Friends Fur-Ever!

It’s the start of a new school year, and the kids are excited about Oakville Elementary School’s new club for Animal Appreciation, Education, and Rehabilitation—even though their new club advisor, Mrs. Wen, doesn’t share their enthusiasm. But as the kids meet a decidedly unusual crew of animals, including a bearded dragon who won’t eat, a therapy pig named Truffles, and a prickly porcupine who needs first aid, kids and adults alike learn that when people help animals, the animals help them right back. 

When the kids decide to start a club, a kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Wen, is forced to advise the club. However, when the kids take a rabbit to visit a nursing home, Mrs. Wen’s grandmother loves the cuddly bunny that helps her remember her past. Seeing the positive effect the rabbit has on her grandmother changes Mrs. Wen’s reluctance to be the club adviser.  

To increase club membership, Mrs. Wen invites Jimmy. However, Jimmy isn’t always nice. In fact, he gets upset when the art club puts the wrong time on the posters for a nature walk and decides to retaliate. Jimmy explains, “They ruined our nature walk by messing up our posters. I figured I’d get them back by taking down their posters.”  

The Animal Appreciation, Education, and Rehabilitation activities are presented using brightly colored illustrations with super cute animals. The club members and the adults are diverse and encourage teamwork. Each page has one to eight sentences that appear in quote bubbles. While some of the sentences are complex, the majority of them are easy to understand. Because of the fun topic and simple plot structure, Friends Fur-Ever will appeal to many readers. 

The animal club’s members are mostly kind to each other, and they show compassion to the animals. For example, when deciding to take the rabbit to a nursing home, one of the boys gives the rabbit a series of tests to make sure that the rabbit won’t become frightened. In addition, the club members help find the school’s missing hamster. While most of the animal club’s adventures are safe and realistic, at one point the kids catch an injured porcupine in a backpack because they don’t want to wait for animal control. In addition, Mrs. Wen leads an unwilling horse into a parade, even though she is obviously uncomfortable with horses.  

Friends Fur-Ever encourages readers to treat animals with respect, but some of the club members forget this lesson. While the graphic novel will entertain readers, adults may want to discuss the episodes with young readers, discussing the dangers of trying to capture a wild animal. Readers who love animals and want an easy-to-read book will find Friends Fur-Ever a good book. For more pet-astic reads check out Pets on the Loose! by Victoria Jamieson and the Bird & Squirrel Series by James Burks. 

 Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Harry Houdini: A Magical Life

Elizabeth MacLeod presents the life and career of the Hungarian immigrant who rose from poverty to become one of the most famous magicians and contortionists of all time: Harry Houdini! While the book focuses on Harry’s magic, it also shows other aspects of his life; he was an international star, a Hollywood actor, and a loving husband. Harry Houdini: A Magical Life delves into Harry’s interesting life, beginning when he was a child and ending after his death.  

Harry was a great magician because he constantly learned and practiced new tricks. For example, when Harry wanted to learn to escape from a straitjacket, he “visited a mental hospital and watched violent patients try to break free from the straitjackets. Of course, Harry had to try to escape from one. It took seven tries and left him bruised and bloody, but he managed to wriggle out.” Harry’s work ethic allowed him to perform some amazing new tricks and captivate his audiences. 

Harry also used his fame to help others. He often allowed children and soldiers to see him perform for free. In addition, “Harry tried to use his survival skills in the airless coffin to help others. He said people in collapsed mines might live longer if they stayed calm and breathed slowly.” Readers will enjoy seeing how Harry used magic to improve other people’s lives.  

Because of his desire to help others, Harry was embroiled in a séance scandal. After Harry’s mother died, he began “looking into spiritualism, the belief that dead people can communicate with the living. . . Harry was against mediums (people who claimed to be able to contact the dead) because he felt they took advantage of people’s grief just to get their money.” Harry used his knowledge of magic to speak out against spiritualism and show people how mediums used tricks to deceive people.  

Even though Harry Houdini: A Magical Life is only 32 pages, it is packed full of interesting information. Each two-page spread features newspaper headlines, advertising posters, and historical pictures with captions that tell interesting facts. For example, Harry once said, “I could get out of anything—a coffin, a burglarproof safe, and even a preserved giant squid!” The graphic elements add to the book’s visual appeal, but some readers may struggle with the advanced vocabulary. This book in the Snapshots: Images of People and Places in History Series includes a concise timeline and a listing of pertinent Web sites. 

Anyone interested in magic should put Harry Houdini: A Magical Life on the top of their reading list. Not only is the book entertaining, but it also shows that hard work, practice, and magic all combined to make Harry Houdini one of the most famous magicians of all time. To learn more about Harry Houdini and the history of magic, read Abracadabra: The Story of Magic Through the Ages by HP Newquist. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Hoop Genius: How a Desperate Teacher and a Rowdy Gym Class Invented Basketball

When James Naismith takes over as the new teacher of a rowdy gym class, he quickly realizes that he needs a new strategy to handle the energetic group of boys. Forced to find a game with less physical contact and more skill, Naismith develops his own game with a soccer ball and two peach baskets. Naismith introduces the new game of basketball to the gym class, but he worries that the boys won’t accept it. Will basketball become the next exciting thing or yet another failed sport for Naismith?  

Set in 1891, the story follows James Naismith and his journey to invent the game of basketball. Naismith is portrayed as a thick-skinned, determined protagonist whose many failures to find the right sport for his gym class only push him to continue to try new things. Naismith’s fortitude and willingness to never give are very admirable, and his determination to succeed will inspire others.  

The story presents an enjoyable account of the real-life invention of basketball, and the plot details the creation, the execution, and the impact of basketball in a clear, fluid manner. From the start, the book is filled with energy and excitement, and the progressing storyline only enhances the appeal of basketball for both young and old readers. While the historical accuracy may be overly simplified, the story’s core is its main lesson of never giving up. Even when Naismith “felt like giving up” because of repeated failures, he remained motivated and “stayed up late thinking about the new game.” 

The book highlights the historical components of the story with colorful, page-full illustrations that enhance the plot and keep readers invested with a unique, watercolor art style. Even though Hoop Genius is a picture book, the story is intended to be read aloud to a child, rather than for the child to read it for the first time independently. Each page features a short paragraph of text, but the advanced vocabulary will be challenging for younger readers. Nonetheless, older readers will still enjoy the book’s simplicity and illustrations. At the end of the book, an Author’s Note and a historical document about the early rules of basketball also provide an in-depth look at the real-life details of basketball. Overall, Hoop Genius is an entertaining yet informative tale about the creation of basketball that basketball fans won’t want to miss. To learn more fun facts about basketball add Swish!: The Slam-Dunking, Alley-Ooping, High-Flying Harlem Globetrotters by Suzanne Slade to your reading list. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Healer of the Water Monster

The prospect of spending his summer in Phoenix with his father and his new girlfriend, Leandra, makes Nathan feel sick to his stomach. Still unsettled by his parent’s impending divorce, Nathan decides to spend his summer with his grandmother, Nali. At her mobile home, away from cell service and the luxuries of modern technology, Nathan starts a summer project to keep him busy that involves growing corn in his grandmother’s garden.  

However, his summer gets off to a more exciting start than Nathan bargained for when his corn seeds start going missing. While trying to catch the thief in action, Nathan stumbles across a water monster named Pond, a creature from Navajo legend that can control the water. However, Pond’s lake is dried up and his power is fading, rendering him unable to sing the water monster songs that bring rain to the area. Nathan learns that Pond has been poisoned by radiation from a nearby excavated uranium mine. To save Pond, Nathan needs to go to the Third World and get medicine from Mother Water Monster, the strongest of all water monsters. 

Meanwhile, Nathan’s Uncle Jet is struggling with his alcohol addiction. Nali wants Uncle Jet to have an Enemy Way Ceremony, a cleansing ritual that will help Jet on his road to recovery. However, Uncle Jet is against the ceremony since he is depressed and doesn’t believe it will work. Nathan discovers that an Ash Being is clinging to Uncle Jet, a dark creature who is increasing Uncle Jet’s feelings of hopelessness.  

After learning a few water monster songs to protect him in the Third World, Nathan unites with other Holy Beings, such as Wind and Darkness, to meet Mother Water Monster. They solve a series of puzzles in the Third World before meeting her and getting the medicine for Pond. Nathan returns home to discover that Mother Water Monster did not give him medicine, but a rock instead, and Pond passes away. Nathan feels all his work was in vain, but Changing Woman, a Navajo Holy Being, reassures him: “You gave Pond a great pool of hope, for his own health and for the return of the rains. Hope is a very powerful medicine and can give every minute we have alive a great deal of meaning and worth.” 

Nathan realizes that he has someone else who needs hope – his Uncle Jet. He rushes to be present at Uncle Jet’s Enemy Way, in which the Ash Being is successfully expelled. The story ends as Nathan discovers that the rock is actually a water monster egg, which is now his duty to care for and continue Pond’s legacy.  

The main theme of Healer of the Water Monster, as Nathan learns, is hope. Nathan feels hopeless for various reasons: he struggles to learn the water monster songs, his parents are unhappy, and he’s losing his friend, Pond. However, by relying on others and asking for help when he needs it, he is able to prevail. The other characters, such as Uncle Jet, learn this valuable lesson too.  

Readers will find that Nathan is a relatable character due to his insecurities. He admits that he is afraid of the journey to the Third World and doubts that he is the right person to make such a dangerous and important journey. However, with reassurance from his friends, Nathan accepts that it’s his duty to help the water monsters. At the end of the story, Nathan also takes the responsibility of passing on the water monster’s songs to the baby water monster, who is a symbol of hope. 

This story, the prequel to Heroes of the Water Monster, is easier to read than the second book. There are only two main plots in this story, while the second book is difficult to follow due to its much larger scope. Thus, in Healer of the Water Monster, the reader is able to learn about Nathan in more detail. The inclusion of Navajo culture is interesting and straightforward, and it doesn’t overshadow the plot of Uncle Jet and his struggles with alcoholism. Uncle Jet’s dark thoughts brought on by the Ash Being and his PTSD from serving as a marine are heavy topics for this story but mentioned sparingly. Healer of the Water Monster focuses more on spreading hope, overcoming insecurities, and looking to the future than it does on the fantasy action which makes it more thoughtful – but not any less worthwhile – than its sequel. Readers who want to connect with other Indigenous characters should also read Rez Dogs by Joseph Bruchac and When the Butterflies Came by Kimberley Griffiths Little.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Nathan accidentally gets hurt while trying to pass by a fight and gets knocked out. “Two big men [were] fighting each other in the middle of the cars and trucks. They were cursing and saying many things that would make his mom mad. Their fists and knees slammed into each other’s bodies. . . They both fell to the earth, and a large dust cloud bloomed around them. Some dust flew into Nathan’s eyes. As he was rubbing his eyes, Nathan felt the full weight of two massive bodies pushing him up against the car. . . Nathan fell to the earth. Last thing he remembered, he heard a loud smack and then a lightning-like flare of pain made his vision blurry, then go dark.” 
  • Darkness uses its powers on a man who steals. “Darkness wrapped the shadows around the man. The man knelt down. His screaming was muffled, as if his head were under a pillow. The man screamed and writhed. It was kind of terrifying, and Nathan hoped the man wasn’t in pain. In seconds, the shadows unraveled, and like black ink slipped off the man, who was sound asleep.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Uncle Jet smokes once. “When [Uncle Jet] noticed Nathan was heading toward him, Uncle Jet quickly put out his cigarette.” 
  • Devin, a medicine man that Nathan and Nali visit, smokes tobacco. “Devin lit the tobacco with a lighter and puffed on it.” 
  • Uncle Jet is an alcoholic. This is mentioned multiple times in the story, but there are only a few instances where the reader sees him drinking. For example, Nathan finds Uncle Jet sleeping after many drinks. “The stench of alcohol crept up Nathan’s nostrils.” Nathan leaves him to rest. 
  • Uncle Jet takes Nathan to a party where people are drinking and he has a few drinks. “A crowd passed brown bottles and silver aluminum cans around. . . Uncle Jet chugged a can.” 


  • Nathan calls someone “stupid.” 


  • The Water Monsters are a group of Holy Beings that play a central role in the story. They are creatures of legend from Navajo stories that inhabit bodies of water and look like lizards. They have many powers, including controlling water, turning it to ice, using it to travel long distances, and more. Other than Pond, Nathan’s water monster friend, Nathan also meets Mother Water Monster. “Far in the distance, a creature of titanic proportions rose from the water. Waterfalls cascaded from its scaly body. . . Water cleared from the face of the creature, and a pair of bloodred eyes stared at Nathan.” 
  • To control water, water monsters sing songs. Nathan learns some of these water monster songs; this allows him to freeze water and control it. Nathan freezes a water bottle to prove to his father that the water monsters, and their songs, are real. “Nathan stopped singing in his mind. . . [he] handed his father the water bottle that he had frozen completely solid. Both his father and Nali looked at the bottle in utter surprise. Tiny frost crystals had formed on the outside.” Later, Nathan uses the same song to freeze a lake in the Third World. 
  • Nathan discovers that a horned toad-looking creature is stealing his seeds. This creature, Seed Collector, is a being from the Third World. He can speak and stand on two legs. “Shocked, [Nathan] froze in place when he saw the large horned toad standing on its hind legs and holding a glowing quartz crystal. Atop its head was a tiny, horizontally striped turkey feather. A turquoise necklace dangled around its thorny neck. . . a trail of cactus flowers followed it, hovering right about its shoulder area.”  
  • Nathan has a turquoise stone that allows him to communicate with all beings. He uses it to speak to the water monsters and Holy Beings.  
  • Nathan befriends a spider. Nathan uses his communication stone to talk to Spider. She comes with him on the journey to the Third World, spinning webs for him so that Nathan can find his way back to the Fourth World. 
  • An Ash Being is a shadow-like creature that feeds on one’s fears and worsens feelings of anxiety and depression. Nathan notices that an Ash Being has latched onto his Uncle Jet. At one point, it latches onto Nathan, calling him “worthless” and making him feel depressed for a short time until the Holy Beings scare it away. 
  • A butterfly with rainbow wings called Changing Woman – a Navajo Holy Being – congratulates Nathan on his return from the Third World.  

