The Serpent’s Shadow

Following the events of Book Two of The Kane Chronicles: The Throne of Fire, Carter and Sadie prepare to face the Serpent of Chaos, Apophis. “It had been six months since the Chaos snake Apophis had escaped from his Underworld prison, but he still hadn’t launched a large-scale invasion of the mortal world as we’d expected.” Apophis has attacked several Nomes—organized groups of magicians—but Apophis seems to be waiting for the perfect time to launch a destructive attack on the entire mortal world. As Apophis’ attacks on groups of magicians continue, Carter and Sadie are determined to find a way to defeat Apophis, before he can reach his goal of overrunning the mortal world with chaos.  

In this book, Carter and Sadie reflect on and experience a lot of loss, which some readers may be able to empathize with. Carter explains, “I’d already lost so many people. My mom had died when I was seven. My dad sacrificed himself to become the host of Osiris [Egyptian god of the dead] last year. Over the summer, many of our allies had fallen to Apophis.” Having lost so many people that they love, Carter and Sadie have grown closer, and they recognize how important it is that they support each other. As Carter explains, “I needed [Sadie].”  

An important theme in The Serpent’s Shadow is Sadie’s evolving relationships with Anubis, the Egyptian god of funerals, and Walt, her friend and fellow magician. Middle-grade readers will likely sympathize with Sadie as she struggles to understand her emotions. Sadie explains that she does not really know what she wants and feels conflicted. “My heart had been torn between [Walt] and Anubis for months now, and it just wasn’t fair of Anubis to pop into my dreams, looking all hot and immortal, when poor Walt was risking his life to protect me.”  

Things take a dramatic turn for Sadie when Walt, who has been dying of an incurable curse, is able to live—but only by becoming the mortal host of Anubis. At first, Sadie is mortified and does not know how to handle both Anubis and Walt being in one body, but she is ultimately able to accept this. Sadie “saw [Walt] smiling down at me. Anubis, too. I could see them both, and I realized I didn’t have to pick.” Sadie ultimately decides to pursue a relationship with Walt even after he becomes Anubis’ host, saying, “This was a new boy in front of me, and he was everything I liked.”  

Ultimately, to defeat the Serpent of Chaos, Apophis, the gods and goddesses must work together with the mortal magicians. While the gods and goddesses keep the serpent at bay, Carter and Sadie are able to perform a spell and defeat Apophis by destroying his shadow, or his sheut. Carter and Sadie visit their parents in the underworld, where their mom emphasizes the importance of magicians working in tandem with the gods to create harmony. Carter and Sadie’s mom says, “Keep teaching the path of the gods. Bring the House of Life [the organization of the magicians] back to its former glory. [Sadie] and Carter will make Egyptian magic stronger than ever. And that’s good . . . because your challenges are not over.”  

Readers who enjoy mythology, action, and magic will love this series, which is an absolute must-read because of its message of working together to make the world a better place, or in Carter and Sadie’s case, to defeat the Serpent of Chaos.  

Sexual Content 

  • While running from an angry goddess, Walt, Sadie’s friend and fellow magician, kisses Sadie. “He nodded, then gave me a hasty kiss. ‘Good luck.’”  
  • After successfully performing a spell to avoid being captured, Sadie kisses Walt. “I kissed him properly—or as properly as possible given our situation.”  
  • Carter and Zia, Carter’s friend from the first two books and fellow magician, kiss. “She leaned over and kissed me. I’d imagined this many times, but I was so unprepared, I didn’t act very cool about it. . . I said something like ‘Hum-uh-huh.’” 
  • Carter and Zia kiss while on a date in the mall’s food court. “She leaned over and kissed me.”  
  • After Walt explains to Sadie how he agreed to become Anubis’ mortal host so that he could stay alive in spite of his curse, Walt and Sadie kiss. “[Walt] leaned down and kissed me.”  


  • Carter and Sadie fight alongside a group of magicians from another Nome, or magician group, from Texas. However, in the course of the battle, the demons sent by Apophis kill all the magicians that came to help Carter and Sadie. Sadie says, “The Texas magicians had welcomed us and supported us . . . ’They’re dead,’ [Sadie] said. ‘All of them.’” The killings aren’t described, but Carter and Sadie find remnants of some belt buckles worn by the magicians that passed away.  
  • A rebel magician leader, Sarah Jacobi, has gathered a group of supporters who believe that Carter, Sadie, and their relatives are dangerous and that Carter and Sadie, not Apophis, have caused the many deaths of other magicians. Jacobi threatens Carter and Sadie, “The Kanes are a plague . . . you must be destroyed. Surrender yourself and your family for execution.” Carter and Sadie do not surrender to Jacobi, knowing that she is wrong, and that Apophis is the threat to magicians and to the mortal world at large.  
  • A river monster attacks Carter and his friend, Zia, and Carter changes into a falcon so that he can get a better view of the monster during the fight. Carter says, “I dove at the monster’s eye, raking it with my claws . . . but I could tell that I hadn’t done any real damage.” Carter and Zia are saved by a giant who appears in the river and defeats the monster.  
  • When Carter and Sadie cast a spell to destroy Apophis’ shadow and defeat him, the Chaos serpent explodes. “His head exploded. Yes, it was just as gross as it sounds. Flaming bits of reptile flew everywhere.”  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • Characters occasionally say stupid and shut up.  


  • Carter and Sadie discuss the various parts of the soul. Carter and Sadie’s friend and the goddess of cats, Bast, explains the shadow part of the soul. “You can never be free of your shadow—your sheut. All living beings have them…The sheut is not just a physical shadow. It’s a magical projection—the silhouette of the soul.”  
  • Carter is able to channel the power of Horus, a god, since they worked together in the past two books. Because of this, Carter is able to use Horus’ power to change into a falcon if he needs to. “I changed into a falcon . . . it was fairly easy magic for me, since the falcon was Horus’ sacred animal.”  
  • While the gods fight off Apophis, Sadie and Carter are able to combat Apophis with a spell. Sadie explains how she uses the magic. “I faced down my own chaos. I accepted my jumbled emotions about whether I belonged in London or New York, whether I was a magician or a schoolgirl. I was Sadie Kane, and if I survived today, I could bloody well balance it all . . . I stilled my restlessness and let go of my doubts. ‘Ma’at [order]’ I said.”

Spiritual Content 

  • Like in the other Kane Chronicles books, Carter and Sadie encounter the gods and goddesses of Egyptian mythology throughout this book and often fight Apophis, the Serpent of Chaos, alongside the gods. The Egyptian gods in this series are not really worshipped in a traditional sense, but rather are given human characteristics—anger, revenge, love, and jealousy.  
  • Sadie explains of the Egyptian gods and goddesses, “the gods are not human. They have trouble thinking of us [humans] as more than useful tools or cute pets. To gods, a human life span doesn’t seem much longer than that of the average gerbil.”  
  • Characters rarely exclaim “gods of Egypt” when frustrated or surprised.  

Hispanic Star: Selena Gomez

Meet Selena Gomez – once just a girl from Grand Prairie, Texas, who loved to perform for her family. Her courage, drive, and empathy have been guiding posts in her lifelong career since her beginnings on Barney & Friends. Selena’s skyrocket to fame took her from the Disney Channel to becoming one of Time magazine’s most influential people in the world in 2020. An emblem for her generation, Selena shows that you can be exactly who you are and follow your passions wherever they may lead you.

Hispanic Star proudly celebrates Hispanic and Latinx heroes who have made remarkable contributions to American culture and have been undeniable forces in shaping its future. If you can see it, you can be it.  

Millions around the world admire Selena Gomez for her talented artistic career. However, few know about the challenges she faced as a child to become the famous star she is today. For example, in 2016, Selena had to cancel part of her concert tour because she was dealing with mental health issues and fighting Lupus. Selena said, “I need to face this head-on to ensure I am doing everything possible to be my best.” She wanted to show fans “how important it was to get help when you are struggling.” Selena’s story showcases the importance of taking care of your physical and mental health. 

Hispanic Star: Selena Gomez shines a light on social media’s harmful effects and how Selena struggled with her self-image because of it. At one point, Selena realized she needed to step back from posting on social media so she could retrain her mind “to not go to these negative places when you say something wrong, do something wrong when you wear a certain thing or represent a certain culture.” Selena acknowledges that social media made her feel as if she was not good enough. Hopefully, teens will read Selena’s story and learn to limit their interaction with social media. 

Short passages explain key vocabulary and historical information relevant to the book to help readers fully understand Selena’s life and accomplishments. For example, one section explains the kinds of roles in film and television, including background talent, recurring, guest star, etc. Other sections explain the battle of the immune system, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, etc. To make it easy to recognize, the supplementary text appears in a gray box. The book also includes black-and-white illustrations every three to six pages. 

Hispanic Star: Selena Gomez takes a deep look at Selena and discusses how Selena’s hardships have shaped her into a better person. She values self-reflection, thoughtfulness, fearlessness, and empathy and uses her platform to help make the world a better place. Selena wants young people “to take care of themselves and one another; to stay true to who they are and what they believe.” Hispanic Star: Selena Gomez makes it clear that Selena is much more than a singer—she is an advocate for others and wants people to believe in themselves. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Alex Morgan

Learn all about one of the top stars of the U.S. Women’s National Team in this action-packed book. Unlike most professional soccer players, Alex Morgan did not start playing club soccer until she was fourteen. But her talent was so obvious that only three years later, she was called up to the U.S. women’s under–20 team. That was just the beginning of a history-making career that led her, most recently, to a second World Cup title as co-captain of the U.S. women’s team. This new edition of Alex Morgan—revised and updated from cover to cover—follows every step of her journey, not only as a soccer player but also as a best-selling author, an actor, and so much more! 

Alex Morgan uses a fun format that pulls readers into the book with full-colored illustrations, fact boxes, and short bursts of text. The pages feature a full-page illustration, large, attention-grabbing titles, and oversized text. Instead of using the traditional paragraph format, some pages only have two sentences plus facts. For example, one two-page spread has a large illustration with six all-star soccer players, giving each player height. This helps readers understand how height plays a role in sports.  

While the book focuses on soccer, several pages break down events that affected Alex Morgan. These include the student protest in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square, films of the year, Alex Morgan’s zodiac sign, and more. In addition, the book includes play-by-play action on some of Alex Morgan’s accomplishments on the field, complete with pictures of soccer action. Several pages also give information on other all-star soccer players.  

Alex Morgan is jam-packed with information about Alex Morgan. Readers will learn about her accomplishments on and off the field. The book shows several pictures of Alex’s Nike advertisements, her book series, and her fiancé. Since the book contains so much information, none of the sections are well-developed, leaving readers with many questions about Alex Morgan. Despite this, any reader who loves soccer will find this fast-paced book fascinating and fun. Soccer-loving readers can score with these fiction books: Breakaway by Andrea Montalbano, The Academy by T.Z. Layton and The Floating Field: How a Group of Thai Boys Built Their Own Soccer Field by Scott Riley. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • None 


Stanley Yelnats is under a curse. A curse that began with his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather and has since followed generations of Yelnatses. Now Stanley has been unjustly sent to a boys’ detention center, Camp Green Lake, where the boys build character by spending all day, every day digging holes exactly five feet wide and five feet deep. There is no lake at Camp Green Lake. But there are an awful lot of holes.

It doesn’t take long for Stanley to realize there’s more than character improvement going on at Camp Green Lake. The boys are digging holes because the warden is looking for something. But what could be buried under a dried-up lake? Stanley tries to dig up the truth in this inventive and darkly humorous tale of crime and punishment—and redemption. 

Stanley is an interesting character who has been bullied his entire life but has never fought back. When he’s sent to Camp Green Lake, his life takes a turn for the worse. There is trouble between Stanley and his cabinmates when, unbeknownst to them, Stanley agrees to teach Zero to read in exchange for Zero’s help digging Stanley’s hole. Even though Stanley doesn’t feel like the trade is fair, like everything else in his life, he goes along with it because it was Zero’s idea. Similarly, when Stanley’s cabinmates begin to beat him up, Stanley takes the punches without fighting back. Readers will empathize with Stanley’s insecurities and inability to voice his opinions even though they may not relate to his struggles.  

Stanley’s tale follows two storylines—his current struggles at Camp Green Lake and those of his ancestors, beginning with his “no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather.” Stanley’s unlucky ancestors face discrimination and hardships, but it’s up to the reader to decide if their downfall was due to fate or their decisions. While his ancestor’s hardships don’t coincide with Stanley’s struggles, the conclusion explains how each storyline connects. The ancestors’ storyline is interesting, but some readers may find the back-and-forth between plots confusing. 

