The Defiant

Be brave, gladiatrix. . .And be wary. Once you win Caesar’s love, you’ll earn his enemies’ hate. Fallon was warned. Now she is about to pay the price for winning the love of the Roman people as Caesar’s victorious gladiatrix.

In this sequel to The Valiant, Fallon and her warrior sisters find themselves thrust into a vicious conflict with a rival gladiator academy, one that will threaten not only Fallon’s heart—and her love for Roman soldier Cai—but the very heart of the ancient Roman Empire.

When dark treachery and vicious power struggles threaten her hard-won freedom, the only thing that might help the girl known as Victrix save herself and her sisters is a tribe of long-forgotten mythic Amazon warriors. The only trouble is, they might just kill her themselves first. 

Fallon’s story continues in The Defiant, but the setting is given more scope as Fallon and her companions rush to save Fallon’s sister, Sorcha, from being sacrificed by the Amazon warriors. When the gladiatrices are given a chance to choose their fate, many follow Fallon because of her bravery and fierce dedication to returning to Rome to save the gladiatrices who were taken prisoner. During the journey, Fallon must grapple with the fact that she cannot save everyone—some will be taken prisoner, some will change sides, and some will lose their lives.  

The Defiant does an excellent job of recapping the main events from the first book in the series; however, the series is best read in order. The Defiant features many of the same characters as The Valiant and introduces several new characters. Even though Fallon is surrounded by her sister gladiatrices and several Roman soldiers, she is the leader who makes decisions for everyone. Fallon’s inability to trust others leads to a lack of teamwork, which takes away some of the enjoyment of each battle won. In addition, focusing solely on Fallon keeps the other characters stagnant. Readers who love character-driven stories may be disappointed with the lack of character development.  

Like the first book in the series, The Defiant includes adventure, action, and several surprises. However, some of the story drags because Fallon and her companions travel a long distance. Despite this, Fallon’s adventure is both entertaining and exciting. Readers who get squeamish during bloody battles should avoid reading The Valiant Series because each battle ends in bloodshed, and Fallon’s enemies include a group of men who eat people’s hearts. The Defiant is best suited for mature readers who enjoy political intrigue, bloody battles, and the fight against evil.  

Sexual Content 

  • Fallon and Cai kiss occasionally. However, only some of them are described. For instance, Cai returns to Rome after being in a battle. When Fallon sees him, “It took every last infinitesimal amount of self-control I could muster not to throw myself into Cai’s arms and devour him with kisses, right there in front of the whole academy. . .” 
  • Later, when they are alone, Fallon “lunged at him, reaching up to pull his head down toward me, and silencing him with the kiss I’d been waiting on for months. . . his mouth opened hungrily on mine. His arms wrapped around me and he lifted me off the ground.” 
  • In the evening, Fallon and Cai go to the garden. “Cai lowered his face to mine and kissed me on the mouth. I felt myself melting into his embrace as my arms circled around his neck. . .[they] sank slowly to the soft grass. . .”  
  • Later that night, they show each other their battle scars and kiss them. Cai kisses her again. “A long, slow, teasing kiss that made my lips tingle and turned my skin to fireflies and feathers.” At this time, Fallon wished she was still a princess who should “be sleeping where—and with whom—she damned well pleased.” 
  • While in a Roman bath, Cai and Fallon kiss. Fallon “lost myself to the sensation of his skin sliding against mine as he stopped swimming and, together, we sank beneath the surface of the water, breathing only each other’s air.” 
  • Before a battle, one of the gladiatrices “leaned in and kissed [a Roman soldier], full on his open, astonished mouth.” 


  • One night, the Amazona, a rival gladiatrix academy, attacks Fallon’s academy, the Ludus Achillea. First, they kill the guards and set the barn on fire. As the Ludus Achillea women are being rounded up, a Roman soldier “lunged for one of the guard’s weapons. . . an archer up on the sentry walk spun and aimed, loosing an arrow. . . [the arrow] lodged in the breast of legionnaire Tullis . . . he sank to his knees and toppled forward motionless onto the ground.”  
  • During the attack, the Amazona leader, Nyx, uses her whip to attack one of the Ludus Achillea girls, Lydian. “The crack of leather echoed across the yard. Lydia screamed and dropped to the ground a Nyx’s whip caught her on the side of her face, and blood poured onto the sand from between her fingers. . . the whip cracked again as it sliced across Lydian’s shoulder. . . drawing an arch of bright blood. She shrieked again in agony. . .” Later, Lydia is in the infirmary, and “the skin on the right side of her face, where the lash of Nyx’s whip had scored, was split to the bone.” 
  • To stop the abuse, Fallon attacks Nyx. Nyx “brandished the heavy butt end of the whip like a club and caught me on the side of the head with it. Stars burst in front of my eyes. . . Nyx slammed the whip across my back like a truncheon. Then again. And again. . . A kick from her hobnailed boot lifted me off the ground.” Nyx stabs Fallon and then puts her in a dark cell. 
  • To escape Nyx, Fallon has to kill Ixion (an Amazon warrior) from behind. “Ixion’s heavy dead body sagged away from me. . .Never mind that my hands were shaking as I wiped clean my blade on the dead man’s tunic.” 
  • When Fallon and her companions are escaping from Nyx, a guard is killed. “The blade sliced through the rain, spinning end over end, and the man toppled soundlessly over the Ludus wall.”  
  • One of Fallon’s friends tells her a story. “When I was a girl, I came across what was left of one of those captives. . . He’d been blood-eagled. Split open and strung up between the branches of a tree as an offering to our god and a warning to our enemies.” 
  • Fallon and her companions flee from Rome. While sneaking onto a ship, guards called vigiles see Fallon and her fellow gladiatrix, Meriel. The girls attack the guards. “And two of them went down like sacks of grain the instant they attacked. I didn’t have time to think about how it felt to have to wrench my sword out of human flesh again, twisting as I did to avoid slipping in the hot, red rush of blood. . .”  
  • A guard attacks, and Fallon “raised an axe over his head, screaming as he swung the weapon back for a killing blow. He screamed louder when he realized that he no longer had an axe—or an arm—to swing.” Fallon escapes, but Meriel doesn’t. It is unclear what Meriel’s fate is. 
  • One of Fallon’s friends questions the goddess Morrigan’s kindness. He says, “Your fearsome war goddess. She who—as I’ve been led to understand—bathes in the blood of her enemies and feasts on their eyes after the battle’s done. She would not be so cruel?” 
  • To free Fallon’s sister, Sorcha, some of the gladiatrices from the Ludus Achillea go to the island the Amazons inhabit. When they get there, Thalestris—who had kidnapped Sorcha—was to sacrifice Socha. Thalestris tied Sorcha to a menhir and called out to her god. “Cybele! Black stone mother! Guardian of the boundaries between the living and the dead! Accept this blood sacrifice that we may wash the shame of our sister Orithyia’s disgrace and defeat from our skins and our souls.” 
  • Fallon and her group attack the Amazons. “The flaming iron cage balls soared out of the darkness like stones hurled from catapults, slamming into the protective shell made from our wall of shields, and the darkness exploded knot showers of sparks. . . Our blades darted out like serpents’ tongues, sometimes tagging flesh.”  
  • An older Amazon woman “swung an oak staff at [Fallon’s] head. . .and I caught the blow at an angle.” Fallon head-butted the woman in the face. “I felt her nose break. Blood gushed and she reeled backward, pain-blind . . .” The fight ends when Fallon repeatedly yells stop. Fallon gives the Amazons a speech, and both sides put down their weapons.  
  • As the Ludus Achillea leaves the island, Thalestris throws a fishing spear, killing a man. “His body stiffened and jerked, chest thrust forward, and the glistening red tip of a spear blade appeared as if by some evil magic, sticking out of the center of his tunic. . . When he opened his mouth to say something, all that came out was a gout of bright blood.” 
  • While at Cai’s father’s home, the guards try to attack Fallon and her friends. When the guard tries to punch Fallon, she “blocked the blow with my sword. He didn’t have time to scream in pain before I circled my blade through the air and lunged forward, burying the point in his chest.” 
  • When all the guards are dead, “the blood pooled beneath our feet, seeping from the mortal wounds of the seven dead vigils.” 
  • Cai’s father, Varro, attacks Fallon, who “took the length of a pitchfork shaft in the stomach. I dropped to the ground, wheezing, and my sword fell from my hands. . . Varro turned and threw me through the air. . . It felt as though my head had been torn half off.” 
  • To protect Fallon, “without the slightest hesitation, Cai thrust the blade between his father’s ribs. Right to the hilt.” As Varro took his last breaths, Cai said, “I renounce you, and your name, and your blood. I will not perform the rites for you, old man. I will not put coins for the Ferryman on your eyes. You go to Hades with no issue, no legacy, and no hope to ever walk the fields of Elysium beside my mother’s shade.” 
  • The Amazon and the Achillea gladiatrices battle. Sorcha fights Nyx. As Thalestris goes to kill Fallon, Sorcha “brought her blade up and around. . . and thrust into the space beneath Thalestris’s arm as she tore my sword out of my grasp. . . Thalestris was dead before she hit the ground.” 
  • Nyx joins the fight, wielding a fire chain. Nyx “swung the thing back and attacked again. And again. . . In her enthusiasm to spill my brains, it seemed she’d forgotten that I had a second sword. And she’d left herself wide open. . . I buried it between her ribs.” 
  • From the stands, someone shot an arrow at Fallon. “It dented on impact, and I felt like I’d been hit by a catapult stone, but I was alive.” 
  • Another arrow was let loose, but “Aeddan leaped in front . . .taking the second arrow that was meant for [Fallon] square in the chest. . . He spun around in a grotesque dance. . . toppled off the wall and hit the ground below.” The Achillea gladiatrices win the battle, but there are many deaths.

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Often, Fallon and other adults drink wine. For example, after a practice battle, a drunk man asks Fallon for a kiss. She “snatched the cup from his hands and drank the wine in one gulp.” She left without kissing him. 
  • At night, Fallon and the other gladiatrices sit around the fire with “mugs of beer.” Some of the girls get drunk. 
  • When injured, Fallon is given a “potion” to stop the pain. Another gladiatrix is given “poppy draughts” when injured in a battle. 
  • Fallon’s sister is rescued and given a sleeping draught. 
  • To give Fallon and Cai time alone, Cai’s friend gets the guards drunk. 
  • Fallon thinks a “potent soporific” made her have bad dreams. 
  • One of the Sons of Dis put hemlock, a sedative, in Fallon’s wine. However, Fallon says, “The senator’s physician sent a cup of wine to my room every night to help me sleep. But I had such terrible dreams the first night; I just kept pouring the stuff out the window.”


  • Profanity is used occasionally. Profanity includes arse, ass, bloody, damn, and hell. 
  • There is some name-calling, including bitch, bastard and whore. 
  • “Lugh’s teeth” is used as an exclamation several times. 
  • “Morrigan’s bloody teeth” and “sweet Juno” are used as exclamations once. 


  • When Fallon is delirious with fever, she’s forced to flee the Ludus Achillea; she prays to her goddess. Afterward, she sees a vision of a warrior she knows. She follows the warrior, who leads her to safety. Fallon believes, “The Morrigan had sent his shade back from the Lands of the Blessed Dead to lead my friends and me.”

Spiritual Content 

  • The conflict revolves around “the Sons of Dis, a depraved and cultish secret society dedicated to the sacrificial worship of a god of the Underworld.” Fallon saw a group of men “in feathered masks crowding around [a gladiator’s] split-open carcass, greedily devouring the heart that had beat so strongly within his chest only a handful of moments earlier.”  
  • Dis is “the dark incarnation of the Roman god Saturn—ruler of the Underworld, a pitiless deity who could grant his worshippers strength and power but would only be placated with blood.”
  • The Egyptians believed that “when we die, Anubis, the god of the dead, carves out our heart and weighs it against Ma’at, the feather of truth.” 
  • Fallon often refers to her goddess. Her father promised her hand in marriage to a man Fallon didn’t love. After a time, Fallon wonders, “if my father’s decision hadn’t been a part of the goddess Morrigan’s plan for me all along.” 
  • Before the gladiatrices are attacked, Fallon dreams of Morrigan appearing. “Her cloak was made of dagger blades. . .” Morrigan whispers the word “vengeance,” and Fallon wakes to find the stables on fire. Later, Morrigan tells Fallon to “Run! Live! Return to fight another day!” 
  • When Fallon is seriously injured, she wonders, “Had the Morrigan forsaken me because I’d pledged my warrior’s gifts in service to Caesar?” 
  • When Fallon’s enemy has captured her, he says, “Don’t you see, Fallon. Your goddess has laid out your fate’s path to lead right to the doorstep of my god. Dis and Morrigan are kindred.” 
  • When Fallon is in danger, she prays to Morrigan. Later, she believes “the Morrigan had heard my prayers and given me this chance.” When Fallon is finally safe, she offers “a silent prayer of gratitude to the Morrigan.”  
  • When Fallon’s sister, Sorcha, is kidnapped, a friend “made sacrifices to the goddess for her safe journey.” 
  • Sorcha was kidnapped so she could be sacrificed “to the goddess of the Amazons under the light of the Huntress Moon. How spilling of her blood would make their tribe mighty again.”  
  • Fallon’s tribe believes that after a person dies, they go to the Blessed Isles of the afterlife. 
  • When a man in Fallon’s group dies, she “whispered a prayer for the Morrigan to guide his soul’s flight.” 
  • Cleopatra tells Fallon that she can’t join the fight because “I am the daughter of the gods and, as such, should probably leave such robust bloodshed to you who are trained in those arts.”  
  • For protection, Cleopatra gives Fallon a pendant with Sekhmet on it. “One of the goddesses, and much like—if I understand what your sister has told me—your goddess, the Morrigan.” 

The Serpent’s Shadow

Following the events of Book Two of The Kane Chronicles: The Throne of Fire, Carter and Sadie prepare to face the Serpent of Chaos, Apophis. “It had been six months since the Chaos snake Apophis had escaped from his Underworld prison, but he still hadn’t launched a large-scale invasion of the mortal world as we’d expected.” Apophis has attacked several Nomes—organized groups of magicians—but Apophis seems to be waiting for the perfect time to launch a destructive attack on the entire mortal world. As Apophis’ attacks on groups of magicians continue, Carter and Sadie are determined to find a way to defeat Apophis, before he can reach his goal of overrunning the mortal world with chaos.  

In this book, Carter and Sadie reflect on and experience a lot of loss, which some readers may be able to empathize with. Carter explains, “I’d already lost so many people. My mom had died when I was seven. My dad sacrificed himself to become the host of Osiris [Egyptian god of the dead] last year. Over the summer, many of our allies had fallen to Apophis.” Having lost so many people that they love, Carter and Sadie have grown closer, and they recognize how important it is that they support each other. As Carter explains, “I needed [Sadie].”  

An important theme in The Serpent’s Shadow is Sadie’s evolving relationships with Anubis, the Egyptian god of funerals, and Walt, her friend and fellow magician. Middle-grade readers will likely sympathize with Sadie as she struggles to understand her emotions. Sadie explains that she does not really know what she wants and feels conflicted. “My heart had been torn between [Walt] and Anubis for months now, and it just wasn’t fair of Anubis to pop into my dreams, looking all hot and immortal, when poor Walt was risking his life to protect me.”  

Things take a dramatic turn for Sadie when Walt, who has been dying of an incurable curse, is able to live—but only by becoming the mortal host of Anubis. At first, Sadie is mortified and does not know how to handle both Anubis and Walt being in one body, but she is ultimately able to accept this. Sadie “saw [Walt] smiling down at me. Anubis, too. I could see them both, and I realized I didn’t have to pick.” Sadie ultimately decides to pursue a relationship with Walt even after he becomes Anubis’ host, saying, “This was a new boy in front of me, and he was everything I liked.”  

Ultimately, to defeat the Serpent of Chaos, Apophis, the gods and goddesses must work together with the mortal magicians. While the gods and goddesses keep the serpent at bay, Carter and Sadie are able to perform a spell and defeat Apophis by destroying his shadow, or his sheut. Carter and Sadie visit their parents in the underworld, where their mom emphasizes the importance of magicians working in tandem with the gods to create harmony. Carter and Sadie’s mom says, “Keep teaching the path of the gods. Bring the House of Life [the organization of the magicians] back to its former glory. [Sadie] and Carter will make Egyptian magic stronger than ever. And that’s good . . . because your challenges are not over.”  

Readers who enjoy mythology, action, and magic will love this series, which is an absolute must-read because of its message of working together to make the world a better place, or in Carter and Sadie’s case, to defeat the Serpent of Chaos.  

Sexual Content 

  • While running from an angry goddess, Walt, Sadie’s friend and fellow magician, kisses Sadie. “He nodded, then gave me a hasty kiss. ‘Good luck.’”  
  • After successfully performing a spell to avoid being captured, Sadie kisses Walt. “I kissed him properly—or as properly as possible given our situation.”  
  • Carter and Zia, Carter’s friend from the first two books and fellow magician, kiss. “She leaned over and kissed me. I’d imagined this many times, but I was so unprepared, I didn’t act very cool about it. . . I said something like ‘Hum-uh-huh.’” 
  • Carter and Zia kiss while on a date in the mall’s food court. “She leaned over and kissed me.”  
  • After Walt explains to Sadie how he agreed to become Anubis’ mortal host so that he could stay alive in spite of his curse, Walt and Sadie kiss. “[Walt] leaned down and kissed me.”  


  • Carter and Sadie fight alongside a group of magicians from another Nome, or magician group, from Texas. However, in the course of the battle, the demons sent by Apophis kill all the magicians that came to help Carter and Sadie. Sadie says, “The Texas magicians had welcomed us and supported us . . . ’They’re dead,’ [Sadie] said. ‘All of them.’” The killings aren’t described, but Carter and Sadie find remnants of some belt buckles worn by the magicians that passed away.  
  • A rebel magician leader, Sarah Jacobi, has gathered a group of supporters who believe that Carter, Sadie, and their relatives are dangerous and that Carter and Sadie, not Apophis, have caused the many deaths of other magicians. Jacobi threatens Carter and Sadie, “The Kanes are a plague . . . you must be destroyed. Surrender yourself and your family for execution.” Carter and Sadie do not surrender to Jacobi, knowing that she is wrong, and that Apophis is the threat to magicians and to the mortal world at large.  
  • A river monster attacks Carter and his friend, Zia, and Carter changes into a falcon so that he can get a better view of the monster during the fight. Carter says, “I dove at the monster’s eye, raking it with my claws . . . but I could tell that I hadn’t done any real damage.” Carter and Zia are saved by a giant who appears in the river and defeats the monster.  
  • When Carter and Sadie cast a spell to destroy Apophis’ shadow and defeat him, the Chaos serpent explodes. “His head exploded. Yes, it was just as gross as it sounds. Flaming bits of reptile flew everywhere.”  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • Characters occasionally say stupid and shut up.  


  • Carter and Sadie discuss the various parts of the soul. Carter and Sadie’s friend and the goddess of cats, Bast, explains the shadow part of the soul. “You can never be free of your shadow—your sheut. All living beings have them…The sheut is not just a physical shadow. It’s a magical projection—the silhouette of the soul.”  
  • Carter is able to channel the power of Horus, a god, since they worked together in the past two books. Because of this, Carter is able to use Horus’ power to change into a falcon if he needs to. “I changed into a falcon . . . it was fairly easy magic for me, since the falcon was Horus’ sacred animal.”  
  • While the gods fight off Apophis, Sadie and Carter are able to combat Apophis with a spell. Sadie explains how she uses the magic. “I faced down my own chaos. I accepted my jumbled emotions about whether I belonged in London or New York, whether I was a magician or a schoolgirl. I was Sadie Kane, and if I survived today, I could bloody well balance it all . . . I stilled my restlessness and let go of my doubts. ‘Ma’at [order]’ I said.”

Spiritual Content 

  • Like in the other Kane Chronicles books, Carter and Sadie encounter the gods and goddesses of Egyptian mythology throughout this book and often fight Apophis, the Serpent of Chaos, alongside the gods. The Egyptian gods in this series are not really worshipped in a traditional sense, but rather are given human characteristics—anger, revenge, love, and jealousy.  
  • Sadie explains of the Egyptian gods and goddesses, “the gods are not human. They have trouble thinking of us [humans] as more than useful tools or cute pets. To gods, a human life span doesn’t seem much longer than that of the average gerbil.”  
  • Characters rarely exclaim “gods of Egypt” when frustrated or surprised.  

Daughter of Sparta

Seventeen-year-old Daphne has spent her entire life honing her body and mind into that of a warrior, hoping to be accepted by the unyielding people of ancient Sparta. But an unexpected encounter with the goddess Artemis, who holds Daphne’s brother’s fate in her hands, upends the life she’s worked so hard to build. Nine mysterious items have been stolen from Mount Olympus. If Daphne cannot find them, the gods’ waning powers will fade away, the mortal world will descend into chaos, and her brother’s life will be forfeit.

Guided by Artemis’ twin—the handsome and entirely too self-assured god Apollo—Daphne’s journey will take her from the labyrinth of the Minotaur to the riddle-spinning Sphinx of Thebes, team her up with mythological legends such as Theseus and Hippolyta of the Amazons, and pit her against the gods themselves. A reinterpretation of the classic Greek myth of Daphne and Apollo, Daughter of Sparta turns the traditionally male-dominated mythology we know into a female-led adventure.  

Daphne desperately wants to fit into the world of Sparta and is willing to jump into battle to keep her family’s honor. She has “strived [her] entire life to be Spartan, to leave behind the Mothakes title hanging over [her] head.” When Artemis threatens to kill her brother, Daphne is forced to go on a perilous adventure. But Daphne isn’t willing to play by the gods’ rules. Instead, Daphne uses her bravery, battle skills, and intelligence to find the missing Muses. Daphne is a heroine worth admiring because she is determined to beat fate and live her life according to her own designs.  

Soon after leaving Sparta, Apollo finds Lykou—Daphne’s childhood friend and possible love interest—following them. The untrusting Apollo turns Lykou into a wolf, who becomes Daphne’s faithful companion. Lykou’s determination to help protect Daphne from danger makes him likable and gives the love triangle an interesting twist. And although Lykou cannot talk, readers will still fall in love with him. On the other hand, Apollo clearly loves Daphne, and although he comes across as arrogant—he is a god after all—readers will find Apollo capturing their hearts as well. 

Readers not familiar with Greek mythology will find Daughter of Sparta difficult to read because of the Greek words, ginormous cast of characters, and many gods and mythological figures that appear. The book contains a glossary of terms, and readers will have to flip back and forth between the text and the glossary in order to understand the plot and how the characters are interconnected. As with most stories of the Greek gods, there are epic betrayals, bloody and descriptive battles, and supernatural enemies that are suited for more mature readers.  

Readers who loved reading the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series by Rick Riordan and are ready to jump into a more mature book revolving around the Greek gods will enjoy reading Daughter of Sparta. Daphne is a compelling character who isn’t afraid to make her own mark on the world. Plus, the non-stop action, shifting alliances, and mystery behind Daphne’s birth mix into an exciting adventure that shows that women are just as capable as men and are worthy of respect—even from the gods. 

