The Red Pyramid

After his mom’s sudden death, Carter Kane has spent every moment traveling the world with his father, Dr. Julius Kane, an Egyptian scholar. While Carter’s sister, Sadie, has lived with her grandparents in the United Kingdom, where Carter and Julius visit her every year. What starts as a normal visit to the British Museum turns their lives upside down when their father accidentally summons several Egyptian gods and goddesses and is captured in the process.  

One night, Dr. Kane brings the siblings together for a “research experiment” at the British Museum, where he hopes to set things right for his family. Instead, he unleashes the Egyptian god Set, who banishes him to oblivion and forces the children to flee for their lives.

Soon, Sadie and Carter discover that the gods of Egypt are waking, and the worst of them—Set–has his sights on the Kanes. To stop him, the siblings embark on a dangerous journey across the globe — a quest that brings them ever closer to the truth about their family, and their links to a secret order that has existed since the time of the pharaohs. 

Along the way, Carter and Sadie meet Zia, a magician who is part of the House of Life, a group of magicians that Carter and Sadie’s parents were a part of. With her knowledge from being trained by the House of Life, Zia helps Carter and Sadie learn to use magic. “The Egyptian word shesh means scribe or writer, but it can also mean magician. This is because magic, at its most basic, turns words into reality.” Zia helps Sadie and Carter learn to develop their abilities as magicians, but she also becomes their friend; helping them fight chaos up until the final battle at the end of the book.  

The Red Pyramid shows the growth of Carter and Sadie’s friendship and relationship as siblings. They have lived apart for so long that they now have to get to know each other as pre-teens while they work together to learn about magic and save their dad. Each sibling is jealous of the other. Sadie says, “Poor [Carter], forced to travel the world, skip school, and spend time with Dad while I get a whole two days a year with him!” Carter responds, “You get a home! You get friends and a normal life and don’t wake up each morning wondering what country you’re in!” Eventually, Sadie and Carter learn to appreciate each other.  

Carter’s and Sadie’s experiences highlight how power in the wrong hands can be corrupt. For example, the god Set wanted the throne and power so badly that he imprisoned another god, Osiris, and harmed his sister, Isis, and her son, Horus. Horus tells this story to Carter and says, “Anger gave me the strength to defeat Set and take the throne for myself, you must do the same.” But unlike Horus and Set, Carter doesn’t want to rule. Carter says, “I don’t want a throne, I want my dad.” Carter and Sadie never give into the advantages that Set or the powers of chaos would give them, which makes them empathetic characters.  

Ultimately, The Red Pyramid leaves readers with an important message: you cannot assume anyone is completely good or completely evil. As their fight with Set ends, Sadie and Carter recognize that while Set is “evil, faithless, ruthless, vile . . . [Set] is also the strongest god” and they need his help to defeat the coming chaos, Apophis. Set is surprised by their ability to team up with him after all he’s done, but Carter and Sadie recognize, “we have to gain strength too—gods and men, united like in old times” to defeat Apophis, as “chaos is rising.”  

Readers who enjoy mythology, action, and magic will absolutely love Carter and Sadie’s journey in this book as they learn how to use their powers and make sacrifices to stop chaos from overtaking the world. Readers will empathize with Sadie and Carter as they strengthen their brother and sister bond while fighting to stop chaos and rescue their dad. This book will keep readers on the edge of their seats, eager to see what happens in the next book in the series. 

Sexual Content 

  • Sadie meets the god Anubis and says, “In person, if possible, Anubis was even more drop-dead gorgeous.”  
  • Carter says, “I was very aware of [Zia’s] shoulder pressed against mine . . . She had a dried chili stuck in her hair, and somehow that made her look even cuter.” 
  • Carter says, “Zia squeezed my hand, which sent a tingle up my arm.”  
  • Sadie sees a vision of the last time her parents saw one another: “They kissed one last time, as if they were saying goodbye.”  


  • Carter explains that his mom died when he and Sadie were young. “I knew [mom] died in an accident in London. I knew my grandparents blamed my dad. But no one would ever tell us the details.” 
  • Carter and Sadie watch their dad fight a fiery being. “With another flick of his hand, he conjured a glowing coffin around our dad . . . My dad caught my eyes one last time, and mouthed the word Run! before the coffin sank into the floor, as if the ground had turned to water.”  
  • While entering the Land of the Dead, Sadie and Carter run into Shezmu, a creature defending the entrance. Shezmu explains that his role in the Land of the Dead is destroying the souls of wicked people after they have been judged by the God of the Dead, Osiris. Shezmu says, “Lord Osiris lets me behead the wicked! I crush them in my wine press, and make wine for the dead!”  
  • While the fiery god, Set, is fighting Carter, Sadie, and Zia, he threatens, “I will rend your limbs from their sockets!” For example, during this battle, when another magician arrives to help, Set quickly incapacitates him in a brutal way: “Set rose up behind [the magician] and swung his iron rod like a baseball bat. [The magician] tumbled, broken and unconscious, all the way down the pyramid.” 
  • Carter explains how easily Set is able to throw magicians around when they try to defeat him: “[Set] pointed at me, and I slammed against the wall, pinned as if an entire football team were holding me down.”  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • Carter and Sadie witness their dad using magic at the British Museum. “Dad was writing on the [Rosetta stone]. Wherever the [wand] made contact, glowing blue lines appeared on the granite. Hieroglyphs.” Carter and Sadie’s dad is opening the Rosetta Stone by writing magic hieroglyphs on it: “Dad raised his arms. He chanted: ‘Wo-seer, iei.’” Carter and Sadie’s dad is summoning the god of the dead, Osiris.  
  • Carter and Sadie realize they have magical powers when they reflect on a story from Sadie’s sixth birthday. Carter and Sadie were arguing and fighting with one another. Carter says, “We started yelling. [Sadie] grabbed my shirt. I pushed [Sadie] . . . Sadie’s birthday cake exploded.”  
  • Carter and Sadie accidentally awaken a shabti, a clay doll that can perform magic. Shabti “were supposed to come to life when their master called.” Several times, Carter and Sadie ask the Shabti to bring them information. 
  • When Sadie and Carter are about to be attacked by a scorpion goddess, Sadie’s cat, Muffin, turns into the Egyptian goddess of cats, Bast. Bast was a friend to Carter and Sadie’s parents and has promised to protect them as best she can. Sadie explains, “My cat was no longer there. In her place was a woman—small and lithe like a gymnast.” Bast is able to protect Carter and Sadie and she meets back up with them at a later point in the book after this battle.  
  • Carter and Sadie have unwittingly become hosts to the gods Horus and Isis. The goddess hosted by Sadie’s cat Muffin, Bast, explains, “Part of Isis’s spirit now resides inside [Sadie]. Just as Carter now carries the spirit of Horus.”  
  • Sadie and Carter see their dad in the Land of the Dead. He says, “I am both Osiris and Julius Kane. I am alive and dead . . . Osiris is the god of the dead, and the god of new life.” To bring Osiris back to his rightful place as a god, their dad had to die. 
  • Sadie and Carter also see their mom in the Land of the Dead, and she speaks with them reassuringly, explaining, “We can’t go back . . . But nothing is lost, even in death.”  

Spiritual Content 

  • The gods and goddesses of Egyptian mythology are a large portion of this book. However, instead of being reverently written, they act more like humans, showing traits like jealousy, vulnerability, and anger. For instance, Horus tries to influence Carter to take on more power and focus on anger: “Anger gave me the strength to defeat Set and take the throne for myself. [Carter] must do the same.”  
  • Uncle Amos explains to Carter and Sadie the ancient Egyptians’ understanding of the gods. Amos explains, “Egyptians had learned that their gods were not to be worshipped. They are powerful beings, primeval forces, but they are not divine in the sense one might think of God. [The gods] are created entities, like mortals, only much more powerful.”  
  • Carter’s dad gave him an ancient amulet that “was an eye of Horus, a popular protection symbol in Ancient Egypt.” 
  • The gods “cannot walk the earth in their pure form—at least, not for more than a few moments. They must have hosts [human hosts].” Carter and Sadie both unwittingly become hosts for Egyptian gods in this book. Carter hosts Horus and Sadie hosts Isis. Carter explains what it is like when he and Horus work together during a battle as Horus’ power allows Carter to have protective shields and amplified strength. Carter says, “[Horus] did not control me. I did not use [Horus] for power. We acted as one…My combat avatar formed around me, lifting me off the floor and encasing me with golden energy.”  
  • Sadie can communicate with Isis in her mind because she is hosting the goddess. Carter is able to do the same with Horus. Sadie describes struggling to decide what to do in the final battle: save her dad first or make sure Set is defeated. The discussion with Isis in Sadie’s mind is depicted, “Set must be dealt with first, Isis warned. But if I can free Dad…I stepped towards the throne. No, Isis warned. It is too dangerous.” Ultimately, Sadie works with Isis to defeat the chaos god Set. Sadie hosting Isis gives her the ability to open a magical portal. “‘A mortal can’t,’ [Sadie] agreed. ‘But a goddess can.’” 
  • Uncle Amos tells Carter and Sadie, “In the old days, the priests of Egypt would call upon these gods to channel their power and perform great feats. That is the origin of what we now call magic.”  
  • Uncle Amos explains an ancient Egyptian burial ritual: “In ancient times, the east bank of the Nile was always the side of the living, the side where the sun rises. The dead were buried west of the river. It is considered bad luck, even dangerous, to live there.”  
  • Carter and Sadie learn from the god Thoth that, “Everything in Creation has a secret name . . . Even gods.” And they learn that “To know a being’s name is to have power over that creature.”  
  • Before making an alliance with Set to fight chaos, Sadie and Carter ask Set to “Swear by your own name and the Throne of Ra” to ensure he keeps his word does so. 

The 13th Floor: A Ghost Story

When Buddy Stebbins stumbles onto the thirteenth floor of a shabby old building, he finds himself suddenly transported aboard a leaking pirate ship in a howling storm—three hundred years in the past! Cast adrift with Captain John Crackstone, Buddy washes up in New England, where his plucky ancestor, Abigail, is caught up in the witchcraft mania. In an adventure filled with ghosts, witches, pirates, and razzle-dazzle treasure, Buddy might be able to save his wayward ancestors. But will he find his way back to the thirteenth floor—and home? 

The 13th Floor’s conflict is introduced when Buddy learns that his sister may have to sell the family home. Buddy looks to his dead ancestors for help. For if he can find Captain John Crackstone’s treasure, their home will be saved! But Buddy never expected that he’d go back in time and become part of Captain Crackstone’s crew. Soon, Buddy is climbing the ship’s rigging in a storm and rescuing his sister from death by creating a pirate’s ghost out of a codfish and a Walkman.  

The 13th Floor doesn’t waste words, which creates a fast-paced story that not only includes pirate fights but also fascinating facts about the Salem witch trials. With the help of his sister, Buddy defends Abigail—one of Buddy’s ancestors—against accusations of being a witch. Readers will instantly like Buddy, who is humorous and shows his bravery time after time. And the court scenes are just as interesting as the pirate fights as they shed light on life in the 1690s.  

Along the way, readers are introduced to Buddy’s relatives, Captain Crackstone and Abigail, who are both interesting characters. Captain Crackstone’s cheerful and unflappable nature makes him extremely likable. The captain quickly takes Buddy under his wing and introduces him to pirate life. Once on land, Buddy also meets Abigail, who tries to run away before she can stand trial for witchcraft. Readers will understand Abigail’s desire to hide and admire her trust in Liz and Buddy’s promise to defend her in court. Captain Crackstone and Abigail give two unique views that blend together to make a truly captivating story. 

The 13th Floor is a fast-paced adventure that will captivate readers. By using a thirteen-year-old as a narrator, readers get a unique perspective of the past. In addition, Buddy’s willingness to jump into danger to help his relatives is admirable. Even though The 13th Floor is “a ghost story,” there are no actual ghosts; however, humor is added when Buddy is mistaken as a ghost.  

Anyone who likes a good pirate story will enjoy the blend of humor, action, and adventure found in The 13th Floor. And if The 13th Floor sparks your interest in the Salem Witch Trials, you can learn more about the historical event by reading What Were the Salem Witch Trials? by Joan Holub. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • The crew of the Bloody Hand board Captain Crackstone’s ship. Captain Crackstone “came bursting out of the chart house. He was flashing a cutlass in one hand and a knife in the other. He leaped down the stairs and into the invaders. . . [Buddy] could see sparks fly as the blades met and clashed. . . He kept charging one and all, yelling insults as he went.”  
  • As the fight continues, the pirates “kept backing [Captain Crackstone] higher and higher toward the crow’s nest. . .” Captain Crackstone negotiates with the Captain of the Bloody Hand and Captain Crackstone’s men are spared. Captain Crackstone and Buddy are put adrift in a small dinghy.  
  • Buddy and his sister Liz travel to the past just before the Salem Witch Trials began. Liz explains, “The judges were hanging harmless Pilgrims as witches—mostly frail old grandmothers. . . In a week the judges are going to hang their first witch from an oak tree—an innocent old lady named Bridget Bishop.”  
  • Captain Crackstone and his wife, Mrs. Stebbins, are arrested for kissing on a Sunday. As punishment, “The captain and Mrs. Stebbins were outside in plain sight. It was as if their heads and hands had been thrust through an unpainted signboard. They had been clamped in stocks!” 
  • When Abigail is on trial for witchcraft, the judge tells the jury to “decide whether or not this child has by wicked and detestable acts shown familiarity with the devil. Should she be hanged and buried with a stake driven through her heart?” 
  • An unnamed pirate was caught by a Navy ship. “They caught a pirate off New York and hanged him from the mainmast.”  
  • When Liz is accused of witchcraft, the justice plans to make her do the water test. Liz says, “They’re going to tie me up and throw me in the bay. If I drown, it’ll prove I’m innocent. If I float, it will prove I’m a witch.” If she doesn’t drown, they will then hang her. Liz escapes before the test.  
  • Buddy and Liz are trying to find the portal home. They go into the bowels of a ship. A sailor sees them and “drew his knife.” To scare the sailor away, Buddy “jammed the flashlight all the way into my mouth and bared my teeth as if it were Halloween.” The sailor “went clattering up the ladder.”  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • While in court, a drunk man is sentenced to wear the letter D.  
  • A man claims Abigail turned him into a cat. However, Abigail said when she saw the man, he was “ale drunk as usual.” 


  • Buddy wants to know if his ancestor was a “nutcake” or “balmy.” 
  • There is some name-calling. For example, Buddy sees himself in the mirror and shouts, “Stebbins, you look like a nitwit! You’re balmy! You’re a nutcake! Your porch light has gone dim.”  
  • Captain Crackstone calls other people names often. For example, Crackstone calls another ship captain “pirate scum” and “that seagoing oaf.”  
  • During a battle at sea, men board Captain Crackstone’s ship. He calls the men, “snorting cockroaches, potbellied muckworms, and puny sea maggots.” 
  • When Liz travels to the past, she meets Abigail, who is being accused of witchcraft. Liz says, “I hope she doesn’t sound off in court and call her neighbors nitwits and jackasses.”  
  • Heck is used once. 


  • One of Buddy’s ancestors held seances where “he’d lift a ship’s old copper speaking trumpet to his lips and command the dead to talk. He claimed that sometimes they answered back—once through the spout of a brass teakettle in the kitchen.” 
  • A relative who lived 300 years ago calls and leaves a message on Buddy’s family’s answering machine. 
  • Buddy goes into a building and takes the elevator to the thirteenth floor. “I had found the thirteenth floor, and it was a ship at sea.” 
  • When Buddy suddenly appears on a pirate ship, one of the sailors thinks Buddy is a ghost because his shoes glow. The sailor says, “Save me, wretched soul! It’s a ghost crawling up from the bilge! An unholy spirit!” 
  • Liz goes to the thirteenth floor and finds herself in a barn “full of wool and cider barrels.”  
  • According to witnesses, Abigail has performed witchcraft, including spoiling a pail of milk and changing a man into a cat. 
  • Liz is arrested for telling the future. 

Spiritual Content 

  • A Captain of a ship believes Buddy is a ghost and says, “God preserve us all in our right wits.” 
  • When Captain Crackstone makes it home, he sees his wife and says, “God bless my eyesight!” Then he “leaped up the wharf stairs. They fell into each other’s arms, and he kissed her loud.”  
  • Abigail is accused of being an “imp o’ the devil.” 
  • One of Abigail’s neighbors says she saw Abigail with “the devil’s own book. . . Old Beelzebub’s secret book with names of his witches and wizards writ down in his own hand.”  
  • Liz talks about a news story. “Some clods out on the desert burned a pile of green library books. . . They believe it’s the devil’s favorite color.”  

Curiosity Killed the Cat

Hannah isn’t thrilled to be moving in with her dad and his new family, who live right next to a spooky cemetery. Luckily, Hannah doesn’t believe all the “ghost cat” stories she’s heard about the graveyard. But it turns out that the cemetery is the least of Hannah’s troubles. Her stepsister, Madison, is the meanest girl in Hannah’s grade. Her cat, Icky, has been missing since the move. And worst of all, Hannah can’t sleep at night because something keeps scratching at her door! Hannah’s starting to wonder – could those scary stories be true after all? 

Curiosity Killed the Cat mixes typical junior high conflicts with a spooky ghost story. Hannah has to deal with a lot of changes — her mom moving to another city, moving in with her mean stepsister, her first crush, and her best friend being too busy to spend time with her. When strange things begin happening to Hannah, she doesn’t feel like she can confide in anyone. At first, Hannah allows fear to control her decision-making. But when Hannah is forced to deal with problems alone, she learns to rely on herself and step out of her comfort zone. It is only by facing her fears that Hannah is able to help herself, as well as the legendary ghost cat.  

Readers who want a spooky Halloween story that won’t leave them with nightmares will find Curiosity Killed the Cat suspenseful but not scary. Because of the story’s brevity, neither the supporting characters nor the plot are well developed. Despite this, the fast-paced story has plenty of suspense that will keep readers flipping the pages. The simple plot line is easy to follow, and readers will learn several important life lessons including not overscheduling yourself, the importance of practice, and not making rash decisions.  

Readers looking for another non-scary ghost story should read The Trail of the Ghost Bunny by Linda Joy Singleton. However, if you’re interested in learning about real-life ghosts and ghouls, you should read Ghostology: A True Revelation of Spirits, Ghouls, and Hauntings by Lucinda Curtle & Dugald A. Steer.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • When Hannah was in elementary school, Parker “had been known to chase the girls during recess, trying to kiss whichever ones he could outrun. When he’d come after her, Hannah had been so afraid she had panicked and accidentally punched him in the stomach.” 
  • There is a legend about a ghost cat. People say the cat lured a little girl to her death. “People around here have seen the shadow of a black cat in the cemetery. Anyone who follows the shadow is led to their death. . .” An eight-year-old boy followed the cat “and got lost in the woods for three days. When they found him, he was so dehydrated he almost died.”  
  • Molly, a ghost, reveals details about her death. She took a rowboat out on the lake even though she was forbidden to do so. A storm rolled in and “the boat began to rock back and forth violently. The entire time, I could see Shadow pacing on the riverbank. . . Then a huge wave washed over the boat, and it tipped over.” She drowned and died.   