Spiritual Content 

  • This story centers around Navajo beliefs, which are mentioned frequently. The main focus is the Holy Beings who help Nathan rescue Pond, including Wind and Darkness, figureless beings that are the personification of wind and darkness. The Navajo language is also used frequently, which can be translated with the glossary in the back of the book.  
  • The Third World and Fourth World are mentioned in the story multiple times. Humans occupy the Fourth World, while Holy Beings such as Water Monsters and more live in the Third World. A large part of the story is Nathan’s journey to the Third World to meet Mother Water Monster. 
  • The story describes these different worlds and how they came to be. “Ages before humans lived in our current Fourth World, it has been said that the ancestors of the Navajo left the mists and clouds of the Second World for the shimmering waters of the Third World. First to crawl onto the land were the beings of thought, First Woman and First Man. Second were the beings of land, Coyote, Turkey, Deer, Turtle, Cougar, Bear. . . ” This Navajo creation story spans four pages and describes how Coyote steals a baby water monster, enraging Mother Water Monster who attempts to destroy the third world, prompting the First Man, First Woman, and creatures of land into moving to the Fourth World where they now reside.  
  • An Enemy Way is a Navajo ceremony that people undergo when they experience trauma in their lives and undergo a spiritual cleanse to aid the process of recovery. A large aspect of the story is Uncle Jet undertaking this ceremony to start his road to recovery. In this multi-day ceremony usually for warriors who have returned from war, singing and other rituals are used to combat the dangerous effects of ghosts. 
  • A few times in the story, sweetgrass is discussed. The Navajo use sweetgrass as medicine that they burn and inhale the smoke of to purify the spirit and energize the body. Pond uses his sweetgrass to prolong his life and inhales it a few times. Two times, he lets Nathan do it too. “Nathan picked up the sweetgrass and held it in front of the water monster’s nose. The water monster blew upon it and small embers ignited. Soon, a sweet smoke wafted through the air and into its nostrils. Some of the smoke entered Nathan’s nose, and in an instant, he was no longer tired. He was alert, like he had awakened from the night of great sleep, though he was still hungry and thirsty.” 
  • Other sacred objects include corn pollen and turquoise; both of which are mentioned a few times in the story.  

Lost in the Mushroom Maze

Coop Cooperson lives in the Land of Eem, a fantastical realm where many different species live together, and there is always more magic to be discovered by those up to the task. The Dungeoneer Academy trains future explorers with classes like Dungeons and Mazes, Creatures and Critters, and Swords and Sorcery.

Coop believes in the academy’s mission and the Dungeoneer’s Code, but being the only human student can make it difficult to fit in. Lucky for Coop, his best friend Oggie the bugbear has his back. Oggie and the two other members of their exploring team—Daz the boggart and Mindy the imp—will have to rely on each other more than ever as the test for their Junior Dungeoneer Badges looms closer. If Coop and his friends fail to run the final gauntlet in the fungal jungle, they will have to leave the academy.  

As future dungeoneers, Coop and his team know to expect the unexpected, but nothing could prepare them for the adventure that lies in store. Coop and the Green Team must defeat the Zarakna’rawr (a dangerous spider monster), or the mushrums (a group of mushroom-like people) will turn the friends into soup!  

Lost in the Mushroom Maze takes readers on an epic adventure deep underground. Right from the start, readers will connect to the Green Team—Coop, Daz, Oggie, and Mindy—a group of misfits who struggle with typical middle-grade conflicts. Coop wants to break free from the mold that society has cast for him. Daz’s absent parents make her feel lonely and unwanted. Oggie wants to be an artist, but his father wants Oggie to be a great warrior. And Mindy works too hard, which doesn’t allow her to have any fun.  

Adventure-loving readers will be introduced to a wide array of characters, frightening monsters, and an unexplored mushroom civilization. Large, black-and-white illustrations appear on almost every page, which helps readers visualize the imaginative world of Eem as well as heightens the suspense. The fast-paced story includes heart-stopping action scenes, humor, and mystery. And the book’s rich language adds to the story’s fun tone. 

The book is wonderful to read aloud because it’s filled with alliteration, onomatopoeias, silly names, and made-up words. However, some readers will struggle with the liberal use of idioms such as on thin ice, a piece of cake, etc. In addition, the story uses difficult vocabulary such as grudgingly, calamitous, pulverized, mycelium, and juggernaut. Another thing that may cause confusion is that Tymbo, a mushrum, speaks his own dialect of English. For example, when encountering a monster, Tymbo says, “The Oo’graw’nok is the creature we are seeing. The almighty Zarakna’rawr is a creature we are not seeing.” Despite this, readers will be so caught up in the story that any language difficulties will not prevent them from reading the entire book.  

Through it all, the Green Team succeeds by working together and using their unique talents. Readers will connect with the Green Team’s conflicts and root for them as they face a bully, an exiled rebel, and a multitude of monsters. Through the Green Team’s experiences, the story encourages readers to embrace their unique differences. 

Fans of The Last Kids on Earth and The Treehouse Series will also enjoy reading Lost in the Mushroom Maze. Not only is the book exceptionally entertaining, but the Dungeoneer’s Code, which is referred to often, also teaches important lessons such as working together and “always do what is right, even if other options are easier.” Lost in the Mushroom Maze is the perfect book for any reader who enjoys humor and adventure.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • The Green Team is on a practice mission when Coop accidentally steps on a pressure plate and “something sharp and pointy whizzes by my head. . . Gouts of flame blast from jets in the floor and ceiling . . . All of a sudden, a pendulum blade swings toward us from the darkness above.” No one is injured. The scene is described over six pages.  
  • While in the cafeteria, the school bully, Zeek, throws food at Coop. “Something wet and slimy hits me hard in the side of the face. A blob of mystery casserole.” Coop wants to retaliate, but his friends stop him.   
  • Zeek corners Coop. “Zeek wrenches my neck into a headlock, stuffing my face into the crook of his sweaty armpit. It stinks like fish butts and cabbage. . .” Oggie steps in, but Zeek’s minion, Axel, “lifts him off the ground. . . Axel hisses as he slams Oggie into a locker.” 
  • Coop gets angry and finally begins fighting back. “With a swift tug and a nimble roll, I break free of Zeek’s grip and sprint to my feet. Digging in my heels, I draw my finger like a sword and poke Zeek in the chest. . . Zeek pushes me so hard, I trip and land on my tailbone with a thud. Sprawled on the ground, I watch Zeek and Axel laugh.” Coop’s friend appears and Zeek takes off. The scene is described over five pages. 
  • Headmaster Munchowzen and his friend, Lazlar Rake, founded The Dungeoneer Academy. But Lazlar “was banished after three students were killed while under his negligent leadership during an unauthorized exploration mission.” No other information is given.    
  • While on a sputter-train, Zeek takes Coop’s journal and reads it aloud. Oggie gets up to help, “but Axel kicks him, and Oggie stumbles back into his seat.” Then the sputter-train crashes and “things go topsy-turvy.” 
  • While in the Mushroom Maze, the Green Team, Zeek, and Axel hear a “roooooarrrrrr!” They run and hide, but the monster follows. “Somewhere above, we hear skittery clicking sounds. . . one of those crablike insects I saw before, red and shiny, crawls down from above us. We stare at it. It stares back with black, unwinking eyes. . . Suddenly it leaps onto Zeek’s leg. . . Zeek smacks it and the bug goes flying. . .”  
  • After Zeek hits the bug, “there’s a thunderous thump as a toadstool tree topples over, and hundreds of these hidden red insects skitter in random directions along the jungle floor.” Then a beast appears. “The monstrous creature [called a gwarglebeast] opens its powerful jaws wide enough to scoop up two more crab-bugs and then bellows. . .” The Green Team befriends the gwarglebeast. 
  • Zeek mocks Coop and calls him names. Then, Coop describes how Zeek’s fist “connects squarely with my nose. Crunch! I feel the rush of blood spurt out, and I fall to my knees.” Afterward, Zeek takes off. 
  • While lost in the Mushroom Maze, the Green Team runs into a group of mushroom-like people called mushrums. The team begins to back away, but “before we can leave, an array of crystal weapons juts out from the bushes surrounding us.” 
  • The mushrums take the friends to their leader, who plans to eat them. “The mushrum guards grab us by the arm and march us toward a boiling cauldron. Steam blasts our faces, so hot that we have to turn away.” Coop bargains with the leader: if they let them go, they will kill the Zarakna’rawr—a dangerous monster. 
  • While underground, the Green Team falls into brackish water. “Suddenly tentacles slither from the water and coil around Tymbo with ferocious speed!” The Green Team grabs Tymbo, “when suddenly countless more glowing yellow eyes peer at us from below.” The kids fight the terrible beast for seven pages. Everyone makes it out of the water alive, except for Tymbo. The beast cuts Tymbo in half, but thankfully, “Mushrum folk can reconstitute themselves after dismemberment.”  
  • While trying to find a way out of an underground tunnel, the Green Team sees a mysterious boy, who turns out to be an exiled student. The boy blows up the tunnel entrance. The explosion is not described. 
  • Chromadytes, large crystal beasts, attack the Green Team and Tymbo. “One of the chromadytes swipes at Tymbo with its jagged crystal-covered arm, but the mushrum trackers deftly dodge in opposite directions. . .” Daz uses a shield as a battering ram. “The force of her charge knocks the chromadytes aside, buying us enough time to duck past them down the tunnel.” The group runs safely away.  
  • In a multi-chapter battle, the Green Team must defeat a Zarakna’rawr, “a titanic mushrum spider monster.” The monster tries to stomp on Coop, but “Oggie tackles me just in time. Our bodies thud to the ground, and we roll clear of the spider’s massive stomp.” 
  • Daz jumps in to help Oggie. “Daz tosses one of her gemmed daggers into the air and catches it by the point between her fingers. With a swift spin, she hurls the dagger into the spider’s leg. The Zarakna’rawr lets out a bloodcurdling roar. . .” 
  • The Green Team learns that Dorian Ryder, an exiled student, has a scepter that allows him to control the Zarakna’rawr. Dorian commands the Zarakna’rawr to attack. “The monster roars, its sound so loud. . . and we all reel back in horror. With reckless abandon we sprint away as the spider creature pursues us, its tremendous bulk crashing through the Fungal Jungle. . . with its enormous, scorpion-like tail it plucks toadstool trees from the ground and hurls them after us.”  
  • As the battle continues, the spider creature “sprays us with ropes of spittle and slime.” Most of the Green Team’s fighting does little to stop the Zarakna’rawr. Coop raises his sword to strike, but “the creature’s powerful forelimbs strike so hard that the wind is knocked out of me. I slide across the floor wheezing. . . my ribs ache. My back throbs. The metallic taste of blood is in my mouth.”  
  • When defeat seems imminent and all of Coop’s friends are down, Coop yells at the beast. “The spidery horror turns its creaking, chittering head toward me. Its mandibles jitter wetly as saliva drools to the ground. . .” With his sword raised, Coop runs towards the spider. He cries “out defiantly as I fall toward my enemy and strike!” The illustration shows the monster’s brain being sliced off.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • Often, the students call each other names; however, the school bully does most of the name-calling. The name-calling includes jerk, loser, twerp, nerd, and hairbrain. 
  • Zeek calls Coop, “Pooperson.” Later, Zeek mocks him, saying Coop is a “no-good, river-rat human” and that he doesn’t belong in the academy.  
  • Heck and dang are both used a few times. 


  • This fantasy world has imps, bugbears, shrym, and other types of characters.  

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Jasmine Toguchi, Super Sleuth

It’s a big weekend for Jasmine Toguchi! She’s excited to celebrate Girl’s Daya Japanese holiday honoring women and girlswith her sister, mother, and best friend, Linnie.  

On Friday after school, Linnie comes over to plan their outfits for the Girl’s Day celebrations, and Jasmine’s neighbor, Mrs. Reese, lets them search through her old clothes for the perfect accessories. But the clothes are in her dark garage, which is kind of scary. And then Linnie decides to go home early, which is kind of weird. Plus Jasmine’s big sister, Sophie, doesn’t seem to want to join in the Girl’s Day fun this year, which is kind of confusing. WHAT is going on?

As her big weekend plans start to unravel, Jasmine must use her sleuthing skills to spot the clues around her. Then maybe, just maybe, she can put everything back in order before Girl’s Day is over! 