Sexual Content 

  • After sparring with Lykou, Daphne goes to a celebration. Later, Lykou congratulates her on her battle skills. Daphne’s “gaze trails the line of his bicep, my mouth suddenly dry. Maybe I could let myself enjoy Lykou’s plush lips, find out what it feels like to run my fingers through those dark curls. . .”  
  • When Daphne was born, her father said Daphne was “godspawn and a curse.” He accused his wife of being a “whore.” He cursed the gods and said, “Damn the gods. What more can they do to me? They have nothing left to smite me with. They have taken my wife and given me the spawn of Tartarus as a daughter.” 
  • While at a party, Apollo pushes Daphne against a wall. “His gaze is like a tendril of smoke, the arm around my waist the flame, scorching the narrow space between our bodies. My mind and heart do battle. . . It’s hard to focus on anything else but the arm pressing me close.” Finally, Daphne pulls away. 
  • There is sexual tension between Apollo and Daphne. For example, Apollo “takes my chin in his hand, forcing me to meet his gaze. His thumb passes gently over my bottom lip, and my heart skips a beat. . . His face starts to slowly lower itself toward mine, eyes dropping to my lips. His lips are mere inches from my own when Lykou snarls behind us.” 
  • Daphne cleans herself in a river. After she gets out, Apollo steps in her way. “His body is an unyielding mass, scorching against my chilled skin. His hips press against mine. My knees tremble despite my best efforts as he reaches behind my head, fingers running gently through my soaked curls. . .” Despite her attraction to Apollo, Daphne pushes him away. 
  • Daphne and Apollo argue. Then, Apollo’s “eyes dart to my lips, hunger brewing in his gaze. I catch his hand as it travels down my neck, placing it firmly between my own. . . Warm and sweet, our lips fold together in a warm embrace. A fire erupts inside me . . .I moan against his mouth.” Lykou attacks Apollo. The scene is described over a page and a half. 
  • Before Apollo goes into the underworld, Daphne kisses him. “With no reservation, I pour every one of my burgeoning feelings into our kiss. . . feeling stirs inside of me with each pass of his tongue across my lips. He is the sun, and I am the Earth, underling beneath his lips.” 
  • The story mentions that one of the gods had male and female lovers.  


  • Since Daughter of Sparta contains excessive and gory violence between humans, gods, goddesses, and mythological creatures, not all violence is described below. 
  • During a celebration, Daphne spars with her friend Lykou. “He leaps across the arena and strikes his dory [spear] wide. . . I barely roll from his reach in time, my shoulder hitting the dirt hard enough to steal the breath from my lungs. Before he can attack again, I swipe for his legs.”  
  • During the fight, Daphne tricks Lykou. “With an exaggerated grimace of pain, I slump my bruised shoulder ever so slightly. . . [Lykou lunges] for my injured shoulder. . . I twist and swing to meet him as he jumps right into my reach. . .my dory has already grazed his side, tearing what little he has of a chiton in a strike of victory.” The fight is described over two pages. 
  • When Apollo turns Daphne’s friend into a wolf, her “fist meets Apollo’s chin with a solid crack. He spins, crumpling to his knees.” Realizing what she had done, Daphne falls to her knees. Apollo doesn’t punish her.  
  • A god leads Daphne into the forest. “Her claws dig into my arms, dragging me to my feet. . . Wrenching from her grasp, I slash my dagger across her pale throat. . . The handle of my dagger is slick with her blood, but I find my grip and plunge the dagger forward. She chokes, cackle cutting off with a gurgled screech as my dagger finds its home in her heart.” The woman falls and transforms. “Apollo is spread-eagle across the ground, a river of red pooling beneath his tangled curls.” Daphne prays to Dionysus, who saves Apollo’s life. 
  • Daphne and Lykou (who has been turned into a wolf) are looking through outdoor stalls. A blacksmith gets upset that Daphne is trying to barter with him. “The blacksmith swings at Lykou’s throat just as the wolf leaps into the air. . .” Daphne steps between the two, and Lykou’s “fangs barely miss my fingers. I slam the blacksmith’s wrist into the brick wall. He yelps, dropping the sword. . . The blacksmith’s meaty fist soars above my head. . .” 
  • During the fight with the blacksmith, his apprentice jumps in. The apprentice “flings a hammer at my head, and I duck just in time to hear it sing past. A fist follows in quick succession. . . I catch his fist a heartbeat before it can pummel my gut.” Daphne outmaneuvers the men and quickly flees. 
  • King Minos wants to end the gods’ reign. He says the gods “have suppressed, stolen from, and murdered us . . . We no longer bow and scrape to their selfish siblings, no more sacrifices of our children to appease their unruly children’s whims.” To weaken the gods’ powers, King Minos throws three Muses into the Minotaur’s lair. 
  • While Daphne is sneaking through King Minos’ palace, guards capture her. As the guards question her, Theseus appears holding weapons. The guards turn their back on Daphne, and she “slip[s] the dagger from beneath my sleeve and ram[s] it deep into the nearest guard’s back. . . angled up to pierce beneath his bottom ribs. He collapses. . .” 
  • When the other guard sees his dead friend, “he swings the sword for [Daphne’s] head, and [she] roll[s] beneath his reach. [Her] dagger slices right through the tendons on his ankles. . . [Theseus] slams a blade through the back of his neck.” Daphne and Theseus hide the bodies. 
  • Daphne and Theseus go into the Minotaur’s lair to save the Muses. When the Minotaur finds Daphne, “It lunges. I leap to the side, narrowly avoiding obsidian claws as they rip through the air. Theseus is not so quick and releases a horrible, anguished yell. His shoulder shreds beneath the Minotaur’s reach. . .I spin and lash out with my sword. . . the blade barely leaves a mark.”
  • During the fight, the wolf Lykou “leaps and catches the beast’s arm between his teeth. The Minotaur only growls in annoyance, shaking the wolf off. Before Theseus can jump away, it sends him hurtling backward with a solid kick to the gut. . .” At Theseus’ request, Daphne flees. The bloody fight is described over two pages. 
  • Daphne finds the Muses in the Minotaur’s lair. “Amid a ruin of rubble and rotting bodies, a cage sits in the center of the landing. Bones make the bars, the locks and corners held together by circles of stone. . . Three tattered women huddle inside it.” The cage was closed using “magic only a few Olympians can wield.”  
  • Blood is the only thing that can open the cage and free the Muses. Daphne details, “I draw my blade across my palm. Blood pours from my hand, and I slap it against the carvings. My blood runs freely, too quickly, and my vision begins to spin. The bone crumbles beneath my hand. . .”  
  • Daphne leads the Muses through the Minotaur’s maze. The Minotaur “grabs Terpsikhore [a Muse]. His claws dig into her arms. A choked scream escapes her. Lykou snarls, jaws clamping down on the beast’s other arm. He only holds on a moment before the beast flings him across the room.” 
  • While in a large room, Daphne finds a broken statue and grabs the kerykeion, the staff carried by Hermes. Daphne attacks. “I land on the Minotaur’s back again. My legs wrap around the broad torso. My thighs burn with the effort, my battered arm barely keeping its grip. . . With a single stab, the wing of the kerykeion pierces the Minotaur’s eye and pushes deep into his skull. A last shuddering exhalation shakes its entire mass. It collapses and I rocket across the floor.” The Minotaur is dead. Theseus, Daphne, and the Muses escape. The scene is described over three pages. 
  • The god of war and Hermes go to Tartarus and meet an unnamed goddess. Ganymede, a Trojan prince who was abducted by Zeus and taken to Mount Olympus to be his cupbearer and lover, follows Ares. When Ganymede is found, “The herald’s arms are like bands of iron, keeping Ganymede from fleeing. . . Ares’ hand lashes out, catching Ganymede by the throat. . . [Ares] gives the spy a sharp kick in the ribs. The god’s ribs crack audibly . . .” Ganymede is injured but not dead. 
  • Daphne and her companions are sleeping when Minos and his soldiers surround them. A fight ensues. “Lykou snatches [a soldier] and drags him screaming beyond the camp. White teeth flash, the sharp tang of blood hangs heavy on the air. A moment later, Lykou returns to tear another soldier into the dark, his screams snatched from the air by a terrifying snarl.”  
  • Apollo also fights the soldiers, and “blood arcs through the air and screams erupt around me. . . [Apollo] moves through the line of soldiers with deadly efficiency and precision, a warrior when threatened. The sharp song of metal meeting metal echoes into the night. . .” 
  • During the fight, Minos attacks Theseus and “rams a dagger” into him. “Theseus collapses in the dirt, eyes locked on mine. His blood pours into the earth. . . He chokes slightly, his eyes desperate, begging me to reverse this. The warm pool of blood beneath him stains my knees.” Theseus dies. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • During a celebration, many people, including Daphne and Lykou, consume alcohol, some to the point of being drunk.  
  • While at a party, Daphne and other guests drink wine. One guest “downs goblet after goblet of the fruity wine.” 


  • Profanity is used rarely and includes ass, bastard, damn, and shit.  
  • Daphne thinks Apollo is an “arrogant ass.” 


  • When Artemis finds Daphne’s brother Pyrrhus spying on her, she turns him into a stag. “No warning or dramatic fanfare precedes the transformation. One second Pyrrhus is crumbled on his hands and knees at Artemis’s feet, and then in a blink of an eye, a stag stands before me.” 
  • Apollo shapeshifts and makes himself look like King Minos.  
  • After fighting the Minotaur, the Muse Urania uses her power to heal Theseus. She touches him, and “the bruising begins to fade, and his nose reassembles itself. . . Her finder continues down Theseus’s broken body, and the slashes across his legs and chest begin to knit together.” Another Muse heals Daphne’s wounds.  
  • To give Theseus time to heal and to escape Minos’ palace, one of the Muses stops time.

Spiritual Content 

  • The story occurs in Sparta during King Menelaus’ and Queen Helen’s rule. The Greek gods play a prominent role in the story and intervene in human affairs. Below are just some examples of how the gods play a role in the story. 
  • One man warns, “The drought has left our people with ire. The kings of Greece grow restless, their people hungry, and the gods bored. A reckoning awaits beyond the horizon.” 
  • Each year, Sparta celebrates and makes a sacrifice to the gods. An oracle says, “With this race, we not only ask for Apollo’s divine favor but must also give him our strength. . . [Beyond Sparta] children of the Mesogeios sacrificed each year to beasts lurking beneath cities. . . These ills. . . will reach us, just as they have reached even the gods from the heights of Olympus.” The oracle believes the gods are causing natural disasters. 
  • When Daphne and four men begin a race, Menelaus says, “May the wings of Hermes be beneath your feet.” 
  • Artemis appears to Daphne. Artemis says, “My powers—my family’s powers—are dwindling. Olympus is at its weakest, the love and worship of men long since waning. Soon, I will die, my family will die, and all the gifts that we bestowed upon men will wash away like dust across the stones under a heavy rain.” Artemis forces Daphne to help the gods. 
  • Daphne refuses to leave Sparta and help Artemis, so the god takes an arrow and “slices deep across my skin. I cry out involuntarily as searing heat envelops my chest and spreads to my limbs. . . My blood drips from the weapon. . . The arrow slashes out again, faster than any mortal could react, ripping across the belly of my chiton and driving into my stomach.” 
  • Artemis curses Daphne. Artemis says, “The Midas Curse will envelop you, enslave you, and bind you to me. The gold can spread to your toes, molding you into a tool that I might wield as I choose. Mock me, and the gold will crawl to your neck, choking off any insolent words before they can be uttered.”  
  • Apollo accompanies Daphne on her journey and helps protect her. He carries a golden arrow that can bring someone back to life. At the end of each day, Apollo drinks wine. 
  • When Apollo discovers Lykou following them, Lykou “falls to the ground, thrashing and roaring. He claws at his head, back, legs, and neck, skin rippling and contorting in the firelight.” Lykou turns into a wolf. 
  • Daphne almost falls off a cliff, but she catches herself. “As panic seizes me, I send up a prayer to the goddess Tyche for luck and press close to the rock, clenching my eyes shut.” Daphne is able to drag her body over the ledge and is safe. 
  • Daphne meets Prometheus. He is “spread-eagled between twin stone columns, hangs limp from his chained wrist before us.” Prometheus gives Daphne the gift of knowledge. “My life and a thousand others whip before my eyes, there and gone in a blink. And then they return, upended and awash with blue and gray.”  
  • Hermes plays a role in the story. He is a “trickster and foil to many of Apollo’s schemes. . . The god of heralds and thieves is twice as likely to give with one hand while stealing with the other.” 
  • While in the Minotaur’s lair, Daphne finds the Muses locked in a cage. Pasiphae appears and says, “I thought to return and see what foolish nonsense my husband was up to now. . . And it’s a good thing I did, or else these Muses would be dead, and my powers completely gone.”  

Almost Astronauts: 13 Women Who Dared to Dream

Have you ever heard of the Mercury 13 women? Did you know that nearly twenty years before the first women were let into NASA’s astronaut program, there were others who tried? 

What are the requirements for being shot into space, piloting a hunk of metal while carrying the hopes and fears of your nation? Mastery of flying, as well as courage, intelligence, resistance to stress, and fitness—any checklist would certainly include these. But when America created NASA in 1958, there was an unspoken rule in place: astronauts must be male, and they must be white. 

Here is the tale of thirteen women who proved not only that they were as tough as any man but also that they were brave enough to challenge the government. Their passage to space was blocked by prejudice, jealousy, and a note scrawled by one of the most powerful men in Washington. But in the end, their inspiring example empowered young women to take their rightful place in the sky, piloting jets and commanding space capsules. Almost Astronauts is the story of thirteen true pioneers of the space age. 

Every young girl should read Almost Astronauts, which gives the account of determined women who refused to take no for an answer. The Mercury 13 women “knew their own minds, their own hearts, their own dreams.” The women took the same test as male astronauts and often outperformed the men. “They showed up ready for anything: to be run ragged, spun in circles, pushed to their limits. They were ready to show their smarts, their strength, and their courage.” The Mercury 13 women’s stories will encourage young women to persevere despite the heavy roadblocks that are placed in front of them.  

Many people, including President Lyndon B. Johnson, NASA, and the Navy, believed that women should not be allowed to be astronauts, but they were careful “not to be seen as dismissing women’s concerns outright.” But pilot Jerry Cobb and other women refused to be dismissed. Pilot Jerry Cobb said, “The race for space will not be a short one—nor any easy one—but it is one in which we must all participate. Let us go forward, then—there is space for women!” In the end, while the Mercury 13 couldn’t overcome the social constraints of the time and become astronauts, they forced their way into the pilot seats of airplanes and opened the hatch that would eventually allow other women to take their place in the cockpit of a space shuttle.   

Black-and-white and color pictures appear every two to four pages. The text often breaks up information with subheadlines that include the date or topic. The back of the book includes an author’s note, an appendix, further reading, a bibliography, sources, source notes, and an index. The book includes information on many famous women who influenced NASA, including Katherine Johnson, Mae Jemison, and Mary Golda Ross.  

Almost Astronauts is an educational and engaging story that will empower young women to reach for the stars. It is a must-read because it shows how many women took their place in the sky, piloting jets and commanding space capsules. The women’s accomplishments show that women are truly capable of making impossible dreams come true. To learn more about how women influenced space travel, read To Fly Among the Stars: The Hidden Story of the Fight for Women Astronauts by Rebecca Siegel and Astronauts: Women on the Final Frontier by Jim Ottaviani & Maris Wicks.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Ambush at Sorato

Will and Maddie are in Toscana on a diplomatic mission when word comes of a cavalry force crossing the northern body and marauding through the countryside.

At the behest of the emperor, the rangers head north to investigate. They discover that the invaders are a group of Temujai—a reconnaissance force searching for a place to penetrate and invade. So Will and Maddie must split up to gather forces and information in order to push the Temujai back once again.

As the Temujai move their forces ahead, cutting at the Toscan forces, Maddie and Will must step up and lead their allies to victory, despite the danger of one of their greatest enemies.  

Ambush at Sorato mainly focuses on Will, who advises the Toscan forces and travels to recruit Genovesan mercenaries to help fight the battle. As always, Will is an honorable leader who respects everyone despite their position. While traveling to meet the main fighting force, “Will had treated the shield bearers fairly and humanely, making sure they had comfortable quarters, good bedding, and nourishing food.” As in previous books, Will shows concern for others and is willing to step into battle when called upon.  

The story is told from the third person omniscient point of view, which allows the reader to understand the different leaders’ perspectives including the Temujai’s leader, Mat’zak. While this helps the readers understand multiple perspectives and see what each force thinks, the plot is choppy and often switches to another person’s perspective. While there are many different leaders, Maddie is not one of them. For most of the story, Maddie disappears into the background while Will organizes and plans the battle. Unfortunately, neither Will’s nor Maddie’s character changes or grows, which makes the story stagnate. 

Many characters, including the invading army, are familiar because they appeared in previous books. This, coupled with the lengthy travel to engage the enemy, slows the pacing and erases any suspense. The author introduced new, exciting elements to each book in previous installments of The Ranger’s Apprentice Series and The Royal Ranger Series. However, Ambush at Sorato relies on familiar characters and mundane situations, and while the story ends with a hint that another book will be written, readers may not be enthusiastic about continuing with Will and Maddie’s story. Readers looking for their next action-packed adventure should read the League of Archers Series by Eva Howard and No Good Deed by Kara Connolly. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • The Temujai send forces into Toscan. The soldiers attack towns throughout. The Temujai “horsemen swept into the narrow streets between the houses, initially cutting down the inhabitants with a storm of arrows, then following up with their long, curved sabers. . . The invaders would ride up to the defenses, coming from two or three directions at once, and shower the defenders with plunging fire from their bows.” The Temujai killed everyone in the town before moving on to the next one. 
  • The Temujai attack a walled town. At first, they shot arrows at the guards. “The man on the gatehouse threw up his arms and fell backward with a yell of pain as the heavy arrow slammed into him, punching through his leather armor and into his flesh. . . another defender on the wall spun around, clutching an arrow wound in his right arm and letting his javelin fall . . .” 
  • Not realizing it was a trick, the town’s commander, Caligus, orders his men to attack the retreating Temujai. The Temujai surrounded the soldiers. “As they came within range, [the Temujai] began to shoot and several of his men dropped, arrows hitting their unguarded back.” 
  • The Temujai began shooting arrows at the Toscan forces, who were trying to retreat. “There were few mortal wounds; the men’s armor and shields saw to that. But the wounds they did suffer—to legs and arms and any momentarily bared flesh—made men drop out of line. . . Those who did drop out were quickly finished off by the cruel sabers of the Temujai.” 
  • Caligus tries to flee, but an arrow hits him. “Then he was face down in the dust, his blood staining the ground around him.” All of the Toscan soldiers die. 
  • Maddie must evade two Temujai soldiers who are chasing her. During the chase, the soldiers shoot arrows at her, but they do not hit their mark. Maddie hides in a rock outcrop until the soldiers are closer. “As the leader of the two Temujai nocked an arrow, he heard a whizzing sound and a sickening thud. His companion threw his arms wide and was hurled backward out of his saddle, with a strangled grunt of pain.” It is unclear whether the soldier’s wound was fatal. 
  • Maddie launches another stone, but this one hits the Temujai horse. “The horse reared and plunged, screaming in agony. . . The Temujai was nearly hurled from the saddle.” The next shot hit the Temujai’s upper left arm, breaking the big bone there and sending a flare of agony searing through the man.” The man crashes to the ground. 
  • Peloni, a mercenary, was practicing shooting his crossbow with a peasant who would load his crossbow. Peloni angrily “launched a resounding slap at the other man’s face.”  
  • Selethen, an Arridan leader in the military, leads a group of soldiers to attack the Temujai while they sleep. The soldiers set the tents on fire and then attacked. “As Selethen reached the command pavilion, the guards on duty there moved forward to bar his way. He hacked down at the nearest, who was trying to level a heavy spear at him. The man cried out and fell to the side.” 
  • After the attack, the Temujai buried their dead. The men were “laid out in two rows, wrapped in their bedding, ready for burial. The wounded were being treated in the healers’ tents.” Fourteen men died, and twenty-three were wounded. 
  • The Temujai go after Selethen and his soldiers. The Arridan soldiers continued to harass the Temujai who were trailing them. As the Temujai’s wagons were forging a river, the Arridans attacked. “As the running men were dispatched by the two lancers, Selethen’s blade knocked the driver’s sword to one side and continued on, smashing into his ribs. The Arridan commander jerked his sword free, and the cart driver doubled over and fell to the mud under the cart’s wheels.”  
  • Selethen is captured during one of the raids. His hands are tied and attached to a horse’s pommel. When his captor started moving, “Selethen attempted to keep pace with the rapid movement but failed. The rawhide tugged painfully at his wrists, the long grass tangled between his riding boots, and he was jerked off his feet to crash heavily onto the grass.” Selethen is dragged behind the horse until the enemy reaches his camp. 
  • After being captured, his captor hurts him before being taken to be interrogated. “The Temujai stepped in and hammered a fist into his solar plexus. The unexpected blow drove the air from his lungs with an explosive grunt. . .” Selethen falls, and “the Temujai’s boot caught him in the side, driving out what little air was left in his lungs.” The description of the beating is described over two pages.  
  • While rescuing Selethen, Maddie shoots an arrow. “The shaft hit the sentry in the chest, the impact stopping him, then knocking him backward on his heels. The saver fell from his hands and he crashed full length on the grass with a muted groan of pain.” The Temujai give chase, and Maddie shoots arrows at them. “The first two Temujai tumbled from their saddles. . . Maddie’s third arrow transfixed [another soldier’s] left shoulder, the impact and sudden agony knocking him from his horse.” 
  • Will lures the Temujai’s leader, Mat’zak, into a trap where he and his men are surrounded. “The javelins smashed down into the mass of [Temujai] riders, bring down horses and men . . .” The Temujai send a volley of arrows into the Toscan’s ranks, and several men are injured. 
  • The Genovesans, paid mercenaries, help the Toscans. “From behind seventh-five shields, the crossbowmen emerged, leveled their weapons, and released, cutting swaths through the galloping horsemen. Mena and horses screamed in pain and fell, and the [enemy] calvary faltered as the crossbow bolts struck him.” The battle is described in several chapters, and over two hundred enemy men died or were wounded on the battlefield. 
  • Will is angry at the Genovesans’ commander, Peloni. When Will complains about his bad behavior, Peloni challenges Will to a duel. During the duel, “Will shot him in the chest. There was a brief flash of agony. Peloni felt himself being flung backward by the force of the arrow, then he hit the grass, and everything went dark.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • While spending the night in a town, Will is served wine. “Will poured himself a small glass and sipped carefully. The wine was surprisingly good. . . He limited himself to one glass. . .” 
  • The second night, Will and his companion, Brasos, are given more wine. Will “limited himself to one glass. He noted that Brasos gulped his first glass down and hurried to refill it.” Will cautions Brasos about drinking too much, so Brasos drinks coffee instead. 
  • The mercenaries drink wine with their meals. 


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Women in Information Technology

Women have made major contributions to science throughout history, including in the field of information technology. Learn about the lives of some of the most amazing women in information technology, from Augusta Ada King to Radia Perlman, as well as their exciting and important work. Discover what it takes to work in information technology. Find out about the opportunities women in the field have today. Read Women in Information Technology to see if following in the footsteps of the many brilliant women who have made their mark in IT is something you want to do. 

Women in Information Technology gives young readers an inside look at the career opportunities available in information technology. Each of the five chapters follows the same format. The first page lists words and definitions that appear in the chapter; these words include cyberattacks, professional association, and unauthorized. These words appear in bold gray font, which makes them easy to identify.  

One positive aspect of the book is the seven biographies of women who were pioneers in their industry, such as Grace Hopper and Ada Lovelace. The biographies also acknowledge women who are currently working in the IT field, such as Anita Borg, who “helped unite the skilled women working in IT so they could work together more easily.” Each biography focuses on the woman’s contribution to the industry. This allows readers to see how women, who are often overlooked, played a pivotal role in developing the first computers. Four of the women — Telle Whitney, Radia Perlner, Shafri Goldwasser, and Eva Tardos — have also written books that readers may want to read. Four biographies also include a QR code so readers can learn more about the women through educational videos.  

The book is straightforward and easy to understand despite the use of informational technology jargon. The short paragraphs are broken up with photographs of women at work that appear every one to two pages. In addition, the book has “did you know” blurbs that give other interesting facts, such as statistics about video games. Often, important information is presented in lists, such as IT-related jobs. The end of each chapter gives a research project and text-dependent questions that check for understanding.  

Women in Information Technology explains what qualities are necessary to work in the IT field as well as encourages readers to explore their talents by attending a summer camp (a short list of summer camps is provided). The book opens doors by showing readers the different career paths that exist in the IT field and giving examples of women who have made contributions to the field. Even though the book is about women in information technology, boys can also gain knowledge from reading the book.    

