce this magical substance if it is taken out of the pyramid.” Some men would like to remove the Arc and become immortal despite the danger to the earth.  

Spiritual Content 

  • The story revolves around Kinich Ahau, the Egyptian sun god and the god of the underworld. 
  • Sam visits Mayan pyramids where the Maya “performed ceremonies and made sacrifices to their gods.”  

Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy

Cammie is not over her breakup with Josh, and after the winter break, all she wants is for things to go back to normal. But her mother is keeping secrets, the East Wing of the school is closed off, and an unwelcome intruder on a Covert Operations assignment leaves Cammie and her friends on edge.

It should be mentioned that the Gallagher Academy is an all-girls spy school, so Cammie and her friends are less than prepared when it is revealed that an all-boys spy school exists and—even worse—some of those boys will be attending the Gallagher Academy in an exchange program. Suddenly, Cammie, Bex, Liz, and Macey find themselves at odds with their strange new classmates. Why are the boys really here? Why won’t any of them talk about their own school, Blackthorne? And is Zach just a boy spy on an innocent exchange program who happens to like Cammie, or is something more sinister at hand? When Cammie is blamed for a security breach at the mansion, she knows something is not right. But will Cammie and her friends discover the truth about their male counterparts in time to stop whatever nefarious schemes are underfoot?

Despite being a well-trained spy who could incapacitate a person in under eight seconds, Cammie remains a relatable and lovable character who embodies the awkwardness of a typical girl. Readers will fall in love with Cammie, who has impressive spy skills and yet is completely baffled by boys. At one point, Cammie thinks, “Boys! Are they always this impossible? Do they always say cryptic, indecipherable things?” Because the story is told from Cammie’s point of view, readers will get an inside look at her thoughts and feelings, which makes Cammie an endearing character. At times, Cammie’s jumbled emotions will make readers hurt along with her. Especially when Cammie sneaks off alone and wonders if “maybe crying is like everything else we do—it’s best if you don’t get caught.”

Luckily, Cammie has a group of friends that always has her back. Bex is fiercely loyal, while Liz’s optimistic outlook is a welcome relief. Macey adds a little humor with her boy translations. By the end of the book, readers will feel as if the Gallagher Girls are friends. However, that doesn’t mean that Zach is not a welcome addition to Cammie’s life. While his charm is confusing to Cammie, it’s hard not to fall in love with his tough-boy attitude.

Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy continues the series in a satisfying way, bringing back favorite characters from book one with the welcome addition of the Blackthorne boys. In typical Ally Carter style, Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy begins with suspense and leaves the reader turning pages until the very end. Through first-person narration, Carter creates a fun story full of relatable characters and explores teen romance in a wholesome way that is perfect for younger readers. If you haven’t bought the entire series yet, you will want to. Even though there are six books in the series, each book will have readers ready to jump back into the Gallagher Girls’ world.

Sexual Content

  • Zach leans in to kiss Cammie, but they are interrupted. “His hands were warm on the back of my neck; his fingers laced through my hair, and he tilted his head and he moved in. I closed my eyes. And I heard, ‘Oh my gosh! Cammie, is that you?’”
  • Zach kisses Cammie. “The last thing I expected was to feel his arms sliding around me, to sense the whole world turning upside down as Zach dipped me in the middle of the foyer and pressed his lips to mine.”


  • In P.E. class, Cammie “hauled off and kicked the heavy [punching] bag—hard—and it flew back and hit [Zach] in the stomach. For a second he stood there, doubled over, trying to catch his breath.”
  • Cammie and her friends find their teacher, who had been injured by a thief. “Our teacher fell into their arms. Blood stained the side of his face, and his voice was faint as he lay on the floor and said, ‘He got it.’”
  • Cammie reacts when Zach grabs her. “Without stopping to think, I stepped back into my attacker, tried to flip him over my head, but he countered his weight at that precise time, stopping my momentum.”
  • During what turns out to have been a test of their skills, the Gallagher Girls fight to stop a thief and his guards. “For a moment it seemed to be raining Gallagher Girls. All around me fists flew, kicks landed . . . I’d knocked a guard to the ground and was struggling with a Napotine patch . . . the next time I saw [Liz] she was jumping from the cab, landing on the back of a guard who had been chasing Eva.” The fight continues over four pages.

Drugs and Alcohol

  • Cammie remembers how her “mom gave Josh some tea that’s supposed to wipe a person’s memory blank” to make him forget what he knew about the Gallagher Academy.


  • None


  • None

Spiritual Content

  • None



Mysterious Messages: A History of Codes and Ciphers

This fascinating look at history’s most mysterious messages is packed with puzzles to decode and ciphers that kids can use themselves. In this book you can find the encrypted notes of Spartan warriors, the brilliant code-crackers of Elizabeth I, secret messages of the American Revolution, spy books of the Civil War, the famous Enigma Machine, and the Navajo code talkers. As computers change the way we communicate, codes today are more intriguing than ever.  

From invisible ink to the CIA, this exciting trip through history is a hands-on, interactive experience—so get cracking! 

Mysterious Messages is for readers who want an in-depth historical look at the practice of creating codes and ciphers. The book starts with the father of history, Greek writer Herodotus, who documented some of the first cases of hiding messages. Sections of the book go into more detail about the historical aspects of hidden messages and give examples that readers can try to solve. Along with the stories, the book contains small sections titled “the Boring Definitions Box” that define words. Scattered throughout the book are pictures of the people discussed in the stories. Many of the pictures are of statues, paintings, photographs, and black and white sketches. In addition, historical documents are featured such as a letter written in code to the Queen of Scots, who was planning to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I.   

Politics played a huge role in the development of codes and ciphers, and Mysterious Messages discusses the many ways spies secretly communicated. While the format has a visual element on every page, readers who aren’t interested in history and politics may find it difficult to finish the book. However, Mysterious Messages would be an excellent source to use for a research paper. The book will also appeal to readers who want to learn more about espionage and how codes and ciphers were used both in diplomatic times and times of war.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • In order to hide a message, a nobleman “slit open the belly of a freshly killed rabbit, hid his message inside, and sent it off with a courier posing as a hunter.” 
  • Christopher Marlowe was “murdered at the age of twenty-nine” because of his work as a secret agent. 
  • Several people who were caught spying were hanged.  
  • Mary, the Queen of Scots, used secret messages in an attempt to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I. “The Queen of Scots was tried, found guilty largely on the basis of the deciphered message, and beheaded.” The other people involved were “bowelled alive and quartered.”  
  • The British caught Nathan Hale spying. When he was found guilty of espionage, he was “hanged from the limb of an apple tree.”  
  • A British spy was captured with papers that contained details of a conspiracy. He was “hanged by the Americans.” 
  • During World War I, “a German submarine had torpedoed the Lusitania, a British passenger ship. Twelve hundred people drowned.”  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • During World War II, a Polish cipher “was so desperate to read Germany’s Enigma-enciphered messages that it hired a psychic to try to make sense of them.”  

Spiritual Content 

  • In the 1500s, a man from Germany believed that “if you wrapped up your message in a picture of the person you were sending it to, buried it under the threshold of the house, and said the proper incantation, it would be delivered telepathically by a network of angels.”  
  • Since Queen Elizabeth embraced Protestantism, “the

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