Holes uses an interesting premise to create a story with unique characters who show how a person’s ancestors’ decisions can impact generations. At first, Stanley feels he’s destined to have bad luck, but when his friend Zero disappears into the desert, Stanley finally steps out of his comfort zone to help his friend. The story’s conclusion gives both Stanley and Zero a happy ending, but readers are left to question whether Stanley has changed and is willing to stand up to others and let his voice be heard.  

Most of the story’s action comes from the characters’ interactions and from Stanley’s difficulties digging holes. Some readers may struggle with the story’s slow pace and the constantly shifting perspectives. However, Holes is worth reading because it explores real-world issues such as justice, friendship, cruelty’s destructive nature, and history’s importance in everyday life. Readers who enjoy Holes should also read the Alabama Moon Series by Watt Key and Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. 

Sexual Content 

  • In the past, someone saw Kate Barlow kissing a black man. 


  • Stanley calls a boy by his given name instead of his nickname. The boy “threw Stanley to the ground. Stanley stared up at him, terrified.”  
  • Armpit, one of Camp Green Lake’s inmates, questions the Warden. “The Warden jabbed at Armpit with the pitchfork, knocking him backward into the big hole. The pitchfork left three holes in the front of his shirt and three tiny spots of blood.” 
  • Zigzag and Stanley were digging in a hole when “Zigzag’s shovel caught him in the side of the head. He collapsed. . . Stanley brought his fingers up the side of his neck. He felt his wet blood and a pretty big gash right below his ear. . . Mr. Sir made a bandage out of a piece of his sack of sunflower seeds and taped it over Stanley’s ear.” Stanley has “throbbing pain,” and the wound is “considerably swollen.” 
  • The Warden mixes rattlesnake venom with her nail polish. When Mr. Sir annoys the Warden, she scratches his face. “He had three long red marks slanting across the left side of his face. Stanley didn’t know if the redness was caused by her nail polish or his blood. . . Mr. Sir screamed and clutched his face with both hands. He let himself fall over . . . Then his head jerked violently, and he let out a shrill scream, worse than the one before.” Mr. Sir’s face swells “to the size of a cantaloupe” and has “three dark-purple jagged lines running down his cheek.” 
  • When a boy asks Mr. Sir about his wound, “there was a crash [and] Mr. Sir holding the boy’s head against the oatmeal pot. . . Mr. Sir had the boy by his throat.” Mr. Sir choked the boy and then let him go. 
  • Some of the inmates get angry at Stanley. Zigzag began pushing Stanley “hard,” but Stanley wouldn’t hit back. “Stanley made a feeble attempt to punch Zigzag; then he felt a flurry of fists against his head and neck. Zigzag had hold of his collar with one hand and was hitting him with the other.” The supervising adult, Mr. Pendanski, encourages Stanley to fight back. 
  • When Stanley still refused to fight back, Zigzag jumped on Stanley. “The side of Stanley’s face was pressed flat against the dirt. . . Zigzag’s fist slammed off his arms and pounded his face into the ground.” The supervising adult does nothing to stop the fight. 
  • Zero helps Stanley. “Zero had his arm around Zigzag’s long neck. Zigzag made a gagging sound, as he desperately tried to pry Zero’s arm off him. . . Armpit charged into them, freezing Zigzag from Zero’s choke hold.” Finally, the supervising adult shoots a pistol in the air, stopping the fight. 
  • After the supervising adult, Mr. Pendanski, berates Zero, “Zero took the shovel. Then swung it like a baseball bat. The metal blade smashed across Mr. Pendanski’s face. His knees crumpled beneath him. He was unconscious before he hit the ground.” Mr. Pendanski “had two black eyes and a bandage over his nose.” 
  • Zero walks off into the desert. “The counselors all drew their guns.” The Warden tells the counselors to let Zero leave because he’ll either come back to camp or die in the desert. 
  • Stanley’s great-grandfather was robbed by “Kissin’’ Kate Barlow. “Kate Barlow didn’t actually kiss Stanley’s great-grandfather. . . She only kissed the men she killed. Instead, she robbed him and left him stranded in the middle of the desert.” 
  • Kate Barlow was a school teacher who fell in love with Sam, a Black man. When someone sees them kissing, they destroy the school. Kate goes to the sheriff (who is drunk) for help, but he will only help Kate if she kisses him. “She slapped him across the face. . . She tried to slap him again, but he caught her by the hand.” 
  • The sheriff planned to hang the man Kate loved because “it’s against the law for a Negro to kiss a white woman.” 
  • Kate Barlow and her love try to escape on a boat, but a man named Trout Walker finds them. “The Walker boat smashed into Sam’s boat. Sam was shot and killed.”  
  • Kate Barlow survived. “Three days after Sam’s death, Miss Katherine shot the sheriff while he was sitting in his chair drinking a cup of coffee. Then she carefully applied a fresh coat of red lipstick and gave him the kiss he asked for.” Kate turned into an outlaw. 
  • During Kate Barlow’s bandit days, she went to a cabin to rest. “She was awakened one morning by someone kicking open the cabin door. She opened her eyes to see the blurry end of a rifle, two inches from her nose.” Trout Walker and his wife, Linda, wanted Kate’s loot. When Kate refused to give it to them, they forced her to walk on the hot sand “until her feet were black and blistered. Whenever she stopped, Linda whacked her with the shovel.”  
  • A lizard with “sharp black teeth bit into her leg. Its white tongue lapped up the droplets of blood that leaked out of the wound.” The bite killed Kate. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • A camp counselor is trying to stop smoking. In a stressful moment, he “lit a cigarette.” 


  • Hell is used once. 
  • “Oh my God” is used twice. 


  • According to family legend, Stanley’s family is cursed. Stanley’s great-great-grandfather “had stolen a pig from a one-legged Gypsy, and she put a curse on him and all of his descendants. Stanley’s parents didn’t believe in curses, of course, but whenever anything went wrong, it felt good to be able to blame someone.” 
  • According to legend, after Kate’s love was killed, the town was cursed. “That all happened one hundred and ten years ago. Since then, not one drop of rain has fallen on Green Lake.” The narrator asks the reader, “You make the decision: Whom did God punish?” 

Spiritual Content 

  • When Kate Barlow kisses Sam, a Black man, a woman tells her, “God will punish you!” In addition, someone calls her “the Devil Woman.” 
  • When the sheriff refuses to help Kate Barlow, she says, “We’re all equal under the eyes of God.” 
  • In Kate Barlow’s time, Mrs. Tennyson’s daughter becomes sick. Mrs. Tennyson gave her daughter Sam’s onion tonic, which healed her. When Mrs. Tennyson thanks Sam, he says, “I’m sure the good Lord and Doc Hawthorn deserve most of the credit.” 
  • Stanley disturbs a yellow spotted lizard nest. When he safely exits the hole, the warden says, “Thank God.” 

Jane Goodall: Groundbreaking Primatologist

In Jane Goodall: Groundbreaking Primatologist, early fluent readers will learn about the life, accomplishments, and contributions of primatologist Jane Goodall. “Take a Look”! infographics explain STEM concepts, sidebars present interesting, supplementary information, and an activity offers readers an opportunity to extend learning. Children can learn more about Jane Goodall using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Jane Goodall also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, a glossary, and an index. Jane Goodall is part of Jump!’s Women in STEM Series. 

Young readers will learn about Jane Goodall in three easy-to-read chapters written in oversized text with brightly colored backgrounds. Each page has one to seven simple sentences that use basic vocabulary. Scientific words such as primatologist and groundbreaking appear in bold font, and their definitions appear in the book’s glossary. In addition, one page explains how readers can study animal behavior by watching a video. In addition, each page has a large illustration of Goodall and/or the chimpanzees she loves.  

Any reader interested in animals will enjoy reading Jane Goodall: Groundbreaking Primatologist. The book shows how Jane Goodall overcame hardships to become a primatologist, how she’s impacted the scientific world, and how she continues to advocate for animals. The words and pictures blend to make an entertaining and educational book that young readers will love. To learn more about Jane Goodall and women scientists, read She Persisted in Science by Chelsea Clinton. To instill a love of science in a child, add Cece Loves Science by Kimberly Derting & Shelli R. Johannes , and Charlotte the Scientist Is Squished by Camille Andros to your little one’s reading list. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Rising Above: Inspiring Women in Sports

Some of the most accomplished and famous athletes in the world—tennis legends Venus and Serena Williams, Olympic Gold Medalist Simone Biles, World Cup superstar Carli Lloyd and others—faced earthshaking challenges in their youth. But they refused to give up. Through hard work and determination, they rose above their circumstances and went on to conquer the sports world. This collection of mini biographies, complete with firsthand content drawn from in-depth interviews, is a source of inspiration and self-empowerment for kids and sports fans of all ages.

Included in the book: Venus and Serena Wiliams (tennis), Simone Biles (gymnastics), Carli Lloyd (soccer), Wilma Rudolph (track and field), Mo’ne Davis (Little League baseball), Swin Cash (basketball), Elena Delle Donne (basketball), Bethany Hamilton (surfing), Ronda Rousey (mixed martial arts), and Kerri Strug (gymnastics). 

Rising Above is a motivational book that will appeal to anyone—athletes and non-athletes alike. Each chapter focuses on one athlete who is a legend in their field. However, even for these elite athletes, life threw unexpected challenges their way, including chronic illnesses, injuries, harsh criticism, and racism. For example, basketball player Elena Delle Donne had to overcome criticism about her body and her choices. In addition, she had to overcome having a chronic illness.  

Each athlete’s story is told using specific examples, quotes from the athlete and others who knew them, and motivational advice anyone can apply to their lives. For example, soccer player Carli Lloyd said, “You’ve got to work hard to turn negatives into positives…That’s really the key in life.” Even though most readers will never have the intense public scrutiny that these athletes were forced to face, readers will find each athlete’s story motivational and inspiring.  

One theme that comes through in every athlete’s story is the need to bounce back from failure. After having polio as a child, Wilma Rudolph became an African American Olympic legend in track. Along the way, she learned, “Winning is great, sure, but if you are really going to do something in life, the secret is learning how to lose. If you pick up after a crushing defeat and go on to win again, you are going to be a champion someday.” Each athlete admits that they are not perfect and that they had to turn to others for help. “Turning to a friend, parent therapist, or other person for help or guidance isn’t a sign of weakness. Instead, it can be the best way to deal with life’s trials.” 

The book’s afterword summarizes the similarities in each athlete’s situation and recaps their important life lessons. By reading Rising Above, you will see how athletes faced serious setbacks and rose to overcome them. Autor Gregory Zuckerman wrote: “The stories from Rising Above can serve as useful life lessons for those facing their own challenges.” Whether you dream of being a sports star or being a nurse, you can take the stories in Rising Above and apply the athletes’ lessons to your own life.  

Sexual Content 

  • While in the ocean, Bethany Hamilton was attacked by a shark. “Out of nowhere, Bethany saw a flash of grey. A split second later, she felt two lightning-fast tugs and then tremendous pressure on her left side. Bethany saw the jaws of a huge, fourteen-foot tiger shark covering the top of the surfboard and her entire left arm. Almost immediately, the water around her turned red.”


  • Ronda Rousey’s father was paralyzed in an accident, and he “had to deal with a rare disorder that made it impossible for him to stop bleeding.” Her father was in extreme pain and “unable to deal with the unbearable pain and with no hope in sight, Ronda’s father had taken his own life.” 
  • When Ronda Rousey was a child, she began training in judo. The kids would tease her about being muscular. “One day, a boy crept up behind Ronda and grabbed her throat. Ronda reacted with unusual quickness and strength, throwing the boy over her hip on the cement, stunning him.” 
  • When Ronda was in eighth grade, a girl challenged her to a fight. “Ronda defended herself and earned respect from her classmates for refusing to accept the abuse. Ronda dropped the eighth grader with a single punch.”

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Simone Biles’ mother “suffered from drug and alcohol addictions,” causing her to lose custody of her children. 
  • After Simone competed in the Olympics, “hackers released the medical files of various Olympians, a leak that showed Simone was taking a drug that was on the prohibited list. . .Simone acknowledged taking the medication since childhood for ADHD. . .She had permission for the drug and wasn’t ashamed.” 
  • Elena Delle Donne contracted Lyme disease and “began taking about fifty different supplements to keep her disease under control.” 
  • Basketball player Swin Cash was injured. She said, “Sharp movements would feel like someone was stabbing me with a steak knife.” Because of the pain, she took painkillers and injections. 