Middle school and high school readers who are interested in learning more about STEM careers will find Women in Information Technology an excellent source of information and encouragement. By highlighting different careers and women who have been successful in these careers, the book shows that the path to a job in the informational technology field is possible. To learn more about STEM careers, check out Girls Who Code: Learn to Code and Change the World by Reshma Saujani. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Boy 2.0 #1

Win “Coal” Keegan has just landed in his latest foster home, with a big, noisy, slightly nosy family named the McKays. They seem eager to welcome Coal, but he’s wary of trusting them. So, he doesn’t tell them that he went for a walk with chalk in his pocket to cover a nearby street with his art. He doesn’t tell them that a neighbor found Coal drawing, pulled a gun on him, and fired it. He doesn’t tell them the police chased him. And he definitely doesn’t tell them that when everything went down, Coal somehow turned invisible.  But he did.   

Now he has to figure out how. Is he a superhero? Some kind of mutant? A science experiment? Is that why he has no family of his own? As Coal searches for answers and slowly learns to control his invisibility, he turns to the McKay kids and friends both new and old for help. But they soon discover they’re not the only ones looking for a Black boy with superpowers, and the situation is far stranger—and more dangerous—than they ever could have expected.   

From the very first page, readers are pulled into Coal’s life, which is full of mystery and danger. Being thrown into a new foster home would be difficult enough, but Coal is also in danger because he is Black. From the start, Boy 2.0 reminds readers that young Black people have a lot to fear—including the police. Despite being abandoned by his mother, living with strangers, and chased by the cops, Coal isn’t cynical. Instead, he desperately wants to understand his new “superpower” and discover why his mother abandoned him. Readers will relate to Coal’s struggle to understand himself and find a place where he belongs. 

Luckily, Coal has always been able to rely on his friend Door, who adds humor and heart to the story. In addition to Door, Coal begins to trust his new foster family. The kids band together and travel to Mirror Tech’s doors, a company that is conducting military experiments in genetic modification. Soon, Coal learns that he may be a product of one of the experiments, and now Mirror Tech and the military want Coal in custody. This adds suspense and shines a light on real-life issues such as global warming, cloning, genetic modifications, and the dangers that face all Black boys. 

Boy 2.0 is an action-packed story full of plot twists that will leave readers unable to put the book down. The mystery around Coal’s birth is compelling, but the characters give the story heart. He is surrounded by a group of interesting and likable characters who walk into danger with him. Unlike many books, Boy 2.0 showcases a villain that isn’t completely evil—instead, readers are left to wonder if the villain truly wants to help Coal solve the mystery of his power or if he wants to exploit Coal. Although Coal learns more about his heritage, the ambiguous ending sets up the next book in the series but still leaves the reader smiling as Coal realizes the power of friendship and family. Find your next adventure by reading the Jack and the Geniuses Series by Bill Nye & Gregory Mone and the Wild & Chance Series by Allen Zadoff. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Coal reads an article about Allana, a black woman who was killed during a traffic stop. The article doesn’t appear in the text. 
  • Coal’s former foster parent, Tom, has a mental disorder. Coal heard him yelling. Tom “said I should run, that they were coming to get me. . . His eyes were wild, looking in all directions like somebody was going to pop out of the bushes. And he started screaming that I needed to go. . . He pulled out a knife.” No one was injured, but Tom was put in a psychiatric facility.  
  • Coal was using chalk to draw in the middle of the road when a man pointed a gun at him. “As the chalk fell from his hand and hit the ground, Coal heard the crack of the gun. It was louder than he expected.” Coal runs away, frightened but uninjured. 
  • Coal’s mother tells a story about her uncle Saul, who lived in Montgomery, Alabama pre-civil rights. In the Jim Crow South, “successful Black people would find themselves lynched, their businesses burned, their families broken from terror and loss.”  
  • Uncle Saul knew a mob was coming to burn his shop. Saul watched as the mob appeared. “He knew if he ran, it would be torture first, and then murder.” Saul was saved, but “the mob broke everything in that shop and then walked off.” 
  • Saul’s son, Jonas, “was walking home from school when a bunch of white boys started to pelt him with stones. . . He started running. But they were bigger and faster, and he skidded down a slope to a little rivulet.” The boys didn’t find him. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Coal’s foster mom gives him melatonin “to help [him] relax and fall asleep.” 
  • Tom’s previous foster parent had a mental illness, and “he was on medication for a long time and that seemed to help.” 


  • Profanity is used rarely. Profanity includes crap, shit, and hell. 
  • Coal calls his friend a jerk. 
  • Coal’s foster brother calls a man “Dr. Jerkface.” 


  • After getting shot at, Coal ran. When he sees cops, he is terrified and runs away from them. Even though the police are right beside Coal, they don’t see him. After the police leave, Coal “looked at his palms to check for scrapes and dirt. Only there were no palms. Or arms. Or a torso. His pants were standing on their own.” Somehow, Coal had become invisible. 
  • Being able to turn invisible is a hereditary trait in Coal’s family.  

Spiritual Content 

  • Coal’s mother tells a story about her uncle Saul. When in danger from a mob, “he put his hands together, and he prayed. He prayed that he would be safe, that he would be covered by the blood of Jesus, that somehow he would be spared what he knew was coming.” 
  • When the mob passed Saul, “he felt like he was burning, so he opened his eyes. . .” He had turned invisible. “Uncle Saul figured it was the Lord who saved him.”  
  • Saul’s son, Jonas, was in danger and prayed. He turned invisible but thought he was just covered in mud and debris. Jonas’ father “gave him a flogging on the spot for saying that and not believing that, once again, it was the Lord. Jonas went on to become a preacher. . .I think he believed his father would have found a way to come back from the grave and flog him again if he didn’t. Becoming a preacher, he said, kept his father’s ghost at bay.”  

Love in English

Sixteen-year-old Ana is a poet and a lover of language. Except since she moved to New Jersey from Argentina, she can barely find the words to express how she feels. 

At first, Ana just wants to return home. Then she meets Harrison, a very cute, very American boy in her math class, and discovers the universal language of racing hearts. But when she begins to spend time with Neo, the Greek Cypriot boy from ESL, Ana wonders how figuring out what her heart wants can be even more confusing than the grammar they’re both trying to master. After all, the rules of English may be confounding, but there are no rules when it comes to love. 

Told from Ana’s perspective, Love in English shows Ana’s struggle with understanding both the English language and American culture. To convey Ana’s language difficulties, Ana’s family’s conversations are peppered with Spanish words. In addition, when others speak to Ana in English, she misses many of the words which are written as “####### ########.” Ana also struggles with words, such as “close,” that have two meanings and are pronounced differently. Throw in American idioms like “a bird in hand is worth two in the bush” and “a stich in time saves nine” and readers begin to understand and empathize with how hard it is to learn English.  

It’s not just English that Ana struggles to understand. Ana meets Harrison and Neo at school. When Ana meets Harrison, she thinks, “There’s so much I wish I could ask him about. . . but I can’t catch any of the words needed to form those questions. They swim in my brain, some visible, some shapeless, but none want to coalesce into sentences. It’s so frustrating. It’s like someone stole all my words.” Ana struggles to understand the language of love, which often leads to misunderstandings.  

Much of the plot revolves around Ana’s inner dialogue, which makes Ana feel like a new friend that you want to sit down and share coffee and a secret with. Ana is extremely likable and deals with many of the same struggles as today’s teens. However, readers who love action-packed stories full of adventure will find Love in English difficult to read. For those who love looking into a character’s heart and soul, Love in English is the perfect book. Many readers will relate to Ana, who is trying to find a place where she belongs in life and in America. Through it all, Ana learns that “The most important words are the ones we’re brave enough to share.” 

Sexual Content 

  • While leaving the classroom, Ana bumps into Harrison. She thinks, “For a second, I want to grab his hand and hold it. Or pull him toward me, and we will have our first kiss here in our math classroom.”  
  • One of Ana’s new friends, Altagracia says, “You like boys? Girls? Both? I like girls myself.” Later, Altagracia tells Ana that “she went on a date with another girl and they kiss[ed].” 
  • In the cafeteria, a girl says she can’t keep lipstick on for more than twenty minutes. Her friend replies, “You should probably stop kissing so many people then.” 
  • Ana goes to a night club to watch Harrison’s band play. Ana sees Harrison dancing with Jessica, a girl from school. Jessica “pushes onto the tiptoes of her high-tops. The lean in is slow, so slow. . . Her lips land on his. He stands there. . . She gets off her tippy toes and runs her thumb gently over his lips.”  
  • After seeing Jessica kiss Harrison, Ana leaves but has no way to get home so she calls Neo. Instead of going home, Ana goes to Neo’s house and they watch a movie. Ana looks “up at Neo. He’s so close, a few inches away. He looks at me steadily. . . His lips look perfect, the dimple in his chin a little shadowed where he missed a spot shaving. . . “ Ana’s phone rings and she’s left to wonder if she wanted Neo to kiss her. 
  • Ana goes to Harrison’s house and he asks Ana permission to kiss her. Ana is “looking at Harrison, and I know I want to kiss him. Instead of words, I use my lips. His lips are soft, and wonderful, but he doesn’t move them. I am self-conscious. Am I supposed to do something more? I kiss him again. He kisses too, then pulls away.” 
  • Neo takes Ana to a poetry slam and then the Empire State Building. While at the top, he “leans in. When his lips touch mine, the moment shivers through me, his lips, warm and perfect, part mine. His hand is on the small of my back, and he pulls me in, and I can’t breathe.” The kiss is described over a paragraph. 


  • Several times, a boy from school makes snarky remarks about Neo being an immigrant. One day, Ana gets to school and sees Neo and the boy fighting. “One has the other in a headlock. . . It’s Neo in the headlock, swinging his arms, connecting with a thud on the other boy’s lower back. He pulls Neo tighter.” Neo has blood on his face when teachers break up the fight. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • While at a night club Ana sees some girls from school and one of the girls is “flirty drunk.” 


  • Ana overhears profanity in the hallways at school. Ana writes in her journal, “Fuckface. A face that likes to do sex? Doosh noze? Shit biscuit? Duck butter? Bananas. Like ‘crazy’?” 
  • Profanity is used rarely. Profanity includes damn, fuck, and shit. 
  • Oh my God is used as an exclamation.  


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Prince of Song & Sea

Before Prince Eric’s mother, the Queen of Vellona, went missing two years ago, she reminded him of the deadly curse that plagued his entire life. The curse? If he were to kiss someone other than his true love, he would die. With a neighboring kingdom looking for any excuse to invade their shores, plus rumors of ghost pirates lurking the seas, Eric is desperate for any information that may help him break his enchantment and bring stability to Vellona. The answers he has been searching for come to him in the form of a letter that reveals Eric must find his true love—the one with a voice pure of heart—or kill the sea witch responsible for cursing him in the first place.

Now, Eric sets off on a quest to find the Isle of Serein, the witch’s legendary home. But after he is rescued by a mysterious young woman with a mesmerizing singing voice, Eric’s heart becomes torn. Does he enter a battle he is almost certain he cannot win, or does he chase a love that might not even exist? Then, when a shipwrecked young woman with flaming red hair and a smile that could calm the seven seas enters his life, Eric discovers true love isn’t something that can be decided by magic. 

Prince of Song & Sea retells the story of The Little Mermaid from Prince Eric’s point of view. However, most of the story focuses on Eric’s backstory, allowing Eric’s personality to become fully formed. Eric hasn’t been able to have normal relationships because of the witch’s curse. However, he does have two close friends who follow him in his quest to find the sea witch. His two friends add humor and depth to the story. Although Eric wants to break the sea witch’s curse, his reasons aren’t purely selfish. When he discovers that the sea witch wants to control Vellona, Eric puts the needs of his country above his own. Ultimately, Eric’s quest allows his bravery and compassion to shine.  

Anyone who loves The Little Mermaid will find Prince of Song & Sea a fun read. While it stays true to the Disney version of the story, focusing on Eric’s life adds an interesting perspective that allows readers to understand why Ariel was willing to risk her life for Eric’s love. Ariel is not portrayed as a love-sick teenager but as a curious, brave, and selfless woman. While some readers may miss Skuttle and Sabastian in this version of the story, Ariel is still a loveable character. 

Fans of fairytales will be swept into Prince Eric’s life and enjoy seeing what the world looks like from his point of view. While Prince of Song & Sea is an enjoyable read, it mirrors The Little Mermaid, which makes the story less suspenseful. Despite this, readers who love fairytales and mermaids will find Prince of Song & Sea entertaining. 

Sexual Content 

  • Eric thinks about kissing Ariel. Eric thinks, “She was wild and beautiful, hair damp with the sea. As they stared at each other, her tongue wet her lips, and Eric couldn’t help wondering what they would feel like against his own. They both leaned closer, her eyes fluttering shut. Eric reached for her, and – the boat tipped.” 
  • One of the female pirates flirts with another girl, and later, the two marry each other. 


  • Pirates attack the ship Eric, and his friends are sailing. “A footstep cracked behind Eric. He twisted away, the blade of a short sword piercing the railing where he had been. . . Eric rammed his hilt into [the pirates’] temples.” 
  • Eric’s adviser, Grimsby, fights a pirate named Sauer. “Grimsby plunged his hand into his coat. A shot rang out. Sauer fell backward, blood splattering across the rail. They steadied themselves, blood dripping down their badly grazed cheek, and covered their faces with a hand.” Sauer is injured but doesn’t die. 
  • The pirates tie up the crew. “A purple welt marred Vanni’s cheek, and Gabriella’s bottom lip was busted. Not a single person had died, but neither were they unharmed.” The pirate battle is described over five pages. 
  • After the pirates capture Eric and his crew, they encounter sirens, which can make people see what they most desire. One of Eric’s friends, Gabriella, “lunged toward the edge of the ship…A wide, glassy grief lit her eyes, and she choked back a sob.” 
  • A supernatural storm batters the ship. “Another wave washed over the ship, rocking it to its side, and half the crew vanished in a blink.” The ship breaks up during the storm, and everyone climbs into a rowboat. Eric hears his dog, Max, and climbs back onto the ship. “His foot plunged through the wood, and he tossed Max as hard as he could. The dog vanished over the side of the ship. . . Pain shot through his ankle, and his heart stopped with each clunk of the loose barrels rolling across the fiery deck. . . And the world exploded.” Eric reawakens on the beach. 
  • The crew is attacked by “a malformed tentacle made up of eels. Hundreds of them were knotted together in one monstrous mass, the tangles so tight that blood rained. . . The tentacle curled over the ship, snapping rope and ripping away part of the sails, and gripped two of the masts tight.”  
  • The eels are able to generate electricity. “A terrible crack split the air. . . suddenly the eels along the tentacle bared their teeth. Eric lunged at it, butting through one of the small eels.” When Eric kills the eels’ leaders, “they untangled themselves from the knot of eels, and the electricity fizzled out.” No person is seriously injured. The scene is described over five pages. 
  • Ursula, the sea witch, disguises herself as Vanessa and compels Eric to marry her. But before the wedding, seagulls attack. “The flock swooped again, dropping half-eaten fish and seaweed on the deck. Vanessa shrieked, and the guests scattered. . . the world became a swirl of white feathers. . . A pair of sea lions barreled through the crowd, sliding across the deck and into Vanessa.”  
  • Ursula changes into her true form, grabs Ariel, and jumps into the sea. Eric follows on a dinghy. Ursula “had pinned Ariel against a rock, jabbing the trident at Ariel’s neck. . .[Eric] hauled his arm back before launching the harpoon. It sliced through Ursula’s arm, drawing a hazy cloud of blue blood.” Ariel escapes. 
  • Ursula’s eels grab Eric and “pulled him deeper and deeper, and salt burned in Eric’s eyes. He struggled against his hold, but teeth nipped at his hands every time he tried to break free.” A fish rams into the eels, and Eric gets free. 
  • Ursula causes a whirlpool that “pulled Eric in, sucking him beneath the waves and the holey hull of an old ship passed over him.” Eric pulls himself onto the ship. Before Ursula can kill Ariel, “Eric screamed, muscles aching at the grip it took to keep the ship steady. . . the bowsprit cut through her stomach, impaling her, and the pale waters ran sapphire blue with her blood.” Ursula dies. The battle is described over 14 pages.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • When a storm arrives, a crew member asks, “Which one of you pissed off Triton?” 


  • Eric’s mother “saw a body floating in the surf. It was a child, small and chilled to the bone. . .” Eric’s mother saved the child, but a witch claimed that the child was hers. When Eric’s mother refused to hand the child over, the witch cursed her unborn child. The witch said, “If that thing in your belly ever kisses someone without a voice as pure as their spotless soul, someone who isn’t its true love, then it will die, and I will drag its soul to the bottom of the sea.”  
  • Before going on a voyage, Eric’s friend Gabriella “tipped a full bottle of wine into the sea before they left the bay as tribute to King Triton of the Sea, and there had been clear skies since.” 
  • Eric hears rumors of a Blood Tide and a ghost ship. “Once you acknowledge the ghosts are there, they ensnare you and force you to make a deal with them. Used to be they just offered. Now you have no choice.” The ghosts use their voice to control people.  
  • The legend behind the Blood Tide and the witch is explained. People would “make a deal with something in the depths so they could live their wildest dreams. The costs, though, were always souls.” 
  • There is a debate about whether ghosts are people who are dead. The pirates capture a ghost, who is “as translucent as a spiderweb in the wrong light.”
  • The witch captures souls, and “they require no maintenance other than a space to store them.” The witch turned Eric’s mother, Eleanora, into a ghost. “A ribbon of seagrass burrowed into her chest. Her form spun and shrunk, bones cracking and mouth open in a silent scream. She condensed. . . all that was left in her place was a ragged brown blade of grass with two branches like flailing arms. It shimmered with trapped magic.” 
  • The witch knows how to use magic in various ways, including how to compel people. At one point, the witch changes into a beautiful woman who uses her voice to control Eric. In addition, “the witch can transform people into whatever they want.” 
  • Nora discovers that one of her parents was from the mer world. Because of this, Nora transforms into a mermaid when she goes into the ocean. A merman explains, “You should’ve been taught how to control the transformation so that it became as natural as breathing. Most children who are part human and part merfolk transform every time they leave or enter the sea, but it can very much be controlled.” 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

How to Speak Cat: A Guide to Decoding Cat Language

We know cats are beautiful, secretive, and independent … but even the most loyal cat owners are often baffled by their own pet’s behavior. With veterinarian expert Dr. Gary Weitzman as guide, this fun book helps kids understand what cats are trying to communicate by their body language and behavior. So, if you’ve ever wondered what Fluffy means when she’s purring or moving her tail emphatically from left to right—this book is for you! It’s full of insights, expert advice, and real-life cat scenarios. It also showcases more than 30 poses, so you’ll soon learn what each meow and flick of the tail means! 

Every cat lover should read How to Speak Cat. Each page is packed full of information and illustrations that make learning about cats a delight. Even though the book covers a vast array of cat topics, the text is broken down into smaller parts and includes headlines, subheadings, lists, infographs, and “Dr. Gary’s Vet Tips.” Each two page spread features cats, colorful quotes, and bite-sized sections that are easy to read. How to Speak Cat is educational and engaging. Each page feels like you’ve opened a treasure chest full of sparkling knowledge, unexpected facts, and frame-worthy cat portraits.  

Anything you’ve ever wondered about cats can be learned in How to Speak Cat. However, the facts are so interesting and the pictures so adorable that the book will appeal to any animal lover. And if you have a pet cat, then How to Speak Cat is a must read because it will help you keep your beloved pet healthy and safe. And if you haven’t had enough cute cats after reading How to Speak Cat, the book includes a website that allows you to view cats in action. If you’re ready to take a deep dive into the lives of cats, then snuggle up with your favorite feline and read How to Speak Cat.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Dr. Gary informs readers on how to keep their cats healthy and safe. For example, “We need to worry about cats and cars. Besides the risk of being run over, cats love sleeping in or underneath parked automobiles. . . Many are horribly injured when their unsuspecting owners leave for work. The hiding cats either get cut by turning fan belts or thrown out of the wheel wells at high speed.”  
  • Cats’ hunting habits are described, and one full-page picture shows a cat with a dead mouse in its mouth. Cats “bring their trophy home to show their family and eat it later. Even mountain lions drag their prey into the woods. . .nibble it little by little. . . house cats return with their catch.”  
  • Hunting can be risky for cats. “A captured bird could poke her in the eye with its beak. A rat could bite her ears or face.” 
  • A cat’s whiskers help her hunt. “If all goes well, the cat will attack, deliver a killing bite, and savor his catch. . . a cat could end up with a live rat dangling from his mouth. Then the rat could turn on the cat and injure him badly.” 
  • Coyotes pose a threat to cats. “Coyotes regularly feast on cats—both feral and pets. . . [In Tampa, Florida] two coyotes grabbed hold of a pet cat—one grabbed her by the neck and the other by the tail. They were shaking her violently, when Jack the pitbull rushed into the fray. Jack scared off the coyotes and freed the cat, who suffered a broken tooth and swelling in the brain. But she survived. . .” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • When cats have lasting anxiety, “Prozac and other anti-anxiety drugs developed for humans also help cats.”


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • In Ancient Persia “the Egyptians worshipped the goddess Bastet, who is thought to take the form of a cat.” 
  • Pope Innocent VIII proclaims that “cats are witches in disguise. As a result, all over Europe, cats are tortured and killed on sight.” 


Thanks to Connor, Lev, and Risa—and their high-profile revolt at Happy Jack Harvest Camp—people can no longer turn a blind eye to unwinding. Ridding society of troublesome teens while simultaneously providing much-needed organs for transplant might be convenient, but its morality has finally been brought into question.

But unwinding is a big business, and there are powerful political and corporate interests that want to see it not only continue, but also expand to the unwinding of prisoners and the impoverished. And the minds behind unwinding have already begun pushing its boundaries.

Cam is the first “rewound,” a futuristic Frankenstein’s monster who does not technically exist and is made entirely out of unwinds’ body parts. He struggles with his identity and the question of whether he has a soul. And when the actions of a sadistic bounty hunter inextricably bind Cam’s fate with the those of Connor, Risa, and Lev, Cam comes to question humanity itself. 

Unwholly introduces several new aspects that shine more light on the practice of unwinding teens by introducing several new characters, including Cam. When people are first introduced to Cam, many of them believe he is an abomination and not human. However, Cam’s creator, Roberta, is a master of deception who uses the media and Risa to convince others that Cam is indeed a unique person worthy of admiration. When Cam compares himself to the monster Frankenstein, Roberta says, “That monster was made from dead flesh, but you are made of the living! That creature was a violation of all things natural, but you, Cam, you are a new world wonder!” At first, Risa hates Cam, but when she’s forced to spend time with him, she begins to view him as a person instead of a thing. This change allows Risa and the reader to see Cam’s humanity.  

Because human parts are in high demand, the black market has thrived. Nelson, a parts pirate, uses traps to lure in unsuspecting teens. Once they are in Nelson’s hands, their fate is sealed—they will be unwound, and nobody—not Nelson or his buyer—cares if the teen belongs to a loving family. Money is the prime motivator when it comes to providing parts to the wealthy. Readers will come to hate Nelson, as he is truly evil. However, Nelson is not the only new character who is easy to hate; Starkey a stork saved from unwinding, has grand plans to make storks the center of attention. In his quest to become the storks’ leader, he is willing to take down anyone in his path—including Connor.   

Unwholly allows the reader to understand how unwinding has become a part of society. Through the practice of unwinding, parents are allowed to play God. However, unlike God, parents are often selfish and are too caught up in their own emotional turmoil to make logical decisions. For instance, Hayden’s divorced parents sign the unwind papers because they’d rather see Hayden unwound than in the custody of the other parent. Other parents sign the unwind papers when cash is offered. When it comes to unwinding, Shusterman makes the reader look into the cruelty and compassion surrounding the teens sentenced to “a divided state.”  