Jasmine Toguchi, Super Sleuth explores the topic of friendship with a relatable conflict between Jasmine and her best friend, Linnie. Jasmine and Linne play dress-up at their neighbor Mrs. Reese’s house. Afterward, they do not have time to properly clean up. Jasmine tells Mrs. Reese that it was Linnie’s fault that the clothes weren’t put away right. This upsets Linnie, who then tells Jasmine’s mom that she wants to go home. When Linnie explains why she is upset, Jasmine thinks, “Linnie was snitching on me! She was not a good friend at all.”  

After Linnie goes home, Jasmine “was afraid Linnie would be mad at me forever. I was afraid she would not be my friend anymore. I needed to make things right.” Jasmine realizes that even though she tries to be a super sleuth, she “missed some important clues” that prove Linnie is a super friend. In the end, even though it’s difficult, Jasmine apologizes and the friendship is repaired.  

The story is accessible to fluent readers who are ready for a book with multiple plots. Black and white illustrations appear every two to three pages and show Jasmine’s daily life. Many of the illustrations show the characters’ facial expressions, which will help readers understand the characters’ emotions. Another positive aspect of the story is that difficult words are explained within the text. For example, Jasmine’s teacher asks the class what a detective is. Jasmine answers, “A detective is someone who solves mysteries by using clues. Another word for detective is sleuth.”  

Even though Jasmine Toguchi is a series, the books do not need to be read in order because each book focuses on a new storyline. And for even more fun, the back of the book has directions on how to make origami paper dolls. 

Young readers will enjoy the engaging plot of Jasmine Toguchi, Super Sleuth. With relatable conflicts, positive adult role models, and a kind protagonist, Jasmine Toguchi, Super Sleuth will please young readers and their parents. One of the best aspects of the story is how Jasmine uses her powers of observation to solve a mystery and understand others. In addition, the story has positive life lessons about friendship, communication, and dealing with changes. Jasmine’s mom says, ”Change doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Growing up. . . is a part of life. Just make sure you’re doing things because you want to, not because of what others might think.” Jasmine Toguchi, Super Sleuth will appeal to many readers, especially those who love to imagine themselves as super sleuths. For another educational and entertaining mystery, check out King & Kayla and the Case of the Secret Code by Dori Hillestad Butler. 

Sexual Content 

  • None


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • Jasmine’s friend, Linnie, celebrates Hanukkah. However, the holiday is not described. 

Middle School Mischief

Nadia loves fun facts. Here are a few about her: 

  • There was a magical—and hilarious—ancient Egyptian teacher named Titi trapped in her hippo amulet until she freed him last fall. 
  • Her school is choosing a new mascot and her idea is totally going to win! 
  • She’s going to kick butt writing for the school newspaper this term. . .  

A couple of weeks in, the newspaper is a big mess. The mascot contest is mayhem, too. (Who knew choosing a costumed character could cause such controversy?!) Then Nadia and Titi discover that the hippo amulet holds a second secret, one that’s super powerful—and super scary. Too bad they have no idea how to stop it. But Nadia is on the case! If she can solve the mystery of an ancient amulet, then winning the mascot contest and acing her reporter assignments should be easy. . . right? 

In the second installment of The Magical Reality of Nadia Series, Nadia learns that sometimes good intentions go awry. In hopes of bringing the student body together, Nadia proposed that the school’s mascot, the petunia, be replaced with something that represents everyone. Unfortunately, the contest to find a new mascot causes unexpected drama. In an effort to be heard, Nadia writes several articles. However, the first one is off-putting because it is preachy and the second one gives false information. Through it all, Nadia learns the importance of checking the validity of internet sources.  

Readers will connect with Nadia, who is imperfect and often makes mistakes. Like many middle school students, she unintentionally hurts people’s feelings which causes friendship problems. Since Nadia loves to tell people fun facts, she often comes off as a know-it-all. Despite this, Nadia’s imperfections and good intentions make her an extremely likable protagonist.  

Titi, an ancient professor, becomes a substitute teacher at Nadia’s school. Nadia begins to feel jealous when Titi has less time for her. Plus, Nadia begins to wonder if Titi is a true friend or if he is just using her. Nadia’s relationship with Titi adds suspense and humor to the story as well as reminds readers not to make assumptions.  

Middle School Mischief’s fun format and fast-paced plot will appeal to many readers. While most of the story is in traditional text, the book includes sections of black-and-white comics and lively black-and-white illustrations throughout. Several times throughout the story, Nadia mentions admiring Nellie Bly, which may spark the reader’s interest in the journalist. Unlike the first installment of the series, in Middle School Mischief Nadia’s fun facts are not integrated into the story; instead, they appear in the margins which makes it easy to overlook them.  

Middle School Mischief has many positive aspects that will appeal to middle-grade readers. While the story is full of humor, it also has many important life lessons including how mistakes are an important part of learning. The entertaining story also shows the importance of inclusion. In addition, the book briefly mentions microaggressions and explains that “just because something isn’t familiar to you doesn’t mean it’s weird.” Middle School Mischief is a highly entertaining book that reminds readers that no one is perfect.   

Sexual Content 

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  • Titi’s enemy, the magician Khefren, is determined to get revenge. The magician “turned on the news. And there it was—the scene of the ‘accident’ he’d orchestrated—the crushed chandelier, the broken glass, the flashing lights of the ambulances.” A news anchor goes on to explain, “A deranged squirrel caused massive destruction to the foyer of Elvis Presley’s historic home. The rodent chewed through a cable, causing a chandelier to fall on a local tour guide and Elvis impersonator.” No one is injured.  
  • When Titi lived in ancient Egypt, his friend Khefren became “very powerful. There were rumors that he had put a dark spell over the pharaoh. Our good and noble leader was now weak and confused. Anyone who questioned Khefren was put to death or imprisoned.” 
  • During lunch, Nadia was speaking to the student body. Someone gets upset and then, “Something hit the megaphone, then oozed off. Someone had thrown coleslaw at Nadia.” A food fight breaks out, but no one is injured.  
  • While in a classroom at Nadia’s school, Khefren gets angry and “pulled back his hand, fathering red smoke and sparks, and threw them toward Titi. The sparks bounced off him, hitting a gigantic seahorse and shattering it.”  
  • Khefren threatens to hurt Nadia and her friend Adam. “Titi dove to block the green and yellow sparks that flew from Khefren’s hand toward Adam. Adam hightailed it out of the classroom. . . Then [Khefren] threw electric blue sparks at the gigantic fish net hanging above. It landed on Nadia and Titi as Khefren disappeared down the hallway.”  
  • Khefren chases Adam down a hallway. To help Adam, Titi uses magic. “Suddenly, Nadia, Titi, and Adam were tiny animated versions of themselves, standing on the bake sale poster. ‘Eat us! Eat us!’ The cupcakes cried, jumping up and down.” As the three jump from poster to poster, the animated items on the poster chase them. 
  • Nadia, Titi, and Adam lock themselves in the gym. Khefren turns into a crocodile. “Croc-Khefren. . . rammed into the doors with his massive body. The lock broke like it was made of cheap plastic.” The students in the gym think the crocodile is part of Titi’s magic show. After an epic magic battle, Khefren is sent into an amulet.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • After the magic fight in the gym, Titi uses his magic to give everyone cotton candy. Titi says, “That delectable delight is filled with memory-erasing magic. Once everyone has a taste, all they’ll recall from today is that they saw a really amazing magic show. . .” 


  • Heck is used twice. 
  • Titi has many interesting ways to show surprise. For example, he exclaims, “Heavens to Mentuhotep” (an Egyptian pharaoh), “Cleopatra’s needles,” “for the love of Iris” (goddess of the rainbow), and more. 
  • Khefren calls Titi pathetic and a fool. 


  • Khefren can shapeshift. To get revenge, he takes over another human’s body. 
  • Titi can dive inside a comic book “to any point in history and bring Nadia and Adam along.”  
  • Titi is sent into a poster. For example, “Titi snapped his fingers and—POOF!—suddenly appeared on a poster of Pompei next to the whiteboard, a tiny animated version of himself.” 
  • Khefren takes over Principal Taylor’s body. Khefren believes Titi is in an amulet, so he plans to destroy it. “Taylor began chanting some ancient words, presumably the spell that would destroy the amulet forever. Purple smoke, then sparks began to form around his hand. . . Titi recites the backward words out loud and . . .purple sparks bounced off the amulet and head back toward Taylor.” This forces Khefren out of Taylor’s body. 

Spiritual Content 

  • Nadia makes a comment about how hawks “were revered in ancient Egypt—there was even an all-powerful hawk-headed god named Horus.”  

City of Magic

In the third installment of Avi’s Midnight Magic series, Fabrizio and Mangus the Magician are back for a final adventure. It is Pergamontio, Italy in 1492, and King Claudio and the tax collector call the elderly Mangus to them. As Pergamontio is losing money, Mangus must find the “magical” book about numbers written by Franciscan monk Luca Pacioli. If Mangus and Fabrizio don’t succeed in their mission, they risk death. The biggest issue: the book – and the monk – are in Venice. 

City of Magic mirrors the first book, Murder at Midnight, in a few ways. The king is especially superstitious and requires Mangus to sort out any foreign entities that may enter the kingdom. In this case, accounting has become Mangus’s new domain, which Fabrizio and Mangus realize is not something they understand. Since Mangus is elderly and in poor health, they are reluctant to take a long and arduous journey to Venice. The tax collector, like the other villains of the series, is obviously evil. The similarities to the first book did make certain plot elements, like the villains, feel a bit repetitive. 

In this installment, Fabrizio is less wide-eyed than in previous ones. However, he has become more interested in earning respect for using his illusions and tricks. As a servant and a child, he doesn’t have the same access to power that Mangus the Magician or King Claudio have, so he sometimes makes bad choices because he’s looking after his interests – in this case, being respected and honored by others. Fabrizio pressures Mangus into traveling to Venice. While there, Fabrizio realizes that he’s made a series of horrible mistakes and tries to atone for them by saving Mangus.  

As the characters enter Venice, the reader learns that Venice values secrets and money more than anything else. In many ways, it is a different world than Pergamontio, including the secret Black Hoods who act as an undercover police force and take people to prison. As Fabrizio is liable to give away excess information to strangers, he inadvertently gets Mangus arrested. Fabrizio also gets several other characters wrapped up in his adventure. The difference in location adds interest but also shifts the tone in a slightly darker direction. 

Similar to the first book, City of Magic has many historical references, including the Franciscan monk Brother Luca Pacioli, who during his lifetime was a philosopher and friend of Leonardo Da Vinci. Avi provides further historical notes at the end of the book. As usual, the story’s pacing is fast and upbeat, which moves the characters along at breakneck speed through the mystery, weaving in and around the narrow Venetian streets. Fans of the previous two books will enjoy this one as well, and they’ll find  

Fabrizio’s journey into maturity is compelling. Young readers will identify with Fabrizio’s desire to be respected for his intelligence and ultimately prove himself useful, even if it sometimes gets him into  trouble. Learning how to gain this respect is something readers and Fabrizio can learn through the course of the book. This was a solid new installment to the series, even if it reuses some key ideas from the previous books. Readers who want to be drawn into another magical series should read The Magic Misfits Series by Neil Patrick Harris.

Sexual Content  

  • None


  • Fabrizio and Mangus enter Venice and are not greeted very kindly at the immigration port. A man warns them of another man lying at the base of one of the columns, saying, “he’s dead. Executed for breaking our laws.” Fabrizio looks at the man initially and only thinks that he’s sleeping. Other details of this body are not given. 

Drugs and Alcohol  

  • None 


  • The tax collector shows up at Mangus’s home and demands that he come to see King Claudio immediately. Fabrizio comments to the tax collector that his master no longer practices magic, which is illegal, and the tax collector responds, “I don’t give a fig what Mangus does.” 
  • Light language is used throughout. Terms include fool and stupid. 


  • Mangus the Magician no longer practices his magic, but Fabrizio does. Fabrizio notes that Mangus refuses to teach him magic. Fabrizio says, “[Mangus] claimed he didn’t know any. How exasperating. How annoying. How regrettable. If I’d known even a bit of magic, I would have done all manner of marvelous things.” 
  • Fabrizio says he once learned that “if you don’t cover your mouth when you yawn, evil spirits can slip into your body.” He believes in many superstitions like this and occasionally brings them up. 

Spiritual Content  

  • City of Magic is set in 1492 Italy, in the Kingdom of Pergamontio. All the characters are Catholic and will frequently make exclamations of God’s name or saints’ names, and they will pray in times of fear. Mangus’s wife Sophia, for instance, exclaims “Dearest Saint Monica” and crosses herself when the king summons her husband. 
  • Fabrizio and his new Venetian friend Bianca hide out in a church during what Fabrizio notices is “Midnight Mass.” Bianca notes, “I come here often and pray…I like to be alone with Saint Antonio.” She prays for her father’s return. 

Pippa Park Raises Her Game

Pippa Park’s seventh-grade year is looking bleak. With her failing math grade, Pippa’s older sister Mina is thinking about restricting her from trying out for the basketball team. However, a scholarship allows Pippa to reinvent herself by transferring to the prestigious Lakeview Private (as long as she keeps her grades up).  