  • While playing tennis, Serena Williams dealt with racism. She said, “I heard the word nigger a couple of times. I couldn’t believe it.” 
  • When Wilma Rudolph, an African American Olympic runner, was young, white kids taunted her, saying, “Hey, nigger, get out of town.”  
  • Wilma Rudolph was nicknamed “the Black Gazelle” and “mosquito, ” and some referred to her as “gorilla.” 
  • While shopping in Honolulu, a white woman saw three African Americans window shopping. The woman said, “What are you natives doing out in the streets?” 
  • Ronda Rousey was bullied, and kids called her “Miss Man.” 
  • Pissed is used twice. 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • People criticized Simone because of her muscular build. She says, “Love your body. You were born with it. God has blessed it. Don’t pay attention to negativity.” 
  • When Elena Delle Donne quit college to go back home, “some criticized Elena for squandering her God-given talent.” 
  • After losing her arm in a shark attack, Bethany Hamilton had to be resilient. “Bethany says her religious faith also helped her. She felt God had a plan for her and was guiding her and helping her adjust to living with only one arm.” 
  • When basketball player Swin Cash was injured, she said, “You cry out to God, and you’re trying to understand, ‘Why is this happening to me?’” She eventually overcame the pain. “It was a lot of prayer, a lot of family, and a reevaluation of my life.” 

Gracie Under the Waves

Inspired by her own experience, beloved author Linda Sue Park tells the story of a girl learning how to impact a cause she cares about while navigating the ups and downs of a sibling relationship and turning disappointment into opportunity.   

Gracie loves snorkeling! She loves it so much, she convinces her parents to let her plan a family vacation to Roatán, Honduras, where they can all snorkel together. She even makes a new friend there. Now, if only her irritating little brother would leave her alone, everything would be perfect. Then Gracie hurts her leg, and all her carefully made plans start to come apart. Worse still, she learns the reef itself is in serious danger. Gracie wants to help the reef . . . but she’s just a kid. What can she do to make a difference? Fortunately, her new friend has a few ideas!  

Gracie is a resourceful protagonist who loves planning things. However, she can’t go with the flow, especially regarding her energetic, enthusiastic brother, Ben. To Gracie, it seems as if her brother ruins all of her plans. This is no different when the family arrives in Roatán. While snorkeling, Ben accidentally knocks into Gracie, causing her to hit her leg on the coral. Unable to snorkel, Gracie’s frustration grows, and she takes her anger out on her brother. However, when Ben gets caught up in a jellyfish bloom, Gracie doesn’t think twice before she jumps in to help her brother. 

Gracie loves snorkeling so much that she wants to show her family the wonders that live under the sea. This often takes the form of educating herself and learning more about the fish she sees while snorkeling. Once on Roatán, Gracie learns about the dangers of global warming and other reasons that the coral is dying. Gracie wants to help save the coral and she learns how small changes, such as using reef-safe sunscreen, can make a big difference. Gracie’s knowledge also allows her to help her brother escape a jellyfish bloom. After being stung by jellyfish, Ben doesn’t want to go back into the water. But with Gracie’s help, Ben realizes that “they weren’t being bad. They were just being jellyfish.” 

Gracie Under the Waves educates readers about the effects of global warming and gives a list of resources that show ways people can help save the reef. Several times, Gracie mentions the Netflix documentary Chasing Coral, which offers additional information about the importance of the reefs. In addition, the book has many black-and-white illustrations of the different types of fish that Gracie and her family see. Teaching about the ocean reefs isn’t the only positive aspect of the story. Gracie’s family is a traditional two-parent family with realistic conflicts, and they uses healthy communication skills to discuss their feelings. Readers who love the ocean will find Gracie Under the Waves an educational and entertaining story that gives them suggestions on how they can help save the reefs. Ocean-loving readers can learn more about saving ocean creatures by reading Odder by Katherine Applegate, Manatee Blues by Laurie Halse Anderson, and Out of My Shell by Jenny Goebel.  

Sexual Content 

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Drugs and Alcohol 

  • When Gracie gets injured, she is given antibiotics.  
  • Ben and Gracie are stung by jellyfish. The doctor tells them to use vinegar and “antihistamines for a bad case.”  


  • None


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

The Story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: An Inspiring Biography for Young Readers

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a “trailblazer in American history.” She became the second woman to sit on the Supreme Court of the United States and demonstrated that anyone, especially young girls, can attain influential positions through hard work and perseverance. As a leader, lawyer, and judge, she fought for justice and equal rights for all people, pushing for laws that called for fairness and equality in the workplace and society. To this day, her legacy is a testament to her determination for equal opportunities for men and women. However, Ginsburg’s journey to the Supreme Court wasn’t easy, and she had to overcome many difficulties in her studies and workplace. 

Born in 1933 in Brooklyn, New York, Ginsburg was an intelligent and observant girl. Although she loved to read and write, she wasn’t happy with the small injustices in her childhood, such as the girls not having as “many choices and opportunities as the boys had at school.” These inequalities continued to build as Ginsburg continued her studies, and she feared that her dream of law school would dissolve because she was a woman and not a man. Could Ginsburg still achieve her dream of becoming a lawyer and judge despite the gender discrimination? 

The Story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg tells the biographical story of Ginsburg’s life as an advocate for equal rights and gender equality. Told from the perspective of an outside narrator, the book follows Ginsburg’s life, beginning with her childhood frustration at her school’s gender injustices and ending with her world-changing work as a judge for the Supreme Court. Ginsburg is depicted as an inspirational character whose determination for equality in society is admirable and influential. Although not all readers will be able to relate to the gender discrimination that Ginsburg felt, they will understand the impact that inequality had on Ginsburg’s rise to becoming a judge. The book takes on an authentic and realistic feel by incorporating these highs and lows in Ginsburg’s life. 

The biography presents a positive outlook on the themes of determination and perseverance. Despite society’s implicit discrimination toward women, Ginsburg’s determination to fight for justice and equality highlights the book’s message about fighting fearlessly for what you believe in. It teaches that justice requires hard work, determination, and perseverance and challenges readers to uphold what’s right despite opposition. After all, Ginsburg’s life teaches others to “fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” 

The Story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is part of a series called Story Of: A Biography for New Readers. The book is educationally oriented and includes supplementary material, such as fun facts, a reading quiz, and a glossary. Cartoonish, colorful illustrations are found every one to three pages. The end of the book contains real-life photographs of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and some discussion questions such as, “How has Ruth’s work made a difference in your life or the lives of the women in your world?” Although the text does feature larger paragraphs and complex judicial terminology that can be challenging for younger readers, The Story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a captivating tale that teaches readers the importance of justice and equal rights. 

Sexual Content 

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Drugs and Alcohol 

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Spiritual Content 

  • None

Katie Ledecky

Katie Ledecky always planned to be a swimmer. Her mother had been a swimmer for the University of New Mexico, and her favorite pastime was swimming with her brother, Michael. At just six years old, Ledecky began swimming competitively, but it did not come easily at first. One of Ledecky’s first races was 25 meters, and Ledecky could not go that distance without stopping to rest. To motivate herself, Ledecky set a goal to swim the whole race without stopping. But a bad earache developed before the race, and Ledecky’s doctor advised her not to participate. Despite this, she swam in the race and met her goal. This kind of determination fueled Ledecky in the coming years.   

At fifteen, constant practice and several junior championships prepared Ledecky for her first national competition. Many professional swimmers aspire to compete in this competition, but very few feel prepared to do so early in their careers. This was the U.S. Olympic Team Trials, where athletes from across the country were selected to participate in the 2012 Olympic Games. Ledecky won first place in the 800-meter freestyle, a victory that earned her a spot in the U.S. Olympic team. As the team’s youngest member, Ledecky took home the gold medal and set a U.S. record that year.  

Katie Ledecky’s biography is only 32 pages and concisely reviews her amazing career. Readers will follow Ledecky’s life story—from her beginnings as a six-year-old swimmer to an Olympic champion who swam in four Olympic games and won nine gold medals. The book is an easy read, with only two to ten sentences per page. Every page features a full-color photograph of Ledecky’s swimming events, and every other page features a “fast fact” about her career. For example, one fact mentions that Ledecky’s race time was less than a second shy of the world record. Katie Ledecky is the first in the Olympic Stars Series, a collection of short biographies that introduces young readers to various Olympic athletes. 

While a nonfiction book may turn some readers away, Scheff does an excellent job retelling Ledecky’s races in an exciting and engaging way. Scheff writes, “Ledecky dove in. She led by nearly two seconds after one lap. Seven laps remained. With each lap, Ledecky pulled farther and farther away from the field.” Katie Ledecky’s biography is an inspiring book that teaches readers the importance of trying your best no matter the odds. Although Ledecky was the youngest competitor in her first Olympic race, her diligence and tireless training prepared her to win first place. The book will appeal to readers interested in swimming and the world of Olympic sports. However, all readers will be fascinated by Ledecky’s story and accomplishments. If you are looking for an equally educational and exciting nonfiction book, Katie Ledecky is a terrific choice. To learn more about inspirational athletes, add Florence Griffith Joyner by Rita Williams-Garcia and She Persisted in Sports by Chelsea Clinton to your reading list. 

Sexual Content 

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Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Kalpana Chawla

Born and raised in India, Kalpana Chawla was discouraged from pursuing a career in aeronautical engineering because there were limited career options for women in that field. But she persisted, getting her degree and then moving to the US to obtain other, more advanced education before joining NASA and becoming the first Indian-born woman to go to space. Though she was killed in the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, she continues to inspire girls in India and around the world to pursue their dreams of spaceflight. 

To one day become an astronaut for NASA, Kalpana knew she would have to leave India. When she was accepted into the University of Texas, she immigrated. Although life was different, she spent her time learning more about aviation, hiking, swimming, and scuba diving. She also met Jean-Pierre and got married. 

Kalpana and four thousand other applicants applied to the NASA Astronaut Corps! Kalpana was one of only nineteen people who were accepted. Although training was difficult, Kalpana continued to reach for the stars. She was able to go into space as a mission specialist. During a mission in space, “some people said that Kalpana had made a mistake in her work.” This didn’t stop her. Later, an investigation found that Kalpana “had not made any mistakes. Sometimes, things don’t work out exactly as we plan. But that doesn’t mean we quit. Kalpana certainly didn’t.”  

While living in India, Kalpana’s teachers and her father did not support her. However, her father was proud of Kalpana’s accomplishments. Kapana’s father gives other parents advice: “Just listen to your daughters, listen to what they have to say. They want to study, let them. Support them. Make sure they have all that they need to simply focus on their education.” 

Unfortunately, Kalpana was on the Columbia space shuttle when it exploded. Even though her life ended early, she is still admirable because of her hard work and dedication. She is an inspiration to many people because she overcame many obstacles. In addition, she reminds us that all people have potential. During an interview, Kalpana said, “When you look at the stars and the galaxy, you feel that you are not just from any particular piece of land but from the solar system. I could extend the whole thing—maybe one day people will go to other galaxies, and then what would we say? Where did we come from? ‘I am a resident of the Milky Way.’”  

She Persisted: Kalpana Chawla Young will inspire readers to reach for their dreams. The book ends with a list of ways readers can be persistent. To encourage a reader’s curiosity about space, add these books to your reading list: A is for Astronaut: Blasting Through the Alphabet by Clayton Anderson, Jada Jones Sky Watcher by Kelly Starling Lyons and Mousetronaut by Mark Kelly. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • In 2003, Kalpana and other astronauts were returning to Earth. “As the Columbia shuttle reentered Earth’s atmosphere, tragedy struck, and the shuttle broke apart. All the astronauts on board, including Kalpana, died that day.”  
  • During the recovery mission, “two official members of the recovery team, Jules F. Mier and Charles Krenek, also lost their lives. . .” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None


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  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

High Score

My name’s Darius James – but everyone calls me DJ. At my old school, I was the go-to guy for all kinds of tricky problems that needed creative solutions. But at my new school, Ella Fitzgerald Middle, I’m just trying to blend in. 

Well, I was, anyway, until my best friend, Conor, got himself transferred to the Fitz, too. Now Conor owes 100,000 arcade tickets to Lucky, the biggest bully around, and he only has two weeks to make it happen. Impossible? Not with my head in the game. 