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • On the school bus, Hannah overhears her stepsister and another girl talking about her. They call her a loser and a dork.  
  • OMG and heck are each used once. 


  • At night, Hannah hears strange scratching noises. Other weird occurrences happen as well. For example, even though the ceiling fan does not work, it turns on full blast and blows Hannah’s schoolwork around. 
  • Hannah wakes up in the middle of the night because she hears the sound of water. She finds out that the water in her bathroom is running, but the door is locked from the inside. When Hannah’s dad appears, the bathroom door is no longer locked, but the water is still running.  
  • Hannah’s dad falls off a ladder when he feels “as if a cat had brushed against my ankles. . . There was something soft and furry and –I don’t know. But there was nothing there — it must have been my imagination.” Afterward, Hannah sees “a trail of paw prints — cat paw prints—leading away from the puddle of paint. The prints didn’t seem to go anywhere — they just got fainter and fainter. . .”  
  • Hannah’s friend researches ways to keep ghosts away. He makes a list that reads, “1. Put salt in your pocket. . . 2. Mint keeps bad spirits away. . . 3. Burning a bunch of pine needles and sage is supposed to clear our home of ghosts and bad luck. . . 4. Charms. I don’t think these are the lucky cereal kind—I think they’re more like poems.” 
  • Hannah puts salt in her pocket and mint tea bags on her windowsill to keep the cat away.   
  • On Halloween night, Hannah and her stepsister Madison follow the ghost cat into the cemetery. Once there, Hannah opens the door of a crypt and the cat disappears inside. “Both girls watched in horror as a shimmery, white ghost stepped out of the tomb” and said, “Do not be afraid. . . I do not mean to harm you. I want to thank you so much for opening my tomb. You let my Shadow [the ghost cat] back inside, and I am forever grateful to you.”  
  • The ghost turns out to be a girl named Molly. Molly says that she has been “living in this tomb for a very long time, trapped between this world and the next. I have been unable to move on without my dear cat.” 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 


Lily Horne is a drama queen. It’s helped her rise to stardom in the school play, but it’s also landed her in trouble. Her parents warn her that Florida has to be different. It’s a fresh start. No theatrics. But this time, the drama is coming for her.

Lily’s new house is a nightmare. The pool is full of slime, the dock is rotten, and the swamp creeps closer every day. But worst of all, the house isn’t empty . . . it’s packed full of trash, memories, and—Lily begins to fear—the ghost of the girl who lived there before her. And whatever is waiting in the shadows wants to come out to play. 

Readers will instantly sympathize with Lily, who is forced to move to a creepy house full of trash. To make the house livable, Lily and her mother spend day after day throwing out the previous occupant’s belongings. Unbeknownst to her, Lily upsets the ghost of Britney, who is determined to scare Lily out of the house. Soon, strange things begin happening and Lily has difficulties distinguishing between what is real and what is a dream. Even if readers cannot relate to Lily’s ghostly experiences, they will empathize with her struggles. She’s friendless and without Wi-Fi. Her parents think she’s overly dramatic. And she’s trying to atone for a past mistake. In the end, Lily’s bravery and determination to fix her mistake make her an admirable character. 

Full of suspense, surprises, and supernatural events, Mine is not for the faint of heart. Lily’s fear is palpable and the danger becomes too real when Britney tries to harm Lily. When Lily meets the ghost of Brian, a man who died in the house, his dead body is described in detail, which may upset sensitive readers. In addition, Britney’s abusive childhood and her accidental death are disturbing. However, readers who enjoy a good ghost story will quickly be caught up in the book’s spooky atmosphere and the mystery behind the house.  

While Mine isn’t a story for squeamish readers, it’s perfect for readers who want a terrifying and creepy ghost story. The mystery behind the house’s history is intriguing. Plus, the scary scenes give the story a fast pace that will keep readers flipping the pages until the very end. Even though the story is meant to spook readers, it also leaves the reader with a positive message: mistakes happen to everyone, and making a mistake does not make a person bad.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Lily and her friend Rachel use an Ouija board and the ghost of Britney appears. Afterwards, Britney pushes Rachel. “Rachel squeaked and her arms pinwheeled as she floated in space for just a moment before tumbling, flailing down all fourteen steps with a series of sickening thumps. . . Rachel landed on the floor of the den like a broken doll.” The ambulance comes and takes Rachel to the hospital.  
  • Lily tries to befriend Buddy, Britney’s dog. When Lily goes to open the door to Britney’s special place, Buddy begins “barking, growling, frothing at the mouth like he’d gone mad. Lily stood. . . pressed her back against the house. Buddy advanced on her. . . Buddy lunged for her, and she kicked out as hard as she could. . . her foot met his soft body, and he yelped. . .” Afterwards, Buddy runs into the bushes. 
  • In a dream, the angry ghost of Britney appears. Lily “heard squelching footsteps crossing the boards. Her mind showed her images of a drowned little girl, purple lips and gray-white skin stretched and bloated.” Lily runs. “Branches and leaves plucked at her nightshirt, and strange noises echoed through the darkness, animalistic screams and howls. Soon she heard footsteps pounding on the gravel behind her.” Lily’s mom wakes her and the scene stops. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • During a car ride, Lily’s parents give her motion sickness medicine. 
  • After Rachel falls down the stairs, paramedics give her pain medicine. 


  • Crappy and heck are both used one.  
  • Dang is used twice. 
  • Oh God, oh my God, and other variations are used as an exclamation five times. 
  • Lily gets a phone call, but the caller doesn’t speak. Lily says, “You’re being a real butt, you know.” 
  • A girl tells Lily that her brother is a jerk. Later, Lily calls her brother a jerk. 
  • After Rachel falls down the stairs, Rachel’s brother Kyle shows up. Kyle is told not to touch Rachel. He replies, “Don’t touch her. Screw that.” As Kyle leaves, he “shot up his middle finger at Lily.”


  • When moving into a new house, Lily starts seeing strange things. While cleaning boxes out of the house, Lily sees a shape in the shadows. “It looked like a child curled up . . . And as Lily watched, two green eyes turned toward her, shining like an animal caught in a car’s headlights. . . [the child] began to crawl toward her.” 
  • Lily tries to back away from the child but falls into a box. “A cold hand grasped her ankle, soft and clammy as a mushroom, and a rough voice whispered ‘Are you ready to play with me?’” Lily’s mom comes into the room and the girl disappears.  
  • Lily’s new friend, Rachel, says her brother saw the ghost of a little girl. He said, “The ghost looked like she was confused, looking for something.” According to an urban legend, the girl was murdered. 
  • While Lily is in bed, she hears a whisper, “You wouldn’t go away. I told you to. . . So now we’re going to play. I’m going to show you things.” Lily isn’t sure if she’s seeing things that are not there. But then, “the shadow detached from the door and rose up. Fingers appeared, all white with black at the tips. . . Lily saw hair, dark, ragged hair, rising up as if floating. . .” As the girl comes closer, Lily screams. When Lily’s mom comes, the girl disappears. The scene is described over three pages.  
  • Lily’s friend Rachel finds an Ouija board underneath a loose board in the stairs. Rachel and Lily use it to communicate with ghosts. A ghost named Brian uses the Ouija board to talk to the girls. Through the Ouija board, Brian says, “You Done It Now. . . Britney is coming!” 
  • After using the Ouija board, Rachel wants to leave. “But the door slammed shut in her face. The lights went out, but the ceiling fan turned on and began to twirl faster and faster. . .” The girls hear steps coming up the stairs. “The footsteps stopped in front of the door. . . As they watched, water flooded under the door, dark and dirty, with green scum floating on top. The water smelled awful. . .” A voice asks, “Why did you call me?” Rachel and Lily begin screaming. When Lily’s mom appears, the ghost leaves. The scene is described over a chapter.  
  • Lily is afraid to sleep because she has super vivid dreams and thinks she is sleepwalking. “One time, she fell asleep on the couch in the afternoon and woke up on her belly on the dock, her fingers trailing in the water. Later, Lily discovers that Britney has been possessing her body. 
  • Lily goes to sleep and wakes up in “her swimming pool, the one in her yard, that nasty hole in the ground just brimming with muck. . . This was nasty green sludge chocked with algae and plants and dead things. . . She tried to scream again, but the filthy water ran down her throat, making her splutter.” Eventually, Lily is able to get out of the pool, uninjured. The scene is described over three pages.  
  • Brian, the man who died in the house, comes to warn Lily. “His skin was thick and grayish, pulled tight over his bones and then hanging like melted wax.” Lily tries to run away from Brian, but “she was frozen in place. Her eyes were the only thing she could move.” Brian explains Britney’s backstory and how he found her “just a-floating in the lake face down, dead and still.” 
  • Brian explains that Britney is upset with Lily. Brian says, “Since she couldn’t make you leave, she’s got somethin’ else in mind. And I can’t help you.” Then Brian disappears. The scene is described over seven pages.  
  • Lily finds Britney’s bunny stuffed animal. When she gives the bunny to Britney, the ghost disappears.  

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Abracadabra: The Story of Magic Through the Ages

A magician never reveals his secrets . . . but HP Newquist does, in this illustrated history of magic and famous magicians!

Magic is a word we use to describe something amazing, awe-inspiring, or spectacular. Truly great magic makes us believe in things we know can’t be real. In the hands of the greatest magicians, even a simple card trick can become truly wondrous.

Now, in this nonfiction narrative of magic through the ages, HP Newquist explains how the world’s most famous tricks were created. From the oracles of ancient Egypt and the wizards of medieval Europe to the exploits of Houdini and modern practitioners like Criss Angel, this book unlocks the secrets behind centuries of magic and illusion. 

This fascinating book will astound readers as they learn about the history of magic. While much of the information will surprise readers, they will recognize some of the famous magicians the book discusses such as Robert-Houdin, P. T. Barnum, David Copperfield, and others. Although the stories are interesting on their own, the book also includes drawings, artwork, and pictures every one to three pages. These graphic elements break up the text and help readers understand some of the more complicated tricks.  

Abracadabra: The Story of Magic Through the Ages includes information on magic tricks such as who created the trick and how the trick works. In addition, the book also explains the social and cultural climate of the time. For instance, in the 1800s France controlled Algeria in North Africa. “A small group of Muslim holy men. . . planned to revolt against the French government.” The French government hired Robert-Houdin to trick the Algerians with magic. The Algerians believed Robert-Houdin had incredible powers and “they decided not to rebel against the French.” In addition to interesting historical facts, the book also covers how the business of magic changed throughout time.  

Abracadabra: The Story of Magic Through the Ages is packed full of interesting facts and will springboard readers’ interest in the most famous magicians throughout time. The interesting facts, fun format, and engaging text make Abracadabra: The Story of Magic Through the Ages a book that everyone can enjoy. And for those who dream of bringing a little magic to life, there are step-by-step instructions for eight classic magic tricks.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • During the Dark Ages, people who performed magic were accused of “practicing black magic. Witch hunts occurred regularly throughout Europe as villagers sought to destroy anyone they thought might be a witch. Many suspected witches were arrested and executed.”  
  • During the 1500s, “people began to look to both science and religion instead of local superstition to help them understand their daily lives.” People started exploring science. “Nonetheless, religion was still a more important part of people’s lives than science. And many religious leaders of the time didn’t like science. . . To stop scientists and others who didn’t follow its teachings, the church began inquisitions. . .” People who did not practice religion were “imprisoned, tortured, or executed.”  
  • In 1584, Reginald Scot wrote The Discovery of Witchcraft which “stated that there were no such things as witches or wizards, and no one on Earth had the power to control nature or change the things God made. . .” Outraged, King James and his soldiers burned all of the copies they could find. 
  • After a show, magician Harry Houdini was “relaxing on a couch. . . talking to some college students about how strong his stomach and chest muscles were.” One of the students “hit him several times without warning. Houdini had no time to prepare for the punches, which came hard and fast.” Houdini didn’t realize how badly he had been injured and died because of “a ruptured appendix and peritonitis.” 
  • Magicians Siegfried & Roy stopped performing after “Roy was mauled onstage in 2003 by one of the tigers in their act.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


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  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • During the Dark Ages, people believed “good things came from God and bad things came from the devil. Many churches in Europe even claimed that magicians were friends of the devil. . . Since God didn’t give men and women magical powers, there was only one explanation for magicians: they must have gotten their special powers from the devil.” 

Last Ride

Tom killed his best friend, Logan, in a street-racing accident a year ago. He tries to make amends to Logan’s girlfriend and keep his promise to never race again, but Tom thinks he is haunted by his dead friend. He thinks Logan is trying to tell him something. Not only that but because Tom faces huge medical bills from the accident and may have to give up his car, the pressure to race is almost unbearable. 

Last Ride focuses on Tom, who is living in guilt and fear. When Tom starts seeing Logan’s ghost, Tom thinks he’s being haunted because Logan is angry—angry that Tom caused Logan’s death and angry that Tom has a crush on Hannah, Logan’s girl. In addition to feeling guilty about Logan’s death, Tom also feels terrible that he has left his mom drowning in medical bills. While the details of Logan’s death are never explored, one thing is clear: Tom feels that without racing, he has no value. 

When Logan’s ghost finally gets Tom’s attention, Tom is surprised at Logan’s message: the accident wasn’t his fault. In addition, Logan wants Tom to stop living in fear. Logan says, “You’re scared you don’t measure up. . . You think you’re nothing without five thousand pounds of steel between you and the world.”  

Logan’s words make Tom examine his fears. Tom is afraid that without racing, he will lose his car, his chance to help his mom and his pride. He also worries, “What if I give it all up, and Hannah still doesn’t want me?” In the end, Tom finally finds the strength to give up racing and to make plans for the future. Plans that don’t include illegal activities, but instead focus on going to school to become a licensed mechanic. 

While most readers won’t relate to Tom’s conflicts, his insecurities, and uncertainty about the future will resonate with many teens. As a part of the Orca Soundings Series, which is specifically written for teens, Last Ride is an easy-to-read story that uses large text, short chapters, and a relatable protagonist to keep readers engaged. 

Last Ride gives readers a glimpse into the life of a street racing teen and shows the negative side effects of living a life involved in illegal activities. While Tom’s problems are not explored in detail, he regrets his past actions and is determined to change his life for the better. Even though readers get an inside look at Tom’s emotional conflicts, the story still has enough drama to keep readers interested until the end. Plus, Tom’s experiences show that people’s value doesn’t come from the car they drive or the possessions they own. 

Sexual Content 

  • Tom goes to a party. When he gets there, Aisha wants to dance with Tom. She “plants a wet, sloppy kiss on my cheek.” Another guy notices Aisha. “Cole’s eyes are trained on Aisha’s breasts, which are practically spilling out of her tank top.”  
  • While in class, Tom is talking to Hannah. However, Tom isn’t thinking about what Hannah is saying. Instead, “I’ve been mostly thinking about her breasts in that sweater.” Later, he thinks, “I wish I could throw my arms around her neck and kiss her. I wish I had the hots for someone other than my dead buddy’s girlfriend.”  
  • While at school, Hannah walks up to Cole, a classmate. Cole “pulls her into the crook of his arm and kisses her temple.” 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Tom goes to a party at a teen’s house. When Tom enters the house, “The overpowering smell of smoke and booze hits my nose.” Several of the guys are “doing shooters.” There is plenty of alcohol at the party including tequila, beer, and vodka.  
  • The man Tom works for smokes cigarettes.  
  • While at work, Tom’s boss eats pizza and drinks a beer. 


  • Profanity is used occasionally. Profanity includes ass, badass, crap, damn, hell, holy shit, and pissed. 
  • A teen calls Tom’s boss a prick. 
  • The ghost of Logan calls Tom a dweeb, a wuss, and a loser.


  • Tom keeps seeing flashes of his best friend, Logan. Before he sees Logan, Tom smells cherry Twizzlers, Logan’s favorite treat. While racing, Tom feels “that familiar prickle. . . There’s a flash of movement off to my right. It’s Logan. Staring at me from the passenger seat. One side of his face is cut and bleeding, the other is smashed beyond recognition.”  
  • Logan’s ghost wants Tom to stop living in fear. After talking, “Logan dips his head the way he used to. For a second, I [Tom] forget about his blood and ripped skin and exposed flesh. I see Logan, my friend. And I miss him.” Then, Logan disappears.  

Spiritual Content 

  • Tom sees Logan’s sister walking across the street. He slinks down so she doesn’t see him. Tom thinks, “Thank God I’m in the car. Thank God my steel shell is protecting me. I couldn’t stand her seeing me like this.”  

The Legend of Annie Murphy

In 1885, the Murphy mine struck gold. According to legend, Annie Murphy killed her husband out of greed, but just before she was to be hanged for the murder, she escaped. Now, a hundred years later, there have been sightings of Annie Murphy’s “ghost.” The Coopers unwittingly become involved in a mystery that finds them caught between the past and the present. 

The Legend of Annie Murphy is a fast-paced mystery that jumps back and forth between two time periods. While following the “ghost” of Annie Murphy, Jay and Lila accidentally end up a hundred years in the past, while Sheriff Potter ends up in the present with Dr. Cooper and his friend Mac. The different perspectives allow readers to learn the truth about Annie Murphy and the legend, which gives the story an interesting twist. 

While in the past, Jay and Lila explore the town and look for clues about Annie. During their investigation, they learned that Annie was illiterate; however, she was able to tell her life’s story through carvings that she created. This allows Jay and Lila to learn the truth about Annie and her husband’s death. While the mystery is full of intrigue by itself, Jay and Lila have another problem—the townspeople believe they are ghosts! This leads the siblings into some unusual and humorous situations. Even though Jay and Lila are afraid they will forever be stuck in the past, they still trust God and focus on solving the mystery of Annie. 

Back in the present, Dr. Cooper and Mac discover that Sheriff Potter has accidentally traveled into the future. However, the sheriff is reluctant to help the two men investigate what happened to Annie. Through research, the two men are able to discover clues as to who really murdered Annie’s husband. The two men also discuss how the time travel happened. Even though the situation seems outlandish, readers will understand the concepts behind the time travel and will easily follow the story’s many different perspectives.  

