
Nat is proud of her mom for getting her dream job. But did she have to move them out of Philadelphia and into a small town in rural Pennsylvania? Who would choose to leave behind their friends, favorite falafel spot, and fun block parties for green fields and grazing cows? Nat is convinced there isn’t anything to love about her new hometown. . . but then she meets her cute next-door neighbor and his even cuter horse, Ghost. Can they help Nat embrace her new life as a small-town girl? 

Anyone who has dealt with moving will relate to Nat’s difficulty adjusting to a small town. Like all preteens, Nat worries about meeting new friends and fitting into her new community. It doesn’t take long for Nat to meet Logan, her cute neighbor, or for two mean girls to target her. The two mean girls trick Nat into flirting with Logan. While Nat’s attempt at flirting is embarrassing, Logan kindly tells Nat that he just wants to be friends. Nat’s relationship with Logan is sweet, and Nat realizes “I wasn’t ready for all that boy-girl stuff yet . . . That didn’t mean I wanted to stop hanging out with Logan.” In the end, the two end up developing a friendship through their love of horses.   

Nat is a very likable protagonist. One reason Nat is so likable is because she is an unselfish friend who empathizes with others. When a mean girl tells Nat, “If anyone saw you with Horrid Harper, your reputation would be totally nerfed,” Nat doesn’t allow the girls to influence her decisions. Instead, she quickly returns to her conversation with Harper. In addition to being a good friend, Nat is also a hard worker. When Nat discovers that Ghost is going to be sold, she brainstorms ideas to make enough money to buy Ghost herself. With the help of her new friends and her old friends from Philadelphia, Nat earns enough money to become a horse owner. 

Nowheresville will have wide appeal because of the likable characters, the relatable conflicts, and the cute horses. The easy-to-read story has a straightforward plot that teaches the value of hard work. While none of the supporting characters are well-developed, they’re unique enough to add interest to the story, and they highlight the importance of having strong friendships. Readers will enjoy seeing Nat learn about life in rural America and will fall in love with Ghost alongside her. If you’re looking for more horse stories, try jumping into these books: Hollywood by Samantha M. Clark, Horse Girl by Carrie Seim, and Ride On by Faith Erin Hicks.  

Sexual Content 

  • One of the girls has two moms.  
  • When Nat meets the boy next door, she wonders if he was flirting with her. Nat thinks, “What did flirting look like anyways? I’d heard Johari’s sister talk about it, but I still wasn’t sure.”  
  • In an attempt to embarrass Nat, two mean girls show up at Logan’s barn and ask if Nat and Logan have been kissing.  


  • While Nat is caring for the horses, two mean girls show up. After a brief conversation, the girls “were trying to scare the horses through the broken fence! When one of the girls tossed a handful of dirt into the paddock, Belle bolted wildly, bucking and snorting. She kicked out at Ghost as she passed, sending him jumping to one side.” Ghost gets out of the paddock, but Nat is able to calm him down and return him safely.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • A mean girl tells Nat, “If anyone saw you with Horrid Harper, your reputation would be totally nerfed.” 
  • Nat thinks, “What the heck?” 
  • The mean girls give Nat bad advice on purpose. When Nat figures it out, she thinks, “Those rats!” 
  • Nat calls the mean girls jerks.  


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • One of Nat’s friends goes to church on Sundays. 

Sports Illustrated Kids Pro Files: Baseball

Sports Illustrated Kids Pro Files: Baseball is a must-have book for every young baseball fan and player. The book profiles seven of the big leagues’ hottest stars and features SI Kids’ signature content: great writing, fun trivia, amazing statistics, and dynamic photography. But Pro Files: Baseball also delves deeper, providing insider tips from major league coaches on how to hit, pitch, and field just like the stars in the book. Experts help break down each baseball skill so that young players can learn to play like the pros.   

Each player—Albert Pujols, Evan Longoria, Roy Halladay, Joe Mauer, Josh Hamilton, Justin Verlander, and Joey Votto—has six pages dedicated to them. The first two-page spread includes an illustration of the player in action and basic facts such as height, weight, hometown, etc. The second two-page spread includes information about their early careers. There are also career stats and random insider information such as the player’s favorite cereal and the athlete they admired as a kid. In addition, readers will learn more about the players’ skills and why they love the game.  

Pro Files: Baseball uses a reader-friendly format similar to a picture book, which will appeal to even the most reluctant readers. Each page uses bright colors, infographics, and photographs of the players in action. While the book includes a lot of information about the players, each section is broken into small parts with a headline. In addition, most of the sports statistics are put in infographics which make them easy to understand. Best of all, Pro Files: Baseball shows the unique skills that players use for their specific positions, such as what skills make Joey Votto an amazing first baseman.  

Readers who love baseball will want to read Pro Files: Baseball because it’s packed full of interesting facts. Another positive aspect of the book is that it shows the hard work and dedication involved in making it to the major leagues. Plus, Pro Files: Baseball shows obstacles that the players had to overcome on their way to the pros.  

Any reader who wants to learn more about the game of baseball should put Pro Files: Baseball at the top of their reading list. Baseball fans can also learn about one of the most legendary baseball players of all time by reading Babe Ruth and the Baseball Curse by David A. Kelly. However, if you’d like to add some more historical fiction to your baseball reading list, The Brooklyn Nine by Alan Gratz is a must-read. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

The Guardian Test

Plum is shocked to discover that she’s been accepted to the Guardian Academy on Lotus Island, an elite school where kids learn how to transform into Guardians, which are magical creatures sworn to protect the natural world. The Guardian masters teach Plum and her friends how to communicate with animals and how to use meditation to strengthen their minds and bodies. The kids also learn to fight, so they can protect the defenseless. 

To her dismay, Plum struggles at school. While her classmates begin to transform into amazing creatures, Plum can’t even seem to magic up a single feather! If she can’t embrace her inner animal form soon, she’ll have to leave school—and lose the first group of real friends she’s ever known.  

In The Gradian Test, Plum narrates her experiences at the Guardian Academy. While there, Plum feels like an outsider who doesn’t belong at the academy. One reason Plum feels this way is because mean girl Rella looks down on her because Plus is from a farming community. Despite the teasing, Plum feels most at home working in the garden, where she talks to the worms and plants. Plum is an extremely likable character whom readers will connect with because of her insecurities and worries. 

Several times throughout the story, the book shows the importance of meditation. In Breath class, students learn to meditate, which is an essential part of transforming into the Guardian form. During class, one of the teachers, Master Sunback, says, “Let the rest of the world fall away until there is nothing left but your breathing.” This is one area that Plum has difficulty mastering because when she closes her eyes, questions begin running through her mind. However, it is only through meditation that Plum can change into her Guardian form. When Plum finally transforms, she “just felt like . . . me.”  

The story reinforces the importance of taking care of the animals and plants that have been entrusted to our care. For example, the Guardians stop a fleet of boats from overfishing because, “The coral reef near Bidibop Island is very fragile, and your fishermen were dropping anchor, destroying coral that had been growing for thousands of years. They were also overfishing, taking far too much in their nets.” While The Guardian Test doesn’t explore this topic in detail, it highlights the importance of caring for our world.  

The Guardian Test is an exciting story that takes the reader into a beautifully imaginative world. While Plum is the only character who is developed in detail, the supporting characters are interesting and readers will look forward to learning more about all of the characters in the next book in the series, Into the Shadow Mist. The plot has enough mystery and suspense to keep readers engaged while still being simple enough that the storyline is easy to follow. In addition, black and white illustrations are scattered throughout the book to give readers a visual of the diverse characters and some of the animals that are unique to Lotus Island. The Guardian Test begins an exciting series that is perfect for fans of The Legend of Zelda 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • During class, Master Drew turned into “a huge muscular jaicat with an inky coat and a pair of short golden horns perched between her ears. She prowled in a slow circle around Cherry [a student] and then—before any of us could blink—she pounced on her, tackling Cherry onto her back.” Cherry is uninjured. 
  • During class, Cherry “threw herself into attacking our teacher. But Master Drew blocked every one of Cherry’s moves with speed and ease. And then, just when it seemed like Cherry was finally going to get in a kick, Master Drew grabbed her ankle and used it to flip Cherry onto the ground.”  
  • While in the forest, a leopard jumps on Plum, knocking her down. “Without even thinking, I popped my hips to knock the leopard off balance. I used my advantage to curl my knees in and push from underneath the beast. The next second I was on my feet and running.” Plum discovers that mean girl Rella is the leopard.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Plum learns to use various plants such as milkfoot and other herbs to heal ailments.  


  • Dang and heck are both used once.  
  • Rella says that Plum “probably lived in a sheep pen. At least, that’s what she smells like.”  
  • While doing defense drills, Rella and Plum are paired together. Rella says, “Come on, pig farmer. Pretend I’m a bucket of slop you can’t wait to roll in.”  


  • There are “three types of Guardians: Hand, Heart, and Breath. Hand Guardians are fierce, fast and strong. . . Heart Guardians are the healers. And Breath Guardians are super chill, and they can calm people down.” 
  • Heart Guardians “have the power to mend broken bones, soothe pain, and repair damage.”  
  • The students learn how to turn into mythical creatures such as a fox bat and a gillybear. In order to transform, students need to learn how to meditate. 
  • To show the students how to transform, two Guardians “swooped their arms down, and in an instant they transformed. One became a zorahawk with broad wings and a curved beak. The other was a glister mare with a sparkling mane and powerful legs.”  
  • In a demonstration, one Guardian turns into a buttermoth and the other turns into a raccoon. “Together they knelt at the edge of one of the lotus ponds, where the sun had scorched the lotus pads a patchy brown. The raccoon placed his hand on the damaged leaves while the buttermoth fluttered her wings. Green life flowed back into the pads, healing them completely.” 
  • Two students have a dream amulet. “Parents whisper their dreams for their children into a charm or a stone and give it to them for luck.” Plum’s friend, Sam, breathes on his charm. “When he opened his hand, a soft light, like a tiny ball of starlight, glowed from the ruby gem. He held it up to my ear. I heard the faintest echoing whisper of a woman’s voice: ‘Wealth and power will flow to you like water from a rain.’” 
  • When Plum breathes on her dream amulet, Plum hears her mother’s voice. “Suddenly the white light shot straight out of the shell. It hovered like a twile-fly right in front of my face. Its light pulsed like a heartbeat.” The light leads Plum to some ancient ruins. Then, Plum “opened my fingers. The white light flickered faintly as it drifted up to my shell pendant and back inside.” Plum believes that she had been visited by her mother’s spirit.  
  • A student named Rella finds a chant written on the wall of some ruins. She uses it to transform into a leopard. The chant is “ancient magic from before the Santipapa Islands even existed.” Rella doesn’t know what the words mean, but when she says “them in the proper order, you can tap into the old magic.” When using the chants, the person feels an enormous sense of power. 
  • When Plum uses the chants, “the entire temple flooded with light. The images on the mural burst into motion. . . The tingling in my fingers surged into my arms and legs. I felt so strong like I could run to the top of the mountain or leap over trees.” While saying the chant, Plum partially transforms into her Guardian form.  