When Lucky, the school bully, threatens to “rocket boost” Conor, DJ doesn’t want to step in to help. However, DJ discovers that being rocket boosted is “not good. I mean, if you’re bullied, beat up, pushed around—that’s bad. That’s really bad. But you’re still in the fight. You can push back. . . But when you get rocket boosted, it’s like you don’t exist. You’re a ghost. You can’t fight back. . . It’s pretty much game over.” Because of the extreme consequences of being rocket boosted, DJ steps in to help Conor, but in order to make his plan work, he needs more help, so Conor and Audrey are recruited to the team 

Audrey, an actress who longs to play the part of the evil villain, adds a lot of fun to the story. Since DJ has a crush on Audrey, he doesn’t want to get her involved in his schemes. However, he needs her acting skills, and she plays a pivotal part in the heist. Middle-grade readers will relate to DJ, who occasionally acts awkward and weird around Audrey, which adds humor. Even though DJ is crushing on Audrey, she is a well-rounded character who readers will love and respect.  

While High Score’s heist focuses on getting arcade tickets, the book will appeal to many middle-grade readers because DJ is discovering who he is and determining who he wants to be. While he is wickedly smart and good at conning people, he doesn’t want to use his skills and has vowed never to hurt someone intentionally. However, one of DJ’s biggest obstacles comes from his best friend, Conor, who loves the thrill of setting up a scheme and wants DJ to continue using his skills to manipulate others. In the end, DJ learns who he is —a person of integrity who isn’t willing to bow to peer pressure.  

High Score is the perfect book for middle school readers who love a good mystery and want to enter a world full of surprises. While some of the happenings at Fitz are a bit exaggerated, middle school readers will relate to the characters’ conflicts, which revolve around peer pressure, school bullies, and not wanting to become a social outcast. Reading High Score will leave the reader feeling like they spent a day hanging out with their friends and never wanting the day to end. And, of course, there are plenty of laughs and ice cream. If you enjoy reading about smart kids solving interesting mysteries, you should also read the City Spies Series by James Ponti and Chester Keene Cracks the Code by Kekla Magoon. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • DJ’s teacher, Mr. Danvers, was “full-on arachnophobic. . . [because] he fell into a nest of spiders when he was, like seven.” DJ didn’t know this and put a spider on Mr. Danvers’ sleeve. “He knocked over so much paint. He ruined, like an entire periods’ projects. And then he just, shut down. Like he wasn’t even there. . . The nurse had to literally drag him out of the classroom, and he was off for two weeks.” DJ felt terrible and didn’t do anything like that again. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • For Halloween, DJ dressed up as James Bond, but most people didn’t recognize him. DJ thinks, “I’m Black, so I’m never gonna be a dead ringer for Daniel Craig, but I was carrying a martini glass!” 
  • A student sells candy at school. DJ refers to it as “Choi’s sugar cartel.”


  • DJ refers to people, including himself, as idiots. For example, when talking about his friend, he “thought the director would be an idiot if they didn’t cast her as Ariel.” 
  • Heck and dang are used several times. 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Controlled Burn

Twelve-year-old Maia’s parents say she’s lucky she noticed something as early as she did. Lucky to have smelled the smoke, lucky to have pulled her sister, Amelia, out of their burning house. But is it really “lucky” when Amelia’s stuck in the hospital, covered in burns? And is it “lucky” when Maia knows it was her candle, left unattended, that started the fire in the first place? 

When she’s sent to spend the summer with her grandparents in Northern Minnesota while her sister heals, Maia discovers that her anxieties and demons are intent on following her wherever she goes. . . unless she can figure out how to overcome them. But what if she can’t? Maia barely knows her grandparents, she desperately misses her sister and home, and she’s not thrilled to be spending the summer with Grandpa Howard on his daily motorcycle rides out to the middle of the woods, where he spends all day keeping watch for forest fires. There are no kids her age in Gram and Pop’s small town at “the end of the road”—just the chatty nine-year-old neighbor who is intent on getting his Bear Scout badge at all costs, and a friendly, stray dog who’s been lurking around.  

But Maia will soon learn that nature is a powerful teacher, and sometimes, our greatest strengths show themselves when we have to be there for someone else. As she begins to figure out how to face her guilt and paralyzing fears, she’ll discover there’s a fine line between fear and adventure. And when danger strikes again, Maia must summon all her bravery and overcome her self-doubt if she wants to save those she loves most.  

Controlled Burn follows Maia’s journey to becoming stronger and less fearful. The first chapter begins with the fire, and afterward, Maia is taken to her grandparents, where she wrestles with nightmares and fears. Maia spends most of her time alone, and her only companion is a friendly dog named Bear. The solitude allows Maia to ruminate on her guilt over the fire and her many fears, allowing the reader to look intimately into Maia’s inner thoughts.  

The quiet story will appeal to readers with daily anxiety and unfounded fears. For example, Maia hasn’t learned to swim because she fears drowning in deep water. However, with the help of friends and her grandparents, Maia conquers her fear and learns how to swim. In addition, Maia’s grandpa helps her to understand that “you can’t prevent all bad things from happening, and you definitely can’t change things that have already happened. But what you can do is make the best out of a bad situation.” In addition, the book also highlights the importance of being able to forgive yourself.   

While Controlled Burn isn’t full of action and adventure, Maia’s emotional journey shows that with the help of others, overcoming fear is possible. In addition, Soderberg’s love of nature shines through and gives readers a unique perspective. Readers who love animals and want to explore fear through an animal’s perspective should read Odder by Katherine Applegate. 

Sexual Content 

  • None


  • While Maia and her sister Amelia are home alone, a fire starts. Maia goes to her sister’s room where “the fire had formed a sort of yellowish-orange ring around the base of the bed. . . she wailed as the flames caught her T-shirt and ripped into her hair.” Amelia is put in a medically induced coma and has to have skin grafts.  
  • A woman hits a deer, and Maia’s grandfather helps move the deer out of the road. Mia “stared at that deer, crumpled up on the side of the road. I didn’t need to touch it or even get close to know it was still warm. Blood oozed out of the side of the poor animal’s face, and its legs were splayed at an unnatural angle.”  
  • The deer was pregnant, so “Grandpa had bent over the dead deer and begun carefully slicing open her abdomen. . . [Maia] reached my hands into the dead animal’s belly, and helped Grandpa pull out a squirming mass of baby deer. . . There was goop and blood everywhere, but I hardly noticed.” The baby deer survives. 
  • Grandpa tells Maia about when his brother died. His brother was helping put out a fire when “one of the trees cracked off halfway up its trunk. . . It landed on my brother. James died instantly, I guess.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • While in the hospital, Maia’s sister is “pumped full of sedatives and medicine to stop her from hurting too much.” 


  • Maia’s grandfather has a pet dog. He said, “Some jerk abandoned it on the side of the highway.”  
  • Maia’s grandfather is injured “trying to keep up with that damn dog.”


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • Maia’s grandma takes her to church. Before riding on a motorcycle, Maia “crossed my fingers, and hoped the prayers I’d said at yesterday morning’s church service would protect me today from certain doom.”  
  • When Maia’s grandfather helps with a dead deer, he says, “Thank God.” This upsets Maia, but Grandpa says, “It could be worse. Could have been severely injured and suffering.” 

Live and Let Dive

Quinn is a quitter. With the unfortunate nickname of “Quitt,” he is infamous for constantly quitting every new sport he tries, which disappoints his friend, sister, and, worst of all—his dad. Everything changes when Quinn decides to compete for the diving team. Although the sport is difficult and he is not very good, Quinn enjoys the action and challenges himself to finish the season. However, things go wrong when Quinn breaks his arm in a freak bicycle accident, throwing his diving season into jeopardy. Can Quinn overcome this injury and finish the season? 

Live and Let Dive is told from the perspective of Quinn, a young boy who loves trying new things but struggles with commitment. In the beginning, Quinn’s portrayal as a person who frequently gives up is uninspiring for readers. However, his character development is evident throughout the story, as he learns the power of determination and self-confidence to finish what he had started, making him feel realistic and admirable. At the end of the story, Quinn even acknowledges that “You have to keep looking for something you love, even if it’s hard. If you don’t find something you like right away, keep trying.” 

Despite Quinn’s unwanted reputation, he learns to push through the hardships and rewrite his narrative by successfully finishing the diving season. Not only does Quinn make his friends and family proud, but he also rebuilds his own self-confidence, demonstrating the importance of perseverance and determination. Quinn’s story ultimately urges readers to tackle their biggest challenges with an uplifting mindset and positive attitude. 

Live and Let Dive presents its story in an engaging graphic novel format. Each page contains two to six panels in a gorgeous comic-like art style, where the characters and settings are detailed enough without overwhelming readers. The book also incorporates several fun graphic novel aspects, such as movement lines and overlapping panels, to enhance its illustrations, giving the scenes a realistic feel. Although the story uses frequent dialogue with small text and an extensive vocabulary, the illustrations will help younger readers follow the plot, especially since each scene is illustrated in a precise and exciting manner. 

Live and Let Dive is part of the Jake Maddox Graphic Novel series, which focuses on inspiring lessons in sports and competition. Alongside its colorful illustrations, the book also features additional content, such as a glossary, fun facts about diving, and “Visual Discussion Questions,” which ask the reader to identify how the art style reflects the tension and emotion in each scene. Live and Let Dive is an exciting and inspiring story about diving and an engaging graphic novel that showcases the importance of perseverance, commitment, and self-confidence.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

The Knight’s Enemies

Travel back in time with brothers Arthur and Finn to help stop the castle of Sir William Malory falling and prevent the death of his daughter Eleanor. The brothers arrive just as John the Withered attacks Wroxley Castle. With the castle under attack, Arthur and Finn must help defend the castle walls. When it becomes clear that Wroxley Castle will fall into enemy hands, the brothers must find a way to save Eleanor’s life by sneaking her out of the castle. But then Arthur and Finn are accused of being spies and thrown into a medieval dungeon. Will the boys escape after being imprisoned, save Eleanor, and succeed in changing the course of history?  

The Knight’s Enemies is told from the third-person point of view, allowing the story to switch between the two brothers’ perspectives. Including both brothers’ experiences gives a broader view of castle life. When called upon, the brothers show bravery by helping defend the castle. Between battles, Arthur and Finn try to figure out how to find and save Eleanor. The action-packed scenes create a gripping adventure that highlights the brothers’ bravery and shows the importance of friendship and loyalty.  

When Arthur and Finn travel to medieval times, the brothers land at different places. This helps build background knowledge of the castle and introduces various characters. At the beginning of the book, so many characters are introduced that readers will have to pay close attention to keep track of all of them. Even though one of the story’s villains is obvious from the start, readers will be surprised when the spy is revealed.  

Short sections are interspersed throughout the book, giving more historical information, such as how to defend a castle, steps to becoming a knight, and medical weapons. The information is detailed and includes how soldiers “poured boiling water over the enemy’s heads.” Another section describes the way an enemy tried to enter the castle, including “shooting dead animal corpses over the walls to spread disease [and] shoot the heads of dead enemy soldiers over the walls to terrify the poor souls inside the castle.” Defending a castle can be brutal, and the book doesn’t shy away from describing the battles, which may upset younger readers. 