The Legend of Annie Murphy will appeal to a wide range of readers because of the mystery, ghosts, and time travel. Plus, the story is full of action, suspense, and surprises. In addition, the time travel aspect gives the story a unique premise that will draw readers in. The story also has a positive message since the events that surrounded Annie Murphy’s life highlight the destructive nature of greed. If you’re looking for a fun and entertaining story, The Legend of Annie Murphy may be the perfect book for you.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Some boys camp out at a graveyard. While there, they tell the story of Annie Murphy. According to legend, Annie Murphy killed her husband. “She cut him up into little pieces with a long butcher knife. . .The next night she came back and this time she wanted the sheriff. He woke up and there she was, standing in his bedroom. She still had the knife.” The townspeople found his body “on Annie Murphy’s grave. He was cold and dead and looked like he’d been scared to death.” 
  • Dustin Potter, a sheriff from the past, ends up in the present time. When he sees Mac and Dr. Cooper, “the sheriff cocked his revolver and aimed it between Jacob Cooper’s eyes.”  
  • The sheriff begins to fade in and out of the time period. “Dr. Cooper and Mac were momentarily puzzled. They could see right through the sheriff as well. Then they realized the sheriff was off guard. . . Dr. Cooper and Mac took full advantage of that and pounced on him. . .Dr. Cooper tried a judo move to bring the sheriff down, but his arms passed through the sheriff’s body. . .” After the confusion, the men talk and begin working together. 
  • The siblings go to investigate Annie Murphy’s bedroom. When they enter the room, a deputy talks to them. “The voice behind them made them gasp, jump, and come down shaking. . . They saw the lanky deputy sitting in a chair behind the door, his six-shooter in his hand. . . [he] then gestured with the gun barrel toward a small couch in the opposite corner.”  
  • When the deputy confronts a judge, the judge begins shooting. “A flash of fire exploded from a gun in the judge’s hand. Deputy Hatch hit the wall from the impact of the bullet.” The judge tries to shoot the kids, but they begin wavering between time periods. “A bullet whistled by their heads. . . The slow sound of a gunshot rumbled behind them.” 
  • When Mac and Dr. Cooper discover the sheriff’s part in Annie Murphy’s story, the sheriff begins to shoot at them. “A gunshot rang out. There was a loud PING! as a bullet hit the steel railing. They instinctively dropped to the platform.” Dr. Cooper “landed on Sheriff Potter and they both went down, grappling, wrestling. Potter still had the gun in his hand.”  
  • Mac and Dr. Cooper run from the sheriff. “They ran through the ruins as one more shot rang out and a bullet nicked Dr. Cooper’s ear. . .” When Dr. Cooper touches his ear, he finds “blood on his fingers.” He is not seriously injured. 
  • As time continues to flicker, Dr. Cooper hears “two gunshots.” Then, “Dr. Cooper looked south, and through a quivering, waving window in time saw Sheriff Potter doubled over, wounded.” In the end, the sheriff kills the judge, and the judge kills the sheriff.  

 Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Lila talks to a man and “she could smell the beer on his breath.” 


  • A man calls Dr. Cooper an idiot. 


  • The “ghost” of Annie Murphy appears several times. She appears as “a dim, bluish shape. . . a woman with long hair and a long dress blowing in the wind. She was running, moving in eerie slow motion, her arms outstretched. Her face was etched with fear. . .” 
  • Jay and Lila chase after the ghost of Annie Murphy. Suddenly, all the kids could see “were bright flashes of blue, then white, then blue again as the earth reeled under them. . . from every direction they could hear the ghost of Annie Murphy still crying over and over again.” When the kids wake up, they are in Annie Murphy’s time period. 

Spiritual Content 

  • When people think Jay and Lila are ghosts, Lila says, “Well, we know we’re not ghosts. If we were really dead, we’d be in heaven with the Lord right now. . .” 
  • When the kids realize that they are stuck in the past and the sheriff is in their time period, Lila prays, “Dear Lord, you know all about time and space and little people like us. Help us, Lord. Help us get back home again.” 
  • Mac and Dr. Cooper discuss God’s ability to see “across time. . .He can reach out and help us no matter where we are. . . He knows all things.” The discussion goes on for a page. 
  • After Mac, Dr. Cooper, and the kids solve the mystery of Anne Murphy, Dr. Cooper says, “And God’s justice finally came through. Sometimes it takes a while.”  
  • After everyone is back in their time period, Dr. Cooper prays, “Dear Lord, we thank you that you helped us through this adventure and brought us all together once again.”  

Pemmican Wars

Echo Desjardins, a 13-year-old Métis girl adjusting to a new home and school, is struggling with loneliness while separated from her mother. Then, an ordinary day in Mr. Bee’s history class turns extraordinary, and Echo’s life will never be the same. During Mr. Bee’s lecture, Echo finds herself transported to another time and place—a bison hunt on the Saskatchewan prairie—then she finds herself back in the present. In the following weeks, Echo continues to slip back and forth in time. She visits a Métis camp, travels the old fur-trade routes, and experiences the perilous and bygone era of the Pemmican Wars. 

Echo knows little about the Métis, the First Nations tribe from which she is descended. Even though Echo’s “grandpa was very proud to be Métis,” neither Echo nor her mother know much about their heritage. However, at the end of the book, Echo teaches her mother what she learned at school.  

Readers will have to rely on visual cues to understand Echo’s life because the graphic novel uses few words. In fact, Echo only has 20 lines of dialogue, and many are one-word responses. Despite this, Echo’s isolation is clear. Throughout the school day, Echo doesn’t interact with other students and tunes out the world by listening to music. When she goes home, there is little interaction with her foster mother or the other residents. Instead, Echo hides in her room. When Echo visits her mom, the two are not comfortable with each other, which adds to the feeling of isolation.  

When Echo enters the past, a young Métis takes her into the camp. Here, Echo learns about her people and watches a battle between the Métis and white settlers. In the current time, Echo’s history teacher, Mr. Bee encourages Echo to learn more about Métis history. Mr. Bee says, “The Métis have many things to be proud of. . . You’re not any less Métis because you don’t know your history.”  

Since most of the story is told through illustrations, the story lacks development. For example, Echo lives in a foster home. However, it’s unclear why Echo doesn’t live with her mother. Despite the lack of character development, the book teaches about the Pemmican Wars and explains how the Northwest Company and the Hudson Bay Company fought for dominance in the fur trade. During this time, the Métis’s land was taken over by white settlers, who demanded the Métis not sell pemmican or use horses to hunt buffalo.  

Including more historical information would help readers understand the significance of the Pemmican Wars. However, the book does include a timeline of the Pemmican Wars, a Pemmican recipe, and a poem about the wars. While the book doesn’t go in-depth, it shows the harmful effects of colonization, which are still felt by the Métis today. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • A battle between the Métis and white settlers is depicted over two pages. One illustration shows the Métis shooting at the white settlers. In the image, one man is in mid-fall with blood splatter around him while a Métis warrior, who has been shot in the chest, is being carried to safety. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

New Kid

Tommy Rust is a pro at being the new kid. So when his dad marches onto his baseball field, he knows that time is up. In his new town, he goes by the name Brock, and he’s having a hard time fitting in. And being friends with the bully from the wrong side of the tracks isn’t helping. But thanks to a prank gone wrong, the baseball coach of the travel team notices Brock’s skills and offers him a place on his failing baseball team. But can Brock prove himself on and off the field before he strikes out and becomes the new kid . . . again? 

Unfortunately, New Kid is an underwhelming book with a shaky premise that makes the story difficult to believe. Brock’s father is on the run and hiding from someone. Despite the imminent danger, Brock’s father leaves him alone for long periods. Brock is expected to keep a low profile by keeping himself isolated from other people. However, Brock’s anger and confusion over his situation causes Brock to rebel. Soon Brock is hanging around Nagel, a troublemaker from the wrong side of the tracks. 

Even though readers will find themselves sympathizing with Brock, his situation is not relatable. The details behind Brock’s constant moving are murky, which makes it difficult to connect with him. In addition, Brock’s new friend Nagel is portrayed as a bully and a troublemaker. While the book hints that Nagel has some redeeming qualities, the story thread isn’t well developed and Nagel never has a time to shine. In the end, Nagel’s involvement in Brock’s life highlights Brock’s desperate need for attention and reinforces the reasons that Brock has begun rebelling. 

The book’s mystery and danger are interspersed with play-by-play baseball action that breaks up Brock’s personal drama. While the coach believes Brock has great potential to be a pitcher, Brock falls apart at his first game and then hides in the bus, refusing to talk to anyone. Brock’s immature behavior makes it difficult to feel sorry for him. Since Brock isolates himself from his teammates, the baseball scenes focus on Brock whose newfound talent isn’t realistic. Then, with a little help from a professional baseball player, Brock overcomes his obstacles and leads his team to a championship. Despite this, the winning has less impact because Brock never connects with the team. 

Readers who want an exciting baseball book with well-developed characters may want to leave New Kid on the shelf. The story’s underdeveloped characters and confusing plot make the story difficult to enjoy. In addition, in one scene Brock’s dad admits that he has killed people and then explains how killing someone in self-defense is not wrong. However, the details are so murky that the purpose of the scene is lost. In addition, the conclusion is rushed and doesn’t resolve any of Brock’s problems. Sports-loving fans can find an array of baseball books to choose from, which makes New Kid easy to pass up. Fast Pitch by Nic Stone, Baseball Genius by Time Green and Derek Jeter, and Heat by Mike Lupica all have compelling stories that readers will cheer for. 

Sexual Content 

  • A girl from school, Bella, and Brock confess that they “like” each other. Then, Brock “closed his eyes until he felt her lips on his cheek.” Then they held hands. 
  • Right before leaving town, Brock “took Bella’s face in his hands and kissed her cheek.”  


  • On Brock’s first day at a new school, another student, Nagel pushes Brock. “Brock sprang up off the polished wood and turned to face his tormentor. . . Brock turned and attacked the much smaller boy without hesitation. Nagel landed a quick jab to Brock’s nose on his way in. Brock saw stars. He heard a pop and tasted the warm flow of blood down the back of his throat.” A teacher, Coach Hudgens, breaks up the fight and the boys are suspended.  
  • After the fight, Nagel says Brock gave him a concussion. When Brock apologizes, Nagel says, “Don’t worry about that. . . man gives me one every other frickin’ week.”  
  • Nagel is upset that Coach Hudgens “manhandled” him in order to break up the fight. In retaliation, Nagel and Brock go to the coach’s house and throw rocks at his house. “Brock’s stone hit the shutter so hard it sounded like a gunshot. The window exploded with a tinkling shatter. Nagel whooped and flew.” Nagel runs away, but Brock gets caught. Afterward, the coach’s wife says, “Torturing cats. Blowing up frogs with firecrackers. You’re sick.”  
  • Brock looks into a box that his dad has hidden. In the box is a story “of a young woman brutally murdered, her body found floating snagged by a buoy in the East River. His mother.”  
  • While running away from Coach Hudgens, Brock goes through an alley. “It was in those shadows that he suddenly found himself surrounded by the dark shapes of boys. No, not boys. They were young men. . . One of them stepped forward and shoved Brock backwards with a stiff hand. . . Nagel’s brother gripped the front of his shirt and raised him up off the ground, grinning at him with jagged teeth lit by the moon.”  
  • When Nagel tries to stop his brother, Jamie Nagel, from hurting Brock, “Nagel’s brother sent him flying with a punch to the side of his head. Nagel sprawled on the grass, bawling.” 
  • When Coach Hudgens sees Jamie holding Brock, the coach throws a baseball at him. “THUNK. Jamie Nagel’s chest rang out like a bass drum. He dropped to the grass. . . [he] tilted sideways and collapsed on the grass, gasping for air, then sobbing like a baby.” Coach Hudgens says he didn’t mean to hurt Jamie, just scare him. 
  • Brock and his father are getting ready to eat dinner when they hear “a crash from the garage . . . His father moved like a panther, swift and smooth. In a blink he was in the living room with one hand on the door to the garage. In the other hand was his gun.” They discover the intruder is Nagel; Brock’s father sends him away. 
  • While walking through a field, Brock and his friend Bella are chased by Jamie Nagel and his friends. Brock falls and “hit the ground hard. . . He had almost regained his feet before Jamie Nagel tackled him and knocked the breath from his chest. . . Jamie took a knife out of his pocket and snapped it open. The long thick blade gleamed in the dappled sunlight. . .” When they hear sirens, the boys run. 
  • As Brock’s dad goes into their house, Brock is waiting in the car. A man tapped the window. “In the man’s hand, tapping on the window, was a gun.” When Brock opens the car door, the man grabs him. “With a swish and a snap, swish and snap, the man taped Brock’s hands behind his back, then plastered a piece across his mouth.” The man shoves him in a seat. Brock’s dad hits the man in the head, who then falls to the ground.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Coach Hudgens is known to be a drunk. According to Nagel, Coach drinks right before school, at lunch, and right after school. Nagel also says that at a tournament, the coach “passes out in his bathroom.”  
  • While at home, Coach Hudgens often drinks beer.  
  • While at Brock’s house, Nagel tries to smoke a cigarette. “Brock took three quick steps and slapped the match out of Nagel’s hand.”  
  • While hanging out with Brock, Nagel offers to “swipe some beer from my brother.” Later, Nagel is caught trying to steal a six-pack of beer from Brock’s garage.


  • At school, someone “flipped the middle finger” at Brock. 
  • Nagel says people think he is “white trash.”  
  • Frickin’, darn, and crap are each used once.  
  • Brock’s friend calls Jamie Nagel and his friends “fatheads” and “losers.” 
  • The kids frequently call other people jerks. Several times someone is called a rat. 
  • Heck is used three times. 
  • Oh my God and God are both used as exclamations once. 


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • Before dinner, the coach says a prayer. He thinks family is more important than sports. His niece says, “God, family, school, sports.” 
  • Coach’s wife, Margaret, offered to help take care of Brock. “She said she thought God put you in their lives. She said she loved you the minute she met you.” 

Stone Fox

Based on a Rocky Mountain legend, Stone Fox tells the story of Little Willy, a young boy who lives with his grandfather in Wyoming. Little Willy loves living on the farm with his Grandfather, but one day Grandfather falls ill and is no longer able to work the farm. Little Willy tries to work the farm himself, but then he learns their farm is in danger of foreclosure. If they cannot come up with the money in time, the government is going to take away their home and break up their family.   

Little Willy is determined not to let this happen. Then one day, he discovers a solution. He is going to enter and win the National Dogsled Race, because the prize money will be enough for Little Willy to save the farm and his grandfather! But he isn’t the only one who desperately wants to win. Willy and his brave dog, Searchlight, must face off against experienced racers, including a man named Stone Fox who has never lost a race.  

Stone Fox will keep readers up late into the night because once they start the book, they will not want to put it down. While most readers may not want to read about a potato farmer, Stone Fox makes the protagonist so relatable that his life becomes interesting. Readers will connect with Little Willy because all readers can understand wanting to save someone they love. While Little Willy’s love for his grandfather is admirable, it is his persistence and hard work that make Willy a compelling protagonist.  

Since Stone Fox has never lost a dogsled race, many townspeople tell Willy that he is foolish for entering the race. But this doesn’t deter Little Willy! Instead, he works harder. Readers will root for Little Willy and his dog, Searchlight, but the unexpected tragic ending may leave readers in tears.  

Stone Fox is a compelling story about the love of family and Little Willy’s refusal to give up. When his grandfather becomes sick, Little Willy takes on the responsibility of caring for his grandfather and the farm. Through it all, Little Willy treats others with respect even when he disagrees with them. Little Willy’s action-packed adventure shows that “there are some things in this world worth dying for.”  

When Stone Fox was published in the 1980s, it was well-received and was taught in many classrooms. However, the book describes Stone Fox, a Native American man as “an Indian—dressed in furs and leather, with moccasins all the way up to his knees. His skin was dark, his hair was dark . . . His eyes sparkled in the sunlight, but the rest of his face was as hard as stone.” Due to Stone Fox’s portrayal, some, such as American Indians in Children’s Literature, now believe the book uses stereotypes and should not be read in schools, while others disagree.  

One thing is certain: Stone Fox is an exciting book that adults can discuss with their children. If you’re looking for a book that portrays Indigenous people in a more diverse light, you can read Rez Dogs by Joseph Bruchac and Mary and the Trail of Tears: A Cherokee Removal Survival Story by Andrea L. Rogers. If you’re interested in Navajo mythology, read Race to the Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • When little Willy gets home, a man is standing at the door, “holding a small derringer and pointing it at Searchlight. His hand was shaking.” An illustration shows the silhouette of the man holding the gun. 
  • The town drunk tells a story about Stone Fox. There “was this time in Denver he snapped a man’s back with two fingers.” But people don’t believe the story.  
  • Willy hears dogs barking in an abandoned barn. He goes in and sees Stone Fox’s dogs. When Willy “held out his hand to pet them. . . There was a movement through the darkness to Little Willy’s right. A sweeping motion. . . A hand hit Little Willy right in the face, sending him over backward.” That night, “Little Willy couldn’t sleep—his eye was killing him.” The next day, Little Willy’s eye is swollen shut. 
  • Little Willy thinks about how he killed a bird with a slingshot. He never killed another animal again. 
  • At the end of the race, Searchlight “gave it everything she had. She was a hundred feet from the finish line when her heart burst. She died instantly. There was no suffering.” 
  • To allow Little Willy time to carry Searchlight across the finish line, Stone Fox draws a line in the snow. When the other racers appeared, “Stone Fox fired his rifle into the air. They came to a stop. Stone Fox spoke. ‘Anyone crosses this line—I shoot.’”

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • While at Little Willy’s house, Clifford Snyder, a tax collector, “lit up a long, thin cigar and blew smoke toward the ceiling.”  
  • Little Willy goes to the bank to see Mr. Foster, the president of the bank. “Mr. Foster was a big man with a big cigar stuck right in the center of his big mouth.”  
  • Before the race, Little Willy sees Mr. Foster “chewing his cigar” and the town drunk, “took a powerful swig from a whiskey bottle.” 
  • The town drunk is mentioned several times. 


  • Doc Smith tells Willy, “I think you’re a darn fool for using your college money to enter that race.” 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

In the Footsteps of Crazy Horse

Jimmy McClean is a Lakota boy, though you wouldn’t guess it by his name. His mother is Lakota; his father is half white and half Lakota. Over summer break, Jimmy embarks on a journey with his grandfather, Nyles High Eagle. While on the road, his grandfather tells him the story of Crazy Horse, one of the most important figures in Lakota and American history. Through his grandfather’s tales about the famous warrior, Jimmy learns about his Lakota heritage and, ultimately, himself. 

Expertly intertwining fiction and non-fiction, author Marshall chronicles the many heroic deeds of Crazy Horse. Crazy Horse took up arms against the U.S. government. He fiercely fought against encroachments on the Lakota’s territories and to save the Lakota’s way of life. Crazy Horse led a war party to victory at the Battle of the Greasy Grass (the Battle of Little Big Horn), and he played a major and dangerous role as a decoy at the Battle of the Hundred in the Hands (the Fetterman Battle). Alongside Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse was the last of the Lakota to surrender his people to the U.S. Army.  