At first, everything seems to go smoothly; she makes new friends, establishes herself as a star player on the basketball team, and even improves her math grade through tutoring sessions with the school’s resident jock, Eliot Haverford. Pippa has officially invented herself as “cool.” But the cost of her newfound popularity is her family and former friends. Pippa starts to ignore her best friend Buddy, who is “uncool” by her new friends’ standards. Most of her friends come from privileged backgrounds, so Pippa feels pressure to hide the fact that she’s being raised by her sister, Mina, who owns a laundromat. In addition, Pippa absolutely can’t let anyone know about her crush on Eliot Haverford, or that she hails from Victoria Middle School, the public school that is Lakeview Private’s number one enemy.  

Soon, Pippa’s lies start to catch up with her, and an anonymous cyberbully starts to send her threatening messages online, exposing the truth of Pippa’s past. Her friendship with Buddy is ruined, her new “friends” turn against her due to her interest in Eliot, and her scholarship falls into jeopardy when her math grade plummets. Additionally, her desire to learn more about Eliot has caused a rift in his family.  

Overnight, Pippa’s life falls apart. Pippa says, “I got caught up in this idea that I could be someone different . . . I kept thinking that if I just made myself into someone else, then one day I would become [popular]. I would be Eliot’s girlfriend. I would belong at Lakeview. But I never will. It’s not my world.” Mina’s husband, Jung-Hwa, reassures Pippa by saying, “Everyone makes mistakes. . . This will pass eventually.” This advice, though simple, helps Pippa reassess the situation and start to make amends for the things she can change, like apologizing to Buddy. Soon, she is able to embrace her past, repair her friendships, and start anew – this time, as her true self – at Lakeview Private. 

Pippa Park Raises Her Game is a story about self-acceptance. Middle school is a trying time – both an opportunity to reinvent oneself and a challenge to figure out who you are. Pippa believes that trying to be cool will make her happy. But she discovers that accepting herself, her background, and her flaws gives her more happiness than trying to fit the mold of a typical Lakeview Private student. Pippa is a relatable character because she’s similar to middle school kids who are trying to find their identity, and caving to societal pressures. Pippa is a bit impulsive, which gives the story more action than a typical middle school novel. The overall plot is simple but has enough layers to be interesting and keep readers guessing until the end. Pippa’s love for basketball (and her knack for getting into trouble) makes this story entertaining.  

Pippa is also Korean American, and her family occasionally speaks in Korean, which is Romanized from the Korean alphabet in the book. The language makes sense in context and is paired with Pippa referencing Korean cultural touchpoints, like snacks, Kpop, Kdramas, and Chuseok, which Pippa explains is like a Korean Thanksgiving. Other characters do occasionally commit microaggressions against Pippa, making comments on various aspects of her Korean identity. For instance, one of Pippa’s teammates smells the kimchi that Pippa brings for lunch. When Pippa explains what it is, the girl says, “I was wondering what that smell was.” In the text, it is not meant kindly, and it deters Pippa from bringing her family’s leftovers for lunch in the future. Although these moments aren’t the focus of the text, they present a real battle that Pippa must deal with at her new, upper-crust, and presumably white school. 

Pippa’s shame and acceptance of her culture is another point of contention with her Lakeview identity. She says, “The shame I’d felt about Jung-Hwa’s homemade lunches, irritation at his clumsy gestures of affection, and embarrassment at his grimy clothes – they all sent a wave of guilt over me. He was the kindest man I’d ever known. Why did any of the rest of it matter?” Pippa thinks that being cool means not associating herself with her family or her origins, but ends up wondering why she should have to be ashamed of her family to fit in. Overall, Pippa ends up being a layered, yet relatable narrator who learns that embracing her identity – not running from it – leads to more genuine happiness.  

Pippa Park Raises Her Game is good for basketball fans and students who are looking for a novel that doesn’t only focus is basketball. Pippa’s story is not uncommon, and it’s important that young readers learn to recognize and empathize with these themes. Although the dialogue sometimes feels a bit young for middle schoolers, the story doesn’t lose impact because of it. Young readers will be able to take away many lessons from this book, especially about staying true to oneself and improving self-esteem. If you’re looking for a book with similar themes, check out I’m Ok by Patti Kim and The Comeback: A Figure Skating Novel by E.L. Shen. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Eliot’s grandfather and grandmother died in a car accident. Eliot’s grandparents’ car “ran off the road” leaving “their little baby son an orphan.” It’s described once briefly, “some maniac ran their car off the road.” This is mentioned a few times. 
  • Mina is Pippa’s older sister who raised her. In many ways, Mina is like Pippa’s parent. Mina is angry at Pippa one day and says, “I have half a mind to really bring you up by the hand . . . The tips of Mina’s fingers twitched, like she was thinking about giving [Pippa] a good slap.” 
  • Jung-Hwa, Mina’s husband, brings news that Pippa’s mom has been in a car crash in Korea. Jung-Hwa says, “She’s in the hospital, in critical condition.” Mina explains later that, “She ran a stoplight. Another car slammed right into her. After it hit the passenger side, her car spun out of control, and she had a head-on collision with a light pole.” Pippa’s mom survives the crash. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • Pippa calls herself an “idiot” for telling her name to a stranger, “Oh man! I definitely wasn’t supposed to tell him my name. I wanted to hit my palm against my forehead. Idiot!”  
  • Light language is used occasionally throughout the book. Terms include lousy, stupid, and jerk. 
  • Pippa is Korean American, and some of the people she meets are openly racist towards her. For instance, Pippa struggles with math and one student in class says to her, “Aren’t Asians supposed to be good at math?”  
  • Pippa mentions other backhanded racist comments that people often say. For example, Pippa is talking about Disney movies and mentions that most people think that Mulan is her favorite because they say, “You look just like her!” 
  • A classmate of Pippa’s, Caroline, comments on Pippa’s skin tone, inadvertently being racist. Caroline says to Pippa, “You do look a little sick. Or maybe you’re always this washed-out.” The other girls reprimand her, but don’t address why what Caroline said was rude. 
  • Another girl comments on the medical care that Pippa’s mom is receiving in Korea. She says, “I’m sure there are really good doctors in Seoul. My dentist is Korean —  he’s great.” 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Dungeon Academy: No Humans Allowed!

Welcome to Dungeon Academy, where monsters and creatures train for the dark world that awaits just beyond the dungeon walls! But Zellidora “Zelli” Stormclash is a bit—different. She’s the one thing monsters and creatures of the Forgotten Realms fear the most: Zelli is a human!  

Knowing she’ll never be accepted, Zelli’s parents disguise her as a minotaur in hopes she’ll blend with the academy’s monstrous surroundings. Zelli does her work, keeps to herself, and becomes “invisible” to everyone.  

While in History of Horrible Humans class, Zelli learns of the great human adventurer, Allidora Steelstrike, who oddly resembles her. Could Zelli also be a Steelstrike? Seeking answers to her true lineage, Zelli embarks on a dangerous adventure.  

But she won’t be alone. A vegan owlbear, a cowardly kobold, and a shapeshifting mimic will join Zelli on her quest for truth in a world that holds no place for them. And who knows? Perhaps these monstrous misfits may discover some truths of their own.  

Dungeon Academy: No Humans Allowed! is told from Zelli’s point of view. Like many middle-grade readers, Zelli wonders where she belongs. At first, she tries to isolate herself from others. But when she stops a bully, Zelli gains a group of unlikely friends. Each creature in the friend group goes against the usual stereotype for their species. For example, Hugo is an owlbear who is kind and has no desire to use his strength to defeat others. This allows the author to reinforce the importance of embracing each other’s differences.  

Readers who are not familiar with the world of Dungeons & Dragons may have difficulty understanding Zelli’s world. In addition, some readers will struggle with the book’s advanced vocabulary such as rudimentary, vambrace, begrudgingly, baldric, surreptitiously, and necromancy. The book also uses made-up words which at times can be confusing. For example, “The goblins ate with goblins, the oozes slorped with the oozes, and the myconids multiplied with the other myconids.” 

Since the story takes place in a fantasy world full of strange monsters and creatures, the book includes illustrations that are black and white with pops of orange. The illustrations, which appear every two to five pages, give readers a visual of all of the strange creatures as well as the battle scenes. Even though the battle scenes are described in detail, the illustrations do not show any gory details.  

Dungeon Academy: No Humans Allowed! is best suited for readers who are already familiar with Dungeons & Dragons. The unique characters highlight the importance of accepting yourself, even if you’re different than others. In addition, the story makes it clear that everyone makes mistakes—the important part is to learn from those mistakes. While the story has positive life lessons, the book’s long descriptions slow down the book’s pacing which breaks up the action and suspense. In addition, most of the action begins in chapter 11, which makes some of the adventure unexciting. Despite this, readers who are familiar with Dungeons & Dragons will enjoy entering the world where monsters, creatures, and humans come together to defeat evil. Readers who enjoy Dungeon Academy: No Humans Allowed! should also read the Dungeoneer Adventures Series by Ben Costa & James Parks. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • While in the forest, Zelli and her friends are surrounded by a pack of wolves. The group believes they are doomed, but Zelli’s friend Bauble transforms into a tambourine. “Zelli couldn’t believe what she was seeing—the banging and the noise actually worked. The wolves shied, showing their teeth, yellow eyes glowing with hungry intent, but gradually their shaggy gray heads bowed. . .slinking back toward the edge of the forest. . .” 
  • Zelli’s classmates are put under a spell and walk mindlessly into a deep cave. Zelli and her friends follow and discover a human, Allidora Steelstrike, fighting a necromancer. Steelstrike is cornered and “five skeletal warriors dove at Allidora Steelstike, overwhelming her, slamming her to the ground . . . Steelstrike’s sword tumbled out of her grip, spinning away uselessly, lost under a tide of skeletal feet.” The battle is described over four chapters. 
  • Zelli and her friends jump in to help Steelstrike. Zelli’s “sword collided with the nearest skeleton, and the impact hit her not as a human, but as a minotaur. Swinging her weapon, throwing her weight around, she felt strong and sturdy. . . she bowled [the skeletons] over easily while [Zelli’s friend] lashed out with his shield at any that managed to get by.” 
  • Soon, Zelli and her friends are surrounded by skeletons. Then Bauble [a mimic] turns into a ball and bounces through the skeletons. “Flash [a blink dog] popped out of Hugo’s bag, appearing the next instant inside the rib cage of the skeleton. . . making the skeletal minion explode in a shower of bone fragments.” The fight against the skeletons continues for a page.  
  • A necromancer, Lord Carrion, creates a fire, but Zelli’s friend, Snabla, who is a kobold, uses his shield to get through the flames. “Lord Carrion turned on the kobold, striking with the end of his staff. . . the heavy wooden weapon connected hard with Snabla’s shield, sending him flying to the floor. Dazed, Snabla tried to rise again, but Lord Carrion’s skeletons descended. . .”  
  • Lord Carrion uses a spell to freeze Steelstrike and others. Then, Lord Carrion puts the owlbear, Hugo, under his spell. Hugo’s eyes, “Suddenly filled with hatred. . . Hugo gnashed his beak and lashed out at [Nelli and her friends] with lethal claws, gouging a long scratch into Snabla’s mighty shield. His eyes flashed purple, his claws elongating, glowing like otherworldly dangers. . . Again and again, Hugo’s glowing claws beat against the shield, and Snabla did his best, but he was just a young kobold . . .”  
  • Zelli attacks Hugo with her sword, but “the owlbear’s crushing grip landed around her upper arm and with ease, he hoisted her into the air, opening his beak wide to tear out her throat. Zelli kicked and punched but to no avail . . . She thrashed and hoped he would at least miss her neck and land somewhere less vital.” 
  • When Hugo attacks Zelli, his “sharpened beak came down with a snap on her shoulder joint, and she heard the crunch of bones and felt the hot splatter of blood against her chin as the owlbear took the first bite.” The taste of flesh brings Hugo to his senses and he stops his attack on Zelli. 
  • The fight with the skeletons continues. “Hugo, now enraged in his own right, bashed [the skeletons] with his heavy fists . . . Minion after minion flew across the cave, crumbling as their frail bodies hit the stone.” The blink dog “popped up just in time to catch a broken leg bone before it could reach the floor.” 
  • Once the skeletons are defeated, Snabla goes after the necromancer. “Snabla slammed right into his legs, sending the necromancer end over end and into a dusty, musty corner. . .” The necromancer begins a speech, “But Bauble had heard enough. . . The mimic changed rapidly into an iron pan, and Zelli had the strength left. . . knocking the necromancer out of his wits before he could finish his vile spew.”    

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • There is some name calling including sneak, slimeball, fart breaths, dummy dumb, fiend, and witless worm. 
  • “By Bane’s Black Hand” is used as an exclamation once. 
  • After Zelli and her friends leave the school without permission, one of the teachers says, “By all the gods and oaths, what were you four thinking?”


  • The world has magic and many monsters and other creatures. 
  • Bauble is a mimic that can change shapes. For example, when it gets scared, “the mimic shrank down into a small box with a lid and enameled handles, a miniature dancer turning behind a glass pane, gentle, tinkling music drifting out into the icy cold dungeon. Then it transformed again, this time into a quill; then it returned to its initial book form.” 
  • One of the instructors is “undead” and he is “merely a floating bespectacled skull engulfed in blue flames.”  
  • When Zelli and her friends run away from the school, they go through the Endless Forest. “The forest recognizes those who are welcome and allows us passage but anyone else will wander and wander for days until, well. . .” 
  • Part of the story deals with necromancy, which is communicating with the dead. 
  • Zelli and her friends find a blink dog, which can disappear and reappear someplace else. 
  • The necromancer opens a portal and sends monsters and creatures through it where his master will turn them into his army.  
  • Zelli is given a Steelstrike emblem that is “enchanted with powerful magic. They call to each other. . .” Her biological mother says, “Should you need me, simply hold the emblem tight and speak the words, ‘By sword and by light, Talos guide my sight, summon my kin, call the Steelstrike.’” 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Who Was Roberto Clemente?