Readers will hold their breath in anticipation, wondering how Arthur and Finn will fulfill Sir William Malory’s dying wish to save his daughter. The Knight’s Enemies weaves a compelling story with a typical damsel in distress trope. However, Eleanor is not a weak woman who needs to be saved. Although her appearance is short, Eleanor helps the wounded, cares deeply for her father, and bravely escapes certain death. The exciting battle scenes and the drama surrounding Eleanor perfectly blend to create a gripping adventure. But be advised, at 160 pages The Knight’s Enemies is a quick read that will leave readers excited to read the second book in the series, The Viking’s Revenge.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • The ghost of Sir William describes the siege of Wroxley Castle. John the Withered attacked the castle and kidnapped Sir William’s daughter, Eleanor. “They sent Eleanor’s head back to me the following morning.” 
  • When Finn travels back in time, he appears along the road to Wroxley Castle. He meets Thomas Shipton. Finn saves Thomas’ life by warning him about archers hiding in the forest. “Romas hunched down into the horse’s mane as an arrow hissed between the two boys and thudded into a tree.” 
  • Finn jumps onto the horse and “Thomas kicked the horse’s side to speed them away, but as he did so, the horse screamed and reared up.” Finn falls off the horse “while Thomas shouted in alarm as his horse staggered sideways on its hind legs and then toppled heavily to the ground, an arrow protruding from its flank. . .” The horse pins Thomas to the ground. 
  • Two men run towards the boys. To save his life, “Finn drew the string back, took aim at the bigger of the two men, and released. The man collapsed to the floor, gurgling horribly as he clutched at the arrow lodged in his throat.” The man presumably dies.  
  • The remaining man shoots more arrows at Finn and Thomas. Finn shoots another arrow. “The archer gave a shout of pain.” When Finn stands up, he sees “his enemy lay[ing] motionless on his back, an arrow buried deep in his chest.” The scene is described over four pages. 
  • Sir Ralph bullies Thomas. When Arthur defends Thomas, “Sir Ralph’s eyes widened in shock. . . He sprang forward and grabbed Arthur roughly by the throat. Arthur struggled, coughing and choking, pulling at Ralph’s hands in a desperate bid to free himself.” Another man breaks up the fight. 
  • John the Withered’s men use a catapult to attack the castle. “Something shot up from the catapult, and sailed high through the air across the divide between attackers and defenders. Finn noted with a sick feeling in his stomach that whatever it was appeared to have arms and legs. . . the first missile from the attacking army had been a horribly misshapen corpse.” 
  • Pots full of burning tar are catapulted over the castle wall. “One poor soul was running around in bigger and bigger circles, wrapped from head to toe in the flickering fire. Eventually someone managed to wrestle him to the ground with a blanket and extinguished the fire.” 
  • The castle archers release arrows. “Some men dropped to the ground, but their comrades did not falter and stepped across the bodies, marching inexorably on.” The soldier next to Arthur “screamed in pain and toppled backwards off the wall spouting blood from an arrow wound to the neck.”  
  • The castle soldiers began pouring boiling water “to burn any who tried to place ladders against the outer wall.”  
  • During the battle, Finn is hit with an arrow. “He lost his footing and with a cry for help he tumbled off the wall, his helmet knocked off his head as he fell. He landed on something soft, hit his head on something hard, and lost consciousness.” 
  • As the soldiers battled, the enemy used a battering ram to break the castle’s door. “The archers above kept up a relentless shower of arrows” and flung pots filled with burning tar at the enemy. 
  • Sir Ralph accused Arthur and Finn of being spies. When Arthur tries to defend himself, Ralph yells at him, “striking Arthur savagely across the face with the back of his hand and knocking Arthur’s helmet off as he did so. Arthur stumbled backwards, clutching his stinging face. . . “ 
  • When Arthur is thrown in the dungeon, he thinks about oubliettes. “An oubliette was a deep shaft in the ground with a lid on the top. The shaft was often so narrow that there was only room to stand and breathe . . . If they really wanted someone to suffer, they would lower the poor wretch into the oubliette, stick the lid on, leave them in total darkness, and forget about them.”  
  • During the battle, Sir William Malory receives a killing blow. As he lay dying, “he broke off and coughed more blood onto his chin.”  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • A spy plans to give Eleanor a potion to make her “sleep like the dead.” 


  • Several times a character calls someone a name, including calling people devils, insolent dogs, little rats, and smug fools. 
  • Sir Godfrey, receives a message that John the Withered wants the castle surrendered to him. Sir Godfrey says, “John has no claim to this castle save that he is a thieving, shriveled up rogue who bullies the weak. Leave now, scoundrel or I will have you killed.”  
  • During the battle, “all hell broke loose.” 
  • Several times, the characters “curse.” No profanity is used. 


  • Arthur and Finn’s grandfather created a museum about warriors throughout history. The museum is haunted and when the grandfather died, “he started haunting the place too. He felt guilty about the trapped ghost warriors and vowed he would not rest in peace until all the other ghosts were laid to rest first.” 
  • When one of the ghost warriors touches the boys, “we get transported to the time and place where the ghost lived and died. And we can’t get back until we’ve fixed whatever it is that keeps the ghost from resting in peace.” 
  • The ghost of Sir William appears in the museum. “His scar face was smeared with blood that seeped down from under his chain mail hood, and the expression he wore as he cast his stare around the room was one of pure anguish.” A picture of the knight shows blood dripping down his face. 
  • Sir William wants Arthur and Finn to travel back in time to save his daughter. “A ghostly hand gripped each boy by the neck. The air filled with mist so thick that nothing of the room could be seen, the handle flickered and died, and the boys saw only darkness.” The boys travel back to Sir William’s time. 
  • When Eleanor is safe, a “mist enveloped [Arthur and Finn], growing thicker and thicker. . . the castle and their friends vanished completely.” When they see the mist, the boys know they are going home. 

Spiritual Content 

  • As Finn climbs down the castle wall using a ladder, he must jump into a river. He was “praying that he would clear the river bank and land in the water.”  

Lucky Leopards!: And More True Stories of Amazing Animal Rescues!

“Runa and Kata: Lucky Leopards!”: Meet Runa and Kata, two baby leopards who lost their home when a woodcutter chopped down a hollow tree. To make money, the woodcutter took the cubs home, but he didn’t know how to feed them. Luckily, someone told a forest department worker about the cubs, and they were rushed to a local wildlife rescue. Will workers be able to raise the cubs and release them back into the wild? 

“Koa: Turtle in Trouble!”: One day, Nadine stopped in Newport, Oregon. On the beach, she saw an endangered sea turtle that was cold-stunned and couldn’t move. To help the turtle, a man carried the turtle on his back and put him in the back of a car. The sea turtle was taken to an aquarium to receive treatment. Could the sea turtle be saved and returned to its home? 

“Crooked Neck: The Lone Loon!”: Neil and Alina were boating when they noticed a loon with a backward neck. They discovered that the Loon was caught up in the fishing line. They tried to catch the loon, but he was too fast of a swimmer. Without help, the loon would die of starvation. Will Neil and Alina be able to save the loon? 

Based on the hit feature in National Geographic Kids magazine, National Geographic Chapter Series features three true stories about animal rescues. Each story is broken into three short chapters. The book is packed with full-color photography, lists, and infographics. Some pages also include orange boxes that contain additional facts about the animals. For example, “Did You Know? Sea Turtles have lived in Earth’s oceans for about 150 million years.”  

While reading each story, readers will learn more about the rescued animal. However, each story reminds readers that they should not try to help an injured animal—instead, they should call in a professional wildlife rescuer. The interesting facts, dialogue, and short sentences make the stories easy to read. Despite this, emerging readers may need help pronouncing difficult words, such as binoculars, dehydration, stranding, and approached. And while the stories are easy to understand, adults will need to read the book to beginning readers. 

National Geographic Chapters Series is perfect for young animal lovers who are ready for short chapters with lively, true stories just right to carry in a backpack, share with friends, and read under the covers at night. Readers will be drawn into Lucky Leopards because of the cute animal photographs, but they will want to read every page because the book is engaging. The book makes learning about animals fun. So, whether you’re looking for a story to read with a young child or trying to engage an older reader, Lucky Leopards is the purr-fect book. 

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  • When Runa and Kata were put into the wild, they “attacked [a] hen. They wrestled for it. They bit. They snarled and hissed. Kata finally won the prize. Then he carried his supper straight up a tree.”
  • When a dog came into the forest, “Runa and Kata teamed up and attacked the dog! It might seem sad, but in the jungle, ‘kill or be killed’ is a way of life.”

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Before Runa and Kata were released to the wild, vets “gave Runa and Kata medicine to put them to sleep.” Then vets put radio collars on the cats. 


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Spiritual Content 

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City of Wishes

Make a wish. . . During the New Year’s break, Plum and her friends travel to fancy, fashionable Nakhon City to stay with Sam and his mother, the powerful Lady Ubon. The New Year always brings food, parties, and the grand old tradition of making a wish. 

At first, Plum is dazzled by the big city. But under the glittering surface, many secrets lurk. Mysterious tremors that shake the ground are growing worse by the day. Nakhon’s troubles give Plum a chance to fulfill her own New Year’s wish: to do something big and meaningful with her Guardian powers. But how far will she have to go, and what will she have to give up, to make that wish come true? 

City of Wishes follows Plum and her friends as they travel to Nakhon Island, which is overpopulated. Plum and her friend Cherry are excited to explore Sam’s world—one of wealth and power. Their fun is interrupted when the city experiences several tremors that endanger the citizens. Plum and her friends discover Master Render, an ancient rock creature who is responsible for the tremors. Unfortunately, Master Render acts like a small child whose primary concern is food. Master Render’s appearance adds little to the story other than helping Plum escape from Nakhon Island.  

Sam’s mother, Lady Ubon, offers Plum an opportunity to become a leader for the city. In her quest to become someone important, Plum loses sight of what is important. When trouble erupts, Plum realizes, “Wanting something—wanting it with your entire heart—could make you forget everything else was important.” Even though the villain works for Lady Ubon, Plum and Sam are confident that the villain works alone. This trust doesn’t feel authentic because Lady Ubon knows that the problems surrounding overpopulation have no clear solution. To solve the problem, the villain is determined to take over Lotus Island so the residents of Nakhon Island can relocate. 

Rella, a girl who was expelled from the Guardian Academy, makes another appearance. Plum and most of the other students believe that Rella is untrustworthy. In the end, Rella helps Plum and her friends escape the island, and she serves as a reminder that some mistakes cannot be fixed. Rella knows she can never return to the Guardian Academy and says, “I wish I could do everything differently. But I can’t. Those are wishes that will never come true.”   

City of Wishes feels a little disjointed because the story lacks focus. Plum and her friends explore the island; however, their adventures are not described in detail, which may make it difficult for some readers to visualize the setting. However, black and white illustrations are scattered throughout the book to give readers a visual of the diverse characters and some of the key scenes.  

Readers who have read the other books in the series will enjoy seeing the characters in a new light. City of Wishes concludes with Master Render, Plum, and Cherry leaving Nakhon Island and traveling to an unknown destination, which sets the scene for the next book in the series, Temple of Secrets. Adventure-loving readers ready to jump into books with a more advanced plot should read the Legend of the Animal Healer Series by Lauren St. John and the Explorer Academy Series by Trudi Trueit.  

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  • Plum and her friends discover that a man plans to use hoverbots to attack Lotus Island. To stop the hoverbots, Plum and her friends turn into their Guardian forms. The hoverbots “were becoming mirror images. . . of us. . . Each of the hover bots had shifted their shapes to mimic our Guardian forms.” 
  • The hoverbots attack Plum and her friends. Plum changes into a roan. “Suddenly it reared back on its hind legs and charged straight into me. I lowered my antlers just in time to take the shock. . . The roan-bot slammed its head against mine. Stars flashed at the edges of my vision as I staggered back.”  
  • A sloth-bot attacks Mikko. “The sloth-bot reared its blocky fist back, aiming a blow straight for Mikko’s face. . . Before the punch could land, the bot was tackled by a large mass of gray fur. . . The bot was fighting an enormous wolfhound.” The battle is described over six pages; no one is seriously injured. 
  • Using Guardian magic, Rella changes into shadows. “The shadows pulsed like they were alive. . . The shadow mass oozed towards [the hoverbots], wrapping itself around them until they disappeared into the dark.” Rella disables the hoverbots. 
  • Rella uses her magic on the villain. Shadows “wove themselves around him, covering him like a cloak. We heard his muffled cries from inside the shadows, but we couldn’t see him at all.” Plum and her friends flee. It is unclear what happens to the villain. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

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  • “Holy pomelo seeds,” “holy celery,” “Holy fern fronds,” and “holy smokes” are used as exclamations. 
  • A girl is called a “sneaking skunk.” 