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

All Tide Up

The unsinkable detectives Mango and Brash are back in InvestiGators: All Tide Up, a high seas adventure that takes the hit series by John Patrick Green into uncharted waters!

When a delirious cruise captain is found drifting at sea, the search begins for his missing passengers and ship. Did it sink? Was it boat-napped? Are supernatural forces at play? And can the InvestiGators unravel this maritime mystery before a second cruise befalls a similarly unfathomable fate? Seas the day and find out in this new nautical adventure! 

When a cruise ship mysteriously disappears, Brash and Mango come face to face with a brand-new villain: the “dread pirate ghost, Willy Nilly.” In addition to Willy Nilly, the InvestiGators also meet new friends along the way. These new characters give the book an interesting twist and keep the reader guessing as to their motives. When a group of pirates board the ship, it allows for new puns as well as some funny suspense. 

Unlike the previous installments of InvestiGators, All Tide Up can be read as a singleton because the book neatly wraps up the mystery of Willy Nilly by the end. Similar to previous installments of the series, a combination of human and animal characters blend together to make a ridiculous story with humorous wordplay. Readers will enjoy the puns and the pirate talk, as well as the mystery of the ghost of Willy Nilly. 

This imaginative story comes alive in brightly colored artwork that shows the characters’ wide range of emotions. The illustrations and unique storyline with Brash and Mango will appeal to even the most reluctant readers. Each page has three to eleven sentences per page. The sentences range from one word to more complex sentences. The varied sentence lengths add to the humor while keeping the story accessible to all readers. 

Readers familiar with the InvestiGators Series will have a splashing good time with All Tide Up. While the majority of the story can be understood if you haven’t read the other books, there are some small references to previous books that may confuse new readers. While All Tied Up is full of humor, it also reminds readers that friendship is more important than money. In the end, “The real treasure is the friends that you’ve made along the way.” 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • When Sven, an octopus, was a child, an eel stole his toy. Sven’s cousin, a squid, “could’ve let Sven fight his own battle. But I stepped in, and things got out of hand. . . literally!” Sven loses a tentacle, and it never grows back. 
  • Pirates tie Mango and Brash up, then discuss the InvestiGators’ fate. One pirate says, “I say we stomp ‘em! Then we keelhaul ‘em!” The InvestiGators are forced to walk the plank, but they manage to create a raft out of balloons and eventually, they are rescued. 
  • The owner of a cruise ship tries to escape, but a man stops him by waving a sword at him. Then, Mango and Brash tie him up.  
  • Sword-wielding pirates surround the InvestiGators. A squid jumps to their aid and hits the pirates with his eight legs. In the process, one of the squid’s tentacles is chopped off.  
  • A man delivers a cruise ship to a deserted island so the ghost of Willy Nilly can throw the passengers into a fiery pit. Later, the reader discovers that all of the people are alive and well.  
  • Mango and Brash confront the ghost of Willy Nilly and throw him into the fiery pit.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • Name-calling is used infrequently. It includes fool, scum, slimy sea slug, lily-livered scallywag, and bilge rat. 
  • Mango calls a ghost a “spectral scuttlebutt.” 
  • When Pirates take over a cruise ship, they call the captives names such as lily-livered landlubbers. 
  • Dang, darn, and drat are used infrequently.  


  • The pirate Willy Nilly was cursed, and his ghost comes back 300 years later; this is the time period the book is set in.  
  • According to legend, “Nilly was cursed to pay back the debt by delivering a thousand souls to the island before the three hundred years pass. If he failed, his stolen fortune would disappear forever!” 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Like Lava In My Veins

Bobby Beacon has fire flowing through his veins, and he’s psyched to attend a new school that’ll help him get a better grip on his powers! But right off the bat, his new teacher is not too welcoming. That causes Bobby’s hot temper to land him in the principal’s office. It isn’t easy to stay calm when people don’t seem to understand you and are always pushing you to the edge. Good thing Bobby gets moved to a class with an understanding teacher who teaches him ways to calm himself. Bobby’s new teacher also shows him that caring for others is its own kind of superpower. With her help—and some cool new friends—Bobby just might be on his way to becoming the best version of himself. 

Bobby learns that “as long as you have someone who believes in you and appreciates everything from your toes to the tiny flames on the tip of your hair, you can become anything in this great big world. And most of all, you are needed, you are loved.” 

Anyone who has ever felt invisible will connect with Bobby, who struggles with keeping his temper under control. Bobby tries to stay out of trouble but his teacher gets angry when he fidgets. When Bobby switches to a different classroom, he connects to his new teacher, who is kind and encouraging. When Bobby starts to get angry, his teacher guides him through breathing exercises. Finally, Bobby’s heroic characteristics come out during an assembly when a supervillain breaks into the school and Bobby has to use his superhero powers to save the school. 

Like Lava in My Veins contrasts two classrooms—one with a critical teacher and the other with an encouraging teacher. With the help of the encouraging teacher, Bobby gains self-confidence. In the end, Bobby’s experiences highlight the importance of giving someone a second chance. The book also shows how easy it is for a student to be sent to the Institute for Supervillains. While Bobby’s story ends on a happy note, Like Lava in My Veins shines a light on society’s tendency to punish Black children harshly.  

Using a graphic novel format, Like Lava in My Veins has the feel of a superhero comic with bright colors, large quote bubbles, and expressive faces. Each page has one to seven sentences printed in large font. The short sentences use easy-to-read vocabulary that makes the book accessible to struggling readers. Even though the recommended reading age for the book is 5 – 8 years old, Bobby is in the fifth grade which gives the book a more mature tone.  

Superhero fans will enjoy Like Lava in My Veins because of the relatable protagonist and the fast-paced action sequences. Readers will cheer when Bobby defeats a supervillain. While the story shows the importance of having an encouraging teacher, it doesn’t give readers advice on what to do if they have a teacher who is critical of them. Despite this, readers will enjoy seeing Bobby gain confidence and use his powers for good.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • When the bus driver doesn’t stop to pick up Bobby, Bobby “placed my palms on the ground. The road ripped open, and a tidal wave of molten lava formed a wall in front of the bus. . . Guess what? The driver slammed his boot on the brakes and then let me in, like he should’ve done in the first place.” No one is injured.  
  • Pause, a black student “got expelled for turning a teacher into a statue. . . All she did was sing. Just floated a couple of sweet notes in the air that landed softly in the ear of a fifth-grade teacher named Mr. Remington—he was frozen solid.” 
  • In class, Bobby gets upset that his teacher won’t call on him to answer questions. Bobby “started to feel invisible, like I wasn’t even there. . . I had accidentally melted my chair down to the floor like candle wax.” Bobby is sent to the principal’s office. 
  • During an assembly, the headmaster from The Institute for Supervillains “blasted a hole in the wall with his enormous stone fists. With him was his new star pupil—Pause.” Pause freeze the audience. “Their bodies were motionless, but their eyes reached back and forth in their heads like they were watching a tennis match. It was creepy.” 
  • The headmaster and Pause try to convince Bobby to join their team. When he refuses, “Pause cupped her hands around her mouth and tried shooting more of those hypnotic notes at me. . .” Bobby uses a “shield made of hardened lava which bounced the sound right back to her. . .She instantly froze.” 
  • To defeat the headmaster, Bobby aimed “an enormous beam of golden lava shot at his stone fist and welded them together. He couldn’t do anything but to drop to the cold, hard floor.” The full battle with the headmaster and Pause is illustrated over eight pages.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None


  • None 


  • Bobby goes to school with others who have special powers. For example, one student can make others tell the truth. “All he has to do is touch you, and the truth just comes pouring out of your mouth like Niagara Falls.” 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Velociraptor

What would happen if a Tyrannosaurus rex and a velociraptor met each other? What if they had a fight? Who do you think would win? 

Even though Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Velociraptor ends with a battle scene between the two dinosaurs, the book also has several pages discussing fossils as well as the reasons dinosaurs may have become extinct. Throughout the book, interesting facts are included such as “a newborn T. rex skeleton has never been discovered. Maybe you will be the person who unearths it.” Each page has large pictures as well as fun facts including dino trivia, gross facts, and definitions. For example, one gross fact is “A raptor’s arms and hands seem perfect for a dinosaur that is an aggressive hunter—quick, long, and strong. A raptor could easily rip apart its prey.”   

The nonfiction reader is packed full of interesting information about the two bear species. The book also has two pages devoted to funny bear stories. Similar to a picture book, each page has a full-page illustration. With 6 to 11 simple sentences per page, Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Velociraptor is accessible to most readers. However, younger readers may need help with some of the vocabulary such as excavation, articulated, paleontologist, and proportionally.  

Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Velociraptor fun format will appeal to most readers. Each two-page spread has large illustrations and explains the characteristics of each bear. Readers may be surprised by the ending battle the T. Rex dies. However, the text also explains why the outcome could have been different.  

The box is jam-packed with interesting facts, photos, and illustrations. The nonfiction text will spark reader’s attention as it teaches readers about dinosaurs. To learn more about dinosaurs, read about famous fossil hunters in Barnum Brown Dinosaur Hunter by David Sheldon and The Dog that Dug for Dinosaurs by Shirley Raye Redmond. Dinosaur-loving readers would also enjoy these fictional books: the Dino Files Series by Stacy McAnulty and Don’t Disturb the Dinosaurs by Ada Hopper.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • One illustration shows a T. Rex eating a smaller dinosaur. The illustration shows some blood.   
  • The end battle between the T. rex and the raptor is illustrated and includes some blood. While fighting, “the raptor slices the T. rex with its sickles. The angry R. rex bucks, and the raptor gets flung into the air. . .” The raptor calls to its pack and the pack appears. “The raptor pack slashes and cuts the T. rex. It’s over The T. rex crashes to the ground. . .” The fight is illustrated over six pages. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

The Holiday Switch

Lila Santos is ready for her last winter break of high school. The snow in her small town of Holly, New York is plentiful, the mood as cozy as a fuzzy Christmas sweater, and she’s earning extra cash working at the local inn. In other words, it is the setting for the greatest film of all time, Holiday by the Lake—while moonlighting as an anonymous book blogger.