The second installment of the Unwind Dystology is a disturbingly dark tale that forces the reader to ask questions about the value of human life. While the first installment focuses on Connor’s, Risa’s, and Lev’s fight for their life, Unwholly delves into the evil that exists in the world. While the story is gripping and thought provoking, it may inspire nightmares. Readers who want a tamer book should consider leaving the Unwind Dystology on the shelf.  

Sexual Content 

  • Mason Starkey tells his mom, “Hey, Mom, by the way . . . Dad’s late nights at the office aren’t really at the office. They’re with your friend Nancy.” 
  • Connor and Risa love each other. “With no other way to prove his feelings, he reaches forward with his own hand, pushes the hair back from her face, then leans in, giving her a powerful kiss.” 
  • Looking for a companion, Cam interviews a series of girls. One girl “fauns all over him” and says, “I’d would love to be your first. You can do that, can’t you?” 
  • Risa and Cam are talking when Risa “kisses him. It’s more than a peck, but only slightly more.” 
  • Cam helps Risa escape. Before she leaves, “she leans forward and kisses him on the cheek. He feels it like an electric shock in all the seams of his face.”  


  • Throughout the book, many people are shot with a tranq gun. Not all examples are included below. 
  • When Mason Starkey was in fourth grade, he “flipped a boy off the top platform of the jungle gym. The kid had suffered a concussion and a broken arm.”  
  • Two Juvey-cops, whom Starkey calls Mouthpiece and Lady-Lips, pick up Starkey. While being transported, Starkey gets out of his handcuffs, and “slides the penknife he used to pick the lock out of his sleeve, grips it in his hand, and slashes it across Lady-Lip’s face. The man screams, and blood flows from a four-inch wound.” Starkey runs. 
  • Mouthpiece catches up to Starkey. “Mouthpiece turns him around and pushes him against the brick wall, hard enough to scrape and bruise his face. . . [Starkey] elbows Mouthpiece in the gut and spins around, grabbing the gun. . .” 
  • The gun goes off, and Starkey sees, “Blood! Blood everywhere! . . . In front of him, Mouthpiece’s face is a red, pulpy mess. The man goes down, dead before he hits the pavement and—” Another Juvey-cop arrives, and Starkey shoots him. The two Juvey-cops die. 
  • One of the characters is a parts pirate who traps kids to sell them. This man pretends to be drunk one night, and Starkey picks his pocket. Starkey “opens the wallet, and the second he does, a jolt of electricity courses through him with such power his feet fall out from under him, and he’s left semiconscious on the ground, twitching. A stun-wallet.” The drunk “shoves him in the back of a waiting van.” 
  • While being taken to a harvest camp, a girl named Miracolina sees “half a dozen people dressed in black with faces hidden by ski masks come leaping out of the woods from all directions. The chauffeur is hit with a tranq bullet to the neck and goes down like an overstuffed rag doll.” Someone grabs her, and Miracolina “kicks, and bites, and claws in terror and outrage.” Miracolina is shot with a tranq gun. Miracolina is kidnapped to save her life. 
  • Cam gets angry and begins “hurling a plate across the room, then another, then another. Roberta has to duck, and now the whole world is flying dishes and silverware and glass. In an instant, the guards are on him, pulling him back to his room, strapping him to the bed—something they haven’t done for over a week.” 
  • Connor confronts a man who works for the resistance. They argue, and Connor hits him. “The punch connects with the man’s eye, and he stumbles backward into the bulkhead. He looks at Connor not with contempt, but with fear. . .” The man leaves. 
  • Connor isn’t sure if he can trust Trace, a man in Connor’s inner circle. Connor plans to ambush Trace, but Trace “kicks Connor’s legs out from under him, grabs the gun out of his hand, twists him around, and pushes him cheek-first into the dirt, wrenching [Connor’s arm donor’s] arm painfully behind his back. Connor can feel the seam of the graft threatening to tear loose.” The two work out their problems, and no one is injured. 
  • A nicotine-addicted boy falls into a pit while trying to get cigarettes. For fun, the parts pirate pretends that he’ll let the boy flee, but “the tranq dart hits him right in the back of the neck, delivering a full dose directly into his brain stem. His legs buckle beneath him. . .” The parts pirate sells the boy to an illegal organ criminal market. Several other times, the parts pirates use different tricks to trap teens and sell them. 
  • A girl posing as a Girl Scout is let into Lev and his brother Marcus’ house. She detonates a bomb, and “the explosion blows Lev back against the wall, and the sofa flips on top of him, pinning him there. Shattering glass, crumbling timbers—and a shooting pain in his ears so bad he’s convinced his skull has split open.”  
  • Lev’s brother Marcus is in the kitchen with a beam embedded in his gut. “There’s blood everywhere—but Marcus is still alive. . . With all his strength, Lev lifts the beam. Marcus screams in pain, and Lev, holding the beam up with his shoulder, pushes Marcus out of the way. . .” Lev’s wounds are minor, but Marcus only survives because he gets parts from an unwound teen. 
  • During the explosion, Dan “was blasted backward against the wall. A huge bloodstain in the rough shape of his body marks his impact, and now he lies a lifeless heap on the floor.” 
  • When Miracolina [a girl scheduled to be unwound] tries to escape, she uses metal serving trays to stop the tranq guns from knocking her out. Lev catches her. Miracolina, “pushing Lev, scratching at him. She tears the platter from her chest and swings it. It connects with his head with a heavy band. He falls, but he’s right back up again.” The two run away together.  
  • While researching the Heartland War, Connor discovers that hundreds of thousands of teens were protesting. “Those same angry kids are calling for change, and when they don’t get it, they hit the streets, forming random mobs, burning cars, breaking windows, letting loose a kind of communal fury. . .” These events happened before the president was assassinated. 
  • Starkey and some others go to “rescue” Jesus LaVega. Jesus doesn’t know this, and “Starkey turns in time to see a baseball bat swinging at him. He ducks, and the bat breezes past an inch from his head. . .” Jesus swings the bat again and, “It connects with Starkey’s side. An explosion of pain. Starkey goes down. . .” 
  • When Jesus continues to swing the bat, one of Starkey’s teens hits Jesus with a “large football trophy and swings the marble base at his head. The heavy stone connects with the back of Jesus’s head, and he crumples to the ground instantly. . . Blood pours out of his head, soaking the carpet.” Jesus is dead.  
  • Upset that Jesus is dead, Starkey hits the boy’s father. “Starkey swings his foot, connecting with the man’s torso. . . Starkey kicks again and again. The man screams, the man moans, but Starkey keeps swinging his foot, unable to stop . . . The man, bloody and beaten, still has enough strength to crawl out the door.” Starkey sets the family’s house on fire as he leaves. 
  • In a multi-chapter conclusion, the “Graveyard,” where Connor and others sentenced to be unwound are hiding, is raided by Juvenile Authority. There is chaos with both cops and teens shooting tranq bullets and real bullets.  
  • Miracolina and a kid on guard duty are both hit with tranq bullets and go down. “Then out of nowhere, a police battering ram, its headlights dark, crashes through with such speed that the gates fly off their hinges. [A guard] dives out of the way just in time, and when he looks back, he sees his unconscious friend turned to roadkill by the wheels of the battering ram . . .”  
  • When the riot squad arrives, Connor’s team must take cover. “Connor’s there, but his brain won’t give rise to words. Beside him, [a girl] lies draped over the leg of the upended pool table with a tranq bullet in her neck—but worse than that is the horse-faced boy. He took a real bullet to the forehead.” 
  • While fighting a Juvey-cop, Connor “takes the Juvey out—not with a bullet, but with the butt of his rifle.” 
  • Hayden and a group of teens lock themselves in a plane. The Juvey-cops turn off the power so the plane heats in the desert sun. The teens say they would rather die than be unwound, but after one boy dies, Hayden shoots out a window, and they give themselves up to the Juvey-cops. 
  • Starkey and his loyal group leave the Graveyard on a plane that Trace is flying. The plane hits an armored riot truck. “The starboard landing tear clips the truck, sending it tumbling like a toy, and a huge chunk of the landing gear rips loose. . .” The truck blows up, presumably killing everyone on board.  
  • The plane that Starkey and his group are on makes a water landing. “The fire outside provides enough light for Starkey to see to the far recesses of the main cabin, and he wishes he hadn’t looked. The dead are everywhere. Blood is smeared on every surface, sticky and thick. . .” Starkey plans to leave the critically injured because they “are just liabilities.”  
  • Trace asks Starkey to help him escape the plane, but Starkey refuses. As the plane sinks into the water, “Trace cranes his neck, trying to keep his head above water as long as he can. Then he takes one deep gulp of air, holds it, and he’s underwater. . . His body burns through the last of its oxygen; then, resigned to his fate, Trace releases his final breath. . . It’s as awful as he imagined it might be, but he knows it won’t last long.”  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • One of the characters is angry that he remembers “when you were three years old, and your mom, all doped up on pain medication from your sister’s cesarean delivery, took you to a fire station and begged them to take you away and make you ward of the state.” 
  • An advertisement for unwinding includes information about a seventeen-year-old girl who “got drunk, crashed her car, and killed two innocent people.”  
  • Cam is given Tylenol-aspirin for pain. 
  • Cam is given “graft-grade healing cream” to erase his scars. “He can feel the tingling as the engineered microorganisms in the cream do their job.” 
  • When a boy is injured, he is given a shot of “epinephrine,” which is “the same as adrenaline.” 
  • When someone discovers who Risa is, she threatens to kill herself with “a subcutaneous cyanide pill.” Later, the readers learn that this is not true. 
  • Someone notices Connor’s muscles and says, “I hope to God you’re not shooting up those damn military steroids they have the boeufs [soldiers]  on; they shrink your testicles down to peanuts.” Connor isn’t using steroids. 
  • There is a reference to real Russian vodka and “Tequila from before the agave extinction.”  
  • To get out of handcuffs, Starkey intentionally breaks his hand and then takes morphine for the pain. 


  • Profanity is often used such as ass, bitch, crap, damn, goddamn, freaking, hell, and piss.  
  • Jesus, my God, good God, and for God’s sake are used as exclamations occasionally.  
  • There is some name-calling, including asshole, bastard, bitch, lowlife, idiot, moron, and pompous baffoons. 


  • When a person is given a body part from an unwound person, the body part remembers what the person learned. For example, Cam’s brain was assembled using many different people’s brains. Thus, Cam often has flashes of their memories.  

Spiritual Content 

  • Pastor Dan and Lev talk to kids in juvenile detention. Pastor Dan says, “The Lord works in mischievous ways.” 
  • Pastor Dan left the church, but he said, “I still believe in God, just not a God who condones human tithing.” 
  • Miracolina, who is Catholic, has always known she would be tithed. Her priest tells her, “The Vatican has yet to take a position on unwinding, and so until it is either condoned or condemned, I can be as uncertain about it as I please.” 
  • Miracolina’s name means miracle. “She was named this because she was conceived to save her brother’s life. Her brother, Matteo, was diagnosed with leukemia when he was ten.” Her parents “made a pact with God that if you were born, and Matteo was saved, we would show our gratitude by gifting you back to God through tithing.”  
  • Miracolina is upset that she was “rescued” from being unwound. At one point, she thinks, “Perhaps that’s why I have been put on this path, to humble me and make me realize that I can be a hater, just like anyone.” 
  • While talking to Lev, Miracolina says, “Miracles are the property of God.” Lev answers, “Miracles are gifts from God. To call them property insults the spirit in which they are given.”  
  • Miracolina and a teacher discuss the soul. When a person dies, the soul goes to God. When a person is unwound, what happens to the soul? According to the teacher, “if your soul leaves this world, then voluntary unwinding is no different from assisted suicide—and in the Catholic religion, suicide is a mortal sin. Which means that by your own beliefs, you’d be going to hell.”  
  • When a storm is brewing, Miracolina “has to believe that God has brought this storm for her, so she can escape—so she can do what she was meant to do. And if she does get struck by lightning, well, that would be a sign from above too, wouldn’t it. So she says a silent prayer. ‘Lord, if what I’m doing is wrong, then by all means, strike me down. Otherwise set me free.’” 
  • Cam was programmed with the Bible in three languages. “Risa has to laugh at the audacity of his creators—did it occur to them that filling him with biblical knowledge while playing God was the ultimate hubris?” 
  • When Miracolina and Lev are captured by a parts pirate, Lev says, “Then maybe you should start praying. I sure am.” 
  • At one point, Lev realizes that “he did not need to be adored or pitied. He needed to be forgiven. Not by God, who is all forgiving . . . He needed to be forgiven by an unforgiving world. By someone who once despised him. Someone like Miracolina.” 
  • When Miracolina is shot by a Juvey-cop, Lev prays that she isn’t dead or maimed. 
  • As Connor and Lev flee the Graveyard, Lev thinks, “How stupid would it be, if, after all this, Connor and I both die in a car accident because I don’t know how to drive? He can only thank God the road is straight.” 
  • When Hayden and a group of teens think they are going to die, Hayden “says the Lord’s prayer. . . Tad and several others are quick to join in. . . Nasim begins to recite an Islamic prayer, and Lizbeth covers her eyes, chanting the Shema in Hebrew.” 

Deep Water

Six hours. One marathon swim.

That’s all Tully Birch needs to get her life straightened out. With the help of her best friend, Arch, Tully braves the waters of Lake Tahoe to break the record for the youngest person ever to complete the famous “Godfather swim.” She wants to achieve something no one in the world has done, because if she does, maybe, just maybe, her mom will come back.

The swim starts off well—heart steady, body loose, Arch in charge of snacks as needed. But for Tully, all that time alone with her thoughts allows memories to surface. And in the silence of deep waters, sadness can sink you. When the swim turns dangerous, Tully fights for her survival. Does she keep going and risk her own safety and Arch’s? Or does she quit to save them both, even if it means giving up hope that her mother will return? 

Tully is a likable protagonist who struggles with her mom’s disappearance. She decides to make the swim to prove to her mom that “I am HERE, and I am ALIVE, and I’m worth showing up for.” Tully thinks her mother abandoned her because she didn’t love her. Since the story is written from Tully’s perspective, the reader gets an in-depth view of Tully’s emotions and thought process, which allows readers to empathize with Tully’s situation.  

Tully’s friend, Arch, reluctantly agrees to help Tully secretly swim the “Godfather swim.” He helps Tully navigate, tells her stories, and tries to keep Tully from overthinking. However, his presence also increases the story’s tension by highlighting the dangers that Tully faces in the water. In addition, Arch is left to intercept text messages from both of their parents. While Arch doesn’t reveal Tully’s whereabouts, his parents use his phone’s GPS to locate them. Tully’s dad and the Coast Guard use this information to find the two teens. When they arrive, Arch’s relief is understandable.  

Deep Water compassionately explores the difficulties of living with a parent with a mental illness. Knowing that her mother has a mental illness doesn’t lessen Tully’s hurt and confusion when her mother disappears, especially because her family “has things we are not supposed to talk about that sit in the corner of the room like a pile of dirty clothes which has been there so long you stop seeing it.” The story’s conclusion doesn’t give a solution to Tully’s inner turmoil; however, the ending hints that Tully will learn how to navigate her emotions with the help of her father, her friend, and a counselor.  

Tully’s story comes to life in verse, which keeps the story moving at a fast pace and enhances Tully’s emotions. Occasionally, the text is placed to create a visual element that enhances the story’s emotion. For example, when a lightning storm threatens Tully, the text is written to look like a lightning bolt. Deep Water uses a unique premise to explore family dynamics and mental illness. In the end, Tully realizes that, “Maybe perfection isn’t possible without sacrifice. But I don’t want to be perfect if it means ending up alone.”  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • When Brent is mean to Tully’s friend, she “gave Brent a gentle shove, which just so happened to cause him to trip, because Brent’s ego is so big it makes him lose his balance.” Tully was suspended for two days. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Tully’s mother took medication for a mental illness. However, the mental illness and medication aren’t named. 


  • Tully thinks that if her mother died, people would say things like: “She’s at peace now.” Tully thinks words like this are “a load of crap.”


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • When Tully picks a date to swim her marathon, she “prayed to the weather gods to bless our journey.” 

I Hope This Doesn’t Find You

Sadie Wen is perfect on paper: school captain, valedictorian, and a “pleasure to have in class.” It’s not easy, but she has a trick to keep her model-student smile plastered on her face at all times: she channels all her frustrations into her email drafts. She’d never send them of course — she’d rather die than hurt anyone’s feelings — but it’s a relief to let loose on her power-hungry English teacher or a freeloading classmate taking credit for Sadie’s work. 

All her most vehemently worded emails are directed at her infuriating co-captain, Julius Gong, whose arrogance and competitive streak have irked Sadie since they were kids. “You’re attention starved and self-obsessed and unbearably vain . . . I really hope your comb breaks and you run out of whatever expensive hair products you’ve been using to make your hair appear deceptively soft . . .” Sadie doesn’t have to hold back in her emails, because nobody will ever read them . . . that is, until they’re accidentally sent out. 

Overnight, Sadie’s carefully crafted, conflict-free life is turned upside down. It’s her worst nightmare — now everyone at school knows what she really thinks of them, and they’re not afraid to tell her what they really think of her either. But amidst the chaos, there’s one person growing to appreciate the “real” Sadie — Julius, the only boy she’s sworn to hate . . .  

Sadie is a classic overachiever who worries about getting into her dream college, but of course, she keeps all her worries to herself. When her vicious emails are sent out, Sadie and Julius make a scene at a school assembly, and as punishment, the principal gives them a list of tasks they must complete together. Through it all, Sadie realizes that she doesn’t know herself, or Julius, as well as she thought.  

While the plotline of two sworn enemies forced to work together and fall in love isn’t new, I Hope This Doesn’t Find You throws the two competitive overachievers together in a surprisingly fun way. The story is told from Sadie’s point of view, which allows readers to understand all of her frustrations, fears, and insecurities. Sadie is convinced it’s up to her to save her family, but she unfortunately never has an open and honest conversation with them. This is similar to Sadie’s school life; she pretends everything is perfect despite harboring hard feelings. Through it all, Sadie learns to be real with herself and those around her. 

One reason Sadie tries to be perfect is because her parents divorced when she was young, and Sadie blames herself for her parent’s riff. Sadie’s parents never fought, so she was shocked when her father left. Her mom discusses how things aren’t always what they seem. Sadie’s mom says, “I almost wish that we had fought more, that we’d cared enough to challenge each other and bicker over the little things. Better that than just swallowing our resentment and staying quiet until we couldn’t take it anymore.” Not quelling her emotions is one of the major lessons Sadie learns. In addition, Sadie realizes the harmful effects of being a pushover. “What I’m realizing is that if you’re quiet about the things that hurt you, people are only going to mistake your tolerance for permission. And they’re going to hurt you again and again.” 

I Hope This Doesn’t Find You is a feel-good romance that wraps up important lessons with some laugh-out-loud moments. Even though Sadie and Julius aren’t always nice—especially to each other—everyone can relate to their fear of rejection and their unexpected feelings for each other. Ultimately, they both realize that being vulnerable isn’t the same as being weak. And when it comes to love, you have to take risks to win the game. For more swoon-worthy romance, grab a copy of I Believe in A Thing Called Love by Maurene Goo and Maybe This Time by Kasie West.  

Sexual Content 

  • A girl shows up at a party with “blue mascara streaked down her cheeks. The word has since spread that she’d been dumped by a girl on her gymnastic team for one of the glamorous equestrians at another school.” 
  • During the party, some of the teens play truth or dare. Someone dares Sadie to kiss Julius. Sadie kisses him. “It’s so fast, so light that I only have time to register the startling softness of his lips before I’m reeling back again.”  
  • After Sadie kisses Julius, he asks, “You call that a kiss? That was barely anything?” Embarrassed, Sadie wants to “slap that smug look off his face,” so she kisses him again. “I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him to me. This time, when our lips meet, I don’t back away. I deepen the kiss, letting my fingers slide up his neck, curl into his hair. . . Then he kisses me back, presses me closer, and something inside me slides off-balance.” 
  • Sadie tells Julius that she kissed a boy at coding class. Afterwards, Julius says, “Why would I be jealous? I would rather die than kiss you again.” Sadie feels shame. She describes, “I lurch forward and do the first thing I can think of: I kick him. Hard, right in the knee. The sound of the impact is even louder than I anticipated. . .” Julius is shocked but not injured. 
  • At Sadie’s party, “three couples are making out on the couch in one row, as if they’re in a competition to see who can make the most disturbing sounds or flash the most skin.”  
  • One of Sadie’s friends is upset that her sister’s boyfriend is cheating. “Not with one person, but multiple people.”  
  • Sadie and Julius are planning where to go for the senior trip. Julius doesn’t want to go to the beach because “the probability of teenagers sneaking into each other’s rooms and hooking up increases by zero-point-four when you put them in a scenic beach setting.” There are several other sexual innuendos in the conversation. 
  • Julius’s brother tracks him down by using Julius’s search history. Julius is upset so his brother says, “Calm down, it’s not like you were searching up the closest brothel.” Later, Julius’s brother tells him to “hook up” with Sadie and “get it out of your system in order to focus on what matters.” 
  • While on the senior trip, Julius and Sadie meet up in the hallway. As they talk, “he murmurs against my neck. His lips graze my skin, and his other hand slides up, tangles in my hair, his nails lightly scraping my scalp. . .” Sadie gives Julius permission to kiss her, and then “his mouth is on mine in an instant, desperate, urgent. And I cave in. . . My brain is buzzing, but all of my thoughts are floating, nonsensical fragments as he deepens the kiss, wraps a hand around my waist . . .” The kiss is described over a page.  


  • A student, Danny, comes to school with a black eye. Later, Sadie sees Julius’s knuckles, which are “split open and raw red . . . [his injury] looks more unnatural, more deliberate as if he’d slammed his fist into something hard. Like Danny’s face.” Later, Sadie finds out that Julius punched Danny.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Sadie decides to throw a party, but she’s worried no one will come. Her friend says, “There’s no quicker way to bond than over cheap beer and good music.”  
  • Sadie’s party has “giant cartons of alcohol lined up along the couches.” At the party, the teens get drunk.”  
  • At the party, Julius tells Sadie not to drink a bottle of alcohol. “I uncap the bottle, holding his gaze the whole time in challenge, and take a long, deliberate swig. The liquid burns my mouth, so much stronger than I’d been prepared for. It tastes like fire. Rushes straight to my head. . . My body starts to warm up from within, and my head starts to spin.” Sadie drinks an entire bottle of bourbon and gets drunk. 


  • Profanity is used often. Profanity includes ass, bullshit, crap, damn, hell, piss, and shit. 
  • Oh my god, oh god, and god are used as exclamations often. 
  • One of Sadie’s classmates writes, “Sadie Wen is a bitch” on the bike shed. 
  • When Sadie’s friend is upset about a cheating boy, Sadie says, “You couldn’t have known. It’s an unfortunate feature of douchebags that they’re good at hiding their douchebag tendencies.” 


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Cleopatra Rules!: The Amazing Life of the Original Teen Queen

Most of what we’ve known about Cleopatra—and what crept into art, film, and literature—came from her enemies, the Romans. Ascending to the throne at young age of 17, Cleopatra proved to be a brilliant negotiator who forged alliances that kept her in power and in control of her kingdom.   

Readers will be surprised to learn that Cleopatra was more of a bookworm than a seductress. The text is divided into small sections, with headlines announcing each topic. In addition, some sections answer common questions such as, “Was she beautiful?” To answer the question, the author refers to ancient documents. According to Plutarch, the ancient biographer, “The charm of her presence was irresistible, and there was an attraction. . . with a peculiar force of character. . . [that] laid all who associated with her under its spell.” 

Even though Cleopatra Rules is written at a high reading level, readers can use context clues to understand most words. Even reluctant readers will be able to enjoy the book because it features many sidebars and color illustrations: maps, photos of ancient artifacts, and artwork from many historical periods. The book is written in a humorous tone that can appear flippant. For example, the text explains the mummification process: “The organs, stuffed into special jars, stayed near the body. They pulled the brains out through the nose. After all, who needed brains?” 