  • The students learn how to turn into mythical creatures, such as a fox bat and a gillybear. When they’re in their guardian form, they have special powers. 
  • One of Plum’s powers is to strengthen the other guardian’s powers.  
  • When Plum’s friend is in danger, Plum touches a yamyam tree and “pictured a golden thread running between me and the yamyam tree. I imagined my energy flowing from my antlers, through her bark, deep into her green heartwood. . . Decades of time flashed in seconds and the tree grew tall, then taller still.”  
  • Plum’s mother put a wish in a shell. When the shell becomes hot, Plum blows into its opening, and a “tiny pinprick of light” appears within the shell. Plum hears her mother’s voice, and then “the white light floated out of the shell and hovered in front of my face.” Plum and her friends follow the light to a cave. Once there, they meet a rock creature. Plum is the only one who can talk to the creature. 
  • Hoverbots say ancient chants that turn them into guardian forms. 
  • Plum strengthens Rella, one of the Guardians. “The moment her paw touched my hoof, I felt a zing. It was stronger than what I had felt with the others, like an electric jolt. . .” Rella can create and control shadows. 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

How to Speak Cat: A Guide to Decoding Cat Language

We know cats are beautiful, secretive, and independent … but even the most loyal cat owners are often baffled by their own pet’s behavior. With veterinarian expert Dr. Gary Weitzman as guide, this fun book helps kids understand what cats are trying to communicate by their body language and behavior. So, if you’ve ever wondered what Fluffy means when she’s purring or moving her tail emphatically from left to right—this book is for you! It’s full of insights, expert advice, and real-life cat scenarios. It also showcases more than 30 poses, so you’ll soon learn what each meow and flick of the tail means! 

Every cat lover should read How to Speak Cat. Each page is packed full of information and illustrations that make learning about cats a delight. Even though the book covers a vast array of cat topics, the text is broken down into smaller parts and includes headlines, subheadings, lists, infographs, and “Dr. Gary’s Vet Tips.” Each two page spread features cats, colorful quotes, and bite-sized sections that are easy to read. How to Speak Cat is educational and engaging. Each page feels like you’ve opened a treasure chest full of sparkling knowledge, unexpected facts, and frame-worthy cat portraits.  

Anything you’ve ever wondered about cats can be learned in How to Speak Cat. However, the facts are so interesting and the pictures so adorable that the book will appeal to any animal lover. And if you have a pet cat, then How to Speak Cat is a must read because it will help you keep your beloved pet healthy and safe. And if you haven’t had enough cute cats after reading How to Speak Cat, the book includes a website that allows you to view cats in action. If you’re ready to take a deep dive into the lives of cats, then snuggle up with your favorite feline and read How to Speak Cat.  

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  • Dr. Gary informs readers on how to keep their cats healthy and safe. For example, “We need to worry about cats and cars. Besides the risk of being run over, cats love sleeping in or underneath parked automobiles. . . Many are horribly injured when their unsuspecting owners leave for work. The hiding cats either get cut by turning fan belts or thrown out of the wheel wells at high speed.”  
  • Cats’ hunting habits are described, and one full-page picture shows a cat with a dead mouse in its mouth. Cats “bring their trophy home to show their family and eat it later. Even mountain lions drag their prey into the woods. . .nibble it little by little. . . house cats return with their catch.”  
  • Hunting can be risky for cats. “A captured bird could poke her in the eye with its beak. A rat could bite her ears or face.” 
  • A cat’s whiskers help her hunt. “If all goes well, the cat will attack, deliver a killing bite, and savor his catch. . . a cat could end up with a live rat dangling from his mouth. Then the rat could turn on the cat and injure him badly.” 
  • Coyotes pose a threat to cats. “Coyotes regularly feast on cats—both feral and pets. . . [In Tampa, Florida] two coyotes grabbed hold of a pet cat—one grabbed her by the neck and the other by the tail. They were shaking her violently, when Jack the pitbull rushed into the fray. Jack scared off the coyotes and freed the cat, who suffered a broken tooth and swelling in the brain. But she survived. . .” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • When cats have lasting anxiety, “Prozac and other anti-anxiety drugs developed for humans also help cats.”


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Spiritual Content 

  • In Ancient Persia “the Egyptians worshipped the goddess Bastet, who is thought to take the form of a cat.” 
  • Pope Innocent VIII proclaims that “cats are witches in disguise. As a result, all over Europe, cats are tortured and killed on sight.” 

Glass: A Cinderella Tale

In a grand glass house, there was a girl named Bess whose power would, one day, change the fate of her family. . . Bess Wickham has always felt like a bit of an outcast among her family of extraordinary glassblowers, but then an immense, magical power that’s lain dormant in her bloodline begins to emerge. So, when she suspects her family’s business has taken a sinister turn, Bess must find the strength to defeat dark magic and save a certain cinder girl. But will she shatter under the weight of such evil or get her happily ever after? 

Glass is a prequel to the Cinderella story from the perspective of the young fairy godmother, Bess. While readers will sympathize with Bess’s situation, many readers will have difficulty connecting with Bess. Bess’s family does not understand her, so she often escapes into the forest with her animal friends. Much of the conflict revolves around Bess’s inner turmoil, and when she eventually runs away, she spends most of her time alone. Unfortunately, Bess’s personality isn’t given much room to shine, and although she eventually becomes Ella’s fairy godmother, their connection feels weak and forced. 

When Ella’s grandfather dies, Ella is forced to leave the Royal Observatory in Greenwich and go to live with her distant cousins, the Wickhams. Soon, Ella is forced into slavery. Luckily, Bess’s owl friend Ulli sweeps in and saves Ella’s life by bringing her warm clothes, blankets, and food. Although Bess knows about Ella’s horrible situation, she is too fearful to confront her family about their cruel behavior. Like Bess, most of Ella’s interactions with the family are described second-hand, which makes it difficult to understand her suffering. Likewise, when Bess finally decides to help Ella, her motives are unclear. This makes their happy ending seem like a coincidence that lacks a reason to celebrate. 

One of Bess’s attributes is her love of the natural world, including plants and animals. Unfortunately, Bess’s love of plants leads to long descriptions, which slow the plot down. Likewise, Ella loves the stars and dreams of becoming a comet chaser. Like Bess, Ella describes the night skies with excessive detail. Both Bess’s and Ella’s descriptions are full of jargon, and some of the language will be difficult for readers to understand. For example, one page uses the following words: social stratifications, keenly, pertaining, astral tables, relics, curators, spectroscopic studies, and lickspittles. 

Readers who want an exciting and adventurous story will find Glass lacking both. However, readers who love the natural world and exploring characters’ inner thoughts will enjoy Glass because of its unique twist on the Cinderella story. Since the book includes complicated magic and long descriptions, Glass is best suited for strong readers who don’t get discouraged when encountering new vocabulary. Readers who want a more playful story and are eager to enter the fairytale world can find magical stories by reading Maggie and the Flying Horse by E.D. Baker, If the Shoe Fits by Sarah Mlynowski, and The Prince Problem by Vivian Vande Velde. 

Sexual Content 

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  • An owl gets impaled by a glass plant. “The blossoms were red, bloodred, and the needles were sharp. And there, hanging from the needles, was the owl she had seen. The owl her father had cursed and threatened to shoot now hung bleeding from the Blood Thorn lilies. Its white-speckled breast feathers were drenched in blood.” Bess treats the owl’s wounds, and it heals. 
  • One of Bess’s animal friends, a wolf, is shot. Afterward, Bess’s mother says she will taxidermy “just the head, my dear. They’re cutting it off and sending it over. But we are also going to make a glass casting of it.”  
  • Bess’s mother traps a titmouse and turns it into a figurine. Bess’s sisters “glanced at the shattered mirrors and the torn-up body of the titmouse. With one wing askew, the other was caught in a strange wild flight of its own, with no body attached. A glistening vaporous cloud began to form in the mirrored box over the remnant body parts of the titmouse.” A few seconds later, the titmouse had lost its soul. 
  • When Ella reveals her glass slipper, her family “seize her.” Ella “felt her dress ripping as Charles seized the skirt. Then Olivia grabbed her hair. The two together were wrestling her to the ground. . . [Ella] sunk her teeth into Olivia’s ankle. Charles was cursing her and reached down to grab her neck, but she raised her knee and kicked him in the groin.”  
  • To help Ella escape, Bess uses magic. “Estrella gasped as she watched Rose, Olivia, and their parents suddenly grow rigid and, then within seconds, turn transparent. Their eyes glared in a glassy, paralytic horror. . . The noise grew louder and was followed by the din of shattering glass as the Wickham family, one by one, crashed to the floor.” Bess had turned them into glass. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

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  • Bess’s father says, “My Lord” one time. 
  • Bess’s father describes her as being hek-ish. “He touched his heart as he said the dangerous word—as he did any word to do with witches or witchish things. It was an ancient custom to touch one’s heart when one said a forbidden or dangerous word like hek-ish.” Later, he says, “Hek-ish, by God!” 


  • Some people believed that Bess’s grandmother was a witch. Grannie said, “Witchcraft nonsense. Your mamma would have lost that hand she burned when she was learning to take the glass off the blowpipe if I hadn’t bound it in sphagnum.”  
  • Bess talks in the wolf’s language and then faints. Her father says, “It was as if you were seized by some. . . some unnatural spirit.”  
  • Bess worries when her father uses the term unnatural spirit. “Two words from the witch-burning times in England. . . Surly her parents didn’t think she was a witch.” Her parents do believe Bess is a witch.  
  • Bess’s family uses magic to trap animal’s souls and turn them into glass figurines. “The creature is fed an ominous brew of melted crystals sweetened with honey. The animal quickly becomes addled and loses its bearings. If it’s a frog, it might hop backward or sideways. Jumping up when it means to go down. . . They surround the creature with mirrors. Handblown glass mirrors. It becomes confused and finally smashes into the mirrors, which then break. This is the sign that the soul has been extracted.” The smashed glass is turned into a figurine.  
  • Bess goes to visit her Grandmother’s grave. “When the trees bleed white with frost and every limb and pine needle is shrouded in ice, it is said that the hoar spirits come like ghosts from the frost in the night.” That night, Grannie speaks to Bess and gives her a magic wand.  
  • Bess’s grandmother knew druid rituals. For example, when Bess’s parents were married, “Grannie drew the sun around us for good luck and happiness. She held up the wand and made a circle over our heads in the direction of the sun. . . I know Pastor Filkins was simply mortified. Only heaths do these old druid things.”  
  • Bess learns how to use the magic wand by casting a spell: “Cruthaichidh mi mar a smaoinicheas mi agus a labhras mi.” In order to make the magic work, Bess has to imagine what she is trying to create. “One had to think something, figure it out, before the magic worked. One could not just wave a wand around and babble some spell.”  
  • Bess’s sister, Olivia, puts a three-tine fork under Bess’s bed. A three-tine fork “was sometimes considered a tool of the devil. To use them meant to invite temptation and evil into a house, but to throw them away could also cause evil across the land.” 
  • While transporting the three-tine fork, “a sprig of heart wort” was put in the box with it. 
  • When Bess was born, “the birth sac was around her head. . . that is supposed to be good, bring luck. It means a gifted child.” Bess’s mother believes it was a curse. “There is a particular way one must bury the sac, and I’m not sure Grannie did it right.”  
  • Bess learns how to become invisible.  

Spiritual Content 

  • After Grannie dies, Bess believes she is in the Summerlands. Bess doesn’t know what that is, but Grannie “used to talk about the Summerlands sometimes. . . I think it’s something from long ago. . . in the time of the druids.” 
  • When Bess asks about the shape of a spoonbill’s beak, she is told, “The roseate spoonbill’s beak was designed by the good Lord so it could scoop up the delectable delights of the shallows. . .”  

The Story of Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson was one of the most famous mathematicians in history, and her work at NASA helped send the first men to the moon. Johnson’s life was characterized by her curiosity and desire to help others. Plus, her skillful calculations at NASA set the foundation for modern-day space travel. Her legacy lives on in the people and companies she invested in, and society has honored her work through books and movies about her achievements. However, Johnson’s journey wasn’t easy, and her path to NASA required hard work that required her to seize opportunities.  

Born on August 26th, 1918, in the small town of White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, Johnson was bright and curious. As a child, she loved counting things, and her love for math grew during high school and college. When Johnson accepted a work position at the prestigious company NASA, she was tasked with developing mathematical calculations to send the first men to space. However, with the margin of error slim, she feared that she had made a mistake with her math. Will the space missions be a success? Or will Johnson’s miscalculations ruin everything? 

The Story of Katherine Johnson tells the biographical story of Johnson’s life and her impact as a brilliant mathematician. Told from the perspective of an outside narrator, the book follows Johnson’s life, beginning with her childhood fascination with numbers and ending with her lasting legacy on NASA’s space missions. Thus, Johnson is portrayed as an inspirational figure whose willingness to seize her chances is exemplary and influential for readers. The book also depicts the challenges that came with her work and achievements, which gives the story a realistic and authentic feel. 