By drawing references and inspiration from the oral stories of the Lakota tradition, Marshall gives readers an inside perspective of the life of Tasunke Witko, better known as Crazy Horse. Jimmy and his grandfather follow in the footsteps of Crazy Horse, which allows Jimmy to better understand his heritage and to learn lessons from Crazy Horse’s life. For instance, Crazy Horse conveys the importance of generosity when he uses his hunting skills to “take care of the helpless ones.” Crazy Horse didn’t help others “because he wanted people to notice. He didn’t even want people to thank him. He just didn’t want anyone to go hungry.”  

When Crazy Horse’s best friend and his daughter died, Crazy Horse wasn’t afraid to show his grief. Crazy Horse openly cried, and his tears demonstrate that “even tough guys cry.” Many times, Crazy Horse proves his bravery when he puts his life on the line to help others. The Lakota believed that “courage was a warrior’s best weapon, and that it was the highest honor to give your life for your people. . . That’s what being a warrior was all about: facing the scary things no matter how afraid you were. That’s what courage is. And what’s more, it doesn’t only happen on the battlefield. You can have courage and face the tough things that happen to you anywhere.”  

While many warriors wanted to continue fighting the U.S. army, Crazy Horse ultimately surrendered for the tribe’s well-being. “He did it for the helpless ones, the old people, the women, and the children.” Surrendering was courageous because it meant acknowledging defeat and giving up his people’s freedom. In the end, Crazy Horse’s decisions emphasize the importance of bravery, generosity, and putting others’ needs first.  

Most of In the Footsteps of Crazy Horse focuses on Crazy Horse’s life. Since the story is being told to Jimmy by his grandfather, this allows Jimmy to ask questions and connect Crazy Horse’s experiences to his own life. In the Footsteps of Crazy Horse is an engaging story that teaches the importance of storytelling and remembering the past. The story allows readers to see history from the Lakota’s point of view and examines the reasons that Crazy Horse fought to keep his people free. To learn more about Native American’s culture and their unique struggles, you can also read Rez Dogs by Joseph Bruchac. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • The Lakota called the American soldiers Long Knives. “Long Knives were known to attack any Lakota—man, woman, or child. They were mean people—if they were people at all.” 
  • When Light Hair [Crazy Horse] was a boy, his village was attacked and set on fire. “The ground was scorch black where the flames had passed. Every buffalo-hide lodge was burning or had already been turned into a pile of ash. . . Light Hair saw that the bundles on the ground were people.” As Light Hair walked through the village, he saw many bodies. “Some of the bodies were small children.” 
  • After the attack, Light Hair finds a woman hiding. She says, “They shot people. My husband is . . . He’s gone. . . So is my baby.” The Long Knives took some of the people captive. The battle is described over four pages.  
  • A cow wanders into the Lakota’s village and is “butchered and the meat given away to old people.” Soon, soldiers appear, wanting the cow. The Lakota offered payment, but the man wanted his cow. Soon, Long Knives had gathered at the village. A soldier “demanded that the man who had killed the cow be brought to him.” 
  • When the Lakota can’t turn over the cow, a soldier fires a cannon into the village. “Conquering Bear was one of the first to fall, severely wounded. The waiting warriors attacked, charging the Long Knives. . . Many soldiers fell, and some ran away. Those fleeing were chased and cut down.”  
  • When the Long Knives were away from the fort, the warriors attacked. “Crazy Horse could hear the screams and shouts of the soldiers. Frightened horses were screaming too. . . Many of the soldiers were running, crowding together in the narrowest part of the ridge, and warriors on both slopes were firing arrows at them.” The soldiers tried to hide “but many had already fallen, struck down by bullets and arrows.”  
  • The warriors flanked the soldiers. “At a signal from Crazy Horse, the flanking warriors charged the remaining soldiers. Crazy Horse struck down with his war club.” Eighty soldiers were killed, and “some say forty warriors were killed.” 
  • During the fight, Crazy Horse’s best friend, Lone Bear, was killed. “Lone Bear had been shot through the chest. But it was so cold, the blood froze around the wound and stopped the bleeding.” Crazy Horse “held his friend in his arms until he died.”  
  • A Cheyenne woman dressed like a man and followed the warriors into battle. “When her brother’s horse was shot down, she raced in to rescue him. Soldiers were shooting at her from two sides, but she still managed to save him.” 
  • During a battle, “firing from the soldiers and the [enemy] warriors was constant. Every moment was filled with the sound of gunshots.” Some soldiers tried to take cover, but the Lakota “fired guns and bows and started fires.” The soldiers tried to cross the river, but “soldiers were falling, hit by bullets and arrows.” The scene is described over six pages. 
  • Later that day, the warriors attacked the soldiers who made a barricade. “Custer’s soldiers, his five companies, began to suffer casualties. That is, soldiers were being hit by bullets and falling. . . The sad fact is that Custer lost all his men, including himself. Every man in the five companies he led was killed in this second part of the battle.” The second part of the battle is described over three pages. 
  • After a battle, people from the Lakota village sought their loved ones. “Many of them were angry at the Long Knives . . . Then someone took a knife and cut a soldier’s body. All that anger was hard to hold back. So they began stripping bodies, taking things, and then mutilating them. . . Cutting arms and legs.” Grandpa Nyles says, “I personally think it’s a bad thing no matter who does it. But that’s the way it was then.”  
  • Soldiers and jealous warriors tried to capture Crazy Horse to imprison him. “When the Indian policemen saw [Crazy Horse’s] knife, they surrounded him. [An Indian leader] Little Big Man grabbed his arms from behind.” A soldier came and saw “a Lakota fighting with the Indian policemen, so he thrust his rifle with a long bayonet on the end of the barrel, at Crazy Horse.” The wound killed Crazy Horse. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Code Talker

The United States is at war, and sixteen-year-old Ned Begay wants to join the cause—especially when he hears that Navajos are being specifically recruited by the Marine Corps. So he claims he’s old enough to enlist, breezes his way through boot camp, and suddenly finds himself involved in a top-secret task, one that’s exclusively performed by Navajos. He has become a code talker. Now, Ned must brave some of the heaviest fighting of the war, and with his native Navajo language as code, send crucial messages back and forth to aid in the conflict against Japan. His experiences in the Pacific—from Guadalcanal to Iwo Jima and beyond—will leave him changed forever.

Throughout World War II, in the conflict fought against Japan, Navajo code talkers were a crucial part of the U.S. effort, sending messages back and forth in an unbreakable code that used their native language. They braved some of the heaviest fighting of the war, and with their code, they saved countless American lives. Yet their story remained classified for more than twenty years. But now, Joseph Bruchac brings their stories to life for young adults through the fictional tale of Ned Begay.

While Code Talker includes pieces of Ned’s early life, most of the story focuses on Ned’s experiences in the war. While at the mission school, Ned and the other Indians were taught that “it was no good to speak Navajo or be Navajo. Everything about us that was Indian had to be forgotten.” This is one reason why Ned was eager to join the Marines. He wanted to use his “sacred language” to help the United States win the war. While in battle, the code talkers proved their worth by becoming an integral part of their battalions.

Ned and his battalion fought through the Pacific and often endured heavy fighting. Ned describes the battles without using gory details; however, many people were killed and wounded, and these scenes may upset sensitive readers. Since the story includes Ned fighting many battles, the fight scenes become repetitious, and the story begins to drag. Another downside of the book is that none of the supporting characters are well-developed, and they lack unique personalities. Nevertheless, the supporting characters help readers understand that on the battlefield, Ned was able to make lasting friendships that helped him through this difficult time.

When Ned returned home after the war, he still faced discrimination. “It didn’t matter that I had fought for America. It didn’t matter that I had made white friends who would have sacrificed their lives for me when we were at war.” Some people only saw Ned as “another stupid Navajo.” Despite this, Ned learned to be “self-confident as a Marine, to believe that I could succeed in even the hardest battle.” Ned’s self-confidence and pride in his culture are inspiring, and Code Talker shines a light on how the Navajos were a critical component of winning the war. Anyone interested in history will find Code Talker a worthwhile read, especially because the Navajo code talkers’ role was kept a secret. In fact, it wasn’t until 2001 that Congressional Gold Medals were given to the Navajo and other code talkers.

Sexual Content

  • None


  • When the Americans came to the Navajos’ territory, “the Americans made war on all of the Navajos. They burned our crops, killed our livestock, and cut down our peach trees. They drove our people into exile. They sent us on the Long Walk.”
  • At the mission school, the principal heard Ned speak Navajo. The principal “slapped his hand over my mouth and picked me up under his arm like I was a little puppy who had done something bad. He carried me inside to the sink where there was a bar of brown soap. . . forced me to open my mouth, and then shoved that big, wet bar of soap into it. . . I choked and coughed and thought I was going to die.”
  • The children who refused to give up Navajo “were beaten with heavy sticks. . . Sometimes [the principal] would beat the boys and girls so badly that they would not be able to walk the next day.” One boy who refused to speak English was “taken into the cold stone basement and chained in a dark corner. He was kept there for a week with nothing to eat but pieces of stale bread and nothing to drink but water.”
  • When Ned goes into battle, he often describes the violence he witnesses so not all of the violence is listed below.
  • When Ned and his unit got to Guadalcanal, “shells landed all around [the American soldiers] . . . They heard the crack of the .25 caliber rifles of hidden snipers. . . There were plenty of bodies. Taking care of the American dead was the first priority in combat and as a result, the bodies of the Japanese soldiers were often left unburied for days.”
  • In Guadalcanal, “although the Japanese said they were liberating the island, they used the native people like slaves, beating or killing them if they tried to escape. . . [One man] had terrible scars all over his chest from when the Japanese had tied him to a tree and tortured him by stabbing him with bayonets.”
  • The American soldiers waded through the water to get to the beach. “The noise of hostile fire, the sound of men crying out as they were hit by shrapnel and bullets, we kept pushing forward.” Ned’s friend was injured by shrapnel, and Ned knotted a bandage around the wound. Ned learned that “seventy Marines [were] killed or missing. Another 124 wounded.”
  • The Japanese set up booby traps. “Two Marines had just been wounded in their arms and legs by shrapnel when they tried to retrieve a seemingly discarded .35 caliber Japanese machine pistol.”
  • Ned took a message to the Second Battalion, but they thought he was a Japanese soldier. An American soldier “stuck me right in the back with a bayonet. Before it could sink in, I rolled headfirst into a foxhole.” Someone recognized Ned and saved him from further attack.
  • Ned’s battalion was sent to the Mariana Islands to fight the Japanese. “The Marines stopped them with machine gun fire. The enemies fell like tall grass cut by a scythe. . . The Japanese women and children ran from the Marines in terror. They’d been told that Americans were devils who would kill and torture them.” The people were so afraid of the Americans that “they didn’t allow themselves to be captured. They blew themselves up with grenades. They climbed to the tops of cliffs and threw their children off before hurling themselves into the rocks below.”
  • Ned walked through one town that looked “broken.” “No living people were to be seen, but there were many bodies of native people, who’d been slaughtered by the angry Japanese as they pulled back.”
  • When night came, the Japanese attacked. “Many of those attackers were killed by our machine guns, but others fought through. Each time a wave of attackers was wiped out, another human wave came screaming in . . . Thirty-five hundred enemy soldiers had died, including many of their high officers.”
  • Ned was out in the jungle and described, “One moment I had been walking along. The next I heard a sound like the buzzing of an angry bee just as something slapped me on my shoulder. . . when I looked at my shoulder I saw blood welling out and felt my knees getting weaker.” Ned recovers from his injuries.
  • During a battle, “tracer bullets stitched the air above our heads. Once again I heard the sound. . . the dull thud, between the sound of a slap and a bunch, of a bullet hitting the body of a human being. I heard it again and again, followed by cries of pain from those who were not killed when burning pieces of lead struck them.”
  • While in the thick of battle, Ned heard a cry from his friend Georgia Boy who was “holding his own throat. Blood was spurting through his fingers, and his helmet had been knocked off . . . Someone was yelling for a medic. It took me a moment to realize that the person was yelling in Navajo. . . Then I realized I was the one doing the yelling.” Georgia Boy survived.

 Drugs and Alcohol

  • When some of the men had free time, they drank heavily. “When they were drunk, they no longer could think of those things. Some of our Navajo code talkers joined in the heavy drinking. After the war, they still kept on with that drinking to try to keep that terrible world of war out of their minds”
  • On New Year’s Eve, some of the men drank beer. Ned and his friend poured beer over each other.


  • Some of the soldiers called the Navajo code talkers “Chief.” Ned “knew that my own white friends who called me Chief didn’t mean to insult me and I didn’t want to hurt their feelings by correcting them.”
  • A General said, “We’ll catch seven kinds of hell on the beaches and that will be just the beginning. The fighting will be fierce and the casualties will be awful, but my Marines will take the damned island.”


  • Some American soldiers wore cotton waistbands called sennimbari, or Cloth of a Thousand Stitches. “They believed that those sennimbaris had the power to protect their wearer from being hit by enemy bullets.” Ned doesn’t believe the sennimbaris can save people.

Spiritual Content

  • After the Navajos were forced on the Long Walk, “Our people prayed. They did a special ceremony.” Afterward, the Navajos were allowed to return home.
  • Before Ned went to the reservation school, his uncle “had been praying life would not be as hard for me at school as it had been for him…”
  • The Navajo “men and women always kept their hair long. It was a sacred thing. Cutting your hair was believed to bring misfortune to you.” Despite this, when the Indians got to the mission school, their hair was cut off.
  • Since the school was a mission school, some Navajos belonged to the Catholic church. Ned’s parents “had been baptized and went with us when we attended church. But being Catholic did not mean we would forget the Holy People and our Navajo Way.”
  • A Marine said, “You know. . . That Golden Rule and those other things that Jesus Christ said people needed to live by? Well, that Golden Rule and those other things he did makes me believe that maybe Jesus was a Navajo.”
  • Before Ned goes off to war, he is given a Blessingway. During a Blessingway “many family members and friends and well-wishers gathered around the hogan, all of them putting their minds together to wish success and goodness for you.” Corn pollen is “sprinkled on the earth into crosses where you kneel. Then you, too, are blessed with that pollen. . .”
  • Before Ned is shipped out, he “rose before dawn and prayed with my corn pollen. I asked the Holy People to remember me and help keep me safe on the ocean from the monsters that hid beneath its surface.”
  • Before going out to battle, Ned “reached down to touch my buckskin pouch filled with corn pollen. I had prayed earlier that morning, but now I whispered the words again in our sacred language, asking the Holy People for protection.”
  • The Navajo “tradition tells us that we must avoid the bodies of those who have died. A bad spirit sometimes remains around the corpse. To even look upon the body of a dead person may make you sick.”
  • Ned’s parents sent him a letter saying, “We are continually praying in church for your safety and for our other Navajo boys over there. We are praying for your quick return home.”
  • Ned sent his unwashed battle fatigues home “to stand for me in a protection ceremony. . . On the day when prayers and songs would be offered to ask help for me, my clothes would be there, in the hands of my family. On that day I would feel the presence of the Holy People.”
  • When Ned got to Iwo Jima, “I faced the east, took a pinch of pollen from my pouch, and placed it on my tongue. I put a little dab of pollen on top of my head and spoke to the Holy People. ‘Let me have clear thoughts, clear speech, and a good path to walk this day,’ I prayed.”
  • When the atomic bomb was dropped on Japan, Emperor Hirohito talked over the radio. “It was a shock to those people in many ways, grandchildren. None of them ever expected to personally hear their emperor. Remember that Hirohito was a distant god to them. They had never heard a god’s voice before.”
  • When the atomic bomb was dropped on Japan, Ned prayed “that such bombs would never fall on human beings again.”

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

Junior is a young Native American boy living on the Spokane reservation in Washington. He was born with hydrocephalus, a condition that leads to extra spinal fluid in his brain; he survived the surgery that removed the fluid but the disease left him with a lisp and a stutter, too many teeth, and uneven eyes. His best friend, Rowdy, protects him from bullies. But Rowdy has plenty of problems to deal with in his own life especially because poverty is felt in every corner of the reservation. 

A few days into his freshman year, Junior gets suspended from high school due to an accident. He asks to be transferred to Rearden, the high school in the nearest all-white town. Junior’s teacher at his old school tells him that he is smart and has great potential, but he will never know what he can achieve trapped on the reservation. Junior’s parents agree, and soon Junior enters a new world, completely separate from the one he knew before. After a bit of a rocky start at Rearden—his new classmates have never met an indigenous person before, and aren’t quite sure what to make of him—he settles into a new routine. He makes friends and even joins the basketball team. 

But Junior’s transfer to Rearden has made his home life even harder. The other families on the reservation feel betrayed, believing Junior has abandoned them by choosing to leave. Rowdy, too, is no longer on Junior’s side. In fact, Rowdy feels the most betrayed of all. Caught between two worlds and two identities, Junior has to decide where his real home is. Does he belong to the place and the people he has known all his life? Or does he belong in the place that offers more opportunities than he ever dreamed of, with no one of a similar background to him? 

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is a brilliant and moving coming-of-age story. It deals with complex themes such as identity, family dynamics, friendships, bullying, and death. Readers will enjoy getting to know Junior through his diary as he navigates growing up caught between two worlds. Because this novel is told in first person, readers can see inside Junior’s head, making him easy to sympathize with and relate to. Junior’s experience gives insight into what it means to grow up in two different cultures simultaneously and the difficulty that can arise in trying to reconcile them both. 

Perhaps the most striking aspect of this novel is Alexie’s prose. The language is simple but always exact and precise enough to elicit just the right emotional response. Alexie has beautifully captured a teenage boy’s voice. Much of the novel reads as if it could be a direct conversation between Junior and the reader. The vivid language produces a captivating novel that readers will not be able to put down.  Readers will think about The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian long after they have closed the final page. 

Overall, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is a novel that every teenager should read growing up and revisit as an adult. It teaches readers to be kind to those different from them – just because they are different, does not mean they are any less human – and that it’s possible to make a home even in seemingly contradictory situations. The story’s themes of complex identity and loss can be universally felt; everyone who reads this book will find a bit of themselves in it, and will also be able to learn about an experience distinct from their own.  

Sexual Content 

  • Junior talks about masturbation. “I spend hours in the bathroom with a magazine that has one thousand pictures of naked movie stars: naked woman + right hand = happy happy joy joy. Yep, that’s right, I admit I masturbate . . . And maybe you’re thinking, ‘Well, you really shouldn’t be talking about masturbation in public.’ Well, tough, I’m going to talk about it because EVERYBODY does it. And EVERYBODY likes it.” 
  • In the woods, Junior mentions that he loves trees, and Rowdy calls him a “tree fag” because he “likes to stick [his] dick inside knotholes.”  