Growing up the youngest of seven children in Puerto Rico, Roberto Clemente had a talent for baseball. His incredible skill soon got him drafted into the big leagues where he spent 18 seasons playing right field for the Pittsburgh Pirates. Who Was Roberto Clemente? tells the story of this remarkable athlete: a twelve-time All-Star, World Series MVP, and the first Latin American inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. 

Through this biography, children will learn about Roberto Clemente’s life in twelve, easy-to-read chapters. The book explains how Roberto’s early life living in Puerto Rico shaped him. Right from the start, readers will be amazed at Roberto’s dedication to baseball and his desire to help his community. However, when Roberto arrived in the United States, he faced many obstacles including segregation and loneliness. Despite this, Roberto persevered to become one of the greatest players in Pirates history. 

Who Was Roberto Clemente? focuses on Roberto’s baseball career as well as his dedication to the people of Puerto Rico. “Whenever he could, Roberto talked about Puerto Rico. He was enormously proud of his island home.” Despite his fame, Roberto continued to help others. He helped younger players improve their baseball skills, answered fan mail, and donated money to the Pittsburg Children’s Hospital. Throughout his life, Roberto was motivated to help others. So, it was no surprise when Roberto helped collect supplies after a hurricane hit Nicaragua. In order to make sure the supplies made it to the people who needed them most, Roberto decided to travel to Nicaragua. Unfortunately, he died when his airplane crashed into the sea.  

After his death, Roberto’s passion for helping others continued to inspire others. Roberto’s wife wanted to fulfill Roberto’s dream of opening Roberto Clemente Sports City in order to help young people improve their baseball skills. Because of the sports center, Roberto is still helping the youth of Puerto Rico, even after his passing. Roberto continues to influence others because his experiences show that men from the Caribbean can succeed in baseball. “Roberto was not the first Latin American ballplayer to make it, but he was the best. He led by example. His hard work, courage, and generosity continue to impact Puerto Rico, baseball, and the world.”  

The book includes information that will help readers understand more about Roberto’s experiences. For example, one page gives information about Puerto Rico and another explains what spring training entails. To help readers understand the times that Roberto lived in, there is a timeline of Roberto’s life and a timeline of the world.  

Who Was Roberto Clemente? will delight all readers — not just baseball fans. Roberto shows the importance of perseverance, hard work, and kindness. Even though Roberto’s fame comes from his baseball career, readers will be encouraged by Roberto’s dedication to helping others. Even now, Roberto’s words encourage people to help others. “If you have a chance to accomplish something that makes things better for people coming behind you, and you don’t do that, you are wasting your time on earth,” Roberto said. To learn more about Roberto, read Baseball’s Best: Five True Stories by Andrew Gutelle.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • When Roberto was young, his sister died. “She was burned in a kitchen accident and never recovered from her injuries.”  
  • When Roberto comes to America, he is exposed to segregation. Black players “were not allowed in the nice hotels. White players enjoyed trips to golf clubs and swimming pools; black players were not invited.” 
  • Roberto died while on an airplane. When the plane took off, “one engine made a loud bang. . . the airplane was over the ocean. It could not turn back. The airplane crashed in the sea.”  
  • Roberto witnessed an accident and “helped pull an injured person from a fiery car accident.” 
  • Roberto and his brother, Luis, were in a car accident. “Roberto hurt his neck and back. . . Luis passed away after the next day.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Get a Grip, Vivy Cohen!

Vivy Cohen is determined. She’s had enough of playing catch in the park. She’s ready to pitch for a real baseball team.

But Vivy’s mom is worried about Vivy being the only girl on the team, and the only autistic kid. She wants Vivy to forget about pitching, but Vivy won’t give up. When her social skills teacher makes her write a letter to someone, Vivy knows exactly who to choose: her hero, Major League pitcher VJ Capello. Then two amazing things happen: A coach sees Vivy’s amazing knuckleball and invites her to join his team. And VJ starts writing back!

Now Vivy is a full-fledged pitcher, with a catcher as a new best friend and a steady stream of advice from VJ. But when a big accident puts her back on the bench, Vivy has to fight to stay on the team. 

Many readers will relate to Vivy, who often struggles with understanding other people. Because she is autistic, Vivy often feels stupid, worthless, and weird. Even though it is difficult for her to discuss her feelings, she tries to use positive communication skills. However, when Vivy joins the baseball team, one of the players, Kyle, often makes mean comments to her. Even though the comments are hurtful, Vivy doesn’t tell her coach or her parents. Unfortunately, VJ Capello is the only person she confides in, and despite his advice to tell an adult, Vivy refuses to do so. 

Much of the story revolves around baseball practice and games. In addition, the story also includes some interesting baseball facts. Vivy’s love of baseball is clear and her determination to play despite her mother’s protest is admirable. Through baseball, Vivy becomes more confident and is also able to make a friend. Despite the baseball action, some readers may have a difficult time navigating through Vivy’s inner dialogue. Readers will gain insight into autism and understand Vivy’s emotions, but sometimes Vivy’s feelings are described in great detail which makes the story drag. 

Get a Grip, Vivy Cohen! is a must-read for any reader who wants to understand autism. However, the story will also appeal to any reader who loves baseball as well as those who feel different. Through Vivy’s experiences, readers will learn the importance of perseverance. In addition, the story highlights the importance of talking to a trusted adult. However, one of the most impactful lessons is not to make assumptions about other people. At one point, Vivy’s dad reminds her, “Don’t assume things without talking to someone about it first.” A Boy Called Bat would be an excellent book to pair with Get a Grip, Vivy Cohen! if you want to learn more about autism. However, if you want a winning baseball book, Soar by Joan Bauer hits it out of the park. 

Sexual Content 

  • Vivy’s brother reveals that he is dating another boy. Afterward, Vivy thinks, “I don’t think my parents are bigots. One of my dad’s friends from work is gay, and our rabbi is married to another woman.” Her inner dialogue goes on for half a page. 


  • During practice, Kyle grabs Vivy’s ponytail, and “he tugged it. HARD.” Vivy starts yelling. “Everything was bad. I felt Kyle’s slimy hand on my hair long after he pulled away. It oozed from the tips of my hair down to the base of my spine.” The coach calms Vivy down. However, Vivy doesn’t tell him about Kyle’s bullying.” 
  • After practice, Vivy “finds a note in my duffel bag. . . It was written on yellow notebook paper in black Sharpie: GO AWAY, FREAK.” 
  • During a game, one of the players puts “a gigantic wad of already-been-chewed gum right in the middle of the webbing.” 
  • During a baseball game, Vivy is pitching when “the ball rocketed straight off the bat. Toward me. . . I froze. The big white boulder roared right toward my head, filling up my sight. . . It hit me in the forehead.” Vivy has to go to the hospital and has a concussion.  
  • After Vivy’s accident, she tells her parents, “There’s only ever been one person who got killed by a baseball. That was a hitter, not a pitcher. In 1920 Carl Mays hit Ray Chapman with a pitch and he died later that day.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • In her inner dialogue, Vivy often calls others names such as jerk, stupid, coward, buffoon, loser,  
  • When Vivy joins the baseball team, her teammate Kyle bullies her. At school, Kyle says, “I thought my father got a regular girl for our team, but it’s even worse. We have ourselves a monkey-girl. She can’t even eat a sandwich. Or talk like a real person.” Another boy from the team, joins the group and calls Kyle and his friends “losers.” 
  • Kyle calls the catcher on his team “shrimpy.” 
  • Klye makes fun of Vivy saying, “I’m Vivy and I can’t pitch to the big scary boy because I had mush for brains even before I got hit in the head.” Later, he continues to harass her by saying, “Hey, monkey-girl . . . I thought for sure you’d switch to softball. Or the Special Olympics.” 
  • In a letter to Vivy, VJ Capello writes: “There’s no excuse for such cruelty and I know too well how much it hurts. Even if the people hurling the insults are utter buffoons like Kyle. . .”  
  • After a bad game, Vivy thinks, “I totally sucked.” 
  • Heck is used five times. 
  • Freaking is used twice. 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • Vivy’s dad “always says that he has two religions—Reformed Judaism and baseball.” 
  • Vivy’s family is Jewish and occasionally she talks about a religious holiday. 

Life in the Balance

Veronica Conway has been looking forward to trying out for the All-Star softball team for years. She’s practically been playing softball since she was a baby. She should have this tryout on lock. Except right before tryouts, Veronica’s mom announces that she’s entering rehab for alcoholism, and her dad tells her that they may not be able to afford the fees needed to be on the team.

Veronica decides to enter the town talent show in an effort to make her own money, but along the way she discovers a new hobby that leads her to doubt her feelings for the game she thought she loved so much. Is her mom the only one learning balance, or can Veronica find a way to discover what she really wants to do with her life?

Life in the Balance takes a close look at how alcoholism affects Veronica, as well as her family and friends. When Veronica’s mom goes into rehab, Veronica is embarrassed so she doesn’t tell anyone. This, in addition to softball tryouts, adds a lot of stress to Veronica’s life. Since the book is written from Veronica’s point of view, readers get an inside look at her struggles. Often, Veronica worries that her behavior may hurt her mother and force her to revert to drinking alcohol. Readers who know someone who has been affected by alcoholism will learn positive ways to cope. However, because most of the story revolves around Veronica’s inner turmoil, there is little suspense or action.

Readers who want a fast-paced sports book will be disappointed by Life in the Balance, which has no play-by-play softball action. While Veronica says that she loves playing softball, trying out for the All-Star softball team only brings her stress. This is partly because Veronica’s family has a history of playing softball. This includes Veronica’s mom, her grandmother, and her great-grandma, who played in the All-American Girls Softball League during World War II. Unfortunately, Life in the Balance’s only softball action is when Veronica goes to practice, but even none of the scenes are described in detail.

Readers affected by alcoholism will be able to relate to Veronica’s struggles and gain insight into the importance of getting professional help. Readers who aren’t interested in the topic of alcoholism will have a hard time finishing the book because of its singular focus and slow pace. If you’re looking for a more exciting book that deals with alcoholism, check out The Secret Sheriff of Sixth Grade by Jordan Sonnenblick. For a fast-paced softball story that also deals with middle school angst, catch a copy of Much Ado About Softball by Rajani LaRoca and Out of Left Field by Ellen Klages.

Sexual Content 

  • During a “Growing Up” lesson at school, the teacher “didn’t separate the girls and the boys because he wanted to make sure kids questioning their gender would be comfortable.” 
  • One of Veronica’s friends’ “parents kiss a lot in public, which makes us blush and avert our eyes.” 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Veronica’s mother is an alcoholic who enters rehab after she goes to work drunk. Veronica’s mom says, “I drank a bit too much during my lunch meeting. I hadn’t quite, um, gotten back to normal, and the client I was meeting with noticed what was going on. She, uh, told my boss.” 
  • Veronica and her dad go to the rehab center to visit. While taking a tour, Veronica’s dad says, “This reminds me of the dorm room I had senior year of college. . . The kitchen was such a mess, too, always covered in empty beer bot—” Veronica thinks her dad looks upset, “like just mentioning the word beer he’ll get in trouble.” 
  • Veronica takes Tylenol for a headache. 


  • None 


  • One of Veronica’s friends gets a psychic reading from her aunt, who says, “The future is looking bright and the people [she] loves won’t let me down.” 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

The Hall of Fame Heist

Third-grade twins Zach and Zoe are huge baseball fans. When their class visits Middletown’s town hall to see a pop-up museum by The National Baseball Hall of Fame, they can’t wait to see all the famous cards, gloves, and jerseys. They especially want to see Hank Aaron’s signed baseball—the one he supposedly hit over the fence at Middletown Park. However, when they reach the Hank Aaron exhibit, they notice that the baseball is gone! And nobody knows where it went! Can Zach and Zoe use their detective skills and solve this mystery before The National Baseball Hall of Fame leaves Middletown? 

Zach and Zoe are the exciting young protagonists of the story. Their kind personalities and determination to do what’s right make them commendable characters. More importantly, their excitement and curiosity about the missing baseball highlight the story’s lesson of working together to solve big problems. Although the twins discover many clues about the mystery, Zach acknowledges that they can’t solve everything and that “there’s somebody here who might be the best problem-solver in the world . . . our mom!”  

The Hall of Fame Heist includes several illustrations peppered throughout the short chapters. The pictures typically show the twins and a critical moment in the plot, which helps younger readers easily grasp the story’s progression. Alongside the mystery, the story also gives an impressive amount of baseball history, especially on certain players like Hank Aaron and Jackie Robinson. While some of these facts can be too technical for beginner readers, they allow them to learn more about baseball and appreciate its history. 