The biography offers a positive outlook on the themes of hard work and application. Although Johnson’s work at NASA came with trials and difficulty, her dedication to developing her math skills highlights the book’s message about jumping at one’s opportunities. It encourages readers to seize the occasions that open up in their lifetimes. In Johnson’s case, she “pushed the limits and encouraged others to do the same. She lived a life that was out of this world!” 

The Story of Katherine Johnson is part of a series called Story Of: A Biography for New Readers. The book is educationally oriented and includes additional supplementary material, like fun facts, discussion questions, a reading quiz, and a glossary. Hand-drawn, colorful illustrations pepper every one to three pages, and the back of the book features a small section with real-life pictures and reflection questions, such as, “What good things can happen when a person enjoys what they do at work?” While the text features large words and long paragraphs that can be challenging for younger readers, The Story of Katherine Johnson tells an inspiring tale about one of America’s most famous mathematicians. It’s a riveting story for math and space lovers. 

Readers can discover more about strong women inspired by space by reading Classified: The Secret Career of Mary Golda Ross, Cherokee Aerospace Engineer by Traci Sorell, Mae Jemison: Awesome Astronaut by Jill C. Wheeler and To Boldly Go: How Nichelle Nichols and Star Trek Helped Advance Civil Rights by Angela Dalton. However, if you’d like to introduce a young reader to inspiring space-related books, blast to the library to check out Jada Jones Sky Watcher by Kelly Starling Lyons, Mousetronaut by Mark Kelly, and The Secret Explorers and the Moon Mission by SJ King. 

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See-Through Mummies

From the pyramids at Giza to the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, mummies—those ancient and awesome figures of the dead—are among the most fascinating and surprising mysteries of the ancient world. Now you can travel back in time and look beneath the mummy’s bandages as it goes from dead to perfectly preserved, all in just a few months.  

Featuring clear pages that allow the reader a glimpse beneath the surface, See-Through Mummies will show you the secrets, legends, methods, and the exact step-by-step science of the practice of creating ancient mummies. Readers will not only learn how and why mummies were made, they will also unravel the secrets of the Book of the Dead, the legend behind Egyptian gods and goddesses, the inside story of Osiris, the very first mummy, and will glimpse the riches of tombs treasures as only a see-through page can show them. 

So, open your eyes and prepare to be amazed. With this book, you won’t just see mummies; you’ll see through them.  

See-Through Mummies is a beautifully illustrated book that breaks the Egyptian’s beliefs and mummification process into short informational sections. Each section has a bold title that clearly labels what the text is about. Illustrations show the mummification process with captions that explain each illustration. In addition, many pages have an infographic titled “Mummy Matters.” The infographic uses a bullet point list with additional facts, such as, “The valuable heart was left in the body. The worthless brain was thrown away.”  

The book gives step-by-step instructions on how to mummify a person and explains the Egyptian’s beliefs regarding the afterlife. For example, before being allowed into the afterlife, each person’s heart would be weighed. If they lead an evil life, they would be condemned to a second death. “The prospect of dying for a second time filled Egyptians with horror. It was the worst thing that could possibly happen to them.” Ammut was a monster called the “‘devourer of the dead’ because she ate the hearts of those who had led wicked lives. She was feared by all, and everyone knew that once she had eaten a person’s heart, they could never reach the afterlife.” Squamish readers may find the descriptions of the mummification process upsetting. 

The book’s format will instantly engage readers with the illustrations that mimic an ancient scroll. Each page has a border with brightly colored symbols, but the illustrations use earth tones. While none of the illustrations show gory detail, several of them include blood flowing from a body. Each illustration helps the reader understand the Ancient Egyptian’s beliefs. For example, the journey to the afterlife illustrates the steps involved in the weighing of the heart ceremony, along with captions explaining the illustration. The transparent pages are strong and will not tear; plus, they give the mummification process an added element because they allow the reader to see each step.  

Everyone who is interested in Ancient Egypt or mummies should read See-Through Mummies. This fascinating book breaks facts into easily manageable sections, and the illustrations help readers understand the Egyptians’ beliefs. Learn more about Ancient Egypt by reading The Curse of King Tut’s Mummy by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld, the TombQuest Series by Michael Northrop, and the Kid Detective Zet Series by Scott Peters. 

Sexual Content 

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  • The God Osiris was married to his sister Isis. Their brother Seth was jealous of Osiris and tricked him into getting into a coffin. “Seth shut the lid and threw the coffin into the Nile River, and Osiris drowned. . .” Later, Seth found the body and “ripped his body into fourteen pieces, which he scattered across Egypt.”  
  • Isis was sad that Osiris was scattered over Egypt, so she searched for the body parts. “She found them all save one, which a great fish had swallowed.” Osiris’s body was mummified, and Isis “blew life into Osiris, and he was reborn, not to live in this world, but to live for all time in the afterlife.” 
  • During the embalming process, the brain was removed. “It was pulled out in bits through the left nostril or scooped through a hole in the base of the skull.” 
  • Some people believe King Tutankhamun was murdered.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • During embalming, “the body could be washed with wine made from the fruit of palm trees.” 


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  • After a person “entered the afterlife, he or she was able to use supernatural powers. These powers could be put to good use, helping to solve problems for the living. However, they could also harm the living, causing them illness or trouble in the form of curses.” 

Spiritual Content 

  • The ancient Egyptians believed in many gods. The book references the gods Horus and Thoth. “Horus, who was the son of Osiris, was the god of eternal life. Thoth was the god of wisdom and writing.”  
  • After a person died, embalmers took away the body, and “priests attended to the body of a dead person, offering spells and prayers, and preparing it for the embalming process.” 
  • While a person was being embalmed, “priests recited sacred words from the Book of the Dead. This was a collection of around three hundred spells, all of which were designed to help the dead person travel to the afterlife.” 
  • When a body was wrapped in linen, “Amulets and spells were placed between the layers. . . During the wrapping, priest chanted spells each time a new piece of linen was put in place. . . the spells were also designed to protect the person’s akh, helping it on its way to the next life where it would live again.”

The Hunt for the Coliseum Ghost

Geronimo’s nephew Benjamin struggles to learn Roman history. To spark Benjamin’s interest in history, Geronimo decides to take him to Rome. Once there, they discover that the Colosseum is being haunted by a gladiator ghost and none of the tourists want to visit anymore! Geronimo must solve the mystery and rid the site of its ghost. 

The end of the book contains a bonus mini mystery: The Cheese Burglar. Geronimo invites readers to solve the mystery by using clearly defined clues. Can Geronimo clear his name and catch the real thief before it’s too late? 

Geronimo’s hunt for the Colosseum Ghost includes humorous chases, surprises, and appearances from Geronimo’s acquaintances. While much of the action occurs in Rome, the story focuses more on Geronimo’s hunt for the ghost than on Roman history or culture. Even though the purpose of the trip is to teach Benjamin, his role is limited; instead, Geronimo’s secret agent role becomes the focus. 

Each Geronimo Stilton book begins with Geronimo introducing himself and any characters that have appeared in previous books. For example, Creepella sends a letter to Geronimo, sprayed with “Ratell No. 5, my friend Creepella von Cacklefur’s favorite perfume! One thing you should know is that Creepella tells everyone she is my girlfriend, but it’s not true.”  

Readers familiar with Geronimo Stilton and his background will enjoy seeing the reappearance of many characters. Unfortunately, The Hunt of the Colosseum Ghost’s large cast list and jumpy plot make the story hard to follow. The story’s flow is also broken up with many inserts that explain Geronimo’s past interaction with other characters, as well as information about Geronimo being a secret agent. The book includes several infographics that give readers more information about Rome’s history, including some of its historic places. Since Geronimo talks about his love of pizza, the book includes directions for making a three-vegetable pizza.  

The Hunt of the Colosseum Ghost will appeal to a wide range of readers because Geronimo describes his adventure with humor. Plus, each page has a large, full-color illustration. In addition to the often humorous illustrations, the large text has a graphic element that makes the words look fun, and some keywords are printed in a larger, colored print. 

The Geronimo Stilton Series will capture readers’ attention because Geronimo is a likable protagonist who shows bravery although he often feels fear. His entertaining adventures often leave the reader with a nugget of wisdom. In The Hunt of the Colosseum Ghost, Geronimo says, “I thought for a moment about how satisfying it is to share with those we love, whether it’s a special pizza or a love of knowledge. The warm feelings I get inside from helping others are even better than a slice of Mouse Island’s finest cheese!” Readers who love Geronimo Stilton can find more humorous adventures in the Zeus The Mighty Series by Crispin Boyer. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • When Geronimo goes into the Colosseum, a ghost appears holding a sword. The ghost says, “You will regret taking on the gladiator ghost!” When Geronimo sees him, “I took off as quickly as the wind. You have no idea how fast I can run when I’m being chased by the ghost of a Roman gladiator!” 
  • Geronimo goes into the sewer underneath the Colosseum and discovers a room full of “enormouse spiders!. . .They scampered around while glaring menacingly at me with their beady little eyes.” Geronimo runs as the spiders chase him. “Ahead of me, I saw a small opening in the wall. Desperately, I tried to wiggle my body through it, but my tail got caught. Unfortunately, the spider took advantage of the opportunity and pinched me on the butt.” Geronimo escapes the spiders.  
  • Geronimo and his friends hide so they can watch the gladiator ghost. “Suddenly, the gladiator ghost waved his sword so violently it grazed my helmet and sheared off my whiskers!” 
  • The gladiator hears Geronimo’s squeak and gives chase. Geronimo tries several tricks to try to trap the gladiator. As he runs, the Colosseum’s crowd yells, “Get them! Get them!”  
  • At one point, a lion comes into the Colosseum. Geronimo “didn’t want to become lion food. . . The lion had raised its paw and was about to strike. I prepared for the collision, covering my snout with my paws, but . . . nothing happened.” Geronimo discovers that the lion and crowd are holographic projections. But the ghost was a robot. “I smashed into the robot so hard; it broke into pieces. . . it powered down completely and lay motionless on the ground like a mound of scrap metal.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • Geronimo uses many exclamations, such as squeak, holey cheese, moldy mozzarella, twisted rattails, and other silly words. 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Who Was Julius Caesar?

He came. He saw. He conquered. Julius Caesar was a force to be reckoned with. He was a savvy politician, an impressive orator, and a brave soldier. Born in Rome in 100 BC, he quickly climbed the ladder of Roman politics, making allies and enemies along the way. His victories in battle awarded him the support of the people. However, flush from power he named himself dictator for life, and the good times would not last much longer. On the Ides of March, Caesar was brutally assassinated by a group of senators determined to end his tyranny and bring his reign to an end. 

Who was Julius Caesar? focuses on Caesar’s rise to power in a time when power and wealth were the leading cause of many battles in Rome. Many powerful men were willing to fight for power, including Cinna and Marius, who were supposed to rule the Senate together. Since Caesar traveled widely, there is also a short excerpt about Cleopatra and her brother Ptolemy. Readers will find Caesar’s military expertise and ability to manipulate people fascinating. However, Caesar lived in a time of bloody battles, murders, and rebellions.  

The book has an easy-to-read format with a large font. Large black-and-white illustrations appear on almost every page. Many illustrations show maps, people, and objects from the time period. For example, there are illustrations of important people, Roman architecture, weapons, and maps. The wide array of illustrations and the short chapters will help keep readers interested until the end. Scattered throughout the book are one-page infographics that give more information about the time period, such as education in Ancient Rome, the Roman Forum, and Spartacus. The end of the book includes a timeline of Julius Caesar’s life and a timeline of the world during that time period. 