  • Junior remembers how mad he was when his father had to put down the family dog, Oscar, because they couldn’t afford to go to the vet. “I wanted to punch my dad in the face. I wanted to punch him in the nose and make him bleed. I wanted to punch him in the eye and make him blind. I wanted to kick him in the balls and make him pass out. I was hot mad. Volcano mad. Tsunami mad.” 
  • Junior describes Rowdy’s rough home life. “His father is drinking hard and throwing hard punches, so Rowdy and his mother are always walking around with bruised and bloody faces.” 
  • Rowdy often gets into fights to defend himself and Junior. Rowdy “got into his first fistfight in kindergarten. He took on three first graders during a snowball fight because one of them had thrown a piece of ice. Rowdy punched them out pretty quickly. And then he punched the teacher who came to stop the fight. He didn’t hurt the teacher, not at all, but man, let me tell you, that teacher was angry.” 
  • Rowdy gets mad at Junior for laughing at him when he trips and stumbles into a minivan. “[Rowdy] shoved me to the ground and almost kicked me. He swung his leg at me, but pulled it back at the last second. I could tell he wanted to hurt me for laughing. But I am his friend, his best friend, his only friend. He couldn’t hurt me. So he grabbed a garbage sack filled with empty beer bottles and chucked it at the minivan. Glass broke everywhere. Then Rowdy grabbed a shovel that somebody had been using to dig barbecue holes and went after that van. Just beat the crap out of it.” 
  • Junior is suspended from school after throwing a book and accidentally hitting his teacher in the face. Junior “wanted to hit something when I threw that ancient book. But I didn’t want to hit somebody, and I certainly didn’t plan on breaking the nose of a mafioso math teacher.” 
  • Rowdy gets angry and hits Junior when he discovers that Junior is transferring to Rearden. “Bang! Rowdy punched me. Bang! I hit the ground. Bang! My nose bled like a firework.” 
  • Junior mentions that his dad’s best friend, Eugene, was “shot in the face in the parking lot of a 7-Eleven in Spokane. Very drunk, Eugene was shot and killed by one of his good friends, Bobby, who was too drunk to even remember pulling the trigger. The police think Eugene and Bobby fought over the last drink in a bottle of wine.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Many adults on the reservation are alcoholics. Some, like Rowdy’s father, are violent as a result. Others, like Junior’s parents, are not. Junior says, “My mother and father are drunks, too, but they aren’t mean like [Rowdy’s father]. Not at all. They sometimes ignore me. Sometimes they yell at me. But they’ve never, ever, never, ever hit me.” 
  • Junior describes his dad’s best friend, Eugene, as “a good guy, and an uncle to me, but he was drunk all the time. Not stinky drunk, just drunk enough to be drunk. He was a funny and kind drunk, always wanting to laugh and hug you and sing songs and dance.” 
  • Junior’s grandmother is killed by a drunk driver. “She didn’t die right away. The reservation paramedics kept her alive long enough to get to the hospital in Spokane, but she died during emergency surgery.” 


  • The words bastard, retard, ass, and fuck are used occasionally. 
  • The N word is used once 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Native American Heroes: Osceola, Tecumseh, & Cochise

Osceola, Cochise, and Tecumseh are three Native American heroes who fought valiantly for their land and people. This book is divided into three parts—each part recounting the life of one of these great heroes.  

Osceola, a Seminole leader, fought to keep his people’s native land and to protect all Seminoles, including those who had black skin. The Seminoles were not just fighting the army; they were also fighting the slave traders who wanted all black Seminoles turned over to them. The whites wanted the Seminoles to sign a treaty, agreeing to move to lands in the West. One of the reasons Osceola refused to sign a treaty was because the treaty said “that no Seminole who had the blood of the black man could go to the western country. How this would tear brother from brother! Child would be torn from parents!” 

Thompson, an American general, pretended that he wanted to discuss the treaty with Osceola, and instead, Thompson had Osceola put in irons and thrown into prison. A soldier who witnessed the capture of Osceola wrote to a friend: “I shall never forget that day, nor the sad, disappointed face of Chief Osceola and the other Indians. We were outraged by the cowardly way he was betrayed into capture.” Osceola died in prison, and many of the Seminoles agreed to move west.   

Tecumseh was born into a world of war between the Shawnee Nation and the Americans. The men of his tribe taught Tecumseh how to be a warrior, but his sister “taught him to be honest, to respect the rights of others, and to obey his elders.” Even though the Shawnee Nation and the Americans were at war, Tecumseh still had compassion for the enemy and did not let his men torture captives. Tecumseh tried to unite all of the tribes; however, he was unsuccessful. Despite this, “Tecumseh was a great man. He was truly great—and his greatness was his own, unassisted by science or the aids of education. As a statesman, a warrior, and a patriot, we shall not look upon his like again.” 

Cochise, an Apache leader, brought peace to his people by cooperating with the whites. “Not all of the Chiricahua warriors believed that peace was the way to survive. . . But every warrior knew that Cochise had pledged to keep his peace and that he would never break that pledge. Truth and honor had a value among all Apaches, but in no man was it stronger than in Cochise.” Unfortunately, Cochise’s honesty and cooperation weren’t enough to keep the peace, and fighting resumed. After Cochise’s death, the Americans broke their promises and the Apache “were driven out of their mountain home and moved to a distant reservation.”  

Native American Heroes is a tragic and true story that highlights the violence and racism that the Indigenous people endured. Osceola, Cochise, and Tecumseh are heroes who fought to keep their tribes from being pushed off their native land. The trickery and deceit that the Americans used against the Indigenous people is heartbreaking. These tragic stories include violence but do not include gory details.  

Native American Heroes teaches about history by using black-and-white original source materials, including photographs, maps, portraits, and newspaper articles, to supplement the narrative text. This engaging and educational book will help readers understand how the colonization of America affected the indigenous tribes. In addition, the book doesn’t shy away from showing the cruelty that the white man inflicted upon the Native Americans.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Osceola would not sign a treaty with Thompson, who represented the United States. Thompson then had Osceola arrested. “It took four soldiers to subdue Osceola. They put him in irons and threw him in prison.” 
  • Chief Emanthla agreed to give Black Seminoles to the whites, who would sell them into slavery. “To Osceola, this act of betrayal was punishable by death. Osceola raised his rifle and fired.”  
  • The whites captured Osceola’s wife, Morning Dew, because “her mother was believed to have been a black woman, so in the eyes of the white men, Morning Dew was a slave.” This caused Osceola to wage war against General Thompson and the whites.  
  • Osceola and a war party hide in the woods waiting for Thompson to go on his usual morning walk. “It was Osceola who struck down the general. And it was the Seminole war cry – Yo-ho-ee-tchee! — that Thompson heard as he fell dead.”  
  • After Thompson was killed, General Clinch arrived with his army. The Seminoles watched as the army began crossing a river. “Suddenly the Seminoles came out from their hiding places and attacked. The general’s army was now split in two. The five hundred men who were unable to cross the river watched helplessly as their comrades and the Seminoles fired at one another.” One hundred whites were killed that day. 
  • As the war continued, the whites “died as often from the bites of the snakes and the mosquitoes as they did from the weapons of the Seminoles.” 
  • Slave traders wanted all black people to be turned over to them. The slave traders couldn’t tell if a black person was a runaway slave or a Seminole so they “seized anyone with black skin.” 
  • General Hernandez asked Osceola and other Seminole leaders to discuss a peace treaty, but then Hernandez ambushed them. “Hernandez gave the signal. His troops, hidden nearby, moved in. Osceola was captured, together with twelve chiefs, seventy-five warriors, and six women.” Osceola was put in prison, where he eventually died. 
  • The Shawnee leader Cornstalk is killed while visiting an American fort. “A mob of soldiers, angered by the killing of a white man, had shot the Shawnee leader.”  
  • When war came to the Shawnee’s territory, Tecumseh “watched his village vanish in flames, as American soldiers drove the Shawnees from their homes.”  
  • To protect their land, the Shawnees attacked the flatboats carrying the settlers down the Ohio River. “After one such attack on a group of settlers’ boat, the Shawnees burned a captive at the stake. Tecumseh watched in horror.” 
  • The battle of Tippecanoe “lasted only a day. . .[General Harrison was] not satisfied with smashing the houses, Harrison’s army also destroyed all of the corn the Shawnees had harvested.”  
  • Tecumseh returned to the fort to find “a group of Native Americans was torturing twenty American soldiers. Tecumseh charged at them at a gallop. He grabbed a knife from one warrior and sent others sprawling to the ground.”  
  • A white man accused Cochise’s men of kidnapping his son. Lieutenant Bascom asked Cochise to meet with him. Cochise took his family with him. Bascom tried to take Cochise and his warriors as prisoners. When Cochise “cried to his people to run,” Bascom’s guards started shooting. “One of [Cochise’s] brothers’ sons was stabbed in the stomach with a bayonet. His wife, brother, and nephews – and Cochise’s son — were seized.” 
  • Cochise tried to take several of Bascom’s men. “An Apache warrior fired and one of the white men fell dead.” Later, the Apache took several of Bascom’s men captive. “They killed the four white men and left their bodies there as a message to Bascom and his men. . .  In retaliation, they hanged the male Apache hostages.” Cochise “saw, hanging from a tree, the bodies of his relatives along with three other Coyoteros Apaches that had been captured.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • The white men introduced whiskey to the Native Americans. The whiskey “destroyed their bodies” and “turned brother against brother.”  
  • Governor Harrison met with several chiefs to convince them to sign a treaty. “Harrison may have first supplied the chiefs with whiskey and then pressured them to sign this new treaty.”


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  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • Tecumseh’s brother, Laulewasika, “gave up whiskey and turned to religion.” Laulewasika had many followers. Laulewasika told “his people to stop warring among themselves and to stop drinking the white man’s whiskey.” 
  • Laulewasika was called the Shawnee Prophet.  
  • The Shakers may have influenced Laulewasika.  
  • Governor Harrison told the Delaware Indians that if Laulewasika was really a prophet, he could cause “the sun to stand still, the moon to alter its course, the rivers to cease to flow or the dead to rise from their graves.” Laulewasika used the solar eclipse to prove that he was a prophet.  
  • The Native Americans did not understand why the whites owned land. Tecumseh said, “Sell a country? Why not sell the air, the clouds, and the Great Sea as well as the earth? Did not the Great Spirit make them all for the use of his children?” 
  • Tecumseh tried to unite all of the Indians. He said, “This is the will of the Great Spirit.”  
  • After Cochise’s relatives were killed, the dead men’s faces were painted. They were dressed in their finest clothes “so that they would look their best for the long journey to the gods. . . Everything the dead men had owned was thrown into the flames.” 

Rain is Not My Indian Name

It’s been six months since Cassidy Rain Berghoff’s best friend, Galen, died, and up until now she has succeeded in shutting herself off from the world. But when controversy arises around Aunt Georgia’s Indian Camp in their mostly white midwestern community, Rain decides to face the outside world again, and takes a job photographing the campers for her town’s newspaper. 

Soon, Rain has to decide how involved she wants to become in Indian Camp. Does she want to keep a professional distance from her fellow Native teens? Or, though she is still grieving, will she embrace new friends and new beginnings? 

Rain is Not My Indian Name focuses on Cassidy, a 14-year-old girl who has closed herself off to the world after her best friend, Galen, dies. In addition to Galen’s death, Cassidy is dealing with a friendship breakup, her brother’s girlfriend’s unexpected pregnancy, as well as trying to connect to her indigenous heritage. Readers will connect with Cassidy, who is dealing with many messy life situations. While Cassidy is dealing with a lot of heavy topics, her voice is heartfelt and authentic. Like many teens, Cassidy is struggling to understand her conflicting emotions, which do not always have easy answers. 

Each chapter begins with an excerpt from Cassidy’s journal that helps readers understand how past events continue to affect Cassidy’s daily life. The journal excerpts allow readers a glimpse into Cassidy and Galen’s friendship. Cassidy’s experiences examine small-town politics and the town’s prejudices. The large cast of characters allows the book to explore different types of prejudices. However, none of the supporting characters are well-developed and some readers may have difficulty remembering how everyone connects.  

Cassidy uses a conversational tone to tell her story. Even though she is dealing with heavy issues, she is never whiny or melodramatic. Cassidy’s experiences establish the importance of connecting with the community and accepting yourself and others. Cassidy’s problems are resolved, and her personal growth allows her to reconnect with her Indigenous community. Teens will connect with Cassidy, and come away learning the importance of surrounding themselves with a caring support group.  

Sexual Content 

  • A girl who works at the grocery store has a bad reputation and is known as “the Lorelei Express.”  
  • When Rain was younger, she asked her brother, Flynn, “why he’d been carrying the same condom in his wallet for six years.” Her brother said he kept it for “emergencies.”  
  • Flynn’s girlfriend lives with him and Rain. She moved in after the fourth date. 
  • After Galen dies, Rain discovers that there was a rumor that Galen and she were “fooling around. . . like making out, mashing, tonsil hockey, swapping spit.” 
  • The night Galen died, he kissed Rain. “It was only one kiss. It wasn’t a deep kiss, a French kiss, the kind of kiss that redefines a teen life.”


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Flash, a reporter who works with Rain, carries a flask of tequila in his coat pocket. Flash allows Rain to sniff the flask and “the smell of tequila burned the back of [her] throat.”  
  • Rain sees Flash’s flask on his desk. 
  • Rain “finished a half-empty beer Uncle Ed had left on my porch. . . Grampa grounded me for a month.” The beer made Rain throw up. 
  • Rain’s uncle sold his gold tooth for beer money. 
  • At dinner, Flynn drinks a bottle of Coors.


  • None 


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • Rain’s brother and his fiancée plan to be married at the First Baptist Church. However, the bride’s mother wants them to get married at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church. 
  • The book mentions that some of the characters attend church. For example, Rain was the only “Indian” who “prayed at the First Baptist Church.” 
  • After Rain finds out that her brother’s girlfriend, Natalie, is pregnant, Rain prays, “Dear God, please take care of Natalie. Thank you and amen.” Rain thinks, “I hoped all of the times I’d skipped church wouldn’t count against me.” 
  • After Natalie has to go to the hospital, Flynn says he will “pray for the best.” 
  • When Rain thinks about Galen, she recites a Bible verse. “‘Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.’ –Psalms 30:5.”

Missing in Action

Dirty. Lazy. Good-for-nothing.

Jay Thacker is used to being called names because his dad is half Navajo. But he gets a chance at a new life and a new identity when he and his mom move to the small town of Delta, Utah to live with Jay’s grandfather. In Delta, Jay can convince everyone, and maybe even himself, that his dad—who is missing in action as he fights in WWII—is really a POW and military hero, and not gone forever.

As the summer wears on and Jay finds himself growing up a little faster than he expected, he learns to look at some truths that had previously been impossible to face. Truths about his father; about Ken, his new friend from the Japanese internment camp nearby; and about himself, too. 

Jay, a ten-year-old boy, is an interesting character; however, readers may struggle to connect with him. Jay believes that people will look down on him because he looks like his father, who is half Navajo. To make matters worse, Jay wrestles with conflicting emotions about his abusive father. Jay pretends that his father is a war hero, but this doesn’t stop bad memories from invading his thoughts. Jay also refuses to believe his father is dead, even though there is no way his father could have survived the bombing of his ship. In the end, Jay accepts his father’s death but he never deals with the negative emotions associated with his father. 

Jay feels self-conscious because he looks like an Indian, and this affects how he interacts with others, especially Ken, a teen farmworker who lives in the Japanese Internment Camp. At first, Jay tries to keep his distance from Ken, but Ken’s humor and honesty make it difficult for Jay to dislike him. When others are around, Jay tries to pretend that he doesn’t know Ken. Jay thinks, “Gordy [his friend] didn’t seem to care if he was part Indian, but what would he say if he found out he worked with a Jap? Then he’d probably be a dirty Indian, not a Chief.” 

Because Jay struggles with accepting himself, he often makes decisions based on how others might perceive him. Instead of standing up for himself and being honest about Ken’s friendship, Jay allows Gordy to push him around. Jay wants to fit in and make friends, but Gordy is mean and doesn’t respect Jay or the other boys. For instance, Gordy often uses derogatory names such as calling Jay “Chief” and Ken a “Jap.” Both Jay and Gordy are unlikable characters without healthy boundaries which makes it hard to become emotionally invested in their conflicts.   

Missing in Action explores several serious topics including prejudice against Native Americans and Japanese Americans. It also explores family violence and Japanese-American internment camps. However, Jay never fully embraces his Navajo heritage and he only has one brief experience at the internment camp. While the book is an accurate depiction of the time, it doesn’t do enough to dispel the harmful perceptions of Native Americans and Japanese Americans. The multiple themes are wrapped up in an unrealistic and unsatisfactory conclusion that doesn’t shine a light on Jay’s character growth.  

If you’re interested in learning more about the history of World War II, Missing in Action is worth reading. However, if you want to learn more about internment camps, the picture book Baseball Saved Us by Ken Mochizuki would be an excellent addition to your reading list. If you’d like a book that mixes history with baseball action, read the Baseball Card Adventure Series by Dan Gutman. 

Sexual Content 

  • One of Jay’s new friends, Gordy, tells a story about how him and another kid “snuck up on some girls skinny-dipping down at the canal. We watched ‘em for a while, and then we started hollering that would could see ‘em and they about drowned trying to stay under the water. It didn’t matter. They didn’t have much of anything anyway.” 
  • Gordy says he knows what a girl’s body should look like because he accidentally saw his sister naked. “I know it ain’t like those flat-chested girls we seen down at the canal.” 
  • Gordy wants to be a professional baseball player so “all the girls want to smooch with him after the games.” Gordy asks Jay if he has kissed anyone. Then Gordy says, “I kissed Elaine Gleed one time. I chased her down at recess, back in fifth grade, and I tried to kiss her on the lips, but she turned her head.” 
  • Gordy wants to learn how to dance so he can “take old Elaine to a dance sometime, and she’ll wear a dress. . . all low in the front—and I’ll take a look right down her neck while I’m dancing with her.” 
  • When Gordy was in fourth grade, he and a friend “tried to hide under the stairs, over at D. Stevens department store, and look up girls’ dresses. . . But the only thing we seen was a big old lady wearing a girdle with all those straps to hold up her stockings. It made us both want to puke.” 
  • Jay’s father was unfaithful and “went out with other women.” Jay remembers him bringing home a woman. “Dad put him to bed early, but he hadn’t gone to sleep. . . He had heard his dad talking to someone, heard his voice all slurry, the way it was when he drank, and he’d heard a woman laugh.” 