Since Cleopatra’s life was entwined with both Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, readers will also learn more about Rome and the period’s politics. Anyone who loves history or is curious about Cleopatra will fully enjoy Cleopatra Rules because it presents history in an easy-to-read format that is engaging and educational. However, readers need to beware: Cleopatra Rules will make you want to dig deeper into ancient Egypt’s and Rome’s history because the political leaders are fascinating.  

Sexual Content 

  • In ancient Egypt, it wasn’t unusual for siblings to marry each other. Cleopatra’s father “probably expected the two to marry when the boy got older. And the eww factor gets even worse. After all, Cleopatra’s mother was likely also her aunt, her father’s sister.”  
  • The ancient Egyptian gods were often married to their siblings, which is why pharaohs often married each sibling. “All pharaohs were the human embodiment of Horus, sharing his divinity. When pharaohs died, they became fully divine. . .” 
  • The Romans believed Cleopatra was a “harlot.” However, she only had two romantic relationships.   


  • When Cleopatra and her father went to Rome, Cleopatra’s sister Berenice claimed the throne. “It was a dumb move because as soon as Daddy regained control of the throne, Berenice parted with more than her crown. She parted with her life, too. . . she was executed for treason.” 
  • To gain Caesar’s favor, Cleopatra’s brother “had Pompey the Great—one of the most powerful leaders in Rome—beheaded on Egyptian soil.” When Caesar arrived in Egypt, “the boy king’s advisers shoved Pompey’s pickled head into his face.”  
  • Egypt attacked Caesar because he refused to leave Egypt. To escape, Caesar “jumped into the choppy waters and swam to a boat farther out to sea . . . Arrows and spears flew, nearly blotting out the bright Egyptian sun.” Caesar escaped, but Cleopatra’s brother drowned, and her sister Arsinoe was arrested. 
  • When Caesar became too powerful, “Twenty-six senators knifed Caesar to death at a senate meeting.”  
  • Mark Antony received a note saying Cleopatra was dead. “Antony then took the sword and stabbed himself in the belly,” causing “bleeding and gasping in pain.” When he discovered the note was false, he asked his servants to take him to Cleopatra.  
  • When Octavian captured Cleopatra, she “grabbed a dagger hidden in her dress and tried to stab herself, but Octavian’s man was too quick. She’d been captured.” 
  • After Antony died, Cleopatra “finished her ritual prayers at Antony’s tomb.” Then, she killed herself by letting a snake bite her. However, scholars debate whether this is true or if Cleopatra took poison. 
  • After Cleopatra died, her son was a threat, so Octavian “had him hunted down and murdered.” 
  • Cleopatra’s only grandson, Ptolemy of Mauretania, was murdered because he “wore a purple cloak that was prettier than” the Roman Emperor Caligula’s cloak. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • When Cleopatra and Mark Antony were together, they threw parties where “tasty wine flowed.” 
  • Mark Antony drank heavily.  
  • The Romans celebrated a war victory with “food and wine. Party time!” The celebrations could last for days. The partying even had a religious vibe because the conquering hero was likened to a god.


  • By killing a Roman general, Cleopatra’s brother made a “boneheaded move.”


  • To Egyptians, jewelry was “a form of fancy magic. . .They figured the more jewelry you put on, the safer you were from bad things happening. . . Almost every piece of jewelry had some sort of symbolic meaning or magical power.” 

Spiritual Content 

  • The ancient Romans worshiped many gods, including Montu, the Egyptian god of war. “The Buchis bull was believed to be the incarnation of the war god, Montu. When a Buchis bull died, it was mummified and placed in a special tomb. . . “ Cleopatra celebrated in a ceremony for the Buchis bull. 
  • The Buchis bull was “papered” because Egyptians believed it “helped cure the sick and delivered oracles.” 
  • When Cleopatra became queen, she “dressed as Venus, lay beneath a canopy of gold cloth, with boys costumed as Cupid stood on either side, fanning her. Beautiful girls posed as minor goddesses, and sea nymphs burned sweet incense to perfume the air around them. . . To the Egyptians, she was Isis, the main goddess of Egypt. And, as in a religious experience, everyone was hushed in awe at the sight of the goddess-queen.” 
  • The Egyptians worshiped “a healer god of perfume—Nefertem.”  

The Golden Scarab of Balihar

Magic made her wish come true. Now she’ll need magic to undo it. 

In a kingdom surrounded by the ever-flowing sands of ancient Persia, sixteen-year-old Zahra dreams of attending the sultan’s lavish events rather than serving at them. Until she crashes headlong into the mysterious prince. Then she just dreams of the prince. Too bad she has no poise, position, or charm to catch his eye. To win his affection would take a miracle. Or magic… 

When Zahra interrupts a love spell meant for the vizier’s daughter, the prince falls for her instead. Zahra gets her wish but incurs the wrath of the vizier, and now he wants her head. Fleeing for her life, Zahra seeks the mythical Golden Scarab of Balihar, desperately hoping the power of the jinni within can shield her from his vengeance. But when she learns the extent of his plan, she’ll have to decide whether to save herself, her prince, or the entire kingdom. 

Readers will be instantly captivated by Zahra, who dreams of becoming a princess. However, when a love spell makes Prince Amir fall in love with her, instead of taking advantage of the situation, Zahra is determined to reverse the spell. Readers will relate to Zahra’s desire “to have something. To experience something. To be a part of something. To belong somewhere.” Despite this, her honesty and integrity won’t allow her to marry the prince unless he genuinely loves her. Zahra’s honesty is admirable and her compassion for others makes her an incredibly likable character who leads readers on an exciting adventure. 

As Zahra flees the kingdom, she acquires a diverse group of friends who help her along the way. Included in the group is the love-stricken Prince Amir who refuses to leave her side, a young servant boy, and an older gentleman who was attacked by thieves and lost everything. Instead of just being stock characters, each person is unique and has some surprising qualities that make them likable. When the group finds the Golden Scarab of Balihar and the jinni, the jinni is full of quirky characteristics that make him unique; the jinni adds an unexpected element of humor to the story. 

Anyone who fell in love with Aladdin as a child will find The Golden Scarab of Balihar enjoyable. After helping save the kingdom, the sultan tells Zahra, “You have also shown yourself to be loyal. More than that—brave, clever, and noble of spirit—worthy of my family, more so than any princess I’ve invited to meet my son. If you so desire, you may wed my son, and a princess you will be as well.” Even though Zahra dreamed about marrying the prince, she realizes that she “didn’t need the life of a princess to be happy.” Zahra’s happy ever after doesn’t include being a princess, but being true to herself. This is an essential message for everyone, and The Golden Scarab of Balihar relays the message with delightful characters and a fun adventure.  

Sexual Content 

  • After Prince Amir saves Zahra from a perilous situation, Amir kisses her. “She lost herself in his firm embrace and in the feel of his lips on hers. She had imagined this more than once . . . For a long moment, she forgot he was under a [love] spell. She seized hold of him and kissed him back. . .” Their kiss is interrupted.  
  • The vizier uses reverses the first love spell and makes a new one that makes Prince Amir fall in love with the vizier’s daughter, Maliha. After they are married and then the marriage is annulled, Maliha sees Hani, the man she truly loves. “She grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him to her. ‘I love you.’ She kissed him softly on the lips.”  


  • A young slave, Rafi, picks dates and eats one before giving them to his master. His master “slapped Rafi hard across his face, knocking the date from the boy’s mouth and causing a trickle of blood to drip down his lower lip. The man grabbed Rafi by the ear and hauled him away, thumping him on the head with the other hand.” 
  • Zahra befriends Rafi and a man named Josef. As they leave an oasis, the king’s vizier sends guards to look for her. While in the desert, a “man blew a long, deep note, and then a second guard joined him using a horn of his own.” The notes summon a dust demon. “Zahra watched in horror as the older man was yanked from his feet and lifted high into the air.” The book implies that Josef died. However, he reappears uninjured.  
  • Zahra, Rafi, and Prince Amir enter a magical underground cave. Vines cover a passageway. “As soon as Amir grabbed hold of the first vine, it snapped out and twisted around his arm, pulling him forward. . . his feet slid along the cave floor as he was dragged into the other tendrils. Rafi was likewise caught in their grip.” Zahra tries to pull Rafi free, but the vines also capture her.  
  • As Zahra tries to escape the plants, “The coiling plants pulled her tight. . . Again she could hardly breathe, not from being strangled, but from having her face covered in creepers. . . Her arms were constricted against her chest.” The three companions free themselves. The scene is described over three pages. 
  • A snake guards the Golden Scarab of Balihar. “Zahra lashed out and wrapped her fingers around the snake’s neck. . . The thing hissed at her, and its body pulled up off the dial to coil around her arm. . . She tried to pull it off her arm with her other hand, but it was wrapped too tightly. . . It opened its mouth and hissed sharply as [Amir] got close, so Zahra pressed down on the top of its head with her thumb to close its mouth.” Then the snake transformed into a “piece of jewelry that wrapped around her forearm.” When Zahra touches its head, it regains “its slithery living form.”  
  • The magical cave that holds the Golden Scarab of Balihar has a huge, living eye on one wall. Zahra “balled her hand into a fist, and pressed it directly into the squishy part of the eye. There was a great roar of wind through the cave, the eye’s lids snapped shut with a wet thwack, and the chamber was plunged into darkness.” 
  • When Zahra and her companions leave the cave, they face a giant scorpion. Amir throws a giant fruit at the scorpion, and “it approached again, claws extended, snapping at both him and Rafi. They each dove aside. . .” When the scorpion tries to strike Rafi, Zahra grabs its tail. 
  • The scorpion tries to “shake” Zahra loose. “Amir ran at the scorpion from the side and jumped onto its back, Rafi following his example from the other. . .” They run back into the magical cave, and the scorpion follows. 
  • While in the magical cave, “The monster slashed out with a claw aimed straight at Rafi’s neck. Amir threw his hands up to catch the pincher. He deflected the strike sufficiently to save Rafi.” Amir falls to the ground and the scorpion’s “pincher snapped shut and lopped off Amir’s pinkie finger.” 
  • When the scorpion goes into a passageway full of stalactite, “The scorpion’s wide body brushed against several of the cave protrusions. Crack!—Snap!—Squish!—Snicks!—Splash! Spike after spike slammed up and down and into and through the carapace of the scorpion.” Blood and gore splattered the prince and Zahra. The scorpion attack is described over four pages. 
  • After Amir lost his finger, Nadim, the jinni, was tired of listening to Amir “screaming like a baby crying for its mother.” So, “Nadim held up a hand, manifested a sharp knife, and sliced off his own pinkie finger. Blood sputtered out and started pouring down his hand.” The jinni offers to heal Amir’s finger, but only if Zahra uses a wish. She does not. 
  • The vizier and his men capture Amir, whom they tie up and gag. Then the vizier “flicked a powder into Amir’s face and he couldn’t avoid breathing it in. ‘Forget,’ the guard said.” Zahra, Rafi, and the jinni Nadim are left without food, water, or horses in the desert. 
  • Zahra and her friends find Amir and try to save him. Zahra falls, and the vizier “stepped on her back to hold her in place, his weight pressing her hard into the earth . . . She saw him draw forth a curved dagger. He was going to kill her! She thrashed, trying to escape. . .” The prince comes to her rescue. 
  • Zahra and Amir were able to escape. As they ride off, “Zahra risked a glance back and saw the vizier wave his hands and throw something to the ground. . . The sands formed into columns and then into the shape of men.” The vizier commands the sand soldiers to capture the prince and kill Zahra and her friends. 
  • When escaping the sand soldiers, Zahra and Amir find a group of brigands threatening Rafi. Zahra tricks the brigands into fighting the sand soldiers. “The brigands yelled again and slashed and hacked at the sand warriors, managing to chop off arms and legs and even a couple of heads, but the warriors absorbed sand from beneath them and regrew their bodies. . . The battle was quick; in a short time, three dead brigands lay sprawled in the dirt.” Later, Amir finds a way to dissolve the sand warriors. 
  • When Maliha, the vizier’s daughter, marries Prince Amir, the demon Ghazi demands to be set free. Maliha refuses the request. “The moment she uttered the last syllable of her defiance, [her father] Yaseen gasped, and his eyes bulged. He fell to his knees. His hands came to this throat—he was struggling to breathe. . .” To save her father, Maliha sets Ghazi free. Ghazi tells Maliha, “You and your father will watch as I tear this so-called Palace of Light to pieces around you. . .”  
  • In a multi-chapter battle, Ghazi attacks the city. “The palace shook again, and more sculptures toppled over and shattered. Braziers fell clanging to the floor . . . The palace residents and guests alike screamed and fled in terror.” 
  • Zahra, Amir, and Rafi go to find the sultan. When they reach his chambers, “the doors lay splintered in pieces in the hallway. Two of the king’s guardsmen lay dead at the entrance, and in the sultan’s expansive inner room, more guards were strewn about, some lying motionless and others writhing in pain.”  
  • The demon Ghazi creates a storm. “A twisting funnel descended and whirled toward the city, raging through the outer wall. Stones and humans alike were swept like debris into the air.” 
  • Ghazi punishes Zahra. “Zahra felt something tightening around her throat. She tried to pull it away, but there was nothing there. . . She couldn’t breathe. Her eyes locked with Rafi’s, and she saw his terror. . . Nadim’s leg arched past her, his foot slamming into the ifrit and sending the demon flying through the wall of the sultan’s anteroom and into the chamber of the Eternal Flame.” Zahra is freed. 
  • Amir jumps into the battle. “He lifted a mirror shard and held it up to the Eternal Flame. An intense beam of light reflected off the mirror, and he aimed it directly into the demon’s eyes. . . the sheer brilliance of it overwhelmed him, and he threw up his arms to cover his eyes.”
  • To save the city, Zahra feeds the Golden Scarab of Balihar to a magical serpent. “The smoke around Nadim and Ghazi had turned to an inky black. It twirled and spun and was sucked inward, shrinking. Zahra heard Nadim’s voice call out one more time.” Nadim gave her “a blood-soaked dagger” so they could release Amir from the love spell.

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • After her marriage, Maliha “poured herself a glass of wine.”


  • None 


  • The king’s vizier uses a spell to summon an ifrit, a demon. The ifrit “had flame-colored skin covered in tattoos of swirling lines and glyphs. Twin spiral horns protruded from its skull above large, tapered ears.” The ifrit can change his appearance “with ease.”  
  • The vizier makes a love spell out of “a jar of frankincense, one of kohl, and a vial of cobra venom.” The spell also required acid from the darkling beetle. The ifrit tells the vizier, “Simply have your daughter present the flower to the prince, see that he smells it, and when his gaze meets her face, he will fall instantly in love.” This spell is used multiple times.  
  • Zahra goes on a journey looking for the Golden Scarab of Balihar. “It was said the Scarab contained a powerful jinni, and everyone knew a jinni would grant wishes to those who freed them from confinement.”  
  • Zahra and her companions find the Golden Scarab of Balihar. When she pulls the wings, “The Scarab once again burst into motion. It thrummed and flew from her hand, up into the air in the middle of the cave, sparks and flashes of golden light trailing behind it. . . A burst of smoke filled the cavern, swirling and raining down glittering powder. . . Finally the air cleared, revealing a figure standing before them.” 
  • The jinni first appears in human form. Then, “he snapped his fingers and golden smoke swirled around until it completely obscured him. The smoke expanded, and from it his teeth and four arms, each wielding a shining scimitar.”  

Spiritual Content 

  • None

Reawakened #1

When seventeen-year-old Lilliana Young enters the Metropolitan Museum of Art one morning during spring break, the last thing she expects to find is a live Egyptian prince with godlike powers who has been reawakened after a thousand years of mummification.

And she really can’t imagine being chosen to aid him in an epic quest that will lead them across the globe. But fate has taken hold of Lily, and she, along with her sun prince, Amon, must travel to the Valley of the Kings, raise his brothers, and stop an evil, shape-shifting god named Seth from taking over the world. 

Lily is a compelling protagonist who has always been a rule follower and an obedient daughter. This all changes when she meets Amon. At first, Lily is suspicious of Amon and doesn’t understand the strange power he has over her. However, when Lily learns that he is a reawakened prince, her determination to help Amon gives her the strength to make decisions based on her own thoughts and feelings. Readers will admire her determination and willingness to put herself in danger to help Amon. 

Reawakened incorporates Egyptian history and rich world-building. However, at times, the world-building is long-winded and breaks the story’s pace. While much of the information is necessary to understand the book’s events, the information often seems like a boring lecture. Lily’s inner musings also slow down the book’s pacing. At first, Lily is trying to understand her physical attraction to Amon as well as Amon’s powers. However, nothing exciting takes place until after the two travel to Egypt. Readers who enjoy action and adventure may find it difficult to slog through the first part of the story.  

From the start, Amon’s goal is to reawaken his brothers. However, the brothers don’t make an appearance until the story’s end, which increases the story’s action and suspense. In addition, the brothers are so incredibly likable that the reader will wish they could jump into the story and meet them. The three brothers’ strong bond and dedication to each other is heartwarming. The brothers are so interesting that some readers will be disappointed that they weren’t given more time.

Unfortunately, the climax isn’t very dramatic because it’s seen through Lily’s point of view, which gives the reader a limited view of the fight against good and evil. However, the conclusion has several surprises, including Lily’s willingness to sacrifice herself for Amon. Readers who enjoy character-based stories that allow them to understand the inner workings of the protagonist will find Lily a relatable character who grows throughout the story. Instead of ending with a happy ever after, Lily’s and Amon’s story will continue in the next book in the series, Recreated. 

Sexual Content 

  • Amon tells a story about Iris and Osiris, two siblings who were married. Amon says “incest” was common among the gods and pharaohs. 
  • Lily often talks about her attraction to Amon and not all of the passages are included below. For example, while they are dancing, “his hands, splayed on my back, moved inch by tantalizing inch downward until they reached the bare skin at my waist. . . he put his forehead to mine. The side of his mouth tickled my cheek. . . I could be kissing him. But I was too much of a coward to make the first move.” The scene is described over a page.  
  • When Lily and Amon are really close, she thinks: “Any slight movement and we could be kissing. With a twang of alarm, I realized that I wanted to experience his lips pressed against mine, and I wondered if it was something I truly desired for myself or if he was making me want it.” 
  • After Lily is injured, Amon’s “gaze dropped to my mouth, and my breath caught. . . I knew without a doubt that he wanted to kiss me. And Egyptian heaven help me, I wanted him to. But despite the fact that I was vividly imagining the press of his lips against mine. . .” Amon moves away from Lily. Lily tries to get Amon to kiss her several times after this, but he continues to keep his distance. 
  • After Lily and Amon’s bond is permanently sealed, he kisses her. “I’d waited so long for his kiss, and it was so much more, so much better than I had dared imagine. Golden sunshine burst behind my closed eyelids as I became a being entwined with the sun.” 
  • Amon’s brother, Astern, makes many sexual innuendos. For instance, when his body is re-formed, Astern says, “I am also grateful for my fully re-formed front, since I am partial to it.” 


  • Since the story revolves around Egyptian gods, much of the violence is documented below under supernatural. Amon tells a story about three siblings—Iris, Osiris, and Seth. Seth tricked Osiris into climbing into a box, and Seth’s servants “sealed the lid with molten lead.” Then, Seth went to find Iris. “He was determined to take possession not only of the throne but of his sister as well.” To escape, Iris “leapt upon a moonbeam and vanished.” 
  • Later, Iris discovers that Osiris’s chest “had been thrown into the Nile. By the time she was able to raise the box, it had been broken into by crocodiles, and her husband’s body had been torn to pieces.” 
  • The god Amun-Ra sent out fellow gods, Seth and Horus, to search for Nebu, a golden stallion that roamed the desert. “Seth had heard the rumor that Horus had very powerful eyes and he worried that Horus would likely be the first to find Nebu, so in an act of desperation, he stole upon Horus while he slept and ripped his eyes from their sockets. . . He left Horus to die.” Horus promised to become the leader that Egypt needed, and Amun-Ra gave him a third eye. “It is said that an amulet made with the Eye of Horus can ward off evil, shielding its bearer from harm.”  
  • While looking for Amon’s canopic jars, Lily and Amon enter an ancient passageway leading to a tomb. “Rocks and debris shifted, rising into the air. . .  Amon continued to murmur in ancient Egyptian and the rubble rose higher, shooting past us in a cloud of stinging dust. Pebbles came next, firing through the air like bullets.” Amon’s spell keeps them safe, but the entrance is sealed. 
  • Seth asked three kings to sacrifice their children. When the kings refused, Seth took over a priest named Runihura’s body. “Runihura thrust his fingers into his eyes and yanked the bloody orbs from their sockets. . . he squeezed each eyeball, then opened his hands, a puff of light rising from each palm. . . the light pierced [the son’s] foreheads, and the boys cried out as dark magic lifted them into the air and threw them across the temple.”  
  • The priest warns the kings of doom. “The dying priest gathered his remaining strength and spat. Blood and saliva spattered across the king’s cheek, spraying his white robes with red. . . King Heru surged forward and plunged his own dagger into the neck of the priest, whose body finally slumped in death.” 
  • Seth, who is also known as The Dark One, sends a sandstorm. Amon tells Lily to hide, but she does not. She “cried out in pain and glanced down. The tremendous force was crushing my forearm, bruising the muscles, grinding against my bone, ripping into me, but nothing was there. Suddenly, the pressure lifted, and a crescent-shaped puncture appeared on both sides of my left arm.” Lily is bit several times before she is pulled to a safe location. She discovers the Dark One sent the creatures that bit her.  
  • While in a mountain, “a worm the size of Godzilla” attacks Amon, Lily and Amon’s brother, Astern. “Its gray skin oozed. The front half was all mouth with sharp, circular teeth that went back as far as I could see.” The worm tries to wiggle out of the mountain and attack. “Amon slashed at its side while Astern created magic dust that blew up in puffs of light. . . In retaliation, the worm opened its mouth, spewing neon-green slime and fat clumps of glistening saliva over everything. . .” Astern turns into a bird and takes Lily to safety. 
  • When Amon was a boy, he and his brothers skipped school and went on an adventure. Their teacher didn’t want them to get into trouble, so he followed their trail. He came across jackals. The teacher “did not survive. Our beloved instructor’s gnawed-upon bones were laid before the three of us, and our father honored his sacrifice as a hero.” 
  • Amon finds a man “burned, abused, and bleeding, with one eye ripped out, broken limbs, and bones protruding in several places, yet he still breathed.” The man tries to give Amon a message, but “he gasped as an invisible power lifted his torso. His broken arms dangled at his sides . . .” The god Seth speaks through the man.  
  • In the multi-chapter conclusion, Amon and his brothers fight the Great One in order to keep the god of chaos, Seth, from ruling the world.  
  • To defeat Amon and his brothers, the Great One raises “Masaw Haput—those born of death. You would call them zombies.” A zombie goes after Lily and her companion, Dr. Hassan. “Dr. Hassan sank his two files deep into the zombie warrior’s chest. It just stared at the two of us, breathing raggedly. Then, raising its sword overhead, it let out a supernatural scream, its jaws unhinging, a metal staple the only thing holding the jaw to its skull.” One of Amon’s brothers “took its head off” before it could hurt anyone. 
  • Lily hears Amon’s screams. When she finds him, a tray of ancient tools is close to him. “A pool of sticky blood surrounded the tray . . . Rivulets of blood had dried on his arms. . . Deep slashes marked several places on his thigh, and ugly stab wounds peeked out from between the fragments of what was left of his shirt.” Amon’s eyes had also been removed.  
  • Mummy crocodiles and living crocodiles attack Lily and Dr. Hassan. Amon’s brother, Ahmose, turns into a bird, and the two climb on. Lily falls “landing on the back of a croc mummy that did not like the fact that its remaining back leg broke off upon impact. It spun quickly and snapped at [Lily], grabbing [her] shirt in its teeth.” The crocodile is killed before it can injure Lily. 
  • Dr. Hassan and Lily create an effigy of Sebak, a reawakened man given power by the god Seth. “Dr. Hassan hit the figure three times and I heard a sharp snap like bone breaking. A scream full of rage blossomed, not from the doll figure, but from the giant creature by the pyramids. . .” Sebak became a crocodile beast and was trying to get to Lily. “His left front leg hung limply at his side, and one of his back legs seemed to have given way.” Dr. Hassan finds a way to send Sebak back to the underworld. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • While opening Amon’s canopic jars, Lily is covered in a red powder that makes her feel “nauseated, weak, and dizzy.” Later, she discovers that the red power was a poison that would have killed her if Amon hadn’t intervened. 