However, due to the book’s simple characters and plain vocabulary, older readers may quickly grow bored with its straightforward plot. More importantly, certain readers may become frustrated at the fractured nature of the story due to constant jumping between the main mystery and unnecessary moments. As a result, The Hall Of Fame Heist will mostly appeal to a younger audience as it offers a somewhat engaging story about a baseball mystery. Thanks to its positive message about teamwork and authentic facts about baseball history, this story will appeal to beginning readers who love sports.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

The Hero Two Doors Down

This book is based on the true story of a boy in Brooklyn who became neighbors and friends with his hero, Jackie Robinson. 

Stephen “Steve” Satlow is an eight-year-old boy living in Brooklyn, New York who cares about only one thing: the Dodgers. Steve and his father spend hours reading the sports pages and listening to games on the radio. Aside from an occasional run-in with his teacher, life is pretty simple for Steve. 

But then Steve hears a rumor that an African-American family is moving to his all-Jewish neighborhood. It’s 1948 and some of his neighbors are against it. Steve knows this is wrong. After all, his hero Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball the year before. 

Then it happens — Steve’s new neighbor is none other than Jackie Robinson! Steve is beyond excited about living two doors down from the Robinson family. He can’t wait to meet Jackie. This is going to be the best baseball season yet! How many kids ever get to become friends with their hero? 

Steve’s childhood is chronicled in the first five chapters of The Hero Two Doors Down. While this allows readers to understand Steve’s behavior, the story has a slow start. Much of the story focuses on Steve’s inner thoughts and lacks actions. Despite that, anyone who admires Jackie Robinson will enjoy the story.  

Since Jackie Robinson is the main character in The Hero Two Doors Down, readers might expect a story about baseball. However, there is little baseball action because the story focuses on Steve’s relationship with Jackie. This gives readers an inside look into Jackie’s personal life and highlights his positive attributes. Jackie’s influence changed Steve from an angry boy who used his fist to solve problems to a boy who understood that “punching someone who has verbally attacked you will only make things worse.” 

The Hero Two Doors Down illustrates important life lessons including the importance of self-control. At times the adults are preachy, but this makes the message impossible to miss. By reading the book, readers will learn positive ways to interact with others, even when they both disagree. Jackie helped Steve learn that “You’ll become your best self if you stay focused, set goals, and don’t let anyone stop you from making your dreams come true.” While the story lacks baseball action and has a slow pace, the book’s message makes it worth reading. Readers who want to learn more about Jackie Robinson should also read Play Ball, Jackie! by Stephen Krensky. Readers looking for more baseball action can find it in The Contract Series by Derek Jeter and Prime-Time Pitcher by Matt Christopher. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Steve gets into trouble after school. He hears that his teacher, Miss Maliken, plans to make a home visit. Steve and his best friend, Sena, try to stop her. “Sena’s hand reached toward Miss Maliken, but I followed her lead. Together we pushed Miss Maliken, then watched in shock as she toppled over the hedge. The air filled with her screams. . . Women scrambled to help her.” Steve is suspended from school. 
  • Steve’s grandparents “fled Russia, along with two million other Jewish families, hoping to find freedom to practice their religion . . . In Russia, Jews were treated very badly. . . There was a lot of violence against them, and many men, women, and children were hurt or killed simply because they were Jewish.” 
  • Some players are upset that Jackie is playing baseball. “He’s been hit six times by pitchers and been insulted plenty just because he’s a black man in a previously all-white game.” Some of the players also tried to “slide into second base with their cleats pointing forward. It was dangerous and could lead to a serious injury for the second baseman.”  
  • When Jackie was in school, he joined a gang. He said, “We didn’t do anything really bad. . . stole some golf balls and sold them back to the golfers. . . took fruit from stands.”  
  • During a pick-up game, Steve drops a ball. Afterwards, “Several boys on our team ran over to me.” When they started calling Steve names, he “jumped up from the ground. . . and got in their faces. . .” Sena tried to drag Steve away, but Steve “pulled [his] arm away and jammed it into the belly of one of [his] attackers instead of retreating. The boy punched [him] hard in the gut. [He] dove into the other boys.” Sena and Steve finally run away. 
  • Steve has some anger issues and he “was sent to the principal’s office because [he] bloodied a classmate.”  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • Some boys call Steve a sissy and a liar. 
  • Someone calls Steve a chicken. 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • Steve and his family are Jewish and occasionally pray, but no actual prayers are included. 
  • Steve’s family celebrates Hanukkah. On the first night, “when your father lights the first candle, he will say a special prayer asking for peace in Israel . . .” 
  • Jackie gives Steve a Christmas tree. Steve’s parents want to return the tree because “it is a symbol of a Christian holiday. Like Hanukkah, Christmas is part religious holiday and part tradition.” 
  • Steve’s favorite part of Hanukkah is “watching my father pray for peace, understanding, and friendship . . . I learned that whether you are Christian or Jewish, we both pray to God.” 

The Rhino in Right Field

Nick wants to change his life. For twelve years, he’s done what his hard-working, immigrant parents want him to do. Now he’s looking for his own American dream and he thinks he’s found it. The local baseball team is having a batboy contest, and Nick wants to win.

But the contest is on a Saturday—the day Nick has to work in his father’s shop. There’s one other tiny—well, not so tiny—problem. A 2,000-pound rhinoceros named Tank. Nick and his friends play ball in the city zoo—and Tank lives just beyond the right field fence. Nick’s experience getting the ball out of Tank’s pen has left him frozen with fear whenever a fly ball comes his way. How’s a lousy fielder going to win the contest?

Nick practices every day with his best friend, Ace, and a new girl who has an impressive throwing arm! But that’s not enough—to get to the contest, Nick has to lie to his parents and blackmail his uncle. All while dodging the school bully, who’s determined to win even by playing dirty. Nick will need to keep his eye on the ball in this fast, funny story about a game that can throw you some curveballs—just like life! 

Nick, the protagonist in The Rhino in Right Field, is a likable and relatable protagonist, who deals with relatable conflicts. Like many middle-grade readers, Nick is frustrated with his mother who still treats him like a baby. Nick is also upset that his father makes him work in the family shop, every Saturday. His father’s uncompromising ways lead Nick to lie to his family in order to participate in a baseball contest. Even though Nick wins the contest, his joy is tampered because he can’t share the news with his parents. In the end, everyone in the family—Nick, his mother, and his father—sneak off to watch the same baseball game. While the scene is funny, Nick and his family come to a new understanding—that fun should also be a regular part of their life.

Although baseball plays a major part in the story, no actual baseball games are described. Despite this, The Rhino in Right Field is still engaging enough to please sports fans. Nick and his friends play baseball at the zoo, which adds interest and humor to the book. A batboy contest, a bully, and an unusual baseball-throwing girl help propel the story to an unexpected conclusion that shows the importance of hard work and having fun.  

Dekeyser takes readers back to the 1940s when both women and men played professional baseball.  However, the time period is a little fuzzy because there are few context clues as to the time period. The use of terms such as “holy cow” and “knucklehead” are clues that the story takes place in the past. In addition, Nick occasionally mentions the price of items. For example, Nick says a baseball cost ninety-eight cents which is three weeks’ worth of tip money. While these give clues that the story doesn’t take place in the present, readers likely will not be able to identify the time period.   

The Rhino in Right Field has many positive aspects that will appeal to middle-grade readers including a well-intentioned, humorous protagonist. While the supporting characters are not well-developed, they add suspense and interest. In addition, the book’s short chapters and fast pace keep the action hopping until the very end. Readers will also be introduced to the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League and can learn more about girls in baseball by reading Out of Left Field by Ellen Klages. Readers interested in more humorous middle-grade stories should also read The Secret Sheriff of Sixth Grade by Jordan Sonnenblick. 

Sexual Content 

  • Penny’s sister, Josie, played professional baseball. Penny says, “One lady told Josie that if she kept playing ball, she’d never be able to have babies.” 
  • After talking to Penny, Nick thinks “I’m not too swift on the female anatomy, though you can’t say I haven’t tried. One time I happened to find a cheesecake magazine in Uncle Spiro’s room, but I only got a peek at a leg and some garters before he walked in and hollered at me to get out of his room forever.”


  • While in second grade, Pete, the school bully, “actually punched a kid for calling him Taki to his face.” Taki is a nickname for Pete’s Greek name which is Panagiotakis. 
  • Nick sees one of his classmates, Penny, crying. She wasn’t able to enter the contest because she is a girl. While at the contest, Pete yells, “How did that hairy monkey get in here, anyway? That’s right—go back to the zoo!” 
  • While at church, Pete tries to punch Nick. Pete “swung at me. . . My survival skills kicked in, and I ducked out of the way just in time. With nothing for his fist to land on, Pete was thrown off balance. He spun around on his heels, and when his face came into view again. . . I punched him right in the nose.” The punch caused a “trickle of blood” to drip from Pete’s nose. 
  • When the doorbell rings, Nick opens the door and sees Pete. “And before I knew it, he [Pete] hauled off and slugged me. I dropped to the floor like a sack of marbles. . . Then he stomped down the porch steps and out into the night.” After being hit, Nick’s “left eye was throbbing, and it was already hard to see out of it.” Nick’s mom puts a cold piece of liver on Nick’s eye and the swelling goes down. 
  • The zoo puts some animals in cages and they ride in a parade. A zookeeper has an elephant gun with him that has tranquilizers in it. The gun is never used.

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • A secretary who works at the ballfield smokes. When her boss sees her with a cigarette, he says, “Miss Garble, how many times have I told you? That stuff’ll kill you.”  


  • Heck and darn are used occasionally. 
  • Dang is used a few times. For example, when Pete threatens Nick, Nick says something to him in Greek. When Pete replies, Nick explains, “But I wasn’t going to explain what I’d said, and I dang well knew Peter wouldn’t either.” 
  • Frequently, the kids call each other names such as chicken, idiot, punk, and weasel.  
  • Both the children and the adults frequently call people knuckleheads.  
  • Holy cow, holy moly, holy smokes, and similar exclamations are used frequently. 
  • Nick is mad at his uncle so he calls him a “shifty freeloader.” 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • Nick and his family go to church. During service, Pete “kept giving [Nick] the stink eye which I hope is a sin if you do it in church.”  
  • While at church, Nick falls asleep. When he wakes up, his mother “gave [him] the stink eye, which probably isn’t a sin if your mother does it, even in church.” 
  • After the church service ends, Nick is impatient to leave. He thinks, “I’d already spent two hours in church. Not even God could expect me to hang around longer than that.” 
  • After church, a woman asks Nick’s uncle. Nick thinks, “I happened to know that Uncle Spiro was a shameless heathen who avoided church religiously.” 

Force Out

Joey and Zach have been best friends since forever. As two of the best players in their baseball league, they’ve always dreamed of playing together on the Center State select team, and they will do anything to help each other get there. 

So when Zach is forced to go on an extra-credit field trip that could ruin his chances of being picked for the all-star team, Joey comes up with a risky plan to bail him out. As long as no one finds out what they did, all will be fine. Then the unthinkable happens: They learn there’s only one spot left on the team. Suddenly Joey and Zach go from being best friends to fierce rivals, and Joey must figure out his next move. He has two options: play the biggest game of his life or use their secret to force Zach out. But is Joey really willing to put everything on the line to win? 

Since Joey and Zach have been best friends forever, they don’t even consider the possibility that they won’t be picked to be part of the Center State team. However, to make their dream come true, Joey and Zach come up with crazy schemes in order to force other players out. While Joey feels guilty for his bad actions, Zach never shows remorse. When it becomes clear that only one of them will advance, Zach begins to ignore Joey. In addition to their drama revolving around baseball, the two also have girl drama. Joey is trying to navigate his crush on Leah, but in a surprise twist, Zach steals her. In the end, all is forgiven and Joey and Zach are best friends again. However, readers will be left wondering why Joey would want to be friends with Zach. 

Many middle-grade readers will relate to Joey’s conflicts—friendship trouble, girl trouble, parent trouble, and baseball trouble. However, the story’s message is cloudy and the boys’ bad behavior is never punished. To make matters worse, Joey’s parents do not emulate positive attributes. Joey’s mom is a police officer who believes that bad people belong in jail because they can’t be rehabilitated. Because of her strong beliefs, she is often preachy and pushy. This leaves Joey’s father in a difficult position of trying to smooth over difficulties between Joey and his mom. Unfortunately, Joey’s family dynamics are not healthy and readers will easily understand why Joey was dishonest until the very end. 

Despite the story’s flaws, Force Out’s baseball action will entertain sports-loving readers. Baseball games are expertly interwoven into the story and the games highlight the pressure that many players are forced to endure. While Joey makes some bad decisions, he is eaten up by remorse and eventually tells the truth. Readers will relate to Joey who often struggles with problem-solving, yet he is still a good kid who tries his best. If you’re looking for a baseball book with a more positive message check out Change Up by Derek Jeter, Soar by Joan Bauer, and Heat by Mike Lupica 

Sexual Content 

  • While at the playground, Joey talks to Leah, whom he has a crush on. “. . . He dared to touch his lower leg against hers. She didn’t take it away, and the thrill of the contact poured through him like a molten liquid.” 
  • Joey and Leah go for a walk. When they return, a girl asks, “What took you so long? You didn’t stop to kiss, did you?” 
  • Zach says, “Girls like to be kissed.” The narrator explains: “Everyone knew Zach had kissed Sheila Tibioni in the entrance to the food court at the mall. She was in eighth grade. Zach did it on a dare and had grown famous for it.” 
  • After school, Joey leaves and Leah follows him. “Before Joey even knew what happened, she kissed him. As she moved toward him, he turned his head just a bit so their lips brushed before the kiss landed squarely on his cheek.” Then Joey runs away.