  • While talking about Jay’s father, Jay tells Gordy that his father may be a prisoner of war. Gordy replies, “The Japs starve people and torture ‘em. They pull out their fingernails with pliers—all kinds of stuff.” 
  • Gordy says that Japs are “about the worst people in the world—except for Nazis. They bombed Pearl Harbor . . . for no reason at all. . . They were ugly little yellow guys with glasses.” In the war, they “kept coming and coming, dying until they were stacked up like cordwood. They like to torture people too.”  
  • Gordy says he heard on the radio that, “Our air corps guys shot down fifty Jap planes yesterday. Something like that. I think they said more than fifty. If it keeps going like that, we’ll wipe out every plane the Japs have.” 
  • Gordy, Jay, and some other guys go out into the desert to hunt. Gordy shoots a horny toad. “Jay watched the lizard, still twitching. Its legs were working, like it was trying to run, but it was on its back and most of its middle was torn away.” 
  • Because of peer pressure, Jay kills a bird. Jay “was surprised when he saw a puff of feathers. The sparrow leaped up, like it was going to fly, but then it rolled in the air and dropped behind the brush.” 
  • One boy repeats his father’s words about the people living in the internment camp. The Japanese “don’t have guns out there at the camp. . . but some of those guys hide away knives and stuff like that. Japs are sneaky, and if they can, they’ll figure out a way to crawl into your bedroom and cut your throat.” 
  • Gordy starts talking about girls and Jay gets upset. Gordy says, “‘You better watch it, Chief. You mess with me and I’ll scalp you.’ He jumped up and got him in a headlock, grabbing some of his hair, and pretending that he was hacking away at some of it.” Jay “threw him off” and the fight ended. 
  • Ken, a Japanese American, wants to join the war to prove that he’s “somebody.” Ken plans to join the war and “kill about a thousand Krauts.” 
  • Jay’s father was abusive. Jay remembered that, “His dad had spanked him a lot, had slapped him hard across his legs, his back. And he had screamed at Jay, calling him filthy names, accused him of things, called him ‘worthless.’ Always that word.”  
  • Jay gets upset and begins yelling at Ken. Ken tries to get him to calm down, but “Jay charged him, thrust his hands into Ken’s chest, sent him flying backward. Ken struck the table as he went down, shoving him in the back. The plate and the glass of milk flew. . .” After Ken falls, Jay runs away.  
  • During a baseball game, “a tall kid who had been on first was barreling in hard. He slid with his foot high, caught Jay in the chest, and sent him flying. Jay landed on his side and rolled over in a puff of dirt, like smoke. His vision was swimming.” Gordy hits the kid’s jaw, “then rolling over on top of him. . . He popped Gordy in the eye, and went down again.” Ken breaks up the fight.

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Jay’s dad would go out at night to dance. When he came home, he smelled of smoke and beer. 
  • When Jay was younger, he wanted to play baseball with his father but, “his dad had been drinking beer.” 
  • Jay’s dad used to smoke and sometimes his mom would drink with his father.  
  • Jay jumps into a train car and discovers three men. One man is a drunk. The men begin arguing, and one says, “I ain’t like these two. I may take a drink now and then, but I ain’t no wino. Jak here, he’s feebleminded now, his brain all burnt up from drinking anything he can find with alcohol in it.”


  • The book contains many microaggressions and derogatory language towards both Native Americans and Japanese people. 
  • There is some name-calling. For example, one of the kids calls the other team’s baseball players “sad sacks” and “boneheads.”  
  • Most of the name-calling is said by Gordy. For example, Gordy calls Jay “Chief” because Jay, “Look[s] like an Indian.” He also refers to a Japanese person as a “Jap” and says the Japs are “chicken.”   
  • Gordy tells one of his friends that his face “looks just like my butt.” He calls another person “four-eyes.” 
  • Gordy says, “A lot of Navajos are drunks. And they’ll steal anything that ain’t tied down.” 
  • While living in Salt Lake, some boys “had called [Jay] ‘Injun,’ and they ‘d made Indian noises, slapping their mouths and whooping.” 
  • Ken, a Japanese American, refers to Germans as Krauts. 
  • Jay’s grandfather uses darn and heck once. He says, “I was a heck of a ballplayer when I was a boy.”  


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • Jay’s grandfather, a patriarch in the Mormon church, encourages Jay to pray that his father will come home. Jay’s grandfather believes “God did answer prayers.” 
  • Jay’s mother wants him to go to church and “she wanted him to be a missionary someday. She wanted him to do everything right. . . and be careful about the kind of kids he ran around with.” 
  • When talking about Jay’s father being missing, his grandpa says “They had to trust God and have faith, and pray to God that his dad would come home. . . [Jay] prayed every night.” 
  • When Jay tells his mom that he has been praying for his father to come home, she replies, “But people die in war. That’s just the way it is. Every family prays, but Heavenly Father can’t bring all the boys home.” 
  • Jay tells his mom that his father isn’t dead, “but if you don’t pray and have faith he will be.”  
  • Jay and his grandfather discuss prayer. Jay’s grandfather says, “We have to trust the Lord. He knows what’s best.”  
  • Jay often prays that his father will come home. But neither his mom nor grandfather believe that Jay’s father is alive. Jay wonders, “What good did it do to pray, if they had given up? 
  • When Jay’s friend kills a horny toad, Jay says, “Navajos don’t kill anything unless there’s a reason. For food, or something like that.” Jay wonders “if the horny toad felt pain. He wondered if there was a heaven for animals. His grandpa Reid had told him that every life had a spirit. Maybe that was the same thing that Navajos believed.”  
  • Jay goes to a church-sponsored dance. 
  • Ken wants to join the war to prove himself loyal to America. Jay’s grandfather says, “What God wants is for us to stop shooting each other. That’s what I hope for you, that you never have to go to war.”  

Sal and Gabi Fix the Universe

Following the events of Hernandez’s previous novel, Sal and Gabi Break the Universe, Sal and Gabi are dragged into even more multiverse shenanigans when versions of Gabi from other universes begin showing up in their universe. Sal is approached by a Gabi from another universe who says that she wants to help Sal protect his universe from meeting a terrible fate like hers. While Gabi from another universe, whom Sal calls “FixGabi,” claims to want to fix holes in the universe, Sal realizes that she is tricking him and hiding her true intent. Sal realizes, “FixGabi, it turned out, was a supervillain bent on cosmic destruction.” To protect the universe, Sal and Gabi must enlist the help of their families, as well as their understanding of what Sal’s Papi calls “Calamity physics.” 

Considering the perspectives of others is one of the major themes in the novel. For instance, one of Sal’s teachers explains, “People make art because they want you to learn what life feels like to them. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes it’s scary, sometimes it’s sad or uplifting or gross or deep or a million other things. But whatever it is, it’s always about what the artist thinks of life.” This theme becomes specifically important to Sal later when he interacts with FixGabi. Even though FixGabi has tried to trick Sal and cause havoc in his universe, Sal realizes that FixGabi “has lost a lot of loved ones. She’s seen her world ravaged by rips in the universe. She felt helpless and afraid. But rather than give in to those feelings, she fought back, as hard as she could.” Sal and his friends accepting FixGabi makes her decide that, “I want to make up for everything . . . I was so lonely.” 

Another major theme is friendship and found family. Just like in the previous novel, Sal and Gabi support their friend, Yasmany, as he struggles with problems at home that ultimately culminate in Children’s Services removing him from his home. Yasmany reveals that he has nowhere to live because “My [grandparents] are trying to get me to move back in with Mami. They said they’re too old. They can’t handle me . . . I got nowhere to be. Why doesn’t anybody want me?” But Sal and Gabi are great friends to Yasmany; Sal offers to let Yasmany stay with him for a few nights and Gabi’s parents ultimately decide that Yasmany will come live with them. When Yasmany asks Gabi’s family why they would do this for him, Gabi tells Yasmany, “You deserve a family that deserves you.”  

Readers who loved the first book in this two-part series will be thrilled by Sal and Gabi Fix the Universe. Sal and Gabi’s friendship gets even stronger and readers will be compelled by their friendship and how they always have each other’s best interests in mind. For instance, Sal tells Gabi, “There’s no one like you in the world, Gabi Reál. You are one of a kind.” And Gabi tells Sal how much she appreciates him, saying, “You saved my baby brother, Sal, and therefore my whole family. Thank you. Thank you forever.” Hernandez’s novel will appeal to readers because it has science fiction, theatre productions, and amazing friendships.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Following up on a situation discussed in the previous novel, Sal describes how his friend, Yasmany, had to leave home for his own safety. Sal says, “[Yasmany] was living with his abuelos now because life with his mami had gotten intolerably bad. I don’t know why exactly, since Yasmany wouldn’t go into details, but I knew Children’s Services had gotten involved.”  
  • When Yasmany witnesses Sal’s dad ground Sal for messing with his calamity physics equipment, Yasmany says to Sal, “Nothing got broken; no one got hit. It was just, like, normal talking at the kitchen table.” Sal realizes the dark implication of what Yasmany said.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Sal is upset with his Papi because he found him smoking a cigar. Sal’s dad says, “My team and I might very well be nominated for a Nobel Prize before I die . . . I guess I wanted to celebrate a little.” Sal angrily says, “Even though you swore to Mami when she was dying in the hospital that you’d never smoke a cigar again?” Papi tells Sal that his experience trying a cigar again after all those years was “terrible.” 


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  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • When talking with their school janitor, Mr. Milagros, Sal and Gabi discover that Mr. Milagros’ wife, Lourdes, passed away. Mr. Milagros exclaims, “She’s not with the devils, Gabi. She’s with the angels. Lourdes is in heaven.” 
  • Gabi thinks, “I don’t even believe in heaven . . . but I’m sure Lourdes is there.” 

At the Bottom of the World

Jack and his foster siblings, Ava and Matt, are not your typical kids—they’re geniuses. Well, Ava and Matt are. Ava speaks multiple languages and builds robots for fun, and Matt is an expert astronomer and math whiz. As for Jack, it’s hard to stand out when surrounded by geniuses all the time.

Things get more complicated when the trio start working for Dr. Hank Witherspoon, one of the world’s leading scientists. They travel to Antarctica with Hank for a prestigious award ceremony—but they quickly find that not all is as it seems. A scientist has gone missing and it’s up to Jack, Ava, and Matt to find her . . . and discover who’s behind it all.  

In the Jack and the Geniuses Series, readers join Jack, Ava, and Matt on adventures around the world to tackle some of science’s biggest challenges, including new ways to create clean drinking water, generate clean and renewable energy, and provide information access to the entire planet. Each book in the series includes cool facts about the real-life science that’s found in the story, plus a fun DIY project. 

At the Bottom of the World is told from Jack’s point of view. He uses a self-deprecating tone that adds humor to the action. Jack’s impulsive nature and curiosity make him a relatable and likable protagonist. Even though he is not as intelligent as Ava and Matt, he often becomes the leader. Jack, Ava, and Matt all work together and use their different skills to solve the mystery.

While in Antarctica, the kids learn about living in the harsh environment. The science is presented in a kid-friendly manner that is easy to understand. For example, Antarctica is “as large as the United States, not counting Alaska, and 98 percent of it is ice. If the whole thing were a pizza, and you cut the pie into a hundred slices, all but two would be frozen.” The fun facts are accompanied by references to real people and places, such as McMurdo Station in Antarctica, Ernest Shackleton, and Jules Vern.  

The action-packed story incorporates science into a fun mystery with plenty of twists and turns. Readers will find the three siblings—Jack, Ava, and Matt—to be interesting characters who each contribute to solving the mystery. Even though Ava and Matt are geniuses, they are likable and relatable. Plus, the three kids complement each other, and each adds a unique aspect to the story. 

Anyone interested in gadgets, science, and visiting new places will find At the Bottom of the World an enjoyable read. In the next book, In the Deep Blue Sea, readers will be eager to join Jack and the geniuses on their adventure to the Hawaiian islands. Readers who enjoy At the Bottom of the World can find more adventure by reading The Max Tilt Series by Peter Lerangis, the Masterminds Series by Gordon Korman and Survival Tails: Endurance in Antarctica by Katrina Charman. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Jack, Ava, and Matt break into a building when a “humanoid opened a compartment in his chest. . . The robot pulled something out and flung it at us. I ducked the shot, and a yellowish clump splattered on the dark wood paneling behind me. . . The machine threw something, striking Matt in the chest. My brother shouted and fell to the floor.” The robot is throwing pizza dough; no one is injured.  
  • The villain leaves a woman far from the base and other humans. He reveals, “I didn’t really leave her out here to die. I left her out here to freeze.” 
  • The villain points a gun at Jack, Ava, Matt, and Hank. The villain plans to strand the group so they cannot walk to shelter. 
  • As the villain leads the group further from civilization, Jack pretends to be too tired to walk. The villain “pressed his foot against my back and pushed me forward. I threw out my arms to stop myself from face-planting.”  
  • As the group walks, Matt breaks a hole through a trapdoor that a seal made. The villain’s “foot struck the newly opened trapdoor, he lost his balance and toppled forward. His eyes flashed with a mix of terror and confusion as he plunged down through the slush, falling up to his waist in the ice water.”  
  • Before the villain completely sinks, one of his “huge gloved hands wrapped around [Jack’s] ankles with the force of a boa constrictor death-gripping a helpless rat. My heels lost their grip as he yanked me down.” Jack and the villain are saved; they are cold but otherwise uninjured.  The scene with the villain takes place over a chapter. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None


  • None 


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

A Tale of Witchcraft

Brystal Evergreen knew that becoming the icon of the fairytale world was going to be a large responsibility, but the immense pressure as the newly-appointed “Fairy Godmother” is more than she can handle. In addition to public appearances, fixing local issues, and campaigning for fairy rights, she’s also the new headmaster of The Celeste Weatherberry Memorial Academy of Magic, which has gone from ten students to a thousand overnight. Additionally, a sect of revolutionaries called the Righteous Brotherhood are rising, ready to return magic to the crime it once was.  

If that wasn’t enough, Brystal’s resolve falters when Lucy and Pip, two of her trusted friends, decide to leave the Academy to join a strange woman named Mistress Mara at her school for witches, Ravencrest. As Brystal fails to juggle these tasks, thoughts of inadequacy and giving up start to plague Brystal’s mind. The one break in Brystal’s constant onslaught of responsibilities is her budding romance with “Seven,” otherwise known as Prince Gallivant, seventh in line for the throne of the Southern Kingdom.  

Meanwhile, Lucy begins to practice witchcraft at Ravencrest, trying her best to put her life as a fairy behind her. However, Mistress Mara’s teachings start to rub Lucy the wrong way. Witchcraft requires Lucy to hurt others, and it’s not without a price – Lucy starts to change physically too, growing feathers instead of hair. Skeptical, Lucy decides to investigate Mistress Mara’s affairs, and uncovers a secret plot to curse Brystal and destroy the reputation of the fairies. She flees from the academy to warn Brystal but it’s too late: Brystal has already fallen into the Righteous Brotherhood’s trap.  

Mistress Mara and Seven, who reveals himself as the Righteous Brotherhood’s leader, have cursed Brystal to think negative thoughts. After Seven frames Brystal for the King Champion’s murder, her weakened resolve from the curse and Seven’s betrayal compels her to surrender. Seven, having also killed his other six siblings, kills Brystal and aims to turn public opinion against the fairies. However, Brystal postpones her death by making a mysterious deal with Death himself facilitated by Mistress Mara, and comes back to life just in time to be rescued by Lucy and her allies, The Fairy Council. Reconnected with her friends, Brystal remembers why she works so hard: to give others hope. With renewed willpower, Brystal is ready to fight her curse and stop the Righteous Brotherhood from destroying everything she’s built.  

In the sequel to A Tale of Magic, the drastic changes made at the end of the last book – such as the rapid growth of the academy and the legalization of magic, have brought new challenges to Brystal’s door. It’s natural that she starts having some reservations. Brystal is now facing tougher challenges than ever, and the curse that afflicts her brings these questions to the forefront of her mind: “Am I good enough? Can I save everyone? What happens if I fail?” Brystal says, “I got so busy changing the world I forgot to change myself with it.”  

We all might not have experience changing the world, but anyone can relate to the feeling of the world moving on without you; where you wish you could stop time and get ahold of your own feelings before tackling another issue. Brystal has to learn the hard way that time doesn’t stop for anyone, magical or not. The way she struggles through these issues and moments of weakness make her a well-rounded and relatable narrator.  

While the conflict with the Righteous Brotherhood is the main event of the story, Brystal’s mental state, as well as her relationship with Lucy, is at the forefront. Early on in the story, Lucy discovers that Brystal has been keeping Madame Weatherberry’s identity as the Snow Queen a secret. She lashes out at Brystal and Brystal has her removed from the Fairy Council, which prompts Lucy to leave and join Mistress Mara’s school of witchcraft. This test in their relationship weighs on both their minds, as they had come to trust and support one another, but they are both left without their best friend in such a trying time. Brystal leans on Madame Weatherberry’s advice: “The only thing in life that lasts forever is the fact that nothing lasts forever. . . Just like the weather, people have seasons, too – we all go through periods of rain and sunshine – but we can’t let a particularly rough winter destroy our faith in the spring, otherwise, we’ll always be stuck in the snow.”  

As she spends time away from Lucy, Brystal decides to let go of her anger. Brystal and Lucy don’t let one bad “season” spoil their friendship. Because the emotional development between the characters takes the stage over battles and new plotlines, this book is a bit more mature, yet even more purposeful than Colfer’s Land of Stories Series. Beyond a compelling world of magic is an inspiring girl on a journey to discover herself, who demonstrates fierce loyalty to her friends, and can find hope even in the darkest of times.  

 Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Prince Gallivant, aka Seven, describes how he lost his family in an attack. “When I was three, we [the royal family] were travelling to the countryside when our carriage was attacked by an angry mob. . . I don’t remember much besides all the screaming. My parents shielded me, otherwise I wouldn’t have survived.” 
  • The Righteous Brotherhood attacks Brystal while she’s at her brother’s wedding. “In a matter of seconds, the wedding became a war zone. . . Brystal spotted a row of smoking cannons on the top of a nearby hill. . . BOOM! A cannonball whirled right past Brystal’s head. . .” They use cannons and crossbows to fire at her. “The [soldier] fired his first shot. Seven jumped in front of Brystal, and the arrow hit the front of his leg. He fell to the ground screaming in agony.” After Seven is shot, the attackers retreat. He is the only person mentioned who is injured. Brystal later finds out this attack was a ploy to help build her relationship with Seven. 
  • Seven kills Mistress Mara. “FWITT! Suddenly, Mistress Mara felt something hit her chest. She looked down and saw an arrow was sticking directly into her heart. . . The witch dropped to her knees and black blood poured down her body. . . Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, she collapsed, and then became deathly still. Like a dying fire, her body started to smoke, then she slowly disappeared from sight.” 
  • When the Fairy Council rescues Brystal from the clutches of the Righteous Brotherhood, Mrs. Vee, the cook at the academy, comes too, fighting more ruthlessly than anyone. “The bubbly housekeeper twirled her arms like a maestro conducting an orchestra as she assaulted the Brotherhood with her kitchen supplies. She smacked their faces with wooden spoons, she beat them over the head with baking sheets, and she poked their eyes with whisks and forks. Mrs. Vee unleashed such a powerful and ruthless attack the fairies almost felt sorry for the Brotherhood.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Lucy compares flying on a broomstick to Fabubblous Fizz, a bubbly drink, but it’s unclear if this is alcoholic or not. She says, “I feel like I just drank a barrel of Fabubblous Fizz!” 