  • Amon yells, “Son of a stunted jackal.” 


  • Since many of the characters use chants and spells, not all of them are listed below. The story revolves around the god of chaos, Seth, who wants to defeat Amon and his brothers so he can rule Earth.  
  • Amon’s power “is a gift from the sun god Amun-Ra and his son Horus.” Amon says that he needs to “waken my brothers and complete the ceremony to align the sun, the moon, and the stars so that the Dark One, Seth, the god of chaos, may be kept at bay for another thousand years.” Amon often uses chants to help him complete his mission and keep Lily safe. Often, no specific words are given. The chants used to create spells appear below.  
  • After completing the ceremony, Amon “will have my full power and I will be able to manipulate time and send you back to your home so that you will arrive just a moment after we left. No one will miss you. Your family will never even know you were gone.” 
  • In order to talk to Lily, Amon “invoked a spell from the Book of the Dead to be able to communicate my thoughts to you.” 
  • Since he cannot locate his canopic jars, Amon must pull energy from Lily. When he pulls energy from her, “it felt like a gradual draining, but the pull was sharp and painful like someone was vacuuming out my insides with a steel wool attachment.”  
  • When Lily is injured, Amon uses magic to help her. “Amon ran his hand up my arm to my hurt shoulder, and I hissed as he cupped it with his palm. After a quick chant he poured enough warmth into the muscle to rival a heating pad.” Her injury has not completely healed but has lessened. 
  • Amon transports Lily by using sand. The first time, Lily “screamed as wind swept around our bodies, gritty sand stinging my skin like thousands of needles. I watched in horror as my body unraveled, piece by piece, to join the tumult, and my cry was cut off because I no longer had a throat, let alone a voice.” 
  • Amon can use his voice to command people. When Lily tries to leave Amon, he tells her to stop. When she didn’t, “my legs froze with a jolt so sudden that my bag flopped around my front and pulled me off balance. I feel in a heap. . .” 
  • When Amon commands Lily to take his hand, she “made a concerted effort to refuse his command and was rewarded with pain—stabbing, knife-twisting-in-my-gut pain. It made me gasp. . . When my determination weakened, and the pain overwhelmed me, I whimpered and gave in.”  
  • According to Amon, “When you know the true name of a being, be they god, human, or animal, you gain power over them.” A person’s true name “represents your ideal self. The person at the center. The name that is engraved upon your heart.” 
  • Amon reawakens two dead shabti. Shabti are described as, “Human servants were entombed with their leaders, with the understanding that they could journey to the afterlife with their masters and continue to act as servants for the dead kings or pharaohs.” In order to do this, Amon weaves a spell that begins with “Shabti servants, apportioned to me,/ You who molder in corruption,/ I summon you from the realm of the dead. . .” The spell is half a page. 
  • Amon discovers that one of the shabti broke his canopic jars. When Lily opens the one remaining jar, particles “coalesced until they formed a light. . . Slowly, the golden light rose up and out of the container, where it stretched until two wings became visible.” The light turns into a falcon. Amon weaves a spell by saying, “I call upon the falcon, born in the golden fires of the sun. . . Lend your whole, living soul to the one rent in pieces. / offer your resilient wings, your piercing talons, and your discerning eye. . .” Afterward, Amon and the falcon become one. 
  • Amon attacks the shabti. “The shabti shrieked and turned to run, but the falcon was upon him. . . its sharp golden talons grabbed the man, squeezing his torso mercilessly. . .” Before Amon can send him back to the underworld, the shabti disappears “with a puff of red smoke.” 
  • Apophis, a human priest, is a “lecherous man who abused anything or anyone he considered weak and soft. . . He lured women, and when they were at their most vulnerable, he’d strike. . . When he was ready to move on to the next victim, he would sacrifice the young maiden to a giant croc that he adorned with gold bracelets . . .” He was given the nickname, the Eater of Souls, not only because he threw victims to crocodiles but also because of his ability to control the undead. 
  • Apophis sent biloko to hurt Lily. Biloko are “invisible demons with crocodile snouts that, like Apophis, have a taste for females, though, in their case, they prefer the sweetmeats of the eyes, intestines, liver, and heart.” 
  • Amon murmurs, and “grains of sands twisted and writhed, and suddenly three horses burst from the dunes in a blast of shimmering powder.” The horses take Amon and his companions to a forest. 
  • Amon and his companions use an adder stone to pass through a mountain. Lily thinks, “What really freaked me out was that I wasn’t in a secret cave hidden within a mountain; I was passing through solid rock.” 
  • In order to raise his brother from the underworld, Amon weaves a spell. “The stars rise. The stars fall. The stars die. / As do you, my brother. / Astern—the embodiment of the stars. / It is time for rebirth. For renewal. For remaking. . .” 
  • As Amon chants, “sightless orbs and a gaping mouth rimmed with teeth peek[ed] through the wrappings as they fell away. . . The remaining skin was stretched tight and looked like fragments of old leather. In some places, it was ripped off completely, revealing graying bones with hanging bits of flesh.” When Astern is fully formed, he is handsome and muscular. Later, the third brother is also reawakened similarly. 
  • When Amon’s canopic jars were stolen, he lost some of his powers. Amon’s powers are restored when Lily is willing to sacrifice herself for him.  
  • In order to send Amon back, Lily must kill him. She is reluctant to do this, but when Amon reaches up to kiss her, “the kiss was brief. Amon lay back down, eyes wide, as a trickle of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth. . . the sharp blade as embedded in Amon’s chest up to the hilt.” Afterward, a god mummified Amon. Lily and the god recite a spell from the Book of the Dead and “commemorate his name as we do so. In naming him, we connect his body, his ka, or soul, his ba, which is the character, and his shut, or shadow.”

Spiritual Content 

  • In Ancient Egypt, three kings held a summit, and “each city worshiped a different god. . . The kings had been convinced by their priest that their patron gods had abandoned them and that they should come together as one to make offerings to appease a new god, namely, the dog god, Seth, in order to secure the safety and well-being of the people.” 
  • After the kings made an offering, each king’s wife became pregnant. But then, “the god Seth demands that three young men of royal blood be sacrificed to him and that they serve him indefinitely in the afterlife.” The princes were sacrificed.  
  • Amon, one of the sacrificed princes, chants to the god Seth. “Protect me, God of the Morning Sun. Rebuff those who work evil. Turn aside this calamity. . .” The chant is one page long.  
  • Amon has “been imbued, gifted, with a portion of [the sun god’s] power so that [he] may fulfill [his] duties.” 
  • Amon explains why the pharaohs aligned with a god. “They believed that if they took the names of the gods for themselves, they would receive divine aid. . . They made it so that to reject a pharaoh was to reject deity.” 

The Valiant #1

Princess. Captive. Gladiator. Always a Warrior. 

Fallon is the daughter of a proud Celtic king and the younger sister of the legendary fighter Sorcha. When Fallon was just a child, Sorcha was killed by the armies of Julius Caesar.

On the eve of her seventeenth birthday, Fallon is excited to follow in her sister’s footsteps and earn her place in her father’s war band. She never gets the chance.

Fallon is captured and sold to an elite training school for female gladiators—owned by none other than Julius Caesar himself. In a cruel twist of fate, the man who destroyed Fallon’s family might be her only hope of survival.

Now, Fallon must overcome vicious rivalries, deadly fights in and out of the arena, and perhaps the most dangerous threat of all: her irresistible feelings for Cai, a young Roman soldier and her sworn enemy.  The Valiant recounts Fallon’s gripping journey from fierce Celtic princess to legendary gladiator and darling of the Roman empire.  

The Valiant jumps right into the action and proceeds at a breathtaking pace until the very end. Overnight, Fallon’s dreams are obliterated, and her life falls apart. As a captive, Fallon’s fierce determination to free herself is admirable. While Fallon’s pain is understandable, her strength and bravery never falter. Fallon takes the reader on her adventure, which leads her to several eye-popping surprises and forces her to question her beliefs while retaining her strength of character. 

Told in first person, The Valliant focuses on Fallon, who must learn about Rome’s culture and politics. At one point, Fallon meets both Julius Caesar and Cleopatra. This adds an extra layer of interest. As a strong woman, Cleopatra reinforces one of the book’s themes: “A woman ought to be able to chart her own course in life.” In addition to Caesar and Cleopatra, the book has many characters that play a significant role in the story but are not well developed. Despite being underdeveloped, Fallon’s romantic interest, Cai, has several swoon-worthy scenes that break up the battle scenes. 

The Valiant is an entertaining book that follows a brave protagonist worthy of rooting for. However, the book deals with dark topics, including slavery, murder, and worshiping the Greek god of death. And while the gladiatrix fights bravely, war is not glorified. Cai reminds Fallon, “Honor is nothing but a dangerous lie, Fallon. In battle, there is no honor, not really. Caesar never won because he was honorable. He isn’t. He won because he was clever and tenacious and used whatever means necessary. . .” Mature readers who aren’t squeamish about violence will enjoy following Fallon’s adventure into the Roman empire. For a less bloody adventure, read the Protector of the Small Series by Tamora Pierce and The Royal Ranger Series by John Flanagan. 

Sexual Content 

  • Fallon and Mael hope to one day get married. After practicing for battle, Mael kisses her. “His lips on mine silence my apology, muffling words with his sudden, hungry kiss. My eyes went wide. . . then drifted shut, plunging me into a red-lit darkness. . . My pulse surged loudly in my ears, and my fingers tangled in his long hair as I drew him down to me again.” The kiss is described over a page.  
  • Fallon’s father betrothed her to Mael’s brother, Aeddan. After the announcement, Aeddan “spun me around and kissed me hard on the lips.” Fallon does not kiss him back. Later that night, he brings wine to Fallon’s house to celebrate. 
  • When Aeddan tries to kiss Fallon again, she “jammed my knee into his groin, shoving him away as he gasped in pain and staggered back.” Before Aeddan can try to kiss her again, Mael appears and uses his sword to push Aeddan out of the house. 
  • A Roman officer, Cai, meets Fallon, who wanders the gladiator school’s grounds. “He took me again by the shoulders, drawing me toward him. . . Cai’s hands lightly moved up my arms, over my shoulders and down my back to my waist, tracing my body through the thin material. . .” Fallon flees before Cai can kiss her.  
  • After Fallon breaks Cai’s ribs, she goes to the infirmary to apologize. “Cai pulled me tightly to his bandaged chest and held me there. . . and he kissed me with a hungry desperation that tore the breath from my lungs. His hands tangled in my hair, and my arms tightened around him. . . he didn’t stop kissing me. Not for a long, dizzying while.” 
  • When Fallon goes to have a slave collar removed, Cai goes with her. Afterward, “Cai reached up and ran his fingertips along my skin, and I shivered at this touch. . . his hand shifted to slide into my hair, and he brought his face down to mine and kissed me. The kiss thrilled me all the way to my toes.” 
  • After professing his love for Fallon, Cai kisses her. “His mouth was nectar-sweet as he kissed me, and we fell back together into the soft, cool grass beside the stream.” 


  • Mael and Aeddan fight over Fallon. “Suddenly, Aeddan reared back and head-butted his brother sharply. Mael reeled away in pain, blood running down his face. . .” Aeddan stabs Mael with a blade, and Mael “opened his mouth, and a dark gout of blood bubbled up and spilled down his chin. Aeddan wrenched the dagger out of his brother’s flesh, and Mael collapsed.” Fallon assumes Mael dies.  
  • Fallon was lost in the forest at night when “a broad-shouldered man swung his fist like a mallet at my head. I fell, consumed by a dark red tide.” When Fallon wakes, she tries to scream, but the man “pressed a knife blade up under my left ear. The scream building in my throat died instantly.” Fallon is kidnapped and sold to a slave trader. 
  • The man who kidnapped Fallon hit her. “A short, sharp jab to my stomach. . . his thick fingers fumbling at the lacing of my tunic. I kicked and swore at him, but I was chained, and he was much stronger.” The man intended to rape her, but the slave master stops him.  
  • The Varnini are a tribe of fierce women fighters. Fallon and Varini girl are put into a wagon and chained together. They get into a fight. Fallon describes, “She lashed out at me with one long leg, the leather sole of her sandal slapped painfully against my thigh. . .” The girl hit Fallon’s face, and “pain exploded from my left cheek, and a red mist descended in front of my eyes. . . I howled in fury and swung my clenched fist in a double blow that caught the Varini on the temple and sent her reeling.” The fight is described over three pages. 
  • Because of Fallon and the Varini’s fight, the wagon tips over. The slave driver’s “head was bent at an unnatural angle, and his mouth was frozen open in a silent cry of shock. A slick of dark blood painted the sides of his face, and his eyes were empty and staring.” 
  • When the Varini was first captured, she attacked the slave trader. She said, “I bit off half his ear and kicked him in the balls so hard he still limps.” 
  • Fallon and the Varini girl, Elka, run, but they are still chained together. They try to hide, but a group of men find them. “The man reared back again, and while his attention was focused on Elka, I sprang forward with a low, darting thrust that tagged him solidly on the upper thigh. . . I pulled my sword and blood spilled down the front of his leg.” The fight is described over two pages. 
  • Charon, the slave master, finds the girls who are being attacked. “With one swift motion, Charon had grabbed the brigand by the shoulder and yanked him around. Two moves and the man lost first his sword hand. . . and then his head. . . The man’s head toppled from his neck and bounced away into the undergrowth, the whites of his eyes glittering in the moonlight.” 
  • Pirates attack the ship that the slaves are in. The slaves are locked below deck. Fallon watched as “the body of a man fell across the grate. His mouth and eyes were frozen open in a horrible death grimace. Wind-dark blood flowed from a gaping wound to his chest. . .”  
  • Fallon breaks out of the ship’s hold and enters the fighting. “A legionnaire gutted one of the pirates not three strides in front of me, and the man twisted in a horrid dance as his guts spilled. . . Legionnaires in their uniforms [were] hacking and slashing and killing.” 
  • When being sold as a slave, Fallon and Elka are chained together. Two other slaves are given weapons and told they will be freed if they can kill the two women. When one of the men attacks Fallon with a pike, “with a powerful thrust of [Elka’s] long legs, Elka had launched herself toward us, howling with battle madness. The point of her sword blade disappeared up under the man’s helmet chinstrap. . . then the man’s chest bloomed suddenly with a dark crimson that flooded down over his painted skin.” 
  • During the attack, Fallon “swung up at a sharp angle and met my attacker’s weapon, screeching up its length in a flash of sparks. . . I brought the sword back around and down in a vicious slash across the man’s extended forearm. Blood spurted, crimson, and sparkling in the sunlight.” The fight is described over three pages. One man dies. 
  • While being trained to be a gladiatrix, a group of women attack Fallon. “Another crack of the whip and a line of fire licked across the backs of my legs. I fell to my hands and knees with a grunt. . .” When Fallon falls, “the girls kicked and punched at me in the darkness, and I curled into a ball to try to avoid the worst of it. . .”  
  • Enraged at her attackers, Fallon grabs two torches. “I spun circles of flames in the dark air, batting the whip away from me and almost setting the retiarius net aflame. . . One girl screamed in alarm as my torch set her tunic hem smoldering.” The next day, Fallon “hobbled out to the practice yard, where the throbbing, livid bruises on my legs and arms went glaringly unremarked upon.” The attack is described over three pages. 
  • After the swearing-in ceremony, two women were eager to use their weapons. One woman accidentally injures her sparring partner. Fallon sees “the crumpled body of a girl lying in a pool of blood, shockingly red against the white-gold sand. . .” The girl, Lion, lost her hand. Someone “was on her knees, tearing linen into strips and wrapping Lion’s arm tightly as she could while crimson spurted in time with the beating of the girl’s heart. . .” While in the infirmary, the doctor, Heron, “and his assistant worked to stanch the flow of blood. . . He returned with a bronze brazier full of angry red coals and a metal bell-shaped tool that had been heated until it glowed.” The woman survives. 
  • Cai is angry that Fallon will not allow him to buy her. He spars with her. “He was relentless, he was humorless. . .” Fallon tricks Cai, who looks away. “I wound up with all the strength that I could muster and delivered a slashing blow to his exposed flank. I heard his rib crack like a slap of a hard-shot arrow. Cai dropped to one knee in the sand. . .” Cai’s rib is broken.  
  • The end of the book has several gladiator tournaments described in long, bloody detail. Not all of the battles are described here. During one fight, “one gladiator’s trident had gone straight through the guts of his opponent. Two of the tines stuck out obscenely from his back, dripping wet. . .” The wounded gladiator’s “face [was] rigid with pain, and gestured for the mercy blow”. . . his opponent picked up his sword and “thrust the point through the other man’s neck.” 
  • During Fallon’s first gladiatrix battle, she is knocked down by the Fury. Fallon is “down on all fours in an instant, sucking sand-gritty air through my teeth. . . In the very last instant before her attack, I slammed the hilts of my twin swords together and thrust them out before me. . .” The swords went into the Fury’s ribs. The Fury’s “body slammed into me, throwing me back down to the ground. . . I thrashed and struggled and heaved her off me.” Fallon watches as “blood bubbled up and spilled out the sides of her mouth, staining my fingers.” The Fury dies. 
  • At a party, two gladiators fight. One of the men, Ajax, “looked down to see two blades protruding from his chest, the points red with his own blood.” Later, Fallon sees a group of men huddled around the body. “They had split Ajax’s torso open like the roasting carcass of a wild boar. I glimpsed the white gleam of his rib cage grasping like rigid fingers at the shadows, and I could hear the wet, gluttonous sounds of feasting.” 
  • A fellow gladiatrix named Nyx tricks Fallon and Elka into drinking spiked wine, Elka is flogged. Afterward, Fallon finds Nyx in the laundry. Fallon “went straight for trying to drown her in the tub. I used my shoulder to hit her from behind square in the middle of her back, and she fell face-first into the water. . . I grabbed a length of sodden linen and slapped it hard across her torso, knocking her over.”  
  • Fallon and Nyx are in a reenactment of one of Julius Caesar’s battles. However, they are on opposite sides. During the battle, Fallon attacks Aeddan. Fallon “rammed the butt of my spear into his side. The breath left his lungs in a whoof as he stumbled sideways, and I followed up with a series of swift, vicious jabs.”  
  • Fallon gets into a chariot and demands that Aeddan drive it. “Aeddan steered so that we would pass within arm’s length of Nyx’s chariot on our right. . . Nyx’s whip cracked, and I ducked instinctively . . . The wasp-kiss of the whip left a crimson welt on my upper arm.”  
  • After several passes, Fallon tells Elka to send a spear into Nyx’s chariot. “The chariot shot upward, arching through air like it had been unleashed from a legion catapult. . . Nyx screamed, arms and legs flailing frantically as she sailed up and over her horses’ heads.” Nyx is injured but not killed. The final battle is described over ten pages.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Every two years, the tribes come together to feast and drink alcohol, and many become drunk. 
  • Alcohol, usually wine, is often served with dinner. 
  • Fallon confronts her sister, Sorcha, who “strode over to a side table that held a wind jug and goblets. She sloshed a generous measure of dark red wine into one of the goblets and took a long drink.” 
  • After drinking the spiked wine, Fallon passes out on the side of the road. A group of girls finds her and takes her to their house. When Fallon awakes, she is at “a house of whores.”


  • Profanity is used rarely. Profanity includes arse, bitch, damn, and bastard. 
  • “Oh dear goddess” and “Lugh’s teeth” are used as exclamations once. 
  • Another gladiatrix convinces Fallon and Elka to go to a party. As they walk to it, they consume wine. Fallon “took another swallow, and my urge to run faded as the liquid heat from the wine coursed through my limbs.” Later, she discovers the wine was spiked with mandragora, “a powerful intoxicant.”  


  • Fallon’s tribe has both men and women warriors. “The legions thought of the Island of the Mighty were demons, aberrations whose corpses they burned in heaps after battles so that their black souls could never escape to inhabit another body.”  
  • When Fallon’s sister, Sorcha, was alive, she spent “time with the chief druid. . .The druiddyn were sages and mystics of our tribe. They dealt with portents and prophecies. . .” 
  • After Fallon kills a woman in battle, she is shaken. Her friend, who has killed before, tells her, “His shadow visits me almost nightly in my sleep. We’re so familiar with each other now, he’s almost a friend.” Later, Fallon “said a silent prayer for the Fury and thanked her for giving me the fight that would send me hurtling toward my destiny.”  
  • To frighten Fallon, someone nails a raven to her door. Some think it is an omen of “ill luck.”

Spiritual Content 

  • Fallon often refers to Morrigan, “goddess of death and battles.” Fallon had a dream that Morrigan visited her and called her daughter.  
  • Sorcha explains why she allowed her family to believe she was dead. Afterwards, Fallon “heard the sound of wings beating overhead. I looked up, the sky was clear. Empty. But in my mind, a throaty voice whispered, ‘Daughter’ and ‘Victory.’” Morrigan’s voice reassures Fallon.  
  • After being taken captive, Fallon prays to Morrigan, the triple goddess of blood and battles. “Mach. Red Nemain. Badb Catha . . . hear me. Wind, carry my words. Shadows and darkness, see my plight. Let the Morrigan hear my pleas. Give me strength to vanquish my enemies and wreak my vengeance.” 
  • After someone vandalizes Fallon’s room, “I whispered a prayer of thanks to Morrigan that I’d had the foresight to take the box of Charon’s armor directly to the quartermaster.” 
  • A woman died in a gladiator fight. During her funeral, someone says, “Last night the goddess Nemesis, she of the midnight brow, in her great wisdom called Ismene to the realm of heroes and sent forth Mercury to guide her there. She feasts now in the halls of Dis, she spars with Minerva. . .” 
  • When a gladiator is killed in battle, “the gladiator’s body was dragged from the arena by hook-wielding men dressed in outlandish headdresses meant to resemble long-eared desert dogs. . . the men were playing the ritual part of an Egyptian god of the dead called Anubis.”  
  • Fallon tells her friend, “Morrigan hates me.” Her friend replies, “Your goddess has brought you this far. Maybe this is her way of telling you she thinks you’re worth the effort.” 
  • During a battle, Fallon realizes that “The Morrigan had not forsaken me. She wasn’t against me. The true Morrigan had shown herself to lead me to victory.”  

The Throne of Fire

Following the events of book one in The Kane Chronicles, Carter and Sadie are facing a new danger: the serpent of chaos, Apophis. Carter gives the reader a very brief overview of what happened in the previous book, saying, “The Egyptian gods are running around loose in the modern world; a bunch of magicians called the House of Life is trying to stop them . . . and a big snake [Apophis] is about to swallow the sun and destroy the world.” However, Carter and Sadie now have several new magician trainees who can help them fight Apophis.  

Carter and Sadie discover that they must work with the gods to defeat the serpent of chaos, Apophis, as his rise threatens both mortals and gods. Sadie explains it well as she says, “Apophis can’t imagine that anyone could unite the gods and magicians . . . He thinks the return of [the sun god] will weaken us even further. We have to prove [Apophis] wrong. We have to make order from chaos.” After their mom passed away, Carter was sent to live with his dad, and Sadie was sent to live with her grandparents, and throughout the book, we get to see them really bond and reconnect with each other as siblings as they learn to understand their magic. Readers with siblings are likely to find Carter and Sadie very relatable, as they do not always get along, but when they are facing danger, they support each other no matter what. 