But her perfect holiday plans crash to a halt when her boss’ frustratingly cute nephew, Teddy Rivera, becomes her coworker. Lila is Type A while Teddy is Type “Anything but Lila’s Way,” and the two of them can’t stop butting heads over tangled icicle lights and messy gift shop merch. But when they accidentally switch phones one afternoon, they realize they’ve both been hiding things from each other. Will their secrets—and an unexpected snowstorm—bring these rivals together?

While Lila’s conflict is understandable, her judgmental attitude makes it difficult to connect with her. Even though Lila is the protagonist, Teddy is more likable because he goes out of his way to show Lila that he cares for her. For instance, when Teddy finds Lila’s list of Christmas activities that she wants to do, he plans ways to get Lila to spend time with him by taking her to the different activities on her list. 

The two teens eventually connect because they are both keeping secrets from their parents. Both are afraid their parents won’t understand their passions. Readers will relate to Teddy’s and Lila’s desire to meet their parents’ expectations as well as live their own dreams. In the end, both teens discover their fears are unfounded. While Lila’s parents are upset about her dishonesty, they support her goals. Likewise, Teddy also learns that his family supports his dreams.

Readers who want to snuggle up with a book during the holiday will appreciate The Holiday Switch because of the town’s over-the-top Christmas activities. The winter puns also add to the romance’s cuteness. For example, while ice skating, one of the characters “slipped on the ice and said, ‘Holy night.’” The predictable plot has some sweet moments that will warm readers’ hearts and get them into the holiday spirit. However, if you’re looking for a holiday romance that will be more memorable, grab a hot cocoa and a copy of What Light by Jay Asher.

Sexual Content 

  • Lila babysits for a couple who “party like they’d been caged animals in a zoo. They come home sweaty and red-faced, and the PDA is over the top embarrassing.”
  • While outside, Teddy asks Lila if he can kiss her. She says yes and then, “I rise up to my tiptoes and shut my eyes. When his lips feather against mine, I’m infused with energy and thrill. My hands climb his back, his cup my face, and he kisses me as if I’m another puzzle he has to explore.” 
  • Before Teddy begins a climbing competition, he kisses Lila. “Teddy lifts my chin with a finger and presses a kiss to my lips.” 


  • None

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None


  • Oh my God and God are used as exclamations occasionally. 
  • Crap and pissed are used several times.


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • None

Polar Bear vs. Grizzly Bear

What would happen if a polar bear and a grizzly bear met each other? What if they had a fight? Who do you think would win? In this nonfiction read, two ferocious bear species are compared and contrasted.  

Polar Bear vs. Grizzly Bear’s fun format will appeal to most readers. Each page has large pictures of bears as well as fun facts, true stories, language facts, and definitions. For example, one fun fact is that “a grizzly is faster on land. A polar bear is probably faster on ice.” Each two-page spread compares the characteristics of the bears. Readers may be surprised by the ending battle because “the polar bear sees no point in fighting anymore. There is no reason to fight to the death. The polar bear runs away.” The battle between the two bears is illustrated over two pages; however, no blood is shown.  

The nonfiction read is packed with interesting information about the two bear species. The book also has two pages devoted to funny bear stories. Similar to a picture book, each page has a full-page illustration. With six to eleven simple sentences per page, Polar Bear vs. Grizzly Bear is accessible to most readers. However, younger readers may need help with some of the vocabulary such as translucent, apex predator, and carnivore. 

Polar Bear vs. Grizzly Bear will spark readers’ attention and make them want to learn more about bears. It is part of the Who Would Win? Series, which has 20+ books that will satisfy all kinds of animal fans. Readers looking for more bear humor should also read the graphic novel, Bird & Squirrel on The Edge by James Burks. 

Sexual Content 

  • None


  • Polar bears can eat humans, “but it hardly ever happens.” However, “each year grizzlies eat a few people.” 
  • When the polar bear and the grizzly bear see each other, “the grizzly charges at the polar bear, growing and showing his teeth. . . [The polar bear] fights back. Whap! He smacks the grizzly in the face. Ouch! They claw, scratch, and bite.” The polar bear eventually walks away from the fight.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Mystery of the Egyptian Amulet

When the Nile town of Thebes is threatened by a scarab-amulet eating ghost, Zet is determined to uncover the truth. Meanwhile, Zet’s best friend, a jeweler’s apprentice, is in trouble. Could the ghost and his best friend’s ominous master be connected somehow?

As if he didn’t have enough trouble, special orders have gone missing at Zet’s family pottery stall. With angry customers on his hands, his family’s reputation is going downhill fast. Soon the investigation becomes a race against time. Zet and his sister, Kat, must solve the ever-twisting puzzle before it destroys the people they love. 

Zet is an extremely likable protagonist who isn’t afraid to face danger to help the people around him. When Zet suspects that his best friend, Hui, is in danger, he does what comes to him naturally—he investigates the jeweler’s compound where Hui works. When he investigates, Zet is often impulsive; however, his intentions are always honorable. Zet’s fun personality, his mystery-solving skills, and his bravery make him shine. By the end of the book, readers will be wishing Zet was their best friend.

Mystery of the Egyptian Amulet is an engaging story that will appeal to anyone who likes a fast-paced mystery. Readers will also enjoy learning what life was like in ancient Egypt. Even though Zet is only twelve years old, he is responsible for running his family’s pottery stall as well as providing for his mother and younger brother. Zet takes this responsibility seriously, and while he worries about not being able to care for his family, he never complains about his lot in life. Likewise, even though his sister can be annoying, he treats her kindly and even appreciates her knowledge (although, he doesn’t let her know this!). 

The Mystery of the Egyptian Amulet’s danger and mystery will captivate readers. While they will enjoy trying to solve the clues, the best part of the Kid Detective Zet Series is Zet, an interesting character who has many positive character traits despite being impulsive enough to get into some sticky situations. Even though Zet often runs from thugs, the story is kid-friendly with plenty of suspense without being scary. The story’s short chapters and easy vocabulary also make the book perfect for reluctant readers. The Kid Detective Zet Series is a highly entertaining series that will hook kids on reading. 

Sexual Content 

  • None


  • Zet’s best friend, Hui, is an apprentice for a jeweler. When Zet tries to see Hui, a guard tells Zet to leave. When Zet “didn’t move, the man cracked his meaty fingers. . . . the man grabbed his arm and twisted Zet into a headlock.” The guard says, “Makes a funny noise when your neck breaks. Crunch-like.” The next day Zet shows his sisters the bruises the guard gave him.
  • Hui says he must be careful of the jeweler or, “He’ll make me disappear. I know that’s what happened to his partner.” 
  • The police chief tells Zet to be careful because “a servant was attacked in Khonsu Street and almost killed. He was found unconscious, his head bleeding.” 
  • Zet tries to sneak into the jeweler’s house. When he jumps over a fence, “three large hounds crouched at the open door to the house. The snarling dog bared its teeth. . . They bore down on him in a flash of teeth and fur. . . Teeth caught hold of his ankle. He felt skin tear. He wrenched his leg free. . .” Zet got free and ran. His wound is not described. 
  • Zet knows the jeweler is planning on hiding stolen jewels in bread. To catch the jeweler stealing, Zet dresses like a demon. When he went into town, “people fell back in shock.” People began running which allowed Zet to get close to the cart with the hidden jewels.
  • When Zet begins throwing bread out of the cart, the jeweler’s guard, Snaggletooth, “snatched Zet’s ankle. Meaty fingers took hold of Zet’s oiled skin. Zet wrenched backward. . .” 
  • When Zet crawls into the cart, “someone shoved him hard. . . He flew forward. . . he saw Sanaggletooth’s sword chop down.” Zet is uninjured. The scene is described over three pages. 
  • Another one of the jeweler’s guards tries to get Zet. “The henchman landed a glancing blow against Zet’s leg with his club. Nails scraped down his shin. If it had been any closer, it would have broken Zet’s leg. . .” The injury is not described. 
  • When the jeweler’s guards are detained, Zet finds Hui hidden at the bottom of the bread cart. “Hui’s arms and legs were bound tightly to his side. The medjay [police chief] whipped out his blade and cut the bindings free.” Hui is uninjured.

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • When the police chief went to investigate a man’s residence, the man “sat back drinking wine while we turned the place upside-down.” 


  • Zet sneaks into the jewelry apprentice shop with Kat. When she makes a loud noise, Zet thinks, “Wormsnot and bettledung! He was a complete idiot. . .”
  • Kat uses “by the gods” as an exclamation once. 
  • When surprised, Zet yells, “What in the name of the gods?”


  • There is a rumor that an evil army of spirits is coming to town. A shopkeeper says, “They’re creeping into town. Stirring up trouble. Casting dark dreams.” The spirits are accused of stealing scarab amulets. The man explains, “And you know how important scarabs are to Egypt. They ensure long life. They ensure birth. Creation. Balance.”
  • Kat worries that the rumors are true because of the war. She says, “The Hyksos spirits probably are mad. And you know they can’t be burying the enemy Hyksos soldiers properly, with the war going on.” 
  • When Hui acts strangely, Kat thinks he has been “hypnotized, or worse, possessed.” 

Spiritual Content 

  • When giving the time of day, the text refers to the sun god. For example, when Zet walked to work, “the sun god spilled his rays over the rooftops.” 
  • When splurging on a litter to carry her, Hui’s mom says, “The gods know I don’t indulge in luxury much.”
  • Because of the strange things happening, some people were frightened. While walking, Zet “passed a man painting a protection symbol on his front door, and chanting what sounded like a spell.”
  •  A man opened a new shop. “Protection amulets of every kind swung from his awning. There were oil lamps with strange symbols, Hyksos spirits probably; heady, acrid-smelling incense burned, and he was stirring liquid in a pot and chanting.” 
  • When Zet’s mom travels down river to find out about a missing shipment, Zet prays, “Please, let her have found out about the shipment.” 
  • Hui made his mother “a tiny gold statue of Maat, Goddess of Truth. The goddess looked ready to do her job – to greet people when they arrived in the afterlife.”
  • In his room, Hui had a statue of “Bes – Hui’s family God. . . Sure he protected their household, like all family gods did, but Bes also loved to stir up trouble. Generally of the entertaining kind.”  
  • Zet passes a temple that had a pool of water in front of the doors. Hui thinks, “Everyone knew the temple pools were doorways into the underworld.” He hurries past the temple.
  • When Zet’s mom doesn’t return home as expected, he prays. “Zet went straight to the household shrine. He knelt in front of the statue of Bastet. The cat goddess regarded him with her gold-rimmed eyes. He lit one of the incense for her . . . ‘Please bring Mother and Apu home safe,’ he whispered.” 

The End of Time

Following the epic conclusion of The Secret Society, Oliver, Mya, and Jorge find themselves at an impasse: The Protectors’ headquarters lie in ruins; the nefarious Octavian is nowhere to be found; and they have no idea how their tampering with the timeline of Poptropica might affect history.  