Julius Caesar is one of the most famous Romans of all time—he was even the topic of one of Shakespeare’s plays. Everyone should learn more about Caesar and Ancient Rome because they impacted the world. Political unrest embroiled Rome in many battles, causing death and destruction. Despite this, learning about Ancient Roman history shows how Caesar’s quest for power and wealth led to his demise, and while the Ancient Roman Empire accomplished many great things, the empire eventually crumbled.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Pirates imprisoned Caesar. After Caesar’s ransom was paid, he was released. “He took each and every one of the pirates and had them killed.” 
  • Sulla and Marius were rivals who wanted to be the top general. When the two sides battled, “Sulla’s army burned down buildings and killed many people.” 
  • Marius’ army returned to Rome and “began killing Sulla’s supporters. Some victims had their heads chopped off and stuck to the ends of spears.”  
  • In Ancient Rome, many men fought for power, including Cinna and Sulla. “Wealthy citizens were being murdered by angry mobs. . . Cinna’s troops realized they were no match for Sulla’s army. . . They murdered their own commander.”  
  • When Sulla took power, “he began clearing the city of his enemies. A list of names was posted in the Forum. Anyone who killed a man on the list could keep some of that man’s property.” 
  • Spartacus was a slave who began a rebellion. “One night, Spartacus escaped with more than seventy other slaves. They were armed only with kitchen knives. As they fled, they came across wagons loaded with weapons.” Spartacus and his men killed many men. 
  • When Spartacus was killed, the rebellion ended. “For daring to rise up against Rome, six thousand rebels were crucified. The crosses stood one every hundred feet for a hundred miles, all along the road to Rome.” Spartacus and his rebellion are discussed over a page. 
  • Bibulus, a senate member, angered the people of Rome. “They threw things at him. Someone dumped a basket of animal poop on his head, and a mob chased him back to his house.” 
  • Caesar attacked Gaul. During this time, a group of three thousand Gauls planned to move to the coast. “They had burned their villages behind them, so no one could change their mind and move back home.” 
  • Caesar went to Egypt and the king gave him a gift, “a woven basket. . . containing Pompey’s severed head!” 
  • Caesar became so powerful that the senate decided to kill him. “The first to stab Caesar was a senator named Casca. He was so nervous that he only grazed Caesar’s neck. Caesar attacked with the only weapon he had—a pen—and stabbed it through Casca’s arm. Twenty-two more blows descended on Caesar, one knife after another.” Caesar died. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • The Romans believed in many gods. “Caesar’s family said they were descended directly from Venus, Roman goddess of love and beauty!” 
  • In a speech, Caesar said, “The family of my aunt Julia is descended from kings on her mother’s side and, through her father, from the gods themselves. My family therefore holds the sanctity of kings who rule among men and of gods who rule over kings.” 
  • One page explains the religion in Ancient Rome. The Romans “worshiped Greek gods—after giving them Roman names. The most powerful Greek God, Zeus, became the Roman God Jupiter. . . Religion was part of everyday life in Rome. Almost everyone had a household shrine: a small cupboard with pictures and trinkets where they could pray and make offerings—often food and drink—to the gods.” 
  • Romans appointed a High Priest of Jupiter. “The God Jupiter was the protector of Rome.”  

You Wouldn’t Want to be a Roman Gladiator!

This interactive story makes readers part of the story by inviting them to become the main characters. The story warns: watch out as a barbarian fighting against the Romans, you are about to be captured, sold as a slave, and trained to become a Roman gladiator.  

Tips from the experts:  

  • Train hard — your life will depend on your fighting skills.  
  • Eat porridge, barley, and ash to become fit and strong!  
  • Don’t get caught if you attempt to escape — the punishments are severe.  
  • Fight well or face the consequences! 
  • Win every contest and live long enough to retire.  

If you’re ready to jump into the life of a gladiator, You Wouldn’t Want to be a Roman Gladiator!  will teach you how to fight, kill, and die in a suitably sporting manner to entertain the Roman crowds. If you survive, you could become a hero but don’t count on it.  

You Wouldn’t Want to be a Roman Gladiator! introduces readers to the dark and violent life of a Roman gladiator. Instead of depicting the horrors that gladiators face in a dark, dreary mood, the illustrations use humor. While fighting is illustrated, the men have exaggerated facial expressions, and no wounds are included. One page does show two men being chased by wild animals, and one of the gladiators is on the ground while a tiger is about to pounce on him. The book’s light tone allows readers to learn about this important era in history without traumatizing them with gory details.   

The book’s format is perfect for reluctant readers. Each page has one large illustration as well as several smaller illustrations. On each two-page spread, a large paragraph explains what is happening to the reader. Along the edges, there is more information about a gladiator’s life. For example, one page includes an illustrated list of what happens when a gladiator is getting ready to “fight to the death.” In addition, each two-page spread has a “Handy Hint” that gives even more information, such as “keep oon fighting—if you don’t, your trainer will send a slave to whip you or prod you with a hot poker.”  

You Wouldn’t Want to be a Roman Gladiator! is an interactive book that uses humor and illustrations to make learning about history fun. While some readers may not understand all of the words, context clues and illustrations will help them understand their meanings. Plus, there is a glossary at the back of the book. For more information about life in ancient Rome, you don’t need to search for an ancient scroll; instead, read the nonfiction book Ancient Rome and Pompeii by Mary Pope Osborne & Natalie Pope Boyce. Readers who want to experience a fictional gladiator’s life should read Ranger in Time: Danger in Ancient Rome by Kate Messner.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • The Romans and Gauls fight; the Romans enslave the prisoners who “are chained at the neck and led away to begin a new life as slaves.” An illustration of the fight is included.  
  • When the slaves are sold at the market, they are forced to work in the mines, in the quarry, as gladiators, and in other difficult jobs. The slaves are chained and must wear a collar with their owner’s name and address. 
  • Several times, the book mentions that slaves were whipped if they didn’t work hard enough.  
  • If a slave tried to escape, “a runaway will have FHE (for Fugitivus Hic Est) and the initials of his owner, such as LT (for Lucius Titius) burned into his forehead.” 
  • A list of the different types of gladiators is included. Each gladiator appears with the weapon that he would use. One gladiator pictured is a woman. “An uncommon sight, but women fight as gladiators, too.” 
  • If a gladiator didn’t want to fight, “your trainer will send a slave to whip you or prod you with a hot poker.”  
  • When you fight another gladiator and feel as if you will lose, “appeal to the emperor. As you raise your left hand, the emperor will turn to the crowd and let it decide your fate. . . If people turn their thumbs down to the ground, as if swiping a sword through the air, then the defeated man must die.” The picture shows a gladiator on his back with another man holding a sword against his neck. 
  • If you survive until midday, “you’ll have a chance for a rest, when you’ll be able to watch criminals fight to the death.” 
  • Some gladiators fought wild animals such as lions, tigers, and elephants, but “those who are criminals have no means of defense.”  
  • The Colosseum could be flooded so battleships could fight. “From a distance, you will shoot burning arrows at the enemy ship. Then, when you are upon them, you will use hand to hand combat.” Some men are seen jumping into the water, and it is implied that they will drown if they do not know how to swim. 
  • At the end of the games, “men drag away the bodies of the dead and dump them in a pit. . . Dying gladiators are killed by a man dressed as the mythical character Charon from the underworld.”  
  • At the end of the reader’s fight, “your body is dragged from the arena, the victorious gladiator is presented with his prize.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • The night before the gladiators’ fight, they are given meat and wine. 


  • A man yells at a gladiator, “Fight, you lazy dog.”


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • When the Romans and Gauls are about to fight, you are captured. An unnamed narrator gives you this advice: before the battle, offer a gift to your gods by throwing a weapon into a bog. This is the entrance to their underground world. 

Danger in Ancient Rome

Ranger is a golden retriever who has been trained as a search-and-rescue dog. In this adventure, Ranger travels to the Colosseum in ancient Rome, where there are gladiator fights and wild animal hunts! Ranger befriends the young boy Marcus after saving him from a runaway lion. Ranger also befriends Quintus, a new volunteer gladiator who must prove himself in the arena. Can Ranger help Marcus and Quintus escape the brutal world of the Colosseum?  

Told in third-person, Danger in Ancient Rome includes the inner thoughts of Ranger, Marcus, and Quintus. This increases the suspense by focusing on both Marcus’s and Quintus’s fear of being killed. Their point of view also allows them to explain Ancient Rome’s beliefs and practices. Since Marcus is young, he explains his master’s cruelty in kid-friendly language that is suspenseful, but not terrifying.   

Adding Ranger’s point of view allows the reader to understand Ranger’s thought process, which often includes comparing a situation in Rome to something similar in his family’s situation. For example, when trying to save a boy from a burning building, Ranger barks but doesn’t leave the building. The dog thinks, “He never had to bark this long practicing with Dad and Luke. When Ranger found the person and barked, Luke came.”  

Life in Ancient Rome was difficult and slaves were often treated cruelly. The descriptions are not graphic or gory, however, sensitive readers may get upset when Quintus is forced to fight in the Colosseum. The fight ends in a realistic but surprising way. Ranger and Marcus help Quintus fight and the emperor frees Marcus, Quintus, and the gladiator. A servant tells them, “But today, you and your dog gave [the audience] the one thing they love more than blood. . . You gave them a story. One they will tell for a long time to come.”  

The Ranger in Time Series format will appeal to young readers. The book has large text and full-page, black-and-white illustrations that appear approximately every six pages. The author’s note includes information about the historical people and places in the book, including information about Pompeii. Plus, there is a list of resources for readers who want to learn more about Ancient Rome.  

Danger in Ancient Rome is a suspenseful story that allows readers to learn about Ancient Rome. The story focuses on Marcus, a servant raised in a gladiator school. Since he has watched gladiators train, he is very knowledgeable and helps Quintus survive his first battle. The heartwarming conclusion shows Marcus and Quintus being given their freedom and becoming a family. Ranger uses his ability to smell to help others. Readers who want to learn more about amazing dogs should read The Dog That Dug for Dinosaurs by Shirley Raye Redmond, Dog Heroes by Mary Pope Osborne & Natalie Pope Boyce, and Sniffer Dogs by Nancy F. Castaldo. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • The emperor Domitian “had a reputation for being cruel. Some people even said he had killed the former emperor, Titus, his own brother.”  
  • A lion jumps on Marcus. “The lion knocked him to the stone floor. He hit his head on the edge of a stair. . . [the lion] pinned Marcus down with a fat, heavy paw.” Ranger helps and Marcus is uninjured. A one-page illustration shows the lion pinning Marcus to the ground. 
  • When help arrives for Marcus, “Ranger jumped to the side just as the animal trainer jabbed the lion with his stick. The huge cat roared and reared to face him. Then, four more men came running with sticks and swords and nets. They snared the big cat and tied it tight with thick ropes.” 
  • When a trainee disappears, Marcus’ owner tells Marcus, “You will find him. And you will bring him back. Or you will pay with your life.” Later, Marcus thinks that his owner “could have had him beaten or even killed for failing to do his job.”  
  • Ranger goes into a fire to rescue a boy. When he finds the boy, Ranger barks until Marcus comes to help. “Pieces of ceiling fell in burning scraps around them. Marcus couldn’t see anyone. . . He could only feel the dog under his hand, leading him.”  
  • Quintus is a “retiarius,” which means he is “the lowest of all the gladiators, that he almost always fought a heavily armored sector in the arena.” A retiarius usually dies in battle. 
  • Quintus, a gladiator in training, tries to run away. When his owner finds him, he shackles Quintus “with a thick iron cuff around his ankle and locked him into the barracks. . .” 
  • Men who committed crimes are “tied together with ropes and wearing nothing but rags.” They are executed, but their deaths are not described. 
  • Quintus is forced to fight Cleto, who is much bigger than him. During the fight, “Cleto slashed with his sword. Quintus fell back, clutching his upper arm. . . Marcus could see blood seeping from between [Quintus’] fingers.” 
  • During the fight, Quintus throws a net over Cleto. “Cleto cut through the net with his sword. He slashed at Quintus’s arm again, and this time, a bigger gash opened, spilling blood into the sand.” 
  • Ranger jumps in to help Quintus. Ranger “tackled Cleto, the way he tackled Luke when they were roughhousing in the yard at home. . . Even through the dark holes of the metal mask, Ranger could sense the anger in [Cletos’s] eyes.” 
  • Quintus again puts the net over Cleto. “. . . Cleto freed himself from the net. He struggled to untangle his sword and shield. . . [Cleto] rushed at Quintus, and slammed his body against him.” The emperor stops the fight and allows everyone to live. The fight is described over ten pages. There are two illustrations, but they do not show any of the wounds or actual fighting. 
  • After the fight, Quintus’s “face is smeared with sweat and drying blood.”

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None


  • None 


  • Ranger can time travel. When it is time for him to travel, a first-aid kit begins to hum. When Ranger picks up the first-aid kit, “Bright light spilled from the cracks in the old metal box. . . The light beamed brighter and brighter. . . Ranger’s skin prickled under his fur.” When he opens his eyes, he’s in Rome.

Spiritual Content 

  • When Quintus sees animals being led into the Colosseum, he whispers, “May the gods have mercy.” 
  • When Quintus fights in the Colosseum, Marcus “clenched his hands together and prayed to the gods for help.” 

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