The Throne of Fire’s theme focuses on Carter and Sadie strengthening their friendship as siblings. In the first book, the readers learn that Carter and Sadie have lived far away from each other for most of their lives, but now they spend every day together learning more about magic and working together to save the world. Readers with siblings will likely empathize with Carter and Sadie as they worry about each other’s safety. For instance, Sadie says, “Seeing Carter hurt was the final insult . . . My friends had been attacked, and my birthday ruined. But my brother was off-limits. No one was allowed to hurt my brother.” Sadie and Carter stand strong and have each other’s back in the face of constant danger.  

Sadie and Carter face a new struggle—their friend, Walt, is dying of an ancient curse that they cannot stop. Walt explains that his curse is connected to King Tut’s bloodline. Walt says, “[The] curse runs in my family . . . Kind of a genetic disease. Not every generation, not every person, but when it strikes it’s bad. [King Tut] died at nineteen. Most of the others . . . twelve, thirteen. I’m sixteen now . . . My dad was eighteen. I never knew him.” Sadie and Carter desperately try to come up with solutions to help Walt, but he explains, “This curse has been defying healers for three thousand years.” Carter and Sadie feel guilty that they still cannot cure Walt, and this unresolved issue will continue in the next book.   

The Throne of Fire has one impactful lesson: do what feels right even when another option seems easier. For example, when Carter and Sadie fight Apophis, the serpent of chaos, he tries to bribe them to join him. Carter thought, “Chaos can also be appealing. It tempts you to believe that nothing matters except what you want. And there was so much that I wanted.” However, Sadie and Carter decide that the most important thing is to restore order. The Throne of Fire will appeal to readers who love mythology, magic, and being kept on the edge of their seats.   

Sexual Content 

  • One of the new magicians that Sadie and Carter are training, Jaz, gives another trainee, Walt, a kiss on the cheek before trying a difficult spell. “[Jaz] pulled her wand and then—much to [Sadie’s] shock—gave Walt a kiss on the cheek.”  
  • Sadie thinks about her friend Walt and realizes she has feelings for him: “I wasn’t at all interested in how handsome [Walt’s] face looked in the moonlight, or his muscular arms in that sleeveless tee . . . Sorry. Lost my train of thought.”  
  • Sadie discusses her interactions with the god of funerals, Anubis. “I had a bit of a crush on Anubis. I know how ridiculous that sounds . . . [Anubis] was a god. We had absolutely nothing in common. I hadn’t heard from [Anubis] since our adventure with the Red Pyramid.”  
  • Sadie is briefly transported to the Land of the Dead where Anubis advises escaping some monsters. “Anubis said. ‘I’m sorry I can’t do more. But happy birthday, Sadie.’ [Anubis] leaned forward and kissed [Sadie] on the lips.”  
  • Walt reveals that he is dying of an incurable curse, “I’m going to die anyway, Sadie. I want my life to mean something. And . . . I want to spend as much time as I can with you.” Sadie doesn’t know how to respond and reveals to the reader, “I think I might have kissed [Walt].”  
  • Sadie performs a spell to get herself and Walt out of a cavern. Afterward, “Walt leaned down and kissed me.” 


  • Carter receives a vision in which he has to fight several monsters. “Horrible faces rose up—a sea dragon with feline eyes, a crocodile with porcupine bristles, a serpent with the head of a mummified man. Each time one rose up, I raised my sword and cut it down, or speared it with my javelin.”  
  • A three-headed serpent attacks Carter and some of his magician trainees. “The serpent opened its mouths, blasting out three columns of flames.” Luckily, Carter and his friends can protect each other, and “[Carter] raised a green shield of magic to deflect the fire.”  
  • Carter describes how his magician trainees defend themselves against the three-headed serpent attacking them. “Julian’s sword sliced off one of its heads. Felix’s shoe bounced off another. The blast from Walt’s wand turned the third to dust. Then Alyssa’s statues slammed into it, smashing the monster under a ton of stone. What was left of the serpent’s body dissolved into sand.” 
  • A monster with deadly venom bites Carter. “The creature sank its fangs into Carter’s left shoulder, and he dropped to the ground.” Sadie destroys the creature with magic. She “unleashed a beam of golden light that hit the monster with the force of a sandblaster. The [creature] crumbled to bits.” Luckily, healing magic saves Carter.  
  • Sadie, Carter, and their friend Bes play a game in the Land of the Dead with the moon god, Khonsu, in exchange for a few more hours of time so that they can complete their quest. If they lose, Khonsu threatens to, “Erase part of our souls . . . take our memories, our identity.”  
  • The magician Desjardins has to fight one of his own friends, whom Apophis possesses. Desjardins tells his fellow magician, “You toy with something much worse than death, my old friend. Pray that I kill you before you succeed.” Desjardins uses his magic to banish Apophis to the duat, a realm between our world and the underworld, and succeeds. However, the spell requires so much magic that Desjardins passes away afterwards.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • Characters occasionally use words like stupid, shut up, and idiot.  


  • Carter explains that the god, Horus, is able to speak to him in his mind. Horus gives Carter advice on finding an artifact Carter is looking for. However, Horus warns Carter about the artifact at the last possible minute. Horus speaks to Carter, “You’ll have five days to figure out how to use [the artifact], or we’re all doomed. Good luck!”  
  • After talking to Horus, Carter says, “I could’ve screamed at [Horus] for not telling me sooner, but it wouldn’t have made any difference. Gods only talk when they’re ready, and they don’t have a good sense of mortal time. I knew this because Horus had shared space in my head a few months ago.”  
  • Carter and Sadie see their friend Jaz perform a spell to protect them all from evil spirits of chaos. Carter “turned just in time to see a flash of blinding red light. The entire vortex collapsed inward, sucking all six [spirits] into Jaz’s circle. The light died. Jaz fainted, her wand and the Sekhmet statue both crumbling to dust in her hands.”  
  • Carter channels the power of the god Horus to give him strength while fighting some demons. “I awoke in a different body . . . My arms were bronze and muscular, circled with bands of gold and lapis lazuli. I was dressed for battle in leather armor.” Carter describes, “I felt strong and powerful like . . . well, a god.” 

Spiritual Content 

  • Before doing a spell, Jaz takes out a goddess statue to bring her strength. “From [Jaz’s] bag, she produced a small statue of Sekhmet, [Jaz’s] patron goddess, and held it aloft.”  
  • Like the previous book, the gods in this book are not worshipped but interact with others. The gods have strengths and powers. For instance, Carter discusses his thoughts about the god Horus. “[Horus] didn’t want [another god] coming back to challenge his authority. Gods tend to be selfish. Even when they’re helpful, they always have their own motives. That’s why you have to be careful about trusting [gods]. 

Women in Space Exploration

Women have been traditionally underrepresented in space exploration, but that has changed in recent years. A career in space exploration is the perfect choice for a variety of people—from those who like conducting research about the universe, to adventurous souls who want to travel to and live in space. In this book, you’ll learn about groundbreaking female astronauts and space research professionals, career paths in space exploration, how to prepare for the field, key skills for success, methods of learning more about careers while in school, and much more.  

Women in Space Exploration gives readers an inside look at the little-known career opportunities available in space exploration, including careers that do not involve flying into space. Each of the five chapters follows the same format. The first page lists words and definitions that appear in the chapter; these words include conductivity, cosmology, celestial, and more. These words appear in bold gray font, which makes them easy to identify. 

Women who were pioneers in space exploration are featured, including Sally Ride and Mae Jamison. Each woman faced many obstacles. Kalpana Chawla, the first Indian woman to enter space, was told by a professor that being an engineer was not “ladylike,” and her father dissuaded her from being an engineer. This did not stop Chawla from earning her PhD from the University of Colorado and working for NASA. Each biography highlights how different skills are used in the space field. Five biographies also include a QR code so readers can learn more about the women through educational videos.   

The book is straightforward and easy to understand despite the use of informational space exploration jargon. The short paragraphs are broken up with photographs of women at work that appear every one to two pages. In addition, the book has short blurbs about issues important to women in space, such as the international space stations, finding time for family, and the NASA Astrobiology Institute. Often, important information is presented in lists, such as skills needed for success. The end of each chapter includes a research project and text-dependent questions that check for understanding.  

Women in Space Exploration explores many women’s roles in the space industry. The book highlights the skills and education needed for anyone interested in working for NASA and other space companies. By featuring women who work in the field, readers will discover the many different degrees that can be used in the field. In addition, the biographies prove that dreams do come true for those who persevere. 

Readers who dream of flying into space will find Women in Space an excellent source of information and encouragement. The book highlights the necessary education needed for anyone who wants to work in the space industry, as well as shows that space exploration is for everyone. Readers who want to learn more about women in the space industry should also read To Fly Among the Stars by Rebecca Siegel, Astronauts: Women on the Final Frontier by Jim Ottaviani & Maris Wicks, and Classified: The Secret Career of Mary Golda Ross by Traci Sorell. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None


After America’s Second Civil War, the Pro-Choice and Pro-Life armies came to an agreement. According to their Bill of Life, human life may not be terminated from the moment of conception until the age of thirteen. But between the ages of thirteen and eighteen, the child may be gotten rid of by their parent through a process called “unwinding.”

By repurposing a teen’s organs and other body parts in living recipients, the unwound child’s life doesn’t technically end. According to society’s leaders, unwinding leads to a healthier and safer community, as troublesome and unwanted teens are used for the greater good.

Connor is a rebel whose unwinding was ordered by his parents. Risa, a ward of the state, has been slated for unwinding due to cost cutting. And Lev, his parents’ tenth child, has been destined for unwinding since birth as a religious tithe. As their paths intersect, they start to fight for their own destinies. But do they stand a chance of escaping their fate or proving their lives are worth saving? 

Readers who want a light, entertaining read should avoid the Unwind Dystology. Unwind has plenty of action and suspense that propels the story forward at a fast pace and leaves the reader questioning their beliefs about the value of human life—both before and after birth. Shusterman expertly delves into difficult questions from multiple perspectives by focusing on three completely different characters. After Lev is kidnapped, he chooses to escape his destiny—being unwound. At this time, he begins to question God’s will. Lev’s friend says, “You got it in your heart to run from unwinding, ain’t no one can tell you it’s the wrong thing to do, even if it’s against the law. The good Lord wouldn’t have put it in your heart if it wasn’t right.” In the end, Levi learns that he can still believe in God but not condone human tithing. 

On the other hand, Risa grew up in a state institution where she helped care for babies that no one wanted. Since abortion is illegal, many babies are left on people’s doorstep, but this doesn’t guarantee that the child will be loved or cared for. Risa wonders, “Which was worse. . . to have tens of thousands of babies that no one wanted, or silently make them go away before they were even born?” Risa’s experiences force the reader to ponder both the pro-life and the pro-abortion point of view.  

Unwind is a thought-provoking story that begins with the question: Should unborn children have a right to live, or should women have a right to choose what happens to their bodies? To put a spotlight on these questions, Shusterman creates a dark world full of violence that is not for the faint of heart. However, readers who aren’t afraid of exploring controversial topics will find that each protagonist—Connor, Risa, and Lev—has a different system and wants to do what is right. The next installments of the Unwind Dystology explore human evil in more detail. Although the series makes readers ask important questions, many readers will not be ready to face the books’ disturbingly dark images. Readers who want a tamer dystopian book have many options, including Matched Trilogy by Ally Condie, The Maze Cutter by James Dashner, and Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. 

Sexual Content 

  • When Connor’s friend, Ariana, says she will run away with him. He “kisses her.” 
  • A woman helps Connor, Risa, and a storked newborn hide. Storked are those left on doorsteps. The old woman assumes that Connor and Risa are the baby’s parents. The woman says, “If you really want to stay alive, honey, have him get you pregnant again. They won’t unwind an expectant mother, so that will buy you nine whole months.” 
  • One boy says that he has two dads, but “I’m not like my dads—my compass points to girls, if you know what I mean.” 
  • While hiding out in a warehouse, two kids “make out all day long, drawing a cluster of other kids who sit there and watch.” 
  • Connor kisses Risa. “She did not expect it, and when he breaks off the kiss, she realizes from the look on his face that he hadn’t expected it either. . . she pulls him into another kiss—this one longer than the first.” 
  • Connor and Risa are sent to a harvest camp to be unwound. While they wait, “They meet in the girls’ bathroom . . . They hold each other in the tight space, making no excuses for it. . . they kiss as if they’ve done it forever.”


  • When Conner discovers he is supposed to be unwound, he runs away. Connor’s father and the police find him hiding in the back of a semi. To escape, Connor runs across a busy highway. “He hears a gun fire. He feels the impact, but not in his skin. The bullet embeds in his backpack.” Connor realizes that they’re firing tranquilizer bullets. 
  • As Connor is running across the highway, a Cadillac’s “side mirror smacks him painfully in the ribs before the car screeches to a halt, sending the acrid stench of burned rubber up his nostrils.” Connor sees Lev in the Cadillac so he grabs Lev to use as a human shield. 
  • Connor puts a “choke hold” on Lev and drags him across the road. As they run, “bullets now fly past them.” To escape, “Lev grabs the arm that’s locked around his neck and sinks his teeth in with the full force of his jaws until he tastes blood. The kid screams.” Lev is hit with a tranquilizer bullet and falls to the ground. 
  • While Connor is running, a bus swerves, and “Risa’s head is slammed against the window as the bus suddenly pulls to the right. . . Risa is thrown forward, down the aisle, as the bus comes to a sudden, jarring stop.” 
  • After the bus crashes, “the windshield is smashed, and it’s covered in blood. Lots of it. . . It’s the bus driver’s blood. His hands halfway through [the windshield], and he’s not moving.” 
  • Connor and Risa work together to trick a police officer. Risa pretends to be injured. When the officer goes to help her, “the officer is knocked to the ground, and suddenly there are two figures attacking him—The Unwind and the girl.” Connor uses a tranquilizer gun on the police officer. 
  • An unwanted baby is put on Connor’s doorstep. His parents did not want to take the child in, so they put it on a neighbor’s doorstep. Eventually, the child is placed back on Connor’s doorstep, but by then, it’s so sick that it dies.  
  • Roland, a runaway, was sent to be unwound because he “had beaten up his stepfather for beating his mom. The mother took her husband’s side, and the stepfather got off with a warning. Roland, on the other hand, was sent to be unwound.” 
  • A newspaper article talks about a hospital that was harvesting stem cells. “The council described a general culture of trafficking of children snatched at birth. . . The pictures show organs, including brains, have been stripped—and some bodies dismembered.” 
  • Roland corners Risa while she’s in the bathroom. “He grabs her hands, pushes her back against the cold green tile wall, and presses his hip against her so that her knee can’t reach its mark.” Rolands implies that he is going to have sex with her whether she wants to or not. Another teen comes in and interrupts. Roland lets Risa go. 
  • Lev goes to a pawnbroker to sell a stolen bracelet. The pawnbroker opens the safe. “He feels something hard and heavy connecting with his head. His thoughts are instantly scrambled. He loses consciousness before he hits the ground.”  
  • While hidden in a warehouse, the Unwinds are woken so they can be transferred to another hiding place. The “Fatigues,” adults in charge of watching the Unwinds, have rifles. “A cranky kid pushes a Fatigue for tearing away his blanket. The Fatigue with the gun hits him on the shoulder with his rifle—not enough to seriously wound him, but enough to make it clear to the kids, and everyone else, that they mean business.” 
  • Lev turns Connor and Risa into the cops. Afterward, Connor “hauls off and punches Lev in the eye. Not hard enough to knock him down, but hard enough to snap his head halfway around and give him a nasty shiner.” 
  • Someone shows Connor a crate that has five dead kids in it. “There are no signs of blood, no wounds. They could all be asleep except for the fact that [one]’s eyes are open and staring at nothing.” Later, Connor learns that the kids suffocated in the crate. 
  • Connor entices his enemy, Roland, into an airplane. Connor “leaps forward and firmly plants the muzzle of the Admiral’s gun against Roland’s back. . . Roland makes his move. He spins, knocks Connor back, and grabs for the gun.” Connor pushes Roland into a crate and locks him in. “While Roland rages inside, Connor takes aim at the crate and fires the gun, once, twice, three times.” After making sure Roland can breathe, Connor leaves. Later, Roland is let out, uninjured. 
  • To hurt the Admiral, a mob of kids attacks the Admiral’s jet. “The first of the kids reaches the top of the stairs and heaves the hatch open, only to be met by Risa, and a brutal punch to the jaw. It sends him tumbling over the side and to the ground . . . The second kid is met by an aerosol burst of Bactine [a pain-relieving spray] right to the eyes. The pain is excruciating. He stumbles backward. . .” The mob destroys everything they can get their hands on. The scene is described over multiple chapters. 
  • Cleaver, a helicopter pilot, tries to get away from the mob but is unable to. Connor breaks up the kids and finds “the man on the ground is battered and bloody. . . He’s been beaten to a pulp.” Helpless, Connor watches Cleaver die. 
  • Connor thinks about the Mayan game of pokatok. “The game was a lot like basketball, except that the losers were sacrificed to the Mayan gods.”  
  • Roland and Connor fight. Roland “begins swinging, and Connor is quick to defend. . . Connor taps into his own wellspring of fury, and he lets loose a brutal offensive of his own. . . [Roland] slams him against the wall his hand pressed against Connor’s windpipe. . . Connor’s struggles become weaker without oxygen to feed his muscles.” Roland thinks about killing Connor and is surprised that he can’t. The scene is described over two pages. 
  • Roland is unwound and is conscious of the entire procedure. As Roland’s body is taken apart, a nurse says, “You may feel a tugging sensation near your ankles. . . it’s nothing to worry about.” 
  • An hour and fifteen minutes into the procedure, “surgeons leave, new ones arrive. He looks towards his toes but can’t see them [because they have been removed]. . . A clanging of metal. The lower half of the table is unhooked, and pulled away. . . Now Roland feels discomfort in his gut. Discomfort, a tickling sensation, but no pain. The surgeon lifts things away.” 
  • The nurse leaves once Roland’s eyes have been removed. Roland sees “not quite darkness, just an absence of light. He hears everything around him but can no longer communicate. . .” The doctors talk about sports as they continue to remove parts of Roland’s brain. After three hours and nineteen minutes, the procedure is complete, and Roland is still alive, but he is confused about what has happened. The procedure is described over six pages. 
  • In the conclusion, three Unwinds [Lev, Blaine, and Mai] decide to attack the harvest camp where they are being held. Blaine and Mai both go inside the “Chop Shop” where the unwind procedure is performed. A guard sees Blaine and “aims his tranq gun at Blaine’s left thigh, and fires. . . The impact of a tranq bullet is more effective than a detonator. Blaine and the guard are instantly incinerated as the six quarts of liquid explosive coursing through Blaine’s body ignite.” 
  • During the attack, Connor is injured. “His face is a shredded, bloody mess. He’s lost an eye. His right arm is crushed and mangled. But he’s alive!” Connor is in a coma for several weeks. When he awakes, he has been given an Unwind’s eye and arm. The revolt scene is described over eight pages.

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • At a party for Lev, champagne is served to the adults. Lev’s brother, Marcus, pretends to be drunk so he can go on a rant. 
  • A police officer thinks that Unwinds are “often high on illegal substances. . . Nicotine, caffeine, or worse.”  
  • Lev is hit with a tranquilizer gun. When he wakes up, “his head hurts, he feels like he might puke, and his brain is still only at half power.” 
  • An adult who helps hide Unwinds talks to Connor when “the Admiral adds some whiskey from a flask to his own coffee.” After the Admiral’s son was unwound, he “left the military, spent several years more drunk than I am now.” Then he sobered up and began helping the Unwinds. 
  • A boy who has asthma takes Xolair. 
  • Roland steals a bottle of ipecac from the infirmary. “He was planning to use the stuff to spike the drinks and create a puke-fest.” His plan is never carried out. 


  • Profanity is used seldom. Profanity includes hell, damn, crap, and ass. 
  • My God and for God’s sake are used several times as an exclamation.


  • When a person is given a body part from an unwound person, the body part remembers what the person learned. For example, one man received a new hand, and the hand still knew how to perform magic. 
  • One boy, Cyrus, was injured and received half of a boy’s brain. Now, the boy is in Cyrus’s head. “This boy in the corner of his head doesn’t talk to him in words. He feels. He emotes. He doesn’t understand that he’s only a part of another kid. . . Now he keeps looking for things in Cyrus’s head that just aren’t there. . . And so the kid hurls out anger. Terror. Grief. Waves pounding the wall, and beneath it all, there’s a current tugging Cy forward.” 

Spiritual Content 

  • Lev is a tithe, “a child of a religious family who is born and raised to be unwound, as an act of charity.” 
  • Lev’s parents are Christians who “have always given 10 percent of everything to the church.” This includes giving Lev as a tithe, who will be unwound. Lev’s parent told him, “Your life will be to serve God and mankind.” Because he is a tithe, Lev has “always felt closer to God than to his friends, or even his family.” 
  • Lev’s family believes “everyone’s equal in God’s eyes.” 
  • Lev is jealous of his siblings, who are not unwound. Lev’s pastor tells him that God asks for the best fruits, not the first fruits. Lev thinks, “Giving of one’s self is the ultimate blessing.” 
  • After Lev is kidnapped, he still wants to be unwound, “as it was ordained to be. . . Being torn from his purpose was the most unnerving thing that had ever happened to Lev, but now he understands why God let it happen. It’s a lesson. It’s to show Lev what happens to children who shrink their destiny: they become lost in every possible way.” 
  • When Lev talks about being tithed, he says, “Tithing’s in the Bible; you’re supposed to give 10 percent of everything. And Storking is in the Bible, too.” Storked is when babies are left on doorsteps. “The homeowner is obligated to keep and raise the child.” 
  • When talking about storked babies, Lev uses Moses as an example. “Moses was put in a basket in the Nile and was found by Pharaoh’s daughter. He was the first storked baby, and looked what happened to him!” 
  • Unwanted babies are raised in a state institution or storked. Connor wonders, “If a baby was going to be so unloved, why would God want it brought into the world?” 
  • After Lev runs, he says his parents “loved God more than they loved me, and I hate them for it. So I guess that means I’m going to hell.” 
  • Connor and some of the other Unwinds discuss when a soul is put into an unborn child. One Unwind says a girl believed that “if someone actually gets unwound, then they never had a soul to begin with. She said God must know who’s going to be unwound, and he doesn’t give them souls.” The conversation lasts for three pages. 
  • Lev is part of the group that plans to destroy the harvest camp. Before he can set off his detonator, he thinks: “God, dear God, what am I doing? What have I done? How did I get here?” Lev is unable to set off the detonator and helps rescue people instead. 
  • While Lev is in a cell, Pastor Dan visits. The pastor “resigned my position. I left the church. . . I still very much believe in God—just not a god who condones human tithing.”  

Mexican WhiteBoy

Danny is tall and skinny. Even though he’s not built, his arms are long enough to give his pitch a power so fierce any college scout would sign him on the spot. He’s got a ninety-five mile an hour fastball, but the boy’s not even on a team. Every time he gets up on the mound, he loses it.

But at his private school, they don’t expect much else from him. Danny is brown. Half-Mexican brown. And growing up in San Diego that close to the border means everyone else knows exactly who he is before he even opens his mouth. Before they find out he can’t speak Spanish, and before they realize his mom has blond hair and blue eyes, they’ve got him pegged. But it works the other way too. And Danny’s convinced it’s his whiteness that sent his father back to Mexico.

That’s why he’s spending the summer with his dad’s family. But to find himself, he may just have to face the demons he refuses to see—the demons that are right in front of his face. He may also have to open up to a friendship he never saw coming.  