As our heroes band together to save the mysterious, uncharted island world and find a way home, they are reminded of crucial events from their past—including how they were transported to Poptropica in the first place. The trio suddenly finds itself in the heart of Poptropica, where the Protectors discover the nexus of all time and are offered the opportunity to see what their lives would be like if they could change just one thing from their pasts. But will they choose to go down these alternate paths? 

The End of Time jumps back and forth between the present and the past. The story quickly tells what life was like before Oliver, Mya, and Jorge went to Poptropica. Because of the difficulties the trio faced, the book takes on a more serious tone. Before Poptropica, Mya struggles to deal with her mother’s death. Oliver wonders why his father disappeared from his life. Jorge doesn’t have any friends. Through their experiences, the kids realize “We’ve all lost something along the way. But we’ve gained even more. A friend. A family. Through it all, we’ve become ourselves.” 

As the last book in the series, The End of Time, ties up the loose ends and explains the characters’ backgrounds. However, jumping from different time periods and seeing alternative realities makes the plot more complex and readers may have a difficult time understanding the significance of some of the events. The story explores the importance of overcoming grief and accepting things as they are—not as we wish they would be. The graphic novel strays away from the humor and action of the previous books, and instead, takes on a serious tone to get its message across.  

The conclusion is somewhat bittersweet. Oliver, Mya, and Jorge realize the importance of their friendships, return to their own world, and are happily reunited with their parents. Even though Octavian is portrayed as a villain throughout the story, it’s hard not to feel sorry for him. While some of his actions are not acceptable, he is trying to save his love. While this reinforces the idea of accepting a loss, many readers will not understand the message. 

Each page has brightly colored illustrations that use fun elements such as onomatopoeia—”Krash! Smash! Krak!”—as well as comical characters with oversized eyes. The illustrations clearly show the characters’ varying emotions such as annoyance, fear, and confusion. Some of the pages let the illustrations tell the story without text. Other pages contain up to nine sentences with easy-to-understand vocabulary. Most of the sentences are super short, which makes the book accessible to most readers. 

The Poptropica Series is a fast-paced graphic novel that takes an adventurous trip into the past. With plenty of humor and silly illustrations, the series will entertain readers. If you’re looking for another funny graphic novel that will leave readers smiling, check out Pets on the Loose! by Victoria Jamieson. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Octavia goes back in time to Pompei in order to save the woman he loves. Men in space suits appear and tear Octavian away. Octavian watches the volcano erupt and he knows his love has died. 
  • Jonas, a protector of Poptropica, is injured in an explosion. The explosion was described in the previous book.  
  • In order to make friends, Jorge joins a group of mean boys. They take a child’s toy away and throw it into a mud puddle.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • Dang is used twice. 
  • Heck is used three times. 
  • The characters call each other names such as cheater.  
  • In the past, two mean boys make fun of Jorge and call him a baby, a dweeb, and a dork. 
  • In an alternate reality, Oliver gets a glimpse of his father. Oliver realizes, “my dad is kind of a jerk.”


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Ultimate Shark Rumble

Sixteen different sharks battle it out in a huge underwater fight! Who will be the champion? 

This nonfiction read compares and contrasts 16 ferocious sharks. Readers will learn about each animal’s anatomy, behavior, and more. Then, they’ll the animals will compete before finally revealing the winner!  

Ultimate Shark Rumble’s fun format will appeal to most readers. Each page has large pictures of sharks as well as shark facts, true stories, language facts, and definitions. For example, one fun fact is that “some Native Hawaiians believe that tiger sharks are the spirits of their ancestors.” Each “shark rumble” explains the characteristics of each shark as well as which shark would win in a battle. The pictures show the battles, including a shark’s sharp teeth biting another shark; while not gory, some blood is shown.  

Anyone who wants to learn more about sharks needs to read Ultimate Shark Rumble. Similar to a picture book, each page has a full-page illustration. With six to eleven simple sentences per page, Ultimate Shark Rumble is accessible to most readers. However, younger readers may need help with some of the vocabulary such as cartilage, positioned, caudal fins, and remoras.  

Ultimate Shark Rumble is jam-packed with interesting shark information. The nonfiction book will spark readers’ attention and make them want to learn more about sharks. The Who Would Win? Series has 20+ books that will satisfy all kinds of animal fans. Readers who want to take a bite out of more shark-related books should add The Great Shark Escape by Jennifer Johnston and Shark Lady by Jess Keating. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • In each shark rumble, the text explains which shark would win and why. For example, in a fight between a hammerhead shark and a tiger shark, “the tiger shark glides to the side and bites off one of the hammerhead’s eyes. The hammerhead is in trouble. The tiger shark then bites it in the back. Tiger shark wins!”

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Big Time

Gerri waits outside all night to audition for Big Time, her favorite TV singing competition. She believes she has a shot at success, but when she’s insulted by one of the judges and kicked out of the competition, she thinks she’ll probably never sing again. 

After a teacher at her school asks her to join a choral club, Gerri reluctantly gets involved. Even though she can’t read music and she doesn’t know the other kids, she finds herself enjoying the group and learning a lot about music. A cute guy she met at the Big Time auditions joins the group, and when they perform their unique mashups at an open-mic night, Gerri realizes there’s more than one way to be a successful—and happy—singer!

Anyone who’s ever faced rejection will relate to Gerri’s conflict and empathize with her feelings of insecurity. Since much of Gerri’s self-doubt and personal growth revolves around her musical ability, the story lacks action. Nevertheless, readers who are interested in music will enjoy learning how being part of a group helps Gerri understand music and herself better. While much of the story revolves around Gerri’s choral group, her guitar-playing granddad also plays a positive and significant role in Gerri’s musical growth. Gerri’s granddad helps her see that people should sing for their own personal enjoyment because music “helps us bring a little bit of happiness into other people’s lives.”

When Gerri tries out for Big Time, she meets Poppy, a confident singer who has some success on the reality show. Even though Poppy doesn’t play a large role in the story, her experiences help reinforce the importance of singing for enjoyment. While she was competing, Poppy began to focus on beating the other contestants, which caused a lot of stress and unhappiness. When she was cut from the competition, Poppy was relieved because being on Big Time took the joy out of singing. 

One of the best aspects of the book is Gerri’s personal growth. She changes from a downtrodden girl who doesn’t want to sing, to a more confident musician who is thankful that she was rejected from Big Time. Gerri thinks, “It turns out that getting rejected from Big Time was one of the best things that could have happened to me. . . because it helped me understand what being a musician is really all about. . . It’s about learning and practicing and making music wherever and whenever you feel like it.”

As part of the Orca Limelights collection, Big Time is specifically aimed at middle schoolers and teens with an interest in the performing arts who want to read a short, high-interest novel. The story’s straightforward plot, easy vocabulary, and interesting characters make Big Time the perfect fit for music-loving readers. 

Big Time has many positive aspects including teaching the importance of overcoming obstacles. In addition, the story portrays Gerri’s family in a positive light, and the supporting characters, while not perfect, unite over their love of singing. If you’re looking for a quick read, Big Time is a short, but solid story that will please anyone who loves music. Readers who want to read more music-themed books should grab a copy of Ace’s Basement by Ted Staunton and the graphic novel series Eagle Rock by Hope Larson.

Sexual Content 

  • None


  • A woman calls one of the Big Time judges a jackass.

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • One of the Big Time contestants says that Adele drinks whiskey before every performance.


  • None


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • None

The Okay Witch and the Hungry Shadow

During winter break, Moth Hush comes to terms with the revelation of her witch heritage and powers. Her mother, also a witch, helps Moth learn new spells and Moth gets happier with each one she picks up. Moth has a best friend in Carter, a boy from one of her classes, and Mr. Laszlo, a talking cat. Her life, friendships, and relationship with her mother couldn’t be better!

Unfortunately, Moth’s life doesn’t stay stress-free for long. At school, she runs into bullies that she wishes would leave her alone. After an incident in which she accidentally wears a similar outfit to a teacher, the bullies make Moth their latest victim and torment her for being the teacher’s “twin.” To make matters worse, Moth’s grandmother wants Moth to become a powerful witch and puts a lot of pressure on Moth to succeed in studying and practicing magic.

When Moth finds a solution to her problem — a magic charm that can bring out a confident and self-assured version of herself — things start out great. She gets praise from her grandmother and admiration from her classmates. With magic, Moth feels like she has a handle on how she presents herself to her family and classmates. But depending on magic to achieve her wildest dreams causes Moth’s life to spiral out of control.

The Okay Witch and the Hungry Shadow expands upon Moth’s school life. Many students are ruthless bullies; they stop at nothing to terrorize someone, never letting a joke or prank run dry. Moth’s tormentors mock Moth for her old-fashioned clothing, crooked teeth, and dark skin. Moth stresses over her looks and wonders if she would fit in if she changed her appearance. Readers will relate to Moth’s self-esteem issues, her struggle to accept herself for who she is, and her desire to fit in with the rest of the student body.

Moth discovers more about discrimination and exclusion from her grandmother’s stories about her witch heritage. Most witches in the Hush order (Moth’s grandmother’s previous order) believed that Moth’s grandmother was undeserving of her high-ranking position due to her skin color and class. In one conversation, Moth’s grandmother states, “They refused to see me as an equal.” Discussions such as these call attention to mistreatment towards underrepresented communities, showing prejudice is still pervasive not just in Moth’s grandmother’s time but also in the modern era.

Steinkellner’s full use of the graphic novel format lends itself to dynamic paneling and excellent pacing. Thick outlines make characters stand out while vibrant colors and pastels will keep readers engaged. Reluctant readers may like that most pages do not have words but rather tell the story through illustrations. In addition, Moth’s perspective as the narrator makes The Okay Witch and the Hungry Shadow easy to follow.

To relate to today’s readers, The Okay Witch and the Hungry Shadow incorporates modern-day technology. Familiar technology, such as smartphones and social media, brings readers closer to Moth’s world and highlights Moth’s desire to fit in. Memes, texting, and pop culture references invite the reader to become involved in the story. The inclusion of diverse characters and family dynamics adds depth and promotes diversity and representation.

Through her experiences, Moth learns an important lesson about integrity and self-trust. She doesn’t need to take shortcuts for quicker results or use magic to change herself to fit in: she can become whoever she wants by her own means without destroying herself from the inside out. Readers who want to learn more about standing up to bullies should also read Out of Place by Jennifer Blecher and Castle Hangnail by Ursula Vernon.