  • Joey and Zach sneak out of the house late at night. They ride their bikes to a teacher’s house and put a clamp around his fuel line so he can’t get to school the next day. In order to do this, Joey puts Valium in a meatball and feeds it to the dog; the dog is uninjured but goes to sleep. The teacher is late to school and must cancel a field trip. 
  • Joey’s mother has a difficult time dealing with her brother Martin’s death. Joey’s dad explains that, as a kid, Martin was bullied by other kids. One day, the other kids were jumping off a bridge. “Martin had no business being up there. . . they were all jumping off the bridge into the river. He didn’t want to, but they tormented him. . . He jumped and then tried to change his mind and ended up hitting his head.”  
  • Zach thinks about putting human poop in a kid’s food. Zach hopes that this makes the kid sick enough that he can’t play baseball, and then Joey would be able to take his place.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Joey’s mom takes Valium for headaches. Joey steals one of her pills and puts it into meat so a dog would eat it. 


  • There is some name calling such as bonehead, butthead, dork, jerk, freak, and witch. 
  • Oh my God is used as an exclamation twice. 
  • Joeys says, “This is the crappiest day of my life.” 
  • Joey gets an email that says CRD. Joey tells his mom that it means “Caucasian rhythmic disorder, CRD. It’s because I can’t dance.” The book doesn’t say what CRD really means. 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • During a game, Joey “prayed for all he was worth not to get pulled.” 
  • Before meals, Joey’s family says a blessing; however, no specific blessing is said in the book. 
  • When Joey and his family go to church, “The message he got there didn’t leave him feeling warm and fuzzy. There was a bit too much teeth gnashing, burning of chaff, and choked-off vines planted among weeds and thistles for Joey’s liking, and he found himself silently asking, ‘Where is the love?’” 
  • Before dinner, his mother prayed and “ended with a special addition, asking God to give Joey the strength of character he needed to do well.” 

Sliding Into Home

It’s not fair! Thirteen-year-old Joelle Cunningham is passionate about baseball. When her family moves to the small town of Greendale, Iowa, she quickly discovers that there are strict rules preventing her from playing on the school team.

At Hoover Middle School, only boys play baseball. Girls play softball. Joelle tries to tell everyone they’re not the same sport. But no one is listening. Not Coach Carlyle, the baseball coach, who doesn’t want her on his team, even though they’re at the bottom of the league. Not Ms. Fenner, the softball coach, who wants Joelle to use her big-league swing on the girls’ softball team. Not even Jason, her older brother, who is too busy at college to be of much help.

Through some creative problem-solving and surprising alliances, Joelle finds a solution to her dilemma that brings the disputing sides together . . . and baseball to the girls of Greendale. 

When Joelle discovers she can’t play on the baseball team because of a school policy, she is determined to find a way to change the rules. While Joelle’s parents are supportive, Joelle doesn’t rely on them to solve problems for her. Instead, she comes up with a plan and follows it through to the end. Readers will admire Joelle’s courage and determination. However, like some of the supporting characters, readers may wonder why Joelle doesn’t join the softball team instead. 

The majority of Sliding Into Home’s plot revolves around Joelle’s attempt to change the school policy so she can join the boys’ baseball team. When she realizes that the policy is not going to change, she switches gears in order to organize a girls’ baseball league. This plot thread is reinforced through a school project; Joelle and her classmates put on a trial where Goldilocks is accused of crimes. Through this project, Joelle learns that “Sometimes, in the courtroom and in life, all you can do is present your argument and see what happens. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. And sometimes it doesn’t seem fair.” 

Although Joelle is a well-developed character who displays personal growth, the supporting characters are one-dimensional and forgettable. Despite this, the easy-to-read text, fast-paced plot, and realistic dialogue will keep readers interested. However, readers who want play-by-play baseball action will be disappointed, since the story only describes one baseball game. Readers who want a well-rounded story that highlights the importance of standing up for yourself will enjoy Sliding Into Home. Baseball fans who want an entertaining story that weaves in important life lessons should also read Mascot by Anthony John. 

Sexual Content 

  • When Joelle wants to join the school’s baseball team, the principal says, “And what is it exactly that you like better about it? The boys?” Joelle is upset and thinks, “Did the principal think she was some stupid, boy-crazy girl?” 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • Several times, a boy from school calls Joelle a “space case.”  
  • The kids at school, including Joelle, call others names such as losers, jerk, weird, and idiot.  
  • Darn is used once. 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

The Unwilling Umpire

U is for Umpire . . . Play ball! While the whole town of Green Lawn is watching the women take on the men in a charity baseball game, Mr. Pocket’s prized baseball collection is stolen! The police suspect the umpire of foul play. Can Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose prove his innocence . . . or will they strike out? 

Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose step up to bat in order to help out Pete, even though they don’t know him. The kids use their powers of observation as well as the library to put the pieces of the mystery together. The simple plot is fast-paced and contains enough suspense and mystery to keep readers interested. The three friends focus on the facts and seek adult help when needed. When the kids believe they’ve found the real thief, they take the information to the police, who are able to arrest the villain. 

Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are likable characters with curious minds and polite manners. When the three friends discover Pete has a brother named Buddy, the kids don’t judge Buddy because of his bad behavior. Instead, they jump in to help Buddy. In the end, the kids prove Pete’s innocence and other people also jump in to help Buddy and Pete. Even though both Buddy and Pete make mistakes, they eventually tell the truth which allows the town to give them a second chance.  

The Unwilling Umpire uses short chapters and easy vocabulary that will appeal to independent readers. Large illustrations appear every three to seven pages. The illustrations will help readers visualize the characters and understand the plot. With 18 books in the series, readers can pick and choose the topics that most interest them. Each book focuses on a new mystery so the books can be read in any order. 

The Unwilling Umpire highlights the importance of having a community that helps each other. The story also shows that “lying is wrong, even if it’s done to protect someone else.” The Unwilling Umpire’s fast-paced plot will appeal to baseball and mystery fans alike. For another mystery that hits it out of the park, check out The Ballgame With No One At Bat by Steve Brezenoff. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Someone smashes a glass case in order to steal the baseballs inside. When the case is smashed, there’s glass all over the floor. 
  • Pete and his brother live together “because our folks died in a car crash a few years ago.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • The umpire leaves the field to get his allergy medication. 


  • Darn and heck are each used several times. 
  • Exclamations such as gee and gosh are used several times. 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Mighty Jackie: The Strike-Out Queen

For as long as she could remember, Jackie Mitchell’s father had told Jackie she could be good at whatever she wanted, as long as she worked at it. Jackie worked at baseball. She worked hard. And before long, Jackie could outplay anyone in her neighborhood—even the boys.

She had one pitch—a wicked, dropping curve ball. But no seventeen-year-old girl could pitch against Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig. It was unthinkable. Then on April 2, 1931, the New York Yankees stopped in Tennessee for an exhibition game against the Chattanooga Lookouts. And on that day Jackie Mitchell made baseball history.  

Take a step back into history to learn more about the only woman to ever pitch in a major league game. Jackie’s story comes to life in full color illustrations as well as engaging text. The illustrations use natural colors and historical details that show Jackie in action. In addition, some of the illustrations show Babe Ruth’s and the crowd’s reactions to Jackie’s pitching—first came sneers and laughter; then came surprise and outrage. Babe Ruth and others thought that women were “too delicate” to play baseball. Babe said, “It would kill them to play ball every day.” Unfortunately, after Jackie’s historic game against the Yankees, the baseball commissioner banned women from playing in the major and minor leagues. While Jackie never realized her dream of playing in the World Series, readers will appreciate her tenacity and her skills. 

Even though Mighty Jackie is a picture book, the story is intended to be read aloud to a child, rather than for the child to read it for the first time independently. The book uses complex sentences and difficult vocabulary. However, the text’s dialogue and baseball action break up the historical information allowing the plot to move at a fast pace. When Jackie throws a strike, the words are printed in larger, fun font to highlight her achievement.  

Mighty Jackie’s story will inspire ballplayers as it shines a light on the true story of Jackie Mitchell. The Strike-Out Queen proves that women can achieve any goal if they work hard. Older readers will appreciate Jackie’s bravery and how she refused to let society define her. To learn more about historic women who overcame obstacles to achieve their dreams read She Persisted in Sports by Chelsea Clinton and Miss Mary Reporting by Sue Macy. 

 Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • None

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • When Jackie played a game for the Chattanooga Lookouts, “a reporter wrote that you might as well have ‘a trained seal behind the plate’ as have a woman standing there.” 
  • When Jackie pitched against Babe Ruth, her first two pitches were balls. “The crowd was hooting and jeering. Babe was snickering with them.”  
  • When Jackie struck out Babe Ruth, he “glared at the umpire and threw the bat down in disgust.”  


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Derek Jeter: Yankee Great

Playmakers introduces young readers to their current heroes on and off the field. Derek Jeter: Yankee Great summarizes Derek Jeter’s life and career to date and draws attention to accomplishments beyond his athletic skill as well as career highlights thus far. 

Derek Jeter: Yankee Great begins by showing how Derek broke Lou Gehrig’s hitting record and became one of the Yankees’ starting shortstops. While the story focuses on Derek’s baseball skills, it also showcases Derek’s positive attitude. For example, the Yankees’ owner said Derek has “got an infectious smile, and he’s so handsome and well-behaved. He’s just a fine young man who does everything right.”  

Derek’s dream of playing for the Yankees began when he was eight years old. However, his dream became true because he worked hard and set high expectations for himself. Derek said, “I think we should all set goals in life and set them high. I did that, and my parents encouraged me to do it, which is one of the main reasons I am where I am today,”  

The transition from high school to playing for the minor leagues was difficult for Derek. After games, he would “wind up crying in my hotel room night after night because I was playing so poorly.” Derek persevered and eventually was moved up to the major leagues, where he became team captain. Derek’s teammates respected him for his baseball skills as well as his positive attitude, his reliability, and his leadership.  

Most people know Derek as a great baseball player, but he “has become a hero for what he has done off the field.” Derek created the Turn 2 Foundation, which helps kids have healthy lifestyles. Derek believes that “If you have more than you need, share it with someone else.”  

Derek Jeter: Yankee Great allows readers to discover Derek’s baseball statistics as well as his depth of character. Because of his work ethic and positive attitude, Derek is an excellent role model who encourages readers to focus on their goals in order to make their dreams a reality. Derek shows how his dream came true, and this knowledge will help readers obtain their goals as well.  

Readers will appreciate the book’s easy-to-read format which includes oversized font, easy vocabulary, and short chapters. Each two-page spread has a large illustration of Derek in action as well as informative sidebars. In addition, the back of the book includes more fun facts and a one-page glossary. Derek Jeter: Yankee Great will be a hit with any reader who loves baseball. By learning more about Derek Jeter, young readers will be inspired to work hard in order to see their dreams become reality. Baseball fans who want to learn more about baseball superstars should also read Out of the Ballpark by Alex Rodriguez and Play Ball, Jackie! by Stephen Krensky. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

You Throw Like a Girl

Gabby’s summer vacation isn’t shaping up to be that great. Her dad was just deployed overseas, and Gabby is staying at her grandmother’s house with her mom and baby sister until he returns.

The one bright spot is that Gabby plans to sign up for the local softball league—her greatest love and a passion that she shares with her dad who was a pitcher in college. But when Gabby goes to sign up for the summer league, she discovers there isn’t enough interest to justify a girls’ team this year. And to top it off, a horrible miscommunication ends with Gabby signing up to participate in the Miss Popcorn Festival—the annual pageant that Gabby’s mom dominated when she was younger.

Besides not having any interest in pageant life, Gabby made a promise to her dad that she would play softball for the summer. Since her pitching skills rival any boy her age, Gabby creates a master plan: disguise herself as a boy and sign up for the boys’ baseball team instead—while also trying to win the pageant to make Mom happy. Can Gabby juggle perfecting her pageant walk and perfecting her fastball? Or will this plan strike out? 

Told from Gabby’s point of view, You Throw Like a Girl revolves around Gabby’s deception. This creates suspense because there is always the possibility that others will find out her secret. Through much of the story, Gabby tries to justify her behavior. For example, Gabby wonders, “Maybe I had lied to people and fooled them, but was it so wrong when the reason was for someone else?” Gabby’s lies begin to pile up, but she never considers how her deceit will affect those around her. After one of the pageant contestants threatens to reveal Gabby’s secret, Abby finally confesses her wrongdoings. Despite this, Gabby doesn’t show regret or much personal growth. 

You Throw Like a Girl has a simple plot that makes the story easy to read and understand. In addition, the story has a positive message: “It’s a lot better to be yourself than someone you’re not.” Gabby’s experiences also explore the theme of friendship through the supporting characters Owen and Erin. While Owen and Erin are good friends, Gabby is not because she is too focused on herself and lacks empathy. In addition, when Gabby’s secret is finally revealed, everyone forgives her quickly and she receives no punishment, which is unrealistic and downplays Gabby’s bad behavior.  