  • While repairing a dam with the Fairy Council, Lucy says, “Dam!” Brystal says, “Watch your mouth, there are children—” Then, Lucy says, “No! Look at the dam!”  
  • Lucy says Tangerina “sounds dumb” when she speaks.  
  • Seven calls his soldiers “idiots.”  


  • In the Fairy Tale world, magic exists. Magic is mentioned frequently in the story and used for everything from household chores to fighting. Every member of the Fairy Council uses magic that has to do with a ‘specialty,’ such as Tangerina, who controls bees and has hair made of honey. 
  • Brystal uses magic to repair a cracked dam. “Brystal waved her wand at the damage below her. The giant crack was magically filled with a golden seal. . . [and] the spewing water finally stopped. . . To help matters more, Brystal flicked her wand again and this time sent a powerful breeze through the city that dried up all the streets, shops, and homes.” 
  • Many magical creatures are mentioned in the book, such as unicorns and trolls. Unicorns are sometimes mentioned as means of travel or messengers, such as when a unicorn delivers a letter from the Fairy Council to a king. 
  • Mistress Mara, a witch, travels in a large carriage with wooden, spider-like legs that operates by magic. “[The] large carriage was shaped like a human skull. . . [it] crawled on eight wooden legs like a massive spider.”  
  • Brystal’s usual means of travel is by bubble. She creates a bubble with her wand and floats from place to place, able to steer it with her wand. “She quietly opened the windows of her office and floated outside in a large bubble. . . She landed on a snowy mountainside and popped the bubble with her wand.” She does this a few times in the story. 
  • Brystal visits Madame Weatherberry, the Snow Queen, who is living far from civilization in a cave in the mountains. Madame Weatherberry has used a spell to separate herself from the Snow Queen. She appears as a ghost-like figure to Brystal. “Brystal ran across the cavern to embrace her former mentor, but she passed through Madame Weatherberry like she was made of air. . . ”  
  • Madame Weatherberry explains how she became a ghost. “Living in seclusion made the Snow Queen stronger. . . I searched the mountains for a place to imprison her and discovered this cavern. I froze myself in a wall of ice to trap her, and just in case it melted, I blinded myself so she would never find a way out. With my last bit of strength, I performed a detachment spell to separate us. As long as the Snow Queen exists, I’ll exist like a phantom outside of her.”  
  • Ravencrest, Mistress Mara’s school of witchcraft, has an invisible butler, moving paintings, and staircases that move in all directions.  
  • Mistress Mara distinguishes witchcraft from fairy magic by four things – jinxes, hexes, potions, and curses. There is a lesson for each in the story. Jinxes alter one’s appearance, behavior, or function in a negative way, such as when Pip, a student, jinxes a mirror to show an ugly reflection. A hex is a jinx applied to a living creature. Pip hexes someone to have two left feet. Potions are non-magical. Lastly, a curse is a long-lasting or irreversible spell that can take over an environment, inanimate object, or a living thing, and is fueled by anger.  
  • Lucy curses girls who used to make fun of her by turning them into swans. Curses leave something called a “curse counter” behind, a token of the cursed person that shows how long the curse will last. Whenever Mistress Mara curses someone, a jack-o-lantern appears. If its candle is burning, then the curse is still active. 
  • Witchcraft also causes a “recoil” effect to those who use it. The spellcaster’s body is altered with non-human traits. When Lucy uses witchcraft, she grows feathers like a goose. When Pip uses witchcraft, she starts to grow whiskers. Mistress Mara has cast so many spells that she looks like a skeleton. The witches use magical golden necklaces to conceal their true appearances. 
  • Lucy and the witches travel by broomstick once in the story.  
  • Mistress Mara curses Lucy to contain a Shadow Beast, a creature that is used as a sacrifice for an incredibly powerful spell. Lucy has the Fairy Council expel the Shadow Beast from her. “Lucy’s body surpassed her original height and weight and kept growing as she blew up like an enormous balloon. The fairies were shocked as Lucy swelled before their eyes. They could hear something growling inside of her. . . The fairies grabbed hands and recited the chant. . .  Lucy’s body stopped expanding. The Shadow Beast started to howl from inside her. . . Lucy’s body started to twitch and shake. . . Suddenly a dark vapor erupted out of Lucy’s mouth. Her body deflated and she shrank to her original size. The Shadow Beast whirled around the office like a black cloud.” It escapes out the window and finds Mistress Mara.  
  • Mistress Mara sacrifices the Shadow Beast to raise an undead army of former members of the Righteous Brotherhood. “The witch twirled her arms through the air and the Shadow Beast grew into a massive cyclone. The storm whirled around the courtyard. . . The Shadow Beat split into ferocious animals. The creatures scattered to different parts of the fortress and disappeared into the walls and sank into the ground. . . Suddenly, hundreds of decaying hands emerged from the dirt and shot out of the stone walls. . . corpses clawed their way out from their resting places. The corpses faced their leader and saluted him, like a platoon of skeletal soldiers.” 

Spiritual Content 

  • After Seven kills Brystal, she goes to a place in between life and death. She describes it as a “gray field with a perfectly smooth surface.” There, she meets Death, a ten-foot-tall hooded figure with a cloak made of “darkness itself.”  


It’s the bottom of the last inning of a game between rival high school teams Oak Grove and Compton. Oak Grove is at bat, and the stage is set for star center fielder Luke “Wizard” Wallace to drive in the winning run, save the game, and be the hero. But instead, he’s hit by a beanball—a wild pitch that shatters his skull and destroys the vision in his left eye. 

The events surrounding Luke’s life-changing moment are presented through free-verse monologues by 28 different voices. Each monologue helps move the story’s plot forward and gives insight into how others are affected by Luke’s injuries. For example, Compton’s coach doesn’t have any remorse for telling his pitcher to throw close on the inside so Luke had to move back. The coach’s callous attitude highlights how some coaches only care about winning at any cost. Likewise, the girl that Luke had been dating comes across as self-centered and uncaring—she quickly abandons Luke because she’s more concerned with who to go to prom with. 

As Luke recovers, many people surround him with love. Adding Luke’s friends’ and family’s monologues gives the story more depth but also creates suspense. It is through their eyes that readers come to understand how close to death Luke came and how far he will have to go to recover. Luke’s coach and a long-time fan of Oak Grove’s team are also included, which allows readers to understand how sports have played a part in shaping Luke.  

After being hit in the head by the beanball, Luke is visually impaired and he mostly likely won’t be able to play sports again. This causes Luke great anguish, and he gets tired of people telling him he’s lucky to be alive. He thinks that without sports, he won’t have a full and happy life. Luke thinks, “Doesn’t anybody know there’s a big difference /between alive and living?” However, the conclusion ends on a hopeful note because Luke decides not to give up sports without a fight.    

Beanball is a fast-paced story that will leave readers empathizing with both Luke and the boy who accidentally threw the beanball. While much of the book deals with Luke’s injury, these intense scenes give readers a wide view of how Luke’s injury affects everyone around him, including the other players, his classmates, the umpire, and Luke’s friends and family. By including 28 different voices, Luke’s story shows you how one high school boy’s injuries impacted his entire community. By using verse, Fehler creates an engaging story that speeds along at a steady pace and is hard to put down. 

Sexual Content 

  • Luke’s best friend, Andy, had a dream that he was “Making out with Lisalette Dobbs.” Luke replies, “The chances of you starting at third and of us winning State are better than the chances of you making out with Lisalette.”  
  • After the game between Oak Grove, a Compton player goes to his girlfriend’s house, but complains, “We didn’t even have a chance to make out.”


  • During a game, Luke is hit in the face with a beanball. The umpire thinks, “It’s the worst sound I’ve ever heard in all my years of umping. /Oh, I’ve heard plenty of pitches hit a helmet. /But this . . . this fastball, up and in. /This one hit bone, right in the face. /Not even a scream or grunt from the kid. /He went down like he was shot.”  
  • After Luke is hit with a beanball, the umpire sees “Blood. Lots of it. It looks like Luke’s dead.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • While in the hospital, Luke is given pills to help him sleep.  


  • By God and oh my God are used as exclamations occasionally.  
  • The umpire says “Jesus” after Luke is hit with a ball.  
  • Profanity is used sparingly. Profanity includes crap, damn, hell, pissed. 
  • Luke believes he’s partly to blame for his injury. He thinks he made a “bonehead decision” when he “was leaning in, expecting an outside pitch.”  


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • When Luke is rushed to the hospital, his coach thinks, “All we can do is wait. And pray.” When he finds out that Luke is alive, the coach thanks the Lord. 
  • Luke’s father prays that Luke doesn’t die. He says, “Please, God. /Please.”  
  • When Luke’s nurse describes his “disfigured” face, she’s upset because she knows Luke’s family from church. 
  • When Luke is finally able to talk, his mom thinks, “Thank the Lord.” She had been praying that Luke would live, but after “three days of prayer, /[she was] never certain if God was even listening.” 
  • While Luke is recovering in the hospital, his mom thinks, “I feel like a hypocrite, Lord /Forgive these thoughts I’ve been having. /It’s just that suddenly I have a hard time believing /the lessons I’ve preached /to my Sunday school classes all these years. . . I know I don’t deserve to ask You to heal Luke. /But Luke’s deserving. He is. /I’m begging You: Please help him.” The prayer takes one page.  
  • When the doctor tells Luke’s mom that Luke will be visually impaired but can have a normal life, she thinks, “Maybe God really was listening.” 
  • When Luke comes home, his mom praises the Lord. 

Into the Shadow Mist

Plum and her friends are traveling to the misty Bokati Island. There they will study with the mysterious Guardian Master Em, who is the keeper of the ancient forest there. The field trip comes just in time for Plum, who still can’t figure out why she’s so different from the other Novices on Lotus Island. 

At first, Plum doesn’t know what to make of this quiet and sometimes gloomy place. But it doesn’t take long to discover that Bokati is brimming with an incredible array of fascinating animals and plants. When an unseen force begins to destroy the trees, putting the entire ecosystem at risk, Plum and her classmates must spring into action. Plum is determined to help, even though she’s hiding secrets about her own Guardian powers from even her closest friends. 

Since the story is told from Plum’s point of view, readers will learn more about Plum’s struggles with feeling different. Because Plum’s Guardian powers are unique, Plum worries that something is wrong with her. This is why, when Plum learns that she can enhance other Guardians’ powers, she tries to keep it secret. But Plum’s secret has become “like a thorn in the bottom of my foot.” Even though she might get into trouble, Plum realizes she can’t “keep the secret inside anymore.” When Plum finally reveals her secret, she finds peace with her powers.  

Into the Shadow Mist follows Plum and her friends as they travel to a new island, where they learn that everything is connected. If you hurt one plant, you hurt the entire habitat. While Plum and her friends—Cherry, Sam, and Salan—explore the forest, they discover several Bokati trees have been cut down. To save the trees, the group must stop the person responsible. The story’s action focuses on the trees and readers will find themselves deeply invested in the trees’ plight.  

At the end of the story, Plum discovers that the villain is Rella—a student expelled from the Guardian Academy. Even though Rella used her Guardian powers to harm the Bokati trees, Plum wonders if she and Rella are similar. Both girls are trying to find their destiny. In the end, Plum lets Rella escape. However, Plum confesses, “I don’t know why I did it. I let my grip on her arm loosen.” This sets up the conflict that will appear in the next book, City of Wishes, and leaves readers questioning if Rella acted on her own or if the powerful Lady Ubon is the mastermind behind the destruction of the Bokati trees.  

Into the Shadow Mist takes readers onto the island where the Bokati trees live. Although the island is not a typical island paradise, Plum and her friends come to love the forest. And while the mystery revolves around trees, the book’s setting and characters will enchant readers and keep them invested in the story.  Plum is the only character who is developed in detail. However, adding a new teacher, Master Em, adds interest to the story. Black and white illustrations are scattered throughout the book to give  readers a visual of the diverse characters and some animals unique to Bokati Island. Since the characters and Guardian powers are introduced in the first book, The Guardian Test, the series should be read in order because the plots are connected. Readers who want to jump into an imaginative world full of magic will find Legends of the Lotus Island an enjoyable series.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Someone is sneaking onto the island and cutting down Bokati trees. Master Em and a group of Guardians follow a buzzing sound through the forest and find hoverbots. “Cherry rushed towards the hoverbots, claws out. She swatted the bot away from the Bokati tree. The bot spun out of control and slammed into the ground.” 
  • Another student, Mikko, “rushed to Cherry’s side and grabbed a hoverbot. He slung it away from the tree so hard that it slammed into another bot with a loud crash. Metal parts flew through the air in all directions.”  
  • After disabling several of the hoverbots, Plum follows a mysterious mist. The mist “swirled away from me like smoke through the trees, faster and faster. . . A figure stepped out of the disappearing mist. It was a large gray leopard. With a shake of its smoke-gray coat, the leopard shifted to human form.” The person escapes the island. 
  • When the bots come back to cut down another tree, Master Em and the Guardians are ready to attack. “When our homemade pomelo bombs hit the hoverbots, they burst open, sending clouds of spores into the air. . . [the spores] stuck to the hoverbots” which made them easier to see. After smashing several hoverbots, “a large net of woven Bokati fibers dropped own onto the hoverbots, trapping them.”  
  • Plum and another Guardian follow the shadow form of Rella through the woods. “Finally, the shadow vanished and the form of the gray leopard appeared. Sam pinned the big cat down, growling above her.” When Sam goes to get help, Plum lets Rella escape the island.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • Heck is used once.


  • According to stories, when “the Great Beast carried the people and animals across the sea from the Old Home, he allowed them to bring only one thing with them . . . during the long journey.” One of their great-great-great grandmothers brought a “rootlet of a Bokati tree. . . Every Bokati tree you see is descended from that root.”  
  • The Great Beast is mentioned several times. The Great Beast “bestowed his powers upon the Guardians, he gave them their ability to turn into extraordinary creatures so we could protect all the ‘normal’ animals.” 
  • There are different types of Guardians. “Breath Guardians learned to control their power of the mind and senses. Hand Guardians sharpened their powers of strength and agility. And Heart Guardians. . . worked to strengthen their healing powers.”  
  • When the lotus plants become unhealthy, the Guardians must heal them. One of the teachers, Brother Chalad, demonstrates. He “scooped up some water in his furry kinkajou hand. He sprinkled water onto a specked lotus pad. Then he placed his palm on the leaf and breathed out slowly. After a moment, vibrant green life began to flow out from the center of the leaf, erasing the brown spots one by one.”   
  • The students can turn into Guardian animals that have unique powers. For instance, Cherry turns into a gillybear. Cherry “began her transformation. Fluffy cream-colored fur burst out all over her legs, and her hands widened into paws. Her face elongated into a bear snout with a wet black nose. And she grew big, big, and bigger still.”  
  • While in her Guardian form, Plum discovers that she can enhance the other Guardian’s powers. In addition, her antlers can “glow like a torch.” When Plum uses her power, her “antlers thrummed like a pure note played on a piano. I could feel the electric tingle run through me, through Cherry, through Hetty, through each of us.” 
  • Master Em has the power of intuition and can see into the future. 

Spiritual Content 

  • None

The Terror of the Southlands

Hilary Westfield is a pirate. In fact, she’s the Terror of the Southlands. She’s daring, brave, fearless, and . . . in a rut. Okay, maybe Hilary hasn’t found any treasure lately. And maybe she isn’t fighting off as many scallywags as she’d like. But does that mean she and her loyal crew deserve to be kicked out of the ranks of the Very Nearly Honorable League of Pirates (VNHLP)? 

There is only one thing to do—find a daring mission worthy of her fearless reputation. With the help of her first mate Charlie, finishing school friend Claire, and a self-proclaimed intrepid gargoyle, Hilary sets sail on a swashbuckling expedition that may or may not involve a kidnapped Enchantress, bumbling inspectors, a mysterious group called the Mutineers, and—the most terrifying of all—a high Society ball. 

To prove herself worthy of being a pirate, Hilary sets off on another fast-paced adventure with her friends Charlie and Claire. The three must follow the clues to find the missing Enchantress, Miss Pimm. This is complicated because while Charlie may not be afraid of walking the plank, he is afraid of Claire. Miss Pimm’s disappearance adds mystery to the story while Charlie’s fear of girls adds humor. The two plots converge to show the importance of supporting your friends through thick and thin. 

The Terror of the Southlands brings back most of the characters from the first book, Magic Marks the Spot. However, several new and interesting characters are added to the cast. While Hilary’s focus is on being bold and daring, she also must navigate the complications of friendships, especially when there are disagreements. While the pirate elements of the story add excitement, the friendship element makes the story relatable. Through Hilary and her crew’s experiences, readers will see that pirates may not always follow the rules, but that doesn’t make them villains. While the true villains in the story are predictable, readers will still cheer when Hilary and her friends thwart their evil plans.  

The book includes the Gargoyle’s memoir, which recaps the backstory of the series. Despite this, The Very Nearly Honorable League of Pirates Series is a continuous story that should be read in order. To help readers keep apprised of the inspector’s investigation, additional information is given in the form of reports written by the queen’s inspectors. While the reports do contain important information, the queen’s inspectors are portrayed as bumbling fools, which adds to the story’s humor.  