Sexual Content 

  • None


  • None

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None


  • None


  • Witches perform magic spells in various ways: nonverbally, incantations, gestures, or a mix of the three. For example, Moth shrinks a bug by aiming her pinky at it, scrunching her nose, and twisting her arm to the right. Moth is surrounded by magic and magical occurrences every day. As such, not all instances are listed here. 
  • Moth finds the nyklum, a “powerful charm that may transform its wearer into a bolder, more self-assured version of themselves.” The charm requires a small item from the person the witch chooses to imitate and the following incantation: “Bring it forth that I may be the better half that waits in me.” Moth uses the nyklum to become popular. She becomes more confident in herself and gains the attention of her classmates.
  • The more a witch draws upon the nyklum, the more likely the ancient demon Shadriel Kannibalstisch will take over the witch, incapacitating her for good. As the story progresses, Moth risks being taken over by Shadriel Kannibalstisch. 
  • Shadriel Kannibalstisch, also known as the Hungry Shadow, is a demon that looks to take over a person. The demon makes the witch formidable, but it corrupts the witch at the same time. When Shadriel Kannibalstisch becomes more powerful than its host, Shadriel eclipses them, the witch dies, and Shadriel takes the witch’s body for itself. 
  • To be more confident in front of her classmates, Moth wants to use the nyklum at the Valentine’s Day school dance. Upon hearing about the consequences of using the nyklum, Moth removes the nyklum to destroy Shadriel Kannibalstisch before it eclipses her. 
  • Shadriel Kannibalstisch comes out of the nyklum to stop Moth from destroying both it and the nyklum. When Shadriel Kannibalstisch shows itself, it takes control of the other students. Shadriel Kannibalstisch’s magic doesn’t hurt the students. 
  • To repel the students that Shadriel Kannibalstisch controls, Moth’s mother and another witch use magic to throw a wall of light to shake the demon’s hold on the students. The students are unharmed. The wall of light restrains or startles the students. 
  • Moth defeats the demon by shrinking the nyklum to an imperceptibly miniscule size. In doing so, the students are freed from the demon’s control. 

Spiritual Content 

  • Professor Folks, a museum educator at the local museum, believes animals are like humans in some ways. When seeing Mr. Laszlo, Professor Folks states, “I’ve always felt that animals have a special soul inside them. Look into this cat’s eyes. So expressive. So human. Almost as if we’re old, dear friends.”

Mystery of the Egyptian Scroll

You, who have dug deep and sifted hard for a story to read, have unearthed an ancient treasure: a mystery from the dusty ages when a kid could be a hero and fight for the good of all . . .

Twelve-year-old Zet oversees the family pottery stall now that his father is away fighting the Hyksos invaders. But sales are not going well and his rumbling stomach is setting off warning bells. What if his family can’t afford to eat? Zet needs help fast. Then a miracle happens: a huge reward is offered to whoever finds a stolen scroll and returns it to its rightful owner. Zet needs to track down that scroll. There’s only one catch: Zet is no detective and he’s way out of his element. Still, Zet sets out in search of clues, sneaking past hieroglyphics-covered walls, sprinting along the Nile, and chasing after a crafty pair of suspects. Can Zet find the scroll? Can he win the reward and save the day?

Mystery of the Egyptian Scroll follows Zet, who is desperate to provide for his family. Zet is somewhat impulsive and acts before he thinks. However, he is also a moral character who is brave in the face of danger and cares about others. Zet begins investigating the thief’s identity because a warrior offered him a large reward. Yes during his investigation, Zet meets a farmer and a blind beggar and despite their lowly status, he always treats them with kindness and worries about their wellbeing. 

This fast-paced story will give readers a glimpse into ancient Egyptian life and show some of the hardships that families had to overcome. Even though Zet was only 12 years old, he was in charge of providing for his family: his mother, sister, and baby brother. Zet takes his responsibility seriously and worries about what will happen when the family runs out of food. In the end, Zet is given a reward for helping identify the thieves. Even though Zet’s family needs the money for basic necessities, Zet still offers to give the farmer some of his reward money. Zet’s dedication to his family and his kindness to strangers is admirable. 

Mystery of the Egyptian Scroll is an engaging story full of action and adventure. The conclusion has several surprises and readers will smile when Zet is praised and rewarded for “doing the right thing.” The story’s easy vocabulary and short chapters make it accessible to most readers. The engaging story will entertain all mystery-loving readers who want to travel to ancient Egypt. Readers who want to learn more about ancient Egypt can jump back in time by reading Escape from Egypt by Wendy Mass. To learn even more about the time period, Mystery of the Egyptian Scroll can be paired with the nonfiction book The Curse of King Tut’s Mummy by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld.

Sexual Content 

  • None


  • When a thief runs through the marketplace, no one wants to “be associated with thieves. . . You might get your hand cut off, or worse, your head.”
  • A farmer overhears two men talking, but he didn’t “tell them they were trespassing. . . because the thin one pulled out a knife. I didn’t wait to find out if he planned to use it. I just started running.”
  • Zet overhears two thieves talking. “Shut your mouth,” growled the large man. “And keep it shut, or I’ll have to do it permanently. Don’t think I won’t either.”
  • When a man is arrested, Zet worries that the police chief would kill him. “Impale him on a stake, or burn him to death. That was punishment for crimes against the state.” Later, the man is let out of prison unharmed.
  • To stop the thieves, Zet jumps into a river and unties their boat. One of the thieves orders his guard to stop Zet. “The powerful man reached him and they struggled. The servant easily pushed him under, holding him down until Zet thought his lungs would burst” Zet finally “bit the man’s arm. Hard. The hand released him. . . The huge guard grabbed for him again, but Zet found the oar and punched it toward the man’s ribs.” The warrior arrives and helps Zet.

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • In the marketplace, a man and a stall owner argue over the price of beer.


  • Zet’s sister calls him a “jackal-head.”
  • A man calls someone a dog.
  • One of the thieves calls Zet a rat.


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • When telling time, the description often refers to Ra. For example, “Overhead, the sun god Ra was nearing the end of his voyage across the sky. Soon, he would reach the horizon.”
  • Zet’s family has a household shrine. “Their statue of Bastet, the cat goddess, was small but made of the finest ebony. She had been the household god of his father, and his father’s father before that. . . He lit a stick of incense and prayed to her for help in finding the thieves.” 
  • When Zet prays to the statue of Bastet, he “rubbed Bastet’s carved, ebony head. Even though she was a statue, he felt sure she enjoyed it.”
  • When Zet sees one of the thieves, “he thought of his prayers to Bastet the night before and said a silent thank you.”
  • Zet and his sister go by a chapel. “Inside was the shrine with the stele—the stone carving—covered with dozens of engraved ears. During the day, the Hearing Ear shrine would often be crowded with worshipers coming to speak to the goddess. They’d ask her for favors or help with whatever ailed them.”
  • Zet and his sister sneak into a temple to spy on the High Priest. When the High Priest sees them, Zet says, “We simply want your blessing. A blessing from a man as powerful as yourself. You have the ear of the gods. You have the ear of Amenemopet himself.” The priest gives them a blessing.

The Secret Society

Mya, Oliver, and Jorge are in the custody of a secret society whose mission is to protect and preserve Poptropica—a mysterious, uncharted island world. These Protectors, as they call themselves, believe that any outside interference with the islands of Poptropica could have catastrophic results on the course of history in the real world.  

As if things aren’t bad enough, Octavian has finally claimed possession of the confounding map, thwarted the society’s attempts to capture him, and is determined to alter the timeline. The trio must join forces with the Protectors and find Octavian before he can go through with his evil plot, or all of human history might be changed—or worse—destroyed! 

The Secret Society introduces new characters and explores questions associated with time travel such as, “Couldn’t you change things for the better?” While some characters believe that time should be changed, others believe no one should attempt to change time. Octavian is an example of how one self-serving person can change history for their own purposes. Octavian purposely erases some historical events in order to keep control of the timeline. Octavinm travels to Mount Vesuvius and saves a group of people from the erupting volcano; however, the story doesn’t reveal why the people are saved or why they are important to Octavian, which is frustrating.   

The book’s complicated plot is somewhat confusing, especially because it lacks information. For example, Octavian wants to destroy the aegis, but it’s unclear what the aegis is or what power the aegis contains. In addition, the conclusion shows the magical map changing and a devastated Octavian says, “You’ve. . .. You’ve undone everything. Now she’s gone forever.” While Octavian clearly cares about a woman, not knowing who she is takes away much of the impact of her being “gone forever.”  

Despite this, the book has many elements that will appeal to readers. Each page has brightly colored illustrations that use fun elements such as onomatopoeia—Krash! Smash! Krak!—as well as comical characters with oversized eyes. The illustrations clearly show the characters’ varying emotions such as annoyance, fear, and confusion. Some of the pages let the illustrations tell the story without text. Other pages contain up to nine sentences that use easy-to-understand vocabulary. However, most of the sentences are super short, which makes the book accessible to reluctant readers. 

In the end, readers who have read the previous books in the Poptropica Series will enjoy the continuing story even if it’s slightly confusing. Plus, readers will be left thinking about the possibility of changing time. Perhaps Mya says it best: “The decision to do nothing is still a decision and if we have the chance to change things for the better shouldn’t we?” 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Octavian changes the timeline and wipes out ancient Egyptian’s entire society. 
  • The kids get stuck in Mount Vesuvius when a volcano erupts. The kids get stuck on a small piece of land that is surrounded by lava. However, they escape. 
  • Octavian and the kids fight over control of the aegis.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • Both the adults and kids call other people names such as goons, jerk, and runts. 
  • Jorge asks Mya, “Was Oliver always this much of a dweeb?” 
  • Heck is used twice. 
  • Dang is used once.  


  • A man explains that “Poptropica is a group of islands that have come unstuck from their place in the proper timeline. Interfering with any of them can have massive implications.” 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Contingency Plan

When Sandra Sinclair, recently widowed and the mother of twelve-year-old Jane, meets wealthy lawyer Joe Gillette, he wins her over with his kind and conscientious attitude. Falling in love faster than she ever thought possible, Sandra agrees to marry him. But soon after they move into their new home, things begin to change, and Joe’s controlling behavior causes Sandra to question her decision. When her new husband becomes seriously abusive, Sandra decides she and Jane must leave.

When Joe makes it clear that he will not just let Sandra walk away, she discovers it’s quite likely Joe arranged his first wife’s death and that Sandra is now part of his “contingency plan.” She soon realizes that even the law is no defense against this meticulous and egotistical man. Fleeing to an old family cabin on a remote lake, mother and daughter prepare to live off the grid. But when Joe tracks them down, Sandra must come up with a contingency plan of her own.