Despite the story’s flaws, many middle-grade readers will enjoy You Throw Like a Girl because of the funny situations Gabby experiences. Readers will also relate to Gabby’s conflict with her mother and her desire to please her parents. Through it all, Gabby’s family is shown in a positive light and the adults display healthy communication. Readers who are drawn to the story because of the cute cover of Gabby pitching may be disappointed by the lack of baseball action. However, readers who are looking for a lighthearted story that doesn’t delve into heavy issues will find You Throw Like a Girl entertaining 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • Heck is used four times. 
  • Darn is used twice. 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • One of the baseball players’ father picks Gabby up for a game. He thinks about introducing himself to Gabby’s mothers, but she talks him out of it. Gabby, “said a silent prayer that he wouldn’t decide to get out of the van.” 
  • When she is dressed like a boy, Gabby goes into the girl’s bathroom. Two little girls scream and Gabby “prayed their parents weren’t outside and about to come racing in to find out what was wrong.” 

Shoeless Joe & Me

When Joe Stoshack (“Stosh”) hears about Shoeless Joe Jackson — and the gambling scandal that destroyed the star player’s career — he knows what he has to do. If he travels back in time with a 1919 baseball card in his hand, he just might be able to prevent the infamous Black Sox Scandal from ever taking place. And if he could do that, Shoeless Joe Jackson would finally take his rightful place in the Baseball Hall of Fame. 

But can Stosh prevent that tempting envelope full of money from making its way to Shoeless Joe’s hotel room before the big game? 

Shoeless Joe & Me describes historical baseball events in an interesting story that baseball fans will love. Readers will not only learn about Shoeless Joe and the Red Sox scandal of 1919, but they will also get a glimpse of Shoeless Joe’s everyday life. Shoeless Joe hated that people believed he was stupid because he couldn’t read or write; however, this didn’t stop Shoeless Joe from living his baseball dream. Even though Shoeless Joe’s dream came to an end when he was banned from baseball because of his part in the scandal, Shoeless Joe & Me presents evidence that proves that Shoeless Joe was not part of the gambling scheme. In addition, the back of the book encourages readers to write letters asking that Shoeless Joe be inducted into the Hall of Fame. 

The story is told from Stosh’s point of view. Many readers will relate to Stosh, who loves baseball and travels back in time to help a friend. While in the past, his behavior is not always likable. Stosh is impulsive and doesn’t think about his words or actions. Plus, he’s not always respectful of others. Despite this, Stosh’s motivation for traveling to 1919 is honorable – he’s hoping to save Shoeless Joe from being banned from baseball. 

One negative aspect of the book is that Stosh and some of the adults show unsportsmanlike behavior. Stosh yells at an umpire for making a bad call. In addition, when one of his teammates misses catching a ball, Stosh yells, “C’mon, Barton! What do you think you’ve got a glove for?” After a game, the losing team’s “players and parents were all over Mr. Kane [the umpire], screaming at him, cursing him out, threatening him, and telling him that he was blind as a bat.” 

Scattered throughout the book are historical news clippings and pictures, such as an advertisement that Shoeless Joe posed for. Not all of the pictures are historical, but the back of the book explains which photographs aren’t the actual people described in the book. In addition, the back of the book includes other facts and myths regarding Shoeless Joe. 

Baseball fans and history fans alike will enjoy Shoeless Joe & Me because the story gives a new perspective of the Red Sox scandal. Many people know about the Red Sox scandal but Shoeless Joe & Me focuses on one player’s version of the events which allows readers to understand how the gamblers impacted everyone—players, coaches, and fans. For more engaging baseball stories that will be a hit with readers, check out The Brooklyn Nine by Alan Gratz, Babe Ruth and the Baseball Curse by David A. Kelly, and Out Of Left Field by Ellen Klages. 

Sexual Content 

  • When Stosh is stuck in a closet, he unscrews the backing and enters another hotel room. “A woman, about twenty-five, was standing in front of me. She was totally naked.” When she screamed, a man appeared and “waved the bat around menacingly.” The man yells, “Just say the word, Katie, and Ah’ll split his head like a melon!” Stosh ends up befriending the man and woman. 


  • When a group of gamblers discover Stosh spying on them, two men grab him. After they interrogate Stosh, the thugs take him to a hotel and lock him in a closet. 
  • A teammate, Chick Gandil, tries to convince Shoeless Joe to purposely lose the World Series. “Joe took a swing at Chick with Black Betsy [Joe’s bat]. Gandil bailed out like it was a high, inside fastball. The bat missed his head by less than an inch.” Chick throws money on the bed and leaves. 
  • When Eddie Cicotte pitches badly, he is taken out of the game. “The Cincinnati fans hooted and threw fruit at him.”  
  • After losing the first World Series game, Gleason (another player) and Gandil were laughing. “Even though Gandil was about six inches taller and fifty pounds heavier, Gleason suddenly leaped toward the first baseman and wrapped his hands around his throat.” The two are broken apart, but then “Ray Schalk, the catcher, attacked Eddie Cicotte and had to be pulled off him.”  
  • While leaving the World Series, two men grab Stosh. “Another guy grabbed my arms and twisted them behind my back. It hurt, and I was scared.” The men drag Stosh to a billiard parlor where he meets two thugs, Abe and Billy, and their boss, gambler Rothstein. 
  • Stosh is pushed onto a chair by the thugs. Abe and Billy “wrapped the rope around me again and again until I was just about covered to my chest, arms, and legs. Then they pulled tight and knotted it in several places.” Stosh is interrogated. “Billy pulled a revolver out of his belt and started sliding bullets into it.” Stosh jumps back to his current time period before he can be shot. The scene is described over five pages.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • When explaining the Red Sox scandal, Stosh’s mom says, “But gambling is like cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. It can be addictive. Some people – like your father — start doing it and they can’t stop.”  
  • Several times, adults smoke cigars and cigarettes.  
  • When Stosh goes back in time, he appears in a basement. When he peeks through a hole in the wall, he sees three men counting cash. Stosh thinks, “I didn’t think these guys were drug dealers. I wasn’t even sure if there were drugs in 1919. They must be crooks. . .” 
  • When Stosh goes to the World Series, “near the ticket booths, six men wearing army uniforms were standing in a group, drinking whiskey. . . Everyone, it seemed, was holding a bottle in their hand. A lot of them looked like they were already drunk.”  
  • Wilber, a thirteen-year-old boy, smokes cigarettes.  
  • After getting sick, Stosh takes Tamiflu. While in the past, he gave Tamiflu to a boy, which saved the boy’s life. 


  • When Stosh dresses in 1919 clothes, he protests because “I’ll look like a doofus.” 
  • Heck is used several times. 


  • Stosh holds a baseball card and thinks about going into the past. “It wasn’t long until I began to feel the tingling sensation in my finger. . . I closed my eyes and thought about Cincinnati in early October 1919. . . The tingling moved from my fingertips to my hands and then up my arms. . . And then, like a movie screen fading into white, I felt my body slipping away.” 


Cooperstown! Josh is thrilled when his hard training pays off in a big way and his team, the Titans, makes it to a national tournament. The tournament is in Cooperstown, home of the National Baseball Hall of Fame. But more is on the line for Josh than just a trophy. Winning would mean everything to his dad—who is now Josh’s coach. Winning could mean a major endorsement deal for the Titans and the attention of big league scouts! 

After a dirty play and a brutal injury threaten to sideline Josh, he spies suspicious activity at the tournament. He tries to tell his friend Jaden about what he’s seen, but she’s too busy spending time with the L.A. Comets’ star player, Mickey Mullen Junior. Jaden says she’s doing research for the newspaper . . . but is she?  

Rivals’ fast-paced plot is centered around Josh, who clearly loves baseball, and his family. Because of this, Josh is willing to put himself in danger if it benefits his team or his family. For instance, when a speeding pitch smashes Josh’s eye, he does not want to sit out the rest of the game. When Josh’s parents disagree on the best course of action, they let Josh make the final decision, which is to finish the game. After the game, Josh goes to the hospital where he has to have surgery to repair the bone around his eye. Josh’s reason for continuing to play despite the dangers is admirable. However, his family’s reaction is disappointing. Josh’s father seems to care more about winning than about his son’s well-being. 

While the story revolves around baseball, mystery is added when Josh discovers a possible link between another team’s coach, Mickey Mullen, and an umpire who routinely makes bad calls that favor Mickey’s team. Now Josh has a rival—both on the field and off—as he swings for the fences in a game that quickly becomes more dangerous. 

Josh and his friends, Benji and Jaden, investigate in order to try to find proof that the umpire is being paid to make sure that Mickey’s team wins. When the kids finally find proof of the cheating conspiracy and share their evidence, the adults are unwilling to believe them. In the end, Mickey gets away with rigging the games. This thread of the story shows how cheating is wrong, but it gives an unclear message because no one is punished.  

Sports-loving readers will enjoy Rivals because of the realistic baseball action and the cheating mystery. It also addresses how not making it to the big leagues, does not make a sports player a failure. This example is shown when some people say Josh’s father is a failure because he only played in the minor leagues. But Josh’s father says, “Someone who does his best, goes as far as he can, and isn’t ashamed or frightened of the things he didn’t do? That’s a winner.”  

Sexual Content 

  • Benji thinks he’s a lady’s man. When Josh’s mom compliments Benji’s manners, he says “See? I’m like a magnet for women.” Josh groans, but Benji replies, “You can’t turn it on and off—you’re either suave or you’re not.” 
  • Benji sees Jaden and Mickey about to kiss. Benji says, “I’m telling you. You don’t look at each other standing there like that all smiling and everything when some serious kissing isn’t just around the next bend. Trust me. I know about these things.”  


  • During a game, the pitcher intentionally throws a beanball at Josh. “The pitch struck him in the face. Josh saw stars and felt his body spin for just a split second before everything went fuzzy.” Josh finishes the game with a swollen eye. Afterwards, he is admitted to the hospital and has surgery to fix the injury. 
  • After a series of bad calls, a coach “ran right at the umpire. The coaches from both teams swarmed home plate, grappling with the head-coach-gone-crazy and fending him off the umpire. . . The umpire didn’t back down. In fact, he went after the Tallahassee coach — who was being restrained — and nearly got a punch off before two of the Comets’ assistant coaches got hold of him and dragged him away.” 
  • Josh spies on Myron, a movie star’s bodyguard. When Myron finds out, he confronts Josh. “Myron reached out with a long arm and snatched a handful of Josh’s T-shirt. He yanked him forward. . . Josh tried to pull away . . but Myron’s grip only tightened and Josh could feel the collar of his T-shirt cutting into his skin.” Myron takes Josh on a ride and threatens to destroy the boy’s family if he talks. 
  • Benji, Jaden, and Josh spy on Seevers, an umpire who they think is being paid to cheat. When the umpire sees the kids, he points a shotgun at them. “Josh didn’t think, he jumped, and when his feet hit the ground, they took off like three jackrabbits running for cover. The blast of the shotgun only made him run faster. He felt the hot rush of pellets swooshing overhead and hissing on through the night.”  
  • In order to get away from Seevers, the kids take a boat. Seevers follows them. “A shotgun blast roared and a spray of pellets thrashed on the side of the boathouse. Benji flew to the bottom of the boat.”  
  • The kids land the boat on a hotel’s lawn, where a party is taking place. Myron grabs Josh. “Josh felt Myron’s other hand grip him by the collarbone and probe beneath the bone for a jujitsu pressure point, Josh saw stars when Myron hit the nerve and he crumpled to the grass, paralyzed with pain.”  
  • To help his friend get free from Myron, Benji grabs a hot sauce bottle and squirts Myron in the eyes. “Myron screamed and pawed at his eyes. . . spinning and tripping and going down hard on the grass.” A reporter jumps in and threatens Myron: “Let him go or you’ll all be front-page news.” The kids are safe. This scene is described over 14 pages.  
  • During the championship game, Benji runs towards home plate. When the catcher turned to tag Benji, he “dipped his shoulder and plowed straight through the catcher. His shoulder caught the catcher in the chest and he drove upward. The catcher flew into the air, twisting as he fell.” The catcher drops the ball and Benji is safe. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • The book makes several references to a steroid scandal from the first book of the series, Baseball Great. 
  • In the past, Josh’s father had a “Novocain shot directly into his shoulder joint.” 
  • While in the hospital, Josh is given an IV and pain medication. 
  • Jaden approaches a couple and asks for a ride to New York. The woman asks her, “Are you on drugs?” 
  • An adult smokes menthol cigarettes. 
  • Josh sees two men at a restaurant drinking beer. Later, one of the men is at home “cradling a whisky bottle against the fur on his naked chest.” 
  • Jayden calls someone a “phony cheating rat.”  


  • Occasionally, the characters call each other names including goofball, screwball, fathead, meathead, and various other names. 
  • Benji calls a shuttle driver a “crazy old bat.” In reply, the woman calls Benji and Josh brats. 
  • Heck, crap, and crappy are used occasionally.  
  • Darn is several times. 
  • When an umpire calls a player out, the coach yells, “You’re blind! You’re a moron! You’re a crook!” 
  • Benji calls Mickey Jullens, a rival player, “mullet head, maggot-face Mullens.” 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • While in the hospital, Josh’s parents need to decide what treatment Josh should receive. When discussing the options, Josh gives his opinion. His mom says that “God made parents” to decide what’s best for their children. 

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