Danny and his rival-turned-friend Uno become almost inseparable, which allows the reader to see how each teen deals with similar situations. Since they are both biracial, Danny and Uno struggle to fit in. Unlike his Mexican relatives, Danny doesn’t speak Spanish, making him feel as if “he’s not really Mexican. His skin is dark like his grandma’s sweet coffee, but his insides are as pale as the cream she mixes in.” Likewise, Uno struggles with his identity because his mom is Mexican and his dad is Black. Uno feels as if he’s “stuck in the middle.” His parents fight, and “one is pulling his left arm, the other pulling his right. Like it’s some kind of tug-of-war between black and Mexican, and he’s the rope.” The struggle to understand their place in the world is one that many teens will be able to relate to, especially those of mixed race. 

Mexican WhiteBoy also shows the difficulties Danny and Uno have because of their absent fathers. Danny hasn’t seen his father in three years and thinks his father is in Mexico. Danny’s emotional trauma is shown when Danny ruminates on his father’s absence. Danny also writes fictitious letters to his father. While the letters aren’t based on reality, they show Danny’s dream life. Unlike Danny, Uno sees his father once a month. Uno’s domineering father, who’s gotten off drugs and out of trouble, often lectures Uno about how finding God has made him a better person. The father-son relationships add to the story’s emotional depth.  

Matt de la Peña integrates Danny’s love of baseball and pitching into the story. Despite this, Mexican WhiteBoy is not a typical sports story since no baseball games are ever played. However, readers will empathize with Danny, who is trying to answer the questions: Who am I? Where do I belong? At the beginning of summer, he lacks confidence, is depressed, and self-harms. Danny’s relationship with Uno helps Danny find his footing in life and take his place on the baseball diamond. Danny and Uno’s friendship transforms both boys, and they help each other find hope for the future. Mexican WhiteBoy shines a light on the realities of life for many inner-city teens. The gritty scenes don’t sugarcoat the teens’ struggles. Instead, Mexican WhiteBoy conveys the importance of believing in yourself and shaping your own future. For those who’d like to explore another book that shines a light on the issue of self-acceptance, check out Bruiser by Neal Shusterman. Readers who want a book that focuses more on the game of baseball should read Heat by Mike Lupica and Fast Pitch by Nic Stone. 

Sexual Content 

  • Danny’s cousin Sophia introduces him to her friends. When the girls flirt with Danny, Sophia says, “I see my homegirls gonna try and corrupt you, cuz. Better watch it, though, these heinas got mad STDs.” 
  • Danny has a crush on Liberty. Danny’s cousin and her friends gossip about Liberty. Someone says the girl is “sixteen and already droppin’ her drawers for billetes.” 
  • A man keeps showing up to watch Danny pitch. Uno says, “I thought homey was a molester or some shit.” 
  • Danny’s aunt and uncle come home after a night on the town. “Uncle Tommy and Cecilia stumble in reeking of cigarettes and tequila. . . [Cecilia] extends her neck, but when Tommy’s lips get close she pulls back, giggling some more . . . He kisses her neck, reaches a hand up for his wife’s chest.” They disappear into the bedroom. 
  • Uno, Danny and a group of other teens play truth or dare. Danny “watches Flaca, on a dare. . . saunter over to Raquel, take her face in her hands and kiss her while all the guys cheer and the girls laugh. He watches Sofia, on a dare . . . pull up Uno’s black Dickies shirt and leave a dark brown hickey on his already dark stomach.” On another dare, Danny’s cousin, Sofia, and Uno disappear into the bedroom and don’t return. 
  • Danny comes out of the bathroom half-dressed. His cousin, Sofia, asks, “What were you doing in there so long, beating off?. . . It’s perfectly normal you know. I heard ninety-five percent of guys beat off and the other five percent are lyin’.” 
  • Uno kisses Sofia “on the lips.” 
  • After spending time with his crush, Danny gets up to leave. “She grabs Danny’s face in her hands and kisses him on the lips real quick. When they separate, she stands there giggling. Then Danny takes her face in his hands and kisses her.” 


  • During a stickball game, Uno throws the ball at another player, Raul, who has just finished batting. “The ball smacks him right in the ass. Raul trips and falls to the ground, clutching the back of his jeans.” 
  • Danny accidentally hits Uno’s brother, Manny, with a bat. Uno “rushes Danny, shoves him with both hands. . . Danny backs up a couple of steps, surprised.” Danny’s cousin, Sofia, tries to stop the fight. “Uno shoves Sofia out of the way and gets in Danny’s face again, pokes a finger into his forehead.”  
  • Before Danny can try to defend himself, Uno is “already stepping forward with all his weight, delivering an overhead right that smashes flush into Danny’s face. Snaps his head back. Buckles his knees.” When Danny falls, he “knows there was a loud crashing sound in his brain.” There is “warm liquid running down his neck. . . Running into his mouth. . . Salty. Smell of copper.” 
  • Danny goes to the hospital because he has “a nasty gash under his left eye” and a dislocated jaw. He needs “five stitches under his left eye, ten to the back of his head. . .” 
  • Danny and Uno are scamming people out of money. After one incident, three guys, including one named Carmelo, attack Uno. “One of the other guys slugs him in the back of the head. Uno spins around, narrowly avoids a wild right from another kid and punches the kid who hit him in the jaw. . . Uno breaks free and pounces on Carmelo. He gets him in a tight headlock, tries to choke the life off of him. But the other guys pull Uno off, hold his arms while Carmelo punches him twice in the stomach . . .” 
  • Danny jumps into the fight to help Uno, who watches Carmelo “rear back and throw a punch right at [Danny’s] face, but he ducks it and the punch grazes the face of Carmelo’s own guy. . . [Danny] swings a vicious right and hits him on the side of the face, sending him sprawling onto the ground. Blood starts coming from the guy’s nose.” Danny and Uno have bruises but no serious injuries. The fight scene is described over two pages. 
  • While at the beach, a man whistles at Danny’s mom. Her husband gets mad and attacks the man. Danny hears “the sound of punches landing and shouting and then sirens and cops shouting. . . the cops handcuffed his dad and pushed him into the back of their squad car. By his face.” Afterward, his father leaves for Mexico and doesn’t come back. 
  • Uno’s stepdad, Ernesto, comes home smelling of tequila. He yells at Uno. “When Ernesto’s been drinking tequila he’s liable to swing an open hand. ‘Course it ain’t the open hand he’s scared of, it’s what he might do in response to the open hand. So instead of killing this man and getting locked up for real, he nods and nods and nods and nods.” 
  • When a girl starts talking to Danny, her boyfriend, Marzel, gets mad. Marzel “rears back to throw a punch, but out of nowhere Uno steps in and blasts the guy from the side. Puts him flat on his back and then stands over him, glaring down. . . Marzel looks up at Uno, touches his bloody lip and holds his fingers in front of his eyes. He stands up slow, swings wildly at Uno, but Uno ducks it, lands two quick and powerful body blows, doubles Marzel over.” A couple guys break up the fight. 
  • Danny’s parents separated when his father hit his mother, but there are no other details. 
  • Danny, his uncle Ray, and other men were driving when a “big hippie guy came walking down the middle of the road . . . Ray hit the gas and ran smack into the guy, a nasty thumping sound against the hood. The guy’s head whipped all forward, and when Ray hit the brakes, he flew from the Bronco like a rag doll.” 
  • The guy got up and “threw a right at Uncle Ray through the open window, but Uncle Ray ducked it, grabbed the guy by the arm and pulled him halfway into the cab and his boys started whaling on him. . . Rico smacked him in the same part of the face so many times, the sound of the blow actually changed. They became muted. Tim delivered blow after blow to the guy’s ribs and stomach.” 
  • When the guy became limp, “Blood was all over the place, on Danny’s face. . . Uncle Ray flipped the Bronco into reverse and backed up. He turned the wheel slightly and pulled forward, ran over both the guy’s legs. Danny could actually hear and feel the bones crush and snap under the tires. . .” Uncle Ray races away when the “guy was completely still and covered in red.” The scene is described over three pages. 
  • While in prison, “the scout” meets Danny’s dad. The scout tells Danny, “One day I got jumped by a bunch of black guys. . . They tried to kill me. Your dad was the only one who stepped in. He beat two of them real bad and the others backed away . . . And me and your dad turned into friends.” 
  • Danny self-harms when he is upset. He digs “into the inside of his forearm with his nails to remind him he’s a real person.” He “holds his left arm against the sink and runs the sharp part of the tweezers across the inside. Goes back and forth in a straight line. Back and forth again. A thin trickle of blood starts creeping out. . . He drops the tweezers in the sink and turns on the water full blast. Washes the blood off. . . But the line of blood comes back even thicker. It’s all over the sink now, too.” 
  • While at Danny’s school, Barker, a rich white kid, insults Uno. Danny “punches Barker in the face. Spins the kid around. . . He takes a step toward Danny and throws a wild right, but Danny ducks it, hits the kid again. Harder this time, in the eye.” A senior breaks up the fight, which is described over a page. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Both the adults and the teens drink often; thus, not all of the drinking is described below. 
  • A girl tells Danny they can hang out and drink “a little white Zin and shit.” 
  • During stickball, there are some “young bucks, los ratas, hanging out on stolen bikes, pulling drags off stolen cigarettes.”  
  • As Uno is walking, he sees “a broken forty bottle lying at the mouth of the gutter. . . Wonders how much alcohol must be flowing through National City’s gutters after an average Friday night.”  
  • Uno’s father goes on a rant about drugs such as Ritalin, Vicodin, and Zoloft. His father says, “Who benefits more from all these prescriptions? The patient or the doctor?” 
  • Uno’s father used to “smoke anything I could roll up in a Zig-Zag.” 
  • While planning a trip, Sofia asks her friends who will be “sneakin’ in the thermos of jungle juice?” 
  • The last time Danny saw his dad, they were sitting together, and his dad had a “beer dangling” in his hand. 
  • Danny’s mom invites a man to have dinner with her and Danny. The man brings a bottle of champagne. 
  • When Danny goes to family events, the adults “are drinking homemade horchata and Pacifico and Bud Light and tequila with lime—always tequila.” 
  • Several of the teens smoke cigarettes. 
  • Danny gets drunk for the first time. “He learns that jungle juice makes him feel light as a feather. That it makes him feel ten feet tall. . . Makes him feel like smiling and talking to anybody and everybody, at any time—though he hasn’t.” 
  • When Danny was little, he was sick. His father stayed home to take care of Danny. However, his dad spent most of the time watching TV and smoking pot. Danny “remembers thinking [the smoke] looked like a magic carpet. And because he was a little high, took from the secondhand, he started wondering what it would be like to ride a magic carpet?” 
  • Uno gives Danny a beer. “Danny cringes as the cold beer washes past his tastebuds, down his throat. It’s only his third time drinking beer—all summer—and he doubts he’ll ever like the taste.” 
  • At a party, “Lolo puts a shot of tequila into Raquel’s belly button, [a guy] slurps it out and bites into a wedge of lime.” 
  • A girl’s “real mom” died of a supposed overdose. 
  • One of Danny’s uncles “breaks up a bud, rolls the weed in a Zig-Zag and licks. He pulls a lighter from his pocket and, out of pure habit, cups a hand over the fire.” 


  • Both English and Spanish profanity are used often. Profanity includes ass, bitch, chingado, damn, goddamn, fuck, motherfucker, piss, puta, and shit. 
  • Uno’s parents yell at each other. Uno’s mom calls his father “a good-for-nothing black bastard.”  In return, his father says, “Bitch, if I didn’t have the Holy Ghost. . . I swear to God.” 
  • When Uno was young, he got hurt during a baseball game. His father began yelling, “Get up, you little punk-ass bitch! Get your ass up! Ain’t no son of mine gonna lay there crying!” 
  • Jesus, Jesus Christ, God, and oh my God are occasionally used as exclamations.  
  • A rich white kid calls Danny a “wetback.”  
  • When Uno and Danny go to Danny’s school, a rich white boy says, “Now get your black ass outta here.” When Uno threatens him, the boy says, “Bring it, dude! I ain’t afraid of no blacky!” 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • Sofia’s aunt goes to church. One of Sofia’s friends says, “That old broad is too fat to go to church.” 
  • Uno’s father was a gangster and drug addict before he found Jesus. His father says, “I love you! Just like I love Jesus! He felt powerless, too, you know. Like you and me. When he took the most messed-up suckers and died for them, he died for us!” 
  • Uno’s father said that “studying the Bible taught him to love himself. Taught him to look inward for companionship. Taught him to actually look forward to spending time alone with himself.” 
  • Uno’s father says that suicide is “a deadly sin in two books. God’s and mine.” 
  • Uno tells Danny about his father’s religion. “But sometimes I think maybe God’s down here. In regular everyday stuff. Like the power of a train.” 
  • Uno‘s father says that everyone has “a little piece of God.” 

Charlie Thorne and the Royal Society

Charlie Thorne is a genius. Charlie Thorne is fearless. Charlie Thorne may have finally met her match.

Charlie Thorne is used to being on the run. Ever since she was recruited by the CIA to track down Einstein’s most dangerous equation, Charlie has traveled around the world with former CIA agents Dante Garcia and Milana Moon to prevent history’s greatest discoveries from falling into the wrong hands. But after beating others to the secrets hidden by Einstein, Darwin, and Cleopatra, Charlie and her comrades realize they are not the only ones searching for an immensely powerful discovery of Isaac Newton’s.

From a chase over the rooftops of Cambridge University, to scaling the Sydney Harbour Bridge and skirting a volcanic eruption, Charlie will need to think one step ahead of her opponents in order to follow Newton’s trail of devious clues and keep herself out of the hands of the many enemies who are hot on her tail. 

Filled with high-stakes action scenes, historical facts, and plenty of adventure, Charlie Thorne and the Royal Society is a thoroughly enjoyable read. Along the journey, readers will enjoy deciphering the clues and ciphers leading to Newton’s discovery. In addition, readers will learn about the explorer James Cook, Ferdinand Magellan, and other historical figures. Since Charlie is following in Cook’s footsteps, she also explores the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

Newton’s discovery has a surprising twist—Newton discovered an elixir that gave him immortality, but immortality was a blessing and a curse. Newton discusses how immortality affected his life, and when Charlie has an opportunity to use the elixir, she doesn’t take it because “I don’t want to live forever. Someday, I hope I’ll meet someone and have a family with them. I don’t want to outlive them and all my kids and grandkids, too. That sounds a whole lot worse than dying.” Newton makes it clear that the elixir should only be used by someone of great intelligence, like Charlie, so that it is not abused.

The conclusion wraps up the series and leaves readers with this thought: family is the greatest treasure. The Charlie Thorne Series is a must-read for anyone who wants to travel the world. The series will give readers hours of adventure and teach interesting historical facts. Readers can find more adventure by reading the Explorer Academy Series by Trudi Trueit and the TombQuest Series by Michael Northrop. For readers interested in decoding codes and ciphers, take a peek into how ciphers work by reading Spy Files: Codes and Ciphers by Adrian Gilbert and The Usborne Book of Secret Codes by Eileen O’Brien & Diana Riddell.

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • A mob forms outside of Isaac Newton’s house. “An angry laborer threw an empty liquor bottle at the building. It shattered off the wall just below Newton’s window. The other members of the mob cheered, then began to throw things as well: stones, garbage, empty bottles of their own.” Newton flees out the back door.  
  • When Newton flees in a carriage, several men try to stop him. “Two men clung to the outside of the approaching carriage. . . but Newton’s coachman coaxed a burst of speed from his horses at the last minute. . . The vehicle toppled into the street, throwing Newton’s potential attackers into the path of the other two carriages. The horses trampled them. . .” Newton escapes. 
  • Charlie finds one of Newton’s discoveries but a boy, Kenji, tries to steal it. “Charlie threw the book down onto his foot hard enough to make him yelp. . .” Charlie runs away, but two “big” men give chase.  
  • Dante sees the men chasing Charlie and swings a pole. “He swung it like a bat, catching the big man across the chest. . . the blow knocked him back a step but didn’t knock him down.” The man uses the pole like a spear and “charged like a medieval knight, looking to run Dante through.” The man clubs Dante, “knocking him to the ground. . . [the man] prepared to impale him with it.” Someone “clobbers” the man, knocking him out and saving Dante. 
  • In an emergency, Dante tries to take someone’s truck. When the man tries to stop him, Dante “dropped him with a single punch, then stole the keys.”  
  • Charlie is kidnapped by a wealthy man and Kenji’s grandfather, Yoshi. When she wakes up, her “wrists and ankles were bound with duct tape.” Charlie tells the man, “You realize that keeping a teenage girl tied up in your private office makes you look like a pervert, right?” The kidnapper forces Charlie to look for Newton’s discovery.   
  • When Yoshi drinks a potion and passes out, Kenji attacks Charlie. “Kenji clamped a hand on Charlie’s neck, hard enough to make her gasp. He pushed her against the wall. The rough stones jabbed into her back. Charlie struggled for breath, feeling her consciousness start to slip away.” Someone hits Kenji over the head and knocks him out. 
  • When Yoshi awakes, he tries to recapture Charlie. However, Newton helps her flee. Newton attacks Yoshi. “He drove Yoshi backward to a small ledge by a channel through which the lava was flowing. They tottered on the edge, then toppled into the channel. . . A burst of flame flared up as the molten rock consumed them.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • King John keeps wild animals as pets and gives them wine and beer to drink. 
  • Yoshi discovers a vial that he believes is Newton’s discovery. When he drinks it, “his eye bulged. His face turned red. His hands clutched at his throat as he wheezed.” He passes out. 
  • Isaac Newton was in a carriage when “one rioter managed to leap onto the running board . . . He was so drunk that Newton could smell the liquor on his breath.” 


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • As Isaac Newton flees, a young scientist says, “God be with you.”  
  • When explorer James Cook went to Hawaii, he was mistaken as a “powerful Hawaiian God named Lono,” and “James and his men were showered with food and gifts.” The natives finally realized Cook was not a god, and a mob killed him. 
  • Newton hid his discovery because “there were many more who might think it was the result of witchcraft—or a pact with the devil—or other dark forces.”

Change the Game

Written by Colin Kaepernick and Eve L. Ewing and illustrated by Orlando Caicedo, Change the Game is a graphic novel that follows Colin Kaepernick’s high school years. This was a difficult and critical time for Kaepernick. With college fast approaching, he felt pulled between two career paths. He was an excellent baseball pitcher, earning him several offers from colleges, which his parents and teachers encouraged him to pursue. However, these deals saw him only for his athletic ability and disregarded his academic success.
Along with this, Kaepernick had no passion for baseball. Instead, he felt a strong calling for football. His high school football team was a place of comfort for him, where his closest friends played alongside him. Meanwhile, his high school baseball team was made up of mostly strangers who regularly made racist comments. When Kaepernick spoke up against his teammates, the coach scolded him.

In Change the Game, readers will come to understand how Kaepernick’s love for football developed alongside his awareness of the racial prejudices of his environment. Kaepernick grew up in a predominately white small town. He lived in a household with white adoptive parents and siblings. Since most of his friends on his football team were people of color, Kaepernick felt he could truly be himself around them. Not only did his teammates share his love for football, but he could also talk to them about their mutual feelings growing up in their town.  

Caicedo’s dynamic illustrations help the reader understand Kaepernick’s feelings throughout the story. For example, Caicedo illustrates Kaepernick’s daydream of a potential baseball career in wavy, overlapping panels. The climactic playoff game is illustrated across a double-page spread, with a small, claustrophobic layout of panels depicting Kaepernick’s anxious, shifting focus; the pictures include a closeup of the ball being caught, a referee barking out calls, a closeup of a shouting fan. The illustrations help the reader fully understand the intensity and anxiety of the game. Each page’s panels have zero to eight sentences. 

The book ends with a section describing Kaepernick’s Know Your Rights Camp, a free camp that raises awareness on higher education and self-empowerment for young people of color, as well as instructions on how to interact with law enforcement in various situations. The section includes photos from the camp and quotes from its members, who answer how they plan to “change the game” as future leaders of change. 

Overall, Change the Game is an excellently illustrated graphic novel led by Kaepernick’s candid and personal voice as he retells the beginning of his athletic career. In this book, Kaepernick stresses the valuable lesson these experiences taught him: you should always stand up for what is right, even if it feels uncomfortable. The story is sure to resonate with young readers who may share Colin’s experience as well as readers who may not already recognize the more covert examples of racial prejudice in their own environments. 

Sexual Content 

  • Colin describes a “sort of game” in which his father would ask him who on TV he found attractive. 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • Colin overhears a white student saying the “n” word. 
  • A member of Colin’s baseball team refers to a “Mexican stealing another job” from a white store owner. 
  • Colin describes how he would overhear white fans of his high school football team refer to the team’s Black members as “animals out there,” or “real beasts,” without acknowledging that these descriptions are dehumanizing. 


  • None 


Spiritual Content 

  • None

Gamer Girls: 25 Women Who Built the Video Game Industry

Women have always made video games: from the 1960s, first-of-its-kind, projector-based Sumerian Game to the blockbuster Uncharted games that defined the early 2000s. Women have been behind the writing, design, scores, and engines that power one of the most influential industries out there. In Gamer Girls, you can explore the stories of 25 of those women. Bursting with bold artwork, easy-to-read profiles, and real-life stories of the women working on games like Centipede, Final Fantasy, Halo, and more, this dynamic illustrated book shows what a huge role women have played—and will continue to play—in the creation of video games.

With additional sidebars about other influential women in the videogame industry, as well as a glossary and additional resources page, Gamer Girls offers a look into the work and lives of influential pixel queens such as:   

  • Roberta Williams (one of the creators of the adventure genre) 
  • Mabel Addis Mergardt (the first person to write a video game) 
  • Muriel Tramis (the French “knight” of video games) 
  • Keiko Erikawa (creator of the otome genre) 
  • Yoko Shimomura (composer for Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, and Kingdom Hearts) 
  • Rebecca Heineman (first national video game tournament champion) 
  • Danielle Bunten Berry (creator of M.U.L.E. and early advocate for multiplayer games) 
  • And more! 

Anyone who plays or wants to make video games should read Gamer Girls, which gives readers a peek inside the video game industry. Many of the women made an impact on the video game industry by using their unique perspectives. The gamers discuss how they overcame obstacles; this includes creating new technologies that were necessary to bring their video game ideas to life. In addition, each woman gives advice. For instance, Kazuko Shibuya, the video game artist behind the Final Fantasy Series, explains: “There’s no substitute for experiencing things with your own two eyes, taking the whole atmosphere and context directly. A designer must hone all five of her senses. . . They are all connected to creativity. The more experiences you have to draw from, the more depth you will be able to impart to your creations.” 

Gamer Girls is broken into clear sections that are easy to follow. The first page introduces a new woman, features a full-page illustration of the woman, and lists her role in the video game industry. Each illustration is drawn using orange and purple, which give the pages a lively feel. Short sections titled “Side Quest” introduce other women who impacted the industry. And since some readers may not understand all of the technological terms, there is a glossary.  

Even girls who don’t dream of creating video games can still learn important lessons from the women featured in Gamer Girls. Donna Bailey, writer of the first romance game, advises, “Never stop learning new skills. Whether it’s choosing a new career because of a song, or leaving a career to reconnect with yourself, never lose the sound of your inner voice, and never lose curiosity.” Readers of Gamer Girls will come away feeling inspired to make their dreams come true. 

Sexual Content 

  • Game Developer Robin Hunicks spoke at a video game conference. “Robin quickly listed the types of game art displayed in hallways: ‘Sexy babes who can’t stop touching themselves. Coy babes who are kinda naked. Lesbian baaaaabes. Studded babes!. . . Latex babes.’ Hunicks went on to talk about how to reach women gamers.” After her rant, she “flipped the audience a set of double birds and walked off the stage.” 
  • A Japanese video game called Seduction of Condominium Wives was “a role-playing game in which a door-to-door salesman tries to sell condoms to women and fights Yakuza and ghosts.” 
  • Two video game designers became frustrated with people asking, “What’s the game mechanic for sex?” Later, they released “a game about sex that has nothing graphic in it. It’s a collection of flowers, shapes, colors, circles, and eyes.” 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None


  • One game developer’s advice is to “know your shit.” 


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

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