Contingency Plan is part of the Orca family of Rapid Reads books which are intended for a diverse audience, including ESL students, reluctant readers, adults who struggle with literacy, and anyone who wants a high-interest quick read. Since Contingency Plan focuses on Sandra, who was recently widowed, younger readers may have a difficult time connecting to her. While readers will empathize with Sandra’s grief, she is not necessarily a dramatic character that will keep readers’ interest. Much of the story is told in the past tense, which limits the suspense, and the ending of the book is anticlimactic and unsurprising. 

Some teen readers may reach for the book because they are interested in Sandra’s daughter. However, Sandra’s daughter rarely plays an active role in the story, which makes it difficult to emotionally invest in her. Plus, Joe has very little interaction with Sandra’s daughter. 

Even though Joe is very controlling, his abusive behavior is rarely physical, which may lead some readers to wonder why Sandra feels she cannot stay with him. Unfortunately, Contingency Plan isn’t a compelling story and fails to teach any life lessons. Reluctant readers who are looking for a story that focuses on family and will appeal to teens have many good options, including In Plain Sight by Laura Langston and Tell by Nora McClintock.

Sexual Content 

  • Sandra goes on an overnight trip with Joe. While having dinner, Joe smiles at her and Sandra proclaims, “the chemistry took my breath away. But it was more than sexual attraction.” Later, his “tender mouth nuzzled my ear, sending a tingle to forgotten places. . . We wouldn’t need that second bedroom tonight.” 
  • After being married for a while, Joe says that Sandra treats sex “like a chore.”
  • Even though Sandra is beginning to hate Joe, she feels that she has to pretend like she loves him. One night, “our lovemaking earned a solid-gold Oscar for me. For him, the usual silver star for excellence. My body responded in spite of itself.”


  • Joe gets angry at Sandra. Sandra describes, “he gave me a shake that rattled my teeth. But he didn’t slap me.”
  • A private detective investigates Joe because while backpacking in the wilderness, Joe’s first wife died. Some people believed Joe intentionally got lost and caused his wife’s death. 
  • Sandra takes her daughter and hides out in an old hunting cabin. Sandra knows Joe is in town asking questions, so she comes up with a plan to kill him. When Sandra hears Joe’s snowmobile, she jumps on her own snowmobile and drives towards a partially frozen lake. Both Sandra and Joe break the ice and fall into the freezing water, but because she is prepared, Sandra is able to make it out. “He bobbed to the top. . . Joe’s gloved hand flipped up his visor and he splashed. ‘Help me! For god’s s-sake, S-sandra,’ he splashed.” Sandra leaves him in the water and thinks, “At 15°C, it wouldn’t take long for the ice to refreeze.” 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • Joe and Sandra drink champagne several times.
  • After getting married, Joe and Sandra have dinner with the family. One woman gets “tipsy” while “the wine and brandy were making everything a bit unreal.”
  • After their marriage, Joe often drinks alcohol. 
  • When running from Joe, Sandra stays in a cheap hotel where someone has a drunken party.
  • On a long trip, Joe takes amphetamines to keep awake.


  • Hell is used three times. For example, after looking at Sandra’s computer chat history, Joe yells, “What the hell are you doing gossiping on the computer with those bitches?”
  • Joe tells Sandra, “I have every right to know what my goddamn wife is up to.”
  • Joe calls Sandra’s car a “shitbox.”
  • Bullshit is used once.


  • None

Spiritual Content 

  • After getting married, Joe says, “May God hold you in the palm of his hand.”
  • After going on her honeymoon, Sandra tells her dead husband, “Thanks for your blessing, Andy.”
  • Occasionally Sandra prays simple prayers. For example, after lying to Joe, Sandra “prayed that [Joe] couldn’t feel my heart breaking out of my chest.”

The Lost Expedition

In book two, The Lost Expedition, Oliver, Mya, and Jorge continue their search for home, with a few hilarious stops along the way. As the friends set sail for new sights, they find that Octavian is still hot on their trail, and he’s determined to get his hands on their magical map. To make matters worse, a mysterious organization is keen on expelling the three friends from Poptropica. As the pals travel, they find that each island is filled with its own unique brand of peril, and the mystery surrounding the map and Poptropica itself begins to unfold. Will our trio be able to outfox Octavian and discover the identity of this secret society? 

On this adventure, the kids meet Amazon warriors, have a brief encounter with Shakespeare, and eventually end up on a frozen island. Even though the kids meet some historical figures, the interactions are so short that there are no historical facts about the people or places. Mya, Oliver, and Jorge end up on the HMS Terror, a warship that disappeared in 1813. However, most readers will not make the connection between the shipwreck in the book and the historical warship. While there is no educational value, readers will enjoy the sense of adventure, the nonstop action, and the comical fights. The angry polar bear that reappears several times also adds some fun. 

Each page has brightly colored illustrations that use fun elements such as onomatopoeia—Krash! Smash! Krak!—as well as comical characters with oversized eyes. The illustrations clearly show the characters varying emotions such as annoyance, fear, and confusion. Some of the pages let the illustrations tell the story without text. Other pages contain up to nine sentences that use easy-to-understand vocabulary. However, most of the sentences are super short, which makes the book accessible to reluctant readers. 

The Lost Expedition is visually appealing and will entertain readers because there is never a dull moment. Unlike the first installment of the series, The Lost Expedition’s plot is more complex, and the conclusion is slightly confusing. Despite this, readers will love the interplay between Mya, Oliver, and Jorge. The suspenseful conclusion will leave readers looking forward to the next book in the series, The Secret Society. Readers who find the frozen shipwreck in The Lost Expedition interesting may also want to read Ice Wreck by Lucille Recht Penner. However, if you’re looking for some more silly shenanigans, check out the Bird & Squirrel Series by James Burks.  

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • Octavian gags a woman and ties her to a tree. 
  • A group of Amazon warriors throws spears at the kids. The kids safely run away. 
  • Octavian and an unnamed man get into a fight. Octavian kicks the man in the face and then throws him off a roof. The man falls in a cart full of straw. 
  • As the kids try to escape from Octavian, they fall off a building and land on Shakespeare. When the kids get to their boat, someone throws a morning star at them. The boat begins taking on water.  
  • Several times, a polar bear chases the kids.  
  • A woman tries to kill the kids by trying to shove them into the icy ocean. Mya whacks the woman in the head with an oar. The ice eventually cracks, but everyone gets out of the water alive.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • Both the adults and the kids call people names such as creep, pig, cuckoo, jerk, and doof. 


  • The kids have a magical map. 
  • A time machine appears and nabs the kids.  

Spiritual Content 

  • None 


Basketball-crazy Jake Burnett is thrilled to be leaving home to attend prestigious Centerville Prep. It’s an opportunity to pursue his hoop dreams at the highest level. But things aren’t quite as advertised at his new school, and Jake soon finds himself struggling both on and off the court. At first, Jake is determined to play harder and ignore the warning signs. But then he discovers that his new head coach is a scam artist, putting kids at risk for his own gain. Now Jake has a difficult choice to make—advance his basketball career or do the right thing.

When Jakes upends his life to play basketball for Centerville, he soon realizes that Coach Stone wasn’t honest about the school. Despite this, Jake is pumped about being able to play basketball with other elite players. However, Coach Stone yells disparaging remarks at Jake and doesn’t give him any playing time during games. While Jake’s conflict is unique, readers who play sports will relate to Jake’s desire to play for a winning team.

When Bill Jennings, who works for the State Board of Education, starts asking questions, Jake tries to avoid him. Jake doesn’t want to do anything that might hurt the other players. Jake’s struggle to protect his teammates and please his coach is understandable. However, when Jake realizes that Coach Stone’s scheme has the potential to cause serious harm, Jake knows that keeping the coach’s secrets isn’t the right thing to do. In the end, Jake realizes that “basketball was a great game, but it didn’t define us.”

As part of the Orca Sports Series, Centerville is an engaging book written for middle-schoolers and teens. The story has a fast-paced plot and easy-to-read language that is perfect for reluctant readers. While the book is relatively short with 176 pages, Centerville’s plot and character development is well-developed and doesn’t feel rushed.

Centerville is a fast-paced basketball story that has enough play-by-play basketball to keep sports fans entertained. Because the story focuses on Jake, readers will be able to understand his struggles as well as his thinking process; this will allow readers to connect with Jake and empathize with his conflict. While Jake clearly loves basketball, he learns that basketball isn’t “everything. . . There were more important things in life—like being happy, being a good friend, living up to your word and doing the right thing.” Centerville is an easy-to-read story that will entertain as well as teach important lessons about the importance of honesty. The graphic novels The Crossover  by Kwame Alexander and Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong by Prudence Shen & Faith Erin Hicks will also be a slam dunk for basketball fans.

Sexual Content 
●      None

●      None

Drugs and Alcohol 
●      Billy, one of Jake’s basketball teammates, tries to commit suicide by drinking alcohol and taking pills. A nurse tells Jake that Billy had “been drinking. And it seems he’s taken a lot of pills.” Billy spends a night in the ICU.

●      Pissed is used occasionally.
●      Crap and damn are both used once.

●      None

Spiritual Content 
●      None

Fly Away

After a member of her competitive cheerleading team is injured during practice, sixteen-year-old Marnie is asked to be a flyer – the most coveted role in cheerleading. The Soar Starlings team has a real shot at the provincial championship, and Marnie has only a few weeks to prepare. But as she scrambles to polish her lifts and throws, Marnie’s personal life begins to unravel. First, her boyfriend of two years breaks up with her, and then her best friend Arielle, captain of the Starlings, disappears during a team trip to Toronto. As Marnie struggles to adjust to being both a flyer and the team’s new captain, she realizes that to be a leader, you have to let go of old alliances to make room in your life for new ones. 

While Fly Away is told from Marnie’s point of view, the self-centered protagonist isn’t very likable. When her best friend Arielle disappears, Marnie focuses on how Arielle’s disappearance affects her. Then instead of being honest with the adults around her, Marnie and another cheerleader take off on their own to find Arielle. The two girls discover that Arielle is being taken advantage of by an older man. However, it’s unclear if Marnie reveals Arielle’s whereabouts to those concerned for her wellbeing. Instead, Marnie thinks that keeping Arielle’s activities a secret is what a best friend should do. 

Fly Away has a blend of boyfriend drama, cheerleading conflict, and mystery, which will keep the reader engaged until the very end. Plus, Marnie does show personal growth as she takes on the leadership of her cheer squad. At one point, Marnie tells the girls, “Each one of us worries about making a mistake and letting the others down. But that’s a waste of energy. It’s yourself that you need to be accountable to. Do right by you. The rest will take care of itself.”  

Fly Away will appeal to readers who are interested in cheerleading. Readers will also relate to Marnie’s desire to fit in with her cheerleading squad and her insecurity when it comes to leadership ability. The story’s high-interest topic is written specifically for teens who are reluctant readers. Because of the brevity of the book, the story leaves some unanswered questions which will frustrate some readers. Despite this, teens will relate to Marnie’s desire to be a good friend and a good leader. Readers who want a strong cheerleading protagonist worthy of cheering for should also read Exit, Pursued by a Bear by E. K. Johnston. 

Sexual Content 

  • None


  • Marnie runs from a vicious dog. The dog attacks Marnie and she “punched, blindly, in the animal’s direction, and missed. . . The dog closed its jaw around my wrist, and pain shot up my arm. I swung my leg forward and booted the dog in the throat, and it let me go.” Marnie has to go to the hospital to have the dog bite looked at.  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None


  • None 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

The Fifth Quarter #1

Lori Block is dedicated to her fourth-grade basketball team, despite being relegated to an extra period before the real game starts, known as the fifth quarter, where the not-so-good kids play and the points don’t count. That doesn’t matter to Lori though, because working on her skills gives her hints of self-confidence, which is a nice break from feeling awkward and out of place in her daily life.

With athletic promise and a dogged determination to keep improving, Lori pursues her passion while navigating awkward social dynamics, her own expectations, and her first overnight away from home. Will her drive allow her to find true courage on the court, in school, and at home? 

The Fifth Quarter will appeal to a wide variety of readers because it deals with friendship drama, family disagreements, and basketball. Lori is a relatable character who works hard to improve her basketball skills, even when her friends have no interest in the sport. However, Lori is often bratty. For example, when Lori’s mom decides to run for the town council, Lori starts screaming and throwing a fit because she’s afraid of how her mother’s actions will affect her.  

On and off the basketball court, Lori has friendship difficulties. Lori’s friends are not interested in basketball and they often think that Lori’s humor is mean. In addition, Lori blames her friendship problems on others. When Lori’s friends become distant, she thinks, “Elyse always turns everyone against me.” Finally, Elyse becomes brave enough to confront Lori, who apologizes, and the two girls resolve their problems.  

When Lori’s mother loses the vote for town council, this gives her the opportunity to talk to Lori about the fact that, “You don’t always win. And when [failure] happens, the important thing is what you do after. . . I want to show you that you don’t have to be afraid. How to be brave enough to try, even if you’re scared.”  

Bright-colored illustrations are paired with short sentences that appear in quote bubbles that will grab readers’ attention. Many readers will relate to Lori, who struggles with self-confidence and often doubts herself. Through Lori’s experiences, readers will learn the importance of perseverance and practice. In the end, Lori improves her basketball skills, makes new friends, and repairs old friendships. While Lori and her siblings are often bratty, The Fifth Quarter’s positive life lessons outweigh the negative behavior and the book’s format will appeal to even the most reluctant readers. Readers who love basketball can find more inspiring basketball wisdom by reading the Zayd Saleem Chasing the Dream Series by Hena Khan 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • At basketball practice the coach gets angry and tells the players, “You need to stop running your mouths and listen, or you won’t know what to do. . . You need to wise up and put down the dang video games!” 
  • Lori’s mom runs into the man who is running against her for the town council. After talking to him, Lori’s mom grabs Lori’s arm and starts pulling her. As Lori’s mom storms off, she says, “That horrible, smug man! So pious and pleased with himself! Who does he think he is?” 
  • Heck is used once. 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

The Game Master: Summer Schooled

Rebecca Zamolo is almost finished with summer school. Today she’s going to present her final assignment, and then she’ll finally be free to have fun. 

But as Becca waits for her teacher to arrive, a menacing voice comes over the intercom. It’s the Game Master! They’ve locked the doors, scared off all the teachers, and made it clear that if Becca and her friends don’t solve the clues that have been left behind, the kids will never escape.  

Becca doesn’t know who is behind this, but she won’t let them win. Will she and her classmates be able to work together and solve the Game Master’s puzzles before time runs out? Join YouTube’s favorite mystery-solving team as they go toe-to-toe with the Game Master in the first book of this series from YouTube creators Matt and Rebecca Zamolo, stars of the popular Game Master Network. 

Summer Schooled is a fast-paced story that highlights the importance of working together. Each chapter alternates between Matt’s and Becca’s points of view; however, the characters’ voices are not unique which makes it difficult to distinguish between the two characters’ points of view. While none of the characters are well developed, Matt is known for making practical jokes and no one trusts him. In the end, he learns to look at things from other people’s points of view. While readers may sympathize with Matt, Becca is not a very likable character because she is self-centered. Much of Becca’s inner dialogue revolves around being nice to others but only because she wants their help finding her grandmother’s zoetrope, which was taken by the person with the menacing voice. 

Readers familiar with the Game Master Network will feel an instant connection to Summer Schooled. The story is easy to read and has several black and white illustrations. Most of the time, the kids are locked in various rooms of the school, trying to find the next clue. While the clues are entertaining, readers do not have the ability to try to solve them on their own. Plus, some of the story’s events are difficult to believe. For example, one of the clues is hidden inside a cupcake. While only one kid eats a single cupcake, the key is luckily found. Plus, part of a clue includes fake blood being poured over one of the kids.   

Summer Schooled is an easy-to-read story with a simple plot that will entertain readers. The diverse cast of characters all have unique talents and one character uses the pronoun they. Neither the plot nor the characters are well developed which makes Summer Schooled a good choice for emerging and reluctant readers. Summer Schooled turns Matt and Becca’s school into an escape room with lots of clues and a creepy Game Master. Throughout the adventure, the kids learn about the importance of friendship. Readers who enjoy Summer Schooled will also enjoy the fast-paced, friendship based books Tom Swift Inventors’ Academy Series by Victor Appleton and Minecraft: The Crash by Tracey Baptiste. 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • None 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • None 


  • Heck is used four times. 
  • While looking for clues the kids find a note that “labels us as troublemakers. . . Who did this? What a jerk!” 
  • OMG is used four times and Oh my god is used three times. 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 

Mystery of the Map

Oliver, Mya, and Jorge take a ride in a hot-air balloon, only to crash-land on an unknown island filled with extinct animals and a horde of angry Vikings. Welcome to Poptropica, an uncharted group of islands whose existence is hidden from the rest of the world. As the three friends embark on a perilous search for a way home, they quickly discover the shocking reason they were brought there—something that threatens the very existence of Poptropica and their ability to ever make it off the island! 

Many kids already love Poptropica, a website that shares stories via gaming literacy. Kids familiar with the website will instantly connect to Poptropica: Mystery of the Map. Written by Jack Chabert, author of Eerie Elementary (published under a pen name), Mystery of the Map uses action and humor to entertain readers. The graphic novel features three diverse kids—Oliver, Mya, and Jorge. The three are somewhat stereotypical—Oliver is a nerd, Jorge is clueless, and Mya is frustrated by the boys’ antics. Despite this, readers will love this crazy adventure where the kids get the best of the Vikings.  

Some of the humor is comically childish. For example, after falling from the sky, Jorge gets caught in a tree and a bird pulls off his belt. Jorge’s pants fall, revealing bright pink, space underwear. Then, when the kids sneak into the Viking’s fort, one Viking picks his nose and eats the booger. In addition, two of the Vikings are sitting and their butt cracks show. Oliver says, “Seriously? These guys built ships that crossed the Atlantic, but they couldn’t invent belts?” 

Each page has brightly colored illustrations that use fun elements such as onomatopoeia—”Krash! Smash! Krak!”—as well as comical characters with oversized eyes. The illustrations clearly show the characters’ varying emotions such as annoyance, fear, and confusion. Some of the pages let the illustrations tell the story without text. Other pages contain up to nine sentences with easy-to-understand vocabulary. Most of the sentences are super short, which makes the book accessible to reluctant readers. 

While on the island, the kids meet Eric the Red. Unfortunately, the book doesn’t give much information on the well-known Viking and misses the chance to add historical facts. If readers are interested in more adventurous Viking stories, they can sail into history by reading Voyage with the Vikings by Marianne Hering & Paul McCusker. 

While there is little educational value in Mystery of the Map, the graphic novel will entertain readers with the funny, fast-action romp through an island filled with Vikings. Most of the violence comes from the kids running from danger, which is portrayed in humorous ways. The simple plot has a mysterious villain, Octavian, who the kids outwit. If you’re looking for a book series that kids will devour, the Poptropica Series should be on your must-read list. The conclusion ends with the kids sailing away from the island, leaving readers eager to start the next book in the series, The Lost Expedition 

Sexual Content 

  • None 


  • While on a balloon ride, Captain Octavian pushes Mya. To defend her, her brother Oliver pokes Octavian in the stomach. During the tussle, Jorge and Oliver fall out of the hot air balloon. Octavian then pushes Mya out. The three kids fall from the sky but are uninjured. 
  • Octavian tries to steal a Viking ship. When a Viking calls out, Octavian throws a stone at the Viking’s head, which knocks the man out. 
  • A large saber tooth cat chases the kids. When the cat jumps, Jorge ducks and the cat hits a tree and knocks itself out. 
  • When the Vikings try to put the kids into a cage, they run. There is a short fight that shows a Viking throwing a barrel at the kids. Then the Viking gets out his weapon. Before he can use it, Oliver knocks a container off a shelf. The container hits the Viking on the head and the kids are able to escape. 
  • A group of Vikings shoots arrows at the kids.  
  • A Viking chases the kids. The short chase ends when the saber tooth cat attacks the Viking and they both fall into a river. 
  • The kids find a man wearing only his underwear, tied to a tree. They free the man. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • The Vikings drink mead. 


  • Octavian calls a boy a brat. 
  • Because Oliver can identify a rare bird, Jorge calls him a nerd. 
  • Jorge asks if Mya is a neat freak.  
  • When Jorge hears a Viking talking to himself, Jorge says, “He’s nuts.” 


  • The kids find a magical map. Oliver explains, “I can pinch and zoom and stuff! I can see all sorts of details about the island. It’s some kind of new technology.” The map answers their questions and shows them where to go. For example, when Oliver says, “Map, please find shelter,” the map shows them where to go. 

Spiritual Content 

  • None 


Kaelynn, Yessenia, and Lyric are three very different teenagers. Kaelynn is a country girl who wants to prove that she isn’t like her mother. Yessenia is a rebel who occasionally commits heists with her friends. Lyric is a popular girl who stays out of trouble. But despite their differences, they have one thing in common: they all attend a program for pregnant teens.  

While at the program, the girls deal with the struggles of pregnancy, as well as their own personal hardships. Kaelynn’s mother is addicted to drugs like “coke, meth, and crack,” and Kaelynn lives with her grandmother, who she fights with. Eventually, Kaelynn leaves home and moves in with the father of her child – an older man she met at a party.   

Meanwhile, Yessenia does not feel safe being in the same house as her lecherous stepfather, so she lives with her boyfriend’s family instead. But when she catches her boyfriend kissing another girl, she is left homeless. Kaelynn helps her find another home as the story progresses.  

Unlike the other girls, Lyric has a seemingly idyllic life. She lives with her mother and has a doting boyfriend who her family adores. But after she gets pregnant, her “doting” boyfriend disappears entirely, leaving her scared and alone. Together, the girls learn to navigate their hurdles and find solace in an unlikely friendship. 

A major theme in Expecting is dealing with hardship. Each of the girls is dealing with stressful pregnancies as well as issues unique to them. Although initially skeptical of each other, the three girls grow close and help each other get through their respective issues. Their comradery is especially important in light of their peers’ reactions to their pregnancy. At one point, Lyric remarks on how isolating being a pregnant teen is: “Yeah, you know being pregnant is kind of lonely. My friends call to check on me. They don’t ask me to hang out with them or call to talk about what happened at school.” The novel’s answer to these struggles is friendship, and the three friends learn to lean on each other in order to get through difficult times. 

Freemen attempts to reach teens who may be going through some of the same struggles portrayed in Expecting. Readers who are experiencing teen pregnancy, drug addiction, homelessness, or even just a cheating boyfriend may find aspects of the story relatable. However, the girls’ stories feel rushed. At only 99 pages, Expecting is an easy sell for reluctant readers, but it often sacrifices believable character development. That said, the simple writing style and easy vocabulary make Expecting accessible to all readers. Ultimately, Expecting is a simple but highly readable story about issues that many teens find relatable. Occasionally punctuated by informative facts about pregnancy, teens in a similar situation may find the story helpful. 

Sexual Content 

  • While at a friend’s house, Kaelynn flirts with a man. Later that night, she kisses him at a baseball field and it is implied that they have sex. Kaelynn continues a relationship with the man. At several points in the story, she kisses him. 
  • While staring down at a positive pregnancy test, Yessenia recalls that she was reluctant to have sex with her boyfriend, but that she gave in anyway because he said he had “needs.” 
  • Lyric expresses concern about looking “slutty.” 
  • Despite being hesitant to lose her virginity, Lyric agrees to have sex with her boyfriend because he “told her that he loved her.” 
  • Yessenia’s stepfather tells Yessenia that pregnancy “looks good on” her and that she’s “growing in all the right places.” Both Yessenia and Kaelynn are disgusted by this comment. 


  • Yessenia acts as a getaway driver while her friends rob a store. Once everyone has reentered the car, a man from the store “point[s] a gun directly at the car’s tires” and attempts to shoot them out. Yessenia swerves to avoid the gunshots. 
  • When Yessenia sees her boyfriend kissing another girl, she “punche[s] him in the mouth.” The other girl pulls a gun on Yessenia, but Yessenia “slap[s] her as hard as she [can] across the face.” 
  • When Lyric’s boyfriend found out she was pregnant, he abandons her.  Later, she “slap[s]” her ex-boyfriend “across the face.”  

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • At a party, a group of mostly adults drink beers and pass a blunt around. 
  • Kaelynn asks a man if he wants to smoke a cigarette with her. 
  • Kaelynn insists that she is not like her mother, who does hard drugs such as coke, meth, and crack. 
  • Yessenia joins her friends in a car they are “hotboxing,” a term for smoking weed in a vehicle. 
  • Yessenia drinks a mixture of tequila and Sprite. 
  • When Kaelynn asks Yessenia what drugs she’s done, Yessenia says that she has “tried just about everything.” 
  • Yessenia buys weed while pregnant.  
  • Kaelynn’s grandmother takes Xanax “to calm her nerves.” 
  • Doctors find marijuana in Yessenia’s urine samples, and she is forced to enter a rehab facility in order to keep her baby. 


  • Kaelynn’s grandmother tells her to “get [her] ass in here.” 
  • Kaelynn calls her grandmother an “old bat.” 
  • A girl calls Yessenia a “homeless skank.” 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • Lyric is described as the type of girl whose “family went to church on Sunday.” 
  • Kaelynn jokes that Lyric had “an immaculate conception.” Yessenia replies, “Yeah, right. She’s not the Virgin Mary.” 

The Underground Abductor: An Abolitionist Tale about Harriet Tubman

Meet Underground Railroad abductor Harriet Tubman in this installment of the New York Times bestselling graphic novel series!

Araminta Ross was an enslaved woman born in Delaware. After years of backbreaking labor and the constant threat of being sold and separated from her family, she escaped and traveled north to freedom. Once there, she changed her name to Harriet Tubman. As an “abductor” on the Underground Railroad, she risked her life helping countless enslaved people escape to freedom.

Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales are graphic novels that tell the thrilling, shocking, gruesome, and TRUE stories of American history. Read them all—if you dare!  

The book begins on the execution block, where Nathan Hale is about to be hung for spying. The executioner and a British soldier decide to let Nathan Hale tell a story before he dies. Occasionally, the executioner and soldier break into the story to ask questions or make comments. Sometimes this adds comic relief and other times, the comments mirror what the reader is probably thinking. 

Nathan Hale begins Harriet Tubman’s story when she was six years old. When Harriet was young, a head injury caused her to repeatedly fall asleep without warning. This condition lasted for the rest of her life. Despite this, Harriet risked her life to bring her family and others to freedom. Harriet was one of the few people who was an abductor: “the first person in. Someone who ventured deep into slave territory and made first contact with these to be rescued.” Harriet’s bravery and determination helped hundreds of people escape slavery. Once the Civil War began, Harriet continued to fight for freedom. During the Civil War, Harriet built a spy ring, baked pies to sell to soldiers, and was also a nurse. 

Since Frederick Douglass appears several times, his life story is also summarized over three pages. Fredrick Douglass knew the key to freedom was being able to read, so he taught others to read. However, his master believed, “A slave should know nothing but how to obey his master! If you teach that slave to read, there will be no keeping him! He’ll become unmanageable—discontent and unhappy!” Despite being forbidden to read, Frederick Douglass learned anyways. Fredrick eventually began writing. Frederick Douglass also encouraged slaves to get a gun, so Harriet did.  

The Underground Abductor brings history to life in graphic novel format. The panels are drawn using shades of gray with purple accents. Even though the illustrations show the cruelty inflicted upon slaves, none of the illustrations are graphic. However, many of the slave owners have angry faces, and slaves are seen chained together, whipped, and hiding from slave hunters. Most of the text is in the form of conversations and the words appear in quote bubbles. The story uses easy vocabulary and short sentences that keep the action moving at a quick pace.  

The story of Harriet Tubman highlights the importance of fighting for what you believe. Harriet’s dedication and willingness to put herself in danger is admirable. Through Harriet’s experiences, readers will begin to understand the harsh conditions that slaves had to contend with during the 1800s. While the content may be upsetting, The Underground Abductor will help readers understand America’s past, and learn about the people who fought so everyone could be free. Plus, the book’s format makes it perfect for reluctant readers. Readers who would like to learn more about the Underground Railroad should also read Long Road to Freedom by Kate Messner.  

Sexual Content 

  • None  


  • Harriet is sent to help care for a baby. When the baby starts to cry, the woman whips Harriet. The whipping occurs several times and is included in the illustrations.  
  • Someone tells a story about a “woman [who] died in prison before they could hang her.” 
  • Nat Turner received a vision from God. Nat said, “I am told to slay all the whites we encounter, without regard to age or sex.” Nat Turner and other slaves “moved from house to house, killing everyone inside. . . By the time they were stopped, Nat Turner and his followers had killed sixty people—men, women, and children.” Many of the slaves who were part of Nat’s group were executed or killed by mobs and militias.
  • When a slave tries to escape, the bossman throws a weight at him. The weight hits Harriet in the head. Her mother says, “‘Look at all this blood!’ Harriet’s skull is split open and her brains were showing. ‘There’s a hole in her scarf. . . The missin’ scrap is still in her head.’” The scene is illustrated over two pages. After the accident, Harriet would fall asleep without notice. 
  • A ship’s captain was found helping runaway slaves. The man was fined and sent to jail for a year. “They branded his hand with an ‘S.S’—for slave stealer.” 
  • During his time at a plantation, Frederick Douglass says “an overseer shot a slave.” Frederick was also “beaten and starved.” Because Frederick displeased his master, he was sent to a slave-breaker, who is “a master so cruel, he breaks a slave’s will.” 
  • Getting to the north where slaves could be free was difficult. Often runaway slaves died. “Slaves hopping trains lost limbs if they jumped wrong. Stowaways on northbound ships were smoked out or suffocated like rats. Slaves who were captured were…whipped, beaten, branded—often on the face, and in some cases, hobbled.” 
  • It was also dangerous for whites to help runaway slaves. One man was “sentenced to five years of hard labor. He died after two. . .” Another “was beaten and thrown from a train while trying to rescue a slave. . .”
  • When Harriet got a terrible tooth ache, she knew the tooth needed to come out. Someone held a rock against the tooth and “hit the rock with the pistol butt.”  
  • When a man wanted to go back to his master, Harriet held a gun to his head. She said she would shoot “anybody who puts the group at risk.” The man continued the journey with the others.  
  • A runaway slave was captured. A white man shackled his hands and lashed him to a tree. The slave was then whipped.  
  • John Brown, his sons, and other men raided a house owned by slave catchers. The slave catchers were “hacked to death with broadswords.” Then they moved on to other houses. “Five pro-slavers had been slashed to death.” 
  • During another raid, “two of John Brown’s sons died.” Other raiders “were killed” and “the rest—including John Brown—were captured and executed.” 
  • During the Civil War, soldiers from the north plundered mansions and then burned them down. They also burned a town’s mill, a bridge, and anything else that would catch fire. The scene is illustrated over three pages.   

Drugs and Alcohol 

  • When leading runaway slaves north, a baby starts to cry. The baby is given paregoric, “it’s a drug, a tincture of opium.” 


  • When Harriet was six, she was rented out to work for a weaver. The woman sent Harriet home because, she “is stupid, useless, and no good to us.”  
  • The executioner says “holy smokes” once. 


  • None 

Spiritual Content 

  • Nat Turner was a religions man who received visions. He was “deeply religious. He was a Christina. His mother taught him that one day he would become a prophet.” 
  • Harriet knew how to talk to God, and she asked that her master would have a change of heart and not sell any of her siblings. 
  • Harriet prays to God about her master, Mr. Brodess. Harriet says, “Lord, if you ain’t never gonna change that man’s heart. . . kill him, Lord, take him out of the way.” The next day Mr. Brodess dies. 
  • When someone says Harriet is crazy, a man defends her. He says Harriet has “a direct line to God.” 
  • Often Harriet stops and prays to the Lord for guidance. 

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