Adventure-seeking readers will enjoy following Hilary and her crew as they take to the high seas in search of the Enchantress. The story’s humor and suspense will keep readers engaged until the very end. The story concludes with an enjoyable epic battle between the pirates and the villains. One fun aspect of the conclusion is that each character has a unique quality that makes them special. For instance, Hilary’s mother uses her skill as a hostess to get guests out of harm’s way, while Claire discovers her extraordinary ability to use magic, allowing her to vanquish the mutineers. In the end, Hilary proves that she is indeed bold and brave enough to be a pirate, even when she is wearing a dress that makes her look like a cabbage.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Someone shoots cannonballs at Hilary’s boat, Squeaker. “Then a tremendous splash drenched [Hilary] from her hat feather to her boot buckles, and the Squeaker rocked perilously from side to side. . . Another cannonball splashed in front of the ship, nearly grazing the Gargoyle’s Nest on the way down. The gargoyle yelped and buried himself as well as he could under his hat.” The other ship pulls close to the Squeaker and the ship’s occupants invite Hilary and her crew to their house.  
  • The president of the VNHLP, Captain Blacktooth, orders Hilary to abandon her quest. When Hilary refuses, Captain Blacktooth’s crew “advance toward Hilary. . . She raised her cutlass as a pirate with a parrot on his shoulder stepped in front of her. . . But the pirate didn’t back away. Instead, he swung his sword toward Hilary, clipping the end of her braid and knocking her cutlass to the floor. . .” Hilary’s governess, Miss Greyson appears and stops the pirates from hurting Hilary.  
  • When Claire tries to use magical coins, they explode. No one is injured. 
  • At the beginning of the story, Hilary’s friend Jasper disappears. Later, Jasper reveals that he was kidnapped. The villains “confiscated my sword, bound my wrists and ankles, and tied me to a rather uncomfortable palm tree. . . The pirates kept me well fed, at least.” When the pirates decided to leave the island, Jasper got out of the ropes and followed. 
  • When Miss Pimm is kidnapped, Hilary tracks her down. Miss Pimm’s “wrists and ankles were bound with thick ropes, her eyes were closed, and she was snoring softly.” She is weak, but uninjured. 
  • Miss Pimm explains, “I tried to stick [the kidnappers] to the ground with my crochet hook, and I did stop a few of them, but the others pulled the hook out of my hand. They picked me up, which must have been quite a challenge for them, since I confess I was kicking and scratching in a terribly unladylike way.” Someone hit Miss Pimm on the head and she woke to find herself tied up. 
  • While trying to sneak into a house, Hilary and her friends meet a coachman named Lewis. Before he can yell, “Hilary pulled her cutlass from her waistband and pressed the tip into Lewis’s shoulder, not hard enough to slice through his livery, but hard enough to show she meant business.” 
  • While trying to get Lewis to leave his guard post, the gargoyle “leaned toward Lewis, baring his teeth, crossing his eyes, wiggling his ears, and flapping his wings so violently. . . His snout touched Lewis’s nose, and he let out a great breath. . .” Lewis faints. 
  • While at a party, Hilary and her friends discover that the Mutineers, Mrs. Tilbury, Philomena, and Nicholas conspired to kidnap Miss Pimm so Philomena could be the next Enchantress. “Mrs. Tilbury, Philomena, and Nicholas raised their magic piece in the air. Hilary raised her cutlass. . .” Suddenly, a group of pirates crash through the windows and a fight ensues.  
  • During the fight, “Miss Greyson was using her crochet hook to blast several of them off their feet, while Claire jabbed all the guards within reach with two of her very sharp hairpins. . .” Captain Blacktooth corners Hilary. “He held his sword frighteningly close to her chin, and his expression was so fearsome that she froze. . .” Another pirate jumps in and saves Hilary. 
  • Philomena uses magic to put Claire in the air. Then Philomena begins taunting Claire. “Hilary grabbed Philomena from one side just as Charlie grabbed her from the other. They both held up their swords. . .” Philomena drops Claire, who “crashed to the floor” and “yelped in pain.” 
  • Claire stops the pirate fight when she grabs a magic item and says, “I wish all you dratted Mutineers would disappear to some horrid little deserted island and leave me alone!” Then, “with a very loud pop, Philomena (and the other villains) vanished.” The battle is described over 13 pages. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Some of the adult pirates drink Grog. 
  • At a party, some of the guests have champagne. 
  • Hilary gives Miss Greyson a cup of ginger beer. 


  • There is some name calling including sea cucumber, rogues, and slime. 
  • Drat and blast are used as exclamations frequently. 
  • “Oh, Crumbs” and “oh curses” are both used as an exclamation once. 
  • Pirates are often referred to as scallywags, scoundrels, and rapscallions.  
  • Hilary’s father, Admiral Westfield calls the Enchantress, “That Meddling Old Biddy.”


  • Magical items exist. Claire tries to use a magic crochet hook to order “a tray of egg sandwiches.” Unexpectedly, a ball of light appeared and “flared up around Claire’s crochet hook so furiously that Hilary could hardly look at it. Then a tremendous bang shook the trees to their very roots, and the hook exploded.” Afterward, Claire’s fingers were red.  
  • While investigating Miss Pimm’s disappearance, Hilary uses magic to stop the queen’s inspectors. Hilary’s “cutlass floated out of its sheath and hovered in front of the inspectors, directing its point at their chest when they attempted to move. . . Hilary’s arms felt weak from the magic, and her breath was strained, but she had more than enough strength left to grin.” Hilary eventually lets the inspectors go.  
  • Hilary uses magic to pick a lock. 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Wrath of the Exiles

Coop Cooperson thought he was settling into life as the only human at Dungeoneer Academy, but no one will even remember his Mushroom Maze victory if he keeps failing Riddles and Runes class. Adding insult to injury is the new kid, Kody, who everyone—including Coop’s best friends on the Green Team—thinks is so great…but Coop is convinced there’s more to Kody than meets the eye.

But it’s not just the arrival of Kody; other things seem off at the Academy. After a serious incident at the school dance, Coop, Oggie, Daz, and Mindy, plus a few other students new and old, realize they must step up to try and stop whoever’s wreaking havoc. But the villains are even more dangerous than anyone realizes . . . and they have a serious vendetta against Dungeoneer Academy.

Coop and his friends put their best junior dungeoneer skills to the test, but their foes are always one step ahead. Can they figure out how to stop them and save Dungeoneer Academy before it’s too late? 

The second installment of the Dungeoneer Adventures will quickly capture readers’ attention with a new twist—Coop wants to ask Daz to the homecoming dance, but the task seems more difficult than facing monsters. Mixed into the story is a little jealousy when the new kid, Kody, dominates Daz’s and Oggie’s attention. Middle school readers will relate to Coop’s insecurities and conflicts, which are presented humorously. 

Despite the drama of the homecoming dance, the action never takes a break. Soon, Coop and his friends—the Green Team—are off on a wild adventure trying to stop the villain, Rake, from acquiring a piece of the wishing stone. As the friends travel into an icy abyss, they meet a robot named Victor Seven. The robot wants to be a hero; this thread allows the book to explore the theme of heroism. In the end, Victor learns that “Being a hero isn’t about never failing. It is about always trying.”  

Wrath of the Exiles’ rich language adds to the story’s fun tone. The book is wonderful to read aloud because it’s filled with alliteration, onomatopoeias, silly names, and made-up words. However, some readers will struggle with the liberal use of idioms such as knock you down a peg, a walk in the park, etc. In addition, the story uses difficult vocabulary such as cacophonous, surmises, perpetual, precipitous, extrapolate, and gobsmacked. Despite this, there are context clues that will assist readers in understanding the story. The story’s black-and-white illustrations also help readers understand the text and visualize the imaginative world. The Dungeoneers Adventures Series must be read in order because each book builds on the same story thread.  

While Wrath of the Exiles has many of the stereotypical characters—a bully, an evil villain, a bookworm, an awkward boy, etc.—each character has unique qualities that make them loveable and, at times, surprising. The magical world, fast-paced battle scenes, and fight against evil make Wrath of the Exiles hard to put down. The story’s message about friendship, trust, and listening gives the story heart. The Dungeoneer Adventures books will have readers laughing out loud one moment, and biting their nails the next. Additionally, the conclusion reinforces important lessons about friendship that will leave readers with a smile as they reach for the next book in the series.  

Sexual Content 

  • After Coop shows Daz his support, she “gives me a peck on the cheek. My brain short-circuits for a second, and I suddenly feel like doing somersaults.”  


  • Zeek, the school bully, purposely trips Coop in the cafeteria. Afterward, Coop describes, “I stand up amidst the crowd, dripping with slime, and as I stumble out of the cafeteria, their scolding turns into laughing. Needless to say, it doesn’t feel so good.” 
  • At the homecoming dance, someone puts a potion into the punch and it turns everyone into stone.  
  • While trying to figure out who turned everyone into stone, Coop and his friends go into the school’s vaults and discover a “mechanical behemoth” which is “a sputter-guardian. . . the newest sputter-spark technology that the realm of Shyrm has to offer.” The sputter-guardian attacks Coop. “A barrage of arrows peppers the ground behind my feet as I hop, skip, and jump out of the way. The machine lurches after me.” 
  • Oggie jumps into the fight and “the sputter-guardian spins like a top, striking out with limbs, like each has a mind of its own. One swats Oggie, and he goes crashing into the stone slab that Ingrid’s hiding behind. With a swift tug, she pulls him clear of another blow.” Ingrid is another member of the Green Team. 
  • The sputter-guardian tries to zap the kids with a laser blast. Coop attacks with his sword. “With a clamorous BOOM the sputter-guardian falls to the ground, missing a leg. . . Angerly its red eye heats up and starts rapid-firing in all directions.” Daz pushes Coop out of the way and “with both of her daggers drawn, she dives spectacularly for the glowing eye and shatters it.” The battle is described over six pages. No one is injured.  
  • As Coop and his friends enter further into the vault, they find Zeek and his friend Axel trying to steal an answer key. Then, Coop explains, “I dive as a wrecking ball swooshes past me, tousling my hair. Then a bunch of buzz saws spring at me from the floor and walls.” Daz pushes Coop out of the way. 
  • Axel “tries to avoid a whizzing buzz saw, a wrecking ball clips him from behind and he tumbles to the ground. Zeek scrambles like a cockroach to save himself.” Oggie saves Axel. No one is injured. 
  • A group of students jump into “a black vortex,” which is a portal to the underworld. When they come out of the other side, an exile, Dorian Rider, puts them in chains. 
  • Coop goes after Dorian Rider and another exile. Before he can attack, “everything turns dark as I crumble to the floor. What just happened? The last thing I see is Zeek standing over me with a wooden club in his hand.” 
  • Coop and the Green Team run from a “mutant troggle” that is a “sentient ape” that has been “lobotomized. Turned into a machine.” Coop explains, “With alarming speed, the monster’s giant axe-hand swipes towards me . . . . All I can do is duck and wince. But when I look up, I see the force field from Mindy’s ring repel the attack.” 
  • The ape grabs Oggie and starts to squeeze him. Oggie yells, “You’ll have to do better than that, banana breath!” The angry ape “flings Oggie at the wall, where he clatters into a rack of weapons. . . Oggie looks up in fright as the mutant troggle raises its cruel axe. . .”  
  • In an attempt to stop the ape, the Green Team lets a nether bharg loose, but unfortunately it goes after them. “The nether bharg’s jaws are mere inches away from gnashing at us when Daz steps forward, raising her arms, revealing the strange eye patterns on her cloak. . . the nether bharg freezes in its track, recoiling in fear.” The Green Team escapes. The scene is described over five pages. 
  • The Green Team enters a tomb and faces a group of ghosts who “are her loyal servants. . . even in death.” A ghost asks the group what they wish for and Oggie thinks about food. An avalanche of food begins to fall. Daz is “pelted with a carton of Nork’s Noodles. . . Mindy shouts as she uses her magic ring to conjure a force field above us like an umbrella. A giant tube steak falls like a wiggly tree trunk and bounces off the shield.” 
  • When the kids are about to be smothered in food, their robot friend Victor “leaps clear of a titanic cupcake, carrying Daz, Mindy, and Ingrid over his shoulders.” Victor forces the door open and everyone gets out except for him. 
  • In a multi-chapter battle, Coop and his friends battle for their lives. As the Green Team enters the next level of the maze, the exiles surround them. “In seconds, their weapons are pointed at us from all sides. . . The exiles waste no time and charge us, weapons drawn and magic items humming to maximum power. [Coop] fall[s] back, barely avoiding a swipe from Kodar’s [an exile] axe.” 
  • During the fight, “Mindy shouts, firing bolts into the hanging icicles. A few razor-sharp shards of ice crash down to the floor, keeping Kodar and the others at bay.”  
  • Coop is caught when Dorian’s “grappling gun entangles me. The squeeze is so strong that I can’t move my arms. . .”  
  • The leader of the exiles, Rake, goes after Oggie. Rake “strikes Oggie so hard with his augmented arm that the blow sends my friend sprawling. Oggie slams against a gagged stone, magic armor crumpling.” Someone gives Oggie a Courage Potion and he wakes up.  
  • A trap is set off unleashing “Audrastica’s ice golems” that attack the exiles. Then a huge “behemoth” ice golem appears, but Victor runs to the rescue.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Coop and his class are learning how to make a courage potion that includes “doohagenberry plant,” which has extraordinary healing properties. 


  • There is often name calling such as jerk, goon, turncoat, loser, and scumbag. 
  • Kodar mocks Coop by calling him little guy. 
  • Heck and dang are both used several times. 
  • Zeek overhears Oggie (who has fur) talking about asking a girl to the homecoming dance. Zeek scoffs and says, “She’d never go to the dance with an overgrown hairball like you!” Oggie’s friend jumps in and says, “Oh yeah, and who would ever want to go to a dance with a couple of puke-breath bullies like you two.” 
  • Zeek calls Coop “Pooperson.” 
  • While learning about a famous dungeoneer, Shane Shandar, Coop thinks, “I, Coop Cooperson, Junior Dungeoneer, am going to the same school as Shane flippin’ Shadar.” 
  • Zeek accuses the new girl of being an evil witch. 
  • “Holy cats” is used as an exclamation twice.


  • The dungeoneers must take a Riddles and Runes class. Their teacher explains that, “Runes are magic. Specifically, magic words, or strings of words. And they have many complete meanings pertaining to spells, enchantments, or curses.”  
  • Someone steals the Arkimunda Coagudex, a book of spells, from the library. “Supposedly the Arkimunda Coagudex was written by a powerful sorcerer hundreds of years ago. . . It is full of recipes to create things like curse potions, corrosive acids, and dangerous poisons.” The book also has “hexes, boons, enchantments, and curses.” 
  • Ingrid, uses the Arkimunda Coagudex to make a Campfire Potion. She says, “We can grind up frostfoil and mix it with melding powder and water to create a potion that wards off the cold.” 
  • Kodar, who is an exile, uses an amulet of focused “trasnsmogrification” to disguise his identity. 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

The Brink of War

Even an accidental invasion has dire consequences . . .

After their daring escape from Atlantis, Lewis, Hanna, and their resourceful Atlantean friend, Kaya, find themselves pulled between two worlds. Trapped on the surface under the watchful eyes of government officials, the three adventurers receive an urgent call to return their stolen warship to Atlantis—or risk starting an all-out war. Will they find Lewis’s injured father and return the warship in time?

Aided by a billionaire with unclear intentions, the trio embark on an all-new journey through Atlantis, from the sunken underwater world of Evenor to the tunnels below Ridge City. As shadowy agents known as Erasers work to stop them, Lewis and Kaya begin to question whether they’re really on the same side of the potentially devastating fight. 

The second installment of the Atlantis Series mostly focuses on Lewis’s point of view, while Kaya’s voice is heard far less. Using Lewis as the main narrator shifts the story’s tone to one that is rambling and less serious. At the beginning of the book, Kaya thinks Lewis is annoying. This is a sentiment that many readers will agree with.  

Despite being chased by the Erasers, who want to imprison Lewis and his friends, Lewis doesn’t act with a sense of urgency. For example, while being chased by the Erasers, Lewis sneaks into a large meeting room where a woman is giving a presentation. When the Atlanteans notice Lewis, he gets up and dances for the crowd, drawing all eyes toward him. Luckily, the people in the meeting room stop the Erasers long enough for Lewis to escape. Another flaw is that many of Lewis’s inner thoughts are childish and ridiculous. Plus, his inner monologue slows down the action and suspense that made the first book in the series so enjoyable.  

One positive aspect of the story is the interesting futuristic technology that both the humans and Atlanteans use. This technology can be used for good or for evil—depending on the person using it. The story also gives readers insight into how technology can be used to invade a person’s privacy. Both the Atlantean’s and Sun People’s cool tech will leave readers dreaming about creative ways to use technology. 

The Brink of War highlights the danger of misunderstandings; both the Atlanteans and the Sun People mistake each other’s intentions which almost leads to war. Unfortunately, instead of the three kids working together, they have a more antagonistic relationship in this book. So while they end up stopping the war between their two worlds, the conclusion is far less celebratory. In the end, readers will wonder if the two worlds can come together and have lasting peace.  

Readers who want to read another interesting story based on Atlantis should also read Atlantia by Ally Condie. 

  Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Lewis meets three siblings who help him fly a warship. At one point, the siblings argue and one of the brothers “reached into one of the crates, pulled out a codfish the size of Lewis’s thigh, and began slapping Rass in the head with the silvery swimmer.” 
  • While trying to get away from the Erasers, Lewis is shot with a sonic blaster, a non-lethal weapon. Lewis’s “left foot tingled and turned numb.” 
  • In a long chase scene, the Atlanteans use sonic blasters. After being captured, Lewis begins to talk and “one of the Erasers pressed a sonic pistol against his ribs.”  
  • Kaya and her friend, Rian, are trying to get to an important meeting, while the Erasers are trying to arrest them. Rian “was busy escaping from a pair of Erasers . . . He dropped to the ground and grabbed one of the men by the back of his knees. He pulled both the man’s legs forward, toppling him.” 
  • An Atlantean, Demos, wants to take over the Atlantean government. To keep Atlantis’s council members from talking, Demos puts collars on them. “The collars lock their jaws and mute their voices.” 
  • A scientist named Reinhold tries to grab Lewis, who is wearing a gravity suit. “Lewis powered up the thrusters, planted his bare foot on the bald spot at the back of Reinhold’s head, and pushed off . . . Reinhold crashed into the opposite wall. . .”  
  • One of the Erasers shows up after a fight. “Her face red and newly swollen below one eye.”  
  • The book’s conclusion ends with a confrontation where Demos and his Erasers use their sonic blasters to control others. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • Lewis thinks a group of adults are jerks. 
  • An adult calls Lewis a little rat. 
  • Demos appoints himself emperor over Atlantis. When someone questions his ability to pull off his scheme, Demos says the people of Atlantis are “brainless fish. They’re mindless urchins, all of them!” 


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • Before Kaya jumped off a cliff into a river, she “prayed that she’d read it right, that the water was safe and clear.” 
  • Rian’s parents had “joined some weird new religion” that believes crystals are important. Rian wonders, “Couldn’t they just worship whale spirits like normal Atlanteans?” 
  • Before Rian’s parents leave for a vacation, Rian’s mom gives him a crystal. “Both his parents held their hands out and whispered another one of their prayers: ‘May the Earth spirit and rockglow lead you safely through the waters